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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point NSW 1565.

Editor: Pam Campbell Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,

Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and d necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. All material in this magazine is copyright. . Requests for reproduction shou directed to The Editor.

January 2008

About Our Club

The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Clubs main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events

Our Walks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as The Snowy Mountains, the

Warrumbungles as well as interstate i.e. Victorian Alps

Our meetings start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Program) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome

Office Bearers

Members are welcome to contact the following officers on club matters:

David Trinder

Wilf Hilder Greta James Tony Holgate Kathy Gero Treasurer: Margaret Carey

9957 2137 (h) Members Secretary: Fran Holland

9484 6636 (h) New Members Secretary: Jodie Dixon

9943 3388 (h) Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland

9484 6636 (h) Magazine Editor: Pam Campbell

9570 2885 (h) Committee Members:

Ron Watters

9419 2507 (h)

Patrick James

9567 9998 (h)

Delegates to Confederation:

Jim Callaway

9520 7081 (h)

(no email address)

Wilf Hilder

9587 8912 (h)

President: 9542 1465 (h)

Vice President: 9587 8912 (h)

Secretary: 9953 8384 (h)

Walks Secretary: 9943 3388

Social Secretary: 9130 7263 (h)


Walk in Garigal National Park and visit the St Ives Blue Gum High Forest (Rosedale Road)

The St Ives Blue Gum High Forest is an endangered ecological community which is the last remnant of its kind in the world. It has survived under remarkable odds. Members from the South Turramurra Environment Protection group (STEP) will lead the tour and talk about the unique features of the forest and the campaigns under way to preserve what is left.

The walk starts at St Ives (Cnr Douglas Ave and Acron Rd) and includes the Cascade Track, Middle Harbour Track and Bungaroo Track back to St Ives

to visit the St Ives Blue Gum High Forest. There will be a car shuffle between the start and end of

the walk.

On the walk, STEP members will give an update on the local history which will include where Governor Phillip camped in 1788 and a flora and fauna commentary.

There will be a limit of 15 people

More information will be available in the Summer Walks Program


To find out details and book for the walk contact: Nancy Pallin (STEP) 9416 7334 (h) Pam Campbell (SBW) 9570 2885 (h) or 0431 873 599 (m)

2 January 2008


David Trinder

You may have read a letter from Chris Dowling complaining of too much concentration on the past and Coolana and not enough on walking. Thank you Chris for making these points, we all want to keep the Club healthy. We have recently been through a period of concentration on Coolana and the past. Coolana is a beautiful site and is important to many members, generally not the currently walking members but walking members from the past.

The Coolana toilet has been planned and discussed for at least one decade; it is now operating and is appreciated by the members who use the site. The 80 Anniversary celebrations were a legitimate look at the past and the long history of this great Club. The events were successful and enjoyed by many members. Anniversaries dont happen very often, we wont have another one for ten years. They are both done now and they have had little effect on our walking.

The Committee is very aware of problems with the electronic communications and we are doing something about it. We can not send out short notice emails or short notice promotions without a days work from somebody because the service providers have changed their spamming protection procedures. We have decided to adopt the Google Groups system. Invitation have been sent by Google to join either the Members group or the Prospective members Group. Unfortunately only 20% of people have accepted the invitation, some may not have received the invitation. Ron Watters is organising for them to be sent out again; after that anybody who does not accept the invitation will not receive mass emails from the Club. If you dont receive an invitation soon contact Ron or myself

The web site needs some upgrading as we all know. We are still thankful to Eddie and John for the work they have done on it in the past. However it is difficult to alter. Upgrades are being done by Chris Wong but in the long run we have to rebuild it with software that is available now and was not when the site was originally built. The new site will be flexible and can be altered more easily. Rebuilding the site is either an expensive exercise or it will take a while to do; we have opted for the less expensive slow method. There are other electronic matters to get right and it is our intension to get it all working well by the end of this year. wares

In March we will have the 2008 Annual General Meeting which will include the election of a new Committee. Some current members are standing down and have to be replaced and you may want other members to be replaced. The Committee is not a closed shop and we will be looking for Leaders and other Members to take positions on the Committee or to assist Committee members with their jobs.

David Trinder


Dear Editor, A Future for SBW?

In the December issue of this magazine Eddy Giacomel expressed concerns that the lack of new board members threatens SBWs future existence. | can think of another (possibly related) reason that may limit the clubs future existence: it is too focused on the past and on Coolana.

It is well and good to celebrate/commemorate what has happened in the past; however if SBW is to survive the focus should be on bushwalking instead of on history and a property that most members do not ever use.

Large amounts of time, effort and money are being expended on social functions and on Coolana. Wouldnt some money be better spent on advertising and promoting the club so as to attract new members, especially at a time when the website is in need of updating? Maybe there are other ways of rejuvenating SBW.

I expect that this letter will attract responses containing various levels of sarcasm and vitriol; however I know that opinions similar to mine are held by other members.

Chris Dowling


Thanks to those people who have submitted reports of their walks over the Xmas period. I look forward to receiving more !!

On the 16 April this year there will be a Photography Competition. I look forward to organising it and receiving lots of entries. Competition Rules are on the last page of the magazine. There are some excellent photographers in the club so now is a golden opportunity to start gathering some great snaps.

I am looking for someone to replace me as Editor at the March General Election - the Editors role is interesting and there is a lot of autonomy. There is an opportunity to learn various desktop publishing packages (Microsoft Publisher/Adobe Indesign). If you wish to extend your skills in desktop design, then being Editor of The Sydney Bushwalker will assist with building your skills. Give it some thought. I am available to assist if you are interested.

Regards Pam Campbell

January 27008 2

The Mid-Week Walkers

The Mid-Week Walkers are an informal group of SBW members who have time to spare for mid-week activities, some of which are shown on the Walks Programme and some organised at short notice and advised by monthly newsletter sent to all on my Mid Week Walkers list. The extended walks, usually one per month, attract a good following.

If you would like to be added to our email list please let me know. You are welcome to join us in any activity at any time : Bill Holland

We had a very successful year last year and our enthusiastic mid-week walkers are looking forward to more stays in unusual places this year. So far, firm planning has only covered the next three months but already suggestions are in hand for later in the year. Please feel free to join us.

Pebbly Beach Monday 4“ - Friday 8” February 2008

Pebbly Beach is on the New South Wales South Coast, about 300 km south of Sydney and 22 km north of Batemans Bay. It is within the Murramarang National Park, so there is abundant wildlife around the beach and cabins.

The hills surrounding Pebbly Beach are covered with extensive forests. The forests are home to a great variety of animals and colourful birds. Pebbly Beach is one of the best places in Australia to see kangaroos close up. Dolphins are often seen playing close to shore near the rock platforms or beach.

Newnes Cabin Monday 7“ - 11 April 2008

After having to cancel last year due to booking problems we will try for Newnes again this time in Autumn. It is well worthwhile. The old town area has been extensively enhanced and there are many walks in the area.

comfortably. There are two more cabins available if necessary. Also there is room for tent camping adjacent to the cabins - first come, first served with beds.

The booking is for Monday to Friday but you can join for any day/s. Newnes is a great area for walking e.g. the remnants of the old railway, the Glow Worm Tunnel, Pipeline Pass etc or just exploring the mining town ruins. We will be there mid-week away from the crowded weekends.

FORTHCOMING MIDWEEK DAY AND EVENING WALKS (Please refer to the Summer Walks Programme for more details)

Tuesday 22 January: Leura Falls and Wentworth Falls An easy day of messing about between the two cascades, both below and above the cliff lines. 14km

Wednesday 23 January: Summer Evening Walk

Meet at Cremorne Wharf at 7-00pm and walk back to Kirribilli while discussing walking, gear and places we have been . Potential and experienced walkers welcome. Finish for dinner at Kirribilli Pub

Tuesday 12 February: Berowra Valley (evening)

Meet 6 pm at Hornsby Station and walk the Blue Gum Track to Leaders house at Westleigh for an evening barbecue or drive direct to the house if you just want to join the barbegue. Grade: (Easy)

4 January 2008 2007 Current Month


$ $ $ $ $ $ - $ - $ 599.99 $ 79.18 $ 4,125.00 $ - $ 6,896.31

- 3,752.24

$ (133.00) $ (133.00)

$ (3,885.24)

January 2008

2007 Year to Date

$18,786.00 $ 7,545.00 552.49 1,364.30 930.42 1,470.00 55.00 532.00 8,000.00 1,000.00 40,235.21


$ 5,919.85 $ - 4,819.41 $ - $ 1,291.79 $ 671.55 $ 499.00 $ 1,807.90 $ 4,775.00 $ 250.00 $ 2,476.65 $ 3,280.70 $ 2,255.00 $ 1,063.08 $ 2,631.68 $ 2,980.38 $ 4,125.00 $




$ 1,604.30 $ 1,604.30 $ (216.08)

$ 6,701.48

2007 Budget

$18,500.00 $ 6,500.00 470.00 1,180.00 770.00


3,500.00 5,500.00 1,700.00 2,000.00 1,200.00 5,200.00

500.00 3,400.00 2,200.00 2,255.00 1,400.00 2,000.00 3,000.00


$ - $33,855.00

$ (135.00) $ (1,596.00) $ (5,500.00)

$ (7,096.00)

$ (7,231.00)


% to Budget

102% 116% 118% 116% 121%


169% 88%

76% 34%

151% 92% 50% 73%


100% 76%

132% 99%






Our rain gauge at home showed that the rainfall in 2007 was nearly twice that recorded in 2006 and this is apparent in the lusciousness of our rainforest garden. | am sure you have noticed the improvement in the bush when walking and the ample supply of creek water compared to this time last year. Nevertheless, news of the intense storms and flooding on the far north coast shows that climate change and global warming will continue to have impact on our daily lives. Each of us needs to take action to lessen our impact on the environment and we can do this in several ways. | Individual actions may seem minute in the global context but the aggregate of these actions really matter.

Looking ahead for 2008, there remain as always the need to confront several conservation issues. | have not had the opportunity to research and comment on issues this month so | have borrowed some news and comments from the National Parks Association website included a letter sent by the Confederation of Bushwaitking Clubs on the effects of mining in the Tahmoor Gorge.
Bill Holland

Environment News and Comments

Red Gum Campaign Fires Up

NPAs Red Gum win in October, brought on by its court case against Forest NSW, has resulted in a major shift in the debate to secure national parks for the Red Gum Forests, Paul Winn and Carmel Flint report.

September and October saw dramatic progress in the campaign to create national parks in the River Red Gum forests. The combined pressure of the NPA legal challenge, and a forest blockade by the recently formed NSW Red Gum Forest Action, forced the hand of the Minister for Primary Industries and Forests NSW (FNSW).

The legal challenge by NPA was brought under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, which requires that developments that are likely to have a significant environmental impact must have an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared beforehand. NPAs legal argument was that without first obtaining an EIS, FNSW was breaching planning law by logging these internationally recognised Ramsar wetlands, and the many threatened species habitats which they contain.

NPA Journal Volume 51 Number 6 Dec 2007 - Jan 2008

The Opera House without its sails?

A decision on protecting the Yengo Wilderness under the Wilderness Act remains in limbo more than ten years since its nomination by environment groups. Now there is a serious proposal from the Department of Environment and Climate Change to declare the Yengo Wilderness without its centrepiece, Mount Yengo, which dominates Yengo National Park and can be seen for over 100 km away. Perhaps they want to leave their options open for a stunning mountain top cafe and souvenir shop?

Let Environment Minister, Phit Koperberg, know that the Yengo Wilderness must include Mt Yengo and the dirt trail circling its base by writing to him at PO Box A250, Sydney South NSW 1232.

NPA Journal Volume 51 Number 6 Dec 2007 - Jan 2008

Mining and cliff line instability

Confederation has received a letter from David Clarkson, Community & SMP Co-ordinator, Tahmoor Coal Pty. Limited (Xstrata Coal) re advice regarding mining adjacent to the Bargo River Gorge and the risk of cliff line and steep slope instability Tahmoor Colliery advises that mining activities will be conducted adjacent to the Bargo River Gorge until mid 2010. During this time there may be a slightly increased likelihood of cliff line and steep slope instability along the Bargo River and tributary creeks.

Why are you being advised?

Tahmoor Colliery has identified recreational bushwalking as a key activity in the Bargo River Gorge and as a result suggests that you either postpone any planned walks in the area or avoid walking or stopping directly beneath steep slopes or cliff lines when walking in the Bargo River Gorge or surrounding creek gorges. Even though the risks are no higher than they would be naturally, as a further precaution the colliery has placed warning signs at most public access points to the gorge area.

Further Information

If you would like further information please contact the Colliery on 1800 037 334. Alternatively the colliery produces weekly updates on mining progress and subsidence impacts. To receive weekly updates please email David Clarkson on the address below. Email:


Don Matthews

In the December Magazine, a note on the place and historical importance of the Clubs Annual Reunion was followed by an account of the Anniversary Performance of The Frame-Up, a comic sketch from Dot Butlers repertoire. A second offering on the night was based on her skills in physiotherapy.


An early version of this sketch was performed at the Reunion in 1985. It was cobbled together by this scribe at Dots request from a list of activities used by physiotherapists, as Dot put it, to turn rabbits (the bushwalking variety) into tigers. It has been reworked over the years, and in the 2007 version, the activity verses are followed by the arrival on stage of five patients who are in need of Dr Dots help.

* Pain in the ankle

= The inebriate

= The lock-knees (the result of 42K in less than a day)

The bean counters blight (of the Hon Treasurer)

The constipated would-be toilet tester…

On this occasion, Dr Dot was played by the writer, the Nurse and Narrator by Helen Gray, and the patients, selected at short notice by Casting Director Don Finch in the interest of heightened spontaneity, were in order of appearance, Jim Percy, Spiro, Linda Tarran, Barry Wallace and Tony Holgate, all of whom, as you would expect, threw themselves into their allotted roles with considerable gusto.

The introductory list of techniques put in verse can involve varying degrees of audience participation, depending on the mood of the gathering, which adds to the fun.

The curtain opens:


We ll now in one brief stretch of time By verse and rhetoric and mime

Teach you the way to health and vigour And how to make your muscles bigger Or ease a blockage, clear a clot;

Now greet the famous Doctor Dot.

Doctor Dot: ..-

Hello good evening and bon nuit

My Clinics open and its free;

But first some techniques put in verse And demonstrated by our Nurse.

(…..first we have verses about wringing, knuckling, stroking and trampling, and then in verses 5 and 6…)

Side swinging will expand your lungs And Just as liquor loosens tongues

Leg stretching if you really bend em Will regulate a tightened tendon.

Add to all this theres clapping, cupping If hackings not enough try chupping

Or kneading, helps he blood get coursing But gently, theres no need for forcing Pounding, you tl find, sloughs excess fat it needs a wallop, not a pat

And rolling of the toes and fingers

Will give a flex that lings and lingers.

But thats enough of basic drill; We have some patients who look ill!

In the Patient? segment, there is plenty of scope for comic by-play, and our players indeed made the most of their opportunities. It was wonderful to behold! Patients #1 and #2, one writhing in agony, the other in a state of amiable befuddlement were kindly but firmly dealt with by the means of pills, potions and stern advice. The next sufferer needed a different approach…

Patient #3 (lock-knees) first appeared in 2004: (enters, walking without bending knees)

..ohes got terrible aches in her knee joints- Shes just back from a bit of a run.

She says 42K done in less than a day

Can no longer be thought of as fun!

Now she cant bend her knees

And she says could you please

Find a cure……?

Doctor Dot:

..Consider it done

Your knees are in lock-up from going fast forward They now need a spell in reverse.

So walk from Jenolan

- But backwards you mind,

And to help you well lend you a nurse… So off went Linda, very carefully….

Patient #4 (Hon. Treasurer) was written for Maurice Smith, and played by him in 2004. Hence the advice about Ettrema:

You have bean counters blight Sure as day follows night

And for that | have sadly no brief, But on Ettrema Creek

Though the prospect is bleak

You may find a degree of relief.


For 2007, we added an impromptu alternative, in case Barry referred to the location:

And if that doesnt suit then the Kowmung may do, But see that you start up at Budthingeroo!

And Barry disappeared in the direction of the Kangaroo, crying out as he went, to the Kowmung.

In an update of Patient #5, a Toilet Tester for the New Facility seemed a natural!

….We found this lad lying all dazed by the creek And we dont know how long hes been there.

He says I cant go, | cant go, | am weak

Doctor Dot:

Right, sit him down here on this chair…

First well check out his brain for contiguous thought

With a test that is painless and quick.

It will show if hes just in the grip of the grape

Or been hit on the head with a brick.

…His brain having been restored to working order during the next several stanzas, it turns out that: Hes been eager to test the new DUNNY (State-of-art, as you very well know)

But he finds to his great disappointment

That hes simply UNABLE TO GO!

But fear not, for Doctor Dot has all the answers, and all ends happily, after some inspired antics by Tony the would-be Toilet Tester.

Dot herself would have loved it!

Later in the evening, Barbara Bruce, talented performer at many a Reunion joined Helen and the scribe in The Bare Facts, the true story, in verse (Kath McKay) and song (from the Chronic Opera of 1955) of two gentlemen SBWs, who, in the late 1940s, were taken to court for sunbathing au naturel at Era. But thats another story… and another Campfire Classic!


January 2008 GENOA RIVER

26 December to 1 January 2008 by Kenn Clacher

Our Christmas - New Year 2007 walk was a walk of fours. There were four in the party, and a further four has indicated their intention of coming but had withdrawn. We walked for four days along the Genoa River (plus a day to walk in and a couple of hours to walk out). We had at least four swims each day on the river and generally walked for no more than four hours per day. We made four shortcuts to avoid long loops of the river. We encountered at least four million flies and four thousand mosquitoes and saw at least four hundred tracks of big lizards or goannas on the sand.

The Genoa River rises to the south of Bombala and flows south-east across the NSW-Victoria border and through the Genoa Wilderness which includes the Southeast Forests National Park (in NSW) and the Coopracambra National Park (in Victoria). It meets the sea at Mallacoota, splitting the Croajingolong National Park. !n its middle reaches, between Yambulla Creek and Wangarabell the Genoa River forms an impressive gorge 30km tong on its meandering way to the sea. This is the Genoa Wilderness and is a remote, rugged and beautiful, region. [It is accessed from the Cann Valley Highway or the Princes Highway near the border.

The Genoa River gorge may be compared to the Colo River gorge, with some important differences. The Genoa is less deep, and the sides generally less precipitous, but it is possibly more scenic than the Colo. Walking along the Genoa is much easier and far more pleasant than the Colo because of the presence of extensive rock shelves and long stretches of river suitable for rock hopping and wading. There are some stretches of granite stream bed which make a welcome change to the usual sandstone and form most attractive landscapes.

We drove down from Sydney on Boxing Day and camped at a National Parks camping area at the end of Waalimma Road. After a short car shuffle on Thursday morning we set out for the Genoa River via Yambulla Peak. A notable feature of the party was that the combined weight of packs for six days for the party of four was about 45kg, excluding water. And this included goodies for New Years Eve! For once, Kenn had the heaviest pack in the party.

After a few kilometres the fire trail we had been following petered out and we encountered come thickish scrub around Yambulla Creek before gaining pleasant open forest on the flanks of Yambulla Peak. After lunch Karl and Kenn headed for Yambulla Peak while Edith and Mary enjoyed a siesta (practising for following days?). The peak had views of Mt Wakefield and Nungatta but these were mostly obscured by the vegetation. From

January 2

that by now were either sandy or easily negotiated rock terraces. He encountered the lessees of the cattle property Wangarabell that we had to cross the next day to get to the car. They were setting up on the bank to prepare for a New Years Eve party, complete with shade and beer which was freely offered.

As the sun lowered we were able to move to our campsite, another sandbank where preparations were made to celebrate New Zealand New Year. This was duly accomplished. A really early start on New Years Day had us back at the cars by around 8:00 a.m. and back at the other car and on the way back to Sydney soon after.

New Years Eve

We were lucky that the choice of this walk was ideal for the weather that we encountered. There was always a pool to swim in and the length of the walk allowed long lunches spent in the shade, generally lasting until dinnertime. It was a delightful walk in idyllic surroundings.


The Membership List for 2008 will be printed mid January, 2008. Would you please look at this years Membership List and MAKE SURE your contact details are correct. If there are any changes that you have not already informed me of, please email: or a letter to Fran Holland, 216c Quarter Sessions Road, WESTLEIGH. 2120 so | can make the changes before the print run.

Barry Wallace

Walks notes covering the interval 12 April 2007 to 01 May 2007.

Sunday 15 April delivered fine autumnal conditions, just right for lan Thorpe and the party of 2 on his exploratory walk out from Deep Pass South to Mount Norris and Derailment Hill in the Blue Mountains National Park. After a very cursory look at Deep Pass they scaled Mount Norris and headed briefly East along Railmotor Ridge, then South and West to arrive on the group of pagodas immediately South of Mount Norris. Here they morning-teaed and took in the lovely views. Then it was off to try to make their way through the confusing array of pagodas and rock gullies on the Western side of Derailment Hill.

The first attempt failed due to the partys lack of vine climbing skills when confronted with a dark, deep, rock slot. The second try wasnt much better, but the third brought them out on top of the Western side of the hill with impressive views out to the North-West and West. Next came the descent to Thorpes Folly as named by Caro Ryan on an earlier visit; but once again this route proved elusive with creeks that started out as wide, easy gullies turning into treacherous, wet, deep, rocky walled slots. Making the most of a pagoda that offered sun or shade to ones preference they stopped for lunch, after which lan spent more time looking for a way down. The party eventually took matters into their own hands a headed off West down Derailment Hill.

Once again third time lucky, they crossed the creek to a promising looking slot through the cliff- line on the opposite bank. Another no-goer, but close by Peter Love located a way up, emerging at a spot with superb views of Derailment Hill glowing softly in the afternoon light. From there they followed an old fire-trail back to the access road and the cars; then headed off to Bilpin for dinner at the Apple Bar.

There was another day walk that same day. Nigel Weaver led a horde of 24 on his qualifying walk out from Cowan to Vize Spur and Ten Bob Ridge. Conditions were fine and rather warm. They got away from Cowan station around 0900h and walked to Jerusalem Bay to admire the views, then headed to Vize Spur for an off-track descent into the back end of Porto Bay. This accomplished they crossed a small brook and set off up the steep ascent through several cliff-lines to a good lunch spot near the top of Ten Bob Ridge. The after lunch going was rough due to the presence of a myriad of fallen saplings, necessitating a high stepping gait just to make progress. This proved very draining in the afternoon sunshine. Nevertheless they managed to admire the good views of Porto Bay and the nearby hills and still arrive back at Cowan by 1720h. Chris Dowlings qualifying day walk out from Carlons Farm on Saturday 21 April attracted 8 starters but turned


Pam shamed me into writing this article…. All names have been changed to protect the innocent and any relation to actual events, or people living or dead is purely coincidental. Any litigation is to be addressed to my Cayman Islands address….


It started long, long ago and it was all his fault! He said This new home is a great place, lets go exploring, SHE wont mind……. Being a trusting 2 yr old, I foolishly listened to Sebastian, so off we went into the wild wood of the Lane Cove National Park. Needless to say, we made full use of the day and trooped home, tired and dirty just on dusk. SHE who must be obeyed was not amused, nor were the Firemen and Policemen that she had called…. When confronted, Sebastian gave them his best droopy earned, big brown eyes look, and clearly conveyed Who me, I am but a mere Basset Hound.

Walking Style:

a. When in doubt …go somewhere new. If you have to revisit the same old place, take your really old map, which has frayed along the fold lines and is now a series of separate squares. Then shuffle the squares and .. Hey Presto! You have a brand new area for your trip which is bound to generate exciting challenges about 4pm,

b. Carpe Diem it is unlikely that your foot will fall on the same green sward again, so climb whilst the sun shines and there is nothing that concentrates the mind quite so much as descending down a cliff line in the falling dusk to find the Pack that you dropped before heading off on a Lets Do It side trip,

c. Alot of my trips are in Mountains, thus | have come to appreciate that the fundamental characteristics of Mountains is .. Mountain Weather, as such fog and occasional sleet is to be welcomed?,

d. Extended multi day trips into wilderness areas are very rewarding. Problem is that the Packs get tired of carrying all the weight, being scratched by scrub and hauled up and down cliff lines. So, they need to have a Rest Day every now and then. Its important though, to ensure that whilst the Packs are resting, that the Carriers maintain fitness and agility, in order to look after the Packs when walking recommences the next day. Therefore, Carriers need to use Rest Days to climb mountains, ford rivers and give the Packs a real break by being out of sight for all of the day.

Favourite Areas:

a. Anywhere there is ski-able snow (in Oz this means that you can still talk over the sound of gravel grating on the base of your skis - as Loui Armstrong said: You gotta have sole!),

b. SW Tassie - having walked in S Korean, China, Spain, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, England, America, NZ, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey and places | cant mention - Tassie is the most rewarding for challenge, views, mountain aura, micro views, spectacular sunsets and variable weather,

c. Coolangoobra for canyoning (N of Glen Davis) - its the new Mecca

Most Memorable Trips:

a. Walking - a 14 day traverse of the Wilmont and Franklin Range in SW Tassie - only 20 mins rain in the entire trip, lots of Olegas Trehanus moments & I found the 2 critical passes first go!

b. XC Skiing - No, not Ken catching an edge and then doing the disappearing act, rather an 8 day trip across the Howitt High Plains to the Cross Cut Saw and then out via the Bluff. Much of it in fresh new snow

c. Canyoning - Spring Creek at Bungonia, best canyon in the World

Leadership Moments:

a. Any Capon Caper (I was there when he Cherynobilled twice! And I was the one that found the cave now known to posterity as Capons Salvation)

b. Whilst ascending the ridge to Mt La Perouse, we had to crawl on hands and knees due to the strength of the wind - I had to put rocks in Louise's pack to stop her being tumbled like a weed

c. Getting Moosed in Glacier National Park in Montana (surprisingly, they have a high pitched grunt)

d. Being on top of Mt Jagungal in winter basking in the light of a full Moon and no wind.

Useful Leadership References: Wind in the Willows & the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy

Ian the Wolf

Ron Watters

Apple and blackberry pies with Ice cream, coffee and bubbling conversation on a sunny Saturday morning at the Otford Pie Shop with two full days to savour the coast.

Definitely a beginning with style.

The sea was pounding in against the rocks making a spectacular sight. A laid back late elevenses at the lookout overlooking Werong Beach is a perfect spot for our second morning tea. The day is humid and the shade in the Palm Jungle very welcome. The pace is well, andante, in keeping with the theme of the weekend.

We admire the cabbage palms and the angophoras with their twisted branches and roots growing from rocks. Alas the tide is high and the surging waves make the Figure 8 Pool not the place to be. And the beach is closed. We seek it here, there, everywhere but the shade is nere. A low rock overhang beckons. Hobsons choice: have a damp seat in the shade or be dry in the sun. A five star view, but not a five star lunch spot.

But Jeanne has style. She finds a natural bath tub fed by cooling spray from the surf going whump, whump against the adjoining rocks.

Go Jeanne !!

Ascending from Era Beach we met an echidna searching for lunch. Very nonchalant he did not mind Jan taking a close up snap.

Garie Beach kiosk is a welcome oasis before the last climb of the day to the YHA hostel hidden in the trees with views across the sands of Garie beach.

The gas man cometh! Three cheers for Don for saving dinner by getting the gas stove going.

Happy hour just got longer and longer-a sumptuous spread with red wines to produce a mellow drift into dinner.

Awake to the sounds of birds and the crashing of the sea. Morning strolls by the sea for some but the thought quickly dismissed by others as they enjoyed the juxury of mattresses and pillows and contemplated a leisurely breakfast-with style of course.

At Curracurang we divert to the waterfall and its lovely fern fringed pool. A delightful swim.

But at Wattamolla the rain finds us. Drizzle all the way to Bundeena arriving at 4:30pm a suitable stylish time to finish. Did you ever hear of a coffee shop that ran out of coffee and sent the waitress to the supermarket to buy some more?

Coffee and cake to end the walk

But Tom has style; he sweet talked the owner of the shop next door (lady of course) to produce some coffee.

The rain pelted down as we made the ferry sending a damp dozen to Cronulla. But some found an inventive way of drying off in style, leaping aboard the train with seconds to spare. Being a gentleman

Many thanks to my co leader Jeanne and companions Jan, Pamela, Kaye, Patrick, Edith, Don, Liz, Tom, Chris and David who made the weekend such an enjoyable occasion. Definitely worthy of an encore in Summer 2008.


Pam Campbell BIRDS FOUND AT TOWRA POINT On Saturday 12 January, | did a 4 hour tour of the ~ Towra Point Wetlands with a guide from National Parks and Wildlife Service. | would recommend it to members of SBW as it was very informative and access is only permitted with a guide.

We were warned about the mosquitoes, but only encountered a couple. There is abundant birdlife (fairy wrens, silvereyes, sacred kingfishers, terns, parrots, owls, stilts and oystercatchers). Flora included (pittosporums, native cheese plants and bush berries, mangroves and eucalypts). Of course there were weeds (Bittu Bush, asparagus fern and lantana) which the local volunteers have been keeping at bay.

It was interesting that we had to wade through the water to get to the beach and on the return leg encountered the high tide which rises from under the ground.

Sand was was dredged approximately 4 years ago Variegated Fairy Wren and dumped along the coastline to prevent erosion ; due to activity at the airport and within the Bay. Natives were planted to reinforce the ground and to enable the nearby wetlands to return to having fresh water as opposed to the current salt water.

Towra Point Wetlands is 3 metres above sea level and extensive views can be seen of Cronulla, Brighten-le-Sands and the airport. This trip would be graded easy as there were not many hills.

If you are interested in a tour of the Towra Point Wetlands you can contact: The Royal National Park Visitors Centre - 9542 0666 (7 days a week)

Red Browed Finch


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On the beach at Towra Point

New Holland Honeyeater

High Tide

200801.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/06 18:29 by kennettj

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