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JULY 2007 Victoria Rd West Ryde NSW 2114 Tel 9858 5844


Bushwaking Packs Travel Packs

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Books & DVD's Family Tents


Camping tables & chairs

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Tee ffl ate

Wilderness Equipment |

J. macpac




JULY 2007 Issue No. 872


INSIDE THIS ISSUE; President's Report 2 From the Committee Room… 3 From the Membership Secretary assensensesese 4 Leader Profile (Jean Klovdah))…………….. Ss “ Bushwalicers I Ballads. . sosseracsesee Happy, Birthday, SBW 7

Tracks and Access.

Walk Notes. seveeceseeeeeseecen 011,12

Walk Report (Nattai). sesessere 3

Walk Report Ww: allaga Lakes)……..s00 016 . Mwiriwe from Rwanda (Part 2)…….. veceel 7 Social Notes and Other Ttems.e-ssssse- 124.18 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER

is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc PO Box 431 Milsons Point NSW 1565.

Editor: Pam Campbell Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,

Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

All material in this magazine is copyright. . Requests for reproduction should be dizected to The Editor. About Our Club

The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities. The Clubs main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events. Fa

Our Walks Program (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid weell walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as The Snowy Mountains, th

Warrumbungles as well as interstate i.e. Victorian alps.

Our meetings start at 8pm and are held on Wednesday evenings (see Sociai Program) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome

Office Bearers

Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:

David Trinder

Wilf Hilder Greta James

President: 9542 1465 (h) Vice President: 9587 8912 (h) Secretary: 9953 8384 (h)

Walks Secretary: Tony Holgate 9943 3388 Social Secretary: Kathy Gero

9130 7263 (h)

Treasurer: Margaret Carey

9957 2137 (h)

Members Secretary: Fran Holland

9484 6636 (h)

New Members Secretary: Jodie Dixon

9739 6534 (h)

Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland

9484 6636 (h)

Magazine Editor: Pam Campbell

9570 2885 (h)

Committee Members: Ron Watters

9419 2507 (h) Patrick James

9567 9998 (h)

Delegates to Confederation:

Jim Callaway

(no email address)

Wilf Hilder

9520 7081 (h)

9587 8912 (h)

80th Anniversary Celebrations

We turn 80 on 21* October 2007. To help with your planning please refer to Page 7 and mark the dates shown on your calendar.

Presidents Report

The 80” Anniversary big picnic at Manly Dam will be called the SBW BIG DAY-OH. It will be a BBQ spit roast and will be free of charge. it is our birthday and we are giving ourselves a party. To help with catering though we need notice that you are coming by email or mail. See the details later in this and future magazines.

Tony Holgate is currently assembling the Spring Walks Program and needs walks to be contributed by our leaders. He needs as many trips as possible of all types, hard, medium, easy, car camps, bike rides. The health of the Club depends on an interesting, varied and full program.

weekend car camps and also encourage new family members to join.

To help with risk management we would like members, especially leaders to take advantage of the Clubs subsidy of First Aid Courses. We intend to organise an instructor for a group of Club members.

Leaders are requested to forward, by email if possible, the walks attendance lists to Ron Watters for him to record participation and forward their report on the walk to Barry Wallace so he can write up his report in the magazine. Leaders can keep the hard copy list with participant signatures.

Jodie you are doing a good job.

Some members have not yet paid their subs and are reminded on the current magazine label.

Over the past month | have changed my address from the extreme north of Sydney to the extreme south. My new address is 28/67 Flora Street Kirrawee 2232 and my new phone number is 9542 1465. My email is unchanged, and my mobile number is unchanged, 0417 113 006.

pass on these details because

Prospective Members to feel free to talk to me about any gripes, complaints, or praise they have about the Clubs management.

David Trinder From the Committee Room

! = Matters arising from the minutes of Si the previous meeting included the ve following:

Further to updating the Walk Notes appearing in the magazine, it was noted that walk reports were flate coming in. Procedures were in place but leaders need to email their reports to Barry Wallace as soon as possible after the walks: Our Insurers now require specific risk waivers to be signed for special activities: Signatures for mail collection had been given to Australia Post.

Letters had been received from:

Warwick Blayden thanking the Committee for

resolving privacy query; Paul Deschamps to be re-

instated as member; the Total Environment Centre

and Wilderness Society requesting donations and a

report on fox control in Kangaroo Valley.

The President reported that discussion on improving

the conversion rate of prospective to new members would be deferred to another meeting. He also recommended that we publicise the member subsidy for first aid courses and there was discussion on the

Club conducting first aid courses.

The Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre had refunded

$100 and apologised for failure to record the room booking last month.

A report will be sought from the insurer to justify the substantial insurance premium increase.

Resolved that leaders be advised to report accidents related to club activities (even minor) in walk reports. This will be publicised in the magazine.

The Treasurers Report was accepted and included the following accounts for payment: magazine postage $519; magazine paper $639; printer service $190; social expenses $44 and _ toilet materials $520. The Walks Secretary will draft waivers for special activities and, after consideration by the Honorary Solicitor,these will be circulated to the Committee. Risk management procedures will also be drafted and circulated to Committee members before being included in the Leaders Handbook.

Resolved that the Michael Bradburns walk in Kanangra on the weekend of 30 June be re-graded as a Qualifying walk.

The magazine labels will feature a reminder of Subs

Overdue this month.

There was discussion on security of members email

addresses and it was resolved that requests for email addresses from other than committee members needing these addresses for their duties should be directed to and require the approval of the


*“ Two members had responded to the article in last months magazine requesting suggestions on qualifying walks and entry requirements. The following were admitted to full membership of the club: Paul Couvret , Colin Bird, Joanne Cheng, Marion Davies, Annett Schmiedel

A report of proceedings at the Committee meeting on 4” July

= Concern was expressed about having only one experienced member on a walk with prospective members, especially in difficult off-track terrain. It was resolved that leaders should be accompanied by at least one experienced member when conducting off-track walks with prospective members. The Electronic Sub -Committee report advised that technology changes make it possible to simplify the software used for the SBW web-site construction. A modular approach is recommended as this will make it easier to spread the responsibility to less experienced members. A change to our web hosting may lead to lower cost and other advantages. Investigations into mass emailing will be reported to the next meeting. There was discussion on security of email addresses and the need to get members approval before publishing or using their email addresses. The 80th Anniversary Sub Committee is now working on the details of the 80th Anniversary Celebrations and requested that the Committee review the entry cost to the Barbecue. Resolved that the cost of entry would be nil.

Treasurers Report at June 2007

Current Year to Cash Receipts Month Date Members Subscriptions 1077 15908 Prospective Fees 250 3985 Investment - Conservation 5 192 Investment - Coolana 13 480 Investment - General 9 313 Donations - Coolana 0 55 Other 11 16 Total Receipts 1365 20948 Cash Payments Magazine Printing 782 3475 Magazine Postage 836 2395 Coolana Maintenance 0 319 Coolana Toilet - Coolana 0 1034 Rent- Club Rooms 470 2470 Donations - Conservation 0 100 Postage. Phone & Internet 30 1022 Administration 191 1588 80“ Anniversary a) 200 Transfer to investments 0 Total Payments $2,309 $12,604 Cash Surplus /(Deficit) $943 $ 8,345

From Your Membership Secretary

Have You Changed Your Address? If you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise: Members: Fran Holland Prospectives: Jodie Dixon The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address or by email ) see contact details on Page 2.) This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent delay in receiving the magazine each month

It is That Time of Year Again!

Members, would you please look at your address label

on the cover of “The Sydney Bushwalker. If by chance

there is a Subs Overdue message it is there to let

you know that your 2007 subscription is overdue.

The subs payable are;

$45.00 for single active members

$73.00 for household membership

$20.00 Non-Active member (no magazine or walks programme)

$34.00 Non-Active member plus magazine

$20.00 Magazine subscription only

If you think you have already paid, please check your cheque book or bank statement, and send The Treasurer the appropriate information, date and amount paid. Please make sure you also send your name and/ or membership No. as it is very difficult to credit a nameless payment to a member.

New Members to Add to Your List

Would you please welcome the following new members when you meet them on a walk and please add their details to your 2007 Membership List:-

Joanne CHENG 110 Constitution Rd., WEST RYDE. 2114 Phone: 0402 941 210

Colin BIRD, P O Box 1356, NORTH SYDNEY 2059 Hm. 9460 8811 0412 627 837


31/6 Carr Street, WAVERTON. 2060 Bus.9882 0500 0409771 115 Marion DAVIES,

P O Box 4263, BAY VILLAGE. 2261 Hm.4959 1294 4332 7320

Annett SCHMIEDEL, 2/61 Varna St., CLOVELLY 2031 Hm. 9665 6186 0425 340 481

Members are reminded that their email addresses are

Editors Message

Pam is away in the Kimberley area this month enjoying a break from the hassles of work - including her work as Editor. | am very pleased to return to my old role if only for a month.

have kept to the changes in formatting introduced

by Pam but could not resist adding a joke or two to the back page.

It was pleasing to get two walk reports this non including one from a new member. Last week, happened to refer back to early issues of our magazine held in the archives and it was obvious that in those days walk reports formed a very significant part of the magazine. This was the case in more recent times as well so | wonder why we now have so very few people willing to promote a coming walk, or talk about a recent walk.

It would make Pams task much easier if she received regular reports from our keen walkers - and of course other items as well.

Bill Holland

Please Help Kathy !

- She is in desperate need of a presenter/ideas for the September Social night. If you have any suggestions, please contact her ASAP by phone or e-mail (see Page 2 for contact details..


Peter Christian, our resident audio-visual whiz will take you on a bike ride from Wentworth Falls to Glenbrook. Blue Mountains vistas and forested gullies.

Come along and see the action. Refreshments available ,

Walks Wanted For the Spring Programme! Although the closing date was 20th July, our Walks Secretary, Tony Holgate will be very happy to receive your late submission. But dont leave it too long!

Get it to Tony ASAP.

requested to assist with contact from the Club Committee members in carrying out their duties. These email addresses are not for general publication. If you wish to add your email address to the Clubs data base please let me know.

Thanks Fran Holland

& ~


a a a ce ee ae dahl.

acquainted with a few of its members through other associations. Whats special to me about SBW is that it offers walks with a difference, e.g., an impromptu swim, an extra-tricky creek crossing, or a particularly interesting third Wednesday get-together. Described by some as an older new member Ive been inspired to get as fit as possible, and endeavour to stay that way. At this stage in life Ive been trying my luck at backpacking, having recently purchased an ultra light-weight pack from New Zealand. Ive been enjoying the mid-week walkers as well, particularly the warm hospitality extended to me by Bill and Fran Holland. My experience in leading walks goes back to the six years | lived on the Far South Coast (1995-2001), where | cut my teeth on the Dalmeny Narooma Bush Walkers. Since joining SBW | have led a kayaking trip (April 06) and a week away for Bills group (May 07), both based from Wallaga Lake between Bermagui and Tilba. In addition, | recently helped arrange a packwalk from Malacoota Inlet to Merica River (March 07), which included two members from The Bush Club.

understand that some Club members would appreciate less strenuous outings than the usual fare, so

to put at least one on each programme. !ve also been delighted to find that some members have been expressing an interest in kayaking. To that end | have arranged a day at Audley, Royal National Park, for this coming November (ref. Spring programme). One of my philosophies is to give something back to the Club that has given me so many pleasurable experiences. Another is to ensure that participants have an enjoyable time, and to remain flexible enough to

anticipate the unexpected, i.e., to relinquish my attachment as to how | think the outing should go in order to be successful! Jeanne Klovdahl

Build Up Bushwalking

most dramatic season of all

Our 25 October trip is already a definite departure.

Dawn. The pleasant temperature evaporates with the sun. Huge clouds grow as the land sweiters below. Suddenly a wind springs up and the temperature crashes. Rain buckets down as hghtning flashes and thunder roars. Then as quickly as ii began, the storm passes. Frags call and the birds sing. The land turns green, almost as you watch, All nature rejoices in the change.

Our Build Up trips are the most laid back and relaxed that we offer early starts, early finishes and long lunch breaks sitting by tranquil pools. On two of the trips, you spend a night relaxing on a houseboat, visiting a magnificent area not easily accessible on foot.

iiiner NT 0810 Email: From Out OfThe Past . 1938


Young Smithers was a weedy youth who pushed a clerkly pen.

They said: “Why don't you come and tramp the Bush, where Men are men? Forget Your books, forget accounts, forget your twos and fours,

And come and see the wonders of Australia's Great Outdoors”

So Smithers, not without a qualm, set off one Sabbath morn,

And very soon was wishing that he never had been born.

They walked him miles without a break; they said: “Come on, you runt! Young Smithers gulped and watched the legs of someone on in front,

They crawled through prickly underbrush, they climbed cliff-faces sheer, They leaped across great chasms with the ease of mountain deer; ' They cried: “Now there's a view for you!” Young Smithers gave a grunt-

He only saw the hairy legs of someone on in front.

Downhill they went, uphill they went, rivers they forded too, And how poor Smithers lasted out that day he never knew. Engraved upon his memory throughout that dreadful stunt

Two things alone remained; the legs of someone on in front,

And now alas, his vacant desk proclaims his tragic fate. Then did he meet his death? you cry. Ah no, a darker state Engulfs his mind: he cannot see whole figures as of yore, But only legs, eternally, legs, walking on before.

in The Sydney Bushwatker April 1938. The author K M may have been Kathleen McKay. How do you celebrate an eightieth birthday? Easy, with as much celebration as possible! So that is how we'll celebrate Sydney Bush Walkers eightieth birthday. The whole SBW family is invited to all the activities. If you've been a member for five minutes, five years or five decades you're invited. The main event is the SBW BIG DAY-OH on Sunday, 21 October. The SBW BIG DAY-OH is a catered, Barbeque Spit Roast lunch at Manly Dam (a Garden Party at Kirribilli House was out of the question).

The day starts with a Presidential Promenade around the Dam to stimulate the gastric juices led by our President; ail are invited to walk along. Details of the Presidential Promenade in next months Magazine.

After the walk we then have a Barbeque Spit Roast iunch. What most members do not know until now, is that the lunch is free. Yes we did say before it would cost $20 per person. However minds have been changed and now itis free! What better way to celebrate 80 years than with a slap-up, sit-down, Barbeque Spit Roast lunch for the whole SBW family. This will be an informal affair, however if you want to wear a long dress, black tie, tux, simple black number, and/or high heels please feel free.

Because the caterers need to know how many fo cater for, you have to book for the SBW BIG DAY-OH. You can

pop the details in an envelope and post to SBW. To help the letter opener put SBW80 on the top left hand comer of the envelope. Starting with the August magazine we'll have details of how you can book for the SBW BIG DAY-OH by email or phone, but dont wait, do it now, put a note on the fridge, write down your details and post to SBW. Easy!

We need to know your NAME and if you want a VEGETARIAN MEAL. Now the fine print, the SBW BIG DAY-OH is fully catered for food, there will be some champagne for toasting purposes, so bring along some liquid refreshments and a glass or plastic. There will be chairs and tables, but perhaps not enough, so bring along an extra chair or two.

Lots more detailed information next month from the SBW Eightieth Birthday Celebrations Planning & Management Sub-Committee. PS write to SBW80 if you have an 80” birthday celebration idea, and/or if you want to help at one of the SBW80 events.

By the way the weather on 21 October will be fine and sunny, 20 to 22C, blue sky and no clouds, so bring a sun hat.

For Sale Epson 9 pin dot matrix impact printer, takes A4 paper in continuous fan fold or sheet feed. No longer required by me, it is in good condition, with accessories, will need a parallel

mountain adventures

beyond the Silk Road

printer cable. $40 Contact Maurice Smith; 0414 538 475 (bus) or 02 9587 6325 (ah)

Lost and Found A nice pair of ladys prescription spectacles have been found at Coolana. They are now being held by Fran Holland at Westleigh, but she is more than happy to take them to the club rooms if collecting them at Westleigh is too difficult. Please ring 9484 6636 if you think they may be yours.

Wanted! Short articles promoting a recent watk or, a.coming walk in an interesting area: Let other smembers' know of: the walk

pte. yourself - help 1 make this magazine an interesting read.

Wild Asia offer unique and inncvative trekking holidays in Central Asia. Trek in the following mountain ranges & view peaks fram base camps of former Soviet States & China. Experience famous Samarkand, Osh and Kashgar.

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Trips include full trek service, local guides and experienced Western Leaders.

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This month my attention was drawn to two articles; published on the same day in the Sydney Morning Herald on 10” July. The first covers the continuing pressure to commercialise (unlock the business opportunities!) our national parks and wilderness areas.

Under the heading Parks to Offer Business a Slice of the Action Wendy Frew drew attention to a Federal | | Government plan to encourage opening up national parks to the private sector by having industry and government involvement so that parks pay their own way rather than relying on taxpayers. Opportunities should be given to the private sector to invest in and operate non-core services in national parks, such as running cafes, building paths and lookouts. The Federal Minister for Small Business and Tourism, Fran Bailey said state governments also needed to increase their support for eco-tourism where it is clearly backed by park operators and wilderness areas on environmental grounds.

My response to this is that eco-tourism means 4WD access, often in heavy vehicles; opportunities for the business sector means higher prices and profit prevailing over other sensitivities. What is the point in encouraging ever increasing number of visitors when environments already are being degraded from the effects of climate change and over use?

Why increase private sector involvement? We need to be ever-vigilant about creeping privatisation. We need to resist the pressures to cut back on public services. Already the NPWS has problems with funding. Front-line services, suffer from constant cutting. Expenditures are directed to encouraging access by fee paying tourist organisations and repairing the wear and tear on fragile environments by camera clickers.

Now, contrast this with the second article that deals with sensitivities of bushwalking. Down the Right Bush Track *

The National Parks and Wildlife Service estimates more than 20 million people tramp through NSW parks each year. That's a lot of footprints. Luckily, most of the people who are drawn to exploring these reserves - which make up nearly 9 per cent of the state - are also determined to preserve them.

But, as Geoff Wise, a keen bushwalker, explains, you need to have more than just an appreciation for the creaking call of a currawong or a fondness for the grey-green bush to truly respect this precious resource.

Though he is a member of the Coast and Mountain Walkers NSW Bushwalking Club, Wise usually prefers to go it alone on multi-day walks. Since taking up walking about 14 years ago, the 51-year-old has explored everywhere from fern gullies in the Budawangs to alpine forests in Kosciuszko.

And its been during these trips that Wise has determined there are two distinct types of bushwalker: “There's the day walker and the overnight walker. And it's only in half-day walks where you get the idiots doing the wrong thing. They damage the environment and leave rubbish around - the further you go away from a track, the less rubbish you find.”

While Wise acknowledges most bushwalkers are “responsible and do the right thing”, he believes it's often ignorance that leaves the biggest impact on the environment. Wise says. Although its a cliche, we should take only photos and leave only our footprints and deposits in the ground but extremists say you should even carry that out yourself.

So just how do you enjoy Australia's bushland without leaving a trail of destruction? The Director of Public Affairs for the Department of Environment and Climate Change, John Dengate, says the most important thing' to remember is to act responsibly. Most people who bushwalk are quite responsible and respect the environment they are in, he says.

Dengate says visitors to the state's 751 national parks should also ensure all footwear is clean before entering the park, and carry out all rubbish, even apple cores and orange skins. He also advocates fanning out when there are no designated tracks rather than following in each other's footsteps; this will limit the damage done to plants.

The Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs advocates the conservation ethic known as “minimum impact bushwatking”.

Extract from article by Carta Grossetti in the Sydney Morning Herald 10/7/07

Most of us have had many years to enjoy our bushland settings and experience the wilderness. We have an obligation to the next generation, and those that follow to protect and preserve.

Finally, although unable to attend last months meeting between NPA and NPWS | have the notes and other details of discussions and will comment on this next month. It would be great if SBW could be represented when | am away so, if you have a strong interest in conservation and the time to attend either with me, or in) my place, please let me know. The meetings take place on the fourth Thursday every second month starting| at 5-30pm. Bill Holland TRACKS AND ACCESS REPORT June 2007

Topographical Maps On CD.

When all else fails read the instructions they say. instructions on Topo View Raster 2006 - the official name for the double DVD set -

used on a DVD reader capable of reading double layered DVDs. contain the necessary software needed to use the maps on Microsoft Windows XP and Internet Explorer 5.5 or better. In spite of what | said last month these DVDs contain not only all non-current AND current series topographical maps to 2006 for the state of NSW. The scale of the scanned maps varies from 1:100,000 Western Division, 1:50,000 Central Division and 1:25,000 Eastern Division. The cost of Topo View Raster 2006 is $275 + postage and packing. They are available in the Sydney Map Shop, Ground Floor, Lands Department

Having now read the

The DVDs

(formerly Registrar Generals Office) Queens Square, Sydney.

New Topographical Maps: The Lands Department has released four new 1:25,000 topographical maps: COLO HEIGHTS, LOWER PORTLAND, MOUNTAIN LAGOON & ST. ALBANS. MAP PRICES: The cost of the 1:25,000 topographical maps issued by the Department of Lands is $8-70 folded and postage and packing is $4-00. Flat maps (do it yourself - user friendly folding) are $9-90 but wait for it, postage and packing (in a tube) is $11- 50 extra.

Narrowneck (Blue Mountains National Park).

In the May issue of the Sydney Bushwalker (Pages 4 & 5) | detailed 17 passes on and off Narrowneck that | know of. Number 16 | suggested should be called Blue Mountaineers Pass (after the famous local rock climbing club, who climbed it in the 1930s. Jim Smith (Warragamba Walking Club) has searched through his 1960s rock climbing guide books and found that the climbers name for this very exposed scramble is Herbaceous Gully. One guidebook even mentions an overgrown track at the top of the pass.

Don Mathews (SBW) in the 1950s led a private party up a track to the lowest cliff on Narrowneck believing it was Devils Hole. Here he found a substantial wooden ladder made of sawn timber and followed up a steep slippery gully followed by an exposed scramble that put the fear of the Lord into the whole party. This was apparently a miners pass and we can assume that the top ladder was burnt by the 1929 or 1939 bushfires.

Merv Cooper, a venerable Gundungurra elder, who was born and bred in The Gully at West Katoomba, told me he climbed up and down this pass using the ladders when he was a youngster as well as using the original Dicksons Ladders, which were probably a later addition to the miners Narrowneck passes.

In Jim Smiths The Last of the Coxs River Men (Ben Esgate) Don Fenella Press 1966, Lindsay Paish - a member of the local Cadet Corps, captained by Dr. Eric Dark of Blue Mountaineers fame - in a small party with their trainer Ben Esgate climbed up Andersons Head, Narrowneck in the early 1940's. There is a prominent bluff on Narrowneck on the southern side of Blue Mountaineers Pass which is unnamed but must have been locally named

Andersons Head in those years as the description of the climb is undoubtedly that of Blue Mountaineers Pass (Herbaceous Gully). See Last of the Coxs River Men (Ben Esgate) page 41 (Jim Smith acknowledged the unpublished research by bushwalking historian Warwick Blayden on Ben Esgates wartime role in the Volunteer Defence Corps (VDC) and the Cadet Corps).

Watagan Ranges.

Following a blitz by police (uniformed and plain clothed), forestry staff and NPWS rangers last Easter, 37 charges were laid against trail bike riders. This is a very substantial reduction in the charges laid against trail bike riders a few Easters ago in this same area.

Lane Cove Valley.

Lane Cove Municipal Council has published a map with brief descriptions The Walks of Lane Cove including historical walks. This is a very useful map for planning interesting suburban bushland walks. The map is available from the Lane Cove Council offices at no charge.

Grand Country. Following heavy rains in the Warragamba Dam

Catchment, the level of the lake has risen from 34% to over 45%. Members of that secret society the Recidivists Club have been in deep mourning as their favourite area, Schedule zero (that is below the dams high water mark of 117 metres) has shrunk considerably. Nameless members of the Recidivists Club have reported that the extensive surveillance of the dam and its foreshores in recent years is the result of a governmental knee jerk reaction to a perceived terrorist threat. Why else would you waste all that money looking for a few bushwalkers and fisherpeople?

Some of the Recidivists have got so used to the concentrated brew that is labelled Sydneys pure water that they do not like the flavour of the now diluted recycled sewerage and street run off. | understand that Sydneys chlorination plants do not work very well with the muddy water pouring into our dams.

… continued on next page … Tracks And Access Report (Continued)

Cooks River: Royal And Heathcote National Parks Following the redevelopment of the old convent site at | The physical geology or geomorphology of these Tempe House on the banks of Cooks River, the historic popular National Parks is the subject of Bob and Ann Tempe House and its grounds were refurbished. The | Youngs book Understanding the Scenery published developers offered the grounds not covered with new by Envirobook 2006, 132 pages with numerous high rise units to Rockdale Council, who declined illustrations $29-95. This is a fascinating book on two of because the developers refused to maintain the area in Sydneys favourite National Parks and their landscapes the future. This riverbank land will provide an access | written in a very readable style. | was disappointed from Wolli Creek Train Station to the Princes Highway | that the two well known volcanic dykes at North Era and the shared cycleway from Parramatta Park to | were not mentioned and that some of the photographs Kurnell via Cooks River and Bicentennial Park. in the book were not captioned as well as a few that This shared cycleway crosses the Parramatta River were not sharp. Highly recommended to anyone with twice, the Cooks River once and the Georges River an interest in the landscape of Royal and Heathcote once. National Parks

Wilf Hilder

Coolana Report

unfortunate as the native grasses need to be scattered after, all that beautiful rain.

In answer to my query in the May Coolana report, the following email came in from Aleksandar Popovski.

Gretel Woodward, author of the Coolana Report in the June 07 edition of The Sydney Bushwalker, ended her article with a please explain re Manesy's Euro. Assuming Gretel didn't receive a response from Manesy before he departed for the tand of the long white cloud

same as the Common Wallaroo (Macropus robustus).

More information can be found at

www. marsupialsociety.ore/members/04su05.html

Gretel Woodward.

Maintenance and Bushcare at Coolana

Our maintenance weekend went very well. We were able to work on the toilet. The water supply is now ready to be connected and some building adjustments were made. Coolana is looking great and the fine weather made for pleasurable working conditions. |

We have purchased another lawnmower and have other equipment standing ready for the Spring offensive. But we need more willing hands.

Coolana is a beautiful property with diverse vegetation that needs constant tender care. 2=“ You can help perhaps with the cutting and weeding or simple help with our tree planting.

its not all work. We have great social times around a blazing campfire and lots of opportunity to smell the flowers and watch the birds and other wildlife.

Watch the Spring Walks programme for more details and simply come along. No need to phone.

i eta ; mo, my : oe! vy ” | ee vS 4 4! The.CoolanaFund = rt | Donations to the Coolana Fund are very'welcome and will be used to provide income to assist with the |

, Maintenance of this wonderful property. Please note that the club is legally required to add Coolana donations to the Coolana Fund and not use these. for general purposes 2? hg Many thanks tothose who have already donated or have indicated an intention to include the Coolana Fund in their wills. Please send'in your donation, with cheques made out'to: Sydney: Bush Walkers Inc, addressed

ri Ml hoe ete ME A The Goolana Fund? he

whe ad) gt) jeThe Sydney Bush Walkers Inc | |, .

PE a H _ PO-Box 431 Milsons'Point 1565…) : no po

1 oa at ; j it |

1 ' i ! 1 H lly i


an ' * U

10 ! Walks Notes

Barry Wallace

Walks notes covering the interval 2“ November 26” December 2006.

This episode begins with a Sunday walk on the 5 November from The Golden Stairs to Kings Tableland, with a party of 12 performing under the baton of that well known leader/impresario Nigel Weaver. The day was overcast and misty , as the party headed off - down the Golden Stairs, but by the time they made their way up The Knife Edge and on to # Mount Solitary conditions had cleared to reveal re = m great views of the southern Blue Mountains from the many available vantage points. The views persisted through lunch time at the lookout on Singajingawell Creek; this time, however, across the valley to Kings Tableland. They proceeded thence to The Col for more views and down the very steep descent into Kedumba Creek. Huey frowned upon all this viewing it seems, for a light persistent rain overtook the party as they headed uphill to Kedumba Pass, and they arrived at the cars in a dampened state. Nigel nonetheless reckons it was all worth it for the great views.

Bill Holland appears to have cancelled his mid-week walk on Thursday 9“ November due to a prevailing inclemency

There seems to have been a day walkout from Springwood programmed for Saturday 11 November by David Trinder; but whether it went on the programmed day, the Sunday, or as Davids report indicates, on Monday the 13” is uncertain. Whenever; there were 7 in the party on a warm day with good trees, good water ponds and a lot of social interaction. Both ends of the walk were easy going along tracks so to balance that up they went off-track up Glenbrook Creek from the Sassafras Creek junction for lunch, and returned afterward to follow the track out to Sassafras Gully Road, where they had positioned a car.

The following weekend, 18, 19 November saw Maurice Smith leading a party of 9 on his qualifying significant birthday walk out from Tolwong Road in Morton National Park. Conditions remained hot throughout, which came as something of a surprise after a week of cooler than usual conditions. The party got away at around 0940h, heading out to Peachtree Canal on Tims Gully and then on to Wine Glass Tor for lunch with superb views over Great Horseshoe Bend in the Shoalhaven River. Lunch over, they followed the ridge to Poddy Dodger Spur and then descended this in very hot conditions to reach their campsite on the Shoalhaven and luxuriate in a nearby pool by around 1600h. Festivities followed, with


champagne and cake supplied by members of the party. The night remained warm but the dawn chorus was glorious. The leader had them all away by around 0830 to move along the river with crossings at both ends of Little Horseshoe Bend and morning tea and a swim at another known campsite. Tims Gully was mostly very dry but they did find a few pools, most weicome for wetting down heads and hats on what was by now a really hot day.

Touga Creek yielded several more pools of which they took full advantage before pulling up for lunch near the junction of Touga Greek and Little Oakey Creek. The journey up Little Oakey Creek after lunch was incremental with frequent stops to cool down in shady spots until they left the creek to climb an un- named ridge, initially heading South East and then North West to eventually hit the Touga road where they again set a slow pace, making sure to have plenty of fluids. All were glad to reach the cars a little after 1700h. Maurice notes that the Nowra to Braidwood road is undergoing major upgrade works and was in top condition during their visit, and even sealed part of the way.

It seems Ken Collins qualifying walk out from Cartons Farm to the Cox and return, scheduled for 11, 12 November, went over the weekend of 18, 19 with Mark Dabs as substitute leader. Conditions were hot and dry with little or no water in Breakfast Creek, Merrimerigal Creek and Mobbs Soak. The cool nights provided some relief and there was water in Jenolan River as they passed by. A succession of steep climbs and descents induced more than a little dehydration and some exhaustion, but most starters found the trip pleasant.

There were 17 starters on Nigel Weavers Sunday walk in the Royal out from Otford on 3 December but whether any of them were the tigers mentioned in the list of difficulties/hazards or not is unclear, to me at least. Conditions were overcast with strong winds as the party departed Otford making their way along the clifftop track to Bulgo Lookout to enjoy great views of the coast line. From there it was down the Squeezeway Track which they found to be fairly indistinct but were still able to make the descent to Burning Palms with little trouble, only losing the track once on the way. Lunch was in there somewhere, after which they went around the rocks to Figure 8 Pool and up the steep gully to the Palm Jungle Track. They took a break to admire the views at the lookout overlooking Werrong Beach then moved on to the pie shop at Otford for a well earned finale to the trip.

David Trinder seems to have done some really nifty footwork to attend both his overnight walk out from Budthingaroo over the weekend of 25, 26 December and also arrive in Smiggin Holes to begin his sojourn there on the 26th. Whatever, the walk went well in hot weather conditions with the leaders car disabled by some technological malaise languishing back on the fire trail. Walks Notes (Continued)

They camped on Box Creek and returned early to the cars via Box Creek Falls and Black Banksia Falls to arrange for a visit by the local NRMA | from Thredbo on to The Ramshead Range; the , serviceperson to the leaders car. This went smoothly, Porcupine Rocks for a gourmet luncheon; Guthega, | with diagnosis and subsequent repair following very Iltawong Lodge and Mount Anton; Mount Tate, Consett efficiently, so David remarks. Stevens Pass and return; Charlotte pass and the (Old Quite apart from the puzzling timing the statistics for Chairlift and restaurant; Munyang and up to the Rolling the Smiggin Holes stay are a bit overwhelming, with Grounds thence to Whites River Hut in the rain and 100km total distance and 55 walker days. Walks went return to Munyang. So there it all is, sounds great!

to: The Lakes circuit, taking in Mount Kosciusko; out This, however, also brings this instalment to a close.

The Mid-Week Walkers

The Mid-Week Walkers are an informal group of SBW members who have time to spare for mid-week activities, some of which are shown on the Walks Programme and some organised at short notice and advised by monthly newsletter sent to all on my Mid Week Walkers list. These activities can include easy to medium walks, perhaps some cycling/canoeing or even a little bird watching as well. Partners and non-walkers are welcome to join us, particularly on the extended stay activities.

As reported elsewhere in this magazine we had a very successful stay at Wallaga Lakes in May.

In June we were invited to preview a new national park. With 150km of river frontage, old shearing sheds, a historical homestead and the largest stand of river red gums in the state this park will be a great tourist attraction when opened to the public later this year. | will give a detailed report on this trip later in the year.

In late July some of us spent four days at Robyn's Farm (near Bathurst) including a Christmas in July Mid- Winter feast on Saturday night. Although the weather was extremely cold we had warm fireside nights and lots of socialising.

Here are some of the activities planned for the rest of the year. Generally, these are Monday - Friday. Please contact me if you would like to join us and need more details, dates etc. Everyone is welcome, this is not an exclusive group so if you can arrange the days off please join us. New members (Prospectives) are very welcome.

August: Base Camp at Yalwal, about % hour driving outside Nowra. The camping ground offers a very

comfortable campsite (tents) with adequate toilet facilities and good walking opportunities along the river and over ridges. There is an old and very interesting gold mining site within easy distance of camp.

September: Cabins at Newnes. These are in the vicinity of the old Newnes Hotel and the two cabins sleep up to ten people with camping also available. Newnes is a great area for walking e.g. the remnants of the old railway, the Glow Worm Tunnel, Pipeline Pass etc or just exploring the mining town ruins. ;

The date is yet to be determined but we will avoid weekends and school holidays.

October: Also a cabin stay, possibly in or near Widden Valley. Many of us are very familiar with this area with walks and explorations around the valley and into the adjacent Wollemi Wilderness in the 1980/90s.

November: Present planning is for a house-boat on Myall lakes provided at least six people can commit at/an early stage so that bookings can be made and paid for in advance.

The Spring Walks Programme is being prepared and we need more mid-week walks for this programme. If you are able to lead or organise a walk for our mid-week walkers please let me know. This could be an easy to medium day walk, an extended stay somewhere or a more strenuous activity. We also indulge in bicycle riding and kayaking.

That's all for this month but here is a midweek walk that may be of interest. Refer to the Winter Walks | Programme for more details. | .

Tues Location: Blue Mountains NP Map: Katoomba (Jamison) 7 Aug Katoomba Train Station - The Gully - Devils Hole - Glen Shale Mine Village (ruins) - Redledge Pass - Crypt Cave - Kure Trig Station - Narrowneck Lookout -Katoomba Train Station. A hands (and feet) on visit to Katcembas mining history - with great views as a bonus Grade: Medium 14km - 500 metres climbing ;

on 12 Walk Report Nattai NP 16-17 June

The plan was to meet at the Box Vale Track head at 8.00am on Saturday morning. The drive to Mittagong was very wet and at times visibility was dangerously bad.

We arrived at our meeting point and there was no sign of our fearless leader Ron. After a phone call we discovered that he was running late due to highway closures. Things were not looking good! Eventually everyone arrived and we sat in our cars watching the torrential rain.

Ron called us over into his car to discuss our options. He explained that there were plans A, B, C and D and proceeded to explain plans A, B and C. Being an English teacher | noted a tiny peculiarity with Rons language. !t was in the past tense. It was obvious that plans A, B and C werent going to happen. So what was plan D? The decision was unanimous pian D it was: breakfast at the Mittagong RSL Club. Plan D then eventuated into plan E: lunch at the Mittagong pub. Two bottles of wine and a few beers later combined with what seemed to be an easing of the rain, five (2 males decided to head back to Sydney) opted for plan F.

We were finally walking! We hadnt even walked 50 metres when we came to a raging torrent of water wild enough to white water raft! There was no way we were crossing this on foot. Well, we finally did manage to make a crossing by foot using a cute little footbridge someone had _ conveniently constructed further down the creek. We had overcome our first obstacle.

We continued walking and came to the crossing of the Gibbergunyah Creek, or should | say river because thats what it resembled. Our second obstacle wasnt overcome and we failed to reach the other bank.

We walked on and soon realised that we had to make a decision as to whether we were camping out or not as it was getting late. We desperately searched for a campsite and a 4 star one was found. We quickly pitched our tents and gathered firewood.

lt was quickly realised that we were facing obstacle number 3: getting a fire started when enough rain to raise Warragamba Dam levels by 10% had fallen in the previous few days. Desperately we tried burning whatever paper we had including a map (photocopy only). | know this is bushwalkers sacrilege but these were desperate times and we are all truly repentant. We even used what little Metho, to combat leeches, we had. But to no avail. So we sent one of the blokes off on the 3km hike to Mittagong to buy whatever fuel he could lay his hands on.

This was my chance. Id never lit a campfire before, let alone under water. | was determined that this was going to happen for the girls. After what seemed like an eternity of puffing and thanks


Lynette Said

to a piece of rubber, we had a small fire going! Yes! Victory for girl power!!

Our man returned amazed to see a fire and with enough fuel to make a pyromaniac green with envy. Thanks to Lucifer, within 10 minutes we had a roaring campfire.

Sunday morning we woke up to no rain and the hopes of sunshine. The plan was to walk to 60 Foot Falls. We got there in a roundabout way and with some creative flooded creek crossing. Lunch was enjoyed with the falls in full flow and view then it was back to the cars stopping at Katoomba lookout to enjoy the views out to Katoomba.

We arrived back to the cars and made a return visit to the Mittagong pub for a celebratory bottle of red. We had managed to make a weekend out of what seemed to have been a washout and realised that we had only done it in reverse order, food first then the walk.

Attendees; Ron Watters, Colin Bird, Joanne Cheng, Barry Murdoch and Lynette Said



Departs from Sydney's Campbelltown Railway Station Via Penrith, Katoomba & Blackheath for Kanangra Walls Mon & Wed at 11am. Frid at 7am : Returns 4pm Mon, Wed, Frid. : Via Starlights, Mittagong & Marulan for Wog Wog-Nerriga Tues.& Thurs & Sun at 11am

Returns 4 pm Tues, Thurs, Sun. .

month, returns Sun at 1 pm (any Friday min 6) Group booking discounts or charter service

Maps on DVD and GPS:

comments on Page 10 June magazine, in which he refers to Topographic Maps on CD at a cost of $275. This cost may be prohibitive to many bushwalkers but there is a cheaper alternative.

Recently, | purchased a DVD on EBay containing all of the topographic maps for NSW (most 1:25,000 and some 1:100,000) for $35 plus postage $5. These digital maps (approx 1,000) were formatted for the popular Oziexplorer software giving instant calibration and grid location.

this DVD was purchased from a commercial organisation all should be in order.

Some, of the maps may a little old, some are AGD 1966, others 1984 but they are still very useful and suitable for my purpose. With these maps | pre-plan my bushwalks, trace the route on the map with a mouse, then download to GPS and print the relevant page/s. The procedure can be reversed if the route is traced whilst walking.

Oziexplorer software is Australian based and highly recommended for bushwalking and car navigation purposes, It is well worth the cost of $US85 and may be purchased from the website www.

Another GPS training day is planned for the Spring Walks Programme during which | will demonstrate the practical bushwalking applications of using the GPS with Oziexplorer.

Bill Holland

First Aid Certificates for Leaders: To encourage our walks leaders to get their St Johns First Aid Certificate, the 3 Committee has offered to subsidise current Walks Leaders for half the cost of gaining an accredited Senior First Aid Certificate up to $50 and if combined with


Be Careful When Bushwalking

It has been known for accidents, incidents and mishaps to occur, when bushwalking - most are minor but some, just a few, may be more serious and lead to injuries.

The Committee has resolved to ask leaders to include a report of any accident or serious mishap in their walk reports. This will form the basis of a report to be maintained by the Committee that will used in reviewing insurance premiums and claims.

All members are asked to let the Committee know if they have or intend to submit an insurance claim for personal injury


SBW - Not Only a Walking Club: We cycle:

Sunday 29“ July: Wollongong Area

Sunday cycling down south. Nearly all off road on bicycle track. Picnic in! the park if weather permits. | |

Saturday 18” August: Ride To Bundeena Sutherland Station - Audley -Bundeena - ferry to Cronulla (40kms). Optional ride to Kurnell for possible whale sightings (60kms) Terrain: Hilly to Bundeena but flat to Kumell; on-road and fire trail.

And play in the snow:

1ith -12th August: (Kosciusko NP) Snow Shoe Walk Start at Dead Horse Gap and follow the Australian Alpine track south to Cascade Hut camp and return the following day. A moderate walk with a great campsite in the cascade valley. Gain a new perspective of the Snowy Mountains and if conditions are right we -will snowshoe the entire route. The use of snow shoes is not overly difficult; they basically attach to your normal boots and can be hired at Jindabyne.

But there are also the classic walks:

Saturday 1 1g August: Six Foot Track In A Day a Katoomba to Jenolan Caves. This is one of the club's traditional and classic walks. Helpers are very welcome and in fact essential to the success of this walk. Final details of accommodation and costs will be advised when you fe call me. | look forward to your support. | encourage experienced prospectives to apply. Grade: X331 (Hard) 45km

Details of the above events and contact numbers are shown in the Winter Walks Programme

Of Interest to Bushwalkers:

Take a Walk in the Blue Mountains has now been published. This eighth book in the series has been completely revised and updated. There are walks to suit everyone, from families with children, to the active travellers and hard-core bushwalkers. It has around 50% more walks than the original book, is in full colour with maps and Pics throughout. Overnight walks through the Grose Valley and along Australias second most popular multi-day walk, the Six Foot Track, have been described. For more details, go to www.

Morning Bike | NEW MEMBERS PAGE Welcome To New Members Joining the club this month as Prospective members are: Dirk Goes, Jennifer Wincup, Philippa Stevens and Ricardo Avellaval Please make them feel welcome. Coming up this month we have the training evening Learn how to Pack for an overnight walk which offers information for new members who have not done any overnight walking. Get an insight into gear you will need, what to take , what to leave in the car and how to pack efficiently. If you are at the stage of shopping for your overnight gear it may be helpful to see how others do it. | hope to see you there. Take Care. Happy (stay warm ) walking Jodie

Training Weekend 11th ,12th August

You are invited to join us at the Clubs property in the beautiful Kangaroo Vailey.

This weekend provides an ideal opportunity to learn map reading, first aid and bushcraft..

As you can see from this photo there are ample opportunities to relax and enjoy the bush surroundings. Assistance with camping gear and transport can be arranged.

Members are very welcome to attend and assist with training and social activities around the campfire Please phone or email :

Bill Hotland 9484 6636 Patrick James 9567 9998

Walks Recommended as Suitable for New Members

The following walks have been selected as particularly suitable for Prospective Members. Other walks on the Winter Walks Programme may also be suitable. Please refer to the Winter Walks Programme for contact details.

28“ - 29” July Wollemi / Gardens Of Stone N.P - Mt Dawson

Overnight, Full Pack, Weekend Walk. Newnes camp ground to Mt..Dawson via Little Capertee Creek and adjoining escarpment. Good for your first overnight walk. 70% off track with a cave camp, so no tent required, unless you want to practice carrying one. Camera is a must, due to the spectacular scenery as well as being a very social event with sunset during happy hour. Bring a drink or two for happy hour and after dinner socialising around the camp fire. Numbers limited, so book in early.

Grade: Easy - Medium / 12 km Return / 400m Ascent

Sunday 5th August Marramarra National Park (Qualifying Walk) Canoelands Ridge - Gentlemans Halt Track - Big Bay - Blake Ridge - Canoelands Ridge. Great cliff top views of Big Bay and Hawkesbury River. Steep sections. Includes 5 kms off-track. Scrubby, some rough and rugged.

Gloves/gaiters useful. Grade: $223 13 kms, Medium Sunday 5th August Royal National Park

Route then description Waterfall-Uloola Pools -Uloola Falls- Wattle Forest-Kangaroo Flats -Robertson Knoll- Uloola Pools -Heathcote. All on tracks, ascents 180m , Attractive riverside walking, lovely wattle forest, city views from Robertson Knoll, Waterfall. Grade:M211 , Distance 15k

Sunday 5“ August Old Northern Road Start at Wisemans Ferry. An easy walk in a historic area. Follow the convict built road, detour to a scenic view over the river at lunch and return via Surveyors Track. Grade: Easy 12km

Sunday 19th August Royal National Park

Heathcote -Karloo Pool -Kangaroo Creek -Uloola Falls -Whaleback Rocks -High Point 189 -Ridge -Kangaroo Creek -Yaala Ridge - Heathcote. Ascents 180 metres. Track and off track walking. some rock scrambling Scenic creeks, lovely forested ridges Grade: M222, 12k 3

15 Wallaga Lakes Walks Report

Wallaga Lakes, near Bermagui provides a beautiful setting for Regatta Point Caravan Park where our Mid-week Walkers group base-camped for the week at the beginning of May. The lake level was lower than usual and the heavy seaweed growth made our keen kayakers (three in number) not so keen to

venture in. |

Fran and | arrived about lunchtime on Sunday to join Jean and George at the park. The others arrived throughout Monday.

On Tuesday we visited the property of a well known Sydney architect at Murrah Lagoon - a very interesting arrangements of rooms and design in a wonderful beachside setting.

After lunch it was a drive to on to Mimosa Rocks National Park and a walk on the coastal track. There were very interesting rock formations, a climb no out to a headland anda . notice board telling the story of a shipwreck of the vessel from which the rocks gained their name.

Wednesday; we walked from the caravan park for a couple of kilometres to Camel Rock on the beachfront, Here we split into two groups; one walking over the beach and rocks at low tide and the other along the cliff top to join up at Murrah Point. From there we returned along the coastal walk, on to Montreal Goldfield site; and back to the park. Some walked during the afternoon but for the rest of us it was relaxation and a read. Dinner that night was at the Bermagui Country Club.

Thursday; a drive to a private property and a walk to the top of Little Dromedary for morning tea with great views of the surrounding countryside g and all the way to the coast. After our climb it was time for coffee, lunch and check out the cheeses at Tilba Tilba and back to the caravan park. Once more the afternoon varied. Three went for another walk, some

relaxed and two of us indulged in an energetic bicycle ride into Bermagui and return,

Our final night featured a barbecue at the camping ground. We started around dusk and went on until late in the night. Great story telling and discussions - we solved the world problems before trundling off to bed.

Friday; tents down, gear packed and we all went our separate ways. . For most of us it was a long drive back to Sydney. Three decided to @e break up the journey with a visit to the largest spotted gum in the state. Perhaps even this mighty tree isn't really safe from the knock it

down - chip it up brigade

We had a great five days although it was long way to travel. We have stayed at caravan parks before but we felt that this park had a lot to offer. Thanks Jean for organising a very interesting trip.

Bill Holland

Walking in the Border Ranges |

Leigh McClintock will lead a week of walking at Mt Kaputar, Bald Rock and Mt Barney from 12 -17 September. Bald Rack is supposed to be the biggest granite monolith in the nation, and affords wonderful views of ithe | border country. Mt Barney is the Mecca for Brisbane bush walkers, but seldom if ever visited by SBW.

This program is really three independent bits, and anybody is welcome to participate in whatever bits take | their fancy. There will be one easy overnight pack walk (to South Bald Rock), two easy day walks and one hard | one (up Mt Barney). Other than at South Bald Rock, we will be car camping. Lodge accommodation at Mt Barney Lodge is also an option.

Please contact Leigh on 8920 2386 Email:

16 | Mwiriwe from Rwanda!

Dear friends,

Getting out of Rugerero to go anywhere entails a two hour walk (preferable) or 40 minutes on the back of a moto (to be avoided at all costs; would like to stay alive to see you all again) to the village of Muganza, from where one minibus leaves per day at 6am. So | stay the night with mes soeurs Josephine, Adelinde, Donatille, Francoise and Regina, five Rwandan nuns who live in a small cement-floored hostel and run the medical centre next door, plus various support systems for the people of the surrounding area.

There is a big hall where 500 little children squash in every Saturday to watch a video - never mind if the screen is so far away and the sound so poor | couldnt even distinguish the language, let alone which movie it was; the kids were in Paradise! Also Soeur Josephine runs a sewing class in a room with treadle sewing machines for young girls to help them earn a little money to keep them away from the dangers of being teenaged and too poor to continue at school (even in the conditions they endure, the children at primary school are indeed the lucky ones who havent been kept home to provide labour for the ever-burgeoning families), the outfits these girls produce are quite beautiful. Three of the sisters are trained nurses who work day and night attending the Centre Medical where they perform miracles to tend the sick in conditions which would make most Westerners shudder. (no running water for a start). Any Rwandan who comes seeking treatment pays only 100 Rwandan francs (Au30 cents) as long as they pay 1000 francs ($3) p.a to be part of the Mutuelle (like our Medicare) however the problem is that food and general necessities cannot be provided so a family member has to accompany them to hospital to cook, wash for them etc - they have to bring everything (pots and pans; bowls for washing; ingredients) and cope cooking on dirt or cement floor, washing on same, sleeping on same - in fact just what they do at home anyway; Add to that the problem of actually transporting the sick to hospital - there is now one ambulance vehicle; but normally the sick are carried, which for a woman with labour complications might be less agonising than being transported by vehicle along paths with holes metres wide and deep, treacherously slippery with rain over hard packed mud? The nearest hospital is three hours away by vehicle at Butare - many women still die in childbirth.

Ma Soeur Regina takes care of les handicapps, children born with deformities ranging from seriously turned in feet to a horrible condition which causes big wounds through which the bones poke and can be pulled out (unsure of English but the French is osteo something). | watched this gentle, pious woman weep as she told me of the plight of these children, but they


(Part 2)

have success stories; epilepsy cured; turned feet corrected; children with polio fitted with simple supports to help them walk to school; Again the huge problem with these children is how to transport them to the centres which can attempt to treat them;

Mes Soeurs are deeply dedicated to their calling of serving the community, and although they can be moved at any time the Church sees fit, to start all over again somewhere else, they give their all to the job at hand. There are many, many children in this devoutly Catholic country - every second woman has a little baby in a papoose of material often to match her skirt; which doubles as a shawl to cover the baby when it feeds, which is very often and up to quite an advanced age. Yesterday at school year 3 (all 50 of them) ground to a halt as the teachers baby was brought in and she calmly lifted her top to feed. | suppose class resumed 20 minutes later??

Mes Soeurs eat almost exclusively from their garden - carrots; onions; greens; sweet potatoes; haricots (dried beans); bananas; passionfruit and, joy of joys, they drink beer!! They certainly know how to have fun - despite the heartache they face daily - and our English lessons are a riot;

When | first sent this last weekend | was in Butare; to get there Id left the day before, bounced and slid and slipped the 8 km to Muganza, stayed overnight, set off on the bus (which wasnt the bus it was supposed to be and without Soeur Josephines help | would probably not have got past Muganza; There are no signs, no timetables, and everything happens via the bush telegraph in rapid Kinyarwanda, which seems to leave even the locals scratching their heads, let alone a poor muzungo like me; Anyway, we piled into the bus with a bunch of kids going to compete in a local athletics competition, some even sporting SHOES (runners at that!!), and off we rattled to Butare.. .

home again; and now this weekend Ive done the same plus a four hour bus trip to the capital Kigali to attend drinkies at the British Consular residence last night; Talk about how the other half live - the place was palatial by Point Piper standards; atop a hill with manicured gardens and a stunning view over the lights of Kigali. | met the other 10 fellow Australians here, many of whom are working in nursing and midwifery, training the locals, and we shared tales of the frustrations of trying to pass on our work ethic to people who do not necessarily wish to adopt it, although they want all the resulting benefits. | got called an Antipodean (havent experienced that for yonks) and watched the Brits get slowly smashed on the free booze. Talk about country bumpkin hits the city!!

Susi Prescott

veeees Continued on next page Mwiriwe from Rwanda! = (continued)

There is so much need here - its very confronting. Ive had several young men and complete strangers, ask me to pay their school and university fees, just like that; Of course it is perfectly understandable - primary school may be free, with food provided, but secondary school costs on average SAU 200 a year, beyond most families; on top of that, university (public) costs $2000 pa and private $8000; So of course the privileged get more so and the poor get left behind; |Add to this the nepotism factor (family first). Rwanda has no resources; no jobs for those who manage 'to complete secondary school, and (surprise) a shortage of expertise at university exit level; and of course those who do complete university leave the country looking for better opportunities.

No wonder they approach muzungos (whites) to try their luck!

Itl finish here and hold my breath that | can copy this on to an e mail and you ll get zords not alphabet soup!!Lots of love to each and every one of you, Muzungo Susi

Social Notes Hi Everyone. Isn't it wonderful to see and feel sunshine again after about 3 weeks of cold and rain!! Did you know that June 2007 was the 2nd coldest June for Sydney ( and probably N.S.W) in recorded history??

It seems that this inclement weather has a rather stultifying effect on SBW members. | refer to the lack of support of our Mid-Winter Feast. Only about 25 hardy, fun-loving folk could manage to sit in their cosy car and then enjoy the dry warmth and conviviality of a party with gluhwein.

Hopefully, you will have decided to kick butt and attend the July Social evening featuring the Bhutan Booties.

In August, the intrepid SBW member, Peter Christian, will present an audio-visual on a bike trip with Roger Treagus (SBW member now living in Canada). This journey from Wentworth Falls to Glenbrook was rather hair-raising but lots of fun. Come and enjoy the thrill of that route yourself.

September Social night. If you have any suggestions, please contact me ASAP by phone or e-mail.

Enjoy the good weather -when we get it. forward 'to seeing you soon Kathy

! look

August Social Programme: 1* August 7pm Committee meeting 8” August 8pm New Members night

15“ August 8pm Glenbrook or Bust

Club member Peter Christians audio/visual presentation of a bike ride from Wentworth Falls to Glenbrook.

New Members Training Night Packing for an Overnight Walk

29” August

Brain Power It was evening at the hospital when the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where their family

member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in :

looking tired and sombre. |

“lm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news, he surveyed the worried faces. The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant. It's an experimental procedure, very risky but it is the only hope. Insurance will cover the procedure, but you will have to pay for the brain yourselves.”

The family members sat silent as they absorbed the news. After a great length of time, someone asked, Well, how much does a brain cost?“

The doctor quickly responded, “$5,000 for a male brain, and $200 for a female brain.

The moment turned awkward. Men in the room tried not to smile, avoiding eye contact with the women, but some actually smirked.

A man unable to control his curiosity, blurted out the question everyone wanted to ask, Why is the male brain so much more?”

The doctor smiled at the childish innocence and explained to the entire group, It's just standard pricing procedure. We have to mark down the price of the female brains, because they've actually been used.

Moving To a New Office

The orthopaedic surgeon | work for was moving to a new office, and his staff was heiping transport many of the items.

his bony arm across the back of my seat. | hadn't considered the drive across town.

At one traffic light, the stares of the people in the car beside me became obvious, and | looked across and explained, I'm delivering him to my doctor's office.

The other driver leaned out of his window. I hate to tell you, lady, he said, but | think it's too late!”

he said as

Contact The Editor: Copy for publishing in the SBW magazine should be received by the Editor by the end of the first week of each month. Letters stating your viewpoint on matters of interest are most welcome. Please send your submission in by mail (preferably typed), on floppy disc, by fax or by email addressed to The Editor Pam Campbell 9570 2885 (h)


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