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MARCH 2005 Issue No. 844


bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.


From the Committee Room

Editor: Bill Holland 3 Message from President Maurice Production Manager: Frances Holland a

Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, 3 Editors Note

Tom Wenman Don Brooks FranHolland = 5 Treasurers Report

Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions

of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the 18 Social Notes and Other Items

policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. All material in this magazine is copyright . Requests

for reproduction should be directed to The Editor. ES SPECIAL FEATUR 4 Letters to the Editor Two letters, one from Jane Putt about the CONSERVATION Gunns 20 article last month and the other, a suggestion from Gail Crichton 7 lt May Become The Curse Of The 6 The Annual General Meeting Capertee ; Last minute advice of changes in office Alarming news from an internet newsgroup bearers and committee positions 9 National Parks Underneath the Sea Pamela Irving writes about protecting our S marine parks THE WALKS PAGE

10,11 News from Coolana Don Finchs detailed report about great progress on Coolana maintenance

12 Walks Notes: Barry Wallace continues with his informative notes.

14,15 Tassie Track Notes

Susie Arnott and five others have an eight ADVERTISERS day adventure in Southern Tasmania 16 Parks , Road and Track Closures Alpsport Front cover Some advice and warnings Newnes Hotel Cabins 6

17 Walks over the Anzac Day Weekend

Padd i Back : addy an ae Oe r This year a three day weekend offers Scarpa Boo possibilities Wild Asia 9 Wilderness Transit 5 Willis's Walkabouts 7 [Page 2 The Sydney Bushwalker

March 2005 |

The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

Our Club was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together, enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.

Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate.

Our meetings are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729 SBW Website

Office Bearers

President: Maurice Smith Vice-President: Rosemary MacDougal Treasurer: Tony Marshall Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Ian Thorpe

Social Secretary Kathy Gero Membership Secretary Ron Watters

New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Members . Caro Ryan Peter Love Delegate to Confederation: Jim Callaway

Pam Campbell

Contact The Committee: Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:

President : Maurice Smith

9587 6325 (h) Vice President : Rosemary MacDougal

9428 5668 (h) Secretary: Leigh McClintock 8920 2388 (h) Treasurer Tony Marshall

9713 6985 (h) Members Secretary: Ron Watters

From The Committee Room - A report on proceedings at the Management Committee meeting on 2 March * The Coolana Committee reported on the work done concerning installation of a composting toilet at Coolana. The estimated cost was $7000 As donations for the toilet amounted to $3300, the Coolana Committee requested the Management Committee to authorize the remaining amount from the clubs general funds. = Terry Moss and Melanie Freer were accepted as full members The Treasurer reported that he had not yet invested club funds in the Colonial First States Multi-manager First Choice Conservative fund. He was waiting to see whether new signatories would be needed, after the AGM. The Committee approved payments for KNC Rent $598, magazine postage $448; Annual Report $543 ;printer paper $352; Coolana expense $250: social activities $78 The Committee also approved purchase of a new laser printer for up to $600, for use by the Magazine Editor, and the sale of the old printer for $60. “The President is working on _ the

Confederations questionnaire for the new insurance policy. A Risk Management Framework had been received and there were some worrying issues. The President and the Secretary will consult the Hon. Solicitor about the documents implications.

The Dept of Environment and Conservations draft policy on sustainable access to national parks, was open for public comment.

The members of the Website Sub-Committee

had sent in a letter resigning en bloc. The

Committee agreed that a full discussion should

be held by the incoming Committee

” The Committee examined the print samples on different kinds of paper, and decided that recycled paper could be used, subject to confirmation of costs.

e Social Programme - April Wed 6 7pm Committee Meeting

Wed 13 8 pm New Members Night Introduction to SBW

Mon.18“ 7 pm Training Night

0419617491 New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez 0405 473 029 (m)

Navigation training for prospective members

Wed 20” 8 pm Christmas Trips 2004 Spectacular mountain scenery

The Sydney Bushwalker

March 2005 Page 3

Message from President Maurice: Hello fellow bushwalkers. This is my first column after being re-elected as President at the Annual General Meeting held on the evening of 9 March 2005. In our new committee we have several club members who are new to the committee, namely, Pam Campbell and Ian Thorpe. All the other committee members were on the previous committee. The full list of committee member names and their roles is set out elsewhere in this magazine.

One long serving committee member will no longer be with us on committee. I refer to Barry Wallace. On behalf of the club I thank Barry for his dedication and for his long contribution to the club.

In my next months column I will set out my task list to itemise those tasks that I would like the committee and the club to consider during the next 12 months.

One of our active and extremely enthusiastic members, Patrick McNaught, is in hospital in New Zealand. Im advised that it will be a little while yet before he will be given approval to fly back home. On behalf of all members I wish Patrick a speedy and full recovery and we look forward to having him back on a walk as soon as his medical advisers have given the green light.

Our former Walks Secretary Peter Love did a great job over the last several years and has passed on the role to Ian Thorpe. As we head into the cooler autumn weather the variety of walks on offer in the walks program is just amazing. I will certainly be enjoying my bushwalking and J look forward to meeting you on a walk in the near future.

Maurice Smith


Editors Note:

Well, no one wanted my job as Editor so here I am again for another year. However, in pursuit of my other interest and in the hope that some one else would nominate as Editor I also sought election as Conservation Secretary. The result is I am now wearing two hats and as you would imagine conservation issues will continue to feature strongly in the coming year.

Speaking on conservation issues, none is more important at present than, as Jane Putt has highlighted in her letter on the next page, the legal action by Gunns Ltd to seek redress from its critics. Jane has asked us all to take action.

One of our members asked our Treasurer at the AGM to ensure Club funds were placed with a Fund Manager that invested in companies reflecting ethical values and _ supporting conservation. On a personal note, I will not invest in a company that takes legal action against the personal assets of those who question its approach to conservation or in a Fund that invests in such a company. I will be writing letters and withdrawing funds if necessary. How about you?.

Starting with this issue you may notice an improvement over coming months in the quality of printing, especially photos, as I become more adept at using the new laser printer. Many thanks to the Committee who supported my application for a new printer.

However, the printer can only print the contributions as received, so keep your letters and articles coming in.

And dont forget our Boots and All competition. Entries are coming in but I would like a few more. The prize list is extensive and it is your opportunity to win some special prizes., Bill Holland

My walk to Newnes and the Red Rocks will be held on 16 & 17th April not 9“ & 10” April. Fascinating country and great views - dont miss it. David Rostron.

My walk scheduled for Sunday 24“ April needs to be rescheduled as J am going away.

The new date is Sunday 8th May. Route is Hormsby to Berowra via the GNW.

Kathy Gero

Contact The Editor: Copy: for publishing in the SBW magazine

;Should. be received by: the editor by the nd of thie. first: week of eachi month.

Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, or by email addressed to The Editor

Telephone: 9484 6636

Fax: 9484 6009

' (please phone 9484 6636 first) Email:


-8\ The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005 |

The article in the February Bushwalker about Gunns suing the Wilderness Society inspired me to write to you.

Gunns are not only suing the Wilderness Society, but also the Greens, both at Federal and at Tasmanian State Level. They are also suing personally the Leader of the Tasmanian Greens - our daughter Peg Putt. Many of our older members will remember Peg and if you look at the gunns20 website you will see her second from the right in the front row of the defendants.

I believe that this action by Gunns is even more than an attempt to intimidate and financially cripple conservation organisations and their officers, it is also an attack on freedom of speech and the right to protest.

In my opinion people have been targeted for doing no more than write letters to the paper. This is an extremely worrying development and there should be a general outcry.

I urge you all to write to your Federal Member and to support the Gunns20 financially if possible. You will find further details on their website: www. gunns20. org Regards Jane Putt

[=“| Give Leaders a Voice

While I was recently on Committee for a relatively short stint as a replacement for Heike, I came to realise that a few items are being presented to Committee that affect leaders but the outcome of this information does not always get to our leaders. This is quite unintentional as [ know there is a summary of discussion from Committee meetings in the magazine but in my opinion there is a gap in the communication from Committee directly to leaders.

After speaking with a couple of other leaders I suggested to them that perhaps we should have someone on Committee, ideally one of the non- profile positions who could become a Leaders Representative. If that wasnt acceptable to Committee someone from the Committee could advise a Leaders Representative on issues that affect leaders, which may have been discussed at Committee level. I spoke to several leaders who thought the idea had some merit.

This person would be able to pass on information such as the recent suggestions presented to Committee by Ron Watters i.e. using hours instead of kilometres as a guide on Rons walks. This maybe an option for other

Letters to the Editor:

leaders to take up if it suited them, or that the application form to join the club is now on our website. Some leaders are not aware of these changes.

Perhaps more leaders would have attended the Leaders night to discuss proposed changes to our grading system if there had been a regular place of interest for leaders to obtain this information. A notice of the meeting was sent to all leaders but another reminder in a designated place for leaders in the magazine might have been helpful.

I know the magazine is most informative but I thought if there was a regular area in the magazine for the leaders and of course other interested members it may have some value. The Walks Secretary liaises with leaders when compiling our walks program but the role is far too involved and time consuming to expect this type of information to be conveyed to leaders via the Walks Secretary.

Maybe the magazine might have some regular

space for a “Leaders Corner” or some other name as an outlet for this information to come from the Leaders Representative. Other useful information could be included such as landslides, park closures anything else that might impede a walk or be of interest. I had such a positive response from Leaders who were very appreciative that I had called them to ask their opinion on the current walks program appearing on our website. Leaders were pleased someone from Committee had actually consulted them.

I believe leaders can sometimes feel they are out of the loop or that they dont have a voice for their opinions/feelings therefore they do not have an opportunity to present their views to Committee before changes/decisions are made.

Perhaps responses and up to date information could be enlisted from our members similar to Wild Magazine. I would be very interested to hear other members opinions if you think this is a viable suggestion and if anyone would be interested in being the Leaders Representative.

Gail Crichton

Editors Note:

I would be happy to allocate space in the magazine for regular contributions from, and notices to leaders. Already such items are included in the magazine when received and usually shown in the Walks Pages. | The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005

Page 5 |

p AC) Treasurers Report - Year to February

Members Subscriptions 15 Prospective Fees 1,036 Interest Conservation 93 Interest Coolana 276 Interest General 157 Magazine Advertising 530 Total Receipts 2,108 Magazine Production 369 Magazine Postage 803 Coolana Rates & Occupancy 187 Postage, Phone & Internet 628 Administration 446 Total Payments 2,432 Closing Bank balance 11,278

Things are still pretty quiet on the Treasury front. I have revised the budget for the 2005 year. The revised estimate is conservative and has the club running a deficit of $1,500 for the 2005 year.

This is not a great concern as the club has adequate funds to cover the deficit. I do not propose to change members and prospective fees for 2005, however, members should steel themselves for an increase in 2006.

SBW Investments Proposed Investment In A Managed Fund.

At present the Clubs funds are in investments which are safe but which offer a relatively low return. I have made a recommendation to the committee that the club invest in a managed fund.

I have reviewed a number of possible investments. The specific fund I am recommending is the Colonial First States Multi-manager First Choice Conservative Fund.

The Multi-manager title refers to the Funds strategy to reduce risk by spreading the management of the fund over a number of different funds managers. This is a conservative, low-risk managed fund. Colonial First State is a prominent funds manager and I found that in comparison with other funds managers they had the lowest and most transparent fee structure.

The recommended investment is safe and conservative but is slightly more risky than the clubs current investments because it can incur capital losses, particularly in the short term. In the recent past many managed funds have incurred capital losses. In the long term it is most likely that investing in a managed fund will yield a higher return than the clubs current

investments. The club is in a strong financial position and can afford to take a long-term view. The issue of the return on Coolana Funds was raised at the 2004 AGM. Although a slightly higher return can be expected on Coolana Funds, no investment with a risk level acceptable to the club would provide a return on Coolana Funds sufficient to cover Coolana expenses. Tony Marshall

Annual Subscriptions Now Due * The Annual General Meeting determined that the SBW Annual Subscriptions for 2005 would be:

Single Membership = $45-00 Household membership = $73-00 Non Active Membership = $20-00 Non Active + Magazine = $34-00 Magazine only = $20-00

A payments slip will be mailed to you next month.

Please return this with your cheque

. * These subscriptions do not apply to Prospective Members


c= &


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Tel 0246 832 344 Mob 0428 832 344

EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon SBW has purchased an EPIRB for use by club members, in particular walks leaders. If you would like to take the EPIRB for a walk give Leigh McClintoch a ring on 8920 2386 and arrange to collect it.

The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005 |


The 77” AGM was held on Wednesday 9“ March. There are very few new faces in the list of office bearers (shown below). Barry Wallace will give a full report of proceedings in next months magazine.

Your New Committee Is and the Non-Committee Office Bearers are: President: Maurice Smith Delegates to Confederation: Vice-President: Rosemary MacDougal . Wilf Hilder ~ vacant - Public Officer: Maurice Smith Magazine Production Manager: Fran Holland Treasurer: Tony Marshall Magazine Business Manager: Tony Marshall Secre tary: Leigh McClintock Printers: Kenn Clacher Barrie Murdoch Walks Secre tary: Tan Thorpe * Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland Social Secretary Kathy Gero et Master: ~ vacant - Membership Secretary Ron Watters Hon Soli Soli - tor: . ete dj New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez Hon Auditor: re at of ae nar Brading Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland Coolana Cor 4 Con a , ris Sonter Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Coolana Committee: , Committee Member: Don Finch Joan Rigby Patrick James Caro Ryan Peter Love Barry Wallace Gretel Woodward Delegates to Confederation: Search and Reseus. rontadts: Rob Bari . * r ob Barrie * Jim Callaway Pam Campbell Kosciusko Hut Delegates: New to Committee lan Wolfe Kenn Clacher


Wollemi National! Park

Surrounded by the wilderness of Wollemi National Park, spectacular sandstone cliffs and the historic ruins of the former shale oil mining town, Newnes Hotel Cabins invite you to stay in their newly completed cabin which offers spectacular views of Mystery Mountain from the front verandah.

This is the ideal base for numerous bushwalks in the area.

Our cabin can accommodate up to 6 people and is equipped with a modern kitchen, bathroom, 1 bedroom with a queen sized bed, and four single beds that double as comfortable seats during the day. Built with ecologically sustainable goals in mind, this spacious cabin also suits the requirements of disabled guests.

We also offer accommodation in our on-site caravan and campground.

Visit us at our website at or give us arimgon Ph.: (02) 63 551 247 The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005 Page 7

It May Become the Curse of the Capertee Extract from a posting on aus.bushwalking Newsgroup (M Wilkinson 3/3/05)

This email concerns anyone who has visited or plans to visit the Capertee Valley (in the NSW Central Tablelands) and who values the peace and tranquillity of the area.

Most of you are already aware of the valley's significance as habitat for a high diversity of woodland birds and its importance as a birding area. Last year I briefly mentioned that there is a proposal to build a heliport at Capertee from which it is intended to operate regular helicopter joy flights over the Capertee Valley and surrounding escarpment areas.

The formal application has now been received by Lithgow Council so it is now time for anyone concerned to make a submission. In the application it is proposed that joy flights would operate from 7.00 am to 7.00 pm seven days per week, with peak activity on weekends and holiday periods. There could be up to 20 flights (40 movements) per day (280 movements per week, or approximately 2 per hour).

The flight path map indicates numerous loops within an approximate 50 km radius of the village of Capertee. The proposed flight paths loop around Capertee Valley, Pantoney's Crown, Mt Genowlan, Capertee River, Glen Davis, Wolgan

Valley, Turon River, over the Gardens of Stone, Wollemi National Park, Ben Bullen, Cullen Bullen, Cherry Tree Hill, Mt Marsden, etc.

This area includes part of the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area and for this reason we believe that the matter should be dealt with by the State and Commonwealth Governments rather than Lithgow Council. In fact I have been informed that this is the only case in Australia where a proposal for joyflights over World Heritage has been considered to be only a local matter.

At the moment aircraft can and do fly over the Capertee Valley for the purposes of essential work, emergencies, special events, etc. However I and many residents believe that regular helicopter joy flights are a different matter entirely, because of the frequency, regularity and type of intrusion.

What You Can Do

If you are concerned by this proposal, please take the time to write a short letter outlining your objections to Lithgow Council, postal address:

The General Manager, PO Box 19, Lithgow, NSW 2790

The Kimberle

Rugged mountains, spectacular waterfalls, deep gorges, mighty rivers, cliff-lined coasts, a wealth of Aboriginal rock-art sites and more.

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For information on our remote Kimberley bushwalking holidays, ask for our trip notes

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Fig. 1: Scarpa Trek, circa ig xs



. 3: Ibe bighly evolved Trek Pro, circa 2006.




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ADAPT & SURVIVE. Inthe nud eighties, Scarpa set a new standard for bushwalking boors wich the Scarpa [tek. Comfortable, supportive and practically indestructible, euch handmade Itek combined che highest-quality [talian conscructian with a design that was completely focused on the needs of Australian bushwalkery RDOVOLUTIONARY EVOLUTION. Now20 years later i's cme for a tew changes. The new Trek Pro has been engineered from the ground up ro rake advancage of modern design techniques and matertalslike incredibly grippy Vibram* Grinca soles, a hydrophobic one-piece leather upper, and completely redesigned inners

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National Parks Underneath the Sea Pamela Irving

Our summer programme has as usual a lot of walks along the coast and around the harbour. As bushwalkers, we are aware of the many national /conservation/recreation parks on land because we walk through them all year round. However, whats beneath the ocean remains unseen to most of us, and therefore for most of us its a case of out of sight, out of mind.

In comparison with the many designated on- land parks, there are only four marine parks in NSW: around Lord Howe Island, the Solitary Islands of Coffs Harbour, Jervis Bay and around Cape Byron. (In NSW only 2% of marine waters are protected in marine sanctuaries.)

The National Parks Association describes marine sanctuaries as follows:

Areas of water that are protected from extractive uses come under many names including marine sanctuaries, sanctuary zones, marine national parks, no-take zones, highly protected areas and fully protected areas. But they all mean basically the same thing everyone is allowed to visit but fishing and mining are banned.

Currently an area on the south coast is in the process of being proposed as our 5 marine park, from Shellharbour in the north to Tathra in the south. This will include islands, rocky outcrops and coastal lakes. A 6” park around Port Stephens is under consideration. Marine parks are multiple-use parks, permitting fishing, diving, tours, boating and surfing.

Sadly, most marine protected areas offer only minimal protection from harvesting of marine creatures and plants. Within Sydney Harbour itself, a new initiative has been launched by the NPA:

Harbour Keepers is the new NPA~Marine initiative that involves the community in a long- term program of regular activities which protects and restores Sydney Harbour and its surrounds.

Harbour Keepers harnesses Sydneys passion Jor its harbour by creating an opportunity for volunteers to safeguard and restore Sydney Harbour. Volunteers participate in various activities throughout Sydney Harbour including, but not limited to, the identification and removal of visible threats, marine ecology clinics, biodiversity surveys and community events.

Recently a team of volunteer divers spent several hours of their Saturday removing the invasive marine weed Caulerpa taxifolia from the seabed out from the Quarantine Station. This weed can quickly displace native sea-grasses and seaweed.

The recreational fishing lobby must have huge political clout. There are only 300 grey nurse sharks left along Australias east coast. The NSW Government is currently conducting the 10 study on these sharks since 1996. The cause of their near-extinction is from accidental hooking by recreational fishermen in the sharks aggregation sites. The only solution is the creation of 1500 meter sanctuary zones around these sites. And yet the government continues to protect fishing in these areas. If only all extinctions could be prevented so simply.

An example of a marine sanctuary easily accessed by the public is the Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve at North Head, incorporating Fairy Bower and Shelley Beaches. The seas are usually calm and ideal for snorkeling.

More information can be found at:

Editors Note:

Pamela did not stand for re-election as Conservation Secretary due to personal commitments. This position is now held by Bill Holland and he welcomes your contributions and comments on conservation issues.

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Trips include full trek service, local guides and experienced Western Leaders.

For brochures and further information call (03) 9672 5372

(ABN 11 005 066 348 Lic Number 30093) | Page 10 The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005

News from Coolana Don Finch

There were several visits by Coolana carers and interested visitors during the month of February tending to SCA trees and other plants.

The last weekend in February had a Coolana maintenance weekend on the program there were nine participants this is how they spent some of their time.

In the week before the trip Don power sawed tree support timbers to fit star posts and built three wooden drawers for small items in the tool shed. The trailer was packed with road repair tools, wheelbarrow, timber, chains saw, battery operated drill with bits, screws, hand tools, fuel and camping equipment. A 4×4 was required to get the gear down to the tool shed.

Four wattle trees had fallen over in the immediate vicinity of the tool shed including one that was leaning straight over the top of the shed but caught in the branches of a tree on the other side, another tree had fallen on top of this tree and was leaning heavily on it threatening destruction of the shed. Using a four-metre long prop, rope ties in three places; the chain saw and the 4×4 to pull with everything except the top three metres of the tree was pulled away from the shed.

Gretel started into hand weeding of the slope behind the tool shed and around into the gully this was continued to days end. Don in the mean time had started mowing, as there were copious amounts of cobblers pegs at the flowering stage before setting seed, which of course is the best time to mulch them. The weather was hot humid and sticky, clothes rapidly became saturated with sweat and stayed that way constant water stops were required, the work went on. The program states Join us for a pleasant weekend of light work and socialising; the light work was done with by 6 pm and after a swim and a change of clothes we started into Gretels bottle of red - great socialising.

Friday 25“ started the mower at 7:00AM stopped at 8:30AM to go into Bomaderry to pick up Wilf from the train. Gretel continued with the hand weeding making piles of weeds. We were back at Coolana by 10:30AM and Wilf started into road and track maintenance. Don went back to mowing until mid afternoon the weather was still hot and humid. After lunch Wilf went back to clearing tracks Gretel back to hand weeding and Don went over to the eastern flat clearing the tracks to the SCA trees to facilitate the weeding and clearing around the trees. The chain saw was required, as four trees had fallen across the track.

Saturday 26” Wilf and Glen started up the mowers early and kept them going. Gretel and Rosie started tying up tall trees with stockings to the timbers attached to the star posts. Another three-metre tree has been broken off level with the top of the guard and many others are damaged (ring barked) at the top of the guard. All extension timbers were used, some guards removed and stockings deployed as required. More extension timbers will be brought down to the reunion, we need more stockings! Don went over to the eastern flat with the brush cutter and cleared the two-metre high cobblers pegs from around some SCA trees and the entire track network on the eastern flat is now clear. Melinda and Rob arrived mid moming and started into some gentle care, maintenance and light work involving mowers brush cutters, logs and weeds. Chris and Mai arrived early afternoon and soon got into the gentle care light work etc.

By early Saturday afternoon with the nine people working away things were really happening at a great rate it look as though we were going to get a lot done with acres of cobblers pegs turned into mulch. The old mower lost two screws in the cover rendering it unusable a phone call and a drive to George Grey solved that problem and George gave me two hand washing sinks for the toilet to bring back as well. While this was happening Gretel and Rosie were cutting and pasting with weed killer tobacco plants and other weeds on the eastern flat. By Saturday

| The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005 Page 11

evening we had used 23 litres of ULP. After swims and clean clothes the socialising around the campfire with wine cheese family and friends was truly very satisfying. Rosie made mulled wine, which was beautiful, and ginger rocky road all of which Wilf declared he could eat with out any ill effects. Gretel monitored him closely.

The lawn mowers, brush cutter and chain saw got going early Sunday morning and were kept going until early afternoon. Log piles were cut moved and stacked, weeds slashed pulled mulched and given a hard time on the camping flat. In the meantime Melinda and Rob helped Rosie and Gretel by carting water up from the river in twenty litre drums to be used in the knapsack spray unit to start spraying with weed killer the enormous number of weeds on the eastern flat. At 2:00PM we stopped.

Now for a pleasant weekend of light work and socialising with wine and cheese get out your red pen and mark up the next Coolana maintenance weekend on your program or ring or email Don Finch to be put on the list to be invited especially when one is organised.

Don Finch Email; 9452 3749 home, 9452 5194 fax, 0418 417593..

Easy Camping at Coolana:

=z Any time is an ideal time to rest and relax at Coolana. Why dont you spend a day or two at the Clubs property at Coolana? Why not at Easter ? There is ideal camping space and camp fires are permitted at Coolana at all times other than when total fire bans apply to the Shoalhaven area. Campers are asked to use the indicated fireplaces to avoid scarring the camping ground. Please use only fallen timber and ensure that your fire is completely extinguished before retiring to your tent. Also. be aware of the danger from falling branches and avoid camping under the wattle trees.

pe vo a : The: Coolana Fund:: The e Coolana: rind was established to 3 provide intonie to.assist with the maintenance of this wonderful 1 property. We are seeking-more:donations to the Coolana Find to help cover the increasing costs. Many thanks to thiose who have already donated or have indicated an intention to:include the Coolana Fund in their wills. if'you are willing tohelp please,send in your donation, addressed: to on oy . ' The Coolana.Fund et : 7 - The.Sydney Bush Walkers Inc -. pty +, BOBox 431 Milsons Point 1365.

It's NotrlooLate!: Get your entry in NOW.


All it takes is a little time to submit your entry on any subject featuring footwear such as boots, shoes, thongs, socks ete

A prize for the best entry in each of three categories :- SHORT STORY/ARTICLE - POEM OR LIMERICK - JOKE. Major prize of a pair of Scarpa Boots for best overall submission Make it humorous, serious, a personal experience, anecdotal, real or imaginary So, start writing now! And send your entry by email or by mail addressed to

Boots and All Competition

C/- W. Holland

216C Quarter Sessions Rd

Westleigh NSW 2120

Or by email to:

| Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005 THE WALKS PAGES Walks Notes: Barry Wallace Boxing Day was the day for Jim Callaway to lead

Caro Ryans Saturday 4“ walk out from the Scenic railway at Katoomba to Rennies Tunnel had been deferred from that weekend to Saturday 11th. The party of 5 enjoyed a beautiful day, though the potential for thunderstorms lent wings to their progress along The Prince Henry Walk and prompted some initial caution about the level of the waters in Rennies Tunnel. Indeed the rains held off until they were on the road bash back to the Scenic Railway, but did tend to wash away their newly acquired tans. Richard Darke led a party of 16 on his Sunday trip out from Wagstaff Ferry after catching the ferry from Palm Beach. It seems the owner of the 50 metre wide strip of bush separating the road at Wagstaff from the walking track on the ridge above Lobster (?) Beach does not welcome walkers. The party drowned their sorrows so well with coffee/tea/milkshakes at the Hardy Bay store they had to gallop the last hour to catch the 1620 ferry. The weather was perfect and a good day out was had by all.

Nowhere near there Ron Watters was also out that day, with the party of 7 on his walk out from Robertson in Budderoo National Park coping with humid conditions that turned to rain after lunch. Rain brought out the local leeches that showed a strong affinity for one of the lady prospectives much to the relief of the rest of the party no doubt. Missingham Steps are not usually a waterfall, but this time was an exception. In view of the conditions the collective will opted to exit along a fire-trail to the cars and onwards to pies at the pie shop. The GPS instructional walk went, with a party of 6 diligent navigators enjoying an educational experience, or so tis said.

Over the weekend of 18, 19 December Allan Wells led two li-lo day-trips out from Mount Wilson with parties of 5 and 6 respectively. Both trips were judged to be enjoyable but the leader did rather miss his li-lo on the Sunday, having forgotten to pack it for the outing. Given that Peter Love was among the starters for the Sunday leg it seems safe to assume his Sunday walk in Jamison Creek was cancelled for some reason. Cathy Geros Otford to Bundeena coastal walk on the Sunday went to program but the temperatures, in the mid 30s, caused one of the prospective members to truncate the walk.

Bill Holland cancelled his mid week walk, scheduled for Tuesday 21* December due to persisting knee problems and a heavy cold.

the party of 5 on his Waterfall to Heathcote trip in The Royal. Conditions were warm with sunshine and the occasional cloud and no doubt the party made the most of the pools on Woronora River and the waters of Lake Eckersley.

A great walk in the Victorian Alps with all 4 seasons encountered was how Rosemary MacDougal described the trip she led with Maurice over the period from 26 December to 1 January. There was a party of 12 in all, and the snow on the third night out rendered standing around the camp fire a magical experience. Kenn Clacher was less descriptive of his trip in the same area at the same time with a party of 11. He did say it was a great walk, and they had snow. Over a slightly longer period, 27 December to 7 January, Neil Hickson led a party of 2 on his walk in the South West of Tasmania. Overall they had good weather but that did not preclude sunbum and sleet. The camp on top of Precipitous Bluff was a highlight with the scrub between PB and Pinders Peak providing contrast as you might say. Somewhat closer to home Leigh McClintoch led a party of 6 (2 last minute cancellations) on his walk from Charlotte Pass to Guthega from 29 to 31 December. It snowed in the area the day before then started but they had good weather for their peregrinations.

Now here is a strange thing! Rosemary, who is listed on the report as leader of the Victorian Alps walk, appears to be signed off as a member of the party on the attendance form for Janet Sinclairs walk in Nadgee/Croagingalong National Park over the period 26 December to 1 January. The party of 6 encountered mixed weather, which thankfully was cool with strong winds to moderate the millions of mosquitoes. They even saw some of the Sydney to Hobart fleet going south.

January 8, 9 saw John Bradnam leading a party of 5 on his cascading trip down Hellgate Gorge. The weekend was rated as enjoyable with great food at the Hampton roadhouse afterwards. There was a party of 8 on Peter Loves Saturday qualifying walk. There was also a Sunday walk that weekend, with Richard Darke leading a party of 12 on his walk along the beaches from Caves Beach to Red Ochre Beach in Munmorah SRA. Conditions were perfect for walking despite the forecast for rain. The walk highlight was a visit to The Pirates Cave, with careful timing required at the lowest tide to obtain access.

Here endeth the walks reports for this period Barry Wallace The Sydney Bushwalker

March 2005 Page 13

Mid - Week Walkers

The Autumn Walks programme is quiet for mid- week walks but we have a couple of midweek day walks and two extended activities coming up. Please refer to the Autumn Walks programme for more details:

Thur 31% March: Botany Bay La Perouse to Malabar and return to La Perouse via headland tramway and tunnels

Thur 21st April: Georges River Macquarie Fields - Georges River - Ingleburn A bush push along the river

Mon ith -Fri_15” April:

Berrara Beach Holiday Cottage - South Coast Five days in a beachside cottage . Swimming, canoeing, bushwalking or just relaxing.

Mon 6“- Fri 10” June

Currawong Holiday Cottages

In Pittwater, opposite Palm Beach - join us for one day or several days. Bushwalking, mini golf and of course lots of socialising.

If you are interested in joining in any of our activities, or just wish to receive the monthly newsletter please give me a call.

Bill Holland 9484 6636 Email:

Advance Notice !

SBW Classic - Six Foot Track in a Day Saturday 20 August.

One of our clubs great social events is on again.The Six Foot Track in a day from Katoomba to Jenolan Caves. J will be taking expressions of interest from anyone interested and must have _ definite confirmation by 30“ June, this includes both walkers and support.

I also require expressions of interest from anyone interested in being the support coordinator as I do not have a person to date.

Last year we had several prospectives who completed this 43km walk and I welcome any experienced prospectives to put their names forward.It is a very challenging walk but a very rewarding one.

I look forward to your continuing support of a club tradition. Leader: Mark Patteson

(home) 9798 5693 after 7pm

(mobile) 0414 650 104


A New Map for Garmin GPS

The following extract from the Newsgroup aus bushwalking may be of interest to those with a Garmin GPS. The word Ozie refers to Oziexplorer mapping software.

Aussie Traks If any Ozie users in Australia would like to test an alternative map set for their Garmin GPS then I am happy to share a beta version of AussieTraks.

Aussie Traks is a non-commercial mapset for Garmin GPS that was developed from 1:250K data licensed from Geoscience Australia using the shareware product GPSmapper as provided by Stan Kozicki.

You can upload AussieTraks to any map capable Garmin GPS using any Map Source product or alternatively using a shareware product such as SENDMAP. either way you will not remove or damage your base map it will remain.

If you are in Australia and are interested in testing a beta version of AussieTraks please contact me at

I understand that keen Ozie users will not want to swap Ozie for a vector based map set but if you would like more accurate maps than the Garmin base maps then AussieTraks may be an alternative for you - ———-

Thanks & regards, Graham

MS Charity Challenge The MS _ Society of NSW __ has recently launched our new fundraising program partnered with Intrepid Travel to give participants amazing adventure experiences while fundraising for a good cause.

I was hoping you may be able to pass this information onto your members to help with our. promotion as I am sure these trips would appeal to members of your club.

MS Charity Challenge has arrived!

Little Tibet - Ladakh Trek Challenge

30 June - 14 July 2005

Often described as Little Tibet, Ladakh is an arid and stunning high altitude region of monks and monasteries, fluttering prayer flags, bazaars and festivals. The lunar Jandscapes of Ladakh offer superb trekking opportunities among remote

villages and towering snow-capped mountains.

Visit to find out more information, or call Luke Joyce on (02) 9413 4166. Kind _ regards, Luke Joyce

Carry Water!

Leaders and walk participants should take care to carry adequate water for the day. Many areas are still experiencing dry conditions and normal water bearing creeks may be dry. |Page 14 The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005

Tassie Track Notes - South Bound Walkers: January, 2005 = Susie Arnott Chief : Mike Arnott Indians : Susie Arnott, Jan Roberts, Jenny Paton, Don and Liz Wills

Day 1 : Melaleuca to Erics Point

Shortly after 8 am, South Bound Walkers weigh in with Paravion Hobart, packs, boots n all; then take off in a VERY small plane. Winging over the Huon Valley, with sunny blue views of Bathurst Harbour, we land at Melaleuca airstrip (one shed, one loo); where the plane leaves us.

In perfect conditions we set out on duckboards over button grass. Lunch in the foothills of the New Harbour Range allows a clear view back to our starting point and out to the sea at Coxs Bight. We reach the coast and walk the beach to Freyney Lagoon, where clear, tanin-brown water runs over sparkling white quartzite to meet the blue sea. Theres plenty

of time to admire natures colours at Eric Point campsite, for the sun doesnt set until 8.30!

Day 2: Erics Point to Louisa River We leave the gently rolling surf and turn inland, silence enclosing

us. Without duckboards, we encounter our first serious button grass swamp. Keeping to the side of the muddy track, we sink only ankle deep, anxious to keep our boots dry at this early, innocent stage of our adventure . . .

Climbing up the Red Point Hills in unexpected heatwave conditions, Liz communing with her Creator, we arrive at the top and look longingly back at the beach weve left behind. We find no shade and lunch quickly before hurrying down to seek shelter from the merciless sun. Faraway Creek appears, a vision splendid running tea-coloured and clear to its pebbly bottom; and in no time, human bottoms frolic in the freezing shallows, their owners gasping and squealing …

Afternoon tea at Louisa Creek leaves us refreshed and ready to continue on to the nights camp out of the hills and onto duckboarded button grass for a seemingly endless trudge: were experiencing the will we ever get there? have we missed the camp? syndrome suffered by many who believe John Chapmans optimistic track notes. Louisa

Creek eventually appears; the classic Tasmanian wilderness river does not disappoint.



teeming with plant life - and mud, Chapman syndrome strikes again.

but gusts , or an

of rainforest becomes nearly 4 km through knee-

mud, over and around enormous dead trees Stagger into the aptly-named campsite of Deadmans Bay. Cheered by a fire (allowed he fruit cake from a walker lightening his load, energy to cook dinner before collapsing into bed.

Day 4 : Little Deadmans Bay to New River Lagoon

A most welcome shorter day. First, some serious mud to test even Jans quagmire gaiters (knee deep in places; even keeping to the side!), but wild, deserted Turua Beach rewards us amply, and the leafy litter _ track of the forest on Menzies Bluff offers a reprieve from the m word. After a thorough wash-down to prevent the spread of Phytophthora Root Rot, we

trudge along Prion Beach as waves crash in menacing dark clouds.

under The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005 Page 15

One look at the size of New Lagoon and the heavy rowing boats sends your scribe into a spin, but Mike and Don apply their considerable experience as scullers and heave at the oars to guide us, and our packs, (and Lizs hat!) safely through the choppy waters to the campsite on the other side. The weather moves quickly in this windy part of the world, and enough sun comes in to allow rinsing and drying (and a swim for one) during a peaceful afternoon.

Day 5 : New River Lagoon to Surprise Bay

With clouds blown-off to give sparkling views of white sand, deep blue lagoon, rolling surf and clear sky, we walk the beach and headlands out of New River Lagoon hardly believing our luck. We gaze out to the Isle du Golfe, perched just off shore, and back to Precipitous Bluff looming behind us. At the end of the beach, Milford Creek flows treacle-dark onto the sand, adding yet another colour to the palette; an effect we see again at lunch where Tylers Creek meets Osmiridium Beach.

The descent to Surprise Bay takes us through old growth forest; ancient gnarled trees with bases big as kitchens, towering tree ferns, reddy brown lichens and grey green fungi, soft leaf litter and chest-high green fronds; all steeped in ancient silence. We emerge to the pounding surf of Surprise Bay, and follow intrepid Jan through the lagoon shallows at the end to climb up to a sheltered campsite with a view. More swimming opportunities for the brave (or desperately dirty) and a well-earned rest.

Day 6 : Surprise Bay to Granite Beach After the morning at Surprise Bay, lots of cuppas and another swim (for one), a short climb through rainforest up and over the ridge brings us to the organ-pipe cliffs of Granite Beach, where we negotiate the boulders, thankful that its low tide (our great leaders plan, naturellement!). A rock scramble to the camp site, where a wallaby greets us, ready for our scraps; were nearing the end of the wilderness! We get to bed early, to prepare for the horror stretch of mud weve heard so much about between here and South Cape Rivulet, our last nights camp.

Day 7: Granite Beach to South Cape Rivulet It blows cool overnight, bringing threatening rain for our mud slog. Lovely! We cover ourselves with jackets, overpants and gaiters, and with our leaders command to head straight through the middle of the mud to save time ringing in our ears, we begin. By the time weve climbed up to Flat Rock Plain, most of us have been in thigh deep. We battle on, out into the heath land, where it starts to rain and suddenly gets very cold. Heave off waterproofs, pull on thermals, heave on waterproofs. On and on, back into the forest, through mud, tree roots, more mud and more tree roots, remembering to stop from time to time to look around. By lunchtime its steadily raining and were freezing, but a final stretch of old-growth forest and relatively easy walking rewards our efforts and we splash through the South Cape Rivulet into camp, soaked but triumphant.

Solid rain drives us to bed early (4pm in Jens case!), except for Jan who ventures out at 9pm for a spectacular sunset (so she says).

Day 8 : South Cape Rivulet to Cockle Creek Packs have been hung every night, but bush rats chew through the tent and make off with Gastrolyte tablets! In overcast: weather we stride out for our final day, bidding farewell along the way to the wild beach with its tangles of kelp, the sheltered bluffs of ti-tree and melaleuca, even the last remaining stretches of mud. At Lion Rock we meet our first day- trippers, and with a last look back from the rocks over the wild sea, we turn and enter the melaleuca forests for the easy stretch of duckboards to Cockle Creek and the end of our epic. But its not quite over. While we wait for the 1.45 pm bus back to Hobart, other walkers arrive in dribs and drabs. We greet them warmly, for we've got to know them over the week. Many have carried far too much (half a kilo of salt for leeches, eight pairs of knickers, three litres of filtered water each day, twelve extra batteries just in case) and laugh with us as they make resolutions about travelling light next time. Then they bring out their extra food! Well! Weve eaten every morsel of our own supplies, emergency rations included, so at the Cockle Creek Bus Stop, an unexpected feast crowns off an unforgettable eight days.

| Page 16 The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005


Members and leaders are asked to check the web sites of NPWS and RTA for park and road closures. These may occur with ample notice, or at short notice due to bush fires, land slides or other causes. Also, track maintenances may lead to delays in Sydney Rail train times Relevant websites are:



Jenolan Caves Road - Five Mile Hill Project

The Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) are upgrading the Jenolan Caves Road at Five Mile Hill. Background

The RTA has identified areas to be upgraded along Jenolan Caves Road which runs from the Great Western Highway to the caves. These works include securing slopes and embankments to reduce rock falls, removing loose rocks and resurfacing and widening some sections of the road. The work will improve road safety for all road users. Works on Jenolan Caves Road started on 30 May 2004 and will be completed in stages. The project is due to be completed in 2006.

Traffic Management

Traffic control measures are in place until work is completed. These measures create a one-way traffic flow into the Jenolan Caves down Five Mile Hill for a two-hour period every day from 11:45am until 1:45pm to allow buses and coaches to enter. Two-way traffic resumes outside this period. Additional traffic control measures including a boom gate and electronic advisory signs were installed in January to reinforce the measures, inform motorists of an alternative route and provide road condition information.

Alternative Route

An alternative route is available to motorists into Jenolan Caves via Oberon and the Two Mile Hill. This road is suitable for most vehicles except large tourist coaches and heavy vehicles.

Current Traffic Management

The second round of road closures on the Jenolan Caves Road will be starting at 4pm on 30” Jan 2005. The road will be closed from 4pm to 10am Sunday to Thursday. This round of closures will run until the April school holidays. The road will also remain open over the Easter period (10am Thursday 24 March to 4pm Tuesday 29 March).

Further Information :

For further information please contact the Project Manager:

Chris Barnett (02) 6352 8954

or RTA traffic conditions & signal faults 131 700



Walking track closed at Wentworth Falls Wentworth Pass walking track is CLOSED until further notice. The track is impassable due to a tree-fall near the base of Slacks Stairs on Wentworth Pass. For enquiries, updates and information on walks in the area, contact the NPWS Blue Mountains Heritage Centre, on 4787 8877, open seven days 9.00 am4.30 pm. Geoff Luscombe Manager Blue Mountains Region

A note for our New Members - Please do not forget to record your walks. It is very important that you keep a record of all walks that you participate in as you need to complete the full membership form with all the details. Also, if you are ringing to book on a walk, the leader will ask you what walks you have participated in and the name of the leaders that you have walked with. Please contact me if you have any questions Cheers: Grace Martinez New Members Secretary

The Sydney Bushwalker March 2005 Page 17

Walks Over the Anzac DayWeekend

n ideal opportunity with three days available for an extended walk. SBW walks listed for The Anzac Day weekend in the Autumn Walks Programme are shown below. Please refer to the Autumn Walks Programme for details of leaders and contact numbers.

MortonNP Apple Tree Ck. Split Rock Pt. via the escarpment Funnells Buttress Ti Tree fire trail Caoura Rd. Car shuffle required. Grade: M233 Medium

Far South Coast Mountains (Ben Boyd NP). Explore the beach on Saturday, then climb Mt Imlay (886m) on Sunday, and Mt Dromedary (797m) on Monday. Only 18km in total, but about 1200m combined climb. A worthwhile workout will be rewarded with fabulous views. Grade: M231

Wollemi NP Traverse the Wollemi Wilderness over the Anzac Day long weekend. Explore Townsends Survey Track. Cliffs, creeks and the Colo a great opportunity to enjoy this beautiful country. Mostly off track, wet feet possible. Car swap on Friday night at Windsor. Fit prospective members welcome. Grade: M223 (47km)

Blue Mountains National Park Medlow Gap Wombat Parade Mobbs Soak Blackhorse Ridge Base camp two nights. Side trips on middle day to Splendour Rock and Knights Deck for fabulous views. Some steep sections. All on track. Grade: M221 easy-medium 43kms


Exclusive trip for SBW members by World Expeditions Featuring Australian trip leader Sue Fear

Over the next three months, Im going to be giving you further information on the exciting itinerary that WE have put together for SBW in October 2005. For this month, it is all about the start of the journey…

4Oct = Arriving into Delhi on Singapore airlines SQ 408 10 Oct Trek to Railkot (5 to 6 hours) at 9.40 pm, we will be met by our local Continuing through the upper sections of the representative leader and transferred to the hotel. gorge the trail ascends gradually to a series . . . of settlements including Railkot (3100 SOct InD ethi/evening train to Kathgodam metres) and our first glimpse of the towering After your arrival briefing we will be taken ona peaks to the north defining the border sightseeing tour of new and Old Delhi before between India and Tibet boarding the overnight train to Kathgodam. 6 Oct Drive to Almora 11 Oct Trek to Martoli and onto Lwanl camp (4 to 5 Early morning drive to Almora. Rest of the day ours) : . F free to relax and wander this attractive hill resort Beyond Railkot the Milam valley widens and Overnight hotel the trail cuts across open meadows to the 9 settlement of Martoli (3430 metres). In its 7QOct Drive to Munsyari heyday until 1962 when the border with Tibet Although it is only 180 km to Munsyari the was closed, the village supported several spectacular drive through the Himalayan foothills hundred people in the summer time. Now it is will take around nine hours! Munsyari is a small practically deserted. From Martoli we gain town in a spectacular setting with uninterrupted fine views north to the towering 7000 metre views of the towering peaks of the Panchchuli peaks at the head of the Milam Glacier, we Range. Overnight hotel. also glimpse the summit of Nanda Devi East . at the head of the Lwanl gorge. It is a further 8Oct Trek to Lilam (3 hours) ae ; two hours trek onto the alpine camp at Lwanl. We commence our trek to the tiny village of Lilam Stay tuned next month for the continuing adventure as (1750 metres) located at the dramatic entrance to we head to Nanda Devi base camp! the Gori Ganga Gorge. This is a short stage to allow time to organise the porter loads. For further details and information, contact Caro Ryan 9Oct Trek to Bodgwar (5 to 6 hours) on 9909 1076 or email to: Trekking high above the churning waters of the Gori Ganga our trail leads through this remarkable gorge that defines the main axis of the Himalaya NB: The trek schedule, is a guide, and variations may before entering a mixed oak and conifer forest to occur, according to conditions, and group preference the small camping area of Bodgwar (2430 under Sues leadership. metres).

[Page 18

The Sydney Bushwalker

March 2005


Greetings from Social Secretary, Kathy Whew ! We have had a busy month so far in March - the onset of cooler weather, more serious walking and a large agenda of social activities.

On Wednesday 9“ March we had the SBW AGM, the following weekend the Annual Get - Together at Coolana and the following Wednesday night a presentation of Africa Unveiled showing us a most informative and visually exciting introduction to walks and national parks in South Africa. Thanks to World Expeditions for a great presentation.

The February social meeting relating to a slide show of the Kimberley did not quite go as planned. We had a great crowd but the presentation was not available so instead of watching we talked - and had a drink or two. The socialising was great but I apologise for the absence of slides. Be assure that this will not happen again !

Wednesday 20th April is the date for the next scheduled social evening - SBW _ extended Christmas trips in The High Country (mainly 2004). Maurice Smith will be hosting the evening, so if you have any slides etc. you may like to have included in the presentation, please contact him ASAP. This will surely be a most

amusing and entertaining evening - (non participants will leave hoping to get onto a 2005 Christmas trip)

Please start/continue to send in your entries for the Boots and All competition and I look forward to seeing you at the Clubrooms or on a walk.

Kathy Gero

He Wasn't Especially Bright ! Porky was eighteen years old, friendly, and eager to do things right. Unfortunately, he wasn't especially bright. He had just started his first job, as a delivery boy and general 'go-fer' at a

furniture warehouse. His first task

was to go out for coffee. He walked into a nearby coffee shop carrying a large thermos. When the counterman finally noticed him, he held up the thermos.

“Is this big enough to hold six cups of coffee?” he said.

The counterman looked at the thermos, hesitated for a few seconds, then finally said, “Yeah. It looks like about six cups to me.

“Good,” Porky said. “Give me two regular, two black, and two decaf.”

Detective Training:

Three men were pulled out of detective XD training for special attention, because they were not very bright. The boss Ge). gow was interrogating them to determine if they were smart enough to become detectives. If not, they couldn't continue with

the training. Things had not gone well so far.

To test their skills in recognising a suspect, he shows the first detective a picture for five seconds and then hides it. “This is your suspect, how would you recognise him?” The first man answers, “That's easy, we'll catch him fast because he only has one eye!”

The boss says, “Well…uh…that's because the picture only shows his PROFILE.”

Slightly flustered by this ridiculous response, he flashes the picture for five seconds at the second man and asks him, “This is your suspect, how would you recognise him?”

The second man laughs, rolls his eyes and says, “Ha! He'd be too easy to catch because he only has one ear!” The boss angrily responds, “What's the matter with you two? Of course only one eye and one ear are showing because it's a picture of his PROFILE! Is that the best answer you can come up with?”

Extremely frustrated at this point, he show the picture to the third man and in a very testy voice asks, “This is your suspect, how would you recognise him?” He quickly adds, ”..think hard before giving me a stupid answer.”

The man looks at the picture intently for a moment and says, “Hmmmm… the suspect wears contact lenses.”

The boss is surprised and speechless because he really doesn't know himself if the suspect wears contacts or not. “Well that is an interesting answer… wait here a few minutes while I check this file and I'll get back to you on that.

He leaves the room and goes into his office, checks the suspect's file in his computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on his face. “Wow, I can't believe it It's true! The suspect does in fact wear contacts. Good Work! How were you able to make such an astute observation?” “That's easy,” the man replied. “He can't wear regular glasses because he only has one eye and one ear.”

Are you on the SBW Email List?

Once a month, we send out a friendly email to SBW Members and Prospectives.

The email acts as a reminder of the upcoming social event for the month. If youd like to be added to the list, simply send an email to:


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