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MAY, 1979

A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to The Sydney Bushwalkers, Box 4476 G.P.O, Sydney, 2001. Club meetings are held every Wednesday evening from 7.30 p m. at the Wireless Institute Building, 14 Atchison Street, St. Leonards. Enquiries concerning the Club should be referred to Mrs. Marcia Shappert - Telephone 30-2128.

EDITOR Helen Gray, 209 Malton Road, Epping, 2121, Telephone 86-6263
BUSINESS MANAGER Bill Burke, 3 Coral Tree Drive Carlingford, 2118. Telephone 871-1207
TYPIST Kath Brown
DUPLICATOR OPERATOR Bob Duncan. Telephone 869-2691


Editorial 2
Obituary 3
Social Notes for June Ailsa Hocking 3
Exploration in Ettrema Peter Harris 4
Paddy's Ad 7
A Comment Pazeley Read 8
Save the National Heritage Acts 8
The April General Meeting Barry Wallace 12
Mountain Equipment Ad 13
“All That Way, Just to Ski!” Christine Austin 15
Kanangra-Boyd Management Plan 17
The Editor Regrets 18
Walks for June Spiro Hajinakitas 20


Last month was an exciting one for bushwalkers in that we saw the declaration of a new national park in the Colo-Hunter region, and an increase in the foreshore parkland of Sydney Harbour. Both the Colo-Hunter Park (to be known as Wollemi National Park) and the Sydney Harbour National Park were announced during the anniversary week of the Royal National Park's centenary, so we no doubt have this event to thank, partially, for the comparative speed at which legislation for Wollemi was passed.

The Wollemi National Park will cover 502,000 hectares (502 sq km, in more familiar terms) and will be the second-largest park in N.S.W. after the Kosciusko National Park. The new park will be almost entirely a wilderness park, and Sydney is very fortunate in having this area so close - 80 km from the city centre. Bushwalkers like ourselves, who have always walked in the area, will no doubt use the park much more as future petrol costs and reductions force us to stay closer to home.

On April 27th, the Federal Government handed over its harbour foreshore defence lands to be added to, and complete, the Sydney Harbour National Park. A total of 376 hectares was added to the park, the largest area being North Head. Other areas include South Head, Middle Head and Dobroyd Head. Sadly, this is not entirely a victory, for in exchange a large area of Jervis Bay, The Beecroft Peninsular, formally leased to the Federal Government, is now to be federally owned.

Other parks established this year, in February, were the two adjacent parks of Deua and Wadbilliga. There are some undesirable aspects in the parks - for example, the creation of two parks instead of the one originally conceived. (This is to allow for a proposed east-west road. However, an excessively large gap has been left.) None the less, the establishment of these parks is good news indeed.

While we applaud the establishment of all these parks, we must remember there are many battles still to be won. N.S.W., with 3.3 per cent of the land total now national park (the Wollemi increased the percentage from 2.6 to 3.3) still falls below the international desired standard of 5 per cent. We recall how the years of hard work by conservationists brought only a partial victory in the Border Ranges, where the established park fell far below the desired size. There are other areas, such as the Ettrema Wilderness, which conservationists are fighting for and still need our support.

In the same week as the two new parks were announced, the Gordon River Hydroelectricity Scheme was officially opened. Although the battle for conservationists, here, was lost some years ago, it was none the less a grim day for many Tasmanians - a reminder there are many more battles to be won there, too. The Franklin River, Tasmania's last wild river, is in danger of the same fate as the Gordon. This project, too, needs all the support we can give it.


Sunday 22nd April saw the tragic death of club member John Curedale aged 26. John slipped and fell to his death on a club walk in the Grand Canyon, Blackheath while watching a group of abseilers from a different club.

John became a member in November 1978. While still a prospective, he spent weekends at Coolana, working hard on the erection of the club's hut there. Those who knew John from these working weekends, and on many bushwalks, found him to be a strong walker and an always thoughtful and considerate companion.

To his parents and his brother and sister we offer our deepest sympathy.

Social Notices for June

by Ailsa Hocking.

June 20thImagine yourself perched on top of a camel, touring Afghanistan.Vivien Sheffer will take you on a more comfortable tour with her slides of Afghanistan, Kashmir and Iran.
June 27th We have all heard of Amnesty International, but how much do we really know about it? Paul Boston will talk about Amnesty - its aims, and its work against political oppression of people throughout the world. Paul has spent some time in South Africa, and will probably talk about Amnesty's work there.

Exploration in Ettrema

Irrabella Creek and Thampsons Cliff - Direct.

by Peter Harris.

The purpose of this article is to record details of a private exploratory trip within the Ettrema/Bundundah- in which I and Warwick Blayden (CMW) undertook a descent to Ettrema Gorge via 'Irrabella Creek', and ascended Thompsons Cliff, unaided and direct to the escarpment.

This activity occurred in November, 1978. 'Irrabella Creek' is the name given to that short perennial stream which is located immediately to the north of Transportation Spur. 'Irrabella' is an aboriginal word meaning 'Mother of All', and was initially given from observation of the waterfalls in the creek, by myself in 1974. It is now commonly used by bushwalkers.

Thompsons Cliff is that huge stanchion of rock rising up from the confluence of Ettrema and Jones Creeks, which chiefly comprises sandstones of the Nowra series, and Wandandian siltstones. The cliff is broken, and comprises much loose rock. It rises for a total height of about 600 ft (despite inaccuracies in height given in the map “Touga”).

We commenced our trip from Quiera Clearing, on compass heading generally north-east and aiming for the saddle which is located to the west of Back Pack Hill. We elected to follow this route in an attempt to avoid the thick, solid stands of hakea which are notorious on the plateau west of this saddle. Here, the vegetation was similarly unkind, comprising thick clumps of E. stricta which often slowed progress to a slow crawl. The route involved a descent and subsequent ascent to negotiate a rather interesting small gorge surrounded by short rocky escarpment. Just before morning tea time (Union Rules say morning tea must always occur at 10.00 am, for 10 minutes, regardless of weather, geographical situation,nearness to water, etc.). We arrived at this saddle (MR Touga 183841), noticed quite a pleasant campsite at this point, and then commenced a rather tedious descent into Irrabella Creek, through burnt-out country with tangled, blackened branches, and heavy undergrowth.

It was elected that we attempt the creek proper rather than follow the escarpment which flanks it, and the progress was often hindered by the difficulty of vegetation. Often steep, granite boulders covered by a thin film of water meant a slow slide on backsides, attempting to avoid castration.

After about half a mile, the creek suddenly descends quickly towards Ettrema Gorge. We investigated the large cliffline flanking the northern side of Irrabella Creek, and discovered two new passes, negotiable on foot. These are at MR 191831 and MR 194835. The latter we named Tallaboi Pass, aboriginal for 'wallaby', after sighting a small rock wallaby descending through the pass. Arriving back into Irrabella Creek proper, at the head of the descent is a small, slippery waterfall which could pose problems in winter time, as it is necessary to undertake it as a slide on the backside.

From here until a point at MR 198831 the going is typical of creeks; boulders and scrub, steep on occasions. At MR 198831 is a waterfall of some proportions which we negotiated on the true right side, but which would have been more fun with rope.

A feature which we named 'The Slot' occurs at MR 200181 and this is impassable. Here the waters of Irrdbella Creek out through a narrow and deep slot, extending for a height of about 100 ft, and finally dropping over a small waterfall. This point really is the start of the Cascades, which some years ago I called 'Margery's Falls' (which will be dropped). The Slot is only passable by crossing over the ridge on the true right-hand side, from whence it is easier to descend back to the cascades (bed of Irrabella Creek) via an open, steep ridge. Back in the bed of the creek the going from here is easy and quite delightful over large granite rocks which comprise the cascades. At this point, Irrabella Creek is incredibly beautiful, and much time could be spent just poking around in the various deep pools which are characteristic of that section.

Ettrema Creek was reached at about lunch time (Union Rules - Lunch shall occur from 12.00 noon to 1600 pm on every walk regardless of weather, geographical situation, proximity of water and wood etc.) We made our way up Ettrema Creek, past Hamlet Crown, to make camp at the confluence of Ettrema and Jones Creeks, directly-below Thompsons Cliff. The afternoon was spent sleeping and cogitating on the various merits of Irrabella Creek.

I had often been tempted to climb Thompsons Cliff direct, but always my nerves got the better of me. Certainly when one is standing at the base looking up, a climb of it seems to be an impossibility. It isn't.

We left camp early in the morning, proceeded slightly downstream from the campsite, and noted a long sloping (but steep and difficult) ledge which would put us about 150' above Ettrema Gorge. From the top of this ledge it was difficult to see any likelihood of an on-going route but nevertheless we began the ascent.

The ledge was difficult, full of loose boulders which meant that Warwick and I stayed close together. About halfway up the ledge we were faced with a choice. Either a direct ascent of a six-foot rock wall, or a chance that we would be able to proceed by heading towards the nose of the cliff. I elected the former, Warwick took the latter. Soon my route was becoming too complicated and too risky. Warwick seemed to be making easier progress, so I crossed over to the nose.

On the nose, we had to bring out the rope for a short 4 ft haul up broken, loose rock. In the course of this little exercise, it was necessary to step out and around a rock which had an exposure of about 250 ft vertical to Ettrema Gorge. Rope away, we continued the climb, gradually being forced over to the north, and around the head of a steep amphitheatre of rock. Here again - two choices. I chose the nose, certain that this was going to be my last ever climb. Warwick picked the head of the gully. His route was not much better than mine, but he, nevertheless, reached the top of this point before I did probably because I was more scared than he.

Once above this obstacle we headed back to the nose. Now it was much easier, and slowly became just a normal climb. Extensive views over Ettrema Gorge were revealed, and we could see our last campsite directly below us, about 500 ft vertically. Atop the cliff, the ridge sloped off. It became a normal walking ridge up to the escarpment. There is a pinnacle of rock at MR 209807 which would make an interesting view if climbed. The escarpment loomed directly ahead of it.

This point really was the do-or-die. I had viewed the escarpment here from many angles. It always seemed to break up on the nose, but I had never proven its negotiability on foot. We realised that failure to find a route up the escarpment from this point would mean either a long descent over Thompsons Cliff back to Ettrema Gorge; or else a traverse across to the left (south) towards Naked Pass. Either way was regarded as being pretty horrific.

Fortunately the nose breaks, and there is an easy pass up onto the escarpment at MR 208807. We never did name that pass! It was considered that no adjective would be appropriate. Various names such as Foreboding Pass, or Despair Pass were mooted, but somehow they didn't seem to hit on the right feeling. Perhaps this pass should never be named. People climbing Thompsons Cliff should just be very thankful that it is there!

The wonderful view over Ettrema/Bundundah from the top of the escarpment was prelude to another session of scrub-bashing back to Quiera Clearing.


A LETTER FROM ROD PETERS received by the President, records that the Club was represented at the funeral of John Curedale in Canberra by senior Club member Reg Alder and himself. A wreath was also sent on behalf of the Club. John's parents voiced their appreciation of the presence of the Club's representatives.

CONGRATULATIONS To Christine Brown (S.B.W.) and Geoff Davidson (R.C.C.) who were married on the 21st April.

And also to Robin and Peter Scandrett on the birth of their first child, James Maxwell Peter, on the 26th April.

A Commment

by Fazeley Read.

In the April edition of the magazine was published a series of short verses, under the heading “Poets Corner”, one of which suggested that Christine Austin had dislodged the rock which struck and injured me on a walking trip in the Barrington Tops area. This verse used my initials “F.R.” as the writer.

There is, of course, no truth whatsoever in this item. Far from being responsible for the rock fall, Christine, who was near me at the time, did her best to warn me and halt the rock, and during the time I was disabled and being carried out to hospital, did everything possible to help and comfort me.

The verse was intended to be humorous, but unfortunately quite a few people did not fully realize this, nor did they realize that I had not written the item. In fact, the whole collection of verses was the work of one person. Particularly, I am aware that during the past few months, we have had several cases of walkers being injured on club trips. In each case, the other members of the party have acted in a responsible manner, and the accidents have been due purely to misadventure.

It is understandable that magazine readers, who do not know the full story, and then read a 'humorous' version may form an unfavourable opinion of the club's members.

When I became aware of the nature of the verse, I endeavoured to have the distribution of the magazine deferred, but was unsuccessful.

Save the National Heritage Acts

(Precis of publication by the Australian Conservation Foundation. These matters will be discussed at the June General Meeting of the club. If you require more detailed information, contact: A.C.F., C/ 399 Pitt St., Sydney, 2000. Phone 233-5388.)


The main Acts are:

  1. Environmental Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act, 1974.
  2. The National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1975.
  3. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act, 1975.
  4. The Australian Heritage Commission Act, 1977.

(1) Environmental Protection(Impact of Proposals) Act.

This Act is designed to make sure that there is adequate information about the need for projects, the alternatives, and the environmental effects of going ahead, before decisions are made.

The information relates to decisions of 'whether or not' to go ahead and decisions on what conditions to apply to projects when it has been decided to give approval.

An essential part of the information to be gathered is that from the public, so that the Ant is also a public participation provision.

There is a need for each State to have an Act providing for environmental impact assessment of projects relating to their responsibilities, but to-date only Victoria has passed special legislation, thus until the States do have legislation the Commonwealth Act is the only one ensuring study of the environmental effect of projects over the greater part of the Continent.

(2) The National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act

This Act appointed a Commonwealth National Parks and Wildlife Director and Service to co-ordinate and initiate action in conservation at the national level. It also provided for the establishment of national parks on Commonwealth land. The Service has major planning responsibilities for Uluru (Ayers Rock) National Park and the area of the proposed Kakadu National Park as well as for nationally important areas such as the Great Barrier Reef, South-West Tasmania and for endangered wildlife.

There is much that the Service could do in helping to provide funds and skills for investigation of nationally important areas such as the South 'gest, for the planning jointly with the States of areas such as Fraser Island, and for the purchase of land containing habitat critical for the retention of endangered species. In most instances the Commonwealth Parks Service will be working with the State Services to make the overall effort more effective.

(3)The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act

This Act provides for the establishment of a Groat Barrier Marine Park Authority with the task of recommending areas within the region to be included in a Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, and also for recommending zones within the Marine Park which are to be managed a Marine National Parks. The National Parks and Wildlife Service is envisaged as the managing authority for the Parks. The Act provides for there to be no drilling for oil or mining in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

To date no part of the Reef Marine Park has been proclaimed. The Authority last year recommended the proclamation of one Dart of the Park at the southern end of the region (the Capricornia,Section), but the Commonwealth has deferred the making of a decision. Conservation groups believe the Park should be declared over the whole Reef region. They feel this is essential to protect an area which the Commonwealth believes should be nominated as part of the World Natural Heritage.

(4) The Australian Heritage Commission Act.

This Act resulted from the report of the Task Force on the National Estate which showed the heritage was neglected and outlined the measures the Commonwealth could take to protect it.

About 5,000 sites have been included on the register and another 1,800 sites have been proposed. Fraser Island was the first site to be placed on the register. Many of the places on the register are historic buildings. The Heritage Commission is a long way from completing the establishment of the main part of the register. The protective role of tile Commission is of course a permanent one.


Anti-conservation interests opposed the passage of the heritage Acts and have worked for their amendment and elimination from the day each was passed. The main opponents of the Acts have been the primary industry interests, particularly the mining industry.

The attitudes of the groups which are opposed to the Heritage Acts is best exemplified, by the Australian Mining Industry Council (AMIC) which has displayed few scruples in its attacks on the Acts and on conservationists. The AMIC argues that since minerals are where you find them, miners should receive special treatment. This, of course,. ignores the fact that areas of natural beauty and scientific interest are equally fixed in their location. The AMIC has for many years tried to persuade the Australian Governments to accept their idea of national parks in which only a few areas for scientific reference are not available for mining and mining exploration.

1)The THREAT to the Environment Protection (Impact of Proposals) Act

There have been changes in the application of the Act. For example, the failure to use environmental impact statements in relation to changes in legislation about migration and about emission control.

To avoid duplication, the Commonwealth has agreed to use State Government prcedures for assessment of impact statements. Most States have no legislation on the matter and in addition lack the “public enquiry” part of the Commonwealth Act. Another danger arises in administration as the Department of the Environment is to lose control in favour of Departments with vested interests in the matters being assessed.

The Mining Industry Council is urging for the following changes to the Acts- State only environmental responsibility; Guarantee of the non-use of export control in regard to environmental issues; Clarification in relation to atomic energy and foreign investment; Use of the Act only in relation to proposals; Provision for compensation for rejected proposals.

2)The THREAT to the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act.

The N.P. & W. Service has not been free from attacks inspired by development interests. At its last meeting the Council of Nature Conservation Ministers recommended that the Australian National Parks & Wildlife Services withdraw from all land holding activities and give control of the proposed Kakadu and Uluru National Parks to the Northern Territory Government. The Commonwealth has shown itself more sympathetic to the needs of the Aboriginal people than the Territory Government, and there is little doubt that people from all over Australia would like to have a say through their Commonwealth Parliament in the future of Kakadu.

3) The THREAT to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act.

Agreement for State control of the three mile coastal zone will create difficulties in the establishment of marine parks such as the proposed Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.

4) The THREAT to the Australian Heritage Commission Act. Mining interests have objected strongly to this Act throughout its history. The AMIC has in particular pressed for the amendment of Section 30, the clause which provides that no Federal Minister may take any action which adversely affects a place listed in the National Estate Register unless there is no prudent and feasible alternative and he is satisfied that all reasonable measures to minimise adverse effects will be taken, and that any proposal affecting an area listed in the register shall be referred to the Commission.

On 22nd February, the Prime Minister announced that he had ordered a review of the Heritage Commission Act, because some elements of the Act came into conflict with other Acts. Although the review is known to have commenced within the Home Affairs Department, the Prime Minister has not responded to questions about the membership of the Committee and its operations. There is no guarantee that there will be any provision for consultation with the public. If, as a result of the review, Section 30 is amended so that it becomes purely discretionary, it could make listing on the register almost meaningless, left to the mercy of the particular Minister of the day.


The Australian Conservation Foundation is not opposed to a review of these four vital Acts. Indeed it supports a review so that it can put the case for upgrading them. What it does believe is that any review should be done properly with full information and in the open, not as the Government is proceeding at the moment by secret Committee in response to the entreaties of the Mining industry.

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Conservation commenced a review of the Acts in August 1978 and has asked that the Government's review be delayed until the Committee has reported.

This seems a sensible suggestion. It would enable the recommendations of the Committee, made after listening to both industry and the conservationists to be debated in full before any changes were made.

We appeal to you to write without delay to the Prime Minister urging him to make no changes to the legislation until there has been full debate of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Conservation's report on environmental legislation. We also appeal to you to write as soon as possible to your local Member of Parliament.

The April General Meeting

by Barry Wallace.

The meeting began at about 2026 with some 28 or so members present, and the President, plastered as usual nowadays (her leg, that is), in the chair. There were apologies from Chris Austin and Gordon Lee, the latter somewhat premature it seems, for he turned up later in the meeting. Perhaps his secretary had the dates mixed up.

The sole new member, Brian Goldstraw was not present to be welcomed.

Correspondence In consisted of a letter from F.B.W. requesting a meeting of clubs involved in the Ettrema mining lease application matter to discuss legal aspects which have arisen, a letter from the N.S.W. Valuer General regarding rating valuation on Coolana, a letter from Brian and Dawn Anderson requesting re-instatement as full members, a letter from George Davidson, our Hon. Surveyor, donating $500.00 to the George and Mary Davidson Trust Fund, proceeds from which go to the Coolana account, a letter from Mr. Mulock acknowledging our previous letter, a letter from someone at Nyngan requesting details of walks around Berrima; a letter from the Colo Action Committee requesting written support for a Colo National Park and a letter from the A.C.F. regarding proposed Federal Government changes to a number of environmental acts which it is believed will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the acts - chip, chip, chip, or is it drip, drip, drip?

Correspondence Out saw a letter to the Chief Mining Warden objecting to proposals for developments within the Ettrema Creek area, an answer to the Nyngan enquiry and a letter of acceptance to the new member.

The Treasurer's Report showed a starting balance of $1328.82, Income of $189.90, Expenditure $363.52 and a closing balance of $1155.20.

Federation Report brought news of two meetings, March and April. The main items were the question of legal costs involved in the Ettrema case and a proposal from the Colong Committee that the Kanangra road be closed near Jenolan caves. The idea here was to use a bus service out to the Walls with a telephone or radio link from the Walls to the transport depot.

Business arising saw passage of motions opposing future F.B.W. Reunions, Walks in the Wilderness, and the closure of the Kanangra Road.

The Ball this year will be held on 5th October.

All of which brought us to the nemesis of meeting reporters; the Walks Report. The weekend of 17-18 March was given over to the wettest Reunion since Noah's little gathering. It has been well reported elsewhere. Peter Miller's Red Rocks trip on 23,24,-25 March attracted insufficient starters. Ray Turton led a party of 17 people from Sassafras on a “good trip”. It is not clear whether Ian Debert's Bundeena trip went on the Sunday, but we do know that Peter Sargent 's walk the same day was cancelled.

The following weekend, 30,31 March and All Fools Day saw Bill Burke (he's no fool) leading a party of 9 bodies on an easy walk in the Megalong Creek, Little River, Galong Creek area through sunshine and showers. Oliver Crawford's Colo trip had 6 starters, David Cotton's Photo Adventure workshop (sic) had 4 takers (not named Frank, however) and included a walk to increase their exposure, Then again there was Ian Debert's Sunday trip to Church Point. In the welter of conflicting versions it was not clear who, if anyone, went, and whether. Ian caught an alleged ferry or not. Write up your version and send it to the Editor. Best entry wins a free seat at a general meeting.

Tony Marshall's Kanangra trip on 6,7,8 April appears to have not gone. Vic Lewin led 13 members, 12 prospectives and 2 visitors on a pleasant Sunday ramble along some of the old rail formations near Glenbrook. Barry Zieren's Vest Head trip the same day had 9 starters but John Fox's Map Instructional did not go.

The Easter break saw Brian Hart leading 3 people astray in the Upper Hastings on what was described as a good walk, but exploratory. Tony Denham's Budawangs walk had 13 starters on various day walks out from a well chosen base camp. The traditional Blue Breaks trip under David Rostron had 17 people in various degrees of deterioration and guile avoiding the worst or best of the walk, depending on whose version you hear. Spiro, it seems, got blamed for one dry campsite. His response to this could well be framed and presented to him on some appropriate occasion. “I'll never make rash statement”. There were no reports of seasickness on any of the programmed walks.

General Business saw a proposal for an ownership risk insurance policy for Coolana accepted with little debate. We get annual cover of $200,000 for $25.15.

It was then only a matter of announcements and we were free. At 2147. Amen.

"All that way just to ski?"

by Christine Austin.

When Craig and I told people we were going to Norway to ski, they gasped in borror. “All that way, just to ski?” they would say until even I was beginning to doubt the sanity of it. However, after the event, I could safely say going all that way was truly worth it.

Dawn broke over the silent landscape as the train slipped out of Oslo station on its way to Stryken. Still rather numb from yesterday's strenuous efforts, we watched the sun trickling its watery rays on the pine trees, giving them at last some form and shape. We wondered about the day ahead of us. It had warmed up over the last few days, rising to a mere 10°C . We hoped this wouldn't mean bad waxing conditions, an unusual thing in Norway.

The train arrived at Stryken and we were dropped onto a barren windswept platform. Like fledglings, we blinked around us and seeing a few other weekday skiers tore after them. We soon all disappeared into the forest and began a slow, rather erratic ascent to the tops, marred by the only bad waxing conditions we ever experienced. For several kilometres we wound through the dark forest and mostly we were alone. On one occasion, we passed one of our original companions. Stranded by the wayside, he was grinding the most dreadful looking mess into his skis. Thank goodness we were not alone in our troubles!

Alone again after that, we wondered where we were. Soon a large post appeared, bearing a chaotic jumble of signs. To Kikutstua, our next destination, it was both 14 km and 12 km. Such was the nature of all these signs!

For the next six kilometres we sped over the icy wastes of an enormous lake. A maze of tracks ran everywhere, so we were relieved that someone had marked the way with sticks.

A dog-sledge ambulance formed the welcoming party as we skied into Kikutstua. These big, beautiful animals were lounging outside the lodge and inside there was hot coffee and cake! I was reluctant to leave the soothing warmth of this cafe, but a glance at our watches showed that time was passing too quickly. It was 2 pm and we had until about 4 pm to reach the lit up tracks.

Having reached Kikutstua, we were now in a more frequented area.

“In” and “Out” signs directed the traveller onto the next lake. Here there were scenes of great gaiety and activity that are but normal in this part of the world. Everywhere were Junior Olympians out to break the speed record, old people doing nearly as well and children tightly gripping pet dogs' reins, as the latter whooped about in delight. We managed to skim across the lake without looking too much like geriatrics and entered the forest for the final glide down to Tryvannstua and the lit up tracks. Here the country was undulating, with occasional glimpses of lake through the forest. Sometimes we had to leap hastily out of our tracks, when approached by another party. At other times, a soft thud behind us would announce the approach of a speeding dog, followed closely by its owner.

It was nearly dark when we reached Tryvannstua and the lights were slowly brightening the tracks. The first contingent of afterwork skiers had arrived, discarding their work gear for ski clothes. These people presented a different picture from those we had seen during the day.These were wearing a look of desperate keenness intent on doing the circuit in the fastest time possible.

Despite the intense cold, we were feeling very thirsty, so at Tryvannstua we were tempted into another wonderful coffee house. Delicious as the coffee was, it couldn't completely alleviate the tiredness from having skied 40 km in bad snow conditions, so we decided against racing around the circuit with the professionals. Moreover, we actually had a dinner appointment to meet!

Reaching our last hill, we could see the train waiting at the bottom. There was one last schuss and, stopping one metre from the train, we hastily strapped our skis to its side and climbed into the warmth. The train descended to Oslo where it deposited us in the city centre. There was a cold, brisk walk to the bus-stop and then back to Brockmans Gate.

In this street lived Mrs. Strømmen, a delightful old lady with whom we were staying. We had found her through the Accommodation Bureau at the railway station and she charged a pittance compared to hotels. With her we had great fun. She told us stories of Norway during the war, and taught me how to make Rommegrot, a Norwegian dessert.

Tonight she was waiting for us peering out into the darkness and hoping we wouldn't be late. For she had arranged with a neighbour that we all go and have dinner together. So, picture Craig and me, sitting around playing Ludo with two old ladies whose command of English was very poor! The surprising thing was that we were thoroughly enjoying ourselves, having just had a sumptious meal of meat, dumplings and vegetables. This was our only real Norwegian meal as restaurants were very expensive.

Except for the finale of the wonderful meal, each skiing day in Oslo was similar to this one, except that always we went to a different area. However, several weeks later, we repeated this trip from Stryken to Oslo. The temperature had dropped, the snow conditions werb ideal and, the trip took half the time. Such are the advantages of skiing at -18°C.

Kanangra-Boyd Management Plan

On March 10th Milo Dunphy and Alex Colley spent two hours presenting to the Blue Mountains National Park Advisory Committee the Colong Committee's management plan for Kanangra-Boyd National Park.

After briefly recapitulating the long campaign waged by the Colong Committee to preserve Kanangra-Boyd from mining and a pine plantation, the Committee's representatives emphasised the importance of this area by reason of its geographical position, its scenic and recreational value, and as the second largest of the State's dwindling wilderness tracts. It was also pointed out that the area had the advantage, from the viewpoint of wilderness management that vehicular access could be restricted to one point.

Although there should be no roads in a wilderness, it seemed impractical to expect the road to the Walls to be abandoned. The central feature of the Colong Committee's proposals was, therefore, that this road be closed to Private vehicles and access to the Walls be provided by a bus service. Although it was anticipated that this service would operate at a loss, it was considered that such loss would be more than covered by economies in supervision, since it is mainly vehicles which cause supervisory problems.

The main recommendations of the Colong Committee were:

  1. The park centre should be located just outside the northern end of the Park.
  2. All private vehicles should. be parked under supervision, at the Park centre.
  3. All public access to the park should be by park buses travelling the Kanangra Walls road from the park centre.
  4. Upgrading of the Kanangra Road should be discontinued and where possible it should be reduced in width.
  5. The bus schedule should be carefully considered in co-operation with user groups such as the N.S.W. Federation of Bushwalking Clubs and widely advertised.
  6. Boyd Crossing and other campsites should. be redesigned for walkers only.
  7. All other roads on Boyd Plateau should be closed and revegetated.
  8. The main planning emphasis should be on a few major cross-country tracks such as the Boyd, Gingra and Paralyser tracks.
  9. A walkers track from the park headquarters to Kanangra is required.
  10. Fire control and prevention operations should be planned on adjoining lands rather than within the park.
  11. The Blue Mountains National Park Local Committee should recommend to the National Parks and Wildlife Foundation inclusion of funding for acquisition of the inholdings on Boyd Plateau in its next public appeal.
  12. The dingo population within the park should be actively conserved.

Enlarging upon recommendation 5 it was pointed out that to function successfully the bus service must take account of the needs of the various groups using the park, such as bushwalkers, family campers, scientific groups, sightseers and tours. The bushwalkers' main need was described as being for appropriate bus schedules at the beginning and end of weekends including long weekends. It was recommended that the bus schedule should be carefully considered in co-operation with the NSW FBC.

Mr. Paul Barnes, a member of the Advisory Council, suggested that it would be more rational, to prepare a plan covering not only Kanangra-Boyd, but in addition the 950,000 ha. recently added to the park. This introduces a new planning dimension, since the Water Board catchment area to the north and east could well provide an excellent “buffer” zone. The Colong Committee will prepare a proposal for the enlarged park.

The Editor Regrets

Many years ago, during Don Matthews term as editor, a then famous club personality stood up in a general meeting and said, “The magazine has been 'detonating' for some time”. It probably still is.

In the absence of our regular typist these last two months and her proof-reading family, a number of errors got by.

Sorry, “Puffing Billy”, for that error in your article in March, but it did give some amusement.

Last issue had Rod Peter's colours all mixed up. Page 16 should have read “his face and neck were purple and the whites of his eyes bright red” (only seven words were left out that time).

Jim Vatiliotis' “poem” should have “is” for “it” in the first line, but I don't think any spelling errors could detract from (or improve) that article. Actually “Poets Corner” has inspired some genuine poems.

When a limerick steps out of line,
One is up for a pretty-big fine,
So in his defence
With all good intents
I contribute, now, one of mine.
There was a bushwalker named Marks
Wrote poems, he said .. “just for larks”.
But the people offended
Were really intended
To have a good laugh …. so no marks!

Robin Scandrett.

Lament for Fazely
Our Fazeley speeding footsteps led
Her friends a merry dance.
She keenly scanned the rocks ahead
With ne'er a sideways glance.
Her biped's legs a blur of light
And down the brook she sped.
How pitiful, her current plight -
A one-geared quadriped!

“Puffing Billy”

Our Poet Laureate
Poems by Anonymous
Are truly synonymous
With paintings by Hieronymus.
Who knOft Or bares that it's all about?
Reality distorted -
Truth unreported!
Pure piffle - out and out.

Dorothy Butler.

Here's a genuine one from the “Poet Laureate”, included on a hand,- drawn card sent to our wine-loving member Rod Peters after his recent drama. (See last month's magazine.)

Nay pick on me? I'm not a sinner.
I only have a wee drop before dinner.
God laughed and said, “You're not a beginner,
I heard, in the chopper, the phrase 'Came in Spinner”.

Part of reply letter from Rod:

Dear Bushwalkers,
I was delighted to receive your magnificent “Get-well” card. It is worth framing. Would all who signed the card or otherwise enquired about my progress please accept this as my personal thanks. By now you will have read about my accident in the Sydney Bushwalker. I need add only that I have now completed all the necessary medical tests with the result that I have suffered no permanent injuries from my mis-adventure.


Adrienne Swarts (Owen Marks' sister) is looking for families interested in having a U.S. University student stay with them for ten weeks. The students, from Rollins College, Florida, will spend three months here studying Australian Literature, Australian Sociology, and Australian History at Sydney University.

Ages of the co-ed students range from 18 years to 24 years. Families who accept students into their homes are paid an allowance by the programme. Enquiries should be made by phoning Adrienne at 46-3821.

Adrienne Swarts - Housing Officer - Rollins College Australian Programme - 108 Chelmsford Avenue, Lindfield. 2070.

Winter Walks Programme and Social Programme - June, July, August 1979.

CLUB ROOMS 14 Atchison St., St. Leonards (Wireless Institute Building)
POSTAL ADDRESS Box 4476 GPO Sydney 2001.
ENQUIRIES REGARDING THE CLUB Marcia Shappert Tel. 30-2028.
1,2,3 0SPRINGWOOD: Martin's L/0 - Western Ck - St. Helena - Glenbrook - Martin's L/O. A medium 2 day test walk in the lower Blue Mts. - excellent forest and creek scenery, semi exploratory 30 km MEDIUM Map: Springwood/Penrith 1.31680. LEADER: LEN NEWLAND 432419 (B).
Sun.3 0WATERFALL: Couranga track - the Causeway - Bola Heights - Burning Palms - Otford. A not too difficult test, good coastal and bush scenery, swimming. 18 km MEDIUM Map: Otford 1.25000 Train: 8.45 (C) LEADER: PETER CHRISTIAN
Sun.3 WATERFALL: Kangaroo Creek - Karloo Pool - Red Gum Forest - Tukawa Rill - Heathcote 15 km MEDIUM Lush green forest scenery, good gentle walking. Map: Port Hacking Train: 8.45 (C) LEADER: PETER SARGEANT -Contact in club room.
Sun 10 MAP READING INSTRUCTIONAL: Heathcote - Tuckawa Rill - Head of Navigation - Heathcote 16 km MEDIUM. Map: Port Hacking. Kill two birds with one stone learn or brush up your map reading and participate in a good bushwalk. Train:8.20 (E) LEADER: GORDON LEE 6426448 (H)
Sun.10 ROYAL NATIONAL PARK: Lily-vale - Palm Jungle - Burning Palms - Garrawarra Farm - Otford. Excellent bush & coastal scenery. Mostly track walking 13 km EASY Map: Otford 1.25000 Train t 8.45 (C) LEADER: KATH BROWN 812675 (H).
15,16,17 0 YERRANDERIE: Base camp BAT'S CAMP (via Oberon) Walk 1. Colong Station - Alum Hill 11 km MEDIUM. Walk 2. Colong gap - Yerranderie Peak - Yerranderie 12 km MEDIUM Walk 3. Mt Colong - Colong Caves - Accetalene Ridge 9 km MEDIUM An interesting and historical mining area, excellent mountain scenery, extensive vistas to Wild Dog Mts & Burragorang Walls. The carrying of day packs will make the climb up the ridges easier. Map: Yerranderie 1.31680 LEADER: IAN DEBERT 6461569 (H)
15,16,17 ++ NEWNES: Western Wolgan escarpment grand traverse- Cape Horn to Red Rocks. High glistening cliffs, rugged mountain ridges, interesting sandstone formations and unsurpassed river views. 25 km MED/HARD Map: Glen Alice LEADER: BOB HODGSON 949617575 (H).
15,16,17 0 Lister Park - Carraberra - Paterson Divide - Barrington Plateau - Lister Park. Enjoy the splendour of the high altitude country and come prepared for cold conditions. If weather unfavourable alternative route will be organised. LEADER: GORDON LEE 6426448 (H)
Sun. 17 FAULCONBRIDGE - Sassafras Gully, Glenbrook Ck - Glenbrook 20 km MEDIUM LEADER: HANS BECK 7980103 (H)
22,23,24 ONTH BUDAWANGS: The Castle - Monolith Valley- Wog Wog Creek - Yadboro. Mostly track and creek walking, a high but easy climb up to the Castle which offers extensive views over Byangee Walls, Mt Pidgeon House to the coast. A variety of sandstone wad granite mts, majestic and unusual shapes, picturesque valleys and plains and small pockets of rain forest 35 km. MEDIUM MAP: Nth Budawangs Sketch LEADER: BOB YOUNGER 571158 (H)
Sun. 24COWAN: Elenora Bluff -Jerusalem Bay. A most scenic day walk close to Sydney, beautiful coastal and bush views in the renowned Broken Bay area. 14 km MEDIUM Map: Broken Bay Train: 8.48 (C) LEADER: Roy Braithwaite 445211 (H)
Sun. 24GROSE VALLEY: Govett's Leap - Pulpit Rock - Hat Hill - Anvil Rock - Perry's Lookdown- Blue Gum Forest - Junction Rock - Govett's Leap. Spectacular Blue Mtn. scenery, glorious wooded ridges and stately tall blue gums. 16km MEDIUM Map: Katoomba 1.31680 LEADER VICTOR LEWIN 504096 (H).
June 29,30, 1 July 0 BONNUM PIC: McCarthur's Farm- Bonnum Pic.- Bonnum Pic Creek- Wollondilly River - Burnt Flat Ck- McCarthur's Farm. John's determined to visit the friendly platypus family on the Wollondilly. 25 km MEDIUM Map: Hilltop LEADER: JOHN REDFERN 8081702 (H).
July 1 ROYAL NATIONAL PARK: Waterfall- Uloola- Audley. Mostly track walking in Sydney's famous Royal National Park, 12 km EASY Train 8.45 (C) LEADER: SHEILA BINNS 7891854 (H).
Sat.30 June ROCK CLIMBING & ABSEILING PRACTICE: Saturday at Wahroonga Rocks. Learn or brush up the art of abseiling, close-to town. LEADER: GORDON LEE, 6426448 (H)
July 1 WATERFALL: Uloola Loop Track -Uloola Brook - Kangaroo Ck -Karloo Falls Heathcote- 14km EASY A most popular day walk lush green forests & good track walking. MAP: Pt Hacking LEADER: PAUL MAWHINNEY 3445439 (H).


  1. 0 indicates a Test Walk ++ indicates harder than a Test Walk
  2. All train times are from Central Station E= Electric C= Country
  3. All walks without transport details are private transport walks- contact leader for details.
  4. Please note - vehicles are not expected to wait for more than 15 minutes after pick-up time.
RAY HOOKWAY 4111 873 (H)


197905.txt · Last modified: 2016/12/02 20:34 by joan

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