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SEPTEMBER 2001 Amongst the vast array of day packs that decorate the shelves of outdoor shops, it's difficult to pick something with the right features, what with 101 different types of nylon, all sorts

of different canvases, airflow systems, expanding pockets and neon colours.

So its nice to know that if your the type of person that wants simple robust functionality that reflects years of local bushwalking experience with solid locally made material a then the BLUE MOUNTAINS TRIASSIC could Ll be your best companion for many years to come.

Pack Review

by David Noble & Australian 120z canvas

Its good to see a pack made in the Blue Mountains for Made In Katoomba the old traditional way use in the Blue Mountains. The Triassic features two 40 titre capaci shoulder strap sizes so that the pack can be properly hip . P ty . .

loaded, sitting down comfortably in the lumbar region of Proper hip loading with 2 shoulder strap sizes

the back. This is sometimes difficult especially if you are a for walking comfort


vast bal and Chest seas cabrio taht tutich & Wide throat for easy loading and unloading great when climbing over rocks. & Buckle up front pocket with internal divider The volume is large enough to allow a 50m rope and & Top lid pocket wetsuit to easily fit in and the top is made larger so that ' A your stuff slides in and out with ease. The pack has a a Extendable lid for overloading large front pocket for those essential items such as a 4 Padded hip belt with 38mm buckle torch, and atop pocket cr thet map and camera The & Hip belt retainer for city use (conveniently holds pack is large enough to be used as a weekend pac : when no ropes etc. are needed. This can keep the bulk the hip belt back and out of the way down and stop you from packing too much on those 4#& Padded back (removable) ai ee ' , 4 Thumb loops on shoulder straps for more

@ Triassic is made from durable 120z canvas which F

, “ ae comfortable walking

can withstand the abuse given to it in canyons and when . . walking through scrub. All the seams are double stitched 4 Internal compression strap for holding down and sealed to prevent ae . inn very water proof, your canyon rope on a recent trip down Hole In The ” canyon, no A . ree water entered the main compartment despite a number & Side compression straps for minimising volume of lengthy swims. & Storm throat to keep out the rain The pack ss bush green in colour making the walker 4 Hard wearing Cordura base almost invisible in the bush. This is handy for sneaking up & Price $159.00

on wildlife with a camera or just blending in to the wilderness as you walk along. Good for those who like to keep the visual impact minima! too. ONLY AVAILABLE AT A quality Blue Mountains pack for our tough conditions, the Triassic carries a lifetime guarantee on workmanship and materials.

Overall an excellent pack for either short or tall with the

2 shoulder strap options. And great for canyons or short ad

weekend trips. EE 4ipsp ort NB: David Noble Is a keen canyoner and

bushwalker. He is also the discoverer of the rare ~~

Wolfem! Pine (WOLLEMIA NOBILIS) found in 1994. 1045 VICTORIA RD, WEST RYDE Ph 9858 5844

THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is a monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. To advertise in this magazine, please contact the Business Manager.

Editor: Bill Holland Telephone: 9484 6636 Email:

Fax: 99805476 (phone 9484 6636 first) Business Manager: Gretel Woodward Telephone: 9587 8912 Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman, Don Brooks, Margaret Niven


Ciub meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors are welcome.

Genera! Enquiries: phone 0500 500 729 SBW WEBSITE

COMMITTEE President: Wilf Hilder Vice-President: Peter Dalton Public Officer: Fran Holland Treasurer; Carole Beales Secretary: Judy OCennor Walks Secretary: Carol Lubbers Social Secretary Gemma Gagne

Membership Secretary: Sarry Wallace New Members Secretary: Kay Chan Conservation Secretary: David Trinder Magazine Editor: Bill Holland Committee Members: Pam Morrison Delegates to Confederation:

Jim Callaway Tom Wenman

Wilf Hilder, Geoff Bradley


Issue No. 802


2,3. Dot Butler - 90th Birthday Alex Colley 4. SBW Members Survey Pam Morrison A Note from The Editor

The Club's Insurance David Trinder

6,7. Letters to The Editor The August General Meeting

Bill Holland 10. The Width of a Hill Andrew Vilder 11. How Big is Your Party Andy Macqueen 12. The Pilgrimage to Poon Hill Frank Rigby

13. Tracks, Trails and Walks

Don Brooks and Frank Davis

14. Mining In National Parks

David Trinder

15. Navshield 2001 Ken Smith 16. New Members Page

17. Activities Page

18 XCD, Social Notes and Other Matters

ADVERTISERS: Alpsport Front cover Eastwood Camping 9 Paddy Pailin Back cover Wilderness Transit 7 Willis's Waikabouts 5

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers inc.

|Page 2 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2001

DOT BUTLER - Queen Mother of the S.B.W - 90th Birthday

In June 1989 Dot Butler, then 77, our first Honorary Active member, was awarded the 1988 Australian Geographic Adventurer of the Year gold medal in appreciation of her contnbution to bushwalking and mountaineering and encouragement of a sense of adventure in young people. Dot was the third recipient; the second was Colin Putt. At the time she was bushwalking with a group of .B.Ws. in their seventies making the most of their retirement with mid- week walks. A couple of years later she climbed the Three Sisters as part of the Youth Hostels Associations 50th birthday celebrations and three years later in 1992 she abseiled down the south east pylon on the Harbour Bridge as part of the 60th anniversary of the Budge opening; an appropriate event, since she had watched from the top of the arch when de Groote slashed the opening nbbon.

Dots walking career started in childhood when, together with her three brothers and sister, they set out from their Five Dock home to explore the mangroves of Homebush Bay, climbed trees and even cranes, went to Callan Park and Rookwood cemetery and even to Prospect Reservoir in which they were caught swimming. In her teens she joined Wally Balmuss acrobatic club which performed on Bondi Beach.. At the age of 20 she joined the S.B.W. Although she did a lot of cycling and mountaineering, bushwalking was her first love to which she always returned.

In 1936 she and Dr. Eric Dark accomplished the fixsst climb of Crater Bluff in the Warrumbungles. Next year she went on the first tiger walk from Wentworth Falls to Mt. Cloudmaker and return to Katoomba, led by Gordon Smith and Max Gentle. At the end of the year she went on a trip to New Zealand led by Gordon Smith and Jack Debert, the first of many trips to N.Z. A couple of years later she returned to New Zealand where she got a Job as a typiste, joined the Alpine Club and soon became a guide at the Mount Cook Hermitage. Dot came back to Australia in 1941 and resumed bushwalking with the S.B.W.,where she met Ira Butler and soon after marned him. After the war she started a family - two girls and two boys - who were taken out bushwalking and camping.

During the early fifties frequent climbing

-accidents and fatalities of Australian tourists occurred in New Zealand. They were, Dot wrote, treated as a joke for the amusement of tourists.

Alex Colley

There were a number of experienced members of the New Zealand Club in Australia and Dot obtained the permission of the Club to form an Australian section, which eventually had a membership of 300. Dot chartered planes to take them to New Zealand - up to 100 at a time - where she instructed them in mountaineering. Twelve years after the Australian Alpine Club had been formed, when Dot was 57, the age at which matrons choose comfort and relaxation, many of its members were very competent climbers. When Dot proposed an expedition to the Andes, the worlds second highest mountain range, the proposal was enthusiastically received. Nine club members were selected for the expedition, funds were raised, and in 1969 the first Australian Andean Expedition left for Peru. There they climbed mountains up to 20,000 feet highsome of them virgin peaks. Later Dot climbed in the Alps, the Himalayas the Sierra Nevada and Norway

In the days when bushwalkers didnt own cars and traffic was light, cycling was a pleasant form of road travel. Dot was a keen cyclist and cycled not only in Australia but in Spain, Ireland, Russia, Germany and Cambodia.

By no means all her travels were on foot or bicycle. She often travelled with her husband Ira who, as head of the Research Department of the Commonwealth Bank (he narrowly missed becoming Governor) represented the Bank on V.LP. overseas tours, accompanied by Dot attired in ber Paris models.

Dot is also a keen conservationist, having participated in the Garrawarra,Bouddi, Era and Myall Lakes campaigns and worked with the Rangers League.She has been a very generous donor to the Colong Foundation and was a founding member of Natural Areas Ltd. From the S.B.W. viewpoint the organisation of the purchasing, financing, conveyancing and surveying of Coolana was an achievement for which the Club will be forever grateful. As the era of permits, party limits, stoves only, leadership licencing and litigation advances, we will be ever more thankful for Coolana

Although Dot excels in all her activities she is no feminist. Oblivious of convention, she does what she wants and does it better than almost everyone of either sex. Nor is she competitive. Bill Henley, an athletics coach, and a member of the S.B.W., believed she could win the hop-step and jump event at the Olympics, but she wasnt interested. The Sydney Bushwalker

It was very appropriate that the magazine collating team held a birthday party to celebrate Dots 90th birthday on the night this magazine was collated. She has not only contributed 127 articles to the magazine, many illustrated by her drawings, but was editor in 1954,5.6 and is a long time member of the collating team.

This article covers only some of the highlights of Dots career. Those who would like to read the full story should read her book The Barefoot Bushwalker, now in its second reprint. As the publisher, ABC, writes It reveals a personality of warmth and charm whose sense of fun and abundant enjoyment of life characterises all her experiences.


s [Page 4 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2001


SBW Members Survey:

The Members Survey that went out with the July magazine has had an excellent response. Almost 50% of club members took the time to complete and return the survey. This means that the results coming out of the survey are a good indication of what club members are doing in the way of walks and what they feel about their club. We'll be including a complete report of the findings in the October newsletter, but will give you a brief summary now.

Is there a typical SBW member? As most of you know from the people you walk with, the answer to that is that we are all different. Our ages range from the early twenties into the nineties, males slightly outnumber females, time with the club varies from a healthy 18% of members joining in the last 3 years to 24% of members who have been with the club more than 20 years. 44% of the respondents walk with other clubs.

47% of the respondents went on at least 4 walks in the past 12 months, and of those, 36% went on 9 or more walks. The most common reason given for not walking more with SBW was too busy with other commitments, followed by walks offered didnt meet my needs, Im no longer an active walker, and I have moved away from Sydney. While slightly more than half the respondents didnt go on any overnight walks in the previous 12 months, there is a very active group of keen overnight walkers. The overwhelming reason for not going on overnight walks is because of too busy a life (82%), something we can all relate to.

While the majority of members are happy with their club, there are some areas where changes are desired. When asked what they thought about the Walks Program only 32% felt it was good the way it is. Some of the suggestions for changes to the Walks Program were provide more medium walks (17.5% of respondents), more mid- week walks (17.5%), more 2-3 days walks (17%), more easy walks (15%), and more hard walks (9%). Again, the different viewpoints highlight the diversity of the members.

For a fuller picture of where members have areas of concern, suggestions for improvement and a more detailed description of the walks activity, keep your eye out for the next magazine.

Pam Morrison

A Note From The Editor:

This magazine issue comes to you a little early due to the my absence on holidays later this month. For this reason the President's Report has been held over to next month as Committee meeting is scheduled to take place after the magazine printing deadline.

A tribute to Dot Butler on her 90th birthday (70 years with SBW) leads into this magazine. Alex Colley has named her “Queen Mother of SBW” - a well deserved title.

All walks leaders are urged to read and take note of Andy Macqueen's article “How Big is Your Party? ” on Page 11. A glance through our Spring Walks Programme shows many walks planned in areas subject to party limits. The reports read to the August General Meeting (see Page 8) indicate that we may have inadvertently exceeded these limits on some occasions.

And it is pleasing to see Letters to the Editor coming in - four in this issue. This is your magazine and I welcome your contributions. Also, short and interesting reports about recent walks, track notes and anecdotes are sought for what is, after all, a bushwalking magazine - see page 18 for submission deadlines and contact details.

Finally, 1 must report that last month the heading of the tribute to Marjorie Rodd misspelt her name as Margery - my apologies

to her family.


Music around the campfire with the Poleson family and other entertainers The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2001 Page 5 |

The Clubs Insurance

This summary briefly describes the clubs insurance policies, it is not intended to cover all conditions and circumstances.

The Sydney Bush Walkers has public liability insurance and personal accident insurance. These are obtained through the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs (NSW) Inc. The Sydney Bushwalkers is included in the NSW Confederation.

If a member has an accident and suffers financial loss, he or she can be compensated. The maximum benefit is $50,000, that is called the Capital Benefit and it applies to death, and other serious losses like paraplegia, insanity, loss of one or two eyes, or limbs. Seventy five percent is paid for loss of hearing in both ears, and the list goes down to 1% for a toe. Medical expenses can be reimbursed to 80% with an excess of $50 per claim and a limit of $2,000.

lf you are temporarily disabled they will pay 80% of your salary up to $500 per week for 52 weeks and if you are partially disabled from work they will make up your pay to 80% of the difference to a maximum of $150 per week for 52 weeks.

Declared members including prospective

David Trinder

participating in club activities. This includes a wide range of outdoor activities, social or fundraising events or traveling to and from club activities. We are covered anywhere in the world except in the USA and Canada. If the injured person has another insurance, he can claim on only one policy.

The insurance has limited cover for evacuation from the scene of an accident. This can cost several hundred dollars by ambulance and several thousand by helicopter. Private health insurance normally covers evacuation. An injured person or his representative should state the injury but not ask for a helicopter, let the doctor do that.

The club is also covered for Public Liability to maximum of $10million. This policy protects the club as a body against claims to itself or its officers and members. There is an assumption of risk but the club is expected to be careful, ie. exercise a duty of care, however the club is covered in the case of negligence.

Should members have reason to claim on the Personal Accident policy they should contact the Insurer on 1300 136 132 for a claim form. There is a time limit for claims.

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Fax: (08) 8985-2355 [Page 6


DX) Letter To The Editor

1 read with interest the letter from Rosemary MacDougal in last month's magazine, regarding insurance .

The club has public liability insurance and personal accident insurance for all members, and one would be a fool if one did not belong to an ambulance fund. So be it.

I feel however that there is an unhealthy pre-occupation with these matters.

Early in my working life I was employed in an insurance office and was engaged in the study of insurance. We were taught, I recall, that insurance was the handmaiden of commerce.

Insurance began when merchants sought to insure the cargoes of merchant ships against their loss by calamities such as shipwreck and the like. The ventures of these merchants were undertaken for commercial profit, and the insurance was intended to mitigate the loss caused by such disastrous happenings.

I have been bushwalking for many years, and prior to that ventured into the mountains of Britain & Europe as a fell walker and climber.

None of my ventures in this regard has been undertaken for monetary profit, and none has eventuated. Indeed so far as finance is concerned I would be considerably out of pocket on the whole deal. Nor do I regret this. The gain has been otherwise. Lasting friendships formed in the company of the mountains, experiences of varying intensity and hardship have been shared, and obstacles and problems overcome with the helpful comradeship which identifies those who indulge in this sort of pastime. Lessons have been learned about self control and the necessity of self reliance under difficult conditions. The absolute exhilaration of getting to the top of a particular mountain or the exquisite beauty of a small mountain creek. The superb views which can only be got by the sheer hard struggle of a long day, the delight of that other world revealed by canyoning. The pleasure of camping by a pleasant stream, sharing again, in good company, the pleasures of day.

My insurance has been my fitness and my capability to participate in these activities.

The Sydney Bushwalker September 2001

Never, ever, have I set off on a walk, confident in the insurance policy in my pack and with my mobile phone and telephone number of my favourite friendly solicitor. Nor would I ever want to. That would destroy all that participating in this activity means, and I would suggest that those who rely on such items are not for that life which I have attempted to describe above.

Tom Wenman

DX] Letter To The Editor

Entrance fees to Kanangra Boyd National Park are now being charged and it has been reported that cars are still being broken into.

This recalls the Colong Foundations submission, inspired by Milo Dunphy, to the Blue Mountains National Parks Advisory Committee on March 10th 1979. The road is now flanked by a narrow strip of parkland excluded from the Kanangra Boyd Wilderness, but in view of the car dependence, not only of bushwalkers but of nearly everybody, it was | considered impractical to suggest its abandonment. However the central feature of the submission was that the road be closed to private vehicles and that access to the walls be provided by a park bus service. This would be implemented by:

e Locating the park centre just outside the northern end of the park and parking private vehicles there under supervision.

e Consideration of the bus schedule in co- operation with bushwalking clubs

e Closing and revegetation of all other roads in the park

e A walkers track from park headquarters to Kanangra Walls ,

Entrance and parking fees would cover much, if

not all of the cost, of the scheme. But even if they

didn't there would be considerable advantages in park conservation and management. The areas degraded by car camping could be rehabilitated and 4WDs and horseriders excluded. For such reasons cars ate already excluded from several

American parks. The use of public transport also

confers considerable advantages.

Not long after I acquired a car I gave up using

it for transport to the Blue Mountains because

I could then plan walks that didn't have to

return to their starting point. There was no The Sydney Bushwalkr

September 2001 Page7 |

risk of my car being broken into, or perhaps burnt, and I didn't have that drive out through the traffic and back at night after a hard days walk. Instead of driving to the park entrance one could travel by a NSW Wilderness Transit bus (see advert this page). Motorists may not like this proposal, but I believe its worth thinking about.

Alex Colley

DX) Letter To The Editor

A situation exists on the Couranga Track that tests the boundaries of the absurd.

Some person or persons unknown is/are conducting a vendetta against cyclists by constructing multiple obstacles on the track.

Attempts to remove the obstructing branches appear merely to goad the phantom vandal to position more and more barriers, and now track signs are being defaced with infantile scribble.

It is not entirely obvious if bikes are or are not allowed on the track. A “NO PUSH BIKES” SIGN at the Southern end of Forest Path and the notice board at the McKell Avenue entrance of the Fosters Flat track clearly indicate that bikes are not permitted. However the notice board at the Couranga Track entrance on Uloola fire trail is, at best, ambiguous being a 'green' square with a red diagonal stripe which may or may not be official.

Regardless of whether or not bikers have the right to use the track, the energetic but misguided building of barricades will not stop them.

Bikers do not invade walking tracks because they are smooth and straight. It is because the terrain presents a challenge. The building of artificial obstacles elevates the challenge and enhances the fun.

1. Obstacles that cannot be surmounted

are skirted. The end result of this

vandalism is: Bikers expeditions enhanced.

2. Damage to bush when obstacles skirted.

3. Damage to bush as Mr.X collects and drags timber to obstruct track. 4. More damage to bush as walkers clear track.

5. Obstacles inconvenience the hell out of


6. Inevitably someone will be seriously

injured by tipping or falling from bike.

I too believe that it is inappropriate for bikers to use the Couranga Track but I appeal to the builder of the barricades to pursue your campaign within the boundary of legality and common sense.

Frank Davis

[DX] Letter To The Editor

Could you please spread the word and announce at the next meeting, that the campfire at Carlons Farm on 20 September has had to be cancelled (actually it will be held later in the year, date to be confirmed) due to events beyond the control of the organisers. Everything else about Songline is progressing as planned.

Andy Macqueen




Departs from Sydney's Campbelitown Railway Station Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am Retums 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid. Via Starlights. Mittagong & Marulan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each

month, returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6} Group booking discounts or charter service

Tel 0246 832 344 Mob 0428 832 344


[Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2001

The August General Meeting

The meeting was ready to open at 8 pm. The problem was there was no President present; no Secretary, no Treasurer, no Conservation Secretary and most importantly for this record - no Scribe. Peter Dalton, as Vice President, took the chair, called the meeting to order and business got underway with your replacement scribe doubling up as Secretary. At this stage there were 17 members present and numbers increased to near 30 as the meeting progressed.

Apologies had been received from the aforementioned officers to which were added apologies from Patrick James and Fran Holland. New Members were welcomed and with no previous minutes, mo correspondence, no Treasurer's report, no Conservation report - it appeared that it would indeed be a short meeting.

Fortunately, this was not to be. Kay Chan outlined changes to prospective membership procedures; Don Brooks presented proposed arrangements for the Walks Leader's night and Peter Dalton announced the planning for a night to discuss the size and structure of the Management Committee. Indeed we live in an age of change!

Then it was time for the Walks report. It began with a return to walks on the weekend of 7th July. This had a familiar ring from the last meeting but perhaps Carol saw the need to fill in some extra time. Moving on to the next weekend, no report from Phil Newman's Six Foot Track in two days or if there was your scribe missed it. On Saturday 14th July Charlie Montross had 5 with him on tracks and trails in Lane Cove Park accompanied by water dragons and, for some reason, the absence of possums deserved a mention. No report from the other walks that weekend so we moved on to Ian Rannard replacing Wilf Hilder on the umpteenth stage around Port Jackson on Wednesday 18th July. 10 participants indulged themselves in what was reported as lots of street walking.

On to the following weekend, Stephen Anstee relocated his “walking with bicycles” away from Leura to Duffy's Forest. Here the hills were less steep so they cycled for 55 kms to Cowan Waters. Nigel Weaver and eight others enjoyed magnificent views in Marra Marra on what was described as a perfect day but some felt the 19 kms was not an “easy” walk. In Kanangra, Tony Crichton Jed his group of 18 on a what was described as a great walk to a crowded Kowmung campsite where they showed nearby

Bill Holland

fisherman that dawn was the best time to catch fish.

The weekend of 28/29th July commenced with a party of 1] led by Sev Sternhill on a medium+ walk from Kanangra to Paralyser and retum taking a welcome shortcut to reduce the second day walk to only 10 hours. Phil Newman's party of 15 had a late start (car shuffle) and a late finish for their 33 km walk from Cowan to Westleigh via Berowra Waters finishing with a barbecue at the leader's house. Michael Bickley reported that 13 enquiries diminished to 5 participants on his Sunday Marra Marra Orange Grove walk and discovered that all the oranges had been collected by the local Council. Foul weather reduced Errol Sheedy's Heathcote walk to 5 participants. No report of David Trinder's walk on the same day.

On 4th/5th August Stage 6 of the Great River Walk with Roger Treagus attracted 13 members; Tony Crichton had 11 in training for the Six Foot Track although not all took up the Perry's option. Nevertheless the walk from Mt Hay to Bluegum was described as a “full-on” day. At a much easier pace Bill Holland led 12 on his walk from St Ives to Lindfield.

The mid-week walkers stay in the Carter's holiday cottage in July had 8 indulging in easy bush and beach walking, some cycling and lots of card playing when light rain set in for the second half of the week. This was followed by future walks announcements including invitations to join groups going to Lamington in September and Hitchinbrook Island next year.

Despite the absence of some normal business it was getting towards 9 pm as we moved on to Confederation report where Jim Callaway told us about the lack of insurance cover for visitors, problems with Confederation's website and announcements about the bush dance and the AGM which was to held somewhere unpronounceable down south.

And so the meeting drew to a close, or rather to coffee and biscuits, before starting the members Gear Buy and Swap that had been featured in pre-meeting publicity.


Leaders, potential leaders and members are encouraged to attend the Walks and Activity

Planning night on Wednesday 26th September

Whether its bush walking, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, trek- king or travel, a pack is your best friend or worst enemy. Why? Because you depend on the agility and comfort that your pack provides.

The Mont Moto-Active adjustable har- ness system is deceptively simple, fast to

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We use Evazote foams, the most du- rable, high quality foams available. Hip-belt secures di- rectly te the allumin- ium frame-stays for direct load transfer. Only highest quality Duraflex buckles. The shoulder yoke adjusts independ- ently of the frame stays.

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7 | c Mont Adventure Equipment; The Australian company with over 20

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3 Trelawney Street Eastwood. eastwood Phone : 02 9858 3833. camping

All packs personally fitted

centre by our experienced Staff.

4 Page 10

The Syduey Bushwalker September 2001

The Width of a Hill

I was interested to read the theory of another member in the July Bushwalker regarding the length of hills. Having climbed a few hills myself , including all of those mentioned, I offer my own views as to their actual distance.

When people speak of say, a 20% increase of distance in hilly terrain, I assume they are comparing this to as the crow flies. It was using this yardstick that in my recent Wild atticle featuring the K to K I stated that the actual distance covered is 55km, opposed to 49-50km scaled from the map. This is a modest 10% increase due to ups and downs.

Pythagoras two dimensional geometric law cant be applied with much accuracy to a three dimensional hill, because it assumes that the slope is a constant straight line. While this might be true of Mt Fuji in Japan, Australias old eroded landscapes present undulating hills. They start steep, and the gradient eases towards the top. Read from the typical scale diagram of Mt. Strongleg below, the hypotenuse of the triangle (a) is at least 50m shorter than the actual profile (b) measured with a flexible ruler. This alone adds another 3%.




1eS0n, 1.19, 005

Hillsides are choppy, comprising a series of steps onto rocks, over roots etc. forcing the walker to make uneven progress. The diagram © and (d) are to the same scale, however the surface area of (d) is much greater due to not being straight. This is the basic principle of a stronger carpentry joint, and may add another 1 maae to a hillclimb.

Andrew Vilder


Most SBW walkers are fit enough to bolt straight up hills by shortest available route, figuring the saving in time is worth the extra effort and theyre probably right. However just one look at the zig-zag alternative tracks on Yellow Dog or Blackhorse Ridge will tell the observer that they are at least 200% longer! (e)

If the walker chose to take the zig-zag route on either of these, then taking into account the other factors he or she would easily add 20% to a standard 20km walk distance as measured A to B on a map. Let alone the K to K.

The shortest way up a hill is in fact by helicopter, typically saving 99% remaining effort- offset by the need to break a leg or ankle in a remote area to test this theory. Andrew Vilder .


Have You Changed Your Address ?

If you have changed your address or phone number recently please advise:

Members: Barry Wallace Prospectives: Kay Chan

The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month.

The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 1 1 |

September 2001

How Big Is Your Party?

Andy Macqueen*

This article was originally printed in the Winter Edition of “The Bushwalker” magazine of The

Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs NSW Inc.

After many years of drafts, more drafts and

public exhibitions, last April saw the official

adoption of Plans of Management for several national parks, including Blue

Mountains, Kanangra-Boyd and Wollemi.

Current NPWS management and

Environment Minister Debus are to be

congratulated that an approved framework

for management of the parks has finally been put in place.

The plans set down objectives, policies and actions for conservation of natural and cultural heritage, and for management of park use. They incorporate management measures for the Kanangra-Boyd, Wollemi and Grose Wilderness Areas.

Matters of particular relevance to bushwalkers include the following:

1. Unless otherwise approved, bushwalking party sizes are limited to 8 in wilderness and 20 in other national park areas.

2. Canyon party sizes are limited to 8 if abseiling is involved or if the canyon is in wilderness, otherwise a limit of 12 applies.

3. As has been the case for years, camping in the Blue Gum Forest area is only allowed at Acacia Flat. For a trial period, Acacia Flat will be declared a fuel-stove-only area, and the assistance of Confederation and other groups will be sought in implementing the trial. (This has arisen from the advice of the Friends of Blue Gum Forest, which includes Confederation members.)

4. The use of volunteers to undertake walking track maintenance will be encouraged. (Come on clubs, let's lend a hand!)

5. A public forum is proposed on the management of remote bushwalking, to develop guidelines for management of unconstructed walking tracks. Strategies for the regulation of remote area bushwalking will be considered.

6. Apart from the following exceptions,

cycling is not permitted in wilderness:

public vehicle access roads extending into

wilderness management trails within the Grose Wilderness management trails on the Boyd Plateau north and east of the Kanangra Walls road 7. A strategy for the management of adventure activities such as climbing and canyoning will be developed in consultation with user groups. I am sure the matter of party sizes will cause some angst amongst some walkers and clubs. The issue is not new, however. Confederation agreed to similar limits when attempting to negotiate blanket consent some years ago, and supported the party limits when the above plans were in draft stage. Some clubs have already embraced such limits. Most walkers agree that in order to have a peaceful, low-impact and safe experience, size limitations are needed, though there are many views as to what exactly is appropriate for different places and situations.

Whether or not you agree with the limits, the important point is that they now have legal force. If you think you have a case for exceeding the limit in a given situation, don't despair. try getting approval. It is understood that the Regional Manager has delegated his powers in this regard to the individual rangers. They may be more understanding than you think.

* Andy represents the bushwalking movement on the Blue Mountains Region NPWS Advisory Committee.

Boots For Sale: Scarpa Lady Trek - Size 40 % Price $150-00 Robyn (02) 9810 2948

Abseiling Rope For Sale:

timm abseiling rope. 50 metres (or maybe 55)), never used. $140 ONO delivered to a club night Rob Pillans 9816 2971 (HH) or

| Page 12

.. The Sydney Bushwalker_ September 2001

The Pilgrimage To Poon Hill

“IT will knock on your door at 4.30 in the moming and we'll be away at 4.45. Put on your warm clothing and don't forget to bring atorch”.

Such was the advice Joan and I received from our escort, Wangchu Sherpa, on the evening we lodged at the Snowland Hotel in the village of Ghorapani in Nepal's Annapurna region. We were promised a magnificent sunrise panorama if we could make it to the summit of Poon Hill at 3,210 metres (10,531 feet). Right through our trek the “don't miss Poon Hill” message had been coming through loud and clear from our fellow trekkers. We had no intention of missing the place provided my body could manage the uphill going at this altitude.

So there we were, in the cold and the dark, starting up the track at a leisurely pace. But it quickly became obvious that we were not alone. What seemed to be a continuous file of people, speaking a variety of tongues, were intent on overtaking us. That was not so difficult because most of the trekkers in Nepal were considerably younger and, presumably, fitter than ourselves. There was a distinct element of congestion, something we had not previously encountered on the trails.

By the time we reached the top, after about an hour's steady climbing, we must have been on the end of the line. But our timing was perfect as the sun was just then painting a couple of the summits with that golden glow which seems to last but a few minutes at this latitude. As I recovered my breath two impressions crowded me, each competing for primacy. Naturally, one would have to be blind not to notice the impressive array of snowy mountains laid out like a gigantic stage backdrop. Yes, but what about all these people in the foreground and all this chattering noise, to say nothing of the coffee stall and the huge steel viewing platform erected right on the top? Not to worry, there's no incompatibility here, famous places and crowds of people inevitably go hand in hand in the age of mass tourism. Even the summit of Mt.Everest is no longer immune - one summiteer

Frank Rigby

complained earlier this year that he could not take the pictures he wanted because the other twenty-odd climbers were in the way!

But please don't get me wrong, the view from Poon Hil! was spectacular! There they all were, the giants of the Annapurna Himal, sparkling in the sunshine: Dhaulagiri, Tukuche, Nilgiri, Annapurna 1, Annapurna South, Hiunchuli and Tarke Kang, soaring as high as 8,167 metres (26,795 feet) above sea level. Turning now to the people, I thougnt I might count them, just out of curiosity. No, impossible, so 1 made a best estimate of about two hundred. I wondered if any trekkers at all were left in the village of Ghorapani?

I mused that I myself was a part of mass tourism; I had the money, the means and the time to go to such wonderful spots so far away from home. So it would be quite unfair to blame all the other visitors for being there too. Once upon a time it would have been possible to climb Poon Hill and find no one else there, myself included, but the world is changing at frightening speed. We cannot turn the clock back; all we can do is to seek out those ever-diminishing special places where some sort of a wilderness experience is still possible, if that is what we want. Perhaps Australia is the Lucky Country after all but how long will our luck last?


* A WORD OF CAUTION * It has been drawn to the attention of the club committee that there may well be legal issues arising from people either joining a walk late, or leaving a walk early and walking out on their own.

Apart from the obvious risks involved in walking alone (accidents and injuries), legal issues may arise given that the walk was an official SBW event.

The committee resolved that it is the responsibility of any walker joining a programmed walks late or leaving it early to

personally advise the leader of that walk of his/her intention.

The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2001 Page 13

ror Tracks, Trails & Walks

Don Brooks and Frank Davis

Two of our members attended the Walking Track Co-ordinators Conference at Wagga Wagga on 3 July 2001. The Conference theme was how a volunteer organisation has contributed to maintenance and promotion of The Bibulmun Track. This is their report of the proceedings:

Bibbulmun Track

From Kalamunda (Perth hills) to Albany, the 964 km Bibbulmun Track traverses forests, granite outcrops and Southern Ocean shorelines. The new' Track was opened in 1998 following realignment, upgrading and extension of the old track.

Western Australia's Dept. of Conservation & Land Management (CALM), with the support of 'The Friends of the Bibbulmun Track' (FOBT) manage and maintain the Track. Becky Shrimpton, Executive Officer of FOBT gave an impressive presentation on the 'Friends' contribution to the Track's promotion and management.

FOBT boasts 1500 members with 500 registered volunteers. These volunteers, trained by CALM in track maintenance tasks, adopt 191 maintenance areas, provide feedback on track problems. CALM provides equipment and uniforms.

The track has 48 three-sided timber sleeping shelters and many car access points, allowing short sections to be walked, and passes some B&B's and towns where fresh supplies can be obtained. Currently there is no charge to walk the Track.

FOBT enthusiastically promote the Track and market an extensive range of products; from T-shirts & caps to provisioned day- packs for overseas groups; from conducted walk packages to maps and guide books.

The danger is that the marketing prove so successful as to overwhelm the track facilities. 1999-2000 saw 35,000 walkers on the Track .

Other presentation on tracks more familiar to Bush Walking Club members, highlighted some of the concerns held by managers:

Six Foot Track

10,000 walkers annually - marathon nun Great North Walk

Safety concern for 1200 on overnight run from Castle Hill to Brooklyn. As this event raised nearly a $500,000 for Community Aid Abroad it is difficult to raise criticism

Managers plan for staggered start of future events.

The Bicentennial National Trail -BNT

5,330 kms from Cooktown to Healsville. Caters for horse riders, cyclists and walkers - in fact any self-reliant, non- motorised transport. This Trail passes through Crown Land, National Parks and private property. Hume & Hove Track

Historical significance and environmentally sensitive areas.

These and tracks and trails such as: Northern

Territory's “Larapinta”, Tasmania's Overland and Victoria's 'Great South West' are national assets and should be

protected by legislation.

The route of the BNT is placed in jeopardy whenever the ownership of paddock changes hands. They have only one paid officer, busy enough without this burden.

As Governments continue to retreat from the responsibility for services the need for Friends of. ..' to maintain walking tracks could well be necessary in the future.

Would our walking clubs be ready for such an eventuality?

Posters For Sale: $49 for the lot!

Five laminated colour posters containing

photographs by noted Australian wilderness

photographer Robert Rankin:

e Mt Barney Qid - The Scenic Rim landscape

@ Western Arthurs Tas - Lake Oberon (landscape)

e Federation Peak Tas (portrait)

Grose Valley creek- Blue Mins (portrait)

The Beech Forest SEQ (landscape)

All posters are Im x 70cm, the actual print on

the poster is 52cm x 84cm.

Contact Maurice Smith (02) 8266 5573 work, or

(02) 9587 6325 home

The deadline for the Summer Walks Programme is Friday 19th October.

Page 14

The Sydney Bushwalker September 2001


by David Trinder

Mining In National Parks

Mining can cause damage in National Parks and the current environment legislation is powerless to prevent it. The damage includes dust, noise, loss of vegetation and the introduction of weeds. Even when a mine is outside of a protected area, it can contaminate rivers and underground aquifers and erosion can be caused by roads, tracks, power facilities, sewerage systems and housing.

Under the Mining Act ownership of minerals is vested in the NSW Government, and the Minister for Mines can issue a license or lease to explore, assess or mine in or adjacent to a protected area. If a new national park is declared all existing interests in the area cease, except as agreed by the Minister administering the NPW_ Act. Private enterprise and forestry is generally excluded from national parks, but mining is exempted from this control, it can continue. Indeed a new mine can be granted in a national park.

Strong environmental legislation is needed to ensure that protected areas are not damaged by mines. Mining leases need a development consent under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. Generally EP&A consents have protective conditions, but protective conditions to mining lease are voided by the Mining Act and the consent is considered to be granted without conditions. Instead the mining Act controls environmental protection. This act ts a crude tool when used in protecting a natural area. The Minister and the Department of Mines and Energy, are both advocate and regulator. Public comment on the environmental restrictions of a mining lease are restricted by the interaction of the two acts, the EP&A Act and the Mining Act.

Queensland recently found that the tax payer was paying a large liability bill to clean up mine site toxic spills and a CJC Inquiry found the same dilemma that we find in

NSW. As a result the Mines Environment

Compliance Unit was transferred from the

Department of Mineral Resources to The Environment Protection Authority. NSW would benefit from a change like this.

BHP is taking part in community consultation with parties interested in a coal mine that is occurring below an area south east of Appin. They held consultation meetings in which BHP told the people what they were doing and what they were going to do and the company listened to what the people had to say but apparently there was no consultation to attempt to meet the needs of the people, only the company. BHP said that if for example there was an aboriginal site that might be damaged by mining, they would record the site and then go ahead with mining.

Possibly we should see BHP as a business working for its shareholders and regulated by government regulation, and that this case is an illustration of the weaknesses in the NSW environment legislation related to mining.

OHares Creek is a major tributary of the Georges River and drains an area between Wollongong, Appin and Campbelltown south of Sydney. The area has outstanding conservation values, it has several threatened plant and animal species and part of it, the OHares Creek Shale Forest was listed as an endangered ecological community in 1999. Access to the area is limited but bushwalking and cycling have been allowed since 1994. In 1996 it was dedicated as a State recreation area and the area is part of Water Board catchment. Despite this protection clay mining for bricks and tiles has been taking place in several places along its perimeter. The value of this extraction has been found to be small and the state government has recommended that the mining be phased out. However a development application to mine clay has recently been rejected by Wollondilly Council and is going to the Land and Environment Court soon.

The Sydney Moming Herald of June 6, 2001 writes that a controversial business man proposes to build a large sand mine on the


see ee -_ ~ ee ns

The Sydney Bushwalker September 2001 Page 15 |

edge of Wollemi Wilderness on the Newnes upper tributaries of the Wollangambe River Plateau. The area is part of the newly which runs through the Wollemi Wilderness created World Heritage Area. From. this Area and joims the Colo River. Both rivers mine he expects to extract 1.4 million tonnes are vulnerable to disturbance such as runoff. of sand and Kaolin per year for the next 30 ooo0

years. The NPWS have expressed their

. . ae References The Sydney Morning Herald and the concerms saying that mining activities next to

National Parks Journal. a wilderness area are a key threat. The service notes that the area contains minor NAVSHIELD 2001 Ken Smith

The Emergency Services Navigation Shield is an annual event organised by the Bushwalkers Wilderness Rescue Group which is the Search & Rescue group affiliated with Confederation. The event is a form of competitive navigation much like a rogaine, ie controls are set in the field and participants try to maximise their points score if they are competitive while others just use the course to practice their navigation.

The 2001 event was held on the weekend of July 7&8 in almost the entire Abercrombie National Park south of Oberon, about three and a half hours drive W of Sydney and was again a successful event. The base site was a large sheep paddock bordering the National Park. The terrain was gully & spur with no scrub, was a delight to walk in and an ideal place for anyone to learn the basics of navigation.

A total of 155 teams, comprising over 550 participants took part in the events. No teams represented SBW. The map used was part of CMA Arkstone 1:25000. Total.possible point-score was 2260. Snow fell in the area the day before the event, but cloud cover and a nearly full moon led to conditions being reasonable for those who stayed out at night.

2-Day Event Class-1 Results (Top Eight)

Newcastle Bushwalkers Bushwalkers 1920 Kangaroo Valley Bushfire Brigade Rural Fire Service 1850 National Parks Blue Mountains NPWS 1730 Shoalhaven SES 1490 Kangaroo Vailey Bushfire Brigade 1 Rural Fire Service 1380 NSW Cave Rescue VRA 1280 RAAF Richmond - 37 Sqn Armed Services 1270 Springwood Bushwalkers 1 Bushwalkers 1270 1-Day Event Class-1 Results (Top Seven) Mudgee Bushwalkers Bushwalkers 700 NSW Cave Rescue VRA 650 Blue Mountains SES 1 SES 600 Nordic Ski Club Others 570 Bendigo SES SES 560 Berrima Rescue Squad VRA VRA 560 National Parks Blue Mountains NPWS 540

Australian Bush Heritage Fund

Dr Kate Fitzherbert, part of the fundraising team at Australian Bush Heritage Fund, will speak at the Clubrooms (8 pm) on the 31 October 2001 about the organisation, its beginnings, its existing reserves and reserve management and on its plans for the future. Mark this date on your calendar!

[Page 16

The Syduey Bushwalker September 2001


Coolana Training Weekend

August 11” and 12“

A group of eight prospective members spent an August training weekend at Coolana, together with our bushcraft tutors, Bill Holland and Patrick James.

Over the two days Bill and Patrick shared the task of instructing us in basic map and compass work and bushwalking first-aid. Their approach to navigation was highly practical.

Bill took the group on an exploratory tour of the property, which gave us a feel for moving on and off track over sloping ground with plenty of brush and tree cover. One of the most interesting features of this terrain is the cliff line along the top of the slope fronting the river, together with the various spurs and outliers associated with it. A bit of rock scrambling helped to sharpen our sense of what hands and feet were doing.

The Dot Butler Lookout proved a convenient vantage point for a bit of map work. We learned how to match landscape features with map information and to use a compass to establish direction of travel. Shortly afterwards we were led down, moved about here and there for a few minutes to confuse us, and then let loose in pairs to find our own way back to camp. This we managed to do, some more quickly than others, some no doubt using their hard- won skills, others with ratlike cunning.

Patrick undertook the task of inculcating the practice of first-aid, as it applies to outdoor activities. Everything we learned was directed to our choice of gear to take in the pack and our ability to deal with the kinds of emergencies most likely to occur in the wilderness. Like Bill, Patrick had an excellent rapport with his students, encouraging us to think for ourselves rather than simply accepting established practice.

Our experience at Coolana gave us a taste of traditional camping, with a focus on shared activities, unfettered by the restrictions which are necessarily placed upon us when we camp on public land. A notable luxury, enjoyed by all, was a camp fire that was never in danger of going out,

thanks to Patricks timber gettmg skills. When volunteers were called for to help sustain the tug-of-war, the dead branch came down all right and so did we, and I ended up with Bill sitting on my head.

Both our tutors showed great good humour in dealing with their students. They put in a big effort to ensure that we not only learned the rudiments of bushcraft, but had fun as well. I fear, however, that some of us . rookies were a sore disappointment in the camp fire singing department, though, under some pressure, Leigh put in a sterling performance. Our tutors were quite convinced that some of us were concealing our talents, but we were equally sure that we didnt have any. No doubt at least some of * us will improve with practice.

All in ail, this was an excellent week-end, and our thanks go out to our long-suffering tutors, Bill and Patrick. John Rivers


Please welcome the following new members: Emma Bradshaw Sydney Cole

John van Gelder Robyn Fleming Ronald Horvath Bradley Lamerton Kevin O'Dea Derek Rossel Lavinia Schofield Marina Stewart Congratulations:

And congratulations to the following who have progressed to full membership.

Jane Beeby Jackie Cooper Tricia Elliott Leigh McClintock

Club Training Nights:

Wed 10th October: “Packing for a Trip” Some practical tips on what gear to take and how to pack it.

Coolana Training Weekend:

The next Prospectives Training Weekend will be on_October 27th, 28th and what a weekend it will be! Not only training activities but a Bush Music Celebration as well. For this occasion we will be combining the two activities for a great campfire and music event.

Mark this date on your calendar:


The Sydney Bushwalker

September 2001 Page 17 |

ACTIVITIES PAGE: Full details of the following activities can be found in the Spring Walks Programme.

Recommended Walks For New Members:

Easy Weekend Walk: 19th - 21st October: Gardens of Stone NP An easy short walk 10 km with optional extras. Sensational views, rock scrambling. Easy Day Walks: Thur 4th October: Kur-ring-gai Chase NP Bobbin Head and Cowan Creek 14km Sun 14th October: Royal NP 10km Waterfall - Kangaroo Ck - Heathcote Sat 27th Oct: Blue Mountains NP_12km Leura - Sublime Point - Katoomba A pleasant walk with spectacular views . as Weekend Test Walks:

October Long Weekend 28th Sept - Ist Oct: Kanangra Boyd NP Kanangra Walls - Unirover : Trail -Kowmung River - +. Bullhead Range - Kanangra

Walls Medium grade 38km. 28th Sept - lst Oct: Morton NP 40km Blayden's Pass - Boolijah Ck - Discovery Cave - Passage of Time Medium grade. Sth - 7th Oct: Budawangs (Morton NP) Around The Castle - Monolith Valley - Shrouded Gods. Medium grade 12th - 14th Oct: Morton NP Medium/Hard Pioneer Plateau - Ettrema and Myall Creeks. Pack limits, rock scrambling, mild exposure. 27th- 28th Oct: Ettrema Wilderness 25 km Transportation Spur - Ettrema Creek - Tulltangela Clearing. Medium grade

Day Test Walks:

Sun 30th Sept: Heathcote NP 20km Engadine - Waterfall Medium/Hard Walking along Woronora River - no tracks Sat 6th Oct: Blue Mtns NP 12km

Evans LO. - Grand Canyon - Neates Glen. Steep ascents. Medium grade.

Sat 27th Oct: Royal NP 22 km

Waterfall - Kangaroo Creek - Sutherland

Medium grade. Wild flowers and swimming. - 4, uf


In late August about a dozen members gathered at Robyn O'Bryan's farm to cycle to Blayney for dinner and bed to return to the farm next day for a barbecue. Depending on the option taken it was 35 - 50km each way. Saturday was fine but rain set in on Sunday.

The following cycling events are scheduled for coming weeks:

Sat 22nd Sept: Kur-ring-gai Chase NP McCarrs Creek to West Head and return. A medium grade 40km nde.

Sun 14th Oct: Wollongong about 30km An almost flat and easy cycle along a cycle way and streets with light traffic

Sun 21st Oct: Central Coast 40 km Hornsby to Brooklyn then ferry and cycle to Pearl Beach Umina to Woy Woy station.

Expressions of Interest Requested.

The bike riding group is planning to spend three (week) days in Mudgee during October. Actual dates yet to be decided. We will base camp in a caravan park in the town and tour cycle routes in the area. Distances vary from 15 to 35km for each ride. Grades easy to easy medium and should be suitable for touring/hybrid/mountain bikes.

George Mawer 97071343 or Email - georgemawer( Brian Holden 42943074 or Email -

Great River Walk 29th Sept - 1 Oct Stage 7. Wombeyan Caves Road to Yerranderie I am seeking a support vehicle to help transport walkers out of Yerranderie on Monday 1 Oct. Anyone that can help will be rewarded by a tour of the historic ghost town, a walk up Yerranderie Peak and a celebratory dinner. All costs will be met. Phone Roger Treagus on 9905-1139

David Trinder advises that his Walls Pass walk scheduled for 21st October has been put back to 28th October.


Short notice walks may also be lodged but require approval (refer Walks Secretary) before publication.

| Page 18 The Sydney Bushwalker September 2001


Social Notes: Looking back at the August Social Programme one of the featured nights “Slides and Photos of South American Trip” had to be postponed to a later programme. Nevertheless a good crowd turned up to see Wilf Hilder's slides of Lord Howe Island. There is still time to remind you of the “From Prospective to President” discussion night on Wednesday 19th September and “Walks And Activity Planning” night on 26th September.


The coming month includes another important event suggested by the current review of Club activities. Peter Dalton will lead discussion on the size and structure of the Management Committee. This is your chance to provide input; either seeking change or supporting the status quo.

Later in the month, there are two presentations from people outside the club on the importance of preserving our natural heritage.

Wed. 3rd Committee Meeting (6.30 pm) Introduction to SBW New Prospective members meet the New Members team _ over tea and biscuits

Wed. 10th General Meeting Prospective Training Packing for a Trip”

Wed. 17th Discussion Night “Size and Structure of the Management Committee”

Wed. 24th The Wollemi Pine Presentation about the discovery and significance of this unique species.

Sat/Sun Bush Music Weekend

27th/28th Join us for a very social and entertaining weekend

Wed. 31st Bush Heritage Dr. Kate Fitzherbert on approach to and promotion of Bush Heritage

If you have any questions about this programme, or suggestions for future programmes please contact the Social Secretary Gemma Gagne 9923 1468.


This is the season for the best in Cross Country skiing. The following events are scheduled for coming weeks.

12 - 14th Oct: Kosciuszko Main Range Location and _ route depend on weather and snow. Hopefully, Leather Barrel Creek area. Medium grade. 26th - 28th Oct: Kosciuszko Main Range Watsons Crags - Mt Twynam - Mt Carruthers area. Grade is your choice as easy slopes are available for novices and steeper slopes for more experienced skiers.

Advance Notice: Hitchinbrook Island

The trip to Hitchinbrook is now booked for 4th - Iith August 2002 There is still the opportunity to be added to the waiting list. Please contact Bill Holland 02 9484 6636 if you wish to join us.

Advance Notice - December 21st - 26th. Victorian Alps _- Bogong Alpine National Park Want to escape at Christmas?

We shail enjoy superb alpine scenery, ascend Victoria's highest mountain (Mt. Bogong),many steep ascents and descents, historic huts to be visited .all on tracks. Party limit of 8.

Leader: Stephen Adams Tel: 0414642154 e- mail

Contact leader early to avoid disappointment

Wf Magazine Deadlines

Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the editor by the end of the first week of each month.

The deadline for last-minute urgent items is usually the second Monday of each month as the magazine is printed on the following Thursday.

Contact The Editor:

All articles submitted will be considered for publication. Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, email or by fax on 9980 5476.

The Leaders in Adventure since 1930

Ever since Paddy Pallin began making his gear in his back

room, Paddy Pallin has led the way in manufacturing and selling a range of quality products for fellow bushwalkers. We understand that walkers need lightweight, functional equipment which will perform in all kinds of conditions, so if you want the best products and the best advice, come

in and see us.

WE SPECIALISE IN: * Footwear for bushwalking * Rucksacks

* Day packs

* Gore-Tex rainwear

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And if you are just starting out, or perhaps trying something new, we have a range of equipment for hire at competitive prices.

For a free catalogue, drop into your nearest store, or call (02) 9524 1385.

Miranda 527 Kingsway City 507 Kent St Parramatta 2/74 Macquarie St Katoomba 166B Katoomba St Canberra 11 Lonsdale St. Braddon Jindabyne Kosciusko Rd

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