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THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is the monthly bulletin of matters of interest to members of

The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc

PO Box 431 Milsons Point 1565. Editor: Pam Campbell Production Manager: Frances Holland Printers: Kenn Clacher, Barrie Murdoch, Tom Wenman Don Brooks Fran Holland Opinions expressed in this magazine are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or views of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. All material in this magazine is copyright. Requests for reproduction should be directed to The Editor: editor@sbw.org.au


'5 Coolana Report Don Finch reports this month

6 Tracks and Access Report - Wilf Hilder

9 Conservation Notes Bill Holland


Alpsport Front cover Paddy Pallin Back cover Wilderness Transport 5 Wild Asia 3 Willis's Walkabouts 12

APRIL 2006 Issue No. 857


3 Message from President Jan Treasurers Report From the Committee Room

New Member Notes

aus. &

Editors Message 20 Social Notes and Other Items


8 Tribute to Edna & Jack Gentle - Don Matthews

THE WALKS PAGES 10 Message from the new Walks Secretary, David Trinder 10 Erskine Creek Lilo Trip Nige/ Weaver

11 Walks Notes - Barry Wallace

12. Thirty years on, or Reunion 2006 Don Matthews

13 Bushwalking in a Wetsuit Reflections on Canyoning James Cryer

14. Mid Week Walkers Bill Holland

15 Jans Northern Beaches Bash - Susi Arnott 16 Leader Profile Kenn Clacher

17 Walking Somewhere Different Flinders Island Maureen Carter 18 Swims Galore Ron Watters

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | Page 2

The Sydney Bushwalker April 2006 | About Our Club AG Have You Changed Your Address? The Sydney Bush Walkers was formed in 1927 for : yy If you have changed your address or the purpose of bringing bushwalkers together; _ Gy Phone number recently, please advise: enabling them to appreciate the great outdoors; Members: Fran Holland

establishing a regard for conservation and promoting social activities.

The Club's main activity is bushwatking but includes other activities such as cycling, canoeing and social events.

Our Walks Programme (published quarterly) features day walks on most Saturdays and Sundays, some mid week walks and overnight weekend walks. Extended walks are organised in areas such as the Warrumbungles, Snowy Mountains, etc as well as interstate.

Our meetings are held on Wednesday evenings (see Social Programme) at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station).

Visitors and prospective members are welcome. General Enquiries: Phone 0500 500 729

Website: www. sbw. org.au Office Bearers President: Jan Roberts Vice-President: Margaret Carey Treasurer: Anita Doherty Secretary: Greta James

Walks Secretary: David Trinder

Social Secretary: Kathy Gero/Suzie Arnott

Membership Secretary Fran Holland

New Members Secretary: Maurice Smith

Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland

Magazine Editor: Pam Campbell

Committee Members: Caro Ryan & Peter Love

Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway & Wilf Hilder

Contact the Committee:

Members are welcome to contact the following officers on Club matters:

President : Jan Roberts

9411 5517 (h) janc.roberts@bigpond.com Vice President: Margaret Carey

9957 2137 (h) Margaret_carey@bigpond.com Secretary: Greta James

9953 8384 (h) gjam6037@bigpond.net.au Walks Secretary: David Trinder

9660 9945 (h) dt28@tph.com.au

Social Secretary: Kathy Gero

9130 7263 (h) social@sbw.org.au Treasurer Anita Doherty

9456 5592 (h) alinta@bigpond.net.au Members Secretary: Fran Holland

9484 6636 (h) fernband@bigpond.com New Members Secretary: Maurice Smith 9587 6325 (h) newmembers@sbw.org.au Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland

9484 6636 (h) billholland@bigpond.com Editor Pam Campbeil

9570 2885 editor@sbw.org.au

Prospectives: Maurice Smith The advice should be in writing directed to the Clubs postal address. This will ensure that our records show your current address and prevent

delay in receiving the magazine each month


By Barry Wallace The meeting began at 8pm with Maurice in the chair and a capacity attendance of some 45 members. Multiple Maurice gongings finally called the meeting to order to the extent that he could bid the assembly Wilcomm (herren und damen), and we were away. Apologies were tendered for Don| Finch, Gretel Woodward, Joan Rigby, Jennifer Giacomel, John Hogan, Frank Grennan, |

Don Wills, Anthea Michaelis and Edith Baker.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and received with no matters arising.

Correspondence was comprised of two letters, one from Chris Sonter the Honorary Auditor, assuring us that the accounts had passed audit and praising the work of the Honorary treasurer, Tony Marshall whom he described as a splendid asset; and one from Don Finch conveying his apologies and advising that Joan Rigby, though still interested, would not be able to participate in the Coolana maintenance

committee for the coming year.

The annual reports were taken as read, and received. The accounts and financial reports were approved and received. The motion required] by the incorporations Act was presented and passed.

After a couple of related procedural motions we moved on to the election of office bearers. The results appeared in last months magazine.

The Treasurer moved that the annual subscriptions remain unchanged and after a number of questions and some debate of peripheral issues this was passed, Uncertainties noted were changes to Coolana valuation and the effect this may have on council rates charges, changes in Confederation insurance fees, and the effect on postage charges of electronic distribution of club publications.

The proposed constitutional change to formalise the handling of subscriptions for members on joining the club were explained, briefly debated, and passed.

With no small sense of deja-vu general businbss was largely devoted to a discussion of the possible costs, and virtues or otherwise of personal accident insurance. The general view seemed to be in

favour. The meeting closed at 9:19pm. The Sydney Bushwalker April 2001

Presidents Report

Autumn is with us again and with it all the pleasures of kicking the boots through cool, dewy grasses and sleeping under flys and tents with the sleeping bag zipped up for a change!

In the past week Ive been fortunate enough to walk in three of our beautiful National Parks. First the Natti with Glenn Draper leading his first walk, followed last Tuesday in the Royal with Wilf Hilder, and last weekend (one of my all time favorites) Mt Talaterang. Camped Saturday night overlooking the Clyde river and Byangee Walls in Morton National Park with Tony Manes. All were excellent walks (with great leaders of course) and like many members, | welcome the cooler months to do more overnight pack walks.

While the three walks were very different in many ways, the following aspects caught my attention. Masses of bush flowers are back in bloom again thanks to a second flowering for the season, and spiders - mostly St Andrews Cross and Golden Globes are everywhere and madly spinning their last webs before winter sets in. The need to feed and breed is indeed urgent - as most will depart the earth once the winter sets in, Make sure you get out to walk and see it all soon.

In looking forward this year to my responsibilities as the incoming President of SBW, | noted that the objectives of SBW in 1937 are still the same today, and (as many members dont know the history), !d like to share some of the contents of the investiture ceremony with you.

The symbols depicting the values of SBW comprising the boot, map, Flannel flower and _Clasped hands, were originally made by Paddy Pallin out of cardboard, Later the symbols were beautifully carved in horn and placed around the neck of the new president as the past Presidents spoke the following words at the investiture each year.

Senior Past President: Are you she/he whom the Club in council elected as their President for the coming year?

President Elect: a | am

Past President 1:

Here is the Boot to show that the Club was formed to amalgamate those who esteem walking as a means of recreation

Past President 2: Here is the Map to indicate that the Club is always

striving to be an institution of mutual aid in regard to routes, and ways and means of appreciating the great outdoors

Past President 3:

And now the Flannel Flower, the badge of the Club, which signifies that we strive to establish a definite regard for the welfare and preservation of the wildlife and natural beauty of this country, and to help others appreciate these natural gifts

Past President 4: And here the Clasped Hands to symbolise that we try to promote social activity amongst members

For those interested in seeing these interesting and unique symbols, | will take them to the South American social night at the clubrooms on April 19“.

Good news too from the Committee - we have a new Treasurer! Anita Doherty who has previously sat on Committee as Treasurer iri 1987, has reclaimed her seat and we welcome her back. Thank you Anita.

And finally, in response to the question raised in Susi Arnotts report on my walk on the Northern Beaches - No | was not carried and never will be!

Hope to walk with you soon. Jan

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The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

[Page 4

The Sydney Bushwalker

April 2006

From The Committee Room ps A report of proceedings at the Management sy _, Committee meeting on 5” April 2006

The meeting adopted the proposed budget for the financial year as circulated, and resolved that the prospective fees remain at their current level

The President advised that a letter had been sent to Shoalhaven Council objecting to the valuation of Coolana, and

She also suggested that the Club update and republish the SBW book The First 60 Years for the 80“ anniversary

# The meeting discussed and resolved to sign the NPWS consent form to allow entry to Coolana for baiting and shooting of foxes subject to the conditions outlined in our acceptance letter which include placing notices on site, avoiding holiday periods and advance notice by phone. Further details will be included in the magazine

= The following payments were approved; magazine postage $390 and materials $298; annual return fee $78; rent $300; post box fee $286 social expenses $25; annual subscription letters $292; membership expenses $94 and Coolana maintenance cost $114

The Walks Secretary advised that the closing date for the next walk program is 14” April and that he proposed a SBW rogaining event - to be organised

The Committee resolved to send a letter seeking continuing funding for Conservation Volunteers to do work at Coolana

Planning for the Composting toilet at Coolana has continued for some time. The President will follow up and try to speed up the process

* The Committee voted to accept, Elzbieta Cyrulewska, John Gillespie, Linus Hindmarsh, Glinda Major, Karl Miller, Patricia Sherry and Marcin Szczepanski as Active Members

The Walks Leaders Newsletter will be issued on a quarterly basis

Job descriptions are being compiled for office bearers

* Rick Angel was Subcommittee.

appointed to the Coolana

New Members Notes maurice Smith

This is my first article as the New Members Secretary.

Since the Annual General Meeting in March 2006 | have taken over from my _ predecessor Grace Martinez who did such a great job. In taking over from Grace | have been asking lots of questions, Grace, has been very patient in answering all those questions.

Thanks to Mike Chapman, the clubs web-master for his behind the scenes work in switching over the clubs newmembers@sbw.org.au email address to me.

'm bubbling with enthusiasm for my new role. However, | will make sure Im careful in making any changes.

Here is a challenge to current prospective members and recently admitted full members - what can the club do to make your transition to your bushwalking life easier, but not detracting from the need to succeed in the qualifying process. Best suggestion wins a nice bottle of wine.

Please welcome recent new prospective members:

Debra Caples, Lloyd Francis, Wendy Goldring, Craig Hainsworth, Catherine OConnor and Coral Winter.

Walking on to full membership are:

Elzbieta Cyrulewska, John Gillespie, Linus Hindmarsh, Glinda Major, Karl Miller, Patricia Sherry, Misako Sugiyama, Neil Soutar and Marcin Szczepanski.

See you on a walk soon, Maurice Smith newmembers@sbw. org. au


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Treasurers Report

Year to Date Cash Receipts and oS Payments to end March 2006 ow Receipts $ Membership renewals 1,544 Prospective & New Members 1,140 Interest - Conservation 113 Interest - Coolana 338 Interest - General 256 Magazine Advertising 955

Total 4,346 Payments

Printing Production 353 Magazine Postage 1,143

Room Hire 1,160 Postage, Phone & Internet 916 Administration 259

Total 3,831

Cash surplus (deficit) 515 Closing Bank balance 8,079

| The Sydney Bushwalker

April 2006 Page 5

Editors Message

The Sydney Bushwalker. Thank you to everyone who submitted articles and reports. | urge members to submit their stories each month as it will give prospective and active members a good insight into the different types of trips and places visited.

This editions Leaders Profile features Kenn Clacher who is renowned for his walks in the Victorian Alps and the Snowy Mountains. | anticipate printing more profiles of leaders in the future.

After networking with some of the club members | realised that the magazine cover has an interesting history. The picture is a lino cut An artist uses gouges to carve away the area of the lino he does not want to print and ink is applied with a roller. Only the surface of the lino left uncut will receive the ink when rolled and therefore print. Obviously a lot of work has gone into making the cover what it is and | think it is great, so | wont be putting the photo and caption on the front.

at Bills residence - it was an insight into all the work that is involved. The Spinach Pie recipe | received from Spiro will appear in the next edition.

If you have something to say (even if it is controversial)

skills ie botanical illustration or otherwise let me know or better still, send in your drawings.

Regards Pam Campbell DA

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

For one reason and another SBW hasnt been able to cough up someone lately who was able to take over from you as Magazine Editor. Now, fortunately, we have Pam. So thanks for hanging in there, Bill, keeping the magazine coming with enthusiasm and lack of complaint.

Barbara Bruce

Send your letters to The Editor:

* Copy for publishing in the SBW Magazine should be received by the Editor by the end of the first week of the month.

Letters stating your viewpoint on matter of interest are very welcome.

“ Send your submission in by mail preferably typed, on CD or email addressed to editor@sbw.org.au or

The Editor, Sydney Bushwalkers Inc PO Box 431, Milsons Point NSW 1565

Annual Subscriptions Now Due * The Annual General Meeting determined that the SBW Annual Subscriptions for 2005 would be:

Single Membership = $45-00 Household membership = $73-00 Non Active Membership = $20-00 Non Active + Magazine = $34-00 Magazine only = $20-00

A payments slip will be mailed to you soon. Please return this with your cheque * These subscriptions do not apply to Prospective Members



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| Page 6

The Sydney Bushwalker

April 2006

Coolana Report March 2006 a Be oo : Seg rE. 3 _v

On the Wednesday before the reunion Gretel and Don went to Coolana via the rural supplier at Kangaroo Valley where a 20L drum of Bioactive Roundup with safety pump and secateurs were purchased. The drum was man handled down the hill to the shed. Gretel spent the rest of the day hand weeding, some poisoning and some tending to SCA trees. Don repaired the mower chute and went off to mow access ways on the Eastern Flat. This stopped soon after the muffler vibrated off and was lost.

Later in the afternoon with the aid of a 50 meter rope an approximate position was established of the boundary line running north south past the tool shed. A compass course south gave the line and after some searching the survey peg at the southern end of the line was found under 30 years of leaf litter, a star post with rag, marks the spot 600mm south of the peg.

On Thursday two new 5 litre cans were purchased they and the 20L jerry can were filled with ULP and delivered to the tool shed. The chain saw, brush cutter and the big mower were taken over to the Eastern Flat where the rest of the day was spent clearing the access ways. Including access to individual trees which had been neglected for some time with the result that some trees had been inundated with weeds over 2 meters high and were lost to view. Gretel continued to add to the impressive pile of weeds on the tool shed fire site.

On Friday a trip was made to Bomaderry to order a new muffler, drop Gretel at the railway station and pick up Wilf from the train. A visit to the Nursery in Kangaroo Valley was made with a view to purchase tube stock in the near future. Later in the day at Coolana, Wilf started racking the track network. Robin, Fran and Bill arrived late morning and after settling in the ladies continued weeding the area above the tap while Bill started mowing areas of the camping flat. An effort was made to determine the

location of 40 trees, recently planted by Shirley. All but 9 were eventually found. On Saturday, 42 star posts with the wooden extensions were removed from trees on the camping flat that no longer required support. A start was made on clearing access to the long stem casuarinas along the river bank which had been inundated with weeds 2 meters high many were hidden to view.

On Sunday a further 10 star posts and 25 extended star posts were removed. Trees were tied as required. The access to the remaining casuarinas was cleared. Some of the trees planted by Shirley on the western slope of the creek bank were inaccessible. Due to 2 meter high weeds, some were lost to view, the access te these was cleared with the brush cutter and mower.

If you have been paying attention you will have realised that there are now over 70 trees from the SCA planting that are now free standing trees. Some are over 4 meters high.

Thursday 30 March Bill makes an early start to the programmed maintenance weekend cutting out mistletoe from sandpaper figs on the camping flat and some mowing.

On the Friday 31* Gretel and Don picked up 40 tube

stock trees from Kangaroo Valley nursery passing Bill in the car park on his way home. The sites for the 40 trees were selected on the Eastern side of the creek and marked with a single star post each.

On Saturday 1 Gretel continued the constant job of hand weeding and tending the SCA trees. The chainsaw was required to clear the track on the eastern side of the creek. Then the team arrived, Glenn first followed by Chris and Mai with Rick not far behind then Spiro winning the wooden spoon. The priority was to plant the 40 trees which are part of a January 2006 agreement with the SRCMA the grant value was $4500. Three mowers and the brush cutter were taken over to the site and by days end it was an impressive sight. There is quite a lot of other heavy work involved carrying star posts guards and water for the trees. Twenty five were in the ground and finished on Saturday with the remainder planted on Sunday. A photo record was taken and the GPS position of each plant recorded. A new set of photos was taken from the 15 photo points established in September 2003. The Coolana Committee has recommended the upgrading of the NPWS fox control program to the management committee, this was requested by NPWS. This will involve the placing of a second bait station near the shelter shed and access to the property of the NPWS contract shooter with appropriate safe guards. In addition a standard NPWS lock has been fitted to the sump buster ensuring access to all RFS units and NPWS. Don Finch The Sydney Bushwalker Apri] 2006 Page 7 TRACKS & ACCESS REPORT MARCH, 2006 BLUE MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK Rumour has it that Michael Keats (Bush Club) familiar red vehicle was seen a couple of months ago in an upper North Shore Auto electricians workshop having his automatic pilot modified to incorporate the faster M7 motorway route. (This autopilot is set from Killara to Megalong Valleys Dunphy Camping Area and return) Michael reports that the cliff line shown on Cattle Dog Ridge on Dunphys Gangerang map is easily negotiated on the nose of the ridge CLEAR HILL (NARROWNECK PENINSULA). Leading bushwalking historian, Col Gibson, has informed me that the great bushfires of 1927 I mentioned in my January report were actually in 1928 not 1927 my apologies for that error. Don Matthews SBW historian has informed me that the legendary Ben Esgate (SBW) of Katoomba and a friend shinned down a cut sapling at Clear Hill in 1927. From my knowledge of the area he may well have descended at the real Duncans Pass the site of Tarros Ladders, because it has a small ledge half way down the cliff. He obviously didnt find the easy Miners Pass. DIXONS LADDERS. Tom Gleeson (SUBW) reports that the remaining 20 metres of ladder in the middle of Dixons Ladders have been removed late in 2005. This means that Dixons Ladders are no longer useable as a foot pass. The nearest pass through the cliffs in this area is now Devils Hole. This affects bushwalkers and rock climbers who have used this pass. Dixons Ladders was a popular pass for bushwalkers accessing the western portal of the Mt. Rennie Tunnel under Narrowneck. Please note the original and correct name for the feature is the Mount Rennie Tunnel NOT Rennies Tunnel. EASTER draws near and I have been reliably informed by the Recidivist (repeat offenders) Club that Sydney Water flushed by the success of last Easters blitz, will be mounting major patrols within the Catchment Area of Warragamba Dam, not only on land, but on water and in the air. Should you be tempted to wander into Sydney Waters Grand Country because of the current low levels of Lake Burragorang, enter at your own risk, as you have been warned often enough of the penalties. TULLOWA DAM. Amidst the rejoicing that the wall of the Tullowa dam will not be raised, it is my duty to point out that the raising of the dam wall has only been deferred read the fine print. The decision was not made in response to local opposition but due to financial constraints a surplus State budget in fact. According to Matt Brown, local State member for Kiama, Tullowa Dam has supplied over 20% of Sydneys water during the current drought no wonder the locals are accusing Sydney Water of stealing their water NEW SYDNEY HARBOUR WALK. Circling Sydney in the January March issue of the Australian Geographic magazine is described a Sydney Harbour Circle and loop walks. As this route uses Fig Tree, Tarban Creek, Gladesville, Iron Cove, Anzac, Pyrmont and the Harbour Bridge, it misses most of the harbours 250 kms of shoreline. I believe it should be called the Seventeen Bridges Walk because it also includes 9 footbridges and the Victoria Road Bridge at Rozelle. I am familiar with the harbours foreshores and disagree with quite a few of the choices made in determining the route. While I agree it may encourage walking around our beautiful harbour, with a little more effort, the authors could have made it a winner. Brochures on this walk are now available from tourist outlets and relevant councils. Page 8 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2001 Edna and Jack Gentle Don Matthews The spirit of the Ciub is something that can't be put into words; that unique brand of friendship that is part of SBW, a friendship that goes far beyond just being walking mates. So wrote Helen Gray in The First Sixty Years. The June 2002 Magazine recorded the passing of Edna Gentle (Stretton) and the January 2006 Magazine the passing of Jack. They were Honorary Members of long standing, and they would have understood Helen's words, and her further comments about the hardworking and unassuming characters that help to keep the Club going. In reviewing the 7Oth Anniversary Celebrations, Patrick James wrote of the unofficial “Presidential Picnic, attended by 40 or 50 Senior Members and ex Members, that “it was beautiful to see the affection that these people had for each other”. Among the attendees were Edna and Jack, who in turn complimented the Club for organising events “to suit all tastes, as well as making it practicable for all ages to be able to attend. They were in their late 70's at the time. Edna and Jack had met in the Club and worked on Committee over many years. Edna, a schoolteacher, had been a member since the early 1940's, and with her cheery and outgoing nature, was a natural for Social and Membership roles, which on many occasions included the organisation of Reunion activities. This, with attendances of up to 150 adults and 40 or 50 children was no mean feat! Jack, who had served in the RAAF during WW11, joined the Club in 1949 or thereabouts, after completing his studies in Electrical Engineering. Bill Rodgers (President 1961/3) notes that Jack was a Scoutmaster and represented Warringah at official Scouting Meetings. With such a background, Jack took to bushwalking naturally. He was a great companion to walk with, very reliable, co-operative and always willing to help in any way possible. Jack was President on three separate occasions; from March 1958~ March 1960 during which time he calmly negotiated some tough decisions which had to be made at the time of the move from the Ingersoll Hall to Reiby Place. Then from June 1960, following Ron Knightleys transfer overseas at short notice, until March 1961, and again from March 1965'~ March 1966. Throughout the 1960's, a time of change within the Club, Jack was one of the voices of reason whose efforts led to smooth sailing in the 1970's. The Gentles later retired to the Central Coast, but kept up their contacts with SBW and Dungalla friends. They were at the 7Oth Anniversary Celebrations and Jack turned up at the 75th Dinner, looking, as we told him, pretty much as he had in his hey-day! There have been many successful partnerships in the long history of SBW, not only in the running of the Club, but also in the hosting, in home and backyard, of a myriad of mini-reunions for birthday - celebrations, for the meeting of adventurers from overseas, for farewell parties and welcome back parties, and of course the production of The Magazine to record it all! Edna and Jack were part of all this, and they will be fondly remembered. Thanks to Molly and Bill Rodgers, contempories of the Gentles, for background information. Both served on Committee in various positions over many years. Molly also entertained us with her Violin playing, Bill with his fine photography. Jack and Edna at the 50th Anniversary with Tina Matthews. MARIE DIBLEY (NEE WALSH) Marie joined the club in the 1940s, where she met George who became her husband. She was a keen walker and even walked in south west Tasmania. She died on Friday 31 March 2006 aged 92 years. She was not a member at the time of her death. Jim Callaway The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. | The Sydney Bushwalker April 2006 Page 9 | Conservation Notes Bill Holland If You Go Out In The Woods Today Youre In For A Big Surprise! In a recent letter to the Minister For The Environment * The Colong Foundation for Wilderness expressed its opposition to recreational hunting in state forests stating that it was not considered a humane method of pest management and constituted a public risk. It appears that a massive 400 hectares of state forests will be open to hunters but closed to other members of the community unless they have written permission. {t does not necessarily stop there. Many forest areas are adjacent to national parks and the borders are not well defined on the ground. Who knows where a hunter may stealthily tread? Whilst there may be a case for pest control using a highly controlled system of shooting by experts following strict guidelines it is feared that recreational hunters may not comply with these controls. Permitted hunting can include the use of hunting dogs, bows and arrows. To qualify for a licence applicants must be members of the Game Council Approved Hunting Organisation. The Game Council is currently inviting hunting clubs, organisations and associations to seek Game Council approved status. So, bushwalkers - be careful and keep your heads down. Wear brightly coloured clothing and dont go out in the woods at night . Bill Holland * See The Colong Bulletin - March 2006 Conservation Hunting or Hunting for Preferences? By Fiona McCrossin The Fine Art of Bush Stalking Extract from article by James Woodford in SMH 25/3/06 The Victorian border is only a few gullies away, it is a softiy-drizzling 5am, halfway down a forestry track named Broadaxe Road. John Mumford and Andy Mallen pull their four-wheel-drive off to the side of the track in Yambulla State Forest, south of Eden. The two men are preparing to stalk sambar deer. Mallen prefers camouflage fatigues while Mumford likes flannelette shirts and tracksuit pants, which are virtually noiseless in the bush. But both men have conspicuously orange headgear which signals their intent to kill. The hats mean they are clearly visible to each other and anyone else in the forest before dawn, but the colour is invisible to their prey. Both prepare rifles, check packs to make sure they have all the safety gear and a collection of knives for skinning and boning. Nefther are trophy hunters and, at home, have all the meat preparation equipment of a boutique butcher, including sausage machines. Mallen takes a GPS reading of the car's location and then, finally, the bolts to their firearms and clips of ammunition are unlocked from a steel box. Once the weapons are fully assembled and several rounds in the magazine, each looks into the other's rifle to make sure they are not cocked and that the chamber is empty. This moment is significant. It is the first time individuals have been permitted to hunt in Yambulla under a radical new program managed by the Game Council of NSW. It is also a big moment for Mumford, who lobbied for the right to hunt on public land for almost two decades. “Today is 18 years in the making, he says. “For me this is the first time | have ever stood on public land in NSW with my firearm. A fortnight ago the Game Council began issuing permits to private hunters, allowing them to use bows and arrows, hunting dogs and rifles in more than 30 state forests. Within a few months another 132 forest areas may join the list. Even black powder enthusiasts - hunters who like their guns Daniel Boone-style - are catered for as part of the scheme. The program is called Conservation Hunting because it targets some of the worst pests - deer, pigs, foxes, rabbits, goats, hares, cats and wild dogs. Brumbies have been excluded for political and animal welfare reasons. Club Quarantine in Jeopardy as Backers Check Out Financial backers have pulled out of plans to build a resort at the historic North Head Quarantine Station, re- igniting calls by northern beaches residents and politicians to scrap the plans. : The investment firm Babcock & Brown has walked away from a deal with The Mawland Group to finance a hotel, health spa and conference centre on the heritage site at Manly. Now there is a push for the State Government, which owns the land, to back out as well. The Independent MP for Manly, David Barr, said the Government should pull out of negotiations with Mawland over a 45-year lease and commit itself to keeping the station in public hands. Mr Barr said it was unacceptable for a valuable piece of national heritage to be turned into a hotel. The area should be preserved as a wildlife sanctuary and its buildings retained for future generations, he said. SMH 28/3/06 Newcastle businessman fined for destroying a threatened plant species: The Land and Environment Court has fined a Newcastle businessman $30,000 and ordered him to pay $10,000 in costs for picking a threatened plant species”, Tetratheca juncea, at his property in Lake Macquarie between 1st August and 7th December 2001. The fine is the highest ever awarded to an individual under the National Parks and Wildlife (NPW) Act. With full knowledge that the plants were present at the site, the businessman cleared and excavated a site containing about one fifth of the entire population of the species. The site was one of only four known to contain more than 400 Tetratheca juncea plants. NPWS Report Feb2006 | Page 10 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2001 THE WALKS PAGES A Message from the new Walks Secretary - David Trinder At the recent AGM | was elected to the position of Walks Secretary. Thank you for your confidence in me. Fortunately, lan Thorpe, the retiring walks Secretary is not really retiring, he is going to stay and help with the task. Other people have also offered to help. | think we will call it a Walks Team. The team will be looking in new directions and introducing different types of events. Ron Watters has already conducted a Kayak day and he is researching a Rogaine day. Rogaining is a walking and navigation event in which participants compete in groups. We intend to organise walks in areas where the club hasnt walked for a while and The closing date for the winter program is 14 April | would like to get as many walks as possible by 14 April (if you are reading this after the date, then ASAP). There is a long list of procedures to go through before the program can be published, so we cant put the date forward. !t is probably a matter of turning on the thinking mode before leaving it to the last minute. We would like to encourage new members with some experience to start leading. Likewise we intend to encourage long term members who have not led events to do so if they are able and willing. There will be a network setup to assist new leaders to put events on the program and to mentor them. See you on the tracks, David Trinder Ph: 9660 9945 Email: dt28@tpg.com.au we will continue to run interesting walks, rides and canyon trips of various lengths as the club has done so successfully in the past. This weekends is ideal for. New: Mefnbers::lt of ardappleasnt social weekend. at Gooland dn the beautiful .. Kangaroo Valley. We.an assist with tents Sand. ether camping. gear: and-there i is a shelter on'site. 'SBW'* * . imembers are also encouraged: to attend and: assist: with. training and-social activities around the campfire on” , ny Saturday &vening, : Activities: start on Saturday morning- and. finisti about 4pm on Sunday. heehee | foo te :, Phone: Bill Holland 9484, 6636 (my 0418: 210290)-bilitiolland@blepond.c corn oat ae _Phone: Ratrick: Jamies 9567: 98 pjames28@bigpond. net. ques sc wt. ae ic Mo u ' oom Erskine Creek Lilo Trip 5/3/06 Nigel Weaver The five participants headed off from the Jack Evans car park in fine and warm weather, with a little cloud - ideal for our tilo trip. Shortly along the track there was a great cliff top view of Erskine Creek flowing far below us in the gorge. We followed the track down to the creek, inflated the lilos and floated off down river. The water temperature in Erskine Creek is pleasant - you do not feel as cold as you do in the rivers of the upper mountains. We made our way on the water across long pools as well as fast-flowing runnels between rocks and boulders. The scenery was pleasant, with the river flanked by high wooded hills and sheer cliffs studded with caves and overhangs. This was great fun! One person accidentally burst his lilo by launching himself onto it at a point where it was just above a submerged rock. Thereafter he had to make his way downstream by inflating part of the lilo and using it as a float! We ail made it safely to the end of the trip and then made our way back up to the car park. It was a great day with lots of fun and camaraderie. The five participants consisted of four members (Nigel Weaver, Marian Plaude, Grahem Conden and Brad Peterson) plus one prospective (Richard Maneschi). Worth doing again! The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc. The Sydney Bushwalker April 2006 Page 11 Walks Notes 8 December 2005 to 4 January 2006 Zol Bodlay and his summertime gourmet walk from Heathcote to Waterfall on Saturday 10 December led off for the month, with a party of 11, beautiful sunny weather and 4 pristine pool swims, though one must suspect that it was the pools that were judged to be pristine rather than the swims. The walk went to program including a 2 hour feast and all enjoyed the experience of a leisurely stroll through the forest. The Sunday of that weekend saw John Pozniak and a party of 3 out on his qualifying walk on the Pittwater Coast making their way from West head to McCarrs Creek. Things went smoothly apart from a number of last minute cancellations attributed to Saturday night Christmas excesses and a prospective having a minor problem locating the meeting point at the start. Low tides assisted the various creek and estuary crossings along the way and although the last section from Elvina Bay to McCarrs Creek Road was somewhat overgrown, the views and waterfalls more than made up for this. The party noted a number of goannas in passing but it was the one trying to snaffle eggs from the brush turkey nest and being thwarted by a vigorous defence by the custodian that attracted most of the attention. Jim Callaway cancelled his walk from Waterfall to Otford that day due to a lack of starters though whether this was due to a further occurrence of the aforesaid Saturday night excesses is unclear. Nigel Weaver was also out that day, with a party of 10 on his Middle Harbour Bushland walk around the Middle Harbour foreshores. There were views aplenty, starting from Sugarloaf Hill and the rock platforms at the South East corner of Castlecove where morning tea was taken, then on to the lookout in Harold Reid Reserve at Middle Cove with just a brief look at Innisfallen Castle in between. Then it was down from the lookout to make their way across to Castlecrag peninsula and take advantage of the low tides to walk eastward along the Northern foreshore to an afternoon tea spot in a grassy clearing by the harbourside. From there it was just a matter of climbing steeply to cross Edinburgh road and descend (also steeply) to Sailors Bay, track around to the head of the bay and ascend yet again to emerge on Edinburgh road near Castlecrag shops for coffees and milkshakes to complete a pleasant and vary scenic walk. Wilf Hilder led a midweek walk on Tuesday 13” December with an undisclosed party size on his Bicentennial Coastal walk from Dee Why to Manly in mild summer weather. In fact the weather was so mild Wilf reckons the walk should be downgraded to easy-medium. A feature of the walk was the noted improvement in the bushland due to continuing regeneration work along the route. The party lunched in the shade and swam in the rock pool at the Southern end of Curl-Curl beach before negotiating the famous Harbord tunnel. This done, they swam again in the Queenscliff rock pool to bring the trip to a very pleasant end. David Trinders qualifying walk down to the Kowmung from Kanangra Walls and back went over the weekend of 17, 18 December but no other details are to hand. Saturday that weekend saw lan Thorpe and a party of 3 out on his canyoning trip in the Wollemi National Park. Conditions were somewhat daunting on the drive there what with torrential rain and thunderstorms but by the time they arrived the worst of that had cleared and the walk looked do-able. A spot of ropework was required to bypass a small waterfall in the creek but things became easier after morning tea before the walls started to close in, turning the gully into a small gorge. They reached the junction with the Wollangambe River for afternoon tea, briefly checked out the Wollangambe Crater then high-tailed it back up the track to the cars. All in all a great exploratory walk. Providing somewhat of a contrast, Errol Sheedy led his Sunday walk out from Bundeena into The Royal, also with a party of 3, in fine hot conditions. They emerged from the wilds of RNP into the perilous precincts of post Cronulla riots Bundeena. They were relieved to discover that the presence of several police officers had effectively tamed the locality prior to their arrival. Kenn Clacher led a party of 10 in all on his Christmas New Year walk in along a section of the Alpine Walking Track from near Mount Wills in Victoria to Tom Groggin in NSW over the period 26 December to 2 January in the new year. Kenn seems to have not been impressed by the route. Maurice Smith led a party of 8 on his Snowy Mountains walk out from Guthega over a period just one day shorter than Kenns trip. Conditions were generally warm with march flies featuring all too often. They did manage to find the occasional swimming pool to cool off at times but the heat was a bit much. The final conclusion however was that it was good to be back in that country again and the walk overall was enjoyable. Bill Holland led the traditional outing to Balmoral Beach on Wednesday 4 January 2006. We will close this walks report here and deal with the couple of leftover reports in next months notes. Page 12 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2006 Thirty years on, or Reunion 2006 It was a memorable weekend”. Those words introduce the 1976 Reunion in the photo display of that unusual event. The roof of the Hut (aka the “Shelter Shed”) was put on by our own members whilst the normal Reunion activities continued around them! Attendance, considered “modest” in the report on the weekend, was 58 adults and about 20 children.* Memorable describes this years Reunion, too, but for different reasons! How many were there? Do not ask. Apologies had come in from all over.,.birthday parties, someone elses wedding, school fetes and goodness knows what else. Suffice it to say that just under half of our assembly were Past Presidents and let us note that they sang with gusto at Campfire time, a welcome song to Jan, who was not able to be there; and as Fran and Spiro had catered generously we were able to celebrate with more than the usual amount of fruit cake and spinach pie! We sat in a circle for our Campfire and tossed the conversational ball from one to another and the performers were able to encourage participation from their audience. Bob Hodgson was there with his harmonica; Bill Holland was persuaded to sing his childrens song “The Broken Doll and Helen Gray and Don Matthews educated us with The Bare Facts”, the true story, in verse and song, about the apprehension, in the 1940's, of two gentlemen members for sunbathing au naturel at Era. They were stoutly defended by Marie Byles, but nonetheless fined for their “misdemeanour”. Don Matthews Then we had an outline of how the Shelter Shed came into being, illustrated by an Epic Ode written at the time, and George Gray told us of some unrecorded stories about characters and events, so that we'll know what to expect when we get around to building the new toilet! And then, as a lead in to the welcome of the new President, the History of the Bone and the Gong was related. There was a “Bone” made from wood, which broke on demand, so to speak, during the enactment of incidents in 1947,when the Gong was introduced to protect the ageing Bone, and in 1986, when the hammer was introduced to dong the Gong The weather stayed fine, the swimming was pleasant for those so inclined, and we could again, with the low river level, see the rapids at the old crossing, just as the explorers did in 1819..But that's another story! It was pleasant to meet up with Jenny and Don Cornell, down from Tabulam, to admire Wilf's track making, and to hear the latest about Coolana doings from Don Finch. And we learnt about some otherwise unrecorded Club History. A good warm up, we said to each other, for the 80th Anniversary next year! e Much the same as the 75th Anniversary, but from a membership base of around 300. Our highest ever attendance was in 1960, with about 155 adults and 50 children from a Membership of around 250. Off trail in / the Centre Our trips go to wonderful places - you will never find if you go on ~ - your Own. You certainly won't see them with another tour operator. www.bushwalkingholidays.com.au 12 Carrington Our reputation has gained us permission to visit magnificent areas not open to the general public. Watarrka. No other area in central Australia gives you the experience of EVERY major habitat (mountains, desert dunes, riverine, gorges) and art sites as weil. (Our website has a report one of our clients wrote about one of our Watarrka walks.) West Macdonnells. Deep, rugged gorges, permanent waterholes and spectacular mountain views. Our walks include the only nearly permanent creek in the region Great weather. Crisp, clear days and cool to cold nights in winter, hot to warm days and cool nights in spring. Want more information Visit our website or ask for our brochure and trip notes. The Sydney Bushwalker April 2006 Page 13 | Bushwalking in a Wetsuit - Reflections on Canyoning _ w. James Cryer Inspired by a Trip to Whungee-Wheengee Canyon (North side of the Wollangambe River) February, 2006 - Group of 8 lead by Ian Wolfe. Canyoning, to me anyway, is the gentle art of relentlessly following a stream or creek down its course wherever it goes be it above ground or below, until you discover wherever it disgorges its load usually into yet another, bigger stream, several hundred feet lower than where you started. The canyoner is obliged at various times to be a rock-wallaby, gekko and platypus, thereby replicating some of the life-forms found in the region. In the case of the Blue Mountains, its streams have a habit of ducking underground at any opportunity, following fissures and cracks in the great vaults of sandstone that make up the region. Sandstone itself is a marvelous medium, allowing its surface to be carved into the most phantasmagorical shapes and textures. Combine this with exotic colors oranges, purples, pinks and yellows and you have Natures perfect palette - an artist and sculptors geological wonderland. The resulting structures however, take on a surreal quality when viewed from the underworld - the habitat of fishes and platypus the world the enthusiastic canyoner seeks to invade. This region (in particular the southern end of the Wollemi National Park, just north of Mt Wilson) is characterised by great vertical fissures that plunge downwards, dissecting it with the precision of a surgeons knife. Up above, the top-soil of the flat, eucalyptus and wattle-laden plateau is baked hard by the glaring sun. It is hard to imagine that a wet, dark, almost mysterious sub-agendum lurks not far beneath. This is the land of canyons, not in the Grand sense, but in the micro scale of things, which is home to unique, rarely-seen and largely unknown groups of life-forms ferns, water-insects, lizards, fishes all of which thrive in these dank crevices, largely undisturbed by Man. This is also the unique habitat of the famous Wollemi Pine, discovered only in 1994, and now a metaphor for all that is strange and unique about this region. There are many secrets, still fo be revealed, that lie undiscovered in its inaccessible terrain, some of it so impenetrable that it will probably remain undiscovered for ever. To visit this region, is to time-travel back to the age of dinosaurs in the era of the Gondwanaland super- continent. It was into these primordial depths that the 8 of us plunged, with relish and not a little apprehension. Whungee Wheengee Canyon does not disappoint with its mind-numbing smorgasbord of sensory delights not all for the faint-hearted but we will come to them later. It has three delightful abseils, numerous sink-holes to be followed downwards (like the proverbial rat down the drainpipe); several good underground swims including a couple of duckunders and, of course, much traipsing along in knee to waist high water. Like all good things it doesnt disclose its secrets without a struggle. It takes nearly two hours to get there, firstly down the fire trail from Mt Wilson to the Wollangambe River, then a serious climb up the other side followed by a reasonable stroll along the adjoining plateau. The entrance itself is quite unprepossessing, merely a small gully requiring a 10-metre abseil into it. From there you realise you're on a one-way elevator ride down into the unknown as you commit to one sink-hole after another. You kiss goodnight to daylight as you drop into a darkened cavern and wade along its sandy bottom feeling the canyon walls with outstretched arms and overcome with a strange cocktail of emotions. You know you're not designed to be here. You are wearing boots and a wet-suit and you're a guest in a Strange, surreal, frightening but mesmerising environment, accentuated all the more by the adrenaline you're pumping out by the litre. Soon you see the dim glow heralding that the solar- powered world outside still exists and you paddle furiously towards it, hampered somewhat by your boots and day-pack which is your personal buoyancy-vest, strapped to your back. (In between enjoying the metaphysical sensations, you cast a thought that your camera and film are safe from the total immersions and other batterings theyre copping.) We progress on our subterranean odyssey, re- grouping occasionally and letting the strangeness of it all wash over us. We gaze upwards, as if drawn by a spiritual reflex, to admire the voluptuous curves and intricate patterns carved on the great buttresses that rise up vertically above us. No words can convey the beauty, so deviously hidden from surface-dwellers gaze, like the gargoyle carved with such intricate care by the ancient stonemason, hidden from all but the eyes of God. Were we trespassing into some sacred domain? Eventually we came to one of those challenges we knew existed but hoped would go away. In one of the deep pools the roof came ever closer to the water-level until another one of those moments of truth where the choice is to remain in an underground tomb forever or take a deep breath and duck under. Without a moment's hesitation we did what comes naturally and splashed like a fish to the next chamber where a welcome glow again signaled salvation. | Page 14 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2006 | For several hours we remorselessly followed that convoluted creek as it ducked and weaved through solid bed-rock, broke out again into daylight, then tried to elude us by diving down a rat-hole of boulders the size of fridges. Like sleuths on the case we didn't let it out of our sight. Deep inside the mountain the elusive stream again dropped out of sight, requiring us to engage in two more under-ground abseils. They were each secured by eye-bolts let into the rock and both only about seven metres but both presented tricky overhangs. In turn, we each negotiated the perilous starts but alighted at the bottom with the precision of a ballet dancer on the sandy floor, to resume our quest. Further navigation brought us out into a narrow chasm, with walls seemingly reaching to the sky. We followed it around several twists and turns, and suddenly through a narrow slot it disgorged us at the doorstep of the Wollangambe River, leisurely cruising past us, in its own private, bigger, wider personal canyon. There are no easy options in this part of the world and another hour of swimming (or li-lo paddling) awaited us. This itself was a sensory experience, in the slightly warmer (less freezing?) waters of the Wollangambe, as we followed its majestic path through towering cliff-lines, sandy beaches and massive rock-falls. Nearly a kilometre downstream we came to an insignificant patch of sand and a steep rocky backdrop, which was the passport back to the sunlit uplands and civilization as we know it. Another hour of back-breaking climbing up through the bush followed, giving us time to contemplate our recent trip into that cool, languid, hidden world - only visited by the privileged or the foolhardy. We either didnt know, or couldn't care, that some of us were merrily bushwalking along still in our wet- Suits. W. James Cryer, February, 2006 The Mid-Week Walkers The Mid-Week Walkers are an informal group of SSW members who have time to spare for mid- week activities, some of which are shown on the Walks Programme and some organised at short notice and advised by monthly newsletter. If you would like to receive our newsletter or join us on an activity please phone me on 9484 6636 or email billholland@bigpond.com Twelve enthusiastic members and visitors enjoyed a very pleasant week in the snowy Mountains in late March. We stayed at the Woorabinda Ski Lodge in Jindabyne in very comfortable rooms with ample space to relax after each days activity. Monday was arrival and settling in day with a look around Jindabyne and an early start to happy hour. On Tuesday we relived some old memories with a circular walk from Dead Horse Gap up to the top of the Rams Head Range and return. After this climb we relaxed a little on Wednesday with a lakeside walk but became more energetic on Thursday with a walk from Charlottes Pass to the Blue Lake. Friday was a cleanup and departure day to finish a very social week. Next we plan to visit Canberra In Autumn, You are welcome to join us from Monday 24th to Friday Cy 28th April. We will ride the great cycleways around Canberra. Two cabins have been booked at a caravan park in cabins and there is room for tents if needed. Cycling is the main activity but there will be optional activities for those with a preference for other than riding a bike. Planning is underway for other activities later in the year Here are the mid-week day walks planned for the coming weeks. Please refer to the Autumn Walks Programme for leaders and other details Tuesday 25” April (Anzac Day) Blue Mountains NP Faulconbridge - Sassafras Creek - Numantia Creek and Falls - unmapped pad - Sassafras Creek - Magdala Creek - Springwood. Mostly easy tracks in shady ferny gullies, but some rough pad sections over a spur in the middle. Tuesday 2nd May Illawarra Coast Gerringong Train Station - Gerringong Harbour - Werri Beach - Marsden Head - Friars Cave - Kendalls Point - Kiama Train Station. Very scenic coastal walk - early start - late finish. Tuesday 9 May Davidson Park SRA St Ives - Middle Harbour Creek - Roseville Bridge - Lindfield Station. An interesting walk with historical aspects. Tuesday 30“ May Bicentennial Coastal Walk Central - L90 bus - Bilgola Beach & Head - The Hole in the Wall? - St. Michaels Cave -Bangalley Head - Dolphin Bay - Barrenjoey Head - Palm Beach - L90 bus to City. Spectacular views on this coast walk. The Sydney Bushwalker April 2006 Page 15 Jans Northern Beaches Bash (Or: Dry Sox All The Way - For Some) __ Susi Arnott After a superbly fine-tuned car shuffle involving taxis from Manly, the group huddled under a palm tree at Newport and peered up at far-from-promising skies. Those without their gortexes (heinous crime!) feared they were in for a shivery day. However after fifteen minutes round Bungan Head, hopping over rocks, skirting around boulders and leaping to avoid rushes of water, no-one seemed too worried about the cold; indeed, the minute the group reached northern Mona Vale and left the beach to visit the amenities, your scribe took the opportunity to leap into the sea to discover that it felt much warmer than the outside air. After a plod along the sands of Mona Vale, we climbed up the Warriewood steps to see the Sunrise … Caf that is; the first essential coffee stop listed in the walk description. Deserted and wild Turimetta Beach gave way to the Narrabeen Rock Pool, where some of us joined the local swimming club for a dip, though we declined the race competition. Narrabeen/Collaroys sands having lived up to their usual reputation (has anyone ever experienced a nice hard low tide surface under root there?), we staggered up onto the southern headland and collapsed for lunch. n a : OX. Amid the general hilarity over such a : Yes, and I'd like an ice cream… well, blow us all if both sox and ice creams appear just a few minutes later! Courtesy of Brian, whod run a that very morning while we ambled along the shores, and had then ridden his motorbike to meet us, and still had the energy and affability to grant these most facetious of wishes. The very deep channel running at the north end of Dee Why looked threatening fo. the DRY SOX - but they escaped unscathed. Did the gallant Brian carry our fearless leader across? Or did she remove her sox and wade? My lips remain sealed. On to Curly where we resisted the urge to drop in on Ro for hot scones (Why didnt you come?? she later cried. Bogged down in work at home, she would have welcomed an excuse for a cuppa!) We soldiered on round the rocks to Freshie, then through the tunnel to North Steyne, and our penultimate destination … the Bavarian Bier Cafe on the Manly Wharf. But not before wed performed a classic SBW manoeuvre in broad daylight in the car in a busy street and changed our clothes from grotty to slightly less grotty. In the Beer Caf our numbers swelled from 18 to 25 (at least) and we all ended up for a banquet organized by our wonderful leader (whod by now swapped her dry sox for sandals) at a wonderful the Wi Marn Thai Restaurant on the beachfront. Thank you Jan for a wonderfully organised day, and Carole Beales for her 2 IC assistance. Participants: on the walk - 18 members and 2 prospectives, at the Beer Caf - 25, at the Thai Restaurant - 20. * A WORD OF CAUTION *** It has been drawn to the attention of the club committee that there may well be legal issues arising from people either joining a walk late, or leaving a walk early and walking out on their own. Apart from the obvious risks involved in walking alone (accidents and injuries), legal issues may arise given that the walk was an official SBW event. The committee resolved that it is the responsibility of any walker joining a programmed walks late or leaving it early to personally advise the leader of that walk of his/her intention.

Page 16 The Sydney Bushwalker April 2006

Leader profile - Kenn Clacher

Salvation is at hand! After wondering for so many years why walks that | publicise on the Walks Programme fail to attract hordes of eager participants, our recent inaugural Leaders Newsletter shows the way. It contained (amongst other items of interest) two separate articles: one about walks leaders marketing themselves to members who dont know them or their style of walking, and the other about preparing a leaders profile as a means of telling your fellow members about yourself and the style of walks you lead.

It was suggested that the leaders profile be sent to the Membership Secretary. But | had a better idea. Why not prepare my profile and then have it printed in the magazine and so use it as a marketing tool? It may also help reinforce the conventional wisdom about the difficulty of my walks that appears to be common within the club. So here goes.

Walk locations

My walks are always hopelessly difficult. | only ever go to really rough, unpleasant places. Pleasant, open, level terrain becomes tiger country beneath my partys feet. Walks that are easily negotiated with other leaders become gruelling ordeals with me. | make crossing a road an exhausting marathon experience. Dense scrub, deep chasms, steep cliffs appear as if by magic in front of my parties. | invariably choose the most difficult route from A to B - if it isnt difficult, why bother?

Walking hours

Walking doesnt always start before dawn - only when it is cold and packing the tent causes the fingers to freeze. If it would be more comfortable making an early start to beat the heat of the day, then of course its a late start. Either way, the route is chosen so that we always make camp in the dark. {t really wouldnt do to be able to see where to make your sleeping spot. If necessary | will manufacture a navigational stuff-up to achieve the late finish. This is not usually required however as standard practice is to navigate by trial and error.

Walking style

Relaxed. Walking is alternated with running - 10 minutes of running followed by 30 seconds of walking to let the party regroup (but see the 25 metre rule below). Walking is never on tracks or fire trails. | will take the party to the side of such blights on the landscape lest the party become soft.

Campsite selection

Campsites are usually well away from water, requiring a big water carry when the party is at its most tired. Unless of course it is swampy, damp, scrubby and mosquito-ridden next to the water. Either of these laudable principles may be sacrificed if a really rough, rocky, sloping campsite presents itself. Tents are discouraged - they are acceptable only in the direst of weather such as blizzards or flooding rain.

Party management skills

Exemplary, of course. Party members are sacrificed and eaten only if they fall more than 25 metres behind the party (or otherwise if we run short of food). Alternatively, to provide variety and for the amusement of the masses we may tease stragglers by always moving off when a straggler approaches any closer than 25 metres to the body of the party. New members are sensitively encouraged by being top of the menu unless they carry the leaders pack and keep up (see the 25m rule above). If any whipping of party members is required (for minor disciplinary breaches) it is done discreetly. Communication skills are good. The party always clearly understands that they are there purely for the convenience of the leader. The party is never in any doubt that the leader never knows where he is, where he has been and where he is going or at what time he wiil arrive there.

Pack sizes Light packs are encouraged - there has to be room in packs to distribute the leaders slippers, beer, pyjamas, camp seat etc. between party members.

That should just about do it. To join one of my trips please call only between 3:00am and 3:01am every second Wednesday. sat , The Sydney Bushwalker

April 2006 Page 17

Walking Somewhere Different - Flinders Island

The Furneaux Group of islands looked like jewels in the ocean as we flew over them in our 9 seater plane. The strong wind threw us around as we descended, but, our pilot refused our congratulations on a smooth landing, saying, Its my job. The roaring winds became a constant feature of the series of walks that seven of us enjoyed between 28” December and 5“ January. | was prepared for brilliant coastal scenery, eccentric people, the abovementioned wind and

mM ot

for things to go wrong. | was not disappointed.

We were told in the main town of Whitemark, where we stocked up on goodies at the supermarket and delicious food at the bakery, that no water was available for our 5 hour walk to Trousers Point. We bought some. Our camping gas had not arrived as it seems that Dave forgot to order it. We relied on the metho cookers until a kind soul delivered our gas canisters to our camp site at the end of Day 2. We walked the 12 kms south to Fotheringate Bay with the wind thankfully behind us and, although tired, enjoyed the views of rough seas and red lichen covered rocks in the Strzelecki National Park. Our drooping spirits revived when we saw the new gas bbqs, shelter, tables and seats at the campsite at Trousers Point. It was in a sheltered position with views to the mountains and bays through the trees. Here we used the first of many clean toilets on the island complete with toilet paper.

On Day 2 we climbed Mt Strzelecki, which rises 759 metres from the sea, and chose the one day during our visit that the summit was covered in grey mist. We did enjoy some magic views of our surroundings and the coast and found a sheltered spot for lunch.

Flinders contains a chain of granite mountains with a variety of towering, craggy and formidable rocks to admire. We saw a lone Cape Barren Goose and a wombat, but, there were wallabies and paddy melons near our camp. Some locals arrived to cook a large flathead which they shared with us. Tony caught and cooked squid whilst most of us slept.

Maureen Carter

We left early on Day 3 to avoid the rising tide and begin our exploration of the numerous coves with red and yellow lichen covered granite which was easily negotiated and not slippery. It was time consuming; however, as we kept stopping to admire the blue/green clear-water coves and take photos. The bird life was prolific with pied cormorants, Pacific gulls and oyster catchers amongst others.

It was a blue skied day warm enough to enjoy swimming in Tasmania for once. We found a perfect camp site on the coast at Joes Creek but the water was too brackish. | whipped the tired party on to the recommended Reddins Creek but the water was only marginally better. It tasted particularly foul when milk was added to tea.

Our luck with the weather ran out half way through Day 5 when the roaring forties blew up to gale force and the rain drenched us as we walked from Logan Lagoon around Pot Boil Point and back to Yellow Beach. The wild Tassie weather had a beauty of its own but all were glad to be back in warm clothes and our spacious shed. Kay walked to the shop and fed us a delicious happy hour.

On Day 6 we returned to Whitemark in Jimmys mini-bus and continued our relationship with the bakery, meeting interesting people and devouring pies and cakes. We farewelled Kay and Tony, booked into the Cabin Park and returned to town for an excellent pub dinner. The Tassie scallops were delightful but | probably shouldnt mention the delicious Flinders Island wallaby with red wine sauce.

The wind was still loud and strong on Day 7 when we hired a car for 2 days to access some walks further north; however, we decided to do the tourist things instead. We enjoyed our trip to the North East River at the north-east corner of the Island and visited Killiecrankie and the excellent museum at Emita. [ was so glad we had a resourceful man with us after | crashed the car into a fence post (after a tyre blow out), as Don masterminded its extraction from the barbed wire fence and changed the tyre. | Page 18

The Sydney Bushwalker April 2001

It was good to retire to the cabin that night rather than suffer the wind in the tent.

On Day 8 | woke to an eerie silence as the wind had dropped, which was a good sign, as we planned a round walk to Mt Leventhorpe. It was a perfect day with clear skies, some challenging rock scrambles, much recently burnt scrub and not one tiger snake in sight. Only two were seen on the whole trip. We celebrated at the pub with a final dinner and declared the trip a success.

The party was made up of Kay Chan, Tony Manes, Jan Roberts, Jeanne Klovdahl, Liz & Don Wills and Maureen Carter (leader). \f you want a holiday with a difference, try Flinders {sland. The locals are friendly and talk about Tasmania as if they were not a part of that State; the scenery is varied and superb; there are 120 species of birds; and, you can enjoy a holiday as relaxing or busy as you please. Ill be back.

Swims Galore Ron Watters

We had six in one day. But it was hot in the Bargo Gorge and everyone agreed the water was the place to be.

Junction Pool was the tops. At the junction of the Bargo and Nepean Rivers it is 150 metres long and 80 metres wide. A small ledge to enter then it is way over the head. A cooling delight, just the place to have lunch to finish the mornings walk.

The would- be Olympians flashed across these depths urged on by the strips of cold water alternating with the warm. Others proceeded in a more leisurely manner or just plain wallowed around. ~

Up above the banks were many rich yellow hotlowed out caved off various shapes and sizes.

A few hours earlier we had found the old rusting diesel engine and made the gentle climb to the plateau. The track was all what a bushwalking track should be. Half a metre wide, no overhanging scrub and the odd 20 metre rise and fall as we skirted the rim of the gorge.

Jumbuck leap was a perfect morning tea stop. Mermaid Pool and its waterfall was immediately below and upstream the linking cascades to See

Through pool and back to our starting point. Alas there were no leaping sheep or finned ladies reclining on the rocks below.

Just before descending into the gorge we could see the Sydney plain in the distance.

Of course we did have to earn our lunch with a spot or two of boulder clambering but that did not last long and was interspersed with long rock platforms.

After lunch we traversed the bottom of the gorge. Walk an hour cool off with swim for 20 minutes.

The climb out of the gorge on the true left has been replaced with a nicely graded and tagged track on the true right and | had no hesitation in following it.

Just after 5PM we gazed down on the See Through Pool. Would we climb down and back up? Of course! Only 30 metres and the water was so inviting. There is nothing like showering under the feeding cascade to rejuvenate before a 20 minute stroll back to the cars.

It looked liked every citizen of Tahmoor was at the Inn. But Liz quickly organized some tables in the new outdoor area for a most convivial dinner in the cool of the evening. To plagiarize many a schoolboy or school girl author tired and happy they all went home

Ron and his merry band of 10.

The Sydney Bushwalker: First Edition July 1931 Official publication of The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc.

The Sydney Bushwalker April 2006 Page 19

MEDIA RELEASE 10 April 2006


vot afi Bibbatmun



Experience Western Australia wildflowers on an exciting 8-day Highlights of the Bibbulmun Track Tour led by the Bibbulmun Track Foundations experienced guides departing Perth on18 September 2006.

The Bibbulmun Track in Western Australia is one of the worlds great long-distance walk trails, stretching almost 1000kms from Kalamunda in the Perth Hills to Albany on the south coast. The Track passes through some of the most diverse and beautiful coastal, forest and rural areas of Australias south west, and the Highlights Tour allows participants to experience glimpses of the very best sections. In 2004, the Bibbulmun Track won the 2004 WA Tourism Award for Significant Tourist Attraction.

The Tour coincides with the spectacular West Australian Wildflower season, which draws visitors from all over the world to marvel at over 12,000 species found within its border, many unique to the State. The wildflower season ranks as one of Western Australia's most fascinating and precious natural treasures.

The Highlights itinerary has been carefully compiled to combine a variety of day-waiks with off-track accommodation. Lead Guide, Steve Sertis, who has walked the length of the Track three times and knows it like the back of his hand said We've selected a range of full and half-day walks and participants will experience the varied landscapes of the Bibbulmun Track from the spectacular ocean views and coastal heath-lands in the far south through the magnificent karri and tingle forest and up to the rolling hills and jarrah forests in the northern section.

A private bus provides transport to and from the Track each day and participants will experience a number of unique eco-tourism attractions in the region and visit some of the boutique wineries and arts and crafts centres. Each evening the group returns to comfortable accommodation in the rural towns and villages along the Track to relax and enjoy a delicious dinner.

Participants need carry only a small daypack containing their lunch, a camera, water bottle, etc. and the flexible itinerary caters for all levels of experience.

The Bibbulmun Track Foundation is a not-for-profit, community-based organisation established to provide support for the management, maintenance and marketing of the Bibbulmun Track. They have been conducting guided walks on the Bibbulmun Track for a number of years and are pleased to be able to offer this extended itinerary. All proceeds from this trip support the ongoing sustainability of the Bibbulmun Track.

For more information call (08) 9481 0551, send an email to events@bibbulmuntrack.org.au or go to www.bibbulmuntrack.org.au

For more information or additional images contact Jean Byrne, Marketing Manager on (08) 9321 0649 email: marketing@bibbulmuntrack.org.au or Linda Daniels, Executive Director on (08) 9481 0551 email: friends@bibbulmuntrack.org.au

| Page 20

The Sydney Bushwalker

April 2006


Hi Everyone,

Firstly | would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be Social Secretary again. | was unsure before the AGM if | would/could take on the position. Having been nominated, | spontaneously decided to accept the challenge.

The 2006 AGM was a most exciting affair. There was a record attendance of at least 50 people with a choice among 3 contenders for President - congratulations Jan! On behalf of the Committee,

presence, support and choice of candidates. And of course, congratulations to all the new Committee.

The annual SBW reunion at Coolana on the weekend of 11/12 March was not as well attended as in previous years. Many apologies were received. Those who attended had a good time with great weather and the usual campfire celebrations.

The formal, swearing-in of the President (Jan) opened the March Soctal Evening. This was a fun ceremony - a pity to those who missed it, There followed a slide show by creativity writer David Synnottson on his Kokoda Trail trip. He even claimed there were NO LEECHES!

The May social evening features the SBW Indian Himalaya trip that took place in November 2005. This should be an awesome event, so write it in your diary NOW.

Lastly, | urge you to go out and enjoy your walking - autumn is possibly the best time for this. | look forward to seeing you either in the ctub rooms or on a walk.

Bye for now, Kathy

May Social Program

3 May Committee Meeting

7pm Observers welcome

10 May New Members night

8pm Introduction to SBW for intending prospective members

17 May Indian Himalaya Trip

8pm See and hear about the trip with SBW members led by Sue Fear. Jean Klovdahl will be hosting this evening assisted by fellow travellers.


The bright-looking dog

A guy walks into a pub with a dog. The barman says: Thats a mighty bright-looking dog. The guy says, Yeah, he sings like Frank Sinatra. The barman says, You must be very proud of him. The guy says, Not really. ! wanted him to be a doctor.

Mind your manners

A mother was working in the kitchen, listening to her five-year-old son playing with his new electric train in the living room. She heard the train stop & her son saying, “All of you bastards who want off, get the hell off now, cause this is the last stop! And all of you bastards who are getting on, get your ass in the train, cause we're going down the tracks.”

The horrified mother went in & told her son, “We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now | want you to go to your room & stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out, you may play with your train, but | want you to use nice language.

Two hours later, the son came out of the bedroom & resumed playing with his train. Soon the train stopped & the mother heard her son say, All passengers who are disembarking the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for travelling with us today & hope your trip was a pleasant one. She hears the little boy continue, “For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today. As the mother began to smile, the child added, “For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the fat woman in the kitchen.”

Leech By Elizabeth Stead (Copyright: Elizabeth Stead)

There is a leech in my garden, yes, there is

At dusk it waits for me to sit

on a bench with my book and

a glass of wine

and | watch its stow

disgusting journey all the way from the frog pond, head up and quivering in anticipation of blood suck,

wonder if

but | watch with unclean thoughts. It is difficult for me to imagine that a leech

love sucks the pores of skin with passion.

later, after dark -

Richard Gere, perhaps,

or a Spaniard.

To me, a leech is not in the least sexually attractive.

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