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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of

The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc

PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565.

Editor: Bill Holland Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch,

Tom Wenman DonBrooks Fran Holland Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Waikers Inc.

All material in this magazine is copyright. . Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor.


6 Coolana Report Gretel Woodward reports this month on an important meeting about Tallowa Dam

8 Conservation Notes Letters have been written, theres more development and some good news


Alpsport Front cover Newnes Hotei Cabins 7 Paddy Pallin Back cover Park Trek 13 Wilderness Transport 5 Wild Asia 3 Willis's Walkabouts 9

JULY 2005

Issue No. 848

From the Committee Room Message from President Maurice Treasurers Report

Letters to the Editor

Editors Note

Confederation Report

New Members News

Social Notes and Other Items











Proposed Changes to the Constitution The Committee has two changes to tell you about

A Pair Of Boots Can Change Your Life Jane Putt tells about a happy event so long ago. A prize winning entry in our competition.

The Final Stride Another Prize winning entry. A poem from Colin Gibson about his volleys

Get Me Bushwalkers

Back to wartime years when the call went out for Bushwalkers. Clio tells us the story of Bob Savage

And A Limerick Barbara Bruce closes this issue with her limerick that won her first prize in the section

News, Netices and Walk Reports Your Walks Secretary gives some good news and we have some walk reports

Walk Notes Barry Wallace gives his reports of recent walks

The Quest For Kingpin We have anew reporter in Glen Draper who tell about a training walk with Don Finch

Busy Days for Midweek Walkers We hear about those lucky folk who have the time for extended mid-week activities

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. Page 2

The Sydney Bushwalker

July 2005

About Our Club The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for the

purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; enabling them S

to appreciate the great outdoors; establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities.

The Club's main activity is bushwalking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.

Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as Lamington, Snowy Mountains etc as well as interstate.

Our meetings are heid on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome.

General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729


Office Bearers President: Maurice Smith Vice-President: Rosemary MacDougal Treasurer: Tony Marshall Secretary: Leigh McClintock Walks Secretary: Ian Thorpe Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland Social Secretary Kathy Gero Membership Secretary Ron Watters New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez Magazine Editor: Bill Holland

Committee Members CaroRyan Peter Love Delegate to Confederation:

Jim Callaway Pam Campbell

Contact the Committee: Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:

President : Maurice Smith

9587 6325 (h)

Vice President : Rosemary MacDougal 9428 5668 (h) Secretary: Leigh McClintock 8920 2388 (h)

Treasurer Tony Marshall

02 4784 3203 (h) fbuilder@bigpond

Members Secretary: Ron Watters

0419617491 wattersr@bigpond

New Members Secretary: Grace Martinez

9948 6238

N Have You Changed Your Address?

y \f you have changed your address or phone number recently, please advise:

Members: Ron Watters

Prospectives: Grace Martinez

The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs

postal address. This will ensure that our records show

your current address and prevent delay in receiving the

magazine each month

From The Committee Room

A report of proceedings at the Management

Committee meeting on 6 July

= Letters had been sent by the Conservation Secretary to Gunns Ltd (re logging in Tasmania), the Premier of Victoria (congratulating him on his governments action to ban grazing in the Victorian high country), and the NPWS (expressing concern at the proposed introduction of a permit system for camping in the Budawangs).

= Jean Klovdahl and Stephen McClafferty were

accepted as full members.

Former members Cecily Fremaux, Miriam Kirwan

and Steve Brown were readmitted as full members

Following a query the Committee ruled that

Prospective Members may be given an extension of

up to three months, without extra payment, if they

make a convincing case that they will complete their qualification in that time. Normally, a Prospective

Member will be allowed to re-enrol for a second

year and will have to pay the relevant subscription

fee, and complete full qualification during the second year. Any qualifications completed during the first year will be disregarded. Prospective

Members will only be permitted to re-enrol once.

The Committee authorized the Treasurer to pay up

to $10,000 to Confederation for affiliation and

insurance for the coming year.

The Walks Secretary advised that the new insurance

policy would enable the club to put on abseiling and

skiing activities again. Special waivers would be necessary for such events.

“The Committee discussed the various avenues currently in use for training in, and testing of, navigation skills and welcomed the improved access to training and testing now provided.

= The Conservation Secretary reported that the

proposal on traditional owners to hunt in national

parks had been withdrawn. He also reported on the plan for a luxury resort in the Wolgan Valley, which could have an impact on bushwalkers access.

The Confederation President had written flagging

the possibility of removing the cap on members

affiliation fees. SBW is one of four clubs who benefit from the cap (our extra cost about $1,300).

The Secretary was instructed to draft a reply, for the

Presidents approval.

We will research options for obtaining insurance at a

lower cost.

Only one member of the Club has shown interest in

serving on the new Electronic Communications Sub-


Social Night Reminder - Wednesday, 17” August Mark this on your Social Calendar. Mt Kapatar and Warrumbungles Slides in the clubrooms [ The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 3 |

July 2005

Message from President Maurice:

I missed the July committee meeting as I was unable to return to Sydney in time for the meeting. A (paying) clients issues had to take precedence, however, Rosemary MacDougall our club vice- president stood in for me.

During the course of the meeting several issues of importance were considered. As more and more members are comfortable using electronic banking your club will be adopting that practice. From next year we will be able to pay our membership subscriptions electronically direct to the clubs bank account. This wili make for some interesting issues for our Treasurer as we bed down the new procedures. The membership renewal notices for 2006 will provide the necessary details to be followed.

We have been advised that the new insurance cover that took effect from 1 July 2005 now permits both snow activities and abseiling activities. Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs, the state body of bushwalking clubs, through whom we obtained the improved cover, do require a special form of waiver form for these activities. Details of that new waiver form are not yet to hand. It is certainly good news if the new cover means that the club is once again able to provide these sorts of activities on our program. As the relevant details are received I will keep you informed.

As part of our efforts to improve the conversion rate for prospective members we have been providing various forms of navigation training. These range from whole weekend long dedicated navigation training to shorter several hour long sessions in the club rooms. Some concern has been expressed about the lack of consistency between the various forms of navigation training. At this stage it was agreed that the various trainers and testers will be keeping each other informed of the details of the training and testing.

The advertisement for expressions of interest for positions on the electronics communication subcommittee that appeared in last months magazine did not draw any responses other than from a current committee member. Consequently the management committee will co-opt members to the sub-committee.

That is all from me for now. I look forward to catching up with you around the camp fire in the near future.

Maurice Smith

New Address For Our Treasurer

Please note Tony Marshall has a new address:

29 Albert St Leura 2780

His phone is 02 4784 3203 and the email address is

4 Treasurers Report Receipts and Payments to d June 2005


Members Subscriptions 15,309 Prospective Fees 4,603 Interest - Conservation 231 Interest Coolana 687 Interest General 391 Magazine Advertising 1,170 Donations Coolana 155 Donations General 5 Other : 60 Investment redemption 15,000 Total 37,612 Payments

Magazine Production 2,091 Magazine Postage 2,442 Magazine Equipment 566 Coolana Rates & Occupancy 187 Coolana Maintenance 250 Rent Club Rooms 2,494 Postage, Phone & Internet 1,744 Administration 1,265 Transfer to investments 15,000 Total 26,039 Closing Bank balance 23,176

It is possible Confederation affiliation fees may increase significantly next year. The committee is studying the situation and determining the clubs options with regard to public liability and personal accident insurance. Tony Marshall

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Letters to the Editor Criticism Not warranted. [=] A Place in History:

I would assume from Frank Davis' letter, No Boots at all' printed in the May Bushwalker that Frank did not have the pleasure of knowing Jim Brown. The April 2005 reprint of Jim's 1991 Bushwalker article that prompted the letter from Frank was a typical Jim Brown light-hearted romp down memory lane discussing the perpetual boots-versus sandshoe controversy. The repetition of the obviously heartfelt” paragraph Frank referred to, was an obvious proof reading error which I as an ex- editor can attest is easily made Jim Brown was a very experienced and highly respected long-time club member who had “plenty between the ears” and I consider that Frank's use of the words “arrant nonsense” for such a light-hearted article by Jim was unwarranted.

Ray Hookway

Re: The June 2005 Editors Note

Re your comments as Editor about our membership of Confederation, while not opposed to us having a closer look at costs and benefits of belonging to this representative body I certainly dont agree that, we should be considering withdrawing our membership. I am quite happy to continue to pay my membership of Confederation.

It should be noted that that only a small part of our personal annual membership fee, about $5-00 per person I believe, is our contribution and I think it is a good investment.

Of course we should be monitoring the Confederation budget and expenditure and we do have four positions on Confederation to protect our interests. Being a member of Confederation is probably the least of SBWs worries.

With regard to personal accident insurance, I really dont care and it would not worry me if the Club didnt provide this service to members; BUT I am now almost an inactive member, which does change my situation.

I suppose it comes down to the members. Do they want the cover or not? After all, in the end it is the members who are paying and not the Club.

Personal accident insurance is really an optional extra and I think it could be easily dropped off or retained whereas I think Confederation should be retained.

Deon Brooks


The Hawkesbury River is steeped in Australian history. History.htm Australia's Constitution. An extraordinary event occurred at Refuge Bay on the Hawkesbury River in late March 1891, recorded as the only time politicians came clean in public, Government leaders from Australia's colonies gathered in Sydney for the constitutional convention. They spent the Easter cruising the Hawkesbury River on the Queensland paddle steamer Lucinda, showering under a pristine waterfall at Refuge Bay in Ku-ring- gai National Park. Leaders present included Charles Kingston, Sir Edmund Barton, A.J.Thynne, Sir John Downer, Henry Wrixon and Bernhard Wise.

In 1942 Refuge Bay was the top-secret training base for the Z Force when preparing for their daring raid on Singapore harbour. The vessel used for this assignment was a 20 metre ex-Japanese fishing boat, the ' Krait ' which is now in the National Maritime Museum.

Patrick James.

[=”] A Thank You For A Useful Prize

I would like to thank you for arranging the Boots and All competition and for all the hard work you put into organising it and finding sponsors for the prizes. I am sorry that I was in New Zealand and so unable to attend the presentation.

I know you wondered if a head torch would be of any use to an old semi retired bushwalker like me. However I would like to assure you that while we love our waterfront lifestyle on the Hawkesbury River [and, in parenthesis, may I recommend the newly released film Oyster Farmer. The photography of the river is just stunning, while those who live and work on it are shown large as life and twice as natural.] water only access does have its problems. The walk along from the ferry is more a track than a path and pretty rough in spots. No lighting of course. To get to the road [so called] from our back door is about 200 feet uphill through bush, and there was no track of any sort till we made one. Moreover the place where we bring our boat ashore tends to be in deep shadow; and if you have ever tried to handle a boat and a torch with only two hands, you will understand why a head torch is very comforting.

So Bill, many thanks to you and to the sponsors. Jane Putt

The Section prize winning entries Are Shown On Pages 12,13and 18 Other entries will be published in coming months. The Sydney Bushwalker

July 2005 Page 5 |

One of the benefits of our website is the easy access given to the general public to write to our club about membership and other matters.

A query directed to me this month (in my role as archivist) was from John Armstrong who wrote:

I have a silver cup given to me as the first baby born to parents who met as members of the Sydney Bushwalkers Club and dated 10/3/34. My birth certificate is dated 12/1/35, while there is a possible connection between these dates, my question is: Can your records provide a reason for the date on the cup.

This sent me looking through the magazines of the early 30s. I couid not help John (perhaps one of our older members might recall the Armstrongs). But I had a lot of fun reading the old magazines.

What a social lot they were in the old days. Balls, picnics, swimming races and somehow fitting in bushwalking as well. I also saw the efforts put into typing and printing the old magazine and thought that PCs and MS Word are most certainly better than typed sheets, cut, paste then roneoed as used in those old days.

Editors Note:.

Well, the old times continue in this magazine with our good friend Clio telling us about the war years and the call for bushwalkers to show their endurance as Ski Troops.

Also this month you will see a notice advising of proposed changes to the Constitution. These will be discussed at the six monthly general meeting. More changes are in air as a sub-committee is about to present some recommendations on updating the Clubs Constitution.

Which brings me back to the past again.

Our club has built up great traditions over nearly eighty years. These traditions should be treasured and not lightly discarded - they are part of our history. But part of the reason for our ongoing strength is the ability to change and adapt. We changed in the war years and the years that followed.

So, today we must take account of changes in communications, our work places and in family structures. These changes impact on leisure time and somehow make me rather envious of those earlier years. Bill Holland.

News from Confederation:

Extracts from the Minutes of the June meeting of the

Confederation Of Bushwalking Clubs NSW:

“ Discussions ongoing with the ATO re our tax position, GST and BAS. A letter to the ATO is presently being drafted for recalculation of income tax paid 2003-04.

” Confederation's expenditure incurred on behalf of Bushwalking Australia (national body) was $734.

“ Application for a position on Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area Advisory Committee was received from Michael Keats and will be forwarded to the NPWS World Heritage Unit, Katoomba.

“The meeting was advised of the passing of bushwalker Dennis Brown, a long serving member of CMW where he held the position of Membership Secretary for over 25 years.

” The deadline for submissions on the Budawangs Bushwalking & Camping Strategy - NPWS is the end of July. One of the Strategys contentions is that Class 6 foot tracks be not promoted or publicised. Class 6 foot tracks are negotiable or bushwalking routes and have been drawn on maps for well over 100 years.

Insurance and risk management issues are again under consideration as we receive proposals for renewing our policies and begin work on risk management and waivers in areas other than bushwalking.

= Also we are seeking another Advertising Manager.



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| Page 6 The Sydney Bushwalker July 2005 |

Coolana Report “Gretel Woodward

The Sydney Catchment Authority (SCA) and the Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (CMA) invited interested Kangaroo Valley landowners to a meeting in June regarding the latest round of grants which would be available to any landholder who met their criteria. As I was the only member of the Coolana Committee who was available I attended the meeting together with Wilf.

The meeting happened at the same time that the Government announced that the Tallowa Dam wall would be raised by 5 metres to supplement Sydneys water supplies and this announce directly affects the Riparian land at Coolana. The six representatives present at the meeting from the SCA and CMA were unaware that Bob Carr was going to make a statement concerning the raising of the dam wall, therefore on the night they were unable to give us any further information regarding the consequences for owners and/or lessees of the Riparian land along the Kangaroo River. There will be another local meeting some time in July to officially announce the raising of Tallowa dam wall by 5 metres (concrete wall) or 10 metres (radial gates). (See Kangaroo Valley Voice ~ June 2005). When the date of this next meeting is confirmed we will be invited to attend. It should be noted that the provision for radial gates is built into the top of the wall of Tallowa Dam. Premier Bob Carr has also announced that more water would be pumped from Tallowa Dam (Kangaroo River?) via a 100 km pipeline to Warragamba Dam.

The fact that Wilf and I were there produced some very positive results for SBW as we were able to talk to the

SCA and CMA representatives whose organizations work independently but because of the Sydney water .

involvement/crisis/Tallowa Dam issues have to co-ordinate their activities. We have arranged a visit to Coolana by two of the CMA representatives for the 22 July (Dons next maintenance weekend) everybody is welcome. We will be talking about our objectives and future plans for Coolana which have already been raised with the SCA and CMA who seem to be quite happy with our discussions to date.

We will have to wait for the next local meeting and the official announcement about the raising of the level of the water storage of Tallowa Dam before submitting any follow up Grant application to continue our work at Coolana. Most of our bottom flat will in all probability be flooded but not the Riparian land on the other side of the creek or the camping flat. The SCA dont know themselves, as yet, what will be the results of the dam wal] (depending on the height) and whether they will resume more of our land.

Just before I started to do this report I read in the paper that the Tallowa Dam was full and overflowing after over 100mm of rain had fallen in Kangaroo Valley.

We were unable to attend Barrys June maintenance weekend but five others made it and lots of general maintenance went on, mower maintenance, mowing, trees rescued, trees too big to be rescued etc. etc. Keep your eyes open for the next maintenance weekend - no need to book , just turn up.

Gretel Woodward for Don Finch who is very busy after returning from the Northern Territory.

| The Sydney Bushwalker July 2005 Page 7-

Proposed Changes to The Constitution:

The Management Committee will propose two changes to the Clubs Constitution at the six-monthly General Meeting in September. Official notice of these motions will be given in next months magazine. The intention of this article is to give information about the changes and promote discussion among members. Your reactions would be welcome and should be advised to the Club in writing or addressed to the Editor for inclusion in the magazine. The changes are:

The Webmaster or Equivalent Office Holder to be a Member of the Management Committee.

Positive Case - Arguments In Favour Of The Proposal.

1. The Website is the public face of SBW and a means of communication with the membership . Its content should reflect the latest considerations of the Committee and this can best be achieved by having representation on the Committee.

2. The Editor of the Club magazine is a member of the Management Committee and this privilege should be extended to the Webmaster.

Negative Case -Arguments Against The Proposal 1. The Management Committees resolution (which was not unanimous) purports to provide a long term solution

to a short term conundrum of how to establish communication links between the Management Committee and the Electronics Communication Sub Committee.

2. This conundrum is easily solved by the Secretary of the sub committee, including all or any of its members, attending management committee meetings to discuss issues and ideas.

3. Any person elected to this position ought not have the added burden of having to attend Management Committee meetings. Such a person if he or she wishes can be a member of the Management Committee and hold dual roles.

4. The Management Committee is already too large (15 members) for the management of a club with a membership ( including prospective members ) of approximately 650

The Clubs Minimum Age be Raised to 18 Years of Age

This enables the club to opt out of the need to have a Child Protection Policy and the requirement to appoint a Child Protection Office - see notice in last months magazine. This proposal was recommended by the Clubs Honorary Solicitor and unanimously adopted by the Management Committee


Wollemi National Park

Surrounded by the wilderness of Woliemi National Park, spectacular sandstone cliffs and the historic ruins of the former shale oil mining town, Newnes Hotei Cabins invite you to stay in their newly completed cabim which offers spectacular views of Mystery Mountain from the front verandah.

This is the ideal base for numerous bushwalks in the area.

Our cabin can accommodate up to 6 people and is equipped with a modern kitchen, bathroom, I bedroom with a queen sized bed, and four single beds that double as comfortable seats during the day. Built with ecologically sustainable goals in mind, this spacious cabin also suits the requirements of disabled guests.

We also offer accommodation in our on-site caravan and campground.

Visit us at our website at or give us aring on Ph.: (02) 63 551 247 The Sydney Bushwalker July 2005

[Page 8

Conservation Notes Bill Holland

Last month I was attended a Consultative Meeting between NPA and NPWS Central branch. These meetings are held every three months and provide an opportunity to ask questions about our regions natural areas and become informed of NPWS planning.

The matters discussed at this meeting answered questions raised by NPA referring to helicopter flights over world heritage areas; the proposed upgrade to Bonnie Vale facilities; regional environmental planning for Lord Howe Island; proposals for the Quarantine Station and $38million set aside for 2005/2008 Sydney Parks Enhancement funding.

And a great deal of attention focussed on the recently announced Emirates tourist development in the Wolgan Valley. We were shown a promotional video of the proposal. The positives and negatives were discussed. Certainly the restoration of degraded private land to a bushland environment and eradication of feral pests was good news; even the intention to join with other landholders to fence off the whole valley for wild life protection could be an advantage provided public access was maintained. The negatives were acknowledged such as helicopters providing the only visitor access to the facilities. The employment of 100 or so staff to service 40 residential units, whilst good news for local economy could place the environment under stress, as could private swimming pools for each hotel room.

Following recent discussion on these pages I asked about the planning to grant aboriginal hunting rights in national parks. We were told that this discussion paper had been withdrawn following concems similar to those recently expressed by our writers. Bill Holland - Conservation Secretary

Conservation Items

Airline's Mountain Resort Flies Into Flak

Private swimming pools for each hotel room, large verandas with views and $320 airport transfer charges just to get to the front door: welcome to resort life, Emirates airline style, and it is heading this way.

Emirates Airlines Group has selected a site in the Greater Blue Mountains region to build a $50 million world class eco tourism resort.

In a boost for the local tourism industry, Emirates chose a 1400 acre farm in the Wolgan Valley (north of Lithgow) from a shortlist of 60 locations across Australia.

The development will be based on Emirates flagship Al Maha Resort in the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve, which won the 2004 National Geographic World Legacy Award.

It will feature 40 luxury suites bordering the Gardens of Stone and Wollemi National Parks and will be the only six star resort in Australia outside of the Versace facility on the Gold Coast.

The project will generate an estimated 100 jobs and require a large workforce in the construction phase.

Features of the proposal include 100 per cent use of recycled water and multiple sources of power.

SMH June 22, 2005

Mitsubishi to cease buying Tas woodchips

The Tasmanian Government says a decision by a Japanese paper mill to stop sourcing woodchips from old- growth forests is the result of a manipulative propaganda campaign by conservationists.

Mitsubishi is one of three Japanese mills which sources woodchips from Tasmania. Mitsubishi's new policy states it will no longer engage in business activities shown to be unsustainable.

Tasmanian Greens leader Peg Putt applauds the decision, saying there is no reason for old-growth logging in Tasmania to continue. The only reason it seems that

governments are intent on staying in old-growth is pure bloody-mindedness,” she said.

However, Resources Minister Bryan Green says forestry operations in Tasmania are sustainable. He blames Mitsubishi's decision on intense lobbying by environmentalists.

ABC 29/6/05

New National Parks for NSW

NSW will get a new national park and existing nature reserves will be expanded in a move that will protect an extra 60,000 hectares of land across the state.

The new Kalyarr National Park will be established in the Riverina and extra land will be added to existing parks and reserves at a total cost of $8.4 million, Federal Environment Minister Ian Campbell and his NSW counterpart Bob Debus said in a joint statement today.

There will be new and expanded reserves in the state's central west, including Koorawatha, Dananbilla, [lunie and Gungewalla nature reserves.

In northern NSW, there will be new reserves near Moree and additions to others, including Towarri and Watchimbark.

In the state's west, there will be major additions to the Gundabooka National Park, Narran Lakes and Ledknapper nature reserves, while Mulgoa nature reserve in western Sydney also will expand onto extra land.

Daily Telegraph 15/6

Quarrying Threat to Newnes Plateau

The controversial Newnes Junction sandmine proposal is still on the governments books. The site directly adjoins the World Heritage area and is located in the most pristine river catchment of Wollemi Wilderness. Sand mining cannot be carried out without the complete destruction of the natural environment.. Colong Bulletin July 05 The Sydney Bushwalker July 2005 Page 9

NEW MEMBERS NEWS Grace Martinez (New Members Secretary)

Welcome To Our New Prospective Members This Year To Date…!!!!!

Stephen Todd Jason Kennedy Wendy Timms Christopher Simpson

Geert Landeweer Rachel Jones Jeanne Klovdahl Marcin Szezepanski Michael Georgenson Stephen McClafferty Stephen Brading Elizbieta Cyrucewska Kate Georgenson Margery Smith Karen Simpson Peter Evans

Jill, Bridgman

Congratulations To Our New Full Members :

Geoff Colman AnneHimmelreich Margery Smith Jeanne Klovdahl Rochelle Howard Frances Bertrand Wendy Timms Stephen McClafferty Gillian Thomas George Bertrand

New Members Training Weekend

13 14” August At the Clubs property in the beautiful Kangaroo Valley. This weekend provides an ideal opportunity to learn map reading, first aid and bushcraft.. As you can see from this photo there are ample opportunities to relax and enjoy the bush surroundings. Assistance with camping and transport can be arranged. Please phone or email: Bill Holland 9484 6636 Patrick James 9567 9998

Finke e

and National Parks

Finke Gorge - Much more than Palm Valley. We walk through

the wide, sculptured gorges of the oldest river in the world, the Finke. We camp near same of the few permanent waterholes in this arid land. We cross the park via one of the most scenic 4WD tracks in the Centre.

Watarrka ~ Much more than Kings Canyon. This is the richest area for plant diversity in the whole of central Australia. We walk through deep gorges, across red dunes and enloy spectacular views from the tops of the steep cliffs on the edge of the range. We camp near some of the few permanent waterholes in the region.

We can offer only one trip which combines the two. See our website or give us a call for details.

www. Williss Walkabouts 12 Carrington . The Sydney Bushwalker

July 2005

By September 1941 the Ist Australian Corps Signals was based in Lebanon. For skier Major Robert Savage, Signal Training Battalion, this resulted in being stationed in mountains where a ski season lasted only a little longer than a month.

It is not clear who came up with the idea but early in October Major Savage in a letter said “J wrote a five page screed for one of our Corps Staff Officers on the equipment necessary should we form some ski troops for patrolling the mountains. It was a labour of love and contained all the information I had gleamed over a long period of years from the staff at the Chalet and Hotel Kosciusko, from members of Ski Clubs especially those who tour on the Main Range, from Bushwalkers who are Skiers and by reading every Ski Book that came into my hands .Whilst I am not a good skier myself the technical side has always interested me greatly and this is one case where the information may have be of use. If one only knew something about the Tactical Employment of Ski Troops, there might be a good job going.

He then forgot this report but requested his mother to forward his ski boots in anticipation of some weekend skiing.

In November Bob Savage was seconded as Commanding Officer, 1* Australian Corps Ski School, which he had to form and command during the coming winter. He took over a hotel and the French Barracks, some 30km away, near the famous Cedars of Lebanon. Here the snow cover lasted from the end of December until May. Except for the cedar grove the area was treeless, with plenty of rocks, and a downhill run of over 1,000 metres.

Savage, with another major, then proceeded to establish the corps. When a Corps Order was issued requesting details of those with skiing experience, for consideration as instructors, most seemed to have only had been one week at Kosciusko.

After some investigated Savage was able to obtain the services of Major Jimmy Riddell who was the vice- captain of the last British Team at the Olympics as Chief Instructor. The next appointment was Em Mills, a farmer from northern Tasmania, who for many years had been the Tasmanian Langlauf Ski Championship.

“Then.we have Captain Ron Mooney who, as distinct jrom Mills, preferred ski lifts to skins… I knew Ron quite well in Sydney and on odd weekends we had walked over the same trails in the Blue Mountains ”.

“The last officer instructor was Lieut McCaw …a Bogong High Plain 'Rat' from Victoria who would rather live in a hut than a place with 'mod cons.

In his initial report Savage had suggested several names such as Tom Mitchell, Jack Thomas and Derek Stogdale as possible instructors.

“Amongst the Sergeant Instructors was Derrick

From Out OfThe Past - 1944/2



Stogdale …the Australian downhill champion and an executive member of the Ski Club of Victoria where he was also a test judge.” Tom Mitchell was the first skier to represent Australia abroad and was largely responsible for forming the Australian Ski Federation in 1932. (in 1935 he married Elyne Chauvel). However by December 1941 Mitchell was in Malaya with the 8th Division.

“After we had selected our team, a message was received jrom powers higher up that ten instructors were being Jorwarded……When they arrived we found a selection of Olsons, Petersons, Nilsens and others with Scandinavian names who could hardly ski, let alone instruct. Some had not been on the snow for ten years and one had difficulty in making himself understood in English”.

Savage basically commenced from scratch with equipment. Uniforms were made locally as were most of the training skis.

“This [a three-pocket, metal framed rucksack of the Bergan pattern - essentially a Paddy's A-frame] probably was my greatest triumph, for the Powers that be first considered the use of the ordinary square military pack. I had a rucksack made in Bayreuth and used, for the shoulder straps, the ordinary web cross- braces from military equipment and the web waist belt as the combined breech strap and tummy band. This enable ammunition pouches to be carried on the front of the body as a part of the rucksack equipment” .

“At a later stage permission was given to purchase a large number of eiderdown sleeping bags and to have made a number of experimental snow tents and experimental sledges” .

“The next requirement was text books and technical information. Permission was given by the Kosciusko Alpine Club to reprint their handbook Frozen Lessons so a new forward was written ..It was known as Ski Training Pamphlet ~ Part 1. Letters were written to various Ski Clubs in Australia asking for all the ski information available and soon after the first course started this commenced to come in. The Kosciusko Snow Revellers Club, a Sydney organisation, which maintains an excellent ski library , was very good and where they could not send the printed articles, typewritten extract were made and forwarded by airmail”.

In a report from the 1* Aust Corps Ski School Major

Savage recorded some difficulty with the first course. In part he noted there are many who are fit for normal duties with the Battalion but unsuited for ski-ing under difficult conditions at high altitudes . As a result Major Savage recommended “that volunteers be asked for from those who were members of serious walking clubs used to spending their holidays and weekends in the mountain districts of Australia. These people are 'tough' and are used to camping out in small parties under all conditions. | The Sydney Bushwalker July 2005 Page 11 |

In addition many of them are in possession of privately | obtained from those with mountaineering and serious owned light weight eiderdown sleeping bags and other hiking experience”.

camping kit which is most suitable for this type of work In February Savage wrote to his friends of the Ski and for the summer role that mountain troops will be | School that this was “the most interesting job I have

called on to perform. ever had in the Army.

To these people camping in the mountains is a However shortly after the first course finished, pleasure not a duty. Ex Boy Scouts may also be a | instructions were received that the officers on the staff source of suitable recruits”. were to rejoin their original units immediately. For

In January 1942 the Brigadier, 1* Aust Corps, Savage, now Lieut Colonel, this meant returning to endorsed Savage's report and wrote to the 6th, 7th 9th | Australia. Divisions [then in Europe] that “volunteers should be

I would especially like to thank the researcher at the Australian War Memorial who drew my attention to Bob Savage's bushwalking references, and also in providing the access. It interesting that despite skiing having been undertaken in Australia for about sixty years the paucity of printed information was surprising. I haven't pursued the subsequent history of the Ski School - James Riddell printed his memoirs in “Dog in the Snow (1957) which the AWM has a copy. OR OK OK kk

Harry Savage became a member of the SBW in 1931 though had been involved from about 1929. His brother Bob joined in July 1930. About 1930 Bob and Harry, with some mates, undertook a walk from Yerranderie to Jenolan using maps and notes provided by Myles Dunphy.

Early in 1932 Bob and Harry walked in the Barrington area and it would appear later that Bob and P Brewster made the first walking map of that area. Late in 1932 Bob and Jack Hill manoeuvred a canoe down to the Kowmung, round Billys Creek, and spent the next week paddling down to the Wollondilly. [This journey appeared in the Sydney Mail 27/9/ 1933].

Besides being involved in Scouting, a keen bushwalker and skier, Bob's expertise on search and rescue both for walkers and skiers was keenly sought and he wrote many manuals on the subject. He was also a foundation member (1932) of the River Canoe Club. Dunphy was impressed with Bub and named a small peak on the Boyd Range after him.

Bob joined the Militia in 1930 and in 1940 enlisted in the AIF with the 8” Div Signals being the original adjutant of the unit He went to the Middle East with the 8” Div Signals and served with the Corp HQ in Greece.

Following the war Bob went back to Esso (then Atlantic Union Oi Company) and concentrated on Personnel Management. He was regarded as one of the fathers of Personnel Management and was a Councillor of the Institute of Management for 30 years.

Bob Savage died on Australia Day 1977. (SMH 1/2/1977)

Editors Note:

Until recently our Club archives held many letters Jrom Major Bob Savage written home to his bushwalking friends in SBW and workmates in Atlantic Union Oil. This box of letter from wartime years was passed to the State Library about three years ago.

Park Trek Walking Holidays.

-Ots to look forward to in 2005:

Flinders Ranges 17 25 Sept Accommodation and Camping

Wilderness Coast 10~15 Oct Fully Accommodated

' Kangaroo Island 24 28 Oct Fully Accommodated Wilsons Prom = 7 11 Nov Fully Accommodated

Contact us for a brochure Phone (03) 9486 7070



walking tours austratia

| Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker July 2005

Did You Know That A Pair Of Boots Can Change Your Life? Jane Putt

Way back in the late 1940s, when I was in my second year of university in Christchurch, New Zealand, I decided to take my mother's advice and join the tramping club. As a necessary preliminary I bought myself a stout pair of boots. Our walking was done during the university year, that is during the colder months, in the Southern Alps and their foothills in behind Christchurch, so strong footwear was a necessity.

In those dim, dark, far-off days boots were of stout leather, with leather soles ornamented with triple hob nails on the soles, clinkers around the outside and tricounis [for stepping on slippery logs] under the instep. Thus shod you could walk up frozen streams, cross flooded rivers, run down scree slides, push through thick bush and plod through deep snow. Any or all of these conditions could be encountered on your average tramp, as our walks were called.

However your boots had to be carefully broken in. First they were soaked and well dubbined. Then it was a good idea to use them on a fairly gentle walk where damp conditions were likely to be encountered. So J duly soaked and dubbined mine and then decided I would use them on the first day trip of the year in order to break them in. Unfortunately my defective knowledge of the country around Christchurch led me to think that Mount Herbert would be the usual foothill climb with the approach beside or up a stream. Instead it was on the seaward side of the grass covered, dry Banks Peninsula. I would have been a lot better off in tennis shoes!

By the time we reached the summit it was quite clear that, instead of me breaking in my boots, they were breaking me in. In fact my feet were in such a state that I took my boots off and continued barefoot. Alas, I wasn't used to barefoot walking and after a while I developed such excruciating cramp that I fell to the ground in agony and began to rub my feet.

Immediately I was surrounded by a group of hitherto unknown young men. One provided himself as a backrest for me. Another produced a large umbrella from somewhere and tenderly held it over me. Yet another handed me a lighted cigarette [supposedly a sure cure for cramp]! But the most practical of all rubbed and massaged my poor feet until they unknotted themselves and I could stand up and walk again. His name was Colin Putt and he subsequently became my husband.

But if it hadn't been for that pair of boots I might never have met him

Here is a photo taken on the actual occasion when I met Colin. It was on Mt. Herbert on Banks Peninsular, NZ probably in March 1949. The people in the photo are: Colin Putt, John Cranko, Jan (Watson) Peter Gibbons and ray Ruston on the right with the umbrella The Sydney Bushwalker July 2005


At last I reached the summit cairn, but in that final stride I realised that tragically two faithful friends had died.

Reminded then that life is short, and death one cannot cheat, I sorrowed for my volleys lying shredded at my feet:

Theyd crossed their final frontier, theyd made their final push Those warriors of the wilderness, foot sloggers of the bush.

The sadness welled within me, beside that survey mast Wandering the memories, remembering the past:

Of hunting canyon-monsters in canyons dark and deep, Theyd bashed and bruised and crashed and cruised their way down Crikey Creek;

And never hesitating to do what asked to do They bravely strode The Moko, and Bunggal-ooloo too;

Theyd suffered horrors on Bolworras scrub-infested spines And lingered longer in Kolongas narrow intestines;

Theyd crossed The Devils Wilderness (George Caleys old domain) Then battled Barranbali, bombarded by the rain;

Had conquered high Guouogang by way of Nooroo Rocks, And bungled Krungle Bungle on the way down to the Cox;

Theyd brought me over Broken Rock and steered me down the steeps To peekaboo inside the pit wherein The Pooken sleeps;

Theyd crunched the broken country, expecting no rewards, Where Wolobrai and Wollemi and Wirraba are lords;

To Tayan and Pantoneys, the list goes on and on: They got me to the distant peaks that I have stood upon.

No matter what conditions desert dry or damp, Those Dunlop volleys always took me safely to each camp,

But now their soles had parted, beside the old trig post, Their uppers having ultimately given up the ghost,

And all that lay before them then, the wild horizon scanned For that bushwalking Elysium, the fabled Promised Land.

I know theyre gone forever now, I know that they are dead, Though always in my mind Jll wear the memory of their tread;

For maybe Im imagining the wind that so deceives Or could it be their ghostly steps a-rustling through the leaves?

Colin Gibson:

A bushwalker - poet of long standing, Colin edited Sing With the Wind in 1989, the first anthology of bushwalker verse. He has since published a volume of his own verse A Wild Blue Wander and edits the Greenaissance web-site for bushwalkers


Next year Greenaissance intends to publish a companion to Sing With the wind to be called Song of the Wild along with similar projects dealing with bushwalking history

| Page 14

The Sydney Bushwalker

July 2005


News from Your Walks Secretary

The Confederation of NSW Bushwalking Clubs has managed to negotiate a new insurance policy for 2005-06 (from 1 July 2005) that includes skiing and abseiling. This means that canyon trips involving abseiling can now return to the walks program. The only condition is that all participants must sign a waiver form of an agreed form.

A reminder about your walks reports - please send them to New Members Secretary Grace Martinez rather than me.

Cheers and good walking, lan Thorpe


Closure of Baal Bone Gap Road

“We have been advised the Ben Bullen -to- Baal Bone Gap trail in Gardens of Stone National Park has been closed due to current poor road conditions. Slippery Surface and Road Closed signs have been placed on the western end of trail. We are unable to advise when the road is likely to be re-opened.

Darwins Walk Part-Closed

14 June - 29 July 2005

Blue Mountains City Council will be replacing three of the timber foot bridges along the Darwins Walk at Wentworth Falls. The section of track between Parkes Street and Fletcher Street will remain closed from Tuesday 14 June until Friday 29 July, 2005. An alternative walking route will be established with markers along adjacent roads including Parke, Wilson and Fletcher Streets.

Sydney Harbour National Park The long awaited controversial track between Middle Head Road, Georges Heights and Balmoral Park was officially opened on Friday 27 May.

Australian Dies On NZ Hiking Expedition

The body of a 69-year-old Australian hiker has been recovered from snow and ice on New Zealand's South Island. The search for the New South Wales man began when he failed to return from a hike on Mount Luxmore, near the town of Te Anau. Police in New Zealand say the man was caught in a fierce snowstorm. The man's emergency locater beacon had been activated and rescue crews found his body on the northern face of the mountain. Without the emergency beacon it's unlikely that the man's body would have been found before spring, because of the heavy snow in the area. The man's name has not yet been released.


Talaterang Creek - John Pozniac

11” 12” June

The Saturday was an overcast, unseasonably warm day. The 8 of us encountered rain at noon as predicted by the BOM. A cave near Mt Tailaterang provided respite and a dry lunch. . None of our 3 prospectives had asked are we there yet”, even though we did not reach our dry cave destination till after 4.00pm in a pretty damp state. The drying process and happy hour were extensive sessions, with chestnuts, mulled wine and other libations and delicacies. Sundays return via the spectacular Ngatyiang Falls was so much easier for the photographers, with a blue sky to recompense for Saturday. The weekend was trumped by a veritable beanfeast at Nowra RSL A Tale Of Two Walks: Saturday 28“ May.

A party of 8 departed from Govetts Leap car park after a brief search for a missing hat blown off the head of one member of the group at the lookout. A very windy day made for very quick progress to Perrys & down into the Grose. A brief lunch near Junction Rock then onto Beauchamp Falls and the Grand Canyon. Took the Braeside track back to Govett's where to our amazement after a brief search the hat lost that morning was recovered intact.

Saturday 28” June.

10 hardy souls left on a showery morning from

Mark Patteson.

Valencia Street Wharf for a long walk along the Great North Walk and intoLane Cove National Park. Slippery conditions kept all on their toes and we only had a couple of minor incidents. To have ladies as the majority of walkers in the group is unusual but welcome, and everyone kept a good consistent pace all day. Some members of the group struggled with sore feet and blisters but we all arrived back at the wharf early evening.

The Whale Watch Walk that Wasnt! Bill Holland '

Tues 21* June and Sun 26“ June The walk on Tuesday was great. Twelve ~~ walkers and officially* we saw five whales; unofficially we counted at least seven and two of these were reasonably close to shore. The weather was windy and this limited our lunch to a huddle on top of the cliffs.

Sunday was the whale watch walk that wasnt !

I mean there were no whales. No whales at all. Perhaps they stayed under to avoid the rain or went further off-shore to avoid the swell.

Despite threatening skies, the weather wasnt too bad at all. This time, nineteen of us stayed on top of the cliffs a little longer to enjoy the views and rather desperately searching for whales.

But, in all, it was a good walk. The cliffs were spectacular and the pace easy. Very suitable to some of the prospectives who enjoyed their first SBW walk.

* Whale Monitoring Station at ?? Cape

The Sydney Bushwalker

Page 15

Walks Notes

Period 13” 4“ May David Rostron seems to have Started activities for the period with his walk out from Newnes to Glen Davis and back. This seems to have been programmed for 9, 10 April but Davids report says it went over 15, 16, 17 April and there is no reason given for this change. In any case the party of 11 seem to have enjoyed fine, hotter than average conditions. They even managed to carry water from 1100 hours Saturday to 1100 hours Sunday but did enjoy spectacular views from their high camp on Saturday night. In all they walked for about 25 km on the Sunday, reaching the cars at 1645 hours. David also managed to do some damage to one of his ankles along the way and avers the trip was fun, up to a point.

Mark Patteson and Richard Darke led an extended trip over the period 17” to 25“ April, visiting two of the volcanic ranges of Central NSW, Mount Kaputar and the Warrumbungles, in a series extension from Marks earlier visits to Mount Canobolas. The party encountered scratchy undergrowth and lots of loose rocky slopes together with a variety of wild and feral lifeforms. Yullandinda crater and Gins Mountain in Kaputar were voted as highlights of the trip.

The more conventional weekend of 16, 17 April saw Tony Manes leading a party of 12 on his trip in the Wollemi/Gardens of Stone National Park out to Mount Dawson via Little Capertee Creek. They had a great weekend with good company and just a little night- music. There was also a Nattai Valley /Coolana training experience trip that weekend with a party of 8 under the leadership of Pam Campbell and Anne Parbury. Maurice Smith reported on Maureen Carters Saturday qualifying walk out from Waterfall station with a party of 9 and no other details. The other trip that day went with Peter Cunningham leading a party of 6 in dry conditions through Garrigal National Park from St Ives to Seaforth. Due to a slightly delayed start they just made it out before darkness descended upon the land. Ron Watters led a Sunday walk with a party of 5 out from Badgerys Lookout into Morton National Park. Despite slightly truncating the route they only emerged at 1640 hours. All was forgiven after a post walk dinner in Mittagong along the way home.

The Anzac weekend saw Nigel Weaver leading a party of 6 on a base camp walk to Mobbs Soak with side trips on the middle day to Knights Deck and Splendour Rock. Conditions were near perfect, with a full moon, good campsite in one of the clearings, and fellowship around the campfire. To top it all off they took the long way back to Carlons; down Blackhorse Ridge and back up Carlons Creek with the bell-birds capping off a wonderful trip. Allison Shames led a party of 7 on her traverse of the Wollemi wilderness, done as a car-swap with another party led by Peter

July 2005

Barry Wallace

Love. Despite some problems with a lost section of road they managed to meet Peters mob at about the right place at midday Sunday and pressed for a nice happy hour and camp at Girribung Creek. The climb out to Crawfords lookout was noted as steep but they made the cars by 1600 and all was well. Peter Loves party of 7, tasked with the East to West traverse, enjoyed some hard Colo walking in cold weather. There was a third overnight trip that weekend, with Leigh McClintoch and a party of 4 enjoying a thrash up a couple of the local mountains of the far south coast for the views. Alas the visibility was only fair due to high humidity and smoke from local burning- off. Leigh reckons a trip lighthouse to lighthouse through Ben Boyd National Park looks like a goer for some future trip as well, so watch this space. Despite her best e-mailing efforts Kathy Gero was unable to kill off her Sunday walk from Hornsby to Berrowra, so when the folks turned up anyway she rearranged things to do the Berrowra Circuit instead. The resulting party of 3 enjoyed a leisurely start and pleasant weather conditions. Errol Sheedy was somewhat less half- hearted for his walk in The Royal that day, with a party of 16 and fine weather. They also saw a couple of seaward waterspouts, and a group of 4 sea eagles during the afternoon return leg, said to be 2 adults and 2 juveniles. Minor tracks are reported to have become obscured by the re-growth since the last bush-fires.

The weekend of 30 April, 1 May saw Tony Manes with a party of 11 out on his walk out from Yarramunmun fire trail to Discovery Cave and return. The weather was fine throughout, with a cool wind preventing people going for a swim to wash off the persistent blackening from the scrub burnt during the previous bush-fires. The regrowth also made the going a bit harder than expected and this, together with the presence of a myriad of biting, bloodsucking flies, made the trip a little uncomfortable. Wilf Hilder also led an overnight trip that weekend, doing a couple of

stages of the Great North Walk between Heatons Gap *

and Congewoi Valley track had. Here again the going tougher than usual, but in this case it was due to no maintenance of the track for the last 5 years and quite a number of trees were down across the track. Some of the views were a bit hazy but the sunset views from Hunter Lookout, where the party camped, were rated as great. The very fit party also encountered a group from Newcastle Bushwalkers a couple of times along the route. There were 2 Saturday walks that weekend, with Jim Percy and a group of 10 accomplishing a loop out from The Pinnacles carpark in Blue Mountains National Park and Mark Patteson with a party of 15 on his Sydney Harbour foreshores trip from Circular Quay to Manly Wharf. In each case conditions were sunny and warm. That concludes the walks reports for this period. | Page 16

The Sydney Bushwalker

July 2005

The Quest for Queen Pin

Hello fellow members of SBW this is my first attempt at writing a walk report so here goes.

On the weekend of May 7” to 8“ Don Finch led a navigation training walk in the Kanangra-Boyd National Park beginning at Boyds Crossing. We had 7 walkers Don, Rossi, Don, Liz, Mark and myself, all members and John (who is from Scotland) the only prospective to come along.

Don and Rossi decided to drive up to Boyds Crossing on Friday night stopping of at the Gardeners Inn Blackheath on the way for dinner. I decided to join them at Blackheath for a lovely meal and then we drove to the campsite with the other members of the party arriving on Saturday moming. We woke to a foggy, damp overcast day that remained so for most of the day.

At this stage I will point out that not having done many off track walks where I had to navigate. I consider myself a novice when navigating my way across county. I do know how to read a map and take a compass bearing but have never really put either skill to the test in eamest.

The object of this weekend was to navigate across country following a route directed by Don (or should I say dictated by Commandant Finch - just kidding Don). The route we followed took us east from Boyds Crossing to the top of Kanangra Ridge then north along the top of the ridge by way of points selected by Don to Bourne Soak. We did this by taking a compass bearing from one unnamed high point to the next but quickly began naming them the Grain of Rice and the- Milk Blob due to the shape of each on the map. Then we were asked to give a grid reference of each spot we reached which was then checked by GPS that Don, Mark and I were carrying. This was a great way to use the knowledge we had or in some cases been shown along the way in being able to interpret what the map was telling us and being able to keep track of how far we had come. John commented along the way that this was his first bush walk in that he has never been off-track walking through the bush before.

Having made our way to Bourne Soak we then stopped for lunch and Don lit a fire to make a cup of tea.

After lunch we headed north towards the King Pin fire trail upon which Don pointed out our camp site on the Thurat Creek and then asked each of us to take a bearing that would take us there. We then headed of on each of our bearings with Don behind us to keep check. This is where I made my first mistake. I was walking along the bearing I had taken when I suddenly noticed that everybody has heading of to the left of me so I assumed that I was mistaken and made a course correction that was closer to the one the rest of the party had. By the end of this leg we were supposed to be at what Don described as a clearing as big as ten football fields that was to be our campsite. We were following along a ridgeline between two creeks that run in to Thurat Creek but had come down on the southern most of the two. This put us south of the position by 200-250 metres at a clearing on the creek but the wrong clearing. This makes me wonder if I

Glenn Draper

had stayed on my original course would I have been closer or too far north?

I guess I will never know the answer to that and I put down the correction I made down to the herd mentality. We headed to our campsite and pitched our tents collected wood to build a fire, which was very welcome, as it still was still misty, damp and overcast. Around the campfire we had a pleasant evening discussing the days events and swooping stories of past walks and experiences. After dinner John was informed that as a prospective member he was required to serve us all bacon and eggs with a cappuccino in bed in the morning (ha ha). He also asked if it would be all right to leave his cooking utensils out by the fire over night to which I responded that yes thats fine as the possums would lick them clean for him. Don then added that the wombats would use their backsides to polish them after the possums had finished.

An early night was had by all, it being a damp and miserable night. The sky cleared around 3am I know this as I had to answer a call of nature and could see stars. We woke to a misty morning, built up the fire, cooked our breakfasts and warmed our selves up with coffee and tea as it had been a very cold night.

After packing our things we made our way north crossing over the Baldy Hill Fire Trail and continued on across country along a ridge between two creeks not named on the map. We then rejoined Baldy Hill Fire Trail at a ford crossing, we then followed the trail in a south- westerly direction for a kilometre or 2 coming to a intersection on Queen Pin Fire Trail. From this intersection we headed south along the fire trail till it started turning to the west. Don then had us plot a course overland to Queen Pin itself and from there on to King Pin Fire Trail with one of us in the lead. Having come this far I think we were all a lot more confident in our bearings and nobody was having much trouble at this point The next point that we made our way to was King Pin from which we then made our way back to the start at Boyds Crossing.

What a great experience this weekend was I now feel much more confident about navigation and learnt much more this way then sitting in a classroom. Thanks go to our leader Don Finch and the rest of the party for a truly enjoyable trip.

Please Add This To Your Walks Programme!

Sunday 31 July Royal National Park Q Heathcote - Karloo Pool - Uloola Falls - Wises Track - Garie Beach - Otford. 7-21 Waterfall train from Central Jim Callaway 95207081

The Sydney Bushwalker July 2005 Page 17

Busy Days for the Mid Week Walkers:

The Mid-Week walkers are an informal group in SBW who have 3 time to spare for mid-week activities; most of which are shown in the Walks programmes but some are organised at short notice and advised by a monthly newsletter to those who have expressed interest. If you wouid like to be included on our mailing list or participate in the activities shown below please phone me on 9484 6636 or send an email to .

Most of what we do is very relaxed. We leave the rush and bustle to those poor souls who have to work. In April, ten of us stayed at the Carters cottage at Berrara Beach for a great time cycling and walking.

In early June, we had a total of twelve staying in the Currawong Cottages at Pittwater. There was plenty of room as we were able to book the large house plus one cabin. The weather was good and each day we walked in the morning over the headlands and played min-golf, tennis or just relaxed in the afternoon. A roaring log fire kept us warm and up late each evening. We have used the Currawong Cottages over a few years now and a stay here is highly recommended. You can book by phoning Robyn on 9974 4141.

Whats to Come?

Now, we usually have a busy second half ofthe year and here is what we plan to do in coming months. Wombeyan Caves or Jenolan Caves Cottages

Monday 22nd to Friday 26th August (four nights) We had a great time at Wombeyan about four years ago. Good accommodation, great facilities and lots of caves to explore and bush walks. There is the alternative of using a cottage or two at Jenolan Caves (on top of the hill).

House stay in the Glasshouse Mountains (Qld)

Monday 26th - Friday 30th September

Club members Ian Debert and Joy Hines have offered the facilities of their house at Morayfield (about % hour north of Brisbane) and handy to the Glasshouse Mountains. They are prepared to lead day walks from their house.

Houseboat on Myail Lakes:

Suggested five days in November

With the success of the River Murray trip last year and memories of our last boating trip on Myall Lakes about three years ago this should be well received. Houseboat accommodation is limited so an early expression of interest is necessary to reserve your place

Lord Howe Island

As well as the above a trip to Lord Howe Island next March has been suggested. It worked well last time and if we can get at least six people interested we will look for a special deal.

Mid-week Walks in August:

Tues 2” August: Sydney Suburbs

From Fairfield station to Fairfield City farm, Orphan School Creek and other local areas before catching a train from Carramar back to the city. Wilf Hilder 9587 8912

Tues 16“ August Lane Cove National Park Chatswood Station via Blue Gum Creek to walk up the Lane Cove River to Thornleigh Station. A relaxing walk without the weekend pressures Bill Holland 9484 6636

It is possible to organise mid-week activities at short notice so please feel free to phone me on 9484 6636 with your suggestions, or email on

| Page 18

The Sydney Bushwalker

July 2005


Greetings from Social Secretary Kathy

Our June social evening was quite awesome - slides and talk by David Synnotts on the Antarctica. A feature of the slides was the colours of the snow and ice in that part of the world as well as the size and formation of the icebergs.

The slides were taken on a trip David took on a Russian vessel. If you would like to go to Antarctica he would be a good person to chat to. His phone number is 9958 6559 or email

In July we had the mid-Winter Feast on 20” July and next month we have a slide presentation by Mark Patteson and Richard Darke on their trip to Mt Kapatar and Warrumbungles National Parks. Come along and enjoy the social atmosphere. Ideas/Presenter Needed.

If you have done an interesting trip or have a suggestion for the November social evening please contact me as soon as possible so that I can include it in the Springs Walks Calendar. Phone me on 9130 7263 or email to Dont forget the mea] before the social night in August at the Kirribilli Hotel, 35-37 Broughton St Milsons Point from 6:00 pm onwards. Walk through the bottle shop to the restaurant and look for familiar faces. Prices are average and food is good.

I look forward to seeing you soon. Kathy

August Social Programme:

Wed3 Committee Meeting 7 pm Observers welcome

Wed 10“ New Members Night.

8pm _Introduction to SBW for intending prospective members

Wed 17” Mt Kapatar and Warrumbungles NP Slide show and presentation by Mark Patteson and Richard Darke who were there in April 2005.


Kiwis Are Not Stupid ! 50,000 Kiwis meet in Eden Park for a “Kiwis Are Not Stupid Convention.

Helen Clark announced, “We are all here today to prove to the world thet Kiwis are not stupid. “Ken I hev a volunteer.” A well known All Black gingerly works his way through the crowd and steps up to the stage.

Helen asks him, “What uz fufteen plus fufteen?” After 15 or 20 seconds the All Black says, “Eighteen!” Obviously everyone is a little disappointed and all 50,000 Kiwis start chanting, GUV HUM ANOTHER CHANCE! GUV HUM ANOTHER CHANCE!”

Helen said, “Well sunce we've gone to the trouble of gitting 50,000 of you un one place end we have the world wide priss end global broadcast media here, I thunk we ken guv hum another chance.” So she asks, “What uz svven plus svven? After nearly 30 seconds he eventually says, “Ninety! ”

Helen is quite perplexed, looks down and just lets out a dejected sigh - everyone is disheartened.

The All Black starts crying and the 50,000 Kiwis begin to yell and wave their hands shouting, “GUV HUM ANOTHER CHANCE! GUV HUM ANOTHER CHANCE!”

Helen, unsure whether or not she is doing more harm than damage, eventually says, “Ok! Ok! Just one more chance … What uz two plus two?'

The All Black closes his eyes, and after a whole minute eventually says,


Throughout the stadium pandemonium breaks out as all 50,000 Kiwis Jump to their feet, wave their arms, stamp their feet and scream.. GUY HUM ANOTHER CHANCE! GUV HUM ANOTHER CHANCE!”

Understandably, the person who sent in this joke would like to remain anonymous. But to be fair, your Editor invites any person of Kiwi origin to send in an Australian equivalent to the above or look back at our June 2003 magazine.

“Too Big For Her Boots” by Barbara Bruce

Away she went a-walking

To Laceys Gap and all.

Shed bought new shoes,

Which gave her the blues

Because they were a couple of sizes too small

Barbara has been a member of the Club for 36 years (just a girl when she joined in 1969) and remains an enthusiastic walker HPrvsseey vei]




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