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'ifeirDp& '-VALLaNi - , rd'OcIthly,b1.0jatinofjmatters of interest to The Sydney Bush Walkers .',11-1p-Orgopa.ted-,-8ax,4476 0.P.Q9 aYdne,Y, 20,01..- glub:meetifigs are held every- 'Wednesday evertingf170m 7.-A5- pm'at,the,E4.1a,. C.0.10MunitY:.Cehtre58a.-,Delhouele Street,-:-HatlellAai.dAnaxtdpor-to,Ahe Past liffice), Prospectiya-members land 'visitors are invited to visit the Club any Wednesday. -.% * * * 'f.


.;; EDITOR Morag Ryder .- . Biait-347'P.0.:G1adesvil1e 2111 - Telephone 809 4241 V/aPRODUCTION MANAGER. Helen Gray N Telephone 86 6263 5-y.TYP4ST Kath Brown : THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER r flrr. AA ..Zr.` ImPel.r.gaela, 1,4- r,iworn-eW ameifIsav .. — Established June 19 1 , IL-WSOATOR MOrag Ryder RITIN4ERS Kenn Clacher, Les Powell & Barrie Murdoch * * * * *. ,* , MAY - 1990 While the Billy Boils No Drinking in the Blue Mountains Two Weeks in South West Tasmania Wandering Through the Watagans Social Notes Send Her Down, Hughie The April General Meeting The FlyingTenitS-of,Abbott Range A Different bi'dy to the Royal National' New Ifambers Page Morag 2 2 Jeff Niven 3 Patrick James 5 …Greta, : Jim Brown, Barry Wallace'- Chris Perry Park Geoff Grace? . , , .' ' Advertisements Kakadu - Kimberley' Eastwood Camping Centre 'Cafnbe& Camping 7 GladaSvilie Kogaral-(BaY'. Blackheath Taxis & Tourist Services' * 4 * * * * * 4 12 14. Page 2 The Sydney Bushwalker May 1990 Nk WUILE THE BILLY BOILS. spent a slightly damp Easter in the Watagans. It was the first time 11 I had walked in State Forest - which the Watagans are - full of old logging roads, all open to 4WDs. A narrow band of undisturbed forest lined each road - driving through you would imagine the area almost untouched Once behind this, it was a very different scene. Little marketable timber is left - mostly turpentine is taken - it makes good fence posts and pit props. To obtain it, huge felling machines are simply driven through the small timber, and the devastation i8 considerable Very old stumps measure I metre or more accro6s, trees taken'now are Only 50-60 cm. across. WhEm. they are gone, I wonder what the Forestry Commission will do for the next 50 years, while the sOlings grow to a 110 marketable size. “Thank heavens for our Fanatical Greenies,”- I thought, “who work so hard to protect our National Parks from logging.” Without them, our bes walking areas would be decimated within a few years. 101111:11 -44 NO DRINKING IN THE BLUE MOUNTAINS? THE TRUTH AT LAST.,.. After years of official silence, the Water Board has at last admitted that most of the creeks and rivers in the Blue Mountains are unfit to drink. In an article in the Sydney. Morning Herald on 23rd April, Mr. Smith, poject manager for the Water Board said that he doubted if streams within 4 Km of a township would ever again be guaranteed safe for drinking. Mr. Tweedie, spokesman for the Water Board, said “The Grose River is not too good, the Cox River is pretty poor and the Fish River. pretty poor”. Streams contaminated by effluent include Fitzgerald Creek, Hazlebrook Creek, Katoomba Creek, Leura Falls Creek, Wentworth Creek, Woodford Creek and (of course) Kedumba River. It's interesting to contemplate that most of these waterways eventually feed into Warragamba Dam. No wonder our tap water reeks of chlorine - if it did not, probably half of Sydney's residents would expire. - So don't say you havn't been warned. When you drink Blue Mountains water - 'Boil or purify- OR ELSE!' See you on the track…. m4Y,1990 Ths, pyoppy:Bustiwa'lkp:r Pa,ge, 3 JANUARY 26th - FEBRUARY 11th, 1990 . Eastern Arthur's and,Federaaon Peak. Leader - Ian Wolfe Followers Chris- Perry, Bob King; Jeff Niven and Paul McCann. The :Arthurs - by Jaftniven r=E - -:- Shad been looking forward to a return trip to Tasmania ever since doing the Cradle Mountain -,Lake St. Clair overland track a few years ago. After a week's crOss country' skiing with Ian and Chris on the Bogong High PLains in August '89 my opportunity came up when Ian asked if I'd be interested in going with them to Tassy in Jan/Feb '90. 'WS had a pre-trip meeting at Ian's home to sort out the group gear, food, etc. A two- man and a three-man :tent' would be used with each tent group being self-sufficient in food, stove and fuel, while general group-gear was divided between the five of us. ' - . Our flight arrangements did not run as smoothly however, with all five of 'us having oUr flights cancelled or changed several times due to the pilots' dispute. Eventually we all. met at the “Woodlands” Youth Hostel in Hbbart on Thursday night as arranged. The pre-booked Tagalong Bus arrived promptly at 8 am on Friday and by 10.30 am we were at the start of the Huon Track, in warm fine weather. It wasn'tJong.bbfore the first,of-many snakes encountered was seen, Chris nearly stepping on one, while further on it took a good five minutes of stone throwing to move another rather large-and'…' ,, - Our approach to the Eastern Arthur Range was via the aptly named Yo-Yo Track, it doesn't skirt any hill but goes dishearteningly up and down every hill without fail. A welcome but 'Cool swim wet- enjoyed inTthe-Huon River at lunch-and camp was madefor theHlight-bn the track itself around 6 pm.' We were walking by 8 am on Saturday and soon came to Cacroft Crossing, then across a muddy plain to have morning tea on the Razorback with fine views of the Eastern and some of the Western Arthur Ranges. We spotted another party of walkers in front and soon caught up with them at Pass Creek. Leading this group was John Chapman who had written the guide book on S/W Tassy walks which we had been referring to for track information. To ascend the E. Arthur Range via Luckman's Head was the afternoon's objective, a very steep, long climb. By around 5 pm we had reached Stuart Saddle in deteriorating weather, and with very little tent space Available, camped under a large,rock in cold, wet misty conditions. Sunday morning was similar and a cold damp start was Made by 705 am. Some steep scrambling with a couple of pack hauls took us past The Naddles and onto Gooh moor where iJie huddled behind a large rock, to have morning tea out of the wind, rain and occasional sage snow. Moving on we worked our way past the Four Peaks With more scrambling, but unfortunately no views dub td the thick mist. 'By 2.30 pm we were being wind and snow blasted across Thwaite's Plateau to our campsite for the night, in thick scrub which gave good shelter. During the afternoon the weather eased and by early evening only the top 100 metres of Federation Peak was being concealled from view by a shroud of mist. Chris had brought Pa 6e 4 The'SWey:Bushalker' may iggii an anorad barometer/altimeter along and throughttoth trips it was useful 'in determining the potential weather. With the air pressure' rising we were hopeful of a chance to climb Federation the next morning. By 10 am on the Monday we were on our way to the summit with day packs in mild'61earing weather. The track notes tell of incredible exposure on the direct summit route which as the Waywe had chosen, so 50 metres of 7 mm rope was brought just in case. Lake Geeves lies some 600 metres directly below and one slip would give you the world's high diving record without any question. We reached the top withojit using the rope or. having any trouble. - Bob and I bagged the- peak for Ian who (even though wanting to bag it for the last ten years) was too captivated by the 360- scenic taste with serene dark lakes below and endless ranges of '- mountains to concentrate on the:task,' - Lunch was eaten before making the descent, where on on section we did use the tope as a precaution. On this section Chris ,decided to ' go for the world day pack throwing record by accidently knocking his pack off a ledge!, Incredibly. itatopped in a steep chute and was retrieved only about 150 m below. We continued on to Geeves Bluff, an easy scramble to the side of beautiful Hanging Lake wherewe were compelled to have a swim. ' On the ;way back to camp Ian climbed the Devil's ThuMbBob endsJaff joined filth and another peak was squeezed into-Bob's day pack. - Early Tuesday morning we retraced the previous day's journey to the direct summit turner on Faderation but instead of going up,Araversed around to the other side of the mountain lidth a couple ef airy gully clithbs before deScending onto the Beecharvaise Plateau for morning tea. Moss Ridge was the way down and it took most of the afternoon before we passed Cutting Camp to stop for the night at Paper Camp. Chris entertained us that evening, reading an accountof-his recenttrip to Nepal where he climbed Mira Peak - over 20,000 feet. Mud, glorious mud on Wednesday, 'till we reached camp at Judd's Cavern, a huge cave out of which the Judd River flows. It is apparently of significant aboriginal importance and a sign requests people not to enter. , Rain and more mud saw out the final day (Thursday) as we walked out, and along Farmhouse Creek to the road where our pre-booked bus arrived on time, 12.30 pm. By 4 pm we were back at the Y.H.A. in Hobart. - TO BE-CONTINUED. . A LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN AT A BARGAIN PRICE…. 35 days in the land of the gods, culminating with an unobstructed view of the whole of Everest, from the top of Kala Patar (18,200 ft) There is still room for 3 lucky people on Jan Mohandas's walk in Nepal. A total cost of $3,900 for the experience of a lifetime. But ring him NOW on 872.2315 (H) - he has to finalise–the bookings immediately. 0.1! May 1990 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 5 WANDERING THROUGH THE WATAGANS EASTER 1990. By Patrick James. Sitting in the warmthand comfort of a modern double-deck train on our way back to Sydney I started to muse over the past few days. As I dozed, the Easter days started to separate from one long walk-camp-walk-camp conglomerate to a series of events each with a ray of brightness or spot of cheer. The Watagan Mountains to judge from the Forestry Commission brochure are idyllic with leafy trails through beautiful bush and pristinestreams. The Watagan Mountains are also home to a hoard of bloodthirsty leeches. Leeches that range from tiny thin ones to big fat juicy ones all with yellow GT stripes down their sides, which descend on any warm foot, boot, volley or unprotected skin with remarkable speed. We had a “leech problem” from the start of the walk to the very end, a couple even came home with me but were not so quick after being through the washing machine. The walk was the occasion for field trials of 'Rid' and tropical strength 'Aerogardl; conclusion: Aerogard appears to be better. We had mozzies-and bull , ants too, but they -were almost kids stuff compared to the leeches. Our camp sites - varied. The first on the Thursday night was just a place to sleep: We got there at about 10 pm, set up the tents and flies and went to bed. The next morning we awoke at 6 am amid wet grass and cow poo ready to start the walk. ' Friday's camp site in a giassy clearing in the forest was -differa5t. , It was the first where we could indulge in happy hour prinking water was only about 50 metres away, unfortunately we had to pass through a bed of stinging nettles to get it. On Saturday night we campedi With permission, on private land. We were at the farmer's own picnic area with plenty of mood, a barbeque plate and logs to sit on, what luxury! There were even a couple of house'bricks for Greta to stand on. That night we ate-well, happy-houred and sang. For Sunday night we were back in the forest in a spot Oen hidden from the road. It iilas hei'e that I saw phospherent fungi for the first time; Strange little blobs softly glowing in the dark. They reminded me of walkers after a good happy hour. Our huge fire was no Match for the might Of Hu6hie; for about 9 of the 10 hours Of niOht Hughie bucketed down with all he had , , Each morning our benevolent leader, “Ian the Navigator”; would ensure we woke at 6 am to give plenty of time for breaking camp. Breakfasts were usually quite meals with the main thought being who would be the second last person ready/ to move out On Easter Sunday the Easter Bunny came visiting and in place of the normal rabit-scats, left chocolate eggs for each of us., Lunch times were well deserved rests usually with a pleasant view when we could dry and air our feet, remove the excess leeches and re-apply liberal quantities of leech repellent. At one lunch stop a dog came wandering out of the bush, liked the look of us and stayed with REally thewalking was easy, well not too easy, except for one shortcut through a few hills and gullies containing a spaghetti of lawyer vine. The vine tended to raise blood pressure and prompted one charming lady to question “Why am I doing this?”. For two of the party this was their longest walk to date in terms of both days and distance. They completed the walk without incident and one has been heard to say, “What's all the fuss about extended walks?”. . Us.for the next hour or so. Someone had left her bright yellow bowl on the groUnd,..this was . assumed by the dog to be a dog-bowl, and it proceeded to lick the bowl clean. Page' 6 The Sydney 6uShwalker May fggo Our party of 14 passed over hill and dale, through forest, fern and brook and along path, track and road encouraged by the ,skill of our, benevolent leader, his magic another “400 metres” and those flat stretches of track which “tended upwards”. In town “Ian the Navigator” hides his compass and becomes mild mannered Ian Rannard who has the thanks of his 13 follower' t re a Davis,avis, Valerie Douglas, Christine Floyd, George Floyd, John Gill, Bob D v l Jaeger, PatFick James, Victor Llewin, Jim Percy, Glad Rannard, (brag Ryder, Qenise Shaw and Jo van Sommrs) for an enjoyable Easter walk. if * if if if if if SOCIAL N.OTES by Greta Davis latlyglAyeforthe meeting: Every setohd -Wedhe-sday. (before the General Meetihgl:.Clubmdmbets are invited-to join others at “IL POZZETTO PIZZERIA” rertaurant, 147'Ramsay Road, Haberfiele 4 quite near the Clubroom. 6.30 pm. Pasta as well as pizzas and salad. Come along on 13th Juno. 20th June -.Mid-winter FEAST. Ptease will provide drinks. bring a plate of party fpo –theClub 27th June - Australlanwilderness slides Will be shown by.The Wilderness 1*-1* “). See it when it's green See it without the winter crowds ;.-. Why wait until. June or July when the waterfalls.are nea0 dry? In February and March ,they are at their magnificent best Wildflowers are at their Most 'prolific: Those few bushwalkerS Who :Visit will have the wildemess'all to themselves. February and March are among the most comfortable Months for walking: Daily-maximurn temperature's of 30-35 are the norm but this is true 12 months a year. Cloudy days feel cooler than sunny ones. It does not rain all day every day. The normal pattern is for short sharp bursts which are a welcome relief during the heatof the day. Many days have,no rain at - Picture, yourself walking in a Kakadu that few people other than the original aboriginal. inhabitants have eveLseen. The land is lush and gte6n.. Beautiful swimming pools abdund. YOU Stop to admire the art in a rock shelter then turn around and watch the rains come down just as the original inhabitants have done for thousands of years. Evening comes and after a hot -meal.-yousettle down to sleep in a dry.bed, needing nothing more than a sheet to keep you warm. The cares and worries of the urban world seem a million miles away as you drift gently off to sleep. BUSH WALK IN THE WET! SEE KAKADU AT ITS BEST! Willis's Walkabouts also offers extended bushwalking trips to Central Australia, the Kimberleys, Alaska & the Yukon and even South America Write for details. Write for the full 1990 programme, cv If ALI( 6 .4* 12 Carrington Street Milkier, NT 0810 Ph: (089) 852134 -,1111G11,113,.- - ”- By Jim Brown. t-:4:Reunion ,campfiraAid,-:the theory was advanced that the recent erratic 1?Obif41:Pally-desidned:::Wthe Weather Gods-to-frustrate- bushwalkerS.:-,-Wedepioted,Hughie, olds the FranchiSejOrrainfall.bver South-east Australia, being summoned before 340,p.Liliaus,Cod ofthe\Rain., who has had “certai0-00MPlaints%. Aldhle,4dmits he has eOsorilieavy rains on the Sydney region in-an'attembt,to succeed,wherejii,Oebears-failed - '19SUAo:“Stbp those donkeys going 06 the bush” r. c Oi*tufb priipa1aaaistants,'In46:,(Hindu Goddesefor Rainand-ftiOderbolts), an ' aiius (The Water Carrier) explain that they have helped 'diligently by pOuring a normil year's rain on Sydney in the six months January to June. [In 1988 - 1210 mm: in 1989 - 1213 mm - compared with an annual average of 1221 mm.] -, They sing (ironically to the :tune 'flHaOpy Wanderer”):- % We always tried to do our work ,. .. ' To do as we were tc4d. L. ) The toughest Usk:A we-never skirk We've been as good as gold. i Good as gold… good as gold… good as g00000-bld, I:4 ' - And done as we were told. , If rain was,ordered we would'race To get our clbuds unrolled; 1 Their tanks topped up and set in place To drench both young and old….Young and old…Young and old… , We did as we were told.' . - =i If Hughie asked for thunderbolts The Power House we cajoled To let us have a million volts ! , , And they were good as gold… Good as gold… Good as gold… ' They did as they were told. On cloud-wrapped peaks those walker freaks We hit with wet and cold, With tent-fly leaks-and rain for weeks Their gear went grey with mould… Grey with mould… Gray with mould We'd done as we were told. After hearing them out, and viewed the Sydney scene in his “crystal ball”, J. Pluvius decides, for all the wrong reasons, to support their efforts.' He instructs Hughie (in a song to “Click Co the Shears”):- Send her down Hughie…. Send her down! Dump 20 inches around Sydney town. Flood all the houses and block all the drains. Let 'em see that we're the mob that doles out the rains! Out where the road ends at Newhaven Gap A party with rucksacks is reading a map. Let's wash 'em out and we'll see if they flap. How about we try it? Hughie TURN,ON THE TAP. (Chorus) Down on the Kowmung they're bombing the pools, Seeking the water that quenches and cools. Let's give 'em lots and we'll see if the fools Recognise our mastery-and holler - “HUGHIE RULES”! (thorus) Since. J. Pluviyadirective, we've had the hailstorm on the Sunday of the Reunion, plus more rain, bringing the 1990'tptai,tb 1023 mm asat EasterTionday, 16th April SO it REALLY IS DIRECTED AT US! a . - - WALKERSI, Don' t let those, Weather ,Gods z beat .ydur,,,. 00 walIK:i0g!AerfloMber. V4t0Nil1,N1Pgi:EirOta Carborundure - never let' “rerilk.90ind you down9 Well, let yours 04t40: 'iet. the B..-o.':-.1*Vash, you ou. FROM EVERY STATE, AUSTRALIAINTMADE IS GREAT! QLD QBB A Butter Concentrate Beef Jer ” WA Wilderness Equipment Backpacks Goretex Clothing Cycle Panniers NSW SA \ ACT National Maps Rossi Bo Is Fl. ers Baby Carriers VIC Outgear Backpacks Accessories Feathertop Wool Shirts o Giant Trees Dried meals TAS- Blundstone Boots Sleeping Bags J & H, Mont, Romans Rainwear Mont, J & 11, Superior Day Packs High Tops Summit Gear Bonwick Caving Ladders Holeproof Undies sf Socks Trailblazir Hats DB tuff Cdnyon bags EASTWOOD CAMPING CENTRE 3 Trelawney St (PO Box 131) Eastwood NSW 2122 PHONE US TODAY 02-858-3 May ip90 The Sydney. 8u.shwalker Pa.9q-'9 . THE APRIL GENERAL MEETING by Barry Wallace The meeting began at around 2010 with the new President in.the chair and some,18 or so members present. There were apologies for Kenn Clacher, Jeff Niven, Fran Holland and Les Powell. This last from Les Powell himself. New member John Carlson was welcomed into membership, with the President, new to the job I guess, dickering briefly over just how to welcome him. To John's obvious relief he settled for a handshake. The Minutes of the rprevious meeting were read and received with the only, matter arising being confirmation that we have indeed written to the S.R.A. asking them to open the gate at Engadine and let the milling hordes through. Correspondence was somewhat sparse due to the Secretary, new to the job I guess, having - left it all at home. We do know that Rosemary Baxter has resigned, and that we wrote to our new member and the S.R.A. - The Treasurer's Report was next. This will for the fpreeeeable future be based on year-to-date figures. The last time we did this, I for one found it more than somewhat confusing. Let's hope it's better the second time around. We started with a balance of $1,784.00, our income was $3,026.00, we have already spent $3,395.00, and we closed the period with a balance of $1,414.00. ' The Walks Report began with the report on the annual re-union. There were' few walkers-, numerous ticks, and despite the reporter going home a tetch early, there were some good dampers. March 23,24,25 saw Deborah Shapira leading a party of 5 on her Christy's Creek walk in rather damp conditions: Of the day walks, on the Saturday Nancye Alderson had 4 on her qiedlow Bath area historical ramble and Jim Calloway led a party of 6 on a rapid dash from Engadine tO Waterfall. On the Sunday Greta Davis took a party of 21 through fine conditions from MountAactoria td Perry's Lookdown, and Errol Sheady led a consort of ladies (or was that concert?) to program from Waterfall to Heathcote. March 31, April 1. saw the F.B.W. 5 & R practice attended by 2 SBW members. Bob King caneelled his Kenangra abseiling trip, David Rostron aborted his Kowmung swimming trip due to car problems, and Bill Holland led a party of 13 through fine weather and numerous leeches on his Nattai-River-via-the-blue-markers trip. The last weekend covered, that of April 6,7,8 saw Tony Marshall's Mount Guouogang trip cancelled. David McIntosh had 5 members on his Ettrema Creek trip, encountering,rain on the Sunday morning, and Patrick James led a party of 11 from Cobbity. to Brownlow Hill on his Camden area walk. The Conservation Secretary reported that the remaining naturally vegetated area of Rio Park property looks likely to be added to the Warrumbungles National Park,-that the Transcendental Meditationists wish to build a 450 bed centre on land above Nellie'S Glen, and that a Victorian 4 WD Club arranged a protest gathering of around 400 4×4 vehicles at Cowombat Flat on the upper Murray River over the Easter weekend. Alex is to write to the Victorian National Parks body concerning this action. Bob Hodgson has advised that Mr: Buchanan is proposing to sell his property adjacent to the Deua National Park and Bob suggests that we take the opportunity to try to improve and secure access to the park. Alex will write to the Director N.PA.S. regarding this. There was no F,B.W. Report. - There was no General Business offering when the call was made and for some obscure reason we moved on to incorporate the evening's social activity into the meeting, or at least the meeting did. I went home. Who knows what time it all-finished? Just for once, gentle reader, you must make an ending up to suit yourself. NEW PHONE NUMBER - Kenn Clacher has a new business phone number , (B) 968 0059 Page 10 The Sydney Bushwalker May 1990 TUE. 4 FLYING TENTS OF ABBOTT RANGE : OCTOBER 1989 by Chris Perry Last October long weekend seven intrepid ski-tourers set of from Eagles Nest Restaurant at the top of Thredbo-to make a second attempt on my Abbott Range traverse. The first attempt one year earlier had to be aborted due to high winds and rain on the first day. It looked like we might be luckier with the weather this time. Highlight of the first day was a close inspection Of 'a descent into Leather Barrel Creek' made from the Swampy Plains side, a little way down stream from Cootapatamba Hut. This run is short, steep and well worth while. We made camp in a rather drafty lobation between the North West side of Kosciusko and Wilkinsonsiereek. After camp was established Norm White and I decided to investigate some sloes on the south side of Wilkinsons Creek overlooking the Murray River. A series of long schuSses took us to the tree line. On the last schuss, I disturbed a fox which ran off down hill. We gave chase, nearly catching the animal as it darted this way and that through the trees. I can't say who had more fun the fox or me, but we had to give up the chase when it -jumped ,a creek and made off up hill. Chasing the fox had taken us down hill to about 1800 metres further than we planned to go. The area we were now in was ideal for snow camping with sheltered bowls, a handy water, supply and gently undulating slopes for practicing telemarks. We also had good views of the spectacular craggy west end of the Abbott Range. It would be a good venue for intermediate level ski-tours if one didn't have to brave the steep slopes and dismal weather of the upper Main Range to get there. A long climb saw us back at camp just on dusk. Next morning we set off for the North West side of the Abbott Range under the threat of a descending cloud cover. By the time we had topped the South West end of the Abbott Ridge, the cloud had descended, making a traverse of the NW side of the Range fairly pointless, The main attraction of the traverse off course is the steep runs heading off into the depths of the Geehi Gorge. Eventually -we felt our way through the murk on the South East side of the range to Race Course Gully below the outflow of Lake Albina. Camp site selection was tricky. We didn't want to spend another night in a continuous draft like the night before, so a more sheltered location was found. The tricky part was that the sheltered spot Ian located was afflicted by -a short duration microburst once every five minutes or so. In between times there was no wind at all We opted for the microbursts. The fun began just after Norm and I had set up my tent and were about to attach the fly. A microburst struck and sucked my tent straight off the ground in a fully erect condition with the pegs still attached, launched it 20 metres into the air and down Lady Northcotes Canyon. “Gee, doesn't my tent fly well:” I thought as the tent disappeared from sight. I calmly nailed the fly to the ground with an ice axe, even more calmly jumped on a pair of skis and gave chase with visions of having to dig a snow cave to sleep in for the night. “That's the ultimate sign of rejection, Chris,” quipped Ian Wolfe as I sped off. “Your tent leaves you.” May 1990 The Sydney Bushwalker Page 11 Fortunately the tent was sucked into an eddy behind a large rock where it collapsed and fell to the ground unharmed. Just after I got the tent up and secured with two large packs inside to keep it under control, another microburst struck. Like magic Ian's tent rose into the air and commenced a flying act. Unlike mine, Ian's tent was full of gear which spewed out the tent door and rained down on the ground under the tent as it flew off. I could laugh since it wasn't my tent this time and seeing billies, Trangias, pegs and Karimats falling out of the sky was quite a sight. Ian's tent was chased, scolded and secured with more pegs. Iris Odlum and three large packs were placed inside to keep the tent under control. Iris was settling down in the tent to a relaxing slice of fruit cake as yet another microburst set its sights upon us. As it struck all the pegs in Ian's tent popped out of the snow and the tent with Iris and three packs with a combined weight of 120 kg sped off across the snow like a locomotive on a down hill run. Iris's face appeared at the tent door, visions of Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz written all over it. Tha novelty of flying tents was fast wearing off and we were becoming less lackadaisical about the way our tents were fastened to the snow. This story makes amusing reading but poses some problems if you don't fancy yourself as a Dorothy. Both Ian and I were using medium sized snow pegs which didn't work well under the warm conditions and associated sloppy snow. Using a larger peg would not solve the problem and wind erosion of the snow would leave almost any peg exposed after a night of wind. I resolved that one possible method of holding one's tent down in warm windy weather is to attach approx. one foot of cord to each of the peg points on the tent and pass it through a hole in the peg (pre-drilled about halfway down the peg by yourself at home) and then burying the peg in a horizontal positon about a foot under the dnow. If this doesn't work then get down on your bended knees and pray! An obvious drawback of burying the peg in this fashion is extracting the thing next morning if (as 'happend to us) the temperature drops over night and the snow freezes solid. Your pegs could be extracted by digging for it with your mates portable jackhammer which you plug into your other mates portable air compressor. Needless to say, we all survived to return to Thredbo the next afternoon after enjoying a cold sunny day. *###* HANDY HINTS Leech repellant. Tried and proved effective - Aerogard Tropical Strength Lotion. Apply liberally to feet and legs before putting on shoes and socks. Works well. A leech remover. Tried and proved effective - Methylated spirits. Put in a small container, carry in pocket. Use finger to dab metho on offending leech. Causes leeches to drop off instantly. Good for quickly de-leeching shoes. Tip from a theatre sister - Clean dirty wounds with hydrogen peroxide. Frequently used before surgery, the foaming action cleans bacteria from dirt and ragged skin (as in a muddy graze). Will also clean up wounds that are festering. THE SYDN Y BUS 265 VICTORIA ROAD GLADESVILLE 211 PHONE (02) 817 5590 HOURS - NON-FRI 9-5.30 THURS - 9-7 SAT 9-4 (PARKING AT REAR, OFF PITTWATER ROAD)226 mums HIGHWAY KOGARAH BAY 2217 :PHONE (02) 546,5455 HOURS -,}ION-FRI 9;6.30 THURS if 9-7 SAT 9-4 A LARGE RANGE OF LIGHTWEIGHT, QUALITY, BUSHWALKING ft-CAMPING -GEAR *,.LIGHTWEIGHT FOOD FOR BACKPACKERS AND CANOEISTS. COLD WEATHER PROTECTION CLOTHING AND RAINGEAR ' MAPS, BOOKS AND LEAFLETS INFORMATION 'SERVICE FOR CANOEISTS AND WALKERS KNIVES,* COMPASSES , -SURVIVAL GEAR WE STOCK THE LARGEST RANGE OF CANOEING GEAR IN N.S.W. QUALM? TOURING CRAFT OF AU TYPES HIGH OUALITY, PERFORMANCE COMPETITION CRAFT A HUGE RANGE OF PADDLES FOR ALL TYPES OF CANOEING WETSUITS SURF SKIS ALL TYPES OF SPRAY COVERS WIDE RANGE OF JACKETS & CAGS FACE MASKS FOOTWEAR MANY TYPES OF BUOYANCY & LIFE VESTS HELMETS -inK116, fv1 ay 19$3-C1' The Sydney Bushwalker Page 13. DIFFERENT WAY TO THE ROYAL NNIIONM. PARK By Geoff Grace. Train or car - but how about CANOE? I1 y friend of years, Fred, and I decided to explore the possibilities of canoeing the waterways and portaging the relatively narrow land bridges between Sydney and the Royal National Park. Unfortunately we did it at a time when the rains came, so it was a very wet trip, but never-the-less we did it! The plan was to leave at a time to suit high tide in Cook's River. Because of future commitments and the peculiarities of the tides, this meant leaving Hunters Hill in the evening. , HeflLObe…f the portaging wheels failed before we even got into the-Lane Cove River! Fred went looking for replacements and came back with two interesting looking large diameter metal handwheels. Remarkably, they fitted the axles. They were noisy on the road but otherwise strong and very effective. z We paddled out of the Lane Cove River, around Cockatoo Island and into iron COve. With a rising tide we went up Iron Cove Creek to where it passes under Parramatta Road at Ashfield. On with the uheels and after a portage of one and a half hours, we were sliding the canoe into Cook's River at the Brighton Avenue bridge at Canterbury. We paddled downstream and after a kilometre or two, feeling pretty tired, camped under a kindly old weeping willow. After a few hours of sleep we pressed on, trying to make the best 'use -of the.tail end of tidal run-out. Into Botany Bay. With conditions pretty frightful, we paddled alongside the vastness of the existing airport runway jutting out into the Bay, then to the east a kilometre away where environmental vandals would fill the Bay with a third runway, then to Port Botany. making sure our buoyancy vests were secure, we made a bee-line across Botany Bay to the very pleasant Cook's Landing Place. Cook's Landing would be a very nice place to camp if condoned. However, we managed a good night's rest without upsetting officialdom. Next day, we paddled west alongside Kurnell Beach to Towra Point which we found a pleasant place for a cuppa. No camping there either. :-Into the maze of oyster farms in Woolooware Bay and with some guidance from an oyster, farmer, found a muddy way out to Captain Cook Drive at Cronulla where again our wheels were put to use. Two meat pies and an hour and a half later, we slipped the canoe into Gunamatta Bay off the well-known wharf. The' weather was wild and as we approached the open water inside Port Hacking we could see foaming breakers- on the nearby. sand bar. - F Both Fred and I felt the adrenalin running as we cautiously nudged around Burraneer headland,andpast,the bar a.short distance to our left: We ran to the west with big swells lifting us and wind buffeting us about We quickly ,came in sight of Gray's Point by which time conditicins:Fiad eased somewhat 'With the tide falling and sand banks appearing on all sides we headbento the southern, shore and landed at a first-rate campsite in the Royal National Park.-' 'Th'Et Port Hocking Adrenalin Rush No problems with water at that camp. It bucketted down. Next day, leaving our gear in the tent, we paddled up the Hacking River to visit the weir at Audley. It was a new and pleasant experience to view the shoreline of our National Park from the water. There are a great many aboriginal Middens along the shore. The Sydney Bushwalker may .1-1J –;-Just short ofwAudleyAup were stoppedbyan,impassable rapid with about a:two metre fall de1tVering the tegOIta of two days and nights of rainfall on the Hacking LatChm6nt. We could go no further. We had made arrangements for a vehicle to pick us up for the return journey if needed, but because the trip had been so easy, we decided to paddle and portage back home. We left the campsite at 7.00 am and working the tides to advantage, after temporarily losing a paddle, an efficient camp at Canterbury, and various debates about who was pulling the most, we paddled into the Lane Cove River 24 hours later. It was good fun - most of the time! , ########## colip DANCING WITH THE WILDERNESS SOCIETY…. THE DATE Friday, June 15th THE PLACE - Sydney Town Hall, at 8pm THE BAND - Skewiff 'COME AND KICK UP YOUR HEELS AND GIVE THE WILDERNESS/1 SOCIETY THE SUPPORT THEY DESERVE! ,,….Wmerowspawm.dir. NEW MEMBERS Please add the following n6mes to yoUr List of: Members:- DIGANCE, Justine - G.P.O. Box 2053, Sydney 2001 (B) 212-.1244 ELLIS, Stephen - 78 Oxford Street, Epping 2121 * * * * * * (H) 86 346.. CLEAN-UP aAY – Sutherland Bushwalking Club are -organising a cleanup in-the Royal NationaPark on Sunday, 22nd July. Other bushwalking clubs are invited to join and give their help. Contact ANthony Jackson -520 2784. BLACKHEATH TAXIS 8e TOURIST SERVICES 10 & 18 SEATER MINI BUS TAXI 047-87 8366 KANANGRA BOYD UPPER BLUE MOUNTAINS a SIX FOOT TRACK PICK UP ANYWHERE FOR START OR FINISH OF YOUR WALK BY PRIOR ARRANGEMENT Share the Fare Competitive Rates

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