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SEPTEMBER 2007 Issue No. 874


INSIDE THIS ISSUE; Presidents Report From the Committee Room 3

: From the Membership Secretary… eo sascees 4 _ Editor s Message. ssvebenses anionees 3 4) ! Coolana Report eneelereeecerecceesseesenecS The Coolana Toilet. 6 The New Shed 7 Leader Profile (Mark Dabbs)……………00..8 Conservation Report. woven

ns | Walking and; Camping i in the | . he

Budawangs.. cotdenbeseneonnsotes ; 10,11

* Walk Notes ai ) = : 12,13, Mid Week Walkers……. 14 Spectacular Walk in Kuringai Chase…..15 Melindas Premiere 16 For New Members sooo 7 GPS Training weekend . 17

- Social Notes and Other Ttems………0..02. 18 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER

is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point NSW 1565.

Editor: Pam Campbell Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,

Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

All material in this magazine is copyright. . Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor. | About Our Club

The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Clubs main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.

Our Walks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as The Snowy Mountains, the

Warrumbungles as well as interstate i.e. Victorian alps.

Our meetings start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Program) at Kirribjlti Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome

Office Bearers

Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:

David Trinder

Wilf Hilder

President: 9542 1465 (h) Vice President: 9587 8912 (h)

Secretary: Greta James

9953 8384 (h) Walks Secretary: Tony Holgate

9943 3388 Social Secretary: Kathy Gero

9130 7263 (h) Treasurer: Margaret Carey

9957 2137 (h)

Members Secretary: Fran Holland

9484 6636 (h)

New Members Secretary: Jodie Dixon

9739 6534 (h)

Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland

9484 6636 (h)

Magazine Editor: Pam Campbell

9570 2885 (h)

Committee Members: Ron Watters

9419 2507 (h) Patrick James

9567 9998 (h)

Delegates to Confederation:

Jim Callaway

(no email address)

Wilf Hilder

9520 7081 (h)

9587 8912 (h)

First Aid Certificates for Leaders: To encourage our walks leaders to get their St Johns First Aid Certificate, the Committee

has offered to fully subsidise active Walks

Leaders for the cost of gaining an accredited Senior First

Aid Certificate .

The $50 subsidy to general members will cease.

Presidents Report The 80“ Anniversary celebrations organisation is well advanced and | hope members have replied with RSVP letter for the Big Day-O at Manly Dam ion the 21* October; we would like to see a large group there.

The Committee has resolved that the Club will pay fully for First Aid Courses for active leaders only. We expect that the Bush Walkers Wilderness Rescue Service will be running a Remote Area First Aid Course in the first weekend of May next year and we would like to get a group of leaders together to do that course.

Some members have not yet paid their subs and if they are not paid by the Committee meeting in the first Wednesday of October they will be struck- off the membership list.

Following the problems we have had recently with mass emails, Ron Watters has researched the use of Google Groups to perform this task. The Committee has accepted his recommendations, so you should now be receiving Social Night reminders, Short Notice Walks Programs and the Walks Program by email again. The web site which has not been updated for a while is undergoing some major surgeryand we are trying to get it'on line and upgraded as soon as possible.

David Trinder ,

80th Anniversary Celebrations

Dont Forget!

Fill in the enclosed booking slip and mail with your cheque today to reserve your place at the fabulous

80th Anniversary Big Day-O on Sunday 21* October At Manly Dam (Directions and map in next months magazine)

The minutes of the August meeting were confirmed. Matters arising from these minutes were included in other items on the agenda Correspondence included a Letter from Frank Hartigan on his walking around Port Douglas (no action required) ; from Nature Keepers advising of TAFE project (no action - too late); from Wilderness Society requesting donations to assist with opposition to the proposes pulp mill (donation of $150 made in August) and a leaflet on fighting fireweed (no action)

President David advised that club member Henry Roda is very seriously ill A card will be sent and a visit arranged.

There was discussion on proposed first aid courses. It was resolved that the current first aid subsidy be changed to apply only to active leaders undertaking an accredited first aid course and that the subsidy would cover the full cost of the course. Proposed revision of the current Constitution was discussed and will be discussed at the six- monthly meeting on 12th September. Further comment will also be sought from members. David advised that he passed = on recommendations for improving the conversion rate for New Members and that he would be meeting with our Hon. Solicitor on risk management later this month. Also, that he was following-up on suggestions to encourage newer members to consider standing for Committee positions at the Club election next year

Resotved that the Treasurers report be accepted and the following accounts for payment be approved: Bank Charges $24; Rent $400: Rates $214 Magazine postage $490.

Discussion on the problems experienced with having the Social Programme as shown on the Spring Walks Programme.

A list of non-financial members was presented. Committee members could follow up with members who they are aware wish to continue membership. A final list will be presented to the next Committee meeting to have the unpaid memberships terminated.

Recommendations for Honorary Active Membership were discussed and the President will write to each of seven members to advise of their nomination and seek their acceptance. Certificates will be prepared and presented at the Manly Dam _ BigDay-O function or at clubrooms on Nostalgia night.

The Magazine Editor reported on arrangements for

the special 80th Anniversary edition of the magazine.

e Wilf Hilder advised has been elected President of

the Confederation and Jim Callaway Vice-President.

From the Committee Room A report of proceedings at the Committee meeting on 5 September 2007

Wilf had attended the 75th Anniversary of Blue Gum Forest and reported on conditions there.

The Conservation Secretary reported that he had attended the August NPWS/NPA meeting and advised that he had expressed support for the Walking and Camping in the Budawangs strategy.

The Electronics Committee had issued proposed procedures for mass emailing using Google Groups for distribution lists. A meeting has been scheduled to report on the progress with updating the Club website. There was also discussion on a possible approach to electronic access via a web address to the magazine.

The meeting discussed a proposed book on Coolana and decided not to finance this book from Coolana funds. The matter was referred back to the author with some suggestions on

possible desktop or website publishing.

Treasurers Report at August 2007

Month Year to Date Cash Receipts Members Subscriptions 990 = 17,529 Prospective Fees 619 5,086 Investment - Conservation 20 452 Investment - Coolana 35 4,113 Investment - General 17 720 Magazine Advertising 0 920 Donations - Coolana 0 55 Other 0 16 Total Receipts $1,680 $25,891 Cash Payments Magazine Printing 107 3,582 Magazine Postage 790 3,185 Coolana Rates 1,215 1,215 Coolana Maintenance 0 319 Coolana Equipment 499 Coolana Toilet - Coolana 0 1,655 Rent- Club Rooms 400 3,175 Donations - Conservation 0 100 Insurance - Public Liability 0 2,477 Insurance - Personal Accident 0 3,281 Affiliation - Confederation 0 2,255 Postage. Phone & Internet 8 1030 Administration 68 1725 8” Anniversary 0 200 Total Payments $2588 *24697 Cash Surplus /(Deficit) -908 1194 From Your Membe

, Have You CF if you have phone number rect Members: Fran t Prospectives: Jodi The advice should be Clubs postal address c details on Page 2.) This \ show your current addr receiving the magazine e

New Members to Adc Would you please welcome when you;meet them on i details to your 2007 Membe Nicholas Richter PO Box (m) 0438 677 949 (w) 9957 Michael (Hugh) Fyson 2: (h) 9476 4609 (Ww) 9422, Members are reminded th. requested to assist witl Committee members in

These email addresses are if you wish to add your data base please let me kn Thanks Fran Holland {

Alex Colley C Celebr:

Despite his years, Alex is

magazine collating evenin 98th birthday and can prot SBW for over 70+ years.

i I


WEDNESDAY Bring along your old phot

minute books, valuable

club magazines from the | Birthday cake and more fi

Editors Message

On the 21 October, 2007 the Club will celebrate its 80“ Anniversary. This year is the magazines 76” Anniversary. The first edition commenced in 1931.

There have been a lot of changes since 1931 and the October Edition will feature articles from this decade as well as articles from the present time.

The Editor would like to include articles and stories in the October magazine about trips which have occurred on the current program as well as PHOTOS.

If you have skills in botanical illustration or map drawing or art | would like to receive your contributions so that | can provide interest in future magazines and provide a_ section on plant identification. |

Thanks to Bill edition.

Regards; Pam Campbell

for producing the September

Congratulations to Club Members | Wilf Hilder - elected President of the BSW Confederation of Bushwalking clubs, and

Jim Callaway, elected Vice President.


~i %


Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Raiiway station a Pent kal orca 3 Blacknezin for g Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 41am Frid at 7am Returns 4pm Mon, Wed Frid via Staraghts, Mittagong & Marulan for 7 Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues & Thurs & Sun at 11am Returns 4 pm Tues. Thurs, Sun s Yerranderie Ghost Town first Saturday in each month, returns Sun at 1pm (any Friday min 61 Group booking discounts or chaner service

Tel 0246 832 344 Mob 0428 832 344

Coolana Report September 2007

not a lot has happened during the winter months. Volunteers were very scarce and help with the continuation of our bush revegetation and regeneration programme was virtually nonexistent.

One job that had to be done was the spreading of the native grass seed which was purchased with monies received from The Southern Rivers Catchment Authority (SRCMA) in 2006. Because of the drought conditions we had permission to store these seeds until the conditions were suitable for planting and these conditions occurred during the winter of 2007, cold weather and lots of rain. The SRCMA have been advised of the completion of the 2006 contract.

The other job was to keep the tracks open on the Eastern flat ready for the contractor (Scott Hartman from Enviroquest) to commence the weed control programme and for this job we have received the $8000 grant from the Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA). This grant has been approved and at this stage we are waiting for the cheque to arrive before Scott can commence the project.

The completion of our 2006 contract with the (SRCMA) and the commencement of our 2007 contract with the SCA would not have happened without Don Finch coming to the rescue. Don arranged an extra maintenance weekend in August (which | was unable to attend) and got a few helpers over the weekend of the 11“ and 12” August. The helpers were Ros Kerrigan, (we would never have been able to get to where we are now without Ros) Spiro Haginikitas, Shirley Dean and Bill Holland. | quote from Dons email.

Success! There are two 2L ice cream containers of Kangaroo Grass, 1 of wallaby 1 of microlena left over. There is also a small quantity of each left in the drums about 3 litres by volume of each grass. So

All of the high priority areas have been treated and seeded. Toilet site tool shed slope all old fire site camping and eastern flat and bare patches. Bill helped and Spiro and Shirley came down on | Sunday so Rosie had plenty of helpers. | seeded the fire sites and bare patches on the top side of the road and then went over to the eastern flat to make a start on new access ways and cutting up the fallen logs over the old tracks. This went on into Sunday and Bill came over and helped with the mower and brush cutter. Net result ALL of the tracks have been cleared and new ones cleared into the areas along the river where we could not get before a very pleasing result but | have to say | am buggered.

The next problem was getting the final paperwork done for us to actually receive the money from the SCA, Don to the rescue again to arrange the signatures It was necessary to involve the Secretary, Treasurer and President, signatures obtained and sent off to the SCA only to get a phone call from the SCA a few days later to say they had lost the documents. Fortunately Don had kept copies which were faxed off to the SCA who acknowledged receipt and all going well the Treasurer will have received the cheque by the time you read this report and our 2007 project will have begun.

Gretel Woodward

Coolana Maintenance

13, 14th October: Its a wonderful property but needs some gentle care and maintenance. The weeds start growing in Spring but there are other tasks to be done. Join us for a pleasant weekend of light work and

socialising around the evening campfire

The Coolana Fund: Donations to the Coolana Fund are very welcome and will be used to provide income to assist with the maintenance of this wonderful property. Many thanks to those who have already donated or have indicated an intention to include the Coolana Fund in their wills. Please send in your donation, addressed to

The Coolana Fund

The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.

5 The Coolana Toilet - Lifting the Lid on the Details.

status, work programs, etc, etc, etc on or about the toilet at Coolana. Let me give you the real poop

on the toilet. It is finished, completed and fully functional. The new toilet at Coolana rises

majestically among the trees in its mantle of Woodland Grey and makes a proud statement of

environmental responsibility, on-site sewerage management and creature comfort. No longer will you have to

go bush with your pooper scooper and roll of toilet paper, or head to the hessian clad hole in the ground, or slip slide away on a cold, wet night with scooper, roll, torch and raincoat.

The toilet is at the high end of high technology, but how does it work | hear you cry! The toilet is like a bank. All deposits are made into a large plastic vault (chamber) where they are combined and mixed with sawdust and wood shavings. Like all good investments the deposits are held until maturity. The deposits now changed into compost (or consolidated revenue) can be withdrawn and the valuta used to promote other investments such as native plants. We are specifically excluded from using the withdrawn valuta to promote the growth of plants for human consumption. |

From time to time (every 2 to 3 years depending on the level of deposits) the compost bed in the chamber will need to be managed. This is an important and necessary function and requires a person with an extremely well developed sense of responsibility. Possibly (at the next AGM (March 2008) a new Committee position may be created, Compost Secretary, Shithouse Secretary or a similar suitable, function specific title |

, The Coolana toilet building is in two parts, the toilet

; 7 compartment and the vestibule both of which have

lights. In the vestibule there is a hand-basin with running water, mirror and coat-hooks. The toilet compartment contains the pedestal with lid, a container of sawdust plus scoop and coat-hooks. A vent pipe connects the composting chamber to the open air above the building. Air flow in the vent pipe is achieved by both an electric fan and a turbine ventilator. Air flows down through the pedestal and through vents in the chamber, up the vent pipe and is exhausted to atmosphere about 4 metres above the floor level of the toilet. The air flow makes sure the atmosphere in the toilet is fresh and also dehydrates the contents of the composting chamber.

at ee

Building te toilet at Coolana in the middle of the bush was |an expensive and difficult task. The total cost is yet to be determined but is about $9,000; a lot of money, for a small, single purpose building. The composting chamber hardware was about $3,500. The expense was made possible by a small number of big donations amounting to about $4000. | understand that the donors wish to remain anonymous. Thank you for your generosity.

It was a difficult task. Difficult because the toilet is about 1000 metres from the road and all materials had to be taken down the track. Before this could happen the track had to be repaired. At the toilet site manual labour plus some generated electricity “ . : did the digging, building, sawing, hammering, carting, lifting, loading and mixing. At last count thirty five members and thirteen non-members assisted in the toilet and ancillary construction.

Patrick James.

Dont Forget! 80” Anniversary - Coolana Reunion 27“ 28” October

Transport assistance available including 4WD access down the hill to the campsite for those

Family groups welcome!

The New Shed

Don Matthews *

We are going to build a new shed

Or thats what the magazine said.

A small one, admitted, hygienically fitted, At how many dollars a head?.

You might think that the costs out of hand That its all just a bit over planned,

But a User Pay fee, will soon fix it, youll see; And theres bound to be quite a demand.

Theretl be six solar panels on top,

To allow for some foliage drop,

For well need lots of power, in this up-market bower, But my goodness, where will it all stop?

You will pay for a key card each year.

As Committee explains It is clear,

You may not have the cash when you make a mad dash, And it really is not all that dear.

As you walk down the track theres a gate,

So youd better not leave your run late.

Theres a big neon light, quite incredibly bright, Which spells out Enter Now or Please Wait

When you walk in you press button A

And an Eau de Cologne scented spray

Will waft through the air, press it twice if you dare, It will make for a more pleasant stay.

And then, should you press button B

ThereU be music, whats more you will see,

You can have a pop tune or perhaps Clair de Lune Or your choice for a small extra fee.

Should your stay last beyond a fair time Then a bell will switch on and will chime, {It is linked to the seat, activated by heat, And a message will flash up in rhyme.

But how, you may ask does it work,

And by what biological quirk

Can these waste products fair disappear in mid air Whats the answer. Oh where does it lurk?.

We asked the Committee one night,

And their answer was typically bright

You dont have to know, why not go with the flow Though they offered this glimmer of light

Its an auto composting technique And though that may seem somewhat oblique It is proven in use, and lets nothing get loose To escape or flow into the creek.

So go forth if you think you can cope

Which reminds us, hot water and soap

Are there on demand, theyve got everything planned Will it work? Well well just have to hope

* This poem first appeared in this magazine in May 2005

a Leader Profile - Mark Dabbs

A little history: Started walking around 1 years old. Qh, you mean when did | start BUSHwalking? - around 12 years old - if you dont count holidays in the bush before this. My pack was almost bigger than me and | would spend the next week complaining to my parents about how terrible it all was and Id never go again. Then a few weeks later off Id head again, have a great time and complain about the heavy pack, steep hills, rain, hard ground, dirt, no decent toilet …. isnt it strange how these things are suddenly changed into reasons for walking so many years later.

My walking/outdoors interests includes such things as sailing - small skiffs - 14 feet (for those old enough to know this type of measurement); ! love x-country skiing, bit of rock work.

Why Did | start walking? Better than hanging around the streets and getting into trouble, better than parties, keeps you fit, lots of snow, scouts did it, school (high school) also did it. And, | seemed to be reasonable at it (but thats only my opinion). Better than contact sport where you get pummeltled if you'are small! (which | am, and was!).

Besides, my friends also did it. Basically, it was really good to get away from all the pressures of life and push yourself. it is a real challenge to make the best of a situation when the weather turns bad, you use what you have, invent as you go and come back happy, safe and with the knowledge that you were never in danger as you were well prepared and inventive.

Other interest. Well, | do believe this has partly been covered above. Also add to that list anything in the outdoors which involves a bit of effort. Kayaking

is beginning to take a hold as Im sure the day will

Is vs

come when the body says enough hills, the knees are creaking too much As some of you may be aware, bush dancing and Irish dancing are a regular occurrence. Basically because they require a bit of effort to keep going and make the brain work hard remembering the moves.

Walking style: Is there a style? Do they mean tke skiing in top hat and tails - which ! used to do for quite a number of years - or do you mean easy/hard/impossible/dont-do-again walks? The later one is the most interesting. Its great to get a challenge but it is also really lovely to have great company. Some of my most enjoyable walking was in Queensland where it is too hot to go hard but the company (for a young single male when we were outnumbered by females) was fantastic so, where we walked had very little relevance. |

Memorable trips? Are there any trips which arent memorable? All trips have been great. The ones that stand out are those that offer some challenges or had some fantastic socialising. The other easy ones drop into the back waters of the mind. | remember one NZ trip where we went for a quick day walk. Involved, of all things, a little snow walking too. After we got to the turnaround point - 6 hours later - it was suggested to return via a short cut. Yeh, you all know what that means!! 10 hours return! We got back to the tents by 10.30 pm!! The scrub? Why, it was like barb wire. Pushing through the bars of a lions cage would have been easier than the thick, strong undergrowth!!

What do | like about walking (well dont tell anyone but | go walking to keep fit for skiing - in case you werent aware!) | love to get away and escape all the ties in the city. Leave all those worries, concerns and problems behind. They are generally solved in the unconscious mind while walking, It is a great challenge to walk, survive the elements, socialize especially. Many a walk has only tuned out to be fantastic because of the group. Not because of the area. Often a repeat walk is very different because you go with a different group.

Finally, how do | lead walks? The fastest pace is at the same speed as the slowest participant. We are out there to all walk together. (| have been known to go a little faster than this up hills but | get a longer rest at the top so appear to be fresh - | have also been known to hang around with the tail too). The whole aim and philosophy of a walk is to go out and make sure everyone enjoys the trip, go at a speed that allows this to occur. Have some fun, laugh lots.

Oh, by the way. The photo is of me in the snow just in case you were wondering! !


Now that APEC is over is it is clear that our political leaders are really, really sincere about tackling climate change. To the great applause of our Prime Minister and a tumult of self-congratulation it seems that they have agreed on a plan to set, at some date in the future, a non-binding, non-specific aspirational target ona voluntary basis. Most of the large polluting international companies saw this as a positive move although it was pleasing to see that at least some mining companies would have preferred firm carbon reduction targets to assist their planning.

Never mind, for most it is business as usual, lets pursue the profits and leave care about environment to the greenie radicals. Perhaps we can relax and when we read below that this year the northern hemisphere will have the Northwest Passage across the Canadian Arctic free of ice for the first time, or that the Arctic will be completely ice-free in summer by 2030, we know that our APEC leaders have the solution well in hand.

This month | have included the NPWs directives on walking and camping in the Budawang Wilderness. We are obliged to comply with these directives and at a recent meeting with NPWS/NPA | gave an endorsement on behalf of SBW and suggested similar directives for wilderness areas would assist in preserving the pristine environment. Bill Holland


Arctic Seas May Soon Be Devoid Of Summer Ice

The Arctic icecap has collapsed at an unprecedented rate in the northern summer and levels of sea ice now stand at a record low, scientists say.

An area almost twice as big as Britain disappeared in the past week and so much ice has melted this summer that the North-West Passage across Canada is fully navigable.

Observers say the North-East Passage along Russia's Arctic coast could open this month. If the increased rate of melting continues, the summer Arctic could be totally free of ice by 2030.

The Arctic has lost about a third of its ice since satellite measurements began 30 years ago, and the rate of loss has increased sharply since 2002.

Dr Serreze said the main culprit was man-made global warming. This year puts the exclamation mark on a series of record lows that tell us something is happening.

Figures show that sea ice is down to 4.4 million square kilometres and falling. The previous record low was 5.3 million square kilometres in September 2005.

Sea ice usually freezes again over the winter. But this would be difficult this year. “This summer we've got all this open water and added heat going into the ocean. That is going to make it much harder for the ice to grow back. What we've seen this year sets us up for an even worse year next year.”

The Age September 6, 2007

Mitigating greenhouse gases Australias natural forests and planted forests are regarded as important ecosystems that can contribute to the mitigation of rising greenhouse gas concentrations. Recent political focus has been directed to the greater mitigation opportunities from conserving tropical forests in neighbouring countries, which undoubtedly has merit. However, this does not detract from the greenhouse gas benefits of either conserving Australias natural forests or establishing new forests on agricultural land for timber, pulp or biodiversity ends. _

So far, the debate has centred solely upon the

greenhouse gas benefits of forests actively taking carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere and sequestering it as biomass carbon. But there are other important greenhouse gases, such as nitrous oxide (N20) and methane (CH4), that occur at smaller concentrations in the atmosphere but have a greater global warming potential (GWP) than carbon dioxide because of their ability to trap radiative heat and their persistence.

Nitrous oxide has a global warming potential 320 times greater than CO2, whereas methane is 21 times more potent. Both these gases can be emitted into the atmosphere or taken out of the atmosphere by soils, including forest soils. So, it is possible that Australias natural forests and planted forests could provide greenhouse gas benefits other than through carbon sequestration alone.

NSW Govt Targets More Feral Deer

The New South Wales Government has announced a substantial expansion of the feral deer culling program south of Sydney.

Operated from the Royal National Park, ~ the program involves the shooting and removal of wild deer.

There are an estimated 1,700 deer in the region, destroying the natural habitat and threatening the survival of native species.

The Environment Minister, Phil Koperberg, says the program is now being expanded to the surrounding illawarra region.

We're going to intensify the program by 20 or 30 per cent,“ he said.

A spokesman for National Parks, Tony Fleming, says they hope to get the deer numbers to below 1000.

It's significant environmentally. They do a lot of browsing on rainforest, heathlands and wetlands. They browse away at the regrowth after fires, and they trample and create erosion problems, he said. ABC Aug 3, 2007

The following is an extract from a brochure available from the NPWS. A full copy of the Budawangs Walking and Camping Strategy can be viewed at You are urged to obtain a copy of this


Leaders and members are advised that new directives on walking and camping in the Budawang Wilderness have been issued by NPWS and are effective from 1 September.

brochure and follow the directives if you intend to walk in this wilderness area.

Requirements And Guidelines For Walking In The Budawang Wilderness

A number of requirements and guidelines for walking in the popular Budawangs area have been introduced from 1 September 2007 to reduce environmental damage and to assist visitor safety, as set out below. Walkers should remain aware that the Budawangs is a remote area with natural hazards such as cliffs and falling

branches. Walking tracks have limited modification to natural surfaces and alignment may be indistinct. in keeping with the areas wilderness status, signage is limited and there are no facilities apart from basic toilets at the Cooyoyo |

Creek and Burrumbeet Brook camp sites. Walkers need a high degree of experience and navigation skills and must be self-reliant, particularly in regard to emergency first aid and possible weather hazards. Maps and navigation equipment are needed and walkers are advised to carry an EPIRB. The eastern part of the Budawangs was formerly used for military training and contains unexploded ordnance. For

bushwalker safety, special restrictions apply to use of this area (see below).



Group size

To confine camping impacts, a maximum group size of 12 people is allowed for overnight walkers. However walkers are encouraged to keep to a maximum of 8. Organised groups walking in separate parties must not meet up in camping areas unless the total number is 12 or less and the total number of tents 1s less than the maximum for the camping area (see below).

Day walkers - no restrictions but encouraged to } keep to a maximum of 12 people in a group.


To manage numbers at the popular Cooyoyo Creek camping area a permit will be required for the Easter and October long weekends from 2008 onwards. Further permit requirements may be introduced if needed.

Tent camping

No camping is permitted in Monolith Valley, Castle Saddie, Hidden Valley, The Vines rainforest and along the Two Rivers Track within wilderness (south of the Little Forest Walk car park). Restrictions also apply in the former artillery training area (see below).

Campers are asked to observe limits on tent numbers at the main camp sites, as set out below, and to move to other locations if these camping areas are full.

Cave camping

To protect Aboriginal sites, camping 1n caves and overhangs is permitted only in the caves listed below. Camping is not permitted in any other caves or overhangs except in emergencies (eg. sudden storm, injury). Digging or alteration of cave floors is not permitted.

Walkers are encouraged to carry tents and to use these rather than caves.

Wood fires |

To minimise degradation at popular sites and damage to Aboriginal values, wood fires are prohibited in the main camping areas, all caves and the fuel-stove-only areas listed below.

Walkers are asked to keep fires small in order to minimise the impacts of wood gathering and to | closely maintain and extinguish fires to prevent, bushfires occurring. Use of fuel stoves rather

than wood fires is encouraged. |


To reduce confusion for other walkers, placement of cairns and other track markers 1s not permitted.

Journey intention survey forms

Walkers are encouraged to fill out journey intention survey forms, available on the website or from NPWS offices.

Human waste

To protect water quality, make sure you are at least 100m away from waterways, dig a 15cm deep hole and bury faeces and paper.

Walkers are asked to carry out human waste from locations with shallow soils unsuitable for disposal by burying.

Military training area

For bushwalker safety in the former artillery impact area (north of a line drawn between Island Mt and the point south of the Claydons Creek headwater) walkers must keep to vehicle trails and the Folly Point walking track. Digging and campfires are not permitted along the tracks.

No camping is permitted in the artillery impact area except at the Sassafras and Link Road sites. Campers must stay within the delineated/cleared areas.

WARNING - unexploded ordnance exists in the former artillery impact area and may explode if disturbed. Any military objects found should be reported to NSW Police (Ulladulla 4454 2542) and not disturbed,

Remainder of training area - walkers are advised that explosive training devices may be present. if found they should be left alone and reported to the Police.


To protect our environment, cutting of plant material for bedding or any other reason is not permitted.

Minimal impact camping practices should be observed.

Caves where camping is allowed Burrumbeet Brook group = Mount Haughton group

Bibbenluke Camp Rock

Cooyoyo Creek Corang Peak group

Hoddle Creek

Mount Cole group Maximum tent numbers in main camping areas (guideline)

Camping area

Mount Tarn group Nibbelung

Castle Saddle Track Watsons Pass Styles

Maximum tents

Fuel Stove Only areas (wood fires prohibited) General Areas

Monolith Valley

Castle Saddle

Hidden Valley

The Vines rainforest Two Rivers Track south of Little Forest

All caves and overhangs

Camping areas


Cooyoyo Creek

Styles Plain Burrumbeet Brook area

Canowie Brook

Bibbenluke group of sites 12 . ; Cooyoyo Creek 12 Further information: Styles Plain 12 NPWS Ulladulla 4454 9500 Burrumbeet 6 NPWS Nowra 4423 2150 Canowie Brook 6


in the Wet

to 1 March 2008 |

tung tn ara. dt ghee ere, Pe PS a


or give us a call for details.

The road will be impassable and the park will be closed to the general puplic We, however, have special permission to fly in and see this area at its spectacular best We will experience the magic of Purnululu in a way that few non-Aboriginal people have ever done

Magic yes, easy no Visiling [ne Bungles wnen the waterfalls are flowing requires putting up with high heal and humiarty But we know tlic best shade, the best shelter and the safest and mosl spectacular places lo camp WAL That's why we're being allowed in va

Want more info? Ask us for details and photos

Millner NT 0810 Walks Notes

Barry Wallace

Walks notes covering the interval 27 December 2006 to 11 February 2007.

Jim Callaway was the first to report, with his walk in the Royal from Helensburgh to Otford on Sunday 31 December appearing a bit light on for starters. It is pleasing indeed that no-one present suffered injury despite the presence of slippery rocks and the necessity of crossing the Hacking River using the Burgh Track. We also know that train was the chosen means of reaching the walk, but that lists our entire knowledge of the trip.

There is no indication of the force or influence that caused lan Thorpes overnight walk in the Wollongambe to transmogrify into a Saturday day walk on 6 January out from Waverton bowling club, but it certainly appears to have improved the numbers. A party of 16 started out on a grand tour that visited numerous localities. The day began warm; and well before morning teatime they were feeling the heat and wondering aloud just how much hotter the day would become. As it happened a sea breeze provided welcome relief long before the party showed advanced symptoms of wilt. They also managed to graze well off the surrounding countryside, with lunch at Birkenhead Point, ice creams at Darling Harbour, drinks at the Commodore Hotel then dinner at the Waverton bowling club watching the city lights come out. Such was the attraction of the venture they even acquired an additional starter after lunch.

Sunday of that weekend saw Pamela Irving leading a party of undisclosed size on a Northern Beaches ramble from Narrabeen to Mona Vale. Conditions started out hot and humid but gradually cooled, and it began to rain toward the end of the trip. The party circled Narrabeen Lagoon before ascending to the Collaroy Escarpment for views and then descending to Collaroy Beach and North Narrabeen rock baths for a swim with ice creams and coffee. The fierce pace was maintained, with coffee and snacks at the Warriewood sunrise caf before pressing on around the headlands to Mona Vale and the end of the walk.

Nigel Weavers Sunday walk from Mount Ku-ring-gai Station to Mount Colah station, scheduled for 14 January went, with a party of 9 and fine, warm conditions. The route took them to Cowan creek and then around to Appletree Bay. From there they ascended a steep track to the lunch site, a location with fine views over Cowan Creek. Lunch over it was off to Kalkari visitor centre where they saw numerous kangaroos in the nearby sanctuary. From there they strolled the track to Mount Colah thus completing a very pleasant day with much camaraderie among the group.

Bill Holland and Karen Brading led a Saturday walk


from Hornsby to Hornsby on 20” January in rather hot conditions with a greatly varying number of participants. Hornsby station served as the starting point to gather the masses who then traversed sections both formal and in- of the Bluegum Walk to attain Bill and Frans place for a swim/barbecue lunch with numerous others. Those stilt willing, and standing, then set off in the heat of the afternoon, again on formal and un- sections of the Great North Walk to arrive at Karen and Richards place for a swim/barbecue dinner. A good time was had; by alt who could, and all who could remember.

Such temperatures would have favoured Terry Moss and the limited numbers party of 6 on his canyon trip in the Wollongambe area on the same day. it was originally planned to do only Serendipity Canyon, but'in a discussion with the group before arriving one thing led to another and they agreed to do Kelvinator Canyon as well, seeing as how they had to pass it anyway. All of that was with the proviso that all were travelling well when they got to Kelvinator Canyon. The entry to Serendipity was thronged by 3 other parties when our mob arrived but they were organised enough to get away first and from there experienced no delays and exited the canyon at 1130h. From there it was a steep 200 metre pull up to the entry to Kelvinator. The cool of the canyon was almost a relief as they negotiated the 6 abseils and a rather dark section with glow-worms at the lower end. All handled the conditions well and there were no injuries or incidents of note. |

As the springtime it brings on the shearers, or used to; so the hot weather brings on the canyon trips. indeed, even impromptu, short notice or un- programmed trips. Sunday 21 January saw lan Thorpe with a party of 6 out on his explore around the confluence of Wollongambe River and Du Faurs Creek trip. Despite some efforts Bob Hodgson never did manage to have, such expeditions become known as tea bag trips but this one seems to conform fairly well; with the party successively wandering about, tounging about chatting, and cooling off in the sometimes too cool waters. As for the length of the iunch break; | dare not compass this in these hallowed pages lest reputations be irreparably damaged. Despite all this they still managed to locate a handy little pass out of Bell Creek to the ridge away to the South that may be useful for some future walk. Watch this space says lan. Tired but satisfied the party returned to the cars and finished off with dinner at the Kurrajong Heights pub. The food was good but the service, taking 30 minutes to deliver a serve of what appears to have been Nachos, was found wanting. Unless of course that was Lindas ashes, in which case comment is entirely beyond me.

Australia day weekend saw Pamela Irving as leader of a canoeing expedition on the impounded waters of Tatlowa Dam. The party size is undisclosed but there were enough of them to take around 3 hours to get to the campsite in a leisurely paddle on the first day. Day 2 saw the party set off around mid-morning to travel further up the Kangaroo River only to have a strong tail-wind force a re-think and subsequent battle back to the camp against what was then a head wind. Even the third day was not without struggle; another head wind arose as they set off at around 1100h for a leisurely paddle back to the cars. This also persisted for most of the return leg. Kangaroo Valley township provided restorative ice cream and other items of sustenance.

It is mot usually a characteristic of walkers to vacillate but this seems to have been the case with one of the starters on Jim Calloways Sunday walk from Waterfall to Heathcote on the long weekend. Eventually a party of 5 set off in warm conditions through a profusion of flowering wattles and a few flannel-flowers. Even though some people swam at Kingdom Come and Lake Eckersley the party made good time, leaving Waterfall at 0930h and catching the 1658h city train from Heathcote. It seems the goannas still forage the picnic spots at Lake Eckersley and the toothbrush Grevillia still flower along the Woronora River so alls right with that particular part off the world, at least. John Pozniak was also out that day with a motley crew of 12 tackling his walk from West Head to Elvina Bay in the best of weather attended by the best of tides, and on one of the most picturesque coastal walks in the environs of greater Sydney. Not that John would want to oversell it at all. They took time to smell all the metaphorical roses along the way, what with a leisurely pace, much debate on coastal real estate and the environment and a surfeit of photo stops. The wading turned out to be not onerous and nautical activity on the Pittwater took much of their attention. The very embodiment of perfection says John; or would have had he used those exact words.

Saturday 3 February was a typical hot summer day for Richard Darkes typical summers day walk from Erskine Lookout into Erskine Creek and Lincoln Creek. The party of 9 found the going on Jack Evans Track easier than heretofore due to it having been recently cleared but made up for this by bush-bashing and rock- hopping up to Lincoln creek junction where they swam in Erskine Creek in waters at Goldilocks temperature. They then moved on to Dadder Cave and the big pool just beyond to stop for lunch and repeat the experience. The weather had become quite hot by the time they negotiated the return to Lincoln Creek so it was back into the water again to cool off. Heavenly says Richard. Fortunately for the party it clouded over for the climb up to the cliff-line at Pisgah Rock and they were all back at the cars by 1630h and rounding off a great summer walk with milkshakes in Glenbrook shortly thereafter. With a little help from


the M7 the return trip to North Sydney was accomplished in just 45 minutes,

The same day Chris Miller led a party of 8 on a more serious (just) canyon trip out from Galah Mountain car park. Sheepdip and Rocky Creek Canyons were both accomplished by a party comprised in part of new chums all of whom not only survived but also enjoyed the experience.

Ridgelines and streams were all the go for Terry Moss and the party of 7 on his overnight qualifying walk out from the Black Range Fire-trail in the Jenolan area on 10, 11 February. They began at the junction of Warlock Ridge Firetrail and strolled South along this before descending off track along Warlock Ridge, a fairly open ridgeline, to the Jenolan River. The 4.5 km leg downstream on the river was enjoyable, with a mixture of rockhopping, swims, deep wades and occasional rock ledges to negotiate. As they moved into Hellgate Gorge the weather, initially overcast, began to threaten rain and indeed thundered throughout the transit of the gorge. Things held off however, until after the party were in camp, and then it rained for about an hour; making lighting a fire difficult. Next morning they followed Diable Creek upstream to Diable Pit then up Hellcat Ridge. This started out very steeply and then became a knife-edge for most of its length to Hellcat Mountain. From there they made their way across the tops through thick scrub back to Black Range road and the cars. All in all a very enjoyable trip made better by good company.

That seems to be an entirely appropriate note on which to close for this instalment.

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The Mid-Week Walkers Bill Holland |

The Mid-Week Walkers are an informal group of SBW members who have time to spare for mid-week activities,

some of which are shown on the Walks Programme and some organised at short notice and advised by monthly newsletter sent to all on my Mid Week Walkers list. These activities can include easy to medium walks, perhaps

some cycling/canoeing or even a little bird watching as well. Partners and non-walkers are welcome to join us, 4 particularly on the extended stay activities.

Well, it happened again. Came the time to confirm the booking and pay for our planned week at Newnes

in September and | only had four bookings (when a minimum of six was required). So | had to cancel and two days later there were another four wanting to book. | also had positive responses from others who could not make it this time so I will schedule the Newnes cabins in autumn next year.

Here is what is ahead.

Coolana 27“ and 28” October

It would be great to support the 80“ Anniversary celebrations in October and join others at Coolana on the 27” and 28“ October. Fran and | may go there on Friday and stay an extra day or two at the end if the weather is kind. So please let me know if you can join us. Coolana has a choice of activities especially at this time of the year; bird watching, swimming, short or long walks, cliff exploring or just taking it easy and relaxing. 4WD access to the camping site can be arranged. If you need this assistance please let me know.

Dunns Swamp 26th - 30th November

Dunns Swamp is near Rylstone and is very popular for camping and bushwalking. It boasts as one of the cleanest waterways in NSW, making it great for a swim or canoe paddle. Basic facilities for campfires and toilets are available in the camping reserve.

A TV programme recently voted Dunns Swamp in the top ten camping spots in NSW

There are many walking tracks and large rock formations which offer spectacular views of the river and surrounding bush.

The plan will be to base camp during mid-week to avoid the weekend crowds. The weather at this time of the year should be warm and very suitable for water activities.

Please let me know if you can join us for all or part of this week

That's all for this month but here are some forthcoming midweek walks that may be of interest to you. See the Spring Walks programme for more details

Thursday 27” September: Boudhi National Park | Boudhi Spur to Little Beach. Views from cliffs across to Broken Bay. Swimming opportunities. Grade: Easy 12km Monday 1st October: Upper Blue Mountains

Medlow Bath RS - Hydro Majestic - Sunbath - Valley Track - Blacks Ladder- Megalong Trig - Katoomba RS. Historic tracks and passes. Mild exposure on steps and ladders. Some off-track sections. Grade: M232 13km Thursday 18“ October: Ku Ring Gai National Park

Gordon bus to St Ives Cascades Roseville Bridge Lindfield walk to Lindfield Station. A relaxing walk alongside Middle Harbour Creek. Grade: Easy

If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter or join us on an activity please phone me on 9484 6636 or email

Be Careful When Bushwalking

It has been known for accidents, incidents and mishaps to occur when bushwalking - most are minor but some, just a few, may be more serious and lead to injuries.

The Committee has resolved to ask leaders to include a report of any accident or serious mishap in their walk reports. This will form the basis of a report to be maintained by the Committee that will used in reviewing insurance premiums and claims.

Atl members are asked to let the Committee know if they have or intend to submit an insurance claim for personal injury.

14 |

A Spectacular Walk In Kuringai Chase

On Sunday 2 September | led a circular walk in the Brooklyn area for a mix of members and prospectives. Our prospectives were Virginia Riley, Ross McDonald, Kannika Chuapram, and Jennifer Whincup, and we welcomed them to the walk. The weather was fine and clear, and the walk gave us many spectacular views of the lower Hawkesbury valley.


Our group headed south from Brooklyn to the saddle above Dead Horse Bay where we turned westward on the foot track leading uphill. This track goes up through open woodland, and eventually gets onto an old fire trail which in turn leads onto a short section of the Great North Walk. After about a kilometre we left the GNW on a foot track which leads southwards onto a series on big rock platforms on the lower western slopes of Porto Ridge. Here we found aboriginal carvings which included a large fish/whale/shark, a kangaroo, a gentleman, and something like an emu.

After the platforms we walked entirely off- track until we arrived at Sandy Bay late in the day. We headed eastwards from the platforms, soon doing some rough rock-scrambling up onto Porto Ridge for great views across the Hawkesbury to Little Wobby and Dangar Island. From here we went southward along Porto Ridge, eventually finding some rock carvings in the form of footprints, and then descending through the bush almost to the saddle at the bottom of Peak Hill. Navigation is tricky in this area because you often do not get good sightings on landmarks, so

Nigel Weaver

a GPS device helped a lot! We made our way southward to the remotely-located hill behind Mud Point, engaging in some more rock- scrambling to mount the final cliff line. We found a splendid lunch spot atop cliffs on the south side of the hill which gave great views across Porto Bay to Pound Spur. This is a rarely visited area of the park.

After lunch we went off to Peak Hill, which we adroitly ascended like a sure-footed pack of mountain goats!


The views of the surrounding waterways hills from the top are absolutely fabulous, and its hard to want to leave there.

However we eventually headed off downhill, firstly travelling northward, and then eastward

down the rough slopes to Sandy Bay, manoeuvring our way down a series of cliff lines en route. Finally we reached Sandy Bay for a good rest before following the foot track that leads around the shoreline back into Brooklyn.

It was a great day! In addition to the wonderful viewing points, the weather was kind to us, and we enjoyed much camaraderie at the various stopping points along the way.

Notice - Camp Fires and Stoves

All members are advised to check the restrictions on lighting fires in intended camping areas. Be aware that Spring and Summer may have high to extreme bush fire danger. This means that fires in the open are restricted and may only be used under certain conditions eg. a camp fire for cooking purposes. However, most national parks, reserves and forest areas around Sydney have Local Fire Bans which mean no fires of any nature are permitted. Total Fire Bans may be declared on days of extreme fire danger and fires in the open, including cooking and camp fires, are totally prohibited for the period of the ban. , Lighting any fire in the open on a day of Total Fire Ban may lead to a fine of $5,000 and six months imprisonment. This applies to any naked flame including camp fires and camping stoves.

Carry Water! mts 8 Leaders and walk participants should take care to carry adequate water for the day. ea gg Many areas are still experiencing dry conditions and normal water bearing creeks may be =e A = TS = dry. AES

15 Melindas Premiere

The Robertson Pie shop is abuzz with chatter. But it is not often that we have a TV star in our midst -but thats another story.

Just the right setting for Melindas first walk as leader. Outside sunny, crisp and perfect walking weather.

She has our band of 12 marshalled and down to Lees road Lookout for a 9AM start without the assistance of a blue heeler dog -very impressive.

At the) Lookout the green Tongarra Valley sweeps down to! the sea at Lake Illawarra. Industrial Port Kembia is a stark contrast. Mt Kembla and Keira stand out to the north and behind us are Macquarie Pass and| the valley of Macquarie Rivulet.

With perfect navigation we emerge on the cliff top just 20 metres from the cairn marking the top of Caloola Pass. Each downward zig and zag through the cliffj lines are chosen perfectly. And shortly after the cable we enter the rain forest with its giant cedar trees left over from logging days of the 19 Century.

We cross a stream with mossy boulders and bordering trees ferns and burrawang palms and exit into the| Valley with its sandstone escarpments and dotted collection of farm houses.

The old Dingledei hut -that architectural oddity built between two large granite boulders - is a perfect 'setting for morning tea and a great conversation piece.

And on cue here come the draught horses. But today they arel accompanied by two Shetland ponies. They make an) incongruous quartet. The Shetlands amuse themselves and us by walking fram one side of their

giant companions underneath and out the other. 4 = Where are our apples and = carrots guys? | am sure that is what they are saying in equine speak as they nudge us and our packs looking for goodies.

Hello here comes Martin. Alongs the cart track comes a Ute zig zagging towards us. Out steps a character who looks like one of the back country blokes from Deliverance No banjo but just as aggressive, no shirt, shorts hanging on the hips and cigarette dangling from the mouth.

He claims to own this part of the valley. Mentions that the' bush is tripped with explosive devices. He hints that the police will never ask questions about those who enter without his permission and are never seen again! Geoff is convinced there is shotgun in the Ute!


Ron Watters

It transpires that Mrs. Mc Crorie with whom | had an agreement to walk along the road has left the valley.

But the sweetest voice turnest away wrath and our leader Melinda talks him around to allow our progress. And even gets his telephone number to allow SBW to walk the road on future occasions.

Its a rough 500 metres getting into Tongarra Creek. Vines, lantana and scrambling up small rock faces to avoid the box waterfall. But we make it for lunch at the foot of a lovely cascade.

Using the skills of the party to best advantage Maurice leads up through the boulders and cascades in the rapidly rising creek bed to Tongarra Falls.

They are flowing strongly. Three steps then the big plunge and a series of smaller steps to the bottom. The normal crossing place is under fast flowing water and too dangerous to cross. But lower down the boulders yield a crossing.

Geoff takes the front as we make the cliff base traverse to Green Pass. Once again not far but lots of effort and time. Great views of the valley below and lovely palms and shapes in the cliffs.

The good news is that we enter Green Pass half way up and emerge on the resting log at 1540. Afternoon tea. To appease the gods the sacrificial lamington is brought forth. Christine has preserved it in pristine condition -a remarkable feat given the terrain. Well some is sprinkled on the ground and the rest is eaten and voted jolly good.

Wisely, Melinda has had David program the Grid Reference for Refrigerator Point into the GPS. So just after 4pm we are sitting in the deck chairs admiring the view in the soft pr evening light. The refrigerator is still there and going, complete with a selection of middle European liqueurs and a bottle of White burgundy -well the back of the bottle claims it is Houghtons but the front label has disappeared so who knows whats inside. So we left it intact. .

An easy stroil along the cliff edge and there are the cars at 1740 with 20 minutes of light remaining.

Weill done Melinda! 5 stars for leadership. Your efforts made it a memorable day. |

Best wishes for a successful encore on your overnight walk in October. |

Ron Watters and your happy wanderers Maurice, Geoff, Annett, Christine E, David, Linda, Hal, Fran,

Janice and Lynette. |

Walks Wanted For the Summer

Programme! 26” October is the closing date for the Summer Walks

Programme. Our Walks Secretary, Tony Holgate will be very happy to receive your submissions. Easy to Easy/Medium walks particularly welcome.

Dont leave it too long!

Get it to Tony ASAP. For New Members Joining the club at The September New Members Meeting were Helen Macdonald and Kitty Li. Please make

them feel welcome.

Coming up this month we have Navigation Training at the club room. Held on Wednesday 26/09/07 at 7:00pm

with Peter Love instructing.

The evening is designed to give you a good introduction to navigation. You will learn how to use a compass and map. If there are any budding leaders amongst you this is a great place to start to learn navigation and

the evening is always fun. If you would like to attend please just drop me a line at to be included. | hope to see you there. Happy Walking


Walks Recommended for New Members:

If you are relatively new to bushwalking or still building your fitness levels, some suitable introductory walks on the program are listed below. Please see the program for contact details.

Thurs 27“ Sept Boudhi National Park

Boudhi Spur to Little Beach. Views from top of the Cliffs across to Broken Bay. Swim min g

opportunities. Grade: Easy Sunday 30” Sept Blue Mountains NP

Furbers Steps, Malaita Points, land slide, Ruined Castile Track to Ruined Castle and return. An easy

walk with great views. Grade: M221 10 km Sat 6“ Oct: Berowra Valley Regional Park

Berowra - Benowie Track - Berowra C reek - Berowra Waters - Cowan. Walk through the relatively undisturbed bushland of Berowra Valley Regional Park following part of the Great North Walk. Excellent valley and water views. Accessible via public transport. Grade: M 231, 14km, 4 00m ascent

Sun 7 Oct: Walking and Whale Watching

Kurnell to Cronulla Coastal Walk

T he Whales are Returning South Discovery Centre (Kurnell) - T abbigai Gap - Cape Bailey lighthouse ~ Solander Trig - Muru Track - Cronulla. Spectacular views of rugged coastline. Grade: Easy 12 km

13-44” Oct Blue Mountains NP

Hat Hill Rd - Hat Hill - Bald Head Ridge - Bald Head- Hat Hill Ck - Burromoko Hill - Burramoko Lookout - Hanging Rock - Ridgewell Rd. Car swap required. No exposure or rope work, Grade: $222

GPS Training Weekend

Seven of us attended on Saturday. We started with a discussion on maps; how datum were set and why more recent maps (based on World Geodetic System) varied by 200 metres from earlier maps based on Australian Geodesic System. As most GPS use WGS84 as a default datum this can lead to the above difference when used with our earlier maps so it is important to ensure that your GPS datum are correctly set.

Three of the group had not yet purchased a GPS and were anxious to know which model, how much to pay etc. So we moved on to looking at various GPS and how they work; how the GPS talk to the satellites; the difference between tracking, waypoints and routes. Specialist software is available to assist with using a GPS for bushwalking and this requires that your GPS must have be able to receive and transfer data. This mapping software (Oziexplorer) is quite different from the mapping software used in the street maps featured in vehicle based GPS.

Our first exercise which consisted of downloading recording a track as we walked around local streets and into the bush; establishing way points; backtracking and using the go-to function. When we returned to the house we uploaded this data to the computer and were able to see our track and waypoints recorded on the map.

Then we looked at the maps filed on my computer.


Bill Holland

These maps are specifically for use with Oziexplorer software; already calibrated to show grids and reference points. If you do not have a copy of these maps you scan a map or the section you are interested in and use Oziexplorer to calibrate it for you.

This was about as far as much as we achieved on Saturday and unfortunately four were only able to attend for part or all of Saturday.

So on Sunday we were reduced to three but it made it a little less crowded around the computer. We looked at Oziexplorer in more detail, how to calibrate, to plot tracks, mark proposed routes and produce a track profile. Most interesting was the ability to merge maps, particularly handy when plotting or recording walks over two or more maps. However, the maps used must have the same datum to accurately match each other.

Finally, we went for a long watk in the valley below the house. We walked though the valley and wonderful blue gum forest recording our track as we walked and setting way points. Back to the house to connect to the computer and record our walk on the Hornsby map.

The weekend was a success and | will place another on the Walks programme next year. If you are interested please let me know and this will assist in determining when the weekend will be held. Social Notes

Hi Everyone,

Change is certainly an integral part of life. Weather

and temperature are certainly bearing out the truth of this sta tement. After a very pleasant and mild springish August, winter begets us again in September. C'est la vie! But, the wildflowers have been glorious - the best I've ever seen them.

the August meeting but glitches in the system of despatch happened. We are investigating mass email despatch alternatives. | believe we have decided on something so hopefully this will not recur. Those who attended, enjoyed a fun evening watching the trials and tribulations of fellow members cycling in the Bluies. Thank you Peter Christian for the entertaining evening.

All the preparations are now almost complete for the SBW 80th Birthday celebrations. Please make sure you book for the picnic. In October, the Social Night will be on the 4th Wednesday of the month and is a Nostalgia night with a “birthday cake”. Please feel free to bring along any bits of SBW memorabilia to decorate the club-room. The evening is there to provide an opportunity for members to catch up with each other. There is also a Cootana Reunion weekend. Details of all activities are in this magazine.

1 will be away in Greece and Turkey till mid- October, but back in time for the picnic. There will be no Social Notes for October.

Happy walking; Kathy

October Social Programme:

3% October 7pm Committee Meeting 10“ October 8pm New Members Night 17 October (Clubrooms closed) 21% October Big Day-O! Manly Dam

24” October 80 Birthday Bash- Nostalgia This is a party night as well with birthday cake and celebration

80“ Anniversary at Coolana

New Members Training Night Please check with New Members Secretary or check the New Members Page for details.


27% 28” October 31* October 8pm

Contact The Editor: Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the Editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by email addressed to The Editor Pam Campbell 9570 2885 (h)


80th Birthday Bash - Nostalgia Night | What Can You See?

- The very first SBW Minute Book covering the meetings held in 1927/8

- Early maps (including cloth maps) from 1930/40 - Lists of the very first walks

- Photos from earlier days including montages of events. There are very interesting sets on display boards covering major club events right up to recent times.

- Backpacks and other gear - Taros old kit

- Club magazines (selections) including the very first issue.

What Can You Do? Bring along your nostalgic gear and yd |

photos Alli - Enjoy the birthday cake and refreshments | >

- Meet old friends and new members and have a chat ]

What about New Members? Come along and see how your Club has changed over the years.

See You In The Clubrooms On Wednesday Night 24“ October!

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