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MAY 2007 1045 Victoria Rd West Ryde NSW 2114 Tel 9858 0844


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Track & Access Report - Wilf Hilder……..0…0..cccccccseceeeeeeee, 4,5 Coolana Report - Gretel Woodward…………..eccccceccceeccceece cece. 5 Conservation Notes - Bill Holland…….0..0……cccccecceececcoee. cee 6 Mid Week Walkers - Bill Holland…….000..cccccecccecccceceeee ceccececce 7 Walks Notes - Barry Wallace…..0…….ccccsceeseeccccccceceeeecccccs. 8,9 A Super-Scenic Day in the Wild Dog Mountains - Nigel! Weaver. …… 9 Kosciusko to the sea in 6 days or

theres good news and bad news - Tony Holgate……..0. 0. 10,11 Leader Profile of Maurice SMith……..000…ceseecccecceeeeccceeecccccn. 12 Heiffer Creek - Kangaroo Vally - Maurice Smith……………..0…….. 13 A Whole Different View of Kanangra - Caro Ryan………..0.0c cee eeee 14,15 Birthdays at Mt Carrialoo - Ron Watters. ..0……cccccccecceeecceeceeeen. 16 SBW irish Green Conservation Walk Report - Alan Sauran………….. 17 Social Notes - Kathy Gero… cccccccecccseceeeceececccecceeeeecec cece. 18 Letters to the Editor and Editors Message - Pam Campbell. …….. 18

THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin for members of:

The Sydney Bushwalkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.

Editor: Pam Campbell

Address for Contributions: 11/33 Nelson Street Penshurst NSW 2222

Production Manager: Frances Holland

Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch Tom Wenman, Don Brooks, Fran Holtand


Opinions expressed in thic magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. All material in this magazine is copyright.

Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor: editor@sbw. org. au | About Our Club

The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the

them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing.a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Clubs main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social |


Our Walks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as The Snowy Mountains,

the Warrumbungles as well as interstate ie Victorian a

Our meetings start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday e

Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective

purpose of bringing bushwalkers together: enabling '

ps. enings (see Social Program) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood

members are welcome

Office Bearers

Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:

David Trinder

Wilf Hilder

President: 9943 3388 (h)

Vice President: 9587 8912 (h)

Secretary: Greta James

9953 8384 (h) Walks 'Secretary: Tony Holgate

9943 3388 Social Secretary: Kathy Gero

9130 7263 (h) Treasurer: Margaret Carey

9957 2137 (h) Members Secretary: Fran Holland

9484 6636 (h)

New Members Secretary: Jodie Dixon

9739 6534 (h) Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland

9484 6636 (h) Magazine Editor; Pam Campbell _

9570 2885 (h)

Committee Members: Ron Watters

9419 2507 (h) Patrick James

9567 9998 (h)

Delegates to Confederation:

Jim Callaway

(no email address)

Wilf Hilder

9520 7081 (h)

9587 8912 (h)

Presidents Report by David Trinder

Tony Holgate is finalising the Winter Program as | write and it should be in your hands with this issue of The Sydney Bushwalker. We believe it is full and interesting and | hope that many members will enjoy the activities listed. If you are new to the club dont hesitate to call me or another member who you know to get advice on which walks are suitable for you.

discussing some issues that need attention. The first of those are new member conversions to full membership and risk management for our various activities. Feel free to talk to committee members with your views on these subjects.

The Clubs 80* Anniversary celebrations are being planned by a sub-committee and the program of events has been approved by the main Committee. On the actual birthday of the Club Sunday 21* October we are having a big catered picnic at Manly Dam preceded by a walk. We are expecting 200 people, new and old members, Ex-presidents, Ex-committee members, tiger walkers, medium walkers, cappuccino walkers, friends and families. We will have free bubbly, a spit roast and marquees for shelter, tables and chairs. On Wednesday 24 October there will be a special event at the clubrooms, there will be a reunion at Coolana on the weekend of the 27% and 28“ October and the Presidential Walk on the following Saturday 3” of November. The October issue of the magazine will be a special large edition. Keep your eyes and ears out for updated information of the events.

The Club has a long history and has had many members. There will be a myriad of stories to be told and people to meet, comparisons between the past and the present and old friends to reunite with. Come to the Anniversary events and enjoy the Club atmosphere.


A report of proceedings at the Committee meeting 274 May 2007.

= Matters arising from the previous meeting included; the follow up by Secretary Greta James on the location of, and the signatories necessary to access the Safe Deposit documents held by the Commonwealth Bank; Pam Campbell had spoken to a member of the Bushwalkers Rescue group about abseil training and a members of the group is willing to advise on training etc,

* President David Trinder will pursue convening a Sub- Committee to review the Clubs constitution.

Inwards correspondence included the resignation of Bronny Neimeyer and Neil Schafer. It was resolved to reinstate Tanya Entsiefs membership.

= We were also notified that NPWS would conduct fox shooting and baiting at Coolana from 7* to 18% May.

= Richard Maneschi and Michael Bradburn were admitted to full membership of the club.

Time only allowed for brief discussion on the conversion rate of prospective members. This will be continued at the next meeting.

Tony Holgate will report on risk management to a future meeting.

The Treasurers Report was accepted and included the following accounts for payment: magazine postage $344; prospective membership expenses $33; printing supplies $320; hall rental $500; social expenses $156; rental $400.00:refunds for overpayment of membership $80; 80% Anniversary deposit $200; Coolana Toilet $325; Coolana maintenance $319 and Coolana mower $499.

* Arevised budget for the current year was accepted.

* The Winter Walks Programme and Social Programme was approved.

= Concern was expressed about possible health issues with walkers. A proposal for revised wording on the prospective membership application form will be put to the next meeting.

Pam Campbell reported on the draft electronic version of the magazine.

* Our confederation delegates reported on a proposal for a war memorial for bushwalkers and that Wilf Hilder has been elected as President of Bushwalking Austratia and next conference will be in Sydney.

* No further progress was reported on updating the Club website and the proposed electronic database.

The 80“ Anniversary Sub-Committee has finalised the budget for the 80% Anniversary Celebrations. The Committee resolved to approve the proposed schedule

of events subject to increasing the price of the tickets to the Many Dam function to $20 for adults and $10 for children and to hire or buy tables and chairs. The total cost approved for the celebrations is $2,000.

Bill Holland

New Members Notes by Jodie Dixon

Joining the club at the New Members evening this month was Wolfgang Reh, Gertraud Denscher, Matthew Minnix and Mark Mays please make all of these new prospectives welcome.

Going on to full membership this month were Richard Maneschi and Michael Bradburn.

There are quite a few people joining the club via the website, this month alone there have been 8 new prospectives join and numerous inquiries for information about the club.

With the cooler months approaching it is important to make sure you are carrying appropriate clothing eg thermals and waterproof shell. The weather can sometimes change quickly and we all need to be prepared.

Happy Walking Jodie Dixon

Walks Secretarys Report by Tony Holgate

My personal goal this year is to have 10 new walks leaders and increase the number of women leading.

lam please to note that this Prograrn we will feature 6 new leaders: Sue Parbury, Jodie Dixon, Melanie Freer, Sue Bucknell, Melinda Turner and Robyn Christie. Ron Watters should be congratulated for his efforts in encouraging some of these new leaders.

These new leaders deserve our support.

The program is still short of mid-week walks and we could still do with more easy walks. With the excellent work being done by several people to help new member make that transition to independent walkers, we need to ensure a full range of walks is maintained. If you know of somecne who you think may be suitable or interested in leading, let me know.

See you on the track,

Tony Holgate

Walks Secretary

02 9943 3388 (home) 0434 968 793 (mobile) TRACKS & ACCESS REPORT - March/April 2007

NEW MAPS. The new SIX FOOT TRACK map which |! reported on in my February Tracks & Access report has a scale of 2 cm = 1 km or 1:50,000 with a contour interval of 100 metres. The new Six Foot Track map with its unfriendly folding and plastic wallet costs $6-


The Lands Department has also published a new edition of their GREAT NORTH WALK map kits but sure enough much of the interesting information has been scrapped in the gentrification of the new trendy brochures. The new track maps are however a vast improvement over the old editions. Why doesnt the Department finish the Parramatta link track instead of starting/ finishing it in an obscure part of the Cumberland State Forest? | am disappointed that following the deletion of interesting historical information, the Department could have made the maps more user friendly by using a modern map folding system and by providing internet addresses for the private bus company timetables as well as the City Rail services for those parties wishing to use public transport or having only one vehicle available. | am surprised that there appears to have been no Departmental effort to make up circular walks using sections of the Great North Walk or helpful hints for car shuffling or staging vehicles to enable parties with more than one vehicle to walk sections of the GNW and make use of the map kit. The cost of the

map kit is $11-30 which is very good value for money.

NEW TOPOGRAPHICAL MAPS. The Lands Department recently released the following 1:25,000 scale Topographic maps BEN BULLEN, GLENALICE, GOSPERS MOUNTAIN and MOUNT MORGAN. These maps bear the Departments new slogan Reliable from the ground up. They fail to warn us that the contours on these four maps are the old unreliable ones compiled by the Army (with one sheet excluded) in 1975? They are 20 metre interval contours with some 10 metre contours (thin line with dots) in some of the flatter areas. Anyone who has walked in the area and used the old editions of the maps knows how inadequate 20 metre contours are. To recycle these old faulty contours on new maps is a disgrace, - reliable from the ground up2 The ortho photo map on the reverse side was compiled from 2001 aerial photography and is therefore much more reliable. To add insult to injury, the examples given on the four maps for calculating a six figure grid or map reference are faulty and display a lack of knowledge on this important subject. Firstly the golden rule is that the reference point fall within a square, not on the edges. Secondly that the reference point was a fixed and permanent - not a farmhouse etc. Thirdly that in the numbering of the 10 squares on the southern and western sides of the grid square,

the first square is and must be ZERO and the last square must be NINE in number. There are always bushwalkers who will argue that the first square is numbered one and the last one is numbered zero. They, like our map

makers fail to understand the metric system on which it is based and their G.P.S.s which use the correct systems. It is inexcusable that the Lands Departments four examples on the above topographic maps - that is eight examples of the three figure components of the six figure grid references - five, after careful measurement with a roamer are wrong and only three are correct. Aroamer is a special ruler for measuring grid or map references and obviously are produced in different map scales and some in squares for 1:25,000 maps. If you dont believe me talk to Andy McQueen (Springwood Bushwalkers) or Keith Maxwell (President Bushwalkers Wilderness Rescue) or you could borrow a high school textbook that covers geography and has illustrated the correct method of calculating grid or map references for decades. Sadly most bushwalking books are wrong or at best ambiguous, while orienteering books are no better.

NAROWNECK PASSES. It is several decades since | had an argument with a know all schoolboy about the number of passes on/off Narrowneck Peninsula. Thanks to Jim Barrett (Catholic Bushwalking Club) and his detailed researches, | can categorically state that ! now know of 17 passes off Narrowneck - | believe that 6 of these are now severe rock climbs. Before your blood pressure gets too high | will list them in clockwise order. 1. Golden Stairs, 2, Castle Head (Miners Pass) stone steps and burnt out wooden ladders, 3. Cedar Head (Miners Pass) stone steps and burnt out wooden ladders. 4. Walls Pass (Miners Pass) stone step and burnt out wooden ladders - replaced by steel chains by Federation Search and Rescue Unit early 1970s, 5. Gundungurra Pass (misnamed Duncans at Clear Hill - walking route, 6. Tarros Ladders (burned out wooden ladder replaced by spikes by Warrigal Club in 1940. Note - to the best of my knowledge the Miners Pass and Tarros Ladder shared the same route from the top cliff at Clear Hill to the top of the final cliff line, where Tarros Ladders diverted to the west and the Gundungurra Pass (Duncans) to the east.7. (Miners Ladders, stone steps and remains of burnt out ladders) at west side of Clear Hill near the top of the top cliff.

bushwalker Fred Eden (see Jim Barretts book The First Bushwalker - the Story of Fred Eden1996.

8. Dunphys Pass (bushwalkers pass in headwaters of Glen Alan Creek - a short rope can be useful for hand over hand up or down the short chimney. 9. Harmil Pass (a bushwalkers pass from the headwater of Sliprail Creek with a ledge to Glenraphael Head and two short climbs - rope needed). See Michael Keats guide book Day Walks in Therabulat Country 2006 pp 100 -108. 10. Mansons Ladders (well known bushwalkers pass on Carlons Head). 11. Black Billys Head (a Gundungurra pass zig zaging from ledge to ledge). 12. Blue Gum Pass (a gentle sloping fallen tree up the difficult lowest cliff of Fools Paradise - the headwaters TRACKS & ACCESS cont..

of Mitchells Creek). 13 Coachwood Pass (a series of coach bolts fitted into a coachwood tree as a ladder (now overgrown) up the side of the waterfall in Mitchells Creek in the lowest cliff of Fools Paradise. 14. Rockpile Pass (near the point west south west of Redledge Pass. 15. Redledge Pass (this and the Gundungurra Pass (Duncans) are the only two really easy passes on Narrowneck and therefore were often used by the local Aborigines. 16. Blue Mountaineers Pass (suggested name for exposed climbing pass between Diamond Spray Falls and Dicksons Ladders). 17. Dicksons Ladders (misnamed Water Board Ladders) -now destroyed. There may yet be further passes to be found or refound for Narrowneck holds many secrets still. Wilf Hilder

COOLANA REPORT April 2007 -Gretel Woodward

We had an excellent team at Coolana for Bill Hollands April maintenance weekend starting off with Ros Kerrigan and Don Finch arriving on Thursday 19% April for an appointment with the Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) representative Jacob. The purpose of this visit was to inspect the property for the SCA regarding our application for funds to complete stage 4 of the revegetation and regeneration of Coolana, mainly for our Eastern Flat. Jacob was delighted with our progress and in particular the trees which were purchased in 2003 from our first grant money received from the SCA as the majority of these trees are maturing at a phenomenal rate. We should get the official o.k. from the SCA shortly.

The next good thing to happen was that Ros had purchased two different types of weed poisons (recommended by Scott from Enviroquest see February report) which are the same weed killers sold to the market for weed removal from domestic lawns. Ros did lots of spraying and by the time we left on Sunday it was quite evident that this works very well and all grasses and native ground covers were alive and well on the sprayed areas. We will always need to mow as spraying is just another option with weed contro! as it is no good if it is cold, wet, windy or if children are present, however it will be excellent additional tool in the fight to control the dreaded weeds in dangerous, hard to mow slopes, around our tree plantings, spot spraying etc. etc.

The good news just kept coming. All the trees Ros and Helen Gray planted in March have been to date 100% successful and the 100 we planted in 2006 have been 96% successful. We had our first tree casualty since 2003 caused by an animal (presumably a Wombat) digging beside a planting and the tree being removed from under the tree guard, This is a remarkable record

and is due entirely to Shirley Deane finding out in 2003 about the tree guards used by the Kangaroo Valley bush regenerators in the valley. The guards purchased proved to be an excellent deterrent to all of our wonderful native species who just love new shoots from young trees. Since Coolana has had consistent TLC the native grasses and ground covers are spreading at a rapid rate and when we cut down on some of the mowing there will be even more native grasses for our animals to feed on.

The rest of the team arrived on Saturday, Bill Holland, Rick Angel, Glen Draper, Greg Taylor, Chris Miller, Mae and me.

We were down to one mower (this has since been rectified, we now have two) so the team took it in turns and as the weather was good it made the task much easier than usual. All fires bans were off and Don got permission from the Kangaroo Valley Fire Brigade to burn off so there was lots of cleaning up of fallen timbers and fires lit which seems to be a very popular job. Don completed the electrical work on the toilet and we now have lights. Anew member of the team Greg Taylor did a top job with the brush cutter clearing the tracks on the Eastern Flat so we could get access. Ros and | did tree maintenance (weed removal, spraying around the perimeters etc.) with Glen doing the star picket removal, attaching the extension and tying so that we could remove the tree guards from some of the very fast growing trees from the 2006 planting. We did about 30 and ran out of time, more to be done on our next visit.

Does anybody wear stockings, panty hose etc. any more? We are desperately in need of a further supply as we have just about used up all our available stock and they are essential for tying the trees to the extension stake when we remove the tree guards, the stretching ability of stockings is ideal for the tree to be able to move about and not be too restricted. The reason that we need to do this is because the trees have been raised artificially in the narrow tree surrounds which means the trunks are quite thin are not as strong as an unrestricted plant or a naturally occurring plant, however once we remove the guard, extend the star picket, place the stocking around the tree for a period the trunks immediately start to thicken up and in a short time we are able to remove all the supports. if any of the members have any old stockings please bring them to the club room or give them to another member who may be coming to a meeting etc. or ring me and | may be able to pick them up from a convenient spot.

Our next maintenance weekend is on 26” and 27% May, please come and help as we hope to do lots of tree planting etc. CONSERVATION NOTES

Now that the state elections are over and the final counts determined it is clear that that the Government will have to continue negotiating trade-offs with the minor parties in order to get its legislation through the Upper House. Labor holds 19 of the 42 seats in the new upper house, up from 18 in the previous parliament, while the Liberals hold 10, up from 9 and the Nationals hold 5, up from 4.

The Labor government will have to seek the support of the Greens (4) and seek support from the Shooters Party (2) or the Christian Democrats (2) whenever the Liberal/Nationals coalition refuses to support its bills. Fortunately, the Outdoor Recreation Group lost its only seat. |

In the| previous session of parliament, the need to compromise with these minor parties saw state forest! and public land opened up for hundreds of shooters to blast away. There also was pressure to extend access for recreational clubs (4WD etc) into our national parks. Similar compromises may be sought to enable legislation to be passed in the coming session.

Environment News and Comments Shooter Targets the Spoilsports

WERRINGTONS Roy Smith is celebrating his election to the NSW upper house after the final vote count last week from the March 24 elections. He is the second Shooters Party member in the Legislative Council. Mr Smith said he has his sights on tackling what he calls unreasonable government legislation that has gone extreme green. They are so obsessed with protecting the environment that they are locking up national parks and not letting in people like hunters, four-wheel-drive enthusiasts, horse riders and anglers and this creates other environmental problems, he said.

Because hunters are no longer allowed in to many national parks, feral animals populations, especially of goats, dogs and pigs, have exploded. Native animals cant compete and native populations are getting smaller and smatter. Mr Smith said he would use his term to get a fair go for outdoor recreationalists and return the environment to the people who love to use it. Dont get me wrong the Shooters Party is interested in conservation too, he said. But we think that as long as people can prove that they are using the environment in a sustainable way, then they should be givenaccess. Fairfax Digital 18/04/07

The Six- Star Mountain Range

Planning Minister Frank Sartor has given the green light to Australias first six-star tourist resort in the Blue Mountains. Mr Sartor has approved the final concept plan and the project application for the $60

Bill Holland

million, 40-villa project near Lithgow. Before construction starts, Emirates Hotels (Australia) Pty Ltd must finalise agreements with the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation and the Federal Department of the Environment and Water Resources.

The completed resort will offer a security-conscious hideaway for guests prepared to pay $1000 a night to avoid public and media attention. Transfers from Sydney Airport will be by helicopter. The resort will be surrounded by a 10-kilometre security fence to keep out feral animals, celebrity seekers and the paparazzi.

The breakthrough in negotiations involved Emirates Hotels transferring 114 hectares of high-conservation land to the State Government in return for 39.5 hectares of mainly cleared grazing land on the edge of the GreaterBlue MountainsW ord Heritage Area. The Sun-Herald 22/4/07

Garrett at Loggerheads with Foresters

A bruising showdown between Labors environment spokesman, Peter Garrett, and the head of the forestry union, Michael OConnor, over logging in Tasmania is threatening to overshadow the uranium debate as the most fraught dispute at this weekends Labor Party conference.

Yesterday Mr Garrett made it clear he would fight plans by Mr QConnor, who heads the forestry division of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union, and the logging industry to water down the partys draft forestry policy.

The union boss wants to remove a crucial clause giving a future Labor Government the option of protecting more of the states old-growth forests. Mr Garrett said the policy was a clear balance between job security and conservation and should not be weakened. BrisbaneTimes 24/4/07

Drastic Wetlands Measure Gets NSW Backing

The New South Wales Government says while it is a drastic measure, it supports plans to drain eight wetlands along the Murray-Darling river system, ina bid to shore up drinking water supplies.

The State Government says it is a temporary measure and the wetlands will survive. NSW Environment and Water Minister Phil Koperberg says the Government is reluctantly backing the proposal to drain a number of the states wetlands including Taylor Creek, Dry Lake, Lake Benawee and Euston Lakes and allowing the water to be released along the Murray-Darling system. He says it is a desperate measure but is necessary to secure critical water supplies for cities and towns along the Murray. He says experts have assured him it will not cause long-term environmental damage.

ABC April 07 The Mid Week Walkers

The Mid-Week Walkers are an informal group of SBW members who have time to spare for mid-week activities, some of which are shown on the Walks Programme and some organised at short notice and advised by monthly newsletter sent to all on my Mid Weeek Watkers list. These activities can include easy to medium walks, perhaps some cycling/canoeing or even a little bird watching as well. Partners and non-walkers are welcome to join us, particularly on the extended stay activities. If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter or join us onan activity please phone me on 9484 6636 or email

In March a group of nine went to the high country staying at the Woorabinda Ski Lodge in Jindabyne. Most of us took advantage of the opportunity to walk each day under the leadership of Mauri and Barbara Bloom. The walks were easy and enabled us to start about the middle of the morning and be back in mid afternoon for some reading, relaxing or a walk around town. The evenings started with a happy hour followed by an easy meal - restaurant or delivered.

Earlier this month another group went to Watlaga Lakes for some walking, canoeing and cycling. More details of how it ail went will be reported next month.

In June we have an invitation to visit a

brand new National Park, not yet open to

the general public. Fifteen people have already indicated interest and we have a park limit of twenty so get your name in ASAP. As this park is located a good distance away | will coordinate transport and arrange car sharing.

Nothing has been scheduled for later in the year but !| am giving consideration to a trip to Victoria for the Great South Walk along the coast; hiring a houseboat on the Hawkesbury or Myall lakes; a base camp at Yalwal or walking in northern NSW parks.

Here are some midweek day watks for the coming weeks. Please refer to the Winter Walks Programme for more details and leaders.

Monday 11 June: Royal National Park Maps: Port Hacking Heathcote - Head of Navigation - Robertsons Knoll - Uloola Falls - Karloo Pool - Heathcote. Good views. Steep sections. Accessible by train. Grade: M222 16kms, Easy-medium

Monday 11 June: Upper Blue Mountains Maps: Mount Wilson; Katoomba Blackheath RS - Centennial Gien - The Grotto - Colliers Causeway - Fairy Bower Creek - Cox Cave - Hornes Point

- Reinits Pass - Mt Victoria RS. Interesting passes with rough tracks. Good views. A few kilometres off-track. Grade: M232 12 km

Thursday 14 June: Walking and Whale Watching - Cape Bailey Coast Walk

Discovery Centre (Kurnell) - Tabbigai Gap - Cape Bailey lighthouse - Solander Trig - Muru Track. Along this coastal walk explore sand dunes and heathland and spectacular views of rugged coastline. In past years we have seen several whales as we walked and rested on the cliffsides. Grade: Easy 10 km.

Wednesday 27 June: Blue Mountains Maps: Hampton Carlons Farm-Breakfast Creek-Blackhorse Ridge-Blackhorse Mt-Mt Mouin-Bellbird ridge-Carlons Farm. Some off track waiking and steep descent off Mt Mouin, otherwise on track. Great ridgetop views. Grade: M222 18km.

Bill Holland | WALKS NOTES

Walks notes covering the interval 15 September 2006 to 7 October 2006.

Maurice takes the gurnsey for this lot, with his day walk on Saturday 16 September out from Yalwal. Conditions were very warm throughout, on a day that began at 0845 and ended at 1735 with just 45 minutes for lunch along the way. The wildflowers were not up to expectations but this was compensated for by the superb specimens of rock orchids encountered in flower on the un-named mesa between Fletchers Spur and Myrtle Ridge. Jan Thorpe had a party of 8 out on his|qualifying walk in the Wollongambe area on the Sunday of that weekend. Starting out from, Watertrough Hill they went across Bell Creek then North to the wriggly ridge and the Barnacles to explore a creek' or two then back across Bell Creek to Watertrought Hill. Conditions were nice and they found little Bell Creek, a tributary of Bell Creek from the North and West that has a lot of sword grass called ouch in it. There were a couple of good rock scrambles and one of the Barnacles provided a lunch spot with fine views over the surrounding countryside.

Maureen Carter led a party of 10 for her walk in Georges River National Park on Saturday 23 September; on a day that was warm though tempered by a breeze off the water. They noted a dearth of spoonbills along Salt Pan Creek compared with a previous occasion in this area. Suburban streets with colours of spring in tidy gardens provided variety before the party rejoined Salt Pan Creek to enjoy morning tea with a view across the waters to Lugarno. They then spent an hour off-track with everyone looking for the best way through before a little rock hopping. Then it was just a matter of following the mangroves and sandy banks until they reached Cattle Duffers picnic area for lunch high on a rock above the picnic areas. After lunch they walked another section of flowering bushland to arrive at Sylvan Grove native gardens where they saw hundreds of bush orchids, including cymbidiums and greenhoods, as well as native flowers of every shade and hue. This most enjoyable day concluded with afternoon tea at the leaders place.

The Sunday of that weekend saw John Pozniak and a party of 19 out on his walk in the hinterland of Narrabeen on a rather warm day with a hot Nor- Westerly wind. They started out checking over the remains of the old Wakehurst Parkway bridge before climbing Narrabeen Hill for the first morning tea stop. The second morning tea appears to have been taken in a bus shelter away from the heat of the burning sun. (The day peaked at 34C just for the record.) Rock engravings of the moon and large whales were a

highlight, but the acme of pleasure was the respite

Barry Wallace

provided by the lunch area near a waterfall. Hotly pursued by the Nor-Wester they then retreated to the air-conditioned shelter of a Narrabeen hotel. All survived (phew).

Mark Dabbs had to cancel his X-country skiing trip planned for the October long weekend due a dearth of white stuff and a surfeit of grass. Mount Canobolas on the other hand, was even short of grass due tola prevailing dryness that resulted in Federal Falls and all the creeks in the area being dry as well. Nonetheless the 8 starters for Mark Pattesons walk that weekend at Mount Canobolas SRA were undaunted and faced up to the challenge of touring the wineries on the Saturday in fine spirits. It was just as well, for the days either side of the walk up Mount Canobolas were unseasonably warm. When they did come to do the qualifier, conditions were milder and they were able to negotiate around the razor wire across the fire-trail without incident, even spotting several kangaroos and a solo echidna along the way. The desserts at the Mountain Tea House lived up to expectations and they barbecued dinner at the scout campsite opposite the mountain that night for good measure. It was hell, but someone had to do it!

Monday of that weekend appears to have hosted 2 day walks, though the program suggests Bill Hollands qualifying walk to the Wolgan railway and glow- worm tunnel should have been on the Sunday. in any case the 11 attendees enjoyed the walk in fine weather with great views of the Gardens of Stone and out over the Wolgan valley. lan Rennard wasnt that far away that day either, with his party of 13 starting out from Mount Victoria rail station for visits to cool gullies and interesting passes. The route was slightly altered from that on the program, there were no unusual or hazardous incidents and alt starters completed the walk satisfactorily.

Completely unfazed by the lack of a skiing trip Mark Dabbs backed-up to lead a midweek (all week) kayaking trip on Myall Lakes from Tuesday 3“ October through to Saturday 7” October. The party of 4 saw a variety of conditions. Tuesday was a casual start with a short afternoon trip from Mungo Brush campsite in the absence of the Captain (Mark). All was shipshape the next day however, with the party setting out at the ungodly hour of 8.00 am in beautiful calm sunny conditions. They made a reasonable speed despite the heavily loaded kayaks and described the going as sedate and easy. Also sedate no doubt were the hundreds of black swans with their young along the way. They camped under a full moon at Sheely Point on the main Mya!l Lake, about an hour past Violet Hill. The next morning brought wind and increasing A SUPER-SCENIC DAY IN THE WILD


The Wild Dog Mountains is a small group of mountains towards the western side of the Blue Mountains, located at the southern end of the Megalong Valley to which there is road access from Blackheath. The most well known spots in the Wild Dogs are Mobbs Soak, where you can camp in a cave beside a tiny brook, and Spiendour Rock, from where you get fabulous views over the Coxs River valley as well as views to Kanangra Walls and Mt Cloudmaker.

One of the less visited parts of the Wild Dogs is Mount Mouin. On Easter Saturday a party of ten SBW people left Carlons Farm. We followed the track down Carlons Creek, then did the long and steep rise up Blackhorse Ridge (great views at the top), and then made our way to Blackhorse Gap from where we commenced our walk along the teng western ridge of Mt Mouin. The views all along the ridge are truly magnificent. When you look south you get great views of the Coxs River valley, and can see into the tower reaches of the Kowmung River valley. You can also see Lake Burragorang (created by Warragamba Dam), as well as Mt Cloudmaker, Axehead Range and a myriad of other hills and ridges. When you look north you get great views of the looming hulk of Narrow Neck Peninsula, as well as views over Megalong Valley and the canyon-like valley of Breakfast Creek. Virtually everywhere you look there is wonderful mountain scenery! On Mt Mouin we found a superb lookout on the eastern tip, giving us great views of Narrowneck, Kings Tableland, and Mt Debert. It was a little sad to leave such an idyllic area. However we made our way down the steep slopes to Medlow Gap, and then headed back to Carlons Farm via the fire trail. A truly great day!

Perhaps Mt Mouin and its western ridge deserve to be visited more often by bushwalkers. Indeed, our club has another walk there scheduled in May! Maybe those who have not been there could take advantage of the occasional opportunities to visit this lesser known but highly spectacular part of the western Blue Mountains.

Photo by Margaret Weaver

Isabelle Kmita, Chris Dowling and Nigel Weaver enjoy seeing the remarkable rock formations on the western ridge of Mt Mouin, and the spectacular views on both sides of the ridge.


white-caps, with one member of the party rapidly declaring it a day of ease and abandoning the rest of the mob for the day. The intrepid rest pushed on into the winds to paddle around a number of small islands including Bird Island which proved to be small, rocky and covered in birds. The return downwind to camp provided some excitement with a few whitecaps caught and not a few white knuckles. A great return says the report. The captain tried in vain to get the party out for a moonlight paddle that evening. Possibly the dingoes howling put them off. Most of the return to Mungo Brush the next day was (of course) into a headwind. Much use was made of lee shores to buffer the winds and the top surfaces of all the kayaks received a goodly wash down. One member quit the

group for a party next day and suffered for it by being menaced by a large spider that emerged from the recesses of the car while she was flying down the expressway. The rest of the mob had an easy last day paddling around the Broadwater in fine sunny and calm conditions before washing down the kayaks and heading home. Mark cautions that anyone doing this sort of trip needs to take water as there is none available at present.

Speaking of present, that wraps it up for now. The deadline looms. Kosciusko to the sea in six days or theres good news and bad news….

Not all'walks go according to plan, but they can still be very enjoyable.

It seemed like an obvious walk - walk from the summit of Kosciusko to the ocean. It had all the qualities of a classic walk. But the best laid plans …

There were fires in Victoria, but surely they wouldnt be a threat. Aweek before the start of the walk, flying over central Victoria, convinced me otherwise - the ground was shrouded by smoke as far as the eye could see, Mmm, need to rethink the walk; | wouldnt like to get caught i in that Snowy River valley if there was a fire.

Think, 'think . . . well, how about a coast walk? | had walked Croajingalong and Croajingalong-Nadgee. What about Nadgee - Ben Boyd? It could be stage 3 of my around Australia walk! Next problem, can | get permits at such late notice? Well, good news, as it turns out | can just squeeze in 5 people for 3 days in Nadgee, So we have the start of an alternative plan… we will walk from Merrica River Ranger Station, down to Newton, back to the mouth of the Merrica River, around Disaster Bay to Greencape and up to Boyd Tower, Ah, but theres a problem with water. No problem, we will leave a car with water on Greencape. The alternative plan and 1. person drops out, but someone else joins. Due to the late planning, the need to leave a water dump halfway and the number of people, it is expedient to take three cars.

Boxing Day and we meet in Pambula. We then spend several hours leaving cars at the end near Boyd Tower, on Greencape road and at the Merrica River ranger station where we start walking. It is late in the day when we start walking, carrying about 2-3 litres of water each. About 5pm after a navigational error, we decide on a camp beside the track. We have enough water and enjoy a pleasant evening, well, that is apart from someone getting an upset stomach (this will take a couple of days to clear).

The next day we press on to Newton. This is a beautiful campsite, with nice soft grass among the trees, but there seems to be a problem. There is no tank and the creek is not flowing. Exploring up stream reveals pools of dark, dank, smelly water. Downstream reveals larger, cleaner, pools, but there are problems here too. The water is a bit … salty. It is fine in dinner, but makes a lousy cup of tea or coffee. We have no choice. We explore the beach and the sea caves. The beach is beautiful and the water cold! The sea caves very impressive.


Tony Holgate

The next day we walk north after a side trip down the Merrica River nature trail to pick up water. This water is better, but still not great and we need to carry enough to last us for the next 2 days. Burdened down with water we make our way down to the mouth of the Merrica River, This is a very beautiful spot, with a level sandy campsite next to the estuary outlet looking out to Disaster Bay. You can watch fish swimming past and pelicans picking dinner. Dinner is enjoyed while listening to the waves break on the beach. We have another pleasant night with rain falling while we sleep.

Next day, after climbing a break in the cliffs near the mouth of the river, we head off to a viewpoint over Disaster Bay. We then head over Womboyne Hill and around the beach of Disaster Bay to Baycliff. Next problem, how do we get across the entrance? Hey, Mark, why dont you wade across? If you sink, we will know its too deep and not safe. … a caring leader. Mark gets across. Ok that gets us to the central sand bank, what now, the next channel is deeper? Fortunately a local fisherman with a boat agrees to give us a lift and, in return, we promise a $50 donation to the Pambula Life Saving Club. Meanwhile, Rosemary negotiates personal transport in a canoe. Safely across, we head up to the Northern end of the Disaster Bay beach.

We find a great sheltered campsite behind the dunes (as long as you bring your own water). Late that day, 3 passing people ask for directions to the track out. They are staying at the Greencape Lighthouse cottages and suggest we stop in if we are passing for a coffee (theres more to this story).

The next day we climb up to the Greencape road and our water dump. As we approach the car, it starts raining quite hard. Unfortunately someone has smashed the car windscreen. After discussion, we decide that it would be safer to leave the car at Greencape and more pleasant to ferry people there than a long road bash in the rain. This takes 2 trips. While waiting for the rest of the group, | talk to the people | met the day before. One thing leads to another and before you know it we are sitting next to the fire eating fresh bread, fruit and drinking coffee. After an hour or so, we drag ourselves out into the cold for a free tour of the light house (great views) where we catch a glimpse of a seal. We then run into the ranger, who has been concerned about whose car was parked and vandalised on the Greencape road. While sorting out the details with the ranger, one thing teads to another and why dont you stay for a cup of tea? | get the rest of the group and we have another morning tea. | eventually get everyone out to sort out packs, food, water and tunch. We finally get walking, only to be offered a lift by the ranger to avoid a couple of kilometres of road walking. Some people might get the wrong idea about walks like this, but it nice to meet people that are so sociable.

Finally we are walking again. As we head north along the coast we past through beautiful forest, cross creeks with palatable water and get occasional views out to the ocean. We pass Bittangabee, which has a lovely cove and lots of people, but we walk on, Hegarty Bay has few people and we manage to find a private campsite in the bush. After dark, small fury marsupials scurry around the campsite. Another night and rain again falls after we have gone to bed.

New Years eve, we walk on, past Saltwater Bay, beautiful but too many people. Walking through several areas of heath covered moors; we have a chance encounter with a tiger snake. As we approach Farm Cove, several potential campsites are spotted; we are hoping for a private campsite and to be close to water.

We nearly settle on a campsite on the headland with spectacular views of the bay, but Jodie finds a private beach (which we then name Jodies Beach). lt is windy but private, has water and campsites. After dressing for the evening, a New Years Eve is passed with good food, good company, various beverages and lots of merriment with the last people drifting off to bed about 12:30. Fortunately the rain held off until we were all in bed.

New Years Day and we have a slow start. On the track to Boyd Tower, we spot an amazing dome shaped overhang on the coast. This part of the coast has some spectacular folding of the rocks with great colours. We finish at a lookout over Twofold Bay …, maybe we could continue up the coast to Cape York! It would only take …

As for Kosciusko to the coast, there is always next Christmas.

Tony Hoigate, Jodie Dixon, Greta James, Rosemary McDougal, Mark Dabbs.

in the Centre

Australian Rogaining championships!



From the event organisers:

The event site is most impressive central Australian landscape. Magnificent coloured rock escarpments of mountain ndges cut across the flat plains, providing gorges and mountain plateaus to traverse. The expectation that one might come upon some ancient aboriginal rock art is always there.

Yeperenye YAW ARC 2007 Saturday 28 to Sunday 29 July

Combine the rogaine with a Williss Walkabouts trip and get an extra 10% off the trip of your choice. If none of our regular trips suit, ask about a special charter.

Bushwalking Style

especially those where | can lead a weekend (or longer) walk into remote unspoiled wilderness. Even more so if there are few if any tracks or fire trails within cooee (or perhaps that should be dayo). With the benefit of 14 years in the club and 14 years as a trip leader | can assure you that it is so easy to find areas close to Sydney that meet this broad criterion. In recent years my trips have mostly come about from |spending a little time looking at topographic maps and considering the possibilities of whether a potential trip will go.

My favourite bushwalking area

Close to Sydney my all-time favourite area for walking is Morton National Park. If you dont know where this is, it is about 2 hours south of Sydney, with a great many access points. It is a large park and there are so many wonderful areas. In many ways | have only scratched the surface in my many walks. The Ettrema Creek area in Morton is a wonderful area for bushwalking. Lately | have been exploring part of the Shoalhaven River area on weekend trips.

The trips there have also been memorable. For day walks, | really love the Royal National Park and its smaller cousin, Heathcote National Park.


There are so many lovely areas in those parks that are accessible only to committed bushwalkers.

bushwalk for several reasons;

relaxing, has great physical benefits, and] derive immense pleasure from socialising with like minded members. If you have similar reasons for walking then we are likely to get on really well.

My most memorable walks

of places that it is impossible to select just one or even a few walks to mention. However, my very first weekend walk as a trip leader is one that will live with me for the rest of my life. This is for several reasons; my first weekend trip as a leader, the wonderful area of the Budawangs (part of Morton NP), and the fact that a lady member broke her ankle at lunch time on Sunday. This was in the days before mobile phones were common and EPIRBs were unknown. We were lifted out of there on the Monday morning by heticopter.

In winding up please watch for my name on the Walks Program and remember to book early.

Maurice Smith Heiffer Creek - Kangaroo Valley by Maurice Smith

It is such a long time since | wrote a trip report. | think that they usually start something along the lines of it was a dark and stormy night. However, ona rethink perhaps not maybe something along the lines of: Ron Watters, in sitting at home one evening slowly sipping a glass or two of a nice red wine was looking at the Burrier map considering the possibilities for a challenging day walk. With input from a friend who lives in the Nowra area he came up with the walk that we did on Sunday 22 April.

After meeting at the Kangaroo Valley pie shop it was with great difficulty that Ron managed to cajole the party members to return to their vehicles and we eventually headed out along the Tallowa Dam road. Have you ever tried to extract 11 bushwalkers out of a pie and coffee shop early in the morning? It is like herding cats, well nigh impossible.

We parked our cars at 563483 and after the usual introductory circle we galloped (maybe that should be strolled) well perhaps, the correct term is walked out along the fire trail heading more or less south until we came to the point where the track split for a second time at 551468. After the inevitable session for removing a layer of clothing because we had warmed up, the marked fire trail was found to a foot pad only as we headed further south to our morning tea point at 554460. Excellent views were had from this point. However, we were wary of any cruising eagles in case we were considered to a potential meal. Fortunately we survived the lovely break. How Ron managed to eat two large date scones purchased at the pie shop, for morning tea had us all perplexed. Perhaps the red wine had given him a good appetite.

The morning tea spot had allowed us to see the probable break in the cliff line that was our target. In fact our navigating was such that we hit it pretty much dead on at 564455. Although the map shows one cliff line, in fact there was a series of cliff lines. The small dry creek bed was our route down the slope. The walking was pleasant among the large gums. Once down on the flat we were confronted by lots of weeds of many varieties, including the dreaded stinging nettle which made its presence known in the usual painful manner. After tunching on a grassy flat close to the junction of the Shoalhaven River and Heiffer Creek we made our way up Heiffer Creek.

Rons friend had advised that this creek was quite negotiable with little in the way of weeds. And so it proved. Mostly the creek was dry, although as we started to climb the occasional small pool was found.


With the able assistance of several navigators each of the correct creek branches was selected until he arrived back at Tallowa Dam Road at about 567483. Heiffer Creek itself was a delight to walk, with lots of beautiful trees, Cabbage Tree Palms, rock orchids and so on.

After changing into our travelling home clothes we enjoyed a pleasant meal at the Mittagong RSL club before arriving home at a reasonable hour. Many thanks to Ron Watters for another lovely walk in the Kangaroo Valley.

Participants were: Ron Watters, Kim Bailey, Geoff Colman, Tony Crichton, Christine Edwards, Lynette Said, Annette Schmiedel, Maurice Smith, David Trinder, Melinda Turner, lan Thorpe.





Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am Returns 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid. Via Starlights, Mittagong & Marulan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each

month, returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6) Group booking discounts or charter service

Tel 0246 832344 Mob 0428 832 344



Q: When you get a phone call from a respected teader'to spend a weekend hanging around Cloudmaker and Strongleg in perfect early Autumn conditions, youd be crazy to say no. Right?

A: Absolutely Right!

But this was a phone call with a catch and an agenda. And as an operational member of the Bushwalkers Wilderness Rescue Squad (BWRS), it is phone calls like this that Im starting to get used to. And its phone calls like this, that I invite you to start receiving.

The call came on Thursday evening and the instructions were to report to the base at Kanangra Walls carpark at 8am on Friday morning. Because of work commitments | was unable to attend on Friday, however | was able to join the ranks of searchers on Saturday. This is one of the great things about our squad of willing volunteers. There is an understanding that people have work and other things that can stop you from attending. (But this is also why we need more people to join us!).

As so many of you know, Kanangra Walls is not an easy place to get to. It is handy to know that there are BWRS members all over Sydney and NSW, who are willing to car share. And so it was that myself and another local member set out from Neutral Bay at 8. 30pm, Friday bound for the Boyd River Crossing campsjte., At midnight we bunked down in the shelter shed fora sleep, surrounded by tents of school holiday makers, allowing us for a fresh start at 8am for a big day ahead.

You probably heard the news reports of this missing bushwalker. He was seen on Easter Friday at Gabes Gap and then never heard from again. Like me, you probably came up with a few thoughts on where or

Getting into chopper At Kanangra Carpark (M Dabbs)


what might have become of him and it is within a structured organisation, such as the BWRS, that youre able to have these thoughts heard and actually get out there and do something about it.

Its these thoughts, matched with your experience as a bushwalker, that would make you a valuable asset to what the Police Rescue leaders on site called, our primary search resource in wilderness areas.

The BWRS started life as a consequence of a search in the Grose Valley in 1936 when a party of four young men failed to return from a three day trip. It was famous walkers of the day such as Paddy Pallin and Max Gentle, who were involved in the search, that decided an organisation of experienced walkers was needed for future searches. Back then, it was known as the Search and Rescue unit of the Federation of Bushwalkers, and these days it is known as the Bushwalkers Wilderness Rescue Squad, a member unit of the Volunteer Rescue Association who come under the authority of the State Rescue Board. Its the State Rescue Board who are the body given the responsibility by the NSW State Government to ensure the state is prepared for all types of disasters, rescue or emergencies. It is the body which sets the accreditation and training standards of all rescue services in NSW, including Police Rescue, Rural Fire Service, State Emergency Service and Volunteer Rescue Association.

Having this structure and clear chain of command is comforting and gives us a definite and firm foundation and framework for all our operations and decisions. In the field this is translated into us understanding our role within the rescue team, not only at command base, but also out in the bush.

We are the only voluntary organisation called on by the Police who focus solely on skills in wilderness and bush areas. As a group, we come from all walks of life and from all areas across NSW. We meet, mix, walk and train with people from many different clubs, backgrounds and experiences. We are invited to gain training through nationally accredited courses, being offered free of charge to members. These courses include such modules as VM (Vertical Mobility), V1- 3,.1.e. abseiling (as well as the opportunity of being accredited as a trainer), navigation, first aid, helicopter winch training, casualty transport, RAVA (Remote Area Vertical Access), tracking techniques and radio communications just to name a few.

Our training and skilis are being increasingly called upon as we have proved ourselves to Police Rescue command in not only the two recent high profile searches, such as this Kanangra one and the search for David Iredale the 17 year old teenager lost in the Jamison Valley just before Christmas. There have also been many searches with less media attention. But its not about media attention and the kudos in doing something heroic… It is about putting our abilities to good use within our community. Its about going bush for reasons other than ourselves.

Winching from Moko Creek (D Drohan & G Dale)

On arriving at the Kanangra carpark, there was already a steady stream of Police and SES vehicles, not to mention the first thump thump thump sound from the first of three helicopters that would be working the search over the weekend. Polair 1, 2 and the NPWS chopper - taking off from the cleared area just past the low fence line to the south of the carpark. With the search area running from the carpark north to the Coxs River, west to the steeps on both sides of Kanangra Creek, east to Ti Willa and south to the Kowmung River, for efficiency it was essential to hitch rides with the various choppers. All members who did so were speaking enthusiastically of the buzz of a helicopter ride over the walls and down Kanangra Creek - Thurat Spires rising majestically as they swept up the valley. Different teams were dropped at a variety of landing spots such as Ti Willa plateau, Mt Moorilta Mooroo, Konangaroo Clearing (where several teams camped), beaches along the Coxs and some members getting the ride of their life as they were winched up


from the depths of Moko Creek. It was here that the chopper crew were overheard reporting on the radio to Police Rescue their astonishment at our ability to be in such rugged terrain. And of course our winching out of down stream Dex Creek, during which extrication the unfortunate discovery of the missing person was made around midday on Sunday.

Unfortunately, it doesnt matter how experienced you are as a bush person, unless youre a member of a recognised squad, you cant be involved in searches. Being a member of BWRS meant that | was able to be part of the solution.

The fact is that your skills and your experience are needed. The Police are now looking to us in BWRS, that is, experienced bushwalkers to be out in the field with skills that they dont have. For us to be able to be involved every time we get called, we need to ensure that we have enough operational members, trained up and ready. The reality is that we are very short on members. Not just people to get out in the field, but even people at base to operate radios and be involved at administrative levels.

There are already a good number of SBW people who are also members or trainees in the BWRS. Why dont you become one too?

Some employers, particularly the public service, allow staff days off for voluntary community service leave and the squad can provide you with letters from the Police to confirm your participation in a search.

Check out the website for all the details: www.

Driving from Kings Tableland to Carlons Farm through the Catchment. David Iredale Search, Dec 06 (C Ryan) Birthdays at Mt Carrialoo - Ron Watters

Jacks Corner has seen nothing like it. Nine inches circular, green icing and in gold across the top Happy Birthday Ron and Ruby. On each side of this magnificent sponge were a cluster of pink flowers for Ruby and blue for Ron.The sides were covered in hundreds and thousands with the candles from Isabelle. Candles lit it was a sight to behold! Patrick captured the moment for history as Ron and Ruby cut the cake.

Amemorable start to the Mt Carrillo Training Walk.

After i a pleasant walk down Griffins fire Trail amongst the tall trees we forded Arrange Creek. The first wet feet for the day. We diverted west along the trail to the ruins of Griffins Farm. A lovely spacious green flat bordered by shady trees. A unanimous vote for lunch.A family of grey kangaroos sprang over to observe us sitting just 4 metres away. Then in line off they sprang gracefully.

We followed the bubbling Yarrunga Creek upstream, first on track and then off track. More wet feet - about 10 crossings. And some were unconventional. No flying mares or leaps ballerina style as in the Rites of Spring. Sit downs, yes and wet seats but no total immersions! There were coach wood trees and cabbage palms and tree ferns filtered the afternoon sun and the sun danced on the small cascades in the creek.

Congratulations Brad on finding a 4 star camp site at the junction of Munandoo Creek in the rain forest or would David of the Movie Show have said 3 anda half.

Just where | had planned to be with enough flat ground for 8 tents and a gurgling creek to nod off to dream


Is it going or is it not. Does it need fanning or does it not? Should patience prevail? So the debate raged between the fire builder and the fire consultant, self appointed of course. The consultant with his special fan took direct action and the fire sprung to life. Happy


hour and lively conversation followed till bed time.

Brads fruit damper was the highlight of a leisurely Sunday breakfast. Patrick demonstrated, with party participation, the tying of knots useful for bushwalking. Not sure that he proved his theory that girls tie knots better than boys.

We began the day by walking 20 minutes and advancing minus 50 metres | And then plunged knee deep into the water to the dismay of those who had with effort dried their socks the night before.

A small waterfall emptied from a tributary into the main creek. We had elevenses at our exit point from the creek before the 350 metre climb up a forested ridge to a grassy clearing below Mt Carrialoo. Spot on navigation by Patrick with Jodie sticking to the bearing in front. Well done both! On track through the tree ferns and tall trees to the cairn on the south east corner of the mountain. After two interesting chimneys with fixed ropes we emerged on to a rock platform with views across the Kangaroo Valley.

The trig on Mt Carrialoo proved just too far for the available time. Couldnt be late for dinner. So we returned to McPhails Fire Trail and made the steep descent to the car at McPhails and Jacks Corner road. A herd of black and white Galloway cows in a green field beside a farmhouse looks like they had just jumped off the old butterscotch boxes.

Car shuffle completed we drove to Mittagong RSL arriving just as the kitchen was opening for dinner. Hello said friendly voices behind me at the bar. It was Maurice and Christine and the 8 for dinner became 10 rounding off a great weekend away.

Well done Kangaroo Valley Bake house for the cake. Thank you from the birthday duo - Ron and Ruby - to Isabelle, Patrick, Brad, Colin, Ruth and Jodie for making our birthdays a most memorable occasion. SBW Irish Green Conservation Walk Report - Alan Sauran

Leader: Patrick James. Walk Report: Alan Sauran

Sunday 25 March and tdays were Green on all sides, St Patricks Day behind us, tState election yesterday with all t parties claiming to be greener than tGreens, and Palm Sunday approaching. So Patrick James and seven other SBW Greenies (including one visitor) decided to set out on an Irish Green pilgrimage from Edgectiff to South Head, along t shore.

Green clothing was essential, and all did wear green. Some also wore orange, but no fights ensued. Green eyes were an advantage. Only our visitor complied with teye colour. Green food and drink were totally optional. Only yours truly bothered, Im sure.

T first Green objective was to investigate t large dead tree on New South Head Road near Point Piper. (Photo). A large banner draped along tbranches announced that ttree had been poisoned and asked for information from tpublic. We all had our theories, but no proof. Ttree stands directly in front of a block of units, Possibly a fish had poisoned ttree in order to enhance its land views. Possibly ttree had eaten something that did not agree with it. It was useless to speculate, surely.

Tnext Green objective was to follow in texample of tgood Saint and drive out all tsnakes from tentire County Woollahra. | have never understood why tis desirable to rid tland of snakes and why St Patrick is not blamed for trat plagues. Anyway, tsnake driving out was easily achieved, because there werent any, as sure as not.

We stopped for stew and brown soda bread at KilParsley Lough in an ancient Druid cave near the footbridge. Patrick told us that a Japanese Antarctic expedition had camped there shortly before tFirst World War. But we saw no traces of their campsite, not even a discarded disposable chopstick or an Ashai Dry stubby. Clearly they had been following best low impact green practices, !m assured.

At GlenWatsons Lough, the Doyles B&B was serving Irish takeaway food, namely deep fried potatoes. With fish, ashore.

Recycling is clearly Green. It was council junk collection day at GlenWatsons Lough. Piles of broken toys, partly working electrical appliances, soggy books, broken pots and miscellaneous other useless items littered tfootpaths. It was our sacred duty to take away as much as possible before someone else got it. So we did. Our leader found a fine Persian rug, only slightly moth-eaten. Our visitor found a perfectly good shoe rack resembling a dish drainer, which she hung neatly


from her daypack. My better half claimed a mangy sleeping mat, green of course. Tconstant fossicking at each street corner may have influenced our walk timing, but it was clearly all in a good cause, and insured.

A French red, white and blue walk and a Dutch orange walk are coming up on twalks programme. See you all there. Call Patrick early, to be sure.

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Hi Everyone,

You, no doubt , will have noticed that apart from the much-needed rain, the weather has been most favourable to walking and indeed, life in general. Early May temperatures have been up in the mid-twenties, Does this imply a supremely cold winter???

On Wednesday 30th May there will be an extra/special evening to help prepare members and prospectives for walking, camping and surviving in cold conditions. Tony Holgate and Kenn Clacher will be presenting these guidelines. The evening is aimed to make walking in the winter months safer and happier for you and also to answer any questions or uncertainties you may have. The evening starts at 8:00pm.

The April social night featured a talk about the toilet construction at Coolana. Sadly the power failed and so the powerpoint presentation could not be delivered. However a great supper and socializing helped to compensate for technological failures.

The Winter social programme is heart-warming. We commence with the Mid-Winter Feast in June. Just bring yourself and a plate of delicious food to share; the Club provides everything else. In July we travel to Bhutan and experience the magic of that kingdom - (courtesy of the SBW Bhutan Booties). In August, club member Peter Christian will take you on the ride led by Roger Treagus from Wentworth Falls to Glenbrook in late 2005. See the Social Programme for more details.

Thats it for now and Ill see you soon, Kathy |

Celebrate World Environment Day

The following event is an initiative of the Australian

Conservation Foundation and Al Gores Climate Project.

Laila Bazzi presents Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth from an Australian Prospective 6 June 2007, 6:30pm

Petersham Town Hall To book, visit the website

or phone Marrickville Council on 9335-2222


Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

How exciting it was to open up and read the new look SBW Magazine this month! The new layout gives it a fresh, professional feel and certainly makes it more appealing to the eye and easier to read. You are to be congratulated for taking the magazine in this great direction. As someone who works in visual communication, | cannot stress the importance of being open to continual improvements and trends to ensure that you engage readers of all ages and demographics, whilst not forgetting to pay tribute to ones heritage. Thanks for all your efforts and | look forward to seeing future improvements and creative ideas.

Yours faithfully Caro Ryan

Dear Editor,

See attached trip report. | was looking at the current magazine and admiring the layout and your work in preparation for the electronic version. | also saw your request for trip report articles so | was inspired to write one for the first time in ages. Perhaps no longer being on committee has given me a bit more time to be able to do such things.

Maurice Smith

Editors Message

Thank you to Caro and Maurice for your feedback, | find it very inspiring. | received a great response to my request for more walks articles and photos this month. Keep them rolling in!

There was not enough room for bushwalking recipes this month so you will have to wait for next month. Over the next few months | want to include more recipes for extended bush walks. Please send me your recipes - you are guaranteed to get a special mention . There are a few extended tips on the horizon and it would benefit people to have a broad range of foods to choose from.

World Environment Day is held on the 5 June each year. The World Environment Day Conservation Awards are on at Leichhardt Town Hall at 6:30pm on Thursday 7 June. The event is organised by the Nature Conservation Council of NSW and includes awards named after ex members of Sydney Bush Walkers. eg The Mare Byles Award is for the m ost outstanding new environm entalcam paign. Form ore infom ation and to book visit the w ebsite www nccnew or ning by May 31 on 9279-2466.

Pam Campbell, Editor re




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