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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of

The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc

PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland


Youth Hostels of Australia

SBW has renewed its group membership of the Youth Hostels Association. Any club member wishing to benefit from _ this membership should contact the club's Treasurer Maurice Smith for the YHA membership number to be quoted to obtain group membership benefits. Maurice's contact details are shown on page 2 of this magazine.

SBW Leaders Handbook

The SBW leaders handbook, commissioned by the committee last year, is now finished and printed and will be distributed to SBW leaders shortly. The initial 100-copy distribution will be limited to leaders who have had activities on the last four walks programs. The handbook is intended to be of general assistance to all SBW leaders including the old hands. However it is particularly aimed at the relatively new leader and the member aspiring to become a leader, as a cookbook of ideas, advice and rules gleaned from highly experienced leaders to novice walkers without experience of leading.

If you fall into the aspiring category and wish to be allocated a copy of the handbook please register with Walks Secretary Peter Love.

MAY 2003 Issue No. 822


Index and Notices

Brian Harvey

Editors Note

Cross-country ski trips

Sydney Suburban - Barbara Bruce SBW club members recognised Coolana finances and funding George Davidson


Letter from Tasmania


Brooklyn to Brooklyn Nigel Weaver Lets talk about Skinny-dipping 11. The Dingledei Hut still going Strom.

13. The Walks Page Barry Wallace

14. New Zealand walking

14. Social Notes Heike Krausse

17. Let's talk about food - Heike Krausse 17. Cinch Creek ~ Peter Love

ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Wilderness Transit 6 Willis's Walkabouts 7 Eastwood Camping 12 Paddy Pallin Back cover

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

[Page 2

The Sydney Bushwalker May 2003 |

The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

Our Club was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities.

The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.

Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks.

Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate.

Our meetings are held every third Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kimibilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirnbilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729

SBW Website Office Bearers

President: Rosemary MacDougal

Vice-President: Wilf Hilder

Public Officer: Maurice Smith

Treasurer: Maurice Smith

Secretary: – vacant –

Walks Secretary: Peter Love

Social Secretary Caro Ryan

Membership Secretary Pam Morison New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse

Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member:

Barry Wallace Pam Irving

Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway Wilf Hilder

Contact The Committee:

Members are welcome to contact the following officers with questions on Club management and other matters.

President : Rosemary MacDougal 9428 5668 (h) Treasurer: Maurice Smith

9878 2958 (h) or Members Secretary: Pam Morrison

0418 463 923 or at

Vice President: Wilf Hilder

9587 8912

New Members Secretary: Heike Krausse

For prospective membership enquiries phone 9998 0587 and leave a message

About this months magazine Apology

There has been a lively response to The Caro Ryan letter published in last months magazine. As the subject material is obviously of great interest to many SBW members I feel that all incoming correspondence should be published without delay. Therefore all letters pertaining can be found on pages 9 and 10.

I think there is enough meat in this one to keep us going for a few months at least so whatever your mind-set, if you have something to say about it get pen to paper. Lets keep it stoked up. Additionally there has been a healthy input of trip stories and as I believe that trip stories also should be given priority I have made sure these are included in this issue

Regrettably the end result is that because of limitations of size, some other contributions could not be printed this month.

To all of those who didnt make it into print, my apologies and my thankyou.

Your acting editor

George Mawer.


Members of SBW may remember that Brian turned 90 on March 15th 2002. Unfortunately Brian spent his 91st birthday in Peninsula Hospital, Harbord and died on 29th March 2003. We all send Jean, his wife of nearly 61 years, his daughter Sarah and grand-daughters Kerry and Lucy, our sincere condolences. Christine Austin

Contact The Editor: Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by email addressed to The Editor Telephone: 9484 6636 Email: Fax: 9980 5476 (phone 9484 6636 first) [Page 3

The Sydney Bushwalker April 2001


Your official editor Bill Holland is off walking in South America for a few weeks and Im filling in just for this issue. Some of you may remember me as magazine editor for a few years back in the 90s. Actually my first year as editor was also the last year that we had both an editor and a magazine producer. The real magazine producer was Kath Brown who was officially Club Typist.

Kath was the last independent magazine producer and I think that although I was officially the editor, I was really just a rubber stamp, as Kath brooked no

interference with what she wanted to do.

At that time the magazine was simply typed up by Kath on A4 paper for delivery to our printers, at that time Stan Madden and his helpers. There was a lot of cut and paste where bits and pieces of text were physically cut from letters received from contributors, or from magazine and newspaper articles, and actually pasted onto an appropriate page. This worked quite well, particularly for the drawings and sketches, which often accompanied articles. My thanks to all who contributed during those years.

When Kath retired I took on the job of editor-cum-producer and prepared the magazine on my home PC with Word 6 running on Windows 3.1. And I liked doing it as it enabled

Supplementary Walks Program

me to develop my PC skills a little and it was both interesting and satisfying.

For this issue Bill Holland gave me a CD containing the fully formatted and partly prepared May magazine and when I loaded it into my PC I realised just how far we have come from the mid 90s, and Bills splendid work to make the monthly production of the magazine relatively easy. Ail Ive had to do has been to load Bills 18 page template and just fill in the empty spaces with copy received by E-mail.

It should be just as easy for the next editor to take over from Bill and develop the magazine even further.

George Mawer

Cross-Country Ski Trips

Cross-country ski trips no longer appear on the SBWs walks programme because the SBW can not obtain insurance for this activity. Those wanting to experience the breathtaking beauty and exhilaration of the snow country in winter can still do so by joining the NSW Nordic Ski Club. This club provides all types of cross-country ski trips, ranging from easy day trips to harder extended trips to resort telemarking to participation in citizen racing. It also stages several instructional days particularly suited to beginner and novice skiers. Its activities are covered by insurance.

SBW members wanting to obtain more information on discovering the delights of cross- country skiing should visit the clubs website at or speak to Kenn Clacher on 9954 9708.

Date Walk Leader Original Walk Q - Blue Mountains NP Wentworth Falls Lillians Bridge Gladstone Pass Sunday | Lindeman Pass Federal Pass Golden Stairs. Ian Thorpe Peter Love 8/06/03 | Slippery down Gladstone Pass, all on tracks, but some rough 9922 4742 29/3 parts. Car shuffle. 400mv&T Medium QUALIFYING 20 km Blue Mountains NP Kings Tableland (Wentworth Falls) - Kedumba Pass - Mt Solitary - Golden Stairs: Sunday | Two steep descents & two steep ascents, river crossing Malcolm Peter Love 18/5/03 | (possible wet feet), up & over a mountain and some rock Thornton 30/3 scrambling/mild exposure off Mt Solitary. 0408 975 314 Car shuffle. Medium/Hard 23 km

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

[Page 4

The Sydney Bushwalker April 2001

GOOD FRIDAY WAS BLESSED Barbara Bruce Lewisham - Callan Park - Balmain

Leader. Jan Rannard. Participants: Glad Rannard, Jenny Paton, Greta James, Ron Griffin, Wilf Hilder, Gretel Woodward, Patrick James, Rod Dyson, Don Brooks, David Peet, Frances and George Bertrand, Belinda McKenzie, Colin Rannard and the author.

We all woke to the fall of heavy rain, so we wondered how wet we would get. Although it did rain during the walk and we occasionally resorted to our umbrellas (you can tell it was a “suburban” rather than a “bush” walk) it never really mattered.

Ian led us from Lewisham station across Parramatta Road and a few k's along the Hawthorne Canal, whose banks featured a variety of scenery from close bushy banks hiding railway tracks above to wide grassy flats and tennis courts en route to its outlet at Iron Cove. From here we followed the Bay Run along the foreshores to Callan Park (Rozelle Hospital) where we stopped to investigate some of the buildings. The site is actually much larger and therefore even more impressive than I had anticipated. Ian had spent an interesting year at Callan Park as a psychiatric nurse in 1969 and had also more recently participated in some orienteering events there, so he produced some piquant descriptions during our tour. Much of the grounds were in the style of the Royal Botanic Gardens but now unfortunately are in a state of neglect. We admired the old Georgian and Gothic buildings and Garry Owen House - currently The Writers Centre - and were aghast at the lack of architectural sensitivity of later additions.

Exiting the hospital grounds we stepped into residential Balmain and spent the next 3-4 hours ogling the contrasting architectural styles in this old-new suburb. We did try to stop for lunch under the protection of the rotunda in Elkington Park, but with a child's birthday party obviously in progress we chose instead a delightful spot Just past the Dawn Fraser Pool.

At various points during the day Ian read us bits of history, which added to the charm of the experience.

Our ramble finished by visiting some of Sydney's very early residences in Little Edward

and Edward Streets and passing the building once called home by Sir Henry Parkes and then other local politicians, finally retuming to the city by ferry from Darling Street Wharf. 0

A Frogment

Kapoing! kapoing ! he wnt across his rocky world 100 kapoings wide and long. To him he was crossing Siberia, not just the rock = platform above the foaming cascades of Dharawal Creek.

Greeny grey and _ perfectly formed he would fit on your thumbnail. Of course he did not permit such

liberties and at the slightest movement off he would go kapoing ,kapoing .

He would not win the Olympic long jump, or say “move over flying pigs” to get a gig at the Royal Easter Show, but could leap ten times his own body length from a standing start and that is no mean feat.

Some would say he was insignificant and pass him by without a glance, but he was part of the overall mosaicthat madethe Upper Kangaroo Valley a delightful place on a sunny autumn day.

It is not always the sweeping and the grand that captures the imagination Ron Watters Carrington Falls - Kangaroo River Gorge circuit walk 13/4/2003 0


“SBW club members recognised Club members who scanned the recent list of Centenary Medal recipients, looking for their own name, would have recognised some familiar names. Amongst the recipients were Club members Alex Colley and John Noble and of Nancy Pallin, wife of club member Robert Pallin. Another well known recipient, Keith Muir of the Colong Foundation, was an associate of Alex Colley in their successful campaign to have the Blue Mountains National Park given World Heritage listing. Everyone is familiar with Alex's contributions to conservation and now Christine Austin has written an article detailing the conservation, scientific and community work of John Noble and Nancy Pallin. The club's congratulations are extended to all concerned and thanks are extended to you for your past and future efforts. 0

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. [ The Sydney Bushwalker

May 2003 Page 5

Coolana Finances

Action Is Needed: Maurice Smith

Club members will be aware that the club owns the lovely property Coolana in the Kangaroo Valley. Hopefully you will have used its lovely campsite.

The details of how the club came to purchase it in 1969 (long before I joined the club) are set out in the September 1999 Coolana Report. One of the prime movers for acquiring the property was our legendary member, Dot Butler, the barefoot bushwalker, a club member since the early 1930s.

Dot published in our January 1983 magazine an article about Coolana finances. In that article Dot tells how she set up the Coolana Fund for the purpose of ensuring that the interest earned on its investments would be sufficient to cover the cost of council rates. As Dot put in the 1983 article:

So the Coolana Committee was set up in 1970 with myself as Convenor. Our job was to look after the land, and I made a secret resolve to raise sufficient funds to pay the rates without calling on subscriptions so that no one could say the property was a drain on Club funds and we should get rid of it.

Later in this article Dot recounts how in 1975 she set up a Fund to generate interest to be used to pay the council rates.

Im happy to report that for many years Dots objective was achieved. See the 1999 Coolana Report for a schedule of how this was achieved. The investments held for this purpose are specifically identified in the clubs accounts. At December 2002 the balance of the Coolana fund stood at $21,643.

In the last few years the income of the Coolana Fund has been overwhelmed by the cost of Council rates and other ownership costs. For example, in calendar year 2002 income received from Coolana investments was $981 and we received $139 in other income / donations for Coolana, for a total income of $1,120. On the other side of the ledger we incurred $2,053 in expenses in relation to Coolana, of which $1,154 is Council rates. So the bottom line for the Coolana Fund in 2002 was a $932 loss.

The 2003 preliminary budget indicates that the position of expenses being greater than income will continue. In fact I would go so far as to suggest that this position will continue for the foreseeable future for the following reasons:

(a) low interest rates achieved on the Coolana Fund investments, in line with

generally low interest rates applying in the Australian economy

(b) increases in council rates paid on Coolana

© on-going costs associated with managing the rehabilitation of the land, including our involvement with the Coolana Landcare group.

So where to from here? Dots objective of ensuring that income from the Coolana Fund covers the cost of owning Coolana is no longer being met. In my view that situation is likely to continue unless we take prompt remedial action.

I now pass over to Don Finch, who is the 2002 Convenor of the Coolana Committee. By way of introduction Don is an Honorary Active member of club, having been gonged in 1964. Don held the position of President when we acquired Coolana in 1969. 0

Maurice Smith

SBW Should Fund Coolana Don Finch

In 1969 The Sydney Bush Walkers purchased Coolana and is still the owner. As the owner, The Sydney Bush Walkers is responsible for the costs of owning Coolana.

The Coolana Fund, set up by Dot Butler with contributions from a small number of people was her own idea to cover the costs of the rates. However, the interest earned on the fund over the years has also been used to pay maintenance and other costs as well.

The general membership of SBW has not had to pay anything towards the upkeep of Coolana so far. The deficit of 2001 and 2002 has been taken out of the principal of the Coolana Fund. The result is a decrease in the Coolana Fund from $23,291 as at 31 Dec 2000 to $21,563 as at 31 Dec 2002.

Although it has not been written down I am sure that the people who donated to the Coolana Fund did so with the intention of providing a fund in perpetuity, a fund to offset the costs of Coolana not a fund to be solely responsible for the costs of Coolana.

It may be that we require a motion that reflects the onginal purpose of the fund, stipulating that the principal of the Coolana Fund never be touched, that surplus interest in a particular year be added to the fund and that there be no accrual of costs against the Coolana Fund from one year to the next. In other words that The Sydney Bush Walkers pay for rates, upkeep, improvements and conservation work of Coolana with the Coolana Fund interest used to offset the costs.

The Management Committee would allocate an annual budget to the Coolana Committee for [rage

The Sydney Bushwalker May 2003

maintenance and conservation, thus giving the Treasurer better control over costs.

It is probable that membership fees will need to rise to cover the additional cost and recoup the deficit of the last two years. An increase in annual fees of approximately 2 dollars would be sufficient to bring the Fund and costs into balance. To put some perspective on this National Park day-use car entry fees for most parks is 6 dollars with an annual single park use fee of 20 dollars.

Don Finch. 0

An Appeal For More Funds - For Coolana Dot Butler, and others, started the Coolana Fund over thirty years ago when Council rates were much lower than they are today.

It would be great if we could add to these funds to ensure that Coolana does not become a burden to the Club. Your donation to The Coolana Fund would be welcome and used for the purpose for which it was donated.

Views and Memories of George Davidson,

Surveyor of Coolana - 1970s

Ive been looking through the SBW monthly magazine 1969-1970 to pick up all references to Coolana. e.g. “1970 October meeting - Dorothy Butler reported having had a Surveyor down at Coolana who located the correct boundaries.”

Coincidentally George Davidson, his daughter Jane Gray and myself all lived within 100 metres of each other in the 60s to 80”s. Jane Gray was very happy to write about her experiences at Coolana when George first put up his theodolite. He was 81 at the time.

Jane Gray has presented the original survey to the Club and also a photo of the ceremony of naming the George and Mary Davidson tree.

I would like to hear from others who would like to contribute their memories of George's surveying activities.

Shirley Dean O


Everest Event May 29

Hi Guys,

Just spreading the word. SBW member Trevor Kloeden is currently on his way up the worlds highest mountain to partake in the festivities in Nepal and hopefully we will see his photographic documentary on his return.

I received this note through our Website and I am passing it on for those who may be interested.

Tony Manes. SBW New Members Team 0

Navigation Tip

Take the second creek to the left.

If you miss it take the one before. Courtesy. The London Rockhoppers Ray Hookway.



f Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station ' Via Penrith, Katoorabe & Blackheath for

i Kanangra Wallis Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am : Returns 4om Mon, Wed, Frid.

: Via Starights, Mittagong & Maruian for gWog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am ; Retums 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun.

g Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each monih, returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 8) Groun booking discounts of charter service The Sydney Bushwalker

May 2003 Page 7

Letter from Tasmania:

Dear Sydney Bushwalkers

I am writing to you on behalf of the Tasmania National Parks Association to invite your participation in the 'Save Maria Island' weekend scheduled for the 24th and 25th May.

The weekend aims to raise awareness of the proposed development of Darlington, Maria Island National Park, into a five star resort and conference centre, and provide a focus for opposition to the development.

Sunday 25th of May will include historical tours of Darlington, local arts and craft displays, wine-tasting by local vineyards, schools participation, the world premiere of Richard Davey's play Interviews with Peron, and live music (including Tasmanian folk music). We are also inviting past residents of Maria Island and their descendants to participate.

The TNPA is a non-profit organisation with no political affiliations committed to protecting the values of Tasmania's National Parks. One of our principal platforms is that there should be no development inside National Park boundaries.

We are particularly keen to help protect the Darlington buildings from inappropriate (well, any) development. I'm not sure many people realise that Maria Island has played its part in events of national and international significance. AThe suggestion that convict-built buildings dating from the 1820s-40s (including William

Smith O'Brien's cottage) be turned into resort accommodation is frankly obscene.

Furthermore, Maria Island has sites of importance to the Tasmanian aboriginal community which may be threatened if the park is opened up to private development.

We are keen for Maria Island National Park to be protected, and would love the involvement of the Sydney Bushwalkers at any level. I realise you are a long way away, but I am sure many of your members must have enjoyed walks in Tasmania's National Parks - or will one day!

There is cheap accommodation on the island (penitentiary accommodation provides bunks for

six for $22; also a campground at $8 per site; bookings essential 0362571429), BBQ facilities and lots of good walks.

If attendance is impossible, letters of support will be welcomed and displayed on the day. There will be a significant media presence. We can also send flyers and protest postcards for distribution if you are interested.

Even though we are the TASMANIAN National Parks Association, we consider ourselves committed to protecting the values of the National Parks in Tasmania for ALL Australians!

Do let me know if you would be interested in participating or attending, or if you know of anyone else who might like to attend.

Regards Lana Karen 0

The Charnley is one of ) the most spectacular and least accessible rivers in the Kimberley. The lower section goes through about 30 km

of continuous gorge.

The Charnley River and the Munja Explorer

Dozens of Aboriginal art sites show that this has been a special place for thousands of years. With so many interesting side creeks to expiore, our Charnley Explorer includes a number of day walks where we dont carry fulf packs.

To get to the Charnley we drive about 200 km aleng the Munja track, There is an incredible wealth of walks alang the track: waterfalls, pools and art sites galare. On our Munja Explorer, we will do two of these, ane.near Bachsten Falls and one north of the Pearson River.

Both the Charnley and Munja trips offer a wealth of wonderful scenery. By running twa trips back to back and using the airstrip, we give you the chance to explore the are2 without having to do two jong drives. Want more info? Log onto our website, click onto the Kimberley tour list and click ihe photo gallery link below the trip. No web access? Ask for the trip notes.

{ www. ]

_Williss Walkabouts 12 Carrington St Millner NT 0810 Email: Phone: (08) 8985 2134 Fax: (08) 8985 2355

|Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2061

Brooklyn to Brooklyn

by Nigel Weaver

This report is for the walk I led in Brisbane Water National Park on Sunday 6 April. There were 16 people on this walk, nine members and seven prospectives. The weather was fine and mild -perfect bushwalking conditions.

We met at Brooklyn, and got a water taxi to a private wharf at Alison Point which is located on the comer of the Hawkesbury River and Mullett Creek. I had previously gained permission to land at the wharf. We walked up through the bush to the heights overlooking the Hawkesbury River. There was a track for the first short section, but then we had to make our own way up through the bush, which was quite thick in some places. The views at the top were tremendous. We had a _ panoramic perspective of the lower Hawkesbury River, including Dangar Island, Brooklyn, the Hawkesbury Rail Bridge, Kuringai Chase, and the sweep of the river round past the long and high cliff lines behind Little Wobby

After a break, we headed eastwards along the cliff tops towards Rocky Ponds. The going was slow as we were off-track, and the bush was thick in many places. However the sporadic views from the heights were wonderful compensation. Near Rocky Ponds we came across a track near the cliff line, and we found a great lunch spot on a rocky ledge right above the river. After lunch we followed the track down to the waterfall at Rocky Ponds, where we found another bushwalking group having lunch. After chatting with them, we followed the track along the creek up to the central area of Rocky Ponds, where the main north-south track crosses the creek. We headed southwards along the track, getting onto Patonga Ridge, and eventually coming out on the cliff tops above Little Wobby. We stopped at a suitable spot

where there were more great views over the river and its surrounds.

I noticed that the track was becoming faint, and eventually we lost the track altogether. We did some spooring, and found another faint track that took us down the northern side of the small gully which runs sharply uphill from the southern end of Little Wobby .We got to the bottom, and walked along the shoreline to the public wharf, from where we took the ferry back to Brooklyn. It was a great day's walking, full of glorious views from the heights.

At Little Wobby, the National Fitness Camp is no longer in use, and the building has been bulldozed. This is the explanation as to why the tracks in the Patonga Ridge area have become faint, because of a big drop in their usage. This is an unfortunate situation, as the tracks look set to disappear altogether. The key point for bushwalking in the area is that the leader of walks now needs to be a good navigator. Very soon the reality is that walking conditions in the Patonga Ridge area will be off-track. Note that this is a curious situation, as this is a section of the Great North Walk, which is described and promoted in various bushwalking books and pamphlets! People relying on those documents will be in for a shock when they get there, as the walk descriptions will soon be impossible to follow, if that's not the case already. More's the pity, as it's the best section of the Great North Walk, with all those wonderful views from the cliff tops -some of the finest bushwalking scenery in the state.

Nigel Weaver . 0

Maps: Cowan and Broken Bay.

I didnt know what spooring meant so looked it up. *Spooring* To track (an animal) by following its spoor or to engage

in such tracking.

An excellent report thankyou Nigel. Ed

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The Sydney Bushwalker

May 2003 Page 9


Almost forty years ago I went on my first bushwalk in Australia from Lilyvale to Burning Palms with the Catholic Bushwalking Club. I asked my friend Anne beforehand if it was permissible to wear a two-piece costume. Oh no, she said, not with mixed bathing you will need to wear a one-piece swimming costume. [I willingly complied as I was extremely modest at the time and the Church had taught me to be ashamed of my body and not allow anyone to see it, except, one day my husband. I had been so cleverly brainwashed that I even wore a one-piece cossie in the shower on my honeymoon.

In the late seventies I felt so liberated the first time I felt brave enough to swim in my birthday suit it was very dark at the time and really, looking back, I did not have a body that needed hiding, but I was not ready for the full Monty then. By the time I joined SBW in 1990 I had cast off my former fears of exposing all and was no longer repressed by man-made laws intended to control me.

I not only revelled in the freedom of swimming unhindered by clothing but I was so impressed by the way young and older people accepted their bodies and each other. No-one stared at the perfection of the young or cringed at the wrinkles of the old it was so refreshing to be amongst such caring and uninhibited people. I felt privileged to be part of such a warm welcoming group all enjoying the natural environment. Even when I was embarrassed by a large vertical scar on my abdomen I -was reassured that it should not stop my swimming enjoyment and I wasnt made to feel like carved Juicy chicken.

Is all this to change in return for the membership the Club craves a crowd of young, prudish, walkers? What are they afraid of? Will they be robbed of the opportunity to air yet another piece of expensive gear? Will they carry their banners to Bondi Beach demanding that the scantily clad folk sunbathe around the corner? Would they like us to wear a chador (Gore-Tex of course) lest our curves be visible through our costumes?

Skinny dipping is NOT compulsory and if you dont want to see naked people - dont look. Equally, club members should never feel compelled to bare all. Many members choose to wear swimwear or underwear and that is acceptable too. All members should be aware that coercion of any kind is unacceptable.

In a world full of rules and regulations and repressive regimes a naked swim in the wilderness is so refreshing. Long may we swim unhindered, with approbation, and pride. Maureen Carter 0

Dear Editor,

Only after I read Caro's letter a couple of times did I realise that it was a belated April 1 joke. It says a lot for the Club, and indicates that literary calibre of its members, when we have people who can take an old chestnut like skinny dipping and by a bit of imaginative word- smithing make it look like an issue of critical debate.

Patrick James. 0

Dear Editor,

I commend Caro's commitment to the longevity of the Club by bringing into the open a subject which she is aware may not be well received by some members. I, too, have been told by prospectives that the nude bathing aspect of SBW makes them uncomfortable. |Page 10

The Sydney Bushwalker May 2003 |

When I joined the Club nearly ten years ago, most of the group on my first walk got their gear off and had a swim. This did not particularly bother me, but I swam in my underwear as I] am not comfortable being nude in the company of strangers. If my choice had been accepted and not commented on, I would have been okay with it. However, several people made comments to me along the lines that I should join in and one older member was close to hostile about my rejection of what he apparently saw as almost an obligation. Reading the Club magazine from afar as I do, I gather there has been some discussion about the

fact that for the sake of the continuation of the .

Club more younger members are needed. If they are being put off by the in your face nude swimming then maybe it is time to give this some serious thought. I agree with Caro that it could well just be a case of people being a bit more thoughtful about how they do it, not if they do it.

Cathryn Ollif, Armidale. 0

Letter to the Editor

As expected Caros article whether to wear swimwear or not on bushwalks has been a lively topic of discussion on some of the walks I have been on recently.

I have been a member of the club for many years and when I first started walking with the club I was definitely in the minority for wearing a swimming costume. I can really only think of a few females that were wearing swimwear other than myself. It is not only the new members coming to the club but some of the long term existing members that have a preference for wearing swimwear.

WHI & herwen here anon?

it's really happening tw ihe 15.4.

I know it comes down to an individuals personal preference as to what they wish to do but I have found a change in trend over the past few years where more people are choosing to wear costumes. I know of some members who prefer to swim naked but bring their costumes in case they feel any of the group they are walking with may feel uncomfortable.

Caro isnt suggesting that people shouldnt swim without costumes only that some consideration be given to anyone that may feel uncomfortable with other peoples natural state, and that perhaps some discretion would be appreciated when changing clothes and entering the water not that people should be swimming separately.

I found Caros suggestions no different from a leader ensuring that everyone on their walk is comfortable with either the pace, the terrain or any other aspect of the walk they are on. It is just too easy to say if people dont like it join another club. Can we really afford to be turing people away from the club when it is within ourselves to make everyone feel comfortable and happy with their new club.

Surely SBW has a big enough heart to accept the differences in people.

Gail Crichton

The Barry Wallace Meeting Reports

I was quite dismayed to leam that we are to lose the Barry Wallace Meeting Notes. For as long as Ive been a member of this club Barrys notes have always been a good read and mostly the first page I tum to when I get my magazine. Ever entertaining and unerringly accurate and presented in Barrys unique succinct style.

Im sure Barry that every member of SBW will join me in expressing a big thankyou for your efforts over the years. Thankyou.

George Mawer. The Sydney Bushwalker

May 2003 Page 11

The Dingledei Hut still going Strom. Many bushwalkers and members of related clubs

would realise the importance of this hut. It played a significant vital role in introducing thousands of prospective bushwalkers and outdoor enthusiasts into the natural history and conservation world. With the foresight of the late Allan Strom, a founder member of the Caloola Club, some of his Balmain Teachers College students,(including natural history writer Allan Fox), and others, this hut was built between 1951-52. Bill Dingledei played an integral part in the transportation of members on trips throughout NSW.

Located on a bench of the Illawarra escarpment just south of MacQuarie Pass National Park, the surrounding rain-forested slopes were a_ living classroom for many, whilst the access track from the top descending Caloola Pass was probably the most dramatic, exciting entrance to a classroom that any students ever laid eyes on.

The Caloola Club was absorbed into the NPA in 1959-60 and hut maintenance became the responsibility of the NPA.

The log cabin style hut commonly called the Ding Hut, nestling between two enormous sandstone boulders, is still there in serviceable condition. The Caloola Pass track was relocated recently and is in remarkably good condition. Approaches to both are on private property.

I was hut manager between 1966 and 1968 and had the chance to remove the historic, engraved brass plaque from the hut door just before the hut passed into private ownership. Complete with bullet holes, the plaque has been lost, found, lost and re-found. A Visit to the hut in March 2003 revealed the same wooden door with bullet and screw holes to match ! The passing of Beryl last year, being the last link of the Strommies, and the 50 year anniversary being upon us, it is now appropmnate to celebrate those wonderful years of achievement.

With the re-discovery of the hut, the Caloola Pass track, the long lost plaque, and the 50 years anniversary of Allan Stroms vision, we have all the ingredients for an memorable Dingledei Hut reunion proposed for Spring 2003

As Southern Highlands NPA Branch Walks Convenor. I would be pleased to receive your written or phone memories, photographs, sketch maps (I recall seeing a Dingledei Nature Trail Map) or any related memorabilia to contribute to a pamphlet to mark this occasion. Material received will be copied and originals retuned.

Watch out for more details over the next few months in your club magazines and of course, the NPA Journal.

In the meantime please send your material promptly to Len Hainke, 1-10 Exeter Road, Sutton Forest 2577. Ph/Fax 02 4869 1040. Email

Mid - Week Walking Group: There is a group of members with time available to participate in midweek activities. If you have time during the week or can take leave from work please join us. A regular newsletter provides details of short notice activities and the Walks Programs gives details of scheduled mid-week walks.

21* - 25“ July: Four Day Cottage Stay at Banksia Point near Armidale. Just imagine the cold nights in front of a roaring log fire, day walks in the New England rain forest and great views from a delightful cottage for approx $8.night. Contact Paul Mc Cann phone: 6772 6156 0


The issue of Kosiuszko management is simple. Should the park be managed as a park or as a resort? If managed as a park the aim is the preservation of the natural environment. If managed as a resort the aim is to maximise facilities for the attraction of visitors.

In 1980 the Colong Committee adopted a policy, inspired by Milo Dunphy, for management as a park. Its main features were:

Mechanical transport should be restricted to existing surfaced and maintained roads (this was before the ski tube).

Private vehicles should be parked below the summit area, preferably outside the park.

No additional overnight accommodation should be authorised within the park and no renewal of leases.

Proposals for shops, conference facilities, masseur facilities and other resort attractions should be vetoed

Existing huts should be retained provided that vehicular access is disallowed.

Commercial interests are now too extensive for this policy to be practical, but at least further development could be opposed. Until recently these matters would have been debated in Club meetings, but now that members havent enough interest in Club affairs to attend meetings, this will not be. Club policy will therefore be determined by the Committee, but I hope that it least opposes further development within the Park.

Alex Colley 0 | Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- Iking or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy- Why? Because \you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.

The Mont Moto-Active adjustable har- ness system is deceptively simple, fast to adjust and easy to fit. Available in three sizes and featuring inter- changeable harness compo- nents, a truly best fit is possible, and best fit means a truly comfortable



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We use Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly to the allumin- ium frame-stays for direct Joad transfer. Only highest quality Durafiex buckdes. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame stays.

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| The Sydney Bushwalker

May 2003 Page 13


By Barry Wallace

Walks notes for the period 13 Mar. 03 to 9 Apr. 03.

There was a day walk, Sydney Spiderweb No. 7, led by Wilf Hilder, programmed for Thursday 13” March but no report seems to have been received for this trip.

The weekend that followed saw the club reunion and four day walks. Zol Bodlay had to cancel his Marra Marra National Park walk on the Saturday due to closure of the area but Anne Maguire led a party of 13 on her walk out to Mount Solitary from the Golden Stairs the same day. Conditions were humid for most of the day with some rain over the last 90 minutes to cool the ascent of the Golden Stairs. Apart from a turned ankle and a few leech bites all enjoyed the day. Nigel Weaver reported a party of 7 on his Sunday walk down to Burning Palms from Otford and return in good weather. Ron Watters led a walk to Mount Jellore and the Nattai River with a party of 9 the same day. Conditions were generally sunny with a couple of showers of rain and quite a bit of wildlife.

David Trinder had a party of 6 on his trip out to the Christys Creek/Kowmung River junction from Kanangra Walls over the weekend of 22, 23 March. The weekend was described as good with the only rain falling while the party was in camp. Slippery rocks in the creek beds were a feature and at least one member had a fall though it is unclear whether this was in the creek or not. Michael Bickley led a party of 10 on his combination walk and boating afternoon in Kuringai Chase on the Saturday. This trip was distinguished by having a 90% prospective content and must deserve a tick of approval for this feature alone; though Michael, I note, is not prone to hyperbole or embellishment in his walks reports. Of the Sunday walks that weekend Patrick James led a party of 7 on his visit to a dam and weirs around Parramatta. Weather conditions were overcast and just the way Goldilocks prefers her porridge. Apart from one creek crossing two paces

wide (choose your foot carefully) the trip was easy, and they appear to recommend the coffee and coffee booth amenities of the Childrens Hospital at Westmead. Craig Austins trip to the Western Arthurs in Wollemi National Park the same day was somewhat different for the party of 11 who turned out for the event. The weather was still in Goldilocks territory, but the going was decidedly rough for much of the way, with at least one threat of overnighting when the way out of a narrow canyon on Dumbano Creek was not apparent for some while. We are assured in a footnote from Christine that they did reach the Western Arthurs. Peter Kaye had a walk from Pierces Pass to Evans Lookout that day but no report seems to be available.

There were only day walks programmed for the weekend of 29, 30 March, though two of these were joined end to end to form a sort of overnight experience. This was Peter Loves trip in the Blue Mountains National Park, involving two stages of the Jamison Valley Circuit and camping overnight in the YHA hostel at Katoomba. Stage 1 on the Saturday went from Wentworth Falls to the Golden Stairs with a party of 15. Maurice Smith appears to have executed a manoeuvre which, although familiar enough in the X-C skiing fraternity, must have seemed oddly out of place on this occasion; a face plant. He recovered well and completed the walk. The Sunday stage had 9 starters and covered the section from Kedumba Pass to the Golden Stairs. Jim Percy led a party of 10 on his Saturday trip from Faulconbridge to Woodford with some early rain clearing to sunny conditions by lunch-time. There was also a walk on the Sunday in the Thirlmere Lakes area under the leadership on David Trinder. The party of 10 spent most of the time on fire trails with a pleasant lunch beside Little Creek.

At this point the supply of walks reports dries up completely. Provided they are received these few walks will be covered as part of next months notes. |Page 14

The Sydney Bushwalker May 2003

New Zealand Walking

New Zealand is a wonderland for walkers. It is two hours flying time from Sydney. The exchange rate is favourable. The Kiwis speak a similar language so communication is not a serious problem. And tramping, bushing walking to us, is a major part of the tourist industry, particularly in the South Island.

Being a major part of the tourist industry means all sorts of things, there is a government department, DOC, looking after things. Often transport is available to and from a walk. A hut system is in place providing beds, toilets and sometimes stoves. The tracks are usually well marked and maintained.

I am considering arranging a walking holiday in Arthurs Pass National Park, it is a couple of hours drive from Christchurch. As the leader I get to decide when the trip goes, how long it goes for, how many in the party, who goes, how far and fast we walk, what types of walks we do, the list of things I get to decide goes on and on. Navigation may or may not be an issue. It depends on what walks I decide to undertake. However planning, organisation and communication is essential.

Leading a New Zealand walk could be easier than you think. How does this sound.

Expression of Interest Two Weeks Holiday SBW New Zealand - Parents and Teenagers walk Summer school holidays 2003 / 2004. Milford, Routeburn and the Rees Dart Tracks. The Milford and Routeburn have flush toilets and stoves in the huts and a booking system to ensure there is no overcrowding.

Staying in Queenstown YHA (approx. $25/P/night) SBW is a member of YHA

communication. The rewards, well, you'll find out when you lead a walk.

You can ask for expression of interest in the magazine or the walks programme. Now is the time to be planning a walk in the 2003 / 2004 summer school holidays.

Good luck

Peter Love SBW Walks Secretary


Hi Everyone,

Isnt it just great to feel the chill in the air at night these days? It can only mean that Winter is just a heartbeat away! Its the perfect time of the year to snuggle down in a bean-bag, kick back and enjoy the amazing film, The Edge on Wednesday 21 May at the Clubrooms.

Maybe its been a while since youve seen it in IMAX at Katoomba, or youve never seen it before, either way, this is a perfect opportunity to marvel at the great scenery of the Blue Mountains and Wollemi National Parks and hear about the discovery of the famous Wollemi Pine. Well be projecting it onto the screen and providing popcom and some beanbags for those lucky enough to grab them! Why not BYO your own beanbag or Thermarest seat??

The Winter Social program is jam packed with wonderful new activities such as the first of our Wine & Walks evenings (aka Plonk n Plod), a cooking demo with a difference and indoor rockclimbing.

See you out there! 0

The navigation skills to lead these walks are similar to what is required to find your way around Canberra using a street directory. Its not as easy as you might think, but it is not that hard either.

Now Im not really interested in leading this walk, Im more interested in leading a small party of fit, experienced people in Arthurs Pass NP outside school holidays when the tracks are less crowded.

However if you would be interested in this, or any other type of walk, become a leader. It requires vision, planning, organisation and

Weekend Walking Gear for Hire

The club now has a small pool of weekend walking equipment available for hire. The rates for weekly hire are:

Weekend pack: $15

Sleeping bag: $15

(For hygiene reasons you must provide and use your own sleeping bag liner)

Sleeping mat: $5

Ground sheet: $2

Tent: $20

Complete kit $50

Equivalent refundable deposit required. Contact: Geoff McIntosh 9419 4619

The Sydney Bushwalker

May 2003 Page 15


I have been visiting Coolana ever since | joined SBW and over the years have noticed the changes that have occurred in the attitude and approach to maintaining the property for all the members. This function has now become very important, because of the changes to society and the artificial lifestyle a number of members have to endure, having a place like Coolana to be able to relax, swim in a beautiful river, have a reality check and enjoy natural surroundings which are disappearing fast within a few hours drive from Sydney. All this and more is free to all members if they wish to take advantage of the clubs most prized asset.

Well, almost free, there is a small price to pay and that is the ability of the club members to maintain Coolana for future club members and their families. The problem has been looming for some considerable time and steps are now being taken to try and address this. The steps taken were for the club to contact the bush regenerator co-co-ordinator for Shoalhaven Council, Eric Zarrella, arrange for the club to form a Landcare Group, join the Milton Landcare Nursery who will be supplying us with planting stock suitable for the Kangaroo Valley area and in the foreseeable future will be supplying us with stock from seed collected at Coolana. The next step may be for us to join the Kangaroo Valley Environment group who may be able to assist us with information on matter, which may effect our very valuable property. Having taken two of these steps the benefits have already started. Eric Zarrella is assisting us to prepare an application for funds to assist us with the expenses, which will occur when we are ready to plant the tree cover, which we would like to see at Coolana.

The Milton Landcare Nursery people (Malcolm and Carolyne) have access to Green Core Trainees which we may be able to access in the future after we have drawn up a suitable plan for the best layout of the property taking into account the most important factors with regard to the river flats, camping sites, shade trees, rain forest trees for the rain forest area, trees and grasses suitable for the bank and creek area etc.

We have already started discussions with regard to all these matters when Eric, Malcolm, Carolyne, 2 seed collectors/Green Core supervisors, Don Finch, Joan Rigby and the various club members who were at Coolana on Sunday, 16 February met and discussed ail the above issues.

Seeds were collected and a list(which is available) made of suitable trees in anticipation of our plan. 1 know from talking to some of the members that there had been some dissatisfaction with the way Coolana was being maintained, in particular the constant mowing, unnecessary burning, planting of unsuitable trees and unfortunately quite a few of us have been guilty of one or more of these offences (including myself), however some of the bad practices have ceased so any of the club members who have been dissatisfied in the past and are interested in being part of the plan for the future should contact Don Finch, E-mail

The plan can only be implemented if a few more members (particularly the older members who have enjoyed the benefits over a long period of time) could spare the odd day or two every now and again and help with the day to day maintenance which will always be with us. There has been a lot of discussions lately about “strangers” on the property. There are some of us who go down to Coolana during the week and nearly every time we have had conversations with “strangers” who have used our lovely property for years for picnicking, fishing etc. Maybe we could do some lateral thinking and invite a few more so called “strangers” such as like minded members of other bushwalking clubs, Confederation of Bushwalkers, etc. who may like to have their reunions at Coolana because Sydney Bush Walkers are in the unique position of being the only bushwalking club in Sydney to own and have access to a river frontage property for camping and camp fires etc. These activities are in a lot of cases not even available in National Parks any more, also they all have their own insurance so SBW could benefit in two ways, the property could be used a lot more making it a little harder for the uninsured “strangers” to come onto the property and the payment could be a few hours of maintenance. Two incidents in 35 years of a “stranger” coming on to the property and doing minor damage should not make us paranoid about security. Also we have lost our honorary caretaker, Gemma, (whose contribution to Coolana was invaluable). Gemma no longer goes on a regular fortnightly visit. If we do in the future take up the very generous offer of Green Core Trainees, these “strangers” will be supervised by Club members and Green Core Supervisors. What do we have to lose?

Just a few thoughts to open up the discussion.

Gretel Woodward

[Page 16

The Sydney Bushwalker May 2003

Mount Canobolas SRA Mark Patteson.

After meeting in Orange on the moming of Anzac day the group of seven walkers plus leader proceeded to Lake Canobolas for a half- day walk. After a car shuffle we walked some 4kms to the Mountain Teahouse at the base of Mt Canobolas and then a short sharp climb along a firetrail to our lunch stop. We then explored the Eastern foothills of the mountain(state forest and mostly cleared)and climbed up the track to the Pinnacle Lookout 1080 metres for a scenic view across to the mountain and back towards Orange. Then down to the Teahouse for coffee and apple pie. We then headed up the mountain to camp. Upon arrival there were several groups already there so we headed down the mountain to the Towac Picnic area below the Pinnacle where we found a very comfortable campsite.The night was very windy and cold but we had a good fire, so everyone was comfortable.

Saturday dawned fine but cool and we proceeded to the Mountain teahouse where the walk was to start and finish. We were joined by Chris Dowling who came over from Bathurst to make our group 9 today. The first section of the walk was up the main road to the mountain summit, however it was only a short distance before we joined an old four wheel drive track off the road and explored a 4km circuit which skirted numerous apple orchards and some lovely mountain gums. The odd wallaby was sighted and many beautiful mountain parrots. After a short break back near the summit road we rejoined same for another short section until we reached the Spring Glade Trail which took us up to the summit of Mt Canobolas. The vegetation changed from woodland to alpine with snowgrass and snowgums. At the summit 1395 metres above sea level it was cool and very breezy. This is the highest point in an east west straight line across Australia. The panoramic views are worth a visit. From here we made our way through the beautiful alpine mountainside down to Federal Falls. I assumed with drought conditions still gripping the area there would be no water in Boree Creek thus the Falls would be dry and this proved to be how it was. After lunch above the Falls we had to make up the 300 metres we dropped from the morning and the group were made to ear their break. We then completed a circuit of the Nature Track which included a short climb to Young Man Canobolas (1330 metres). Two of our party opted out at this

point and made their own way down the mountain. The rest of the group then made its way to what I consider the most scenic viewing point in the area Mt Towac (1380 metres). This peak is considered one of the best examples of a volcanic cone in the Central Ranges of NSW.(We had completed the three peaks in a day…yeah well!!!)

The most difficult part of the day was the firetrail down to the teahouse. It was dusty with lots of loose surface on some quite steep up and downs but we all arrived at the Teahouse tired but intact. That night Brian Holden joined us in camp for a farewell BBQ(the joys of car camping are many)and we went to sleep with the pitter patter of light rain on our tents.

For those lucky few that stayed over on Sunday a wineries tour was arranged. It was a perfect way to end the long weekend.

Thanking You,

Mark Patteson.

Extended Walks For The Long Weekends

For those of us who can organise the extra day off we have the Queens Birthday weekend. The three days offer an opportunity to extend your walking.

The SBW walks shown below are detailed in the Autumn Walks Programme. Please refer to this programme for details of leaders and contact numbers,

Kimberleys - Cockburn Range 13th June to 24th June

Exploratory walk of the Cockbum Range - located about 100 km west of Kununurra. The range comprises a plateau dissected by gorges/canyons. It is expected there will be some compulsory swimming in gorges. Fine weather anticipated and only mosquito nets required,


Contact David Rostron - 9451-7943

QUEENS BIRTHDAY WEEKEND 6“- 9” June: Gardens of Stones NP Newnes - Mt Dawson - Baal Bone Gap Spectacular views, pagodas etc. some rock scrambling and 90% off track. Leisurely pace.

6“-9” June: Kanangra Boyd Wilderness Batsh Camp - Murrain Range - Big Hellion Mt - Loombah Plateau. Starry nights and not too long days. Spectacular views. 0 The Sydney Bushwalker

May 2003 Page 17

Hello from Heike

There are many pleasures in life, one happens to be Bushwalking, another, food. Lets talk about food….

Bushwalking as SBW practices is an endurance activity, for muscles to perform for long periods of time they need fuel. The most efficient fuel for exercising energy is the group of foods we call carbohydrates, a large group that encompasses all cereals and grains, (brekky cereals, bread, rice, pasta, cakes, biccies etc) fruits, “starchy” vegetables (mainly potato, sweet potato, corn), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, baked beans~methane power!!), and milk/products (yoghurt, ice-cream, custard).

When you exercise your muscle uses blood glucose and glycogen (stores of carbos in muscle and your liver). Your glucose stores on average only last a couple of hours~so up to about morning tea time, so when the levels start to drop you do too, well… you may feel less energetic or perhaps start to feel fatigue or increasingly tired. You need a boost of carbos. (I know exactly when my levels start to drop, that 1/2-3/4 hr before lunch when I seem to constantly falling over my own feet)

You may have heard of the G.I factor or Glycaemic Index this is basically a ranking of how rapidly a carbo is absorbed into your system. If you need a quick boost you choose high GI foods, the ones that are absorbed at a faster rate. So good moming tea choices could be a honey sandwich (white bread), a “breakfast bar”, jellybeans (or sourworms!!) scone, cordial or “sports” or soft drink. (Not chocolate bars for although they taste sweet and utterly delectable the fat content slows down the absorption). You do use fats as a fuel source but they break down more slowly and cant provide the fast injection of energy if walking hard.

It is still somewhat controversial but there is a belief (being backed up by research) that having low G.I( or slowly released carbohydrate) meals the night before activity can help your endurance. Hence a meal such as that tasty Dahl recipe (For all those who have sampled, discussed and wondered recently Where is it? It is in the Anniversary edition of the Mag (pg 38), the chef being Jan Mohandas.)

Lentils have the added benefit of being a good protein source and lightweight for the overnight trips. Pasta also has a low to moderate GI and is

light so is another good choice and for breakfast prior, porridge is a good slow release carbo, wholegrain toast or muffins (the vegemite kid here), fruit or yoghurt.

All commentaries on eating for endurance sports strongly recommend fluid (water) intake must be maintained at adequate hydration levels, around 500ml per hour, this however is relative to the strenuousness of the walk.

If feeling totally stuffed (as in exhausted ) after the walk refuel with High G.I foods such as listed earlier and follow up with a dinner of rice/pasta/couple slices bread and fruit-salad and ice-cream (Chocolate~and low fat of course!!).

Please welcome on your next walk: Gisela and Nick Ramensky, Renate and Udo Handel, Alison Lyall and Roger Schwartz, Mariana Coleman, Peter Roberts, Berenice Tortensson, Ashley noble, Peter Clyne, Lisa Ochs and Richard Greenhill. 0

Walk Report

MORTON NP - Ettrema. April 24 27. 2003. Nerriga firetrail - Manning Saddle Cinch Ck Ettrema Ck - 9 Tails Ck Possibility Pt firetrail. Creeks, steep, boulders, some rock scrambling and scrub, Wonderful scenery. Area rarely visited by SBW.

Medium / Rough One steep 450m climb.

There was a big response to the walk from members, so the leader decided to split the walk and effectively have two walks. Bill Capon would like to express his thanks to Kenn Clacher, who lead the second walk in the same general area. In total there were thirteen walkers eight in one party and five in the other.

The intention of this report is to help and encourage others to walk in this area with safety. Therefore I have aimed for accuracy rather than modesty, exaggeration or flamboyance, let alone an interesting writing style. It may help to have the maps available when reading the report.

Day 0

Parked the cars at the start of the four wheel drive track off Greta Rd, which is off the Nowra to Braidwood Rd a few kms_ west of Sassafras and approx 17km east of Nerriga. (ref. NRMA map, | Page 18

The Sydney Bushwalker May 2003 |

Nerriga 471147, GPS reading on WGS84 - 473151)

I arrived to find a fire going and a party about to start. There was a little white wine and a little red wine some port and lots and lots of interesting and tasty food. Thanks Cath for coming even though you could not join us for the walk.

Day 1

Four-wheel-drives ferried people along the fire trail, thanks again Cath and Tony. We left a vehicle at the indistinct junction of two fire trails at the head of Jones Creek (Nernga 479216).

Tempting, as it may be to use two-wheel-drive vehicles along this fire trail caution should be exercised as any reasonable rain over a couple of days may see two-wheel-drive vehicles bogged in muddy sections.

However you do it, get along the fire trail past Manning Saddle to the U bend about 1.5kms from Manning Saddle, Yalwal (GPS on WGS 84 - 504284) then take a 310 bearing and head for the creek.

Cinch Creek

We got into the creek at 11:00am and made camp, 50-100m from the junction of Ettrema and Cinch creeks at about 5:10pm. That is six hours to go 3 - 4km, with only twenty minutes for lunch. Negotiation of Perryman Falls was to the true right of the creek. Considerable effort was required to find negotiable routes, often needing a climb out of the creek, then find a ndge back into the creek.

Cinch Creek was difficult and is not recommended in the wet when rocks become dangerously slippery. It is recommended that only small parties of experienced walkers, with very good route finding skills attempt this creek even in dry conditions.

Day 2

North along Ettrema Creek, which tumed out to be a real cinch after day one, to the junction of Nine Tails Creek (Yalwal 491343). It took us approx 2.5 hours to climb Nine Tails Creek. Always veering to the left and finally climbing out on the

left (true right) to scramble up a ridge to the cliff line and a wombat trail, then across the head of the creek and finally up onto the plateau. The danger in this creek was dislodged rocks falling on party members below. We had one close call and on another occasion a neat deflection, which resulted in a bruised ankle. In dry conditions a party could manage safely without leaving the creek itself.

Once on the plateau, we made our way through scrub and open, swampy meadows to a high camp on the escarpment below Majors Hill (Yalwal 496317)

Day 3

Off to Possibility Point where the magic and wonder of the Ettrema Wilderness was before us. Moving ESE along the escarpment, we could look down on Cinch Creek and Perryman Falls and contemplate our efforts on day1.

This section of the escarpment is well worth the effort to visit. It provides stunning views and a wonderful vantagepoint for discussing other walks in the area.

We continued on, finding Dog Leg Cave and the top of Pauls Pass, before heading 250m E to find the indistinct fire trail, then back to the car.

It was during the walk back along the fire trail that other possible walks were discussed and panned to various degrees. Like a three-day walk down Bullfrog, along Ettrema and up Jones Creek. This would require a car shuffle and maybe a good length of rope or tape. Or what about down Pauls Pass to the camp-site at the junction of Cinch and Ettrema then up through Puckett Pass. And what about….

Bill would like to express thanks to Tony Marshall and Wayne Steele for assistance with route finding in the difficult conditions.

It was a great trip with wonderful company and lots of fun and laughter.

Peter Love ?? We have to use with skill what simple equipment we can carry on our backs to achieve shelter,

If you really want to get the best prepare food and have a night's rest? out of what you carry with you, Paddy Pallin, 1900-1991

then move up to Black Diamond, exclusive to Paddy Pallin.

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Black Diamond Mecnlight Headtorch: Constantly frustrated with replacing your torch battery? Then the Moonlight is for you. With 4 ultra bright, energy efficient LED bulbs, it provides 70 hours of constant light.

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Black Diamond Contour Trekking Pate: Trekking poles dont just ~aceemeecncenmlreeercencomamh Boetees. 1:5 cammemneneielac improve your balance and reduce the strain on your lower limbs; they help re-distribute the load to your upper limbs as well, meaning you can keep going for ionger. The Contour, featured, is ideal for comfort over long periods of walking with an ergonomic 15 degree correction angle in the upper shaft and soft dual density hand grip. It also features a unique NEW adjustment system,

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Biack Diamond Betamid Tent: When you want to go ultra-light or you need extra storage space, the Betamid has you covered. This compact,

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Weighing in at a fraction over 1kg, it sleeps two and stands strong

against the elements. (Optional, detachable tub floor is also available.)

Store locations: Sydney: 507 Kent Street Miranda: 527 Kingsway Parramatta: 74 Macquarie Street Katoomba: 166 Katoomba Street Also in Canberra and Jindabyne Website: www_paddypailin.com_au

Mail order: 1800 805 398

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