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FEBRUARY 2002 Amongst the vast array of day packs that decorate the shelves of outdoor shops, it's difficult to pick something with the tight features, what with 101 different types of nylon, all sorts

of different canvases, airflow systems, expanding pockets and neon colours.

So it's nice to know that if your the type of person that wants simple robust functionality that reflects years of local bushwalking experience with solid locally made material ics then the BLUE MOUNTAINS TRIASSIC could Ki) be your best companion for many years to come.



ack Review by David Noble 4 Australian 1202 canvas

It good to see a pack made in the Blue Mountains for & Made in Katoomba the old traditional way use in the Blue Mountains. The Triassic features two. . . shoulder strap sizes so that the pack can be properly hip 4 40 litre capacity

loaded, sitting down comfortably in the lumbar region of & Proper hip loading with 2 shoulder Strap sizes ,} the back. This is sometimes difficult especially if you are a for walking comfort

taller person. The harness system also includes a thick : ; . F

waist belt and chest strap enabling a tight fit which is 4 Wide throat for easy loading and unloading

great when climbing over rocks. A Buckle up front pocket with internal divider

wetsuit to easily fit in and the top is made larger so that F '

your stuff slides in and out with ease. The pack has a a Extendable lid for Overloading

large front pocket for those essential items such as a 4 Padded hip belt with 38mm buckle

torch and atop poriet er the map and camera. he & Hip belt retainer for city use (conveniently holds

pack is large enough to be used as a weekend pa

when No ropes etc. are needed. This can keap the bulk . the hip belt back and out of the way

down and stop you from packing too much on those 4 Padded back (removable)

weekend bushwalks. 4 Thumb loops on shoulder straps for more

The Triassic is made from durable 120z canvas which : can withstand the abuse given to it in canyons and when comfortable walking .

walking through scrub. All the seams are double stitched 4 Internal compression str ap for holding down and sealed to prevent failure. It is also very water proof, your canyon rope

on a recent trip down Hole in The Wall canyon, no P ae water entered the main compartment despite a number 4 Side compression straps for minimising valume

of lengthy swims. 4 Storm throat to keep out the rain The pack is bush green in colour making the walker & Hard wearing Cordura base

on wildlife with a camera or just blending in to the wilderness as you walk along. Good for those who like to keep the visual impact minimal too. ONLY AVAILABLE AT A quality Blue Mountains pack for our tough conditions, the Triassic carries a lifetime guarantes on workmanship and materials.

Overall an excellent pack for either short or tall with the

2 shoulder strap options. And great for canyons or short a weekend trips.

NB: David Noble Is a keen canyoner and =

bushwalker, He is also the discoverer of the rare

Wotem! Pine (WOLLEMIA NOBILIS) found in 1994 1045 VICTORIA RD, WEST RYDE Ph 9858 5844

THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is a monthly ' bulletin of matters of interest to members of

3 the Sydney Bush Walkers Inc


- PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.


_| The Notice of Annual General Meeting, .–Annual Report and 2002 Membership List

have been mailed to members this week

THE AUTUMN WALKS PROGRAMME Is mailed with this issue

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday 13 March 2002

The Clubs Notice of Meeting, Annual Report and List of Members for 2002 has been mailed this week to members addresses. Read this report and note the proposed changes to the Club Constitution. Have your say! Changes to membership procedure are planned do you agree? A new Management Committee will be elected, so come along and cast a vote.

See you on the 13“ March !

Dont Forget! COOLANA REUNION 16,17” March


Issue No. 807 INDEX: 1. Index and Notices 2. Office Bearers, Notices 3. Editor's Note 3. President's Report 4. SBW Committee and Office Bearers 5. Attendance Forms 6,7,8. Sub-Committee,Reports 10. January General Meeting Barry Wallace 11. Book Review lan Wolfe 11. Letter to the Editor Nancye Alderson 12. Christmas Walk Rosemary MacDougal 12. A Dunker Done! Michael Bickley 13. Bogong High Plains Kenn Clacher 14,15. A Tale of 4 Canyons lan Wolfe 15 A Tale of 2 Canyons Jan Pieters

16. Walks for the Easter Weekend 17. New Members Page 18 Social Notes

ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 9 Paddy Pallin Back cover Wildemess Transit 7 Willis's Walkabouts 5

% Contact The Editor: ty Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month. Please send your submission in by mail

(preferably typed), on floppy disc or by email or by fax on 9980 5476.

' The Sydney Bushwalker; First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | The Sydney Bushwalker

February 2002 Page 2 |

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THE 'SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly H bulletin of matters of interest to members of

The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc

PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. To advertise in this magazine, please contact the Business Manager.

Editor: Bill Holland Telephone: 9484 6636 Email:

Fax: 99805476 (phone 9484 6636 first) Business Manager: Gretel Woodward Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,

Tom Wenman, Don Brooks, Margaret Niven

THE SYDNEY BUSH WALKERS INCORPORATED was founded in 1927. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm _ at. Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome any Wednesday. . General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729


COMMITTEE. President: Wilf Hilder Vice-President: Peter Dalton Public Officer: Fran Holland Treasurer: Carole Beales Secretary: Judy O'Connor Walks Secretary: Carol Lubbers

Social Secretary Gemma Gagne Membership Secretary: Barry Wallace _New Members Secretary: Kay Chan Conservation Secretary: David Trinder

Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Member: Pam Morrison Maurice Smith Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway Tom Wenman Wilf Hilder, Geoff Bradley Change of Date!

The Winter Programme Training Night scheduled for 27“ March has been cancelled due to close proximity to Easter. It will be replaced by a Cheese, Biscuits and Coffee Night

Another Traning Night, aimed to encourage leaders, potential leaders, members and prospective members to talk about new walks, old walks, exploratories, new ideas, old ideas will be held on 26 June 2002

Mark These Dates On Your Calendar:

Wed 13'March Annual General Meeting Election of new President and Office Bearers. Sat/Sun 16” 17“ March: Reunion and Family.

Weekend at Coolana, A great time for adults and children .

a a me


The Annual Reunion and Celebration Three score and fifteen years ago, a small, dedicated group of reformed male chavvinistic bushwalkers realised that walking through the bush and watching the stars at night around a camp fire had much more meaning if they were accompanied by members of the 50% of the population that they had hereforeto ignored. And so the Sydney. Bush Walkers was formed. Each year, immediately following the AGM, the Club en mass, retreats to a secluded place to remember those enlightened few of so many years ago and to meet again the many, many friends they have made within SBW. The Annual Reunion draws nigh, the weekend of 16”,17“ March is the appointed time, Coolana is the appointed place. Come and see the investiture of the new president, enjoy spinach pie with Milo or hot, strong, black, sweet Greek coffee, be entertained: : by, home grown troubadours and campfire singitig. For more information please phone 9484 6636 or 9904 1515.


Wed 27* Members Slides . . March: , Wed 6th Committee Meeting . . New Members | Wed 13” AGM - Sat! 16“ Reunionat Coolana Sun 17” 6 Wed 20“ Yorkshire Dales oe Wed 27 Cheese, Biscuits and: Cotes | WANTED !

Willing helpers to join our = phone roster see page 8 February 2002 Page 3 |

The Sydney Bushwalker

Editor's Note:

Its that time of the year again, with many people very busy working on your behalf to prepare, print and post this magazine, the Walks Prograrame, Notices of the AGM, the Annual Report and Club Membership List.

Some, perhaps the majority, of these people are older members who no longer walk regularly even classed. as, non-active members when active is judged as fit and walking. They are the essence of a successful voluntary organization such as SBW. They were the fit and active members of past years and are among those who gave the Club its fine traditions and great reputation.

Yet, we hear the call for young an younger membership. Nothing wrong with that except to some extent the older generation, and this includes your Editor, is sometimes stated as having nothing new or constructive to offer.

Then, there is the claim that if our present Committee were to be reduced to half a dozen younger members it would be more efficient, more successful ete etc.

The success of a voluntary organisation is_not measured by strategic plans, key performance indicators, best practice, target setting or other efficiency measures so indulged in by commercial organizations where people are paid to do as they are told by an executive hierarchy.

The success of a voluntary organization is measured by the enjoyment and satisfaction of those who willingly participate; how and to the extent that they can manage, given their prionties and available time.

By all means lets get younger members involved ~ their presence on the Committee would be most welcome; but, no matter your age, or how long you have- been a member, if would like to play a part in the management of your Club, come along and stand for a Committee position, or join a Sub-Committee, help with the magazine or the walks programme or just attend the social evenings. Lets enjoy our Club!

We have had a year of review and some welcome changes are in progress; nothing revolutionary but carefully thought-out improvements that have been advised and discussed in recent issues of the magazine.

This months issue shows the influence of these changes and awareness of the coming AGM. The layout is slightly different. It includes reports of activities additional to those included with Notice of Annual General Meeting.

I also draw your attention to the article dealing with attendance forms and disclaimers. There are sevral walks reports, a Letter to the Editor, but I regret to say that nobody has submitted a Bushwalking Recipe.of the Month .

Bill Holland

President?s Report

As this is my last report it is only right that I duly acknowledge the help I have received in the past two years.

I wish to sincerely thank on your behalf the Committee, commonly known as the Management Committee. The Committee has been most supportive and has carried out these duties in an exemplary fashion. The duties on the clubs behalf are too numerous to mention but range from answering the Clubs phone messages to producing the magazine. As you are aware all officesof SBW are declared vacant at the Annual General Meeting . However, at our February Committee meeting some officers stated that they would not be seeking re-election for that office at the Annual General Meeting. These are: _ President, Vice President, Public Officer, Walks Secretary, Social Secretary, New Members Secretary, Treasurer and one Confederation Delegate. Tam letting. you know, in advance so that you will consider offering your services to our club or asking your fellow walkers if they would, be willing to stand for these offices. There will no doubt be other vacancies. on the clubs sub- committees, You will appreciate that as a voluntary club we need all the help we can muster, especially on our 75th year of serving the walking fraternity of Sydney. You will notice in this issue of the magazine the Annual Reports that I have requested from various subcommittees this year. Hopefully in future years they will appear in the Annual Report. I am a firm believer in sub-committees reporting regularly to inform the club of their activities and thus being accountable to our club. Public Liability Insurance premiums continue to make headlines in the media. As a voluntary organisation we are fortunate that we have not only Public Liability insurance cover but Personal Accident cover for our members as well. During the past two years I have sent get well cards on your behalf to our members who have not been well. I have received much positive feedback from those members and I think this interest in our members welfare is worthwhile. It has been a challenge to be your President for two years and I am certain our Past Presidents would agree. I could not have carries out my numerous duties without the strong support of my wife Gretel, whose help has been invaluabie. To all my supporters my grateful thanks. Good walking. Wilf Hilder The Sydney Busbwalker February 2002 Page 4 SBW Committee and Office Bearers | The 74th Annual General Meeting of SBW will be held on Wednesday March 13 2002. All positions become vacant. Some of the current office bearers will stand for re-election but the majority does not wish to continue at least not in their present position. This is your opportunity to take an active part in the management of the Club. Ours is a large club we have nearly 500 members and approximately 100 or so prospective members. There are 15 positions on the Committee and approximately 20 (+helpers) in other positions and sab-committees. This means that a significant administration task falls upon the shoulders of a small number of our membership. We invite you to join us: whether you are young or old, new or experienced. We welcome a diversity of skills. Perhaps you may hesitate, unsure of what ts involved. Be assured there is a learning curve and assistance is available. The Committee positions involve attendance at Committee Meetings on the first Wednesday of most months; the other positions usually entail a working role outside of our meetings. Here is a summary of the Committee, Other Office Bearers and Sub-Committee positions. COMMITTEE MEMBERS (15) : President Chairs general and committee meetings and represents the SBW at functions. Vice President Shares the Presidents duties and acts as locum if the President is not available. Public Officer. Responsible for clubs compliance with all legal and statutory requirements. Treasurer Keeps financial accounts. Presents monthly financial report at committee and general meetings. Secretary Attends general and committee meetings to record and to read the minutes. Processes incoming and outgoing correspondence. Arranges the meeting agenda. Walks Secretary Compiles a walks program each quarter and presents the program for approval to the committee. Encourages walk leaders to lead interesting walks. Social iSecretary Organises club social nights. Arranges catering for club meetings and club functions such as the annual Xmas party. Membership Secretary Maintains clubs membership data base (Dbase3/4) and arranges printing of club magazine mailing labels. New Members Secretary. Answers enquiries from possible members at Club Rooms. Advises prospective members and. introduces them to members at club meetings. Conservation Secretary Liaises with conservation bodies and government organizations. Keeps club aware of conservation issues. Editor Solicits articles from members and compiles magazine, editing articles and inserting advertisements where necessary. (Note. The club does not own a computer or any publishing software.) General Committee Member Attends committee meetings to represent the broad interests of club members. 4 good position for a member who would like to learn the ropes. Confederation Delegates (2) Represent SBW at monthly Confederation meetingsand presents SBW _ concerns to Confederation. Reports to committee and general meetings on Confederation matters OTHER OFFICE BEARERS: Confederation Delegates Non-Committee (2) Magazine Production Manager Arranges for collating and mailing of magazine and any other special documents such as inserts, walks programs, annual reports, mailing labels. Has a large team of willing helpers. (Currently held in the Hollands home) Printers ( 4 - see page 8) Print club magazine each month and other end of year documents.on club printer. (Currently located in Alex Colleys garage.) Business Manager SBW Webmaster Archivist Hon Solicitor Hon Auditor SUB COMMITTEES: Coolana Maintenance Committee Club Management Review Committee Website and Telephone Contacts Why not offer to help? Add to your social life and walking experience. After all, voluntary effort has been the heartbeat of SBWs success. . DonooacooDonoooD i The Sydney Bushwalker February 2062 Page 5 | Attendance Forms: An Important Notice To Members! One of the main reasons SBW has insurance is to help protect the club and its members against the possibility of legal action should an accident occur. To this end, SBW participates in the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs insurance scheme. The company that provides this cover now requires that non-members (i.e. visitors) participating in club activities sign a waiver acknowledging that, they are prepared for patticipating in the activity and are aware and accept that their participation may expose them to certain risks. While it is our desire to welcome visitors, any non-member participation * 18 subject to prior arrangement and the approval - of the leader and all visitors must sign the Attendance Form. The-text of the waiver is as follows: In voluntarily participating in this activity of Sydney Bushwalkers, I am aware that this may expose me to risks that could lead to injury, illness, death, or loss of or damage to my property. To minimise these risks I have endeavoured to ensure that this walk is within my capabilities and that I am carrying food, water and equipment appropriate for the activity. T have advised the activity leader if I am taking any medication or have any physical or other limitation that might affect my participation in the activity. My signature below indicates that I have -read, understood and accept these requirements. The Committee has decided to implement the waiver requirement:by including this within the Attendance Form that was introduced early last year and requiring it to be signed by ALL participants. This will help to ensure that all participants are aware of and accept the risks involved. The Attendance and Activity Report forms will also serve to record the leaders endorsement of Prospective Members, should the proposed changes to the Prospective Membership process (replacing the endorsement of six full members with that of three walks leaders) be accepted A further benefit of the Attendance Form will be more information about membership participation in activities. These forms will be mailed to leaders shortly prior to each walk or activity and upon completion, should be returned to the Walks Secretary in the stamped, addressed envelope provided. We believe this step is necessary for the protection of the club and its members and will now require all members and visitors to complete these forms. The Sydney Bush Walkers Committee ra around you. difference, a wilderness thal says relax and enjoy. y walk for an hour, pachaps less, then are few? Gu foke o break, enjoy the warmth ond ak up fhe sights, scant: and sounds of le wilderness. Sleep under the stors. Why pul up a tent if you know ifs not going fo rain? Enjoy the campfire. Why carry o stove when firewood is plentilul ond people Visit the Aboriginal ort sites and leam the story af the worlds oldest living culture. q very lunch, every campsite and most & for our broch Ry breaks are next Jo clear, tropical pools, Ask for our brochure. Se perfect for swimming, pure enough to drink. es oe www. CSB ww Ye Email: February 2002 Pages | Coolana Annual Report Coolana is the SBWs property on the banks of the Kangaroo River, in the Kangaroo Valley, about 175 km south of Sydney. The landholding consists of 40.2 ha freehold land, 6.8 ha of private land held under licence and 6.1 ha of land held under a permissive occupancy. The land is owned and/or controlled by SBW Inc. and managed by the Coolana Committee, a sub- committee of SBW. The Coolana Committees policy has been to make Coolana as user friendly as possible while retaining the almost virgin nature of the Jand. Coolana is used for training weekends for our members, social function during the year and for the SBW Annual Reunion.. Coolana is available to all members at all times. Facilities and improvements include a 7 x 6 metre corrugated iron hut, reticulated water from our own creek supply, a garden tool shed and a growing network of walking tracks. For about the last five years a campaign has been waged against the weed infestation along the riverflats at Coolana. Weeds at Coolana are the result of the prior dairy landuse and the location of the land near the bottom of a fully developed catchment. The weed battle strategy is to keep mowing so that the weeds are cut off in their prime and do not get a chance to seed, meanwhile the grass just keeps growing. This is working, but will take a few more years yet. The tool shed houses the mowers used in the weed campaign and other gardening tools. The weed free, grassy areas have attracted wombats, noticeable by their many burrows and square shaped turds. Better grass coverage will attract more wombats and kangaroos, who will eat the grass, keep it in check, no need to mow, et. In 1997, Joan Rigby sowed Meadow (or Weeping) rice grass (Microlaena stipoides), an endemic, native grass. The fickle climate, too hot, then too wet, put a stop to that Microlaena project. Shirley Dean has taken up a similar Microlaena project. Besides the main track from the car park we now have walking tracks built by Joan and Frank Rigby (Rigby Roadworks). These give access between the car park, river flats, the hut, the Lookout and an improved track to the water supply. All part of making Coolana user friendly: | For many years there has been an error in our Valuer Generals notice. This was first raised in 1975, and was thought to have been corrected. Errors in the Notice of Valuation are: Lot 3 DP 580392. is not owned by SBW (the main error); The Sydney Bushwalker , SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS - 2001 Lot 2 DP 580392 and Lot 3 DP 580392 are not affected by transmission line easement; and Lot 3 DP 572282 is affected by transmission line easement. These errors mean we have been paying rates on land we do not own and the effect of the transmission line easements on the land value has not being considered. Letters of Objection were sent to the Valuer General's Office on 30 April 2001 and 28 November 2001. On 15 September 2000 SBW made a submission to the Department of Land and Water Conservation seeking refusal of Land Claim No. 6388 made by the Nowra Local Aboriginal Land Council to Lot 241 DP 41285, the land between Coolana and Tallowa Dam Road. Our access to Coolana is through Lot 241. The granting of Claim 6388 may extinguish our Permissive Occupancy. A request in the Sydney Bushwalker for kerosene lamps to facilitate social events resulted in six lamps finding a new home. These lamps are undergoing TLC maintenance with George Mawer and will be ready for the 2002 Reunion and the 75” Anniversary celebrations. A similar request for garden tools also had positive results. There is still plenty to be done at Coolana; more weed control, repair to the main track, more gtass to grow, fallen timber to be collected, wombats, kangaroos and members to be encouraged. Functions held at Coolana during the year were, the 74 reunion, a significant birthday weekend, a bush music weekend, four prospective training weekends, and a number of weed, seed and plant events by the green thumb group. Coolana is a magic place, ideal for a quiet few days with a loaf of bread beneath the bough, a flask of wine, a book of verse, and thou, beside me singing in the Wilderness… Patrick James The Midweek Walkers Group: We maintain a list of members available for mid-week walks, cycling and other activities. A newletter is sent 4 out every second month advising of programmed and off-programme Ay Py , &/ activities. ~ If you would like your name added to the list please advise Bill v, Ty Holland, phone 9484 6636 \ The Sydney Bushwalker February 2002 Page 7 | SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS - 2001 Club Management Review Subcommittee In June 2001 the Club Management Committee .sent out to all members a 2 page survey for which we. had an exceptionally high 50% response. Now did this high response indicate that the club was in big trouble or did it indicate that all was well so lets get on with enjoying our bushwalking? Well there was as many opinions as to what we should or should not be doing as there were survey responses, so a small Sub-Committee of 8 members was formed, comprised of committee and non-committee members. The task was to review the Survey . responses and make recommendations to the Management Committee for their consideration and action as necessary. The Sub- Committee has met every second Monday since the first meeting on 2 July -although we did have a couple of nights off over Christmas. There have been two changes in our membership. We spent considerable time evaluating our policy and processing procedures for prospective Mmbers and made recommendations to the Management Committee. Some changes already have already been implemented eg. introduction of new members on the first Wednesday night of each month and setting up an equipment hire pool. . Also, you will have noted from recent magazines and proposed changes to be placed before our AGM in March that every effort has been made to encourage our Prospective members without necessarily reducing the quality of our membership We' have designed and submitted to the Committee a promotional leaflet which will be in colour and available to post in response to phone enquiries or to used as a handout to the general public. ' The Wednesday Social Programme has been discussed-but there still remains a lot to be done in this area. We have supported the introduction of the new Walks Attendance Sheet. Some major items remain for discussion but we are moving forward with the aim of ensuring that your effort in responding to the Survey will not end up in the bottom drawer of some ones desk. Obviously, we cannot satisfy everyones need but believe that we will generate a result that reflects the majority of opinions expressed. . The current Subcommittee consists of Don Brooks, Maureen Carter;. Kay Chan, , Eddy Giacomel, Wilf Hilder (ex-officio), Fran Holland, Patrick James, and Barry Wallace. Don Brooks Print the Magazine See the World ! There are vacancies for people to help print the club's monthly magazine The Sydney Bushwalker. Duties are neither intellectually demanding nor arduous, taking a few hours once every couple of months or so. An extensive and intensive five-minute induction, familiarisation and training course will be provided. The printing is currently carried out at Turramurra. We already have a complete, competent and experienced team, which does the printing. However, Tom and Barry will be absent for some time later this year cycling in Europe, and there is no guarantee that this will not coincide with one of Don's trips to Kakadu, or Kenn's trips to the USA, Tasmania or Victoria, or one of Margaret's trips to Western Australia or Lismore. It seems that if you join the printing team, you will go places. For more details please contact me on 9954 9708, or simply nominate for one of the printers positions at the Annual General Meeting Kenn Clacher Sydney Bushwalker' Collating Members are invited to assist with the collating of the March magazine at the Holland's home -at Westleigh on Thursday 21 March. Contact Fran Holland beforehand for details on 9484 6636. JENOLAN CAVES. KANANGRA WAS. YERRANDERIE GHost TOWN STARLIGHTS TRACK. BENGONIA CAVES. Wo Woe. NERRIGA Departs from Sydney's Campbeiltown Railway Station Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am Returns 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid, Via Starlights, Mittagong & Maruian fer Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each month, retums Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6} Group bocking discounts or charter service Tel 0246 832344 Mob 0428 832 344 | f The Sydney Bushwalker February 2002 Pages | | SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS - 2001 , Web Site Report SBWs web site is now just over 2 years old. Any doubts that SBW needs a web site can be laid to rest by a recent report from the New Members Secretary that about half of the mew members coming to the club have found us on the web site. The past year saw a change of service provider due to some unexpected difficulties with the previous service provider. Unlike paper, the information on the web site has almost unlimited circulation. Ive received emails from Nepal and Russia confirming that non-Australians are visiting our web site. While the primary purpose of the website has been to'inform potential new members about us, the web site has potential for other uses. A step towards other uses is to encourage members discussion and understanding of the web site. The web site contains a section to demonstrate to members that web site technology is not as complex as some may think. Interested members should go to Eddy Giacomel We Want Your Surplus Gear ! No longer used but pre-loved and in~ good condition equipment to be hired out by our Club to new prospective members ' We would like to assemble2 kits of suitable lightweight gear to be made available for hire. It is intended that each kit consist of; 1 sleeping bag 1 inner sheet 1 pack 1 foam sleeping mat 1 ground sheet 1 lightweight (waterproof) tent - : microlight would be ideal) Le you can help with any of the above items | please contact our New Members Secretary : (phone 9520 0266) with your offers of-suitable . equipment First Aid Certificates for Leaders; | offered to subsidise current Walks Leaders for First Aid-Certificat up to $50 and if combined with an accredited Remote Area First Aid, up| | to $80. This will be for a trial six-month period. To encourage our walks leaders to get their, St. Johns First Aid Certificate, the Committee has: half the cost of gaining an accredited Senior. | Phone Report: The One number service from Telstra has gm. proved quite useful over the past three anda _ half years. The number is f set on an automatic roster enabling calls to be shared and ensuring that no one receives call before 9am or after Spm (apart from the 5pm - 7pm evening shift). Most of the calls are from persons enquiring about the club, though some members of the public call with requests for other information. Managing the clubs telephone is quite simple. It can be set and forget for months at a time. Jennifer and I also answer the phone for the evening shift (5 7pm Mondays to Thursdays), averaging no more than half a dozen calls a month. Eddy Giacomel Report from a Team Member: I have been on the roster of members that answer calls made to the SBW telephone number for over two years. The task is not onerous due to the # \, system that distributes calls among the other members on the roster. I have been rostered for 2 days per week, 9am to Spm, plus some overflow calls when they are not answered by others on the roster. Most calls are straightforward queries about the club, the Walks Programme, and how to become a. member. Other types of calls, eg a person hasn't received the new Walk's Programme, need to be referred to the relevant club officer. Calls are intermittent ranging from none to a maximum of 4 or 5 on the rostered day. Most other days no calls are received. Calls from females out- number those from males by at least 2-to-1. Situations I've found that require good communication skills and a knowledge of club policy are: e Explaining to the caller who becomes querulous why the club does not send out printed information about the club or application forms for membership. e Explaining why the club requires prospective members to meet first aid, navigation, and waik participation standards prior to full membership. e Referring callers who are only interested in easy day walks near where they live to other more suitable clubs. : . e Explaining to a caller just before a long weekend, Christmas, or Easter why they can't go on a club walk. Jan Rannard Whether it's bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides. The Mont WMOn innovative designs, . : detailed construc- Moto-Active ONT tion and quality ma- adjustable har- terials. ness system is Back anatomically con- . Country - toured hip-beits. decep tively Pack + = Spanduraand 3D simple, fast to adjust and easy LG Air-Flow fabrics for body contact points. ~*. Bar tacks on the im- to fit. Available portant high stress _in three sizes points. and * Triple stitched with . . webbing bound featuring inter- seams to ensure changeable massive seam strength. harness compo- * We use Evazote nents, a truly best fit is possible, and best fit means a truly comfortable carry. foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly te the allumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer. Only highest quality Duraflex buckies. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame SE ty stays. if 1\OlG . * Dual aluminium A Something Better. frame-stays adjusted and reinserted in seconds. . , Mont Adventure Equipment; The Australian company with over 20 years of manufacturing excellence. h 3 Trelawney Street Eastwood. eastwood Phone : 02 9858 33833. camping All packs personally fitted centre by our experienced Staff. | The Sydney Bushwalker Page 10 | February 2002 There were around 19 members present when President called the meeting to order at 2010 and began proceedings. There was one apology and that was for Pam Morrison. The minutes of the previous general meeting were read and accepted as a true and correct record with no matters arising. Correspondence brought a letter from Bill and Fran Holland advising that the clubs archives need re-housing, from NPWS advising that their annual report is available, at a price. The NPWS proposed Deer Management Plan for The Royal is available for community consultation and submissions. We received a letter from Robert Pallin supporting the proposal that we set up as a Landcare |group for Coolana. We also received a letter from Don Finch advising of a correction to a statement in his previous letter regarding invitees to the recent Coolana visit. The Treasurers report indicate that we began the month with $29,611, received income of $511.00 disbursed $16,665, most of which was an investment deposit, and closed off with a balance of around $13,000. The Walks Secretary presented the walks reports. After a brief review of details of walks which were not available to the previous meeting we began recording at the weekend of 13, 15, 15 December with Charlie Montross leading a party of 7 on his walk out Wentworth Falls on the Saturday. Errol Sheedy was also out that weekend leading a party of 6 on his Cronulla to Bundeena trip through The Royal. The Christmas/New Year period saw Stephen Adams cancel his trip in the Victorian Alpine Park and Michael Bickley transform his Boxing Day walk im Kuring-Gal Chase into a floating/fishing/swimming expedition on the occasion of the park being closed to access in the more usual ways. David Trinders trip to a lodge in the snow country was just that, with snow falls both greeting and farewelling the 20 or so people who attended at various times. Kenn Clachers trip from| 26 December to 2 January in the Victorian Alpine Park attracted 6 starters. Strong winds prevailed for much of the time and there was a constant need to watch ones step, what with the Victorian belief that National Parks are suited to the grazing of cattle. Rosemary Macdougal had 14 walkers on her trip im Kosciuszko National Park over December 27 to 1 January on what was described as a good walk. Micheal Bickley managed to tum his New Years Day trip out from Bobbin Head into a short January 2002 Genera! Meeting walk for the 9 who attended despite the prevailing difficulties with widespread bushfires. Geoff Dowsett indicated that a good time was had by the 5 walkers on his Lake Tabourie to South Darras walk over January 2 to 8. By the weekend of 11, 12, 13 January bushfires were dominant, with Stephen Adams, Roger Treagus and Anne McGuire all canceling walks. Bill Hollands midweek evening walk from Bondi to Clovelly went with a party of 16. They even walked back in the dark. Confederation report indicated that Confederation is prepared to assist individual clubs to establish web sites. There were four new members for welcome but none were able to be present at the meeting so will be welcomed on a future occasion. Alex Colley continues to mend well after his spinal injury. There was no General business to discuss. - With numerous track and park closures members are urged to check before sallying forth on any trips for the immediate future. On that somewhat somber note the meeting closed at around 2108 Barry Wallace HOME WANTED The Clubs archives have to be moved and need a loving and caring home. They contain records covering the whole of the Clubs history dating from 1927, including minute books, magazines photo albums and numerous documents. Some steel shelving is available. If you have room in your house (not garage) and can take care of our archives for a long period please contact the Committee. ) photos of the nasties and first aid treatment. All about Venomous Creatures Ever wondered what bit you? Whether you will “ die or be very sick or just itch a bit? Here is a website with lots of interesting information on insects (ticks, leeches, stinging ants) spiders snakes, jelly fish etc etc. Lots of info, pretty colour Go to www.pharmacology.unimelb. and click on dept of pharmacology then click on venomous creatures. The Sydney Bushwalker February 2002 Page 11 | 4 Book Review The King of the Wilderness the life of Deny King Melaleuca, its on the button grass plains just south of Bathurst Harbour in the middle of SW * Tassie. It has an airstrip and thus is one of the main entry portals to the SW and some of the finest wilderness walking in the world. I flew in 14 years ago on a crystal blue sky day with the Cessna bucking and jumping like a bronco in the thermals. As we flew past Federation we did an unplanned 360 degree roll and as the Pilot tried to land the plane on the airstrip he was shouting Get Down You Bugger! Get Down! Once on the ground, as can imagined, it took me some time to regain my usually equilibrium and equanimity (soft, sensitive, delicate and tender individual that I'am). My plight was eased by a soft voice saying Here youngster, get that into you as a chipped enamel mug of sweet tea was thrust into my hands by an old man built like a Bear. Such was my introduction to Deny King, the man who had built the airstrip and who had made the SW his home for over 60 years. Simply put he was a Bushman, a man skilled in the ways of the wilderness and a man completely at one with it. Those of you who have walked the SW for an extended period will understand the sense of serenity and of capability that this entails. The book, written by ~ the award wining childrens author, Christobel Mattingley, and made available by Text Publishing in Melbourne, is a biography of - Denys life. By association it is also a history of the SW and the transition from the old world into the modern one. Many SBW members made his acquaintance and shared a yarn with him. Some were fortunate to meet him a number of times over the years. The book is filled with wonderful stories of adventures, pioneering, trials and of one mans orientation to wilderness. There is also a considerable focus on the bird life and flowers of the SW as well as an account of Deny hearing Tasmania Tigers give voice when he was young. For a mere $32.00 from Dymocks it is a great read and a-fine gift. For those who have walked the SW you will find yourself reaching for your old 100,000 scale maps and pulling out the photo album as well as your trip diary. For those - yet to experience the SW the book will give you a window into this marvelous place and perchance it will inspire you to go, if not for an extended trip, at least for a fly in. I feel my eyes squinting against the glare of the reflection from the white quartz of the airstrip and I hear the gravelly voice once more. I wish, I too, had heard, the Tigers roar. Ian Wolfe D<] Letter To The Editor I would like to comment on Andrew Vilders letter in the December 2001 issue of The Sydney Bushwalker about the SBW membership and his suggestion that we need active young members as soon as possible. The Sydney Bush Walkers Club has in my experience been highly regarded in the bushwalking world. It is professionally run and has guidelines, which makes sense for leaders and walkers. I was a prospective member of SBW in 1967 and during that year Kath Brown, who was a walker of long standing, explained to me To be a member you must be a capable walker who is able to keep up with the party and if there is an emergency you must be able to walk for help. The test walks were a way of assessing this ability. First aid and map-reading were important because ali walkers need to apply first aid if necessary, as well as read a map and know where they are going. An interview with the prospective was carried out by the committee to prevent unsuitable people becoming members. The nomination by members also served the same purpose. By entering a training time as a Prospective, walkers acquired skills and leamt to cope with the challenge of the bush. The Club has been successful because the guidelines have been followed. I went on a day walk with another club some years ago. They had no rules and half-way through the day when the leader was not sure of the route, the party spilt into two and the trip turned into a schemozzle. The title Prospective could be changed to Apprentice or Trainee etc but it implies the same thing - a qualifying period until the walkers have proved they have the required skills. SBW is a walking club, not-a social club - though many friendships are made on the track. If the requirements for membership are difficult, pethaps the walks should be reviewed. I know from experience it is often the weekend walk carrying a heavy pack, which can be the stumbling block for prospectives. Sydney Bush Walkers has a good reputation. Let us keep it by maintaining training of prospectives and leaders and continuing the education of members about walks, the Club = and conservation. Nancye Alderson The Sydney Bushwalker February 2002 Page 12 | | THE WALKS PAGES Christmas Walk 27” Dec to 1st Jan Our Christmas walk this year was located in the northern end of Kosciusko NP. We had 6 good days of walking and thankfully favourable weather conditions. We were also lucky that the park remained opened notwithstanding the raging bushfires around the state. The walk started 10 ks north of Kiandra on the Snowy Mountains Highway at the top of Bullocks Hill. As it was a late start we only had to walk 3kms to our first camp carrying with us some special goodies and some wine which put us all in high spirits. The next day we set off over swampy ground and swiftly flowing creeks and passed Witses Hut where we came across a small group of horse riders. They too, were enjoying the outdoors experience. The next camp was on the Murrumbidgee and thereafter to Charlie Creek. I never did find the spot where I camped 4 years ago. Then onto Coolamin caves, Pocket saddle and onto the base of Mt Morgan for New Year's Eve, celebrated with another round of goodies and champagne. I love, this area in summer having skied there for so many years. The wild flowers, snow gums, vast rolling plains and sparkling rivers renew my energies for the new year. This was the first extended walk I have led and I had a ball thanks to the 13 members of the party. What a team! Thanks also to other leaders who gave me helpful information about the area and to the support of other leaders in the team. To all prospective and apprehensive leaders out there, all I can say is' have a go', you will find it a rewarding experience. See you next Christmas Rosemary MacDougal Evening Walk: Bondi- Coogee A total of 15 members plus my grandson started from the southem end of Bondi Beach at 6 pm on 15“ January. It was a cool evening a pleasant relief after the hot spell. We walked along cliff top paths through the popular beaches Clovelly, Bronte and on to Coogee, arriving about 7-30pm. Here we enjoyed dinner (fish and chips were popular) at tables in the park. The walk was about 6 kms and most of the party doubled this by returning back to Bondi in the dark. Bill Holland A Dunker Done! (Oh what a fEELing) SERS EP A word of caution to swimmers & dunkers! Whilst walking with a few SBW companions on a warm day in the vicinity of Mt.Wondabyne last week, I was very pleased to arrive at Kariong Falls to don my usual bushwalkers swimming (non)costume & enter the pool for a dunk - the water was crisp, fairly clean, & exotically refreshing, but whilst standing & enjoying myself neck deep & mouthing appropriate endearing sounds, I couldn't see the bottom. After a few minutes, to my utmost surprise, I felt a sudden very painful electric shock with accompanying MUNCH on my left foot. With great exclamation accompanied by the usual expletives (now deleted) suited to such an occasion, I withdrew my feet from the bottom and announced a MUNCHING event to my disbelieving companions - then quickly raised my whole body & apparatus close to the surface & suspended myself thus between 2 rocks, and examined the munch area. Sure enough, to the amusement of my companions, there was a clear circular wound, around 35mm diameter, of finely serrated needle teeth marks, lifted skin & bleeding raw flesh - quite clearly a munch from (on this occasion) a man eating eel. The accompanying dunkers - improperly attired in swimming costumes I might add - then also took the precaution of bathing without standing continuously unmoving on the unseen bottom. The wound was subsequently treated and is now hEELing well. The, lesson - if you can't see the bottom, don't let your feet rest there!. I'm rather pleased that the eel aimed low - the mind boggles. Michael Bickley sm Fire Warning Lighting any fire in the open on a day of Total Fire Ban may lead to a fine of $5,000 and six months imprisonment. This applies to any naked flame including camp fires and camping stoves. The Sydney Bushwalker February 2002 Bogong High Plains Mt Bogong beamed down from beneath a mantle of freshly-fallen snow a& we began our 1100m climb from Bogong Village to the Fainters. Those, with the equally spectacular Mt Feathertop and Mt Buffalo and _not-so- spectacular cowpats, were our constant companions for the next six days of great walking around the Bogong High Plains. After lunch at Bogong Jack Saddle, we emerged from the treeline to crest the Fainters. The tall trees of the lower altitudes gave way to the snow gum, native violets, pea flowers of blue and yellow, eggs & bacon and daisies. Views: from: the top included a wonderful panorama of the Kiwa Valley. We camped that night by ancient gnarled snow gums with massive trunks that looked to have sustained a dozen separate trees. Snow on the ground completed the picture. Next day the crest of the Niggerheads provided great 360 views including the upper Kiewa Valley and Mt Feathertop. From there, it was on to the Bogong High Plains and our campsite on snow grass high on Mt Cope. The top of Mt Cope provided fine views next morning before we set off back across the plain to a windy Mt Jim and then Young's Hut. On passing Cope hut, with its crimson roof, it seemed half of Victoria was there, with half a dozen parties of cyclists, runners and walkers all converging on the hut at the same time. Young's hut is more like some of the Snowy Mountains Huts than some of the very basic huts we saw around the Bogong High Plains. It is in a delightful setting and a little less accessible than Cope hut, so we had it to ourselves. We were entertained by a spirited debate in the hut log book about whether or not it was a cattleman's hut, and whether bushwalkers are legitimate game for cattlemen's dogs. They are, it seems. Sev slept in the hut to offer himself as game for the hut's permanent inhabitants, but for some reason they were not interested. From Young's; we went down Cobungra Gap and climbed up to the Mt Hotham ski area. After taking in the views from Mt Loch, we hit the town of Mt Hotham to briefly restore the junkfood ratio and stock up for New Year's Eve, the following day. Camp that night was in an idyllic spot on the crest of the Razorback ridge leading out to Mt Feathertop. The full moon was spectacular as it rose over the ndge on the other side of the valley to the east. On New Year's Eve we walked along the Razorback to Mt Feathertop, leaving our packs at the southem end of the main peak for an (27 December 1 January 2002) unburdened climb to the top. Views from the- top to the east took in all of our route over the preceding four days and for the next two. To the west, Mt Buffalo was an imposing sight. We - returned to our packs and set about finding the track marked on the map as sidling the western side of the mountain about 200m below summit Page 13 | level. Alas! The track was not in evidence, so ~ we finished up climbing almost to the top again with our packs, as we made our way north along the Razorback. After rejoining the top of the ndge we - encountered what must have been the Annual Australian Ants' Convention. Plans for aftemoon tea had to be shelved until we cleared the extensive area of festivities. Camp that night at the top of Dungney's Gap was enlivened by balloons, and assorted delectable comestibles including a scrumptious chocolate dessert all helped along by the best Chateau Cardboard as we celebrated Tongan New Year. All that remained was for us to shake off the after-effects of the previous night's festivities and cross the gap to a fire trail that would eventually lead us back to Mt Beauty. There we arrived in time to beat the next snowfall, the day after we finished, having enjoyed great weather, great walking and great ambience for the duration of our trip. Kenn Clacher Park Closures: . All leaders are advised to check on park closures before leading parties in fire damaged national parks. Failure to keep to park regulations could place the insurance cover for their walk at risk and lead to personal liability. The latest advice on park closures may be found at the NPWS website: or by phoning 9542 0648. As at 5” February the following parks near Sydney were closed, although some picnic areas within these parks were accessible. Blue Mountains NP in all burnt areas in the Blue Labyrinth , Kings Tableland, Murphys Glen and Euroka areas. Royal NP all fire affected areas closed but roads and walking tracks in unaffected areas are open Wollemi NP only the NW section near Dunns Swamp is still open Heathcote NP Garrawarra SRA Nattai NP YengoNP Dharug-NP Morton NP Bungonia SRA The Sydney Bushwalker February 2002 Page 14 | A Tale of 4 Canyons The New Frontier of Canyoning in NSW is the Wollemi area north of Glen Davis and it is certainly another jewel in the crown which holds its own in comparison to its older sisters of Kanangra, Blue Mts, Bungonia and Newnes. The Wollemi Canyons are particularly noted for their remoteness and narrowness (take your Day Pack off, take your Helmet off, tum side on, breath in, inch sides ways like a crab with the . water up to your throat and still feel the rock squeezing you!). My second trip to the area had to be delayed by the fire situation but eventually started with 5 of us rendezvousing at the Glen Davis camp ground on Friday night. An early start found us north of Glen Alice shouldering our weekend packs and striding across the paddocks. Unfortunately the owner of the Numietta property has taken umbrage at Rick Jameison publishing that access was possible through his property in the latest edition of Canyons Near Sydney without asking for permission first (fair enough!). This meant that we were not able to drive up Numietta Creek but had to walk in via an adjacent property which was no problem and brought us to the creek in good time. A steep climb up to a side creek gave us access through the towering cliffs and thence to a creek junction for momos. From here it was a scramble up through a Pass over a wobbly rock onto the ridge. These we followed in a serpentine fashion around Tors and over ridges with generally fairly clear under story. Some good views were obtained across the rugged landscape to the plains to the west as well as deeper into the wildemess to the north and east. We were basically using most of Saturday to do the distance and get us well into the wilderness. As such it was not till mid afternoon that we dropped into the welcoming coolness of Blackboard Canyon. Blackboard is marked on my sketch map has having two canyon sections and 3 abseils. The rock formations rapidly became narrower and deeper with the abseils being quite close together. The first one was a classic 25 m wall drop from the side of the canyon. However, this is when the infamous Wollemi Rock Gremlins made their appearance. I was last down and had pulled the knot right down to the lip and then stopped part way down on a ledge and pulled the knot down over the lip, thus in theory, avoiding any problem in pulling the rope down. Well, I had counted without the Gremlins for as I hauled on the rope with all my might they had a merry time hauling the other way! In the end, through brute force, I overcame them and the rope inched down, with them fighting until the very last. Problem is that the Gremlins are sore losers and for the next abseil they whistled up some more of their mates (called Friction and Leverage). This abseil was one of those where the anchor is set back from the drop and the rope angles around 2 rocks. Well, I gave it the best line that I could but when we got to the bottom the efforts of 3 swearing men and 2 sympathetic women were to no avail. The Gremlins had us fast despite unison heaving and flicking of the rope, nothing! So it was Super Ken to the Rescue! Out with his trusty prussic kit he flicked and in a trice swarmed up the 15 ms of rope like a Monkey! (I will admit there was some unseemly grunting and groaning). There he used my anchor cord to extend the anchor to over the lip and thus thwarted the Gremlins (as they are very shy about their appearance and do not like to be seen in daylight lest people laugh at them). Another diversion was up a side canyon called Mr Squiggles. This lived up to its name by being deep, thin and squiggly straight. We followed it up to its start in the form of a 40 m waterfall, which would be a great abseil if you were prepared to do the convoluted walk in. Just before dusk we came to the nominated creek junction and there the cc on the sketch The Sydney Bushwalker February 2002 Page 15 | map turned out to be a very nice cave artfully set back from the creek with a rain forest terrace. Tall tales and true we told that night before we rolled into our bags for well earned slumbers. Next day was an early start as we went up the side creek and found the Pass indicated on the sketch map by a faint dotted line and faint on the ground it was too. A yo yo over the ridge (more up and down than a diddy bop) deposited us into Crucifixion Canyon. This was long and dark with very good rock formations, some climb downs and no abseils. One interesting event was when we came across a large tree goanna (1.5m) at the bottom of the canyon. As the canyon was only just over | meter wide this initially presented a problem. Fortunately he was very cold and sluggish thus Edith was able to shoo him under some logs as we fellas, cowered at the back (Gremlins I can deal with but dueling with Dragons is womens work). A long flat section marked Fast on the map had a magnificent overhanging rock gallery with a cave in section at the start. This entailed a traversing a fairly large tunnel as the gateway. In the end the side creek came up and we followed this to the end of Resurrection Canyon (Dave Noble and co must have named these canyons over the course of an Easter trip). Here we took the side guily up a Pass marked easy. Well, when we got to the 10 ft high seemingly smooth wall at the end of the gully we thought easy huh!. However, on closer inspections there were cleverly concealed hand and foot holds which, with pack hauling, made this climb fairly straight forward. From here we followed the ridges again parallel to Resurrection to join up with our criginal route. After a time we dropped into Snake Pit Canyon in order to link up with our original creek which cut through the cliff line. We initially thought Snake Pit was a fizzer as with distance passing there was nothing much except nice pre canyon. Then the creek disappeared into a small eroded fissure. This was chimneyed down and then it got darker and nafrower. From here the canyon became quite spectacular with a 150m enclosed section Tequiring removal of packs, wading, more chimneying and clambering to emerge once more into the light. Truly Snake pit was an apt name with us having to get down and wriggle and slither to get through. Then it was down the route we had taken in with the only diversion being a close encounter with a very, very large goanna as I crested a bank by the creek and disturbed him. All 3 ms of him ran past my head at 1 ms range as he fortunately scrambled up an adjacent tree rather than me!. He then hung there and looked at us as we marveled over his banding and yellow spots. Thus it was a weary but satisfied crew who attained the cars to conclude a very full Wollemi weekend. Ian Wolfe A Tale of 2 Canyons: My walk indeed went ahead. A two day canyoning trip: Day 1 Starlight Canyon, Day 2 Pipeline canyon Perfect weather and a party of 5. Little Capertee Creek camping area was not too crowded, but Steve nearly choked on a swarm of small flies while putting up his tent on Friday night. Early start on Saturday morning for Starlight. Up the Pipeline track, we got to the first abseil without difficulties (It would have taken us much longer if we didn't have the wise guidance of Ian and Ken who have done Starlight before). Although a bit overcast, we judged it to be safe to drop into Starlight and start the long underground section. Fantastic to observe the glowworms and the starry sight (hence starlight canyon) is well worth the bumps into rocks and overhangs as you got to keep the torches switched off. Little water in the canyon, but there are a few wades and some of us should have brought wetsuits. Nevertheless, the canyon is rated as one of the most beautiful and we certainly weren't disappointed. After a side visit to Newnes ruins (worth the visit if you haven't seen them), back at camp around 3pm. It started to drizzle, but by 6pm it was dry enough to get the fire going and boil the.billies. Early:start again on Sunday for Pipeline. Same track -up the hill, again not too much trouble finding the first abseil. There are about 8 abseils and quite a few beautiful sections in the canyon. Famous for the orchids, but we missed the flowering season. A weekend without (serious) incidents, a fabulous trip. Jan Pieters Wanted! Short articles promoting a recent. walk or a coming walk in an interesting area. | The Sydney Bushwalker Page 16 | Walks For The Easter Weekend_(28“ March 1 April) Easter is an ideal time for an extended walk. The weather is comfortable and there is reasonable daylight in the evenings for enjoying the meal around the campfire. Four days walking provides time to access the more difficult or remote areas. The SBW walks listed for Easter in the Autumn Walks Programme are shown below. Please refer to the Programme for details of leaders and contact numbers. Note that these walks show a Thursday start as participants are expected to meet at the starting point on Thursday night. February 2002 , ay - be Ee Kanangra-Boyd NP Maps: Kanangra, Yerranderie Kanangra Walls - Roots Ridge - Denis Ridge Mt Field - Blue Breaks - Axehead Mtn Mt Kowmung Church Ck Caves Billys Ck Caves Donnellys Ridge Joalan Mtn Colboyd Ridge ~ Kanangra Walls. |Kanangra extravaganza this walk has it all - on & off track, ridge/river walking, high peaks/deep caves, rock scrambling/pack hauling. For fit, adventurous walkers. Visit areas often sighted in the distance but seldom visited. Party limit 8. Medium 50km Morton NP Maps: Nerriga, Touga, Yalwal, Burrier Bullfrog Ck Ettrema Ck Yalwal Ck - walk (almost) the entire length of Ettrema Creek. . Superb creek walking in remote wilderness. Wet feet, lovely swimming opportunities, great campsites. Side trip options. Party limit, 2 places-reserved for new members. Long car shuffle required. Medium 50km , Wellemi NP Maps: Colo Heights, Mt Morgan Canoe Ck track - Colo River Savage Trig - Mt Barakee - unnamed creek Wolgan River Newnes. Fri & Sat scrubby & rough. Sun & Mon easy river walking. Party limit. Medium/ Hard 50 km _ Kosciusko NP Map: Jacobs River Dead Horse Gap Cascade Hut - Tin Mines Falls - Tin Mines Hut Ingeegoodbee River - Murray River - Tom Groggin Ck - Dan Ck Buckwong Ck - Tom Groggin. High country walking, be prepared for warm and cold weather. Medium 60 km eee ew ee eee eee eee ee ewe Ree Day Walk on Saturday 31% March Brisbane Waters NP Maps: Broken Bay, Gosford _ Wondabyne station ~ Mullet Ck Mt Wondabyne - Great North Walk - Kahibah Ck Ocean Beach Ettalong: Beach Blackwall Pt foreshore parkland Woy Woy station. Tracks, trails & rough pads to cross the rocky plateau. Descent off escarpment is via a new housing estate. POE eae AEP PEERS OE neat ni eeeree Geographical - latitude and longitude, Map Facts: _ expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds Here are some definitions Grid coordinates given as eastings and which may assist you i northings values, expressed in metres understanding mapping and grid Datums: A mathematical reference system for TeIerences: mapping coordinate systems that best fits the ~~ Topographic Map: A shape of the worlds surface. A previous datum , detailed, accurate graphic Australia Geodetic Datum (AGD) was defined

representation of features appearing the Earths surface including: = Cultural features (roads, buildings, railways) * Relief features (mountains, valleys, slopes) = Vegetation features (wooded, cleared areas) Hydrographic features (lakes, rivers, streams)

Contour Lines: Lines joining points of equal

in 1966 and best fitted the shape of the earth in the Australian region only. An update of this, known as AGD84; uses the same datum as AGD66 and for navigation purposes can be regarded as being the same. A new datum (from 2000) the Geocentric Datum of Australia (GDA) was defined in 1994 as best fitting the shape of the earth as a whole.

heights. Lines close together indicate a steep slope; lines far apart indicate a gentle slope.

Map Coordinates: These are usually shown in one of two ways;

A major implication of this change is that GDA coordinates differ from their predecessors by approx 200 metres in a north-easterly direction.

* Extracts from Map Reading Guide published by AUSLIG | The Sydney Bushwalker _ February 2002 Page 17 | NEW MEMBERS PAGE: Weather And Whether To Go Or Not Please Weicome: For those new to The following new members bushwalking, the Ashley Boland John Chu prospect of inclement Rosemary Cliffton Lynn Dalgarno weather is often Gabbriella Eakins | Mark Hedge daunting and serves as John Kelly Kelvin Mason i ae a deterrent to going on Patrick McNaught Muhammad Moosa : i f; walks as planned. This Kerrie Norris Mayuri Paramaesvaran tf, fhe My v4 need not be so, providing Caro Ryan Dianne Schultz-Tesmar f fe yf% 7 you have a good raincoat and Graeme Tait Jill Turner rd fe you take the precaution of Anne Widmer

waterproofing the contents of your pack (a simple plastic bag will suffice).

Weathermen are notorious for getting it (the weather!) wrong. Furthermore, rain in Sydney does not necessarily mean that it will be raining in outlying areas. In the event that you should be unlucky, a shower or two can often be a refreshing welcome as you pant up a hill. Rain showers can also provide you with some magical moments, as they often give rise to Swirling mists that lend a dramatic touch to any view and are photographers delight.

Having said this, there are occasions when it is important to consider the possibility of rain and these include abseiling trips, canyoning trips and trips to places where rain can render access roads difficult or impassable.

Conversely, hot dry weather can present problems too, such as the threat of bushfire, as has been the case recently. Thankfully, I have never encountered a bushfire whilst out walking. J am no expert on the subject, so I will refer you to: the many handbooks on bushwalking and outdoor adventure activities for further advice on what to do in such a situation. Prevention is better than a cure and I recommend against walking anywhere in the vicinity of a bushfire. More common problems arising on days of high temperatures are hyperthermia and sunburn, so make sure that you slip, slop, slap and that you carry and drink plenty of water. The hot sunny days of summer are an ideal time for beach and river walks, which often include time for a swim or two. For the more adventurous, try a canyoning tip. Or you can take completely to the water on a kayak or canoe trip.

, Weather is just weather. Not much you can do about it, except to make yourself as comfortable as possible in the circumstances and get on with enjoying life! See you on the track!

Kay Chan

New Members Secretary

And Congratulations To: The following who have progressed through to

full membership:

Neil Hickson Stuart Luijerink Trisha Molinari Stefanie Rizel George Porter Leslie Clarke. Darcy Moore Stephan Dolphin

Recommended Easy Day Walks

Please refer to the Autumn Walks Programme for contact details:

Saturday 2”* March

Dharawal SRA

No. 6 of Aboriginal Artwalks Series: New walk for SBW - tracks, firetrails & some off track. Swimming at beautiful falls & large pool & Stokes Ck & at Sirens Cavern Pool Dharawal Cave Painting sites Easy 15 km Sunday 3“ March

Strickland State Forest

Banksia Point Narrara Creek Stoney creek Banksia Point. Includes attractive rainforest & tree species remaining from the site of Australias first forestry school. Easy 10 km Sunday 24” March

Bouddi National Park

Mt Bouddi The Bouddi Trail Little Beach Mt Bouddi (Maitland Bay). A wonderful section of scenic coastline on the Central Coast. The walk may be extended 5km to include Maitland Bay. Easy 10 km

for . weekend bushvvalk weeds tent, fe 6 bag:and mat; - | :

Details.of hiring arrangements: willbe publicized ) pe-coming magazines. Masiy thanks to those Who. : have donated surplus gar._ .

The Sydney Bushwalker

February 2002 Page 18 |


Social Programme:

We had a very friendly dinner in pleasant surroundings on 23 January as a break from our normal Clubroom meetings. Back in the Clubrooms on Wednesday 30“ January when the talk and slide show on native bees by Malcolm Batley was well attended and very informative. I know that I will look at small (and some large) flying things differently from now on.

Wednesday 27 of Feb. is Members Slides And Photos of Christmas walks and other memorable walks.

I will not be standing as Social secretary next year as I am retiring from work and plan to travel. Thank you to everyone who helped make my job easier Gemma Gagne


Wed 20” Members Survey General discussion on _ the outcomes of the Membership Survey and the Report from the Sub Committee

Wed 27“ Members Slides Members slides and photos of Christmas, New Year and other memorable walks


Wed 6th Committee Meeting

New Members Wed 13” Annual General Meeting

Sat/16“ Reunion at Coolana Sun Ww ra rr Pry

Wed 20” The Yorkshire Dales National Park .Viviene Dunne has recently completed this delightful 84 miles walk.

Wed 27“ Cheese, biscuits and Coffee with some slides and other distractions.

Coolana Maintenance

23 24” February and 7“- 10” : March _ Come and join the maintenance “crew for a pleasant weekend of light maintenance and bush regeneration.

No need to phone.

Two Vacancies for Hitchinbrook Island Trip (4th- 11th August)

Two of our members booked for the trip to Hitchinbrook later this year have had to cancel due to change of employment. This is your opportunity to join us on this trip. Please contact Bill Holland 02 9484 6636 if you wish to join us.


Regular cycling activities are scheduled in the Clubs Walks Programme. Additionally,

mid-week rides are scheduled at short notice. If you are free to cycle during the

week please contact George Mawer 9707 1343.


One day Joe, Bob and Dave were walking in the wilderness when they came upon a large, raging violent river. They needed to get to the other side but had no idea how to do so.

Joe prayed to God, saying Please God, give me the strength to cross this river Bang! God gave him big arms and strong legs and he was able to swim across the river in about two hours although he nearly drowned a couple of times.

Seeing this, Dave prayed to God, saying Please God, give me the strength and the tools to cross this river Bang! God gave him a rowboat and he was able to row across the river in about an hour, after almost capsizing a couple of times.

Bob had seen how this worked out for the other two, so he also: prayed to God, saying Please God, give me the strength, the tools and the intelligence to cross this river Bang! God turned him into a woman. She looked at the map, hiked upstream a hundred metres and walked across the bridge.

Copied from the Canberra Bushwalking Club IT Magazine December 2000 The Leaders in Adventure since 1930

Ever since Paddy Pallin began making his gear in his back room, Paddy Pallin has led the way in manufacturing and selling a range of quality products for fellow bushwalkers. We understand that walkers need lightweight, functional equipment which will perform in all kinds of conditions, so if you want the best products and the best advice, come

in and see us.

WE SPECIALISE IN: * Footwear for bushwalking * Rucksacks

* Day packs

* Gore-Tex rainwear

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* Outdoor clothing

* Sleeping bags

* Tents

* Stoves and water purifiers

* Cross country skis and boots * Rockclimbing equipment

* Books and maps

* Accessories

And if you are just starting out, or perhaps trying something new, we have a range of equipment (for hire at competitive prices.

For a free catalogue, drop into your nearest store, or call (02) 9524 1385.

Miranda 527 Kingsway City 507 Kent St Parramatta 2/74 Macquarie St Katoomba 166B Katoomba St Canberra 11 Lonsdale St. Braddon Jindabyne Kosciusko Rd

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