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SYDNEY BUSHWALKER is a monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers Inc, Box 4476 GPO Sydney 2001. To advertise in this magazine, please contact the Business Manager.

Editor Patrick James 5/2 Hardie Street Neutral Bay 2089 Telephone 9904 1515
Business Manager Elizabeth Miller 1 The Babette, Castlecrag, 2068 Telephone 9958 7838
Production Manager Frances Holland
Printers Kenn Clacher, Tom Wenman, Barrie Murdoch, Margaret Niven & Les Powell

THE SYDNEY BUSH WALKERS INCORPORATED was founded in 1927. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening at 8 pm at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, 16 Fitzroy Street, Kirribilli (near Milsons Point Railway Station). Visitors and prospective members are welcome any Wednesday.

President: Eddy Giacomel
Vice-President: Tony Holgate
Public Officer: Fran Holland
Treasurer: Greta James
Secretary: Don Wills
Walks Secretary: Bill Capon
Social Secretary: Peter Dalton
Membership Secretary: Barry Wallace
New Members Secretary: Jennifer Giacomel
Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland
Magazine Editor: Patrick James
Committee Members: Elwyn Morris & Louise Verdon
Delegates to Confederation: Jim Callaway & Ken Smith

April 1998

In This Issue, No. 761:

2From the Presidents Desk
3New President Decked with Symbols of Office
Subscriptions 1998/99
Nude Bushwalking: where to keep your Swiss Army Knife
4Your New Committee
5Club Coolana
6Away with the Birds by Patrick James
8All those Prizes by Patrick James
10Annual General Meeting by Barry Wallace
11From the Dungala Club
13Christmas-New Year week in the Snowy Mountains by David Trinder
Footnotes by Patrick James


P 5 Willis's Walkabouts
P 9 Alpsports
P 12 Eastwood Camping Centre
Back Cover Paddy Pallin

From the President's Desk

It is a great honour for me to have been elected President of the Sydney Bush Walkers. I have been a member of the club since 1984, though I didn't walk for some of those years. Even with membership of almost a decade and a half, I'm still finding that the Club has more history and long term members that I'm acquainted with.

Thanks to all the committee and to everyone else who has committed himself / herself to position in the Club for the coming year. We all benefit from the efforts of those who contribute to the club.

An area of concern is the Club's social activities over the past year or so, possibly due to the Social Secretary's position being vacant for the earlier part of the last year. I believe that it is important for club members to socialise with each other in a relaxed (ie discuss anything, not necessarily bushwalking) atmosphere on regular intervals, not just on walks. It is socialising that makes a club out of a group of bushwalkers. It is also important for new (and perhaps not so new) members to be able to easily meet Committee members, longer time members, leaders and other new members. SBW is such a large club that, if we were to meet only on walks, it could be years before we meet some other members, even those we consider close friends.

Dinners on 3rd Wednesdays

To enable more socialising, the dinners on the third Wednesday of the month will be revived. For those who are not familiar with the dinners, they are an informal gathering for a meal at a restaurant close to the clubrooms before the meeting. Refer to the next Social Program (ie the second last page of the Walks Program) for details.

Revised Format for General Meetings

General Meetings (ie the meetings on the second Wednesday of the month) will be followed by a time for socialising. Wine and nibbles (perhaps cheese) will be provided. Time will be made available by shortening the business part of the meeting, mainly by limiting the walks report (shortening Bill Capon's job before he has even started!). I believe the Club can benefit more from a general gathering than it can from a long formal business meeting.

However, it still remains YOUR club. We are always looking for walks leaders, assistants, writers of articles for the magazine, ideas, etc. The Club and the committee can only provide the framework, the rest is up to you.

Finally, please don't hesitate to approach me if you have any comments or ideas. The Club would not exist without contributions from members.

Eddy Giacomel

PS: Some people have difficulty in pronouncing my surname. If you have any Italian in you, its quite easy. Bank tellers in Italy ask me how to spell “Eddy”! However, if you don't have an Italian accent, try something like “Jackomel”.

Letters Letters Letters Letters

Ray Hookway writes. Harry Hill (The Wild Dog's Lament in last month's magazine) has written a history of Currango Homestead. The book's title is “Old Currango” available from Harry* for $24 + $5 p&p, and from Dymocks for $??. Harry is now researching a book on “Rules Point” guest house and wonders whether any of the older SBW members have any information. Rules Point Guest House was at Rules Point obviously, about half way between Talbingo and Kiandra, and was demolished by the SMA. It was run by a woman called Edna Prosser and I think she catered mostly for trout fishers. Rules Point is at the junction of the Snowy Mts. Highway and the road to Brindabella, not far from Yarangobilly and Yarangobilly Caves.

*121 Dulhunty St., Tumut 2726. 02 6947 2093

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, does not apply to the membership list, changes to name, address or phone numbers should be sent ASAP to Membership Secretary: Barry Wallace.

New President Decked with Symbols of Office

At the General Meeting on 8 April, our new president, Eddy Giacomel, was invested with the Symbols of Office. This moving, heart-warming and traditional ceremony was witnessed by the members present. Alex Colley, the doyen of the ex-presidents and SBW tribal elder, assisted and accompanied by 3 fellow ex-presidents, (Tony Holgate, Bill Holland and Greta James) collectively spoke the words and bedecked Eddy with the symbols and wished him (and the Club) well in his term of office.

After the investiture a photo opportunity insured that the event was recorded for posterity and then the newly invested president led the party to the wine, cheese and cake (baked by the New Members Secretary).


The subscriptions remain the same as for last year AND ARE NOW DUE.

single members $35
household membership $58
Non-active member $12
Non-active member + magazine $25
magazine subscription only $12

You may pay at the Clubrooms (cash or cheque) or by mail (cheque, bank cheque or money order), cheques etc. made out to Sydney Bushwalkers Inc. Payment by mail to the Treasurer, Sydney Bushwalkers Inc. GPO Box 4476, Sydney 2001

Include with your payment by mail the following details:

• membership type,
• name(s) of member(s) covered by this subscription,
• if changed, telephone numbers, mailing address + post code,

If you changed your family name during the year please tell us both names (old name & new name) to assist in identification of your membership record.

Extended Walk: Mittagong to Katoomba

David Rostron (9451 7943) has arranged the following walk since the walks program was published. Mittagong to Katoomba the scenic way: a medium walk taking in the highlights of the Blue Breaks and Gangerangs, approx. 110 km. Goodmans Ford, Murin Creek, Bulnigang Heights, Mount Colong, Mootik Wall, Yerranderie Peak, Yerranderie, Tonali River, Lacey's Gap, Tonali Tableland, Axehead Range, Burcher's Creek, Scotts Main Range, Kowmung River, possibly Kanagra, Mount Cloudmaker, Strongleg, Coxs River, Yellow Pup, Splendour Rock, Katoomba.

Nude Bushwalking: where to keep your Swiss Army knife

The cupboard is bare. No articles in stock, In reserve there is zilch, nil, zero, nothing, SFA, in comparison Mother Hubbard was a well endowed hoarder. With no articles the magazine will crash. Mr Murdoch or Mr Packer might make a hostile take-over grab for the magazine in its weakened state. What am I to do? Jump over the Gap? No never! Offer money and prizes? Now that might work. No, the way forward is via guilt. Hang a great big guilt trip over the readers. It's their magazine; they read it; they should also write it. All I do is put the pieces together. No articles, no worries, it's the readers fault, nothing to do with me. I'm one of the good guys. It's the readers (better still call them the non-writers) who are the bad guys. It's the non-writers who'll have to do something about the reams of blank pages that threaten the Sydney Bushwalker, not me.

An attention seeking headline might make the non-writers read this cry of help for articles for The Sydney Bushwalker. I wonder if it will work. Will I be inundated with copy, enough to plan 2 or 3 issues ahead? Will Brian Holden keep copious notes on his walk in order to write it up on his return? Will all these questions be answered? Will the question about the questions be answered?

Is all this becoming too much for me? Maybe the Committee will send me on an all expenses paid holiday to Hawaii again. Perhaps I should have a Bex, a cup of tea and a good lie down, then I'll feel better and will be able to finish the April Sydney Bushwalker.

Your 1998/99 Committee

President : Eddy Giacomel. Eddy joined the SBW in 1984 and kept a low profile for many years doing regular day and weekend walks dispersed between overseas business trips. For the last 3 years Eddy was the Walks Secretary, ideal training for the rigours of president.

Vice-president: Tony Holgate. This year Tony exchanged the presidential hat for the smaller hat of vice-president. Tony was treasurer in the James Committee. Tony joined the Club in 1992.

Secretary: Don Wills. A newcomer to the SBW in 1996, but not to walking, Don brings his Government service honed skills of committee ways and means to us. Don served on the last Committee as Committee member and now, after filling in for the previous secretary, has assumed this important position.

Treasurer: Greta James. Greta has been President, Secretary, Social Secretary and Committee Member, and in the Holgate committee was Treasurer. Greta continues as treasurer in this Giacomel committee. Greta joined SBW in 1984 and has been a popular walks leader.

Public Officer: Frances Holland. Besides being public officer, Frances is also Magazine Production Manager and has been Social Secretary and Committee Member. Frances joined SBW in 1984. Frances is an honorary active member in recognition of her work in front of and behind the scenes.

This is Bill Capon's second term as Walks Secretary, the first being in 1983/84. Bill joined in 1977. For this term of Walks Secretary Bill's aim is to promote new and interesting walks and also to encourage old and interesting walks which may have gone out of fashion.

Social Secretary: Peter Dalton. Although Peter started walking at eleven months it was not until 1995 that he joined SBW. Peter was Social Secretary in the Holgate committee.

Membership Secretary: Barry Wallace. For many years this position has been filled by Barry. Barry joined in 1966 and was president in 1974/75 and vice-president in 1980/81. Barry is an honorary active member in recognition of his work for the Club.

New Members Secretary: Jennifer Giacomel. Known until recently as Ms Trevor-Roberts, Jennifer was Committee Member and then New-Members Secretary in the Holgate committee. Jennifer joined in 1992

Conservation Secretary: Bill Holland. Bill is multi-functioned and multi-skilled having held the offices (not at once) of president, vice-president, walks secretary, social secretary, treasurer, public officer, new members secretary and now conservation secretary plus archivist. Bill also assists with training new members and with the magazine. Bill joined in 1980. Bill is an honorary active member in recognition of his work for the Club.

Magazine Editor: Patrick James. Patrick joined in 1985, was Editor in 1987, and Secretary in the Holland committee and now is Editor again. Some people never learn.

In 1964, young Jim Callaway joined SBW and has enjoyed every minute. Jim leads and is led on walks on track, off track and on standard gauge track. Jim has been one of the Confederation reps. since the 1960s, and at present is the President of the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs. Jim is also a member of the NP&WS advisory committee for the Royal National Park.

At long last Ken Smith joined SBW in 1991 after an introductory and prospective membership which started in 1976 (you can't rush into things) when his sister Faye brought him to the Club. Ken has completed 8 consecutive K to K in a Day walks: a record.

Members Representative (and Assistant Social Secretary), Elwyn Morris joined in 1983 and has been leading and led on walks ever since.

Members Representative Louise Verdon joined the Club in 1991 and is a keen cross country skier with a bent for walking in the wilds of Tasmania. This year is the first opportunity Louise has had to work on the Committee after being overseas last year.

Club Coolana

At the AGM it was uncertain if Joan Rigby wished to remain on the Coolana Maintenance Committee, and elections in absentia without notice are not the done thing. Now it is known that Joan does wish to remain on the Coolana Maintenance Sub-Committee and the Committee is delighted with this news. At the April Committee meeting Joan was appointed to the Coolana Maintenance Sub-Committee and at the same time our appreciation was recorded of her hard work, leadership and management of the maintenance program which has transformed Coolana. Thank you Joan.

Helpers at Coolana. Although much has been achieved at Coolana, we still need helpers at our maintenance weekends. The work does not have to be hard, we have a variety of helpful occupations. Contact Joan Rigby (02) 6247 2035.

Gardening tools are still needed at Coolana and we would be happy with your cast offs: rakes, spades, shovels, clippers, secateurs, wheel barrows, lawn mowers, whipper-snippers, D6, D8 or D10 dozer.

Furniture. There is a wooden table and three old school benches in the hut which we would love to turn into firewood. Their time has come! At Coolana we can use all any outdoor furniture, tables, etc. that is/are surplus to your needs.

Rubbish Removal. Please take home the glass and plastic bottles and glossy paper magazines you bring to Coolana. If you wish to leave small items for future use then label them and store them in the hut rafters.

Barbeque. The barbeque needs to be redesigned and rebuilt. A design with movable and removable fire bars and grid is favoured. Contact either Joan Rigby or Patrick James in the first instance, in the second instance the committee needs to give its blessing.

Away with the Birds

by Patrick James

The last weekend in March saw a determined group of nine gather at Coolana to carry out the first ever survey of avifauna on the property. It was fascinating to watch bird-watchers as they went about their watching. The practical demonstration of the different styles of bird-watching was a good lesson to the novice. Two basic types of watching are apparent. Type 1 is to sit still and let the birds come to the birdwatcher. For this you need a comfortable chair and a good book as it can become deadly boring. In the colder weather, warm clothing would also necessary together with a thermos of tea or coffee (perhaps with a dash of rum or whiskey), sandwiches and a radio or CD player. Since you should not talk and should you have a companion, a quick lesson in essential sign language is handy.

Type 2 is to move about on the prowl, pointing your binoculars at everything that moves. This is where the birdwatcher goes to the birds. You do need the ability to move about quietly and also not trip over as you walk about with the binoculars glued to your eyes and your feet being placed by instinct. Two variations on Type 2 are apparent. One where the watcher goes off into the wilds equipped with a field guide to birds (i.e a book not a ranger), and returns after one or two hours. The second is where the watcher having spotted a bird returns to a central point where the field guide is located. Thus in and out of camp like a fiddler's elbow.


No Virginia not an eye disease but devices to help one to see. The most common are binoculars, but monoculars and telescopes are also possible. Monoculars can be described as half an binocular or a telescope with a built-in focusing. The binoculars used on the walk (or watch) are tabled below. They varied widely in quality and price. The optics ranged from 7x to 10x magnification and from 22 to 40 mm diameter. For bird watching with a binocular magnification greater than about 8x it is difficult to hold the instrument steady. Larger diameter lenses means that more light enters the instrument and one can see in poor light. A diameter of 30 to 40 mm is fine; greater than this the instrument becomes too bulky and too heavy. The last two columns give the field of view; that is the width of what you see at a 1000 metres and 1000 yards. Column 3 gives the angle of view.

Brand: model optics angle

degrees view field

metres view field feet

Jason: 234R 7 x 25 7.2 125 376

Nihon 8 x 22 8.2 143 430

Sportsmatic 8 x 25 6.3 109 329

Nikon 8 x 30

Promura: Hilux 8 x 40 6.5 113 341

Olympus: 9x20PC 9 x 20 5.5 96 287

Tasco: 168RB 10 x 25 5.8 101 304

Minolta 10 x 25 6.5 113 339


These are essential. Field Guides are listed below together with their current retail prices. However not any field guide will do. They must be up to date. The bird list is constantly under review and each year some of the bird names change so a keen birdwatcher is almost obliged to update to the latest field guide. Birds are also given reference numbers which also updated and changed. For example a sparrow one year might be number 1007, and after review its number changes to 2784. Not really much help. Of course the birds don't know what numbers they've given and just continue to fly about their own business. The cynical reader might think that these changes were a marketing ploy to maintain sales of field guides, but I would never say that.

Bird Lists specific to a particular area can be ordered from Ronald Miller of Lapstone N.S.W. (02 4739 1190). For a small fee Ron prints out an extract equal to a grid of 1 degree x 1 degree from the Bird Atlas prepared by the Royal Australian Ornithologists Union. This indicates the birds that should be in your area, you can then go off, find them and tick them off on your list.

Day N and Simpson K (1996) Field Guide to the Birds of Australia, 5th edition, Penguin Books of Australia, Ringwood, Vic. ($35)

Pizzey G and Knight F (1997) A field guide to the Birds of Australia, Angus & Robertson, Sydney N.S.W. ($35)

Slater P, Slater P and Slater R (1989) The Slater Field Guide to Australian Birds, revised edition, Landsdown Publishing Pty. Ltd., The Rocks, N.S.W. ($29.95)


Between the nine of us we managed to see, spot or sight 44 different birds. Now that pretty good for nine people who collectively could be called rank amateurs. Of course there were one or two or three who really knew what they were doing. And one or two or three who really didn't.

Australian Wood Duck
Pacific Black Duck
Little Pied Cormorant
Large Black Cormorant
Whitefaced Heron
Purple Swamphen
Eurasian Coot
Brown Quail
Wonga Pigeon
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
Rainbow Lorikeet
Australian King Parrot
Crimson Rosella
Laughing Kookaburra
Superb Lyrebird
White-throated Treecreeper
Superb Fairy-wren
Superb Blue Wren
Varigated (Fairy) wren
White-browed Scrubwren
Brown Gerygone (Warbler)
Brown Thornbill
Lwein's Honeyeater
New Holland Honeyeater
Jacky Winter
Eastern Yellow Robin
Red-capped Robin
Golden Whistler
Rufous Whistler
Grey Shrike-thrush
Satin Flycatcher
Magpie Lark
Rufous Fantail
Grey Fantail
Willie Wagtail
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
Australian Magpie
Pied Currawong
Australian Raven
Satin Bowerbird
Red-browed Finch (Firetail)
Bassian Thrush
Common Blackbird


As you know bird watching can become extremely exciting and in the heat of the moment wrong (incorrect) sightings can be reported; hence the need for one or two or three clear, level-headed individuals to be present. Fortunately that's what we had. Notwithstanding all the level heads it is instructive to list the unconfirmed sightings..

snow petrel

No explanation for an albatross in Coolana has been put forward. The bird sighted was probably a common albino sparrow, or even a juvenile albatross from the extensive colony just south of Nowra.

Similarly no explanation for the snow petrel sighted has been proposed, probably just a sea gull a bit off course. The unconfirmed brolga and cassowary sightings were at dusk. Failing light and the onset of happy hour combined to prevent closer investigation and possibly confirmation of these two birds.

The pair of nesting moas caused great excitement but on closer inspection they turned out to be a pair of grass mowers in their purpose built hut.

The group of nine: Lorraine Bloomfield, Bill Holland, Fran Holland, Patrick James, Jim Percy, Mary Perry, Merrilyn Sach, Maurice Smith, Jo van Sommers. Saturday was fine and warm, Sunday was fine, overcast and cool.

All Those Prizes

By Patrick James

One of the highlights of the 70th anniversary dinner was the humungous (who know how to spell that, not Microsoft ) raffle. All those prizes, all those lucky winners. When we (the 70th Anniversary Sub-Committee) spoke with the people, companies and organisations who/which donated the prizes we did say that we would acknowledge the prize givers, and rightly so. The prizes varied from small, medium to large, but all were welcome and all of great value to the Club. The following list, in telephone book order, of the ten (10) prize donors is to let you know that they helped us and should the occasion arise you might help them with your business.


Suppliers of a full range of bushwalking, adventure and outdoor sports gear. Alpsport is located at West Ryde and is a regular advertiser in the Sydney Bushwalker.

Eastwood Camping.

Suppliers of a full range of bushwalking, adventure and outdoor sports gear. Eastwood Camping is located at Eastwood and is a regular advertiser in the Sydney Bushwalker.

Grand View Hotel.

The Grand View Hotel is located at Wentworth Falls and offers accommodation plus indoor and our door dining facilities. They have accommodation specials for both midweek and weekend. The hotel is close to the railway station which allows hassle free travel.

Jenolan Caves House.

Located at Jenolan just beyond the Devil's Coach-house Caves House offers accommodation and fine food plus the added feature of the caves and the nearby bush. Each month Caves House has a different promotion varying from Yuletide in winter to outdoor concerts in summer.

Mountain Equipment.

Suppliers of a full range of bushwalking, adventure and outdoor sports gear. Mountain Equipment is located in the City and has two suburban branches.

National Parks & Wildlife Service.

The NP&WS is a State Government organisation. The familiar rangers in National Parks are probably the most well known public profile of the Service. Other aspects of the Service are the protection and conservation of native flora, native fauna and Aboriginal archaeological sites. One recent event of international significance has been the discovery of the Wollemi pine: its protection, study and cultivation.

Paddy Pallin

Suppliers of a full range of bushwalking, adventure and outdoor sports gear. Paddy Pallin is located in the City and is a regular advertiser in the Sydney Bushwalker. Paddy's has inter- and intra- state branches.

St. John Ambulance.

St John Ambulance's activities include the provision of first aid at sporting and social functions, community care and the sale of first aid kits, products and manuals. Perhaps the most important activity of St John Ambulance is first aid training courses. The Senior First Aid Certificate and the Remote Area First Aid Certificate are well known to SBW members.

Trafalgar First Aid.

This Company specialise in the supply of first aid kits, products and modules. The kits range from individual kits for bushwalkers to small, medium and large kits for small, medium and large workplaces, cabinets to hang on the wall and kits to take to the patient.

Willis's Walkabout.

Willis's Walkabout is a regular advertiser in the Sydney Bushwalker. This Darwin based Company, started by Russell Willis in the mid 1980s, has walks usually in the Top End: Kimberley, Kakadu, Red Centre, etc. but will organise group walks anywhere in the world.

Annual General Meeting March 1998

by Barry Wallace

There were around 40 members present when the president called the meeting to order at around 20.18 and commenced proceedings. There were apologies for Jim Callaway, Peter Caldwell, Spiro Hajinakitas and several others but they passed too quickly for your scribe’s pen. We next welcomed new members Lyn Maybury and Stan Barker.

The minutes of the previous AGM were read and received with no matters arising.

Correspondence included a letter from Jim Callaway apologising for his absence, and from the Hon. auditor indicating that our accounts were judged to be acceptable.

The annual reports were taken as read and accepted. The financial statements were also taken as read and accepted by the meeting.

The passage of two procedural motions cleared the way for voting to proceed concurrently with the business of the meeting and established the voting procedures to be followed in the event of a contested position. Scrutineers were elected or dragooned; and the elections were away. You will have read all about the results by now so it remains only to convey to you gentle reader the ferocity of the contest that ensued. Suffice it to say there was some difficulty filing one or two positions, but thanks to extensive preparation by those who shall remain nameless, we were able to match people to most of the places.

A vote of thanks to the retiring Hon Solicitor, Barrie Murdoch was passed by acclamation.

The treasurer’s report for the month indicated that we began with a balance of $3,791, acquired income of $425, spent $3,420 and closed with a balance of $766. Steady there, the treasurer told us that subsequently, $2000 was transferred from the on-call account at Perpetual Trustees. The treasurer also proposed that the annual subscriptions be set at the same level as last year, and the meeting so agreed. We also donated $258.00 to the Colong Foundation.

In the absence of Eddy, interstate on business, Bill Holland presented the walks reports. We began with no report for Ken Cheng’s Cowan to Woy Woy Saturday walk. Errol Sheedy’s Heathcote to Sutherland walk on the Sunday went, led by a Don Brooks and John Coleman. There were six on the walk and conditions were very hot with swimming a popular activity. Jim Callaway reported a party of six and temperatures up to 37 degrees on his Sunday walk to Lake Eckersley. The real excitement for the day came when the party lunched in a different spot to the traditional one. They still managed to squeeze in 5 swims and came out at 1700 hours. Not too far away at Mount Ku-Ring-Gai Morrie Ward and the party of 14 on his trip from The Basin to Mackerel Beach were experiencing similar weather conditions. They also took to the water to make it more tolerable.

Margaret Sheens’ mid week Sydney Harbour Coastal Walk went on the Wednesday, led by Elwyn Morris, with a party of five.

The general belief of the meeting was that Ken Cheng’s Friday evening walk went, but there were no other details available. Of the weekend walks, Kenn Clacher’s two days worth of canyon trips was deferred to a more suitable occasion and Tom Wenman led 5 on his trip via Splendour Rock from Carlons. Morning conditions were cool but the day that followed turned out to be warm. Ken Smith had 4 on his Saturday day walk from Leura to Katoomba, Tony Maynes had 15 and a very warm, dry day for his Waterfall to Sutherland via Audley walk on the Sunday. The forecast cold water swimming may have been a relief. Tony Crichton also reported a hot day for the party of 7 on his walk out from Glenbrook. Dick Weston cancelled his Sunday walk and Wilf’s mid-week walk did not go.

Alan Donnelly’s programmed canyon trips over the weekend of 28 February, 1 March saw 6 starters hanging around down Heart Attack Canyon on the Saturday and 8 down Surefire Canyon on Sunday. They did not report on the weather but Nigel Weaver spilt the beans by telling us about the cool misty conditions that confronted the 9 who arrived to do his trip down Wollangambe Canyon on the Sunday. Such were the conditions that two of the starters didn’t. Frank Sander led 12 on his Chatswood to Pymble trip also on the Sunday. They simply reported a pleasant day.

The report for Eddy’s Colo River walk over the weekend of 7, 8 March indicated 5 starters and a pleasant weekend. Don Brooks had 5 on his Saturday walk out from Bowen Mountain which he described as perfect. Zol Bodlay led 9 on his Sunday walk in the Maroota area that they described as lovely. Geoff McIntosh’s Waterfall to Otford walk, also on the Sunday, was led by Errol Sheedy, with the ten starters reporting little water in the creeks. Bill Hope had a party of four on his Colo River day walk on a pleasant day.

Ian Rennard’s midweek walk with 9 starters on the Tuesday concluded the walks reports for the month.

Confederation report indicated that there have been bushfires on the eastern side of the Kowmung River. The NSW State Cabinet is due to meet in the Blue Mountains on 17 March

Conservation report covered the continuing baiting of foxes and feral dogs at Coolana by NPWS rangers. All baiting is done at bait stations, usually identifiable by the smoothed area of soft sand or earth around the baiting location. The NPWS access strategy document appears to have been overtaken by the release of the draft tourism strategy document. The meeting also received a report of apparent horse riding activity in the Gardens Of Stone National Park area. The conservation secretary will raise this with NPWS. The meeting passed a motion to donate $100.00 to assist the coalition opposing the Jabiluka mine development in the Kakadu area.

General business and the announcements followed, and the meeting closed at 21.57.

From the Dungala Club

First, on behalf of the ex (and present) members of the SBW who are in the Dungala Club, I wish to thank all those concerned in the organising of the many gatherings celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Sydney Bushwalkers Inc. My wife and I did not get to Coolana or the Nostalgia Night (sorry Don) but the Dinner and Manly Dam were great.

At this point some of your readers will be asking “What is the Dungala Club”. I am glad they ask for we now come to the second motivation for this letter. The Dungala Club was started many years back as a social club where ex-SBW members could keep in touch, go on outings which included some minor walking, and keep alive companionship originating in their walking days.

As Dungala members retired from the workforce many used their new leisure to fully explore their country and soon found bus camping trips the economical answer. In so doing they found new kindred souls. The membership of the Dungalas was then expanded to include these new friends.

I give this background as, when the Club was formed there was much opposition from some SBW members who felt Dungalas were poaching from SBW. “After all”, it was said. “there is provision for non-active SBW membership. What's the point of another club?”

The point of the Dungala Club is, while still retaining your links to the walking world, to widen your horizons and increase your social activities now your walking days are over. Some of our members retain non-active membership in the SBW, others don't, others were never walkers but have that spirit of enquiry and adventure that marks not only walkers but many others. We have our “walks” program, but the walks are short although full of interest.

So finally I reach the point. If you find your walking days are over, and you still want to get out and about, try the Dungalas,

Alan Wilson.


by Patrick James

My trusty calendar tells me that this month we have ANZAC day, two types of Easter, plus Croatian, Danish and Dutch national days. Full moon is on Easter Day right on schedule.

Significant birthdays are celebrated this month by Ex-president Bill Rogers and Brian Holden. To celebrate Bill may have a coffee or a beer with Roy and Trigger, Brian plans a 300 km/10 day walk down around the Snowy.

Last month I mentioned the errors that had occurred in the early days of the Magazine. In the February and March magazines this year deliberate errors were introduced as part of the “Spot the Errors” competition, with major international travel prizes. Unfortunately no correct entries were received and the fabulous prizes were not won. What a shame.

And a response from Clio. No not Clio the magazine but Clio the nom de plume or nom de marche of a SBW member. Clio writes that the first reference to the Mandelberg Cup is in May 1938 in a report on a swimming carnival on Lake Eckersley.

The thumb nail biographies of your new Committee came from an initiative of Ray Hookway to use one of Helen Gray's good idea. Thank you Helen and thank you Ray.

Wanted. Some one to write and article on the Flannel Flower, its history and significance to SBW and to others. The flannel flower is used as a symbol or logo by (I think) Wyong Council. Manly Council, Warringah Council (from 1907), and The Royal Hospital for Women (from 1880?). Margaret Olly has painted a still life of flannel flowers. There's plenty of scope for a budding hack.

Social Calendar: May 20: Kenn Clacher and Ian Wolfe Skiing the Haute Route in Switzerland, the risks, thrills and spills of life in the fast lane! Skiing off piste, glaciers and from the bottom of a crevasse looking up!

Social Calendar: May 27: from the Australian Museum we have Dr Pat Hutchings' son et lumière of underwater swimming worms and blood sucking leeches. Everything you need to know about these attractive residents of the great outdoors. A delightful lantern show of high protein, alternative bush food.

Christmas - New Year In The Snowy Mountains

by David Trinder

Last month the “Ode to David Trinder's Christmas Walk” was published. The introduction to that epic poem is below and may explain some of the contents of the saga. For our culturally disadvantaged readers The Brady Bunch was a popular television program about an incredible TV family.

Twenty six people stayed at Windarra Lodge for the 97/98 Christmas break. We explored the high country in five day walks, some harder and some softer than medium. Most memorable were three walks along the main range ridge on snow grass. The Lakes Walk took us past Blue Lake and up to Mt Kosciuszko, the second walk from Blue Lake to Mounts Twynam, Anton, Anderson and Tate and then to Consett Stephen Pass. On the third walk we followed the Ramshead Range from Mt Kosciuszko down to Dead Horse Gap. So in those three walks we covered the main range ridge from Dead Horse Gap to Consett Stephen Pass. I intend to repeat these next Christmas and add an extension north to the Rolling Grounds in a fourth main range walk.

To help celebrate the changing of the years all those who were willing and able put together a concert. There were the usual Banjo Pattersons, but most of it was performed by the Bradings, dubbed “The Breeding Bunch”. This clan of 9 accounted for 35% of the people on the walk. The Brading children performed many humorous skits and Karen and Richard composed the Ode and sang it to the tune of “The Brady Bunch”

Accommodation Now Available. Share fully furnished house, short or long term: available now to a house trained non-smoker, gender not an issue, 10 minutes to the City by bus. Call Shirley Dean: 9810 4268.

199804.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/24 14:16 by kennettj

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