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THE SYDNEY BUS HWALKER A monthly Bulletin devoted to matters of interest to The Sydney Bushwalkers, 5 Hamilton Street, 'Sydney, No 118 OCTOBER, 1944 Price -6d. Editor: Clare Kinsella Asst, Grace Jolly BusuManager: J0Johnson Production: Yvonne-Rolfe Asst, Alice Wyborn Sales & Subs. Betty Dickenson CONTENTS / O /

Page 2 5 6 7 8 .10 - . 11 - - 12 Evolution Sept,Week-end to Carlon's De-mosquito-ing Bond di - Fireworks 9 o Letters from Lads and Lasses Federation Notes 1 Ski by Winter 03, River Canoe Club Maps. Goodmat18 Advf, .Backyard Bushwalking“Ubi” Edna Garrad Marie B.Byles Len Scotland

Paddy Pallin. The basic cause of erosion is the lack of awareness that the soil is part of mankind - an integral ,part of the unity which is our bodies and our deeper selves, our thoughts and our inspiration. Exploited impoverished soil loses its essential living,quality*.– Is it strange that the nations who draw their life from this soil hould slowly lose some vital essence of themselves - as the Romans did, and the ancient Greeks after their forests had gone,their str-,,amsdried'up, and dessication set ii ontheir peninsula? Age-old Egyptian cities are filled with sand, The Roman Empire made trr= .. deserts of:North ATTio, Mongols flooded TuroPe when deserts stare a to encroach 'on their own pastures. Are we unconeciolls of hioory or We deeply tareless Of the future? From “So-13. and CivilizE,tion” by Elyne Mitchell S.M,Herald , EVOLUTION by “UBI. BT'ISazie 1943. c=servative traveller from the South to whom trevelling lriEtake in a -r.:17't olaGE cLr with a second class ;;…ok'et Tms a .1;:eT.7.,- at “hf tchiy;g”', -…: had 17.L1 fcr jf,,c4a1 Ta117,1. and IorG7)e.:;ed tnat 11:1 ona ;!;..z,7;w 1 thought of c-7ciry 4 1:77 F-:vr;aGot,hrl f5r and cou'id ese nc alter- - 11.1i; but to 'Pe7r7-n MfAny a orir,.:nal ti-1;7,-1 1., for the first r7LiFed r;x colfu_ar arc' e r,r,;s firFt oar uld off 1-ie r. 1.-4v fot in f:nt cf – ana F7!?(I.d whin n Y!A, Yy .7117:ery: LI not krvjw Y; the i roo that rttc1-2' a twKi i, 61=,L7L,t 71:':c1eLs:LcaalF, a very bacl So in Brisbane 1PL4.3 I n!?,tlirally fir 5't Eurveyed the orthodom metboOs of tral-2.P7D=t a77. mi LTtrc,.t73 he al ca,yu of tswakrda. ihat 1:77 fr.7aci17.71 to cet a paf: th(, r;zo tc-, the I c,7:-Ncd Llethod of trans-po'rt f–ron. the -13tr,=, lrg by loot 1:nther thn cd'-.HH,.. :q a t77:tm an:11st (7.171 im-rortant, getting of '1.17,7ri;-Jcntwin -6he re-7; of t?.-: oro775. I-m=ed into that railway csompa:ctment with y pa,:7-r.,, only to t*:: d that in the wijole carriage there was not a rack 1arecnou-n to h-)1d it nor was there room to rut it on the;.flotir. I was de'jec:t ey ciat,.:1171ating =sing it for the whole journey when the ideaoccurre(i to EG to -olae it in the luggage van so I rushed along at one staion and was remon7rtrated with by the guard on account of the possibility of hcle..illg up th:a train, The train took only four and a half hours to dash c-ver 6:-/ miles of flat country so of coarse every second was valuable, There w5z:5 no aocc=dation of any kind on the train and, not being in the least degree hot, ncl.Taater, The return trip wos made in a motor train of such ancient vintage that rteensen'5 “Rocket” would have felt ultra-modern in its company and which moved e wildly that I was quite a2armed, However I sustained o… injury beyond a lump 011 the forehead where I was flung against the window,The exp,:rienoes cauoed me to enter the cautious phase of my life as a traveller, - The South Coast beaches and sunshine next attracted me, On this line_ is daily en atod a drana having some of the featur,7?s of the Hampden:Maze and soma of the ric'idie of the 5 1 A train leaves Brisbane which is nat =qt. r but consists really of 7Wr”, ordinaril7 the hoeD going to Scuthnort or the goats off to Coolanr7attR are she-pherf':,-,(.1 to theiresi,Deot L;nmpArt,. mente by notices and rail7a7 officials, but this Occacion'being a h. 1,-Iday, everyone was confused nnd therc… was much speculation as ti which half went where, Zero hour came nt a snail pThtfor..7 in the 1,11.1.1z- of the hush where the ceremony of breaking the train takes place and ha-re a'largl my-,;cif included, wao 11.!Jh:13 up and down t'fac line in the rai.!2 endeavo-J.ring to discover which train ':vas wti,:;h, Just as I ma: ie sure of my -oortoa, it began to dise,rpear ard I franotioall7 o fter it uil a yellinR official told me that it was z u2,.t going to be parkod somewhere temporarily, 4ven,. tually one finds oneself on the move -again but if one has been facing the 3, engine now one hs'.s one's back to it. The whole operation can be understood. if yc.L1 are prepared to diligently study it and include a daylight inspetion of the jl noti(:n bIlt it Ls vlser to get into the- correotly labelled pc:tion cf the t7aim and try to ig ncro azything that happ6na (E7en if you are cn the wrong “bit” you are sTare of quite a pleasant weohend). A grand ol,_i “mixed” brought us from Canurgra, The “mixeds are like eleerly1 pclrtly 1aclit-7,s - you do not cxpect iten tl bo fast and t'ley 77.ave no pretensirts so you oan be tolerant. T!:e ..,.w., coE.7)artren',:n attahed were full -so_ vie obtained pe'rmissjon to ride in a h1lf-ei7ty t],-.1Ack whioh pr7ed luxury - travel bth for 5ight-eeing and for ocio17,es3, All track record were broken in a 48 mile run occupying iive and a quarter ho7lre. The whole train position was wickod but we soon deciged that we would not collpiain. not even ae we (11.7.g ourselves out of ths, coal dust2 ar 1,3ng as thr,re 7as a train but we cluikay realised that the few convenient times were quite inadequate for walking trips, One day a local hRrpened to mention that a lift. could be arrq nged to his district by milk lcrry from a Brisbane fac:tory and that news wao a seed which did not fall on etoz, ground,. 1 inter7Lowed the mil7.r. receiving department and. aa a result, :.ay in wait for a trwik ccming fx-om Beaudooert, tha centre of a regton a:imoct famous for :74. 2 wa.:_kne at;,rar.,tion, As 1 stood on the cornel, I missed whPt was probably the only cmportunity which will ever ccire my way of gttl_ng rich quickly, The case I ca2red was apparently the snare. o-,' I had to keep up a constant Gonversation telling Allied servicemen; who inquired both openly and covertly, that 1 was no,t dealing in black market whisk7 To one thirst,y enquirer for a drink “around 12,3re.” I pointed out that there was a large milk depot opposite but he disgustedly replied “Ughs that stuff !6. kill me”, Se'V.ral wc:ek3 later we commenced our Easter trip on this milk lorry, each one perehd on an empty can, The nriFe cf the smrty (:-an7,; VVi t,,rrific, particularly as we ma-le severeFa detours over roi.:.7:h colIntry Tear, ror was thi', riding very smooth so we arrived at our destnation 5c,mcwh battcrd, I have lar0 many trips on this lorry sin,..,e7 the 7,6i-. en? bang sc; 7.iclnt 7.t I, vas irnable, to it don in comfort for many c-lays aftF;rwars. -17)e,F,s n(,.arly puttinz my thumb out of joint, it wov ld haripen on thF:t oc,7ariion when I was some milea fro.1.4 7:he station at the end of my trip thnt a ca t sould offer to take ma there on hcreehack, Next mo:iing we completed -our jcurney by service bl:s-bUt on the roof as the InSt de was crowd:,)d, This cc.,Ecess3.on77,u as p1PR7)xt as the open raiaw2 truc0,7, =,/i d we encyed it es 2T_').11, ,The Te'd1).-rn t.7.1r Flic-Od h,.1. been made by ti-17, ;:-,ane bus,bat we missed it by a mare two or -none hcurc so af' exhallsting every avenue we ciecitacd to try to step a goods tr;.:Jn on the line, This was ac-complished. without difficultfy and within fifteen mf_n utes -7.e were aboard the trein ar2A snugly citretch,:,(1 out in our E.:_eerf ng bags on the floor, of the guards van On rf..0:75. .7.,s tracpo-J:t e..x penss we found thilt ':,:e had travlled 40 miles by lorry. : b7 =.%er'Tif.:e bus and 60 by train for 6f3a. To crtwn it all the tram conductreEol thin:King we. weresoldiers, gave us ,qoapior44 fares, r-, , 1-ne (rto'aemnt of this trip had most valuable repenTacsions3 for this line passes th6af l'h eellert walking country adjacent to Lamingtoa National Park though the cLlly passenger train is the daily express each way at a very Inc-On- e i venient time. However I heard that it was veesible to travel up by goods train so one Friday night found us infiltrating the goods yard - crawling over sidings and under trucks on the track of an alleged early departing train. We found it and gradually got to know the “ropes” as the Army sys, with the result that we now ring up during the day to enquire the hour of departure of all “goods”. Of course chance looms large in our arrangements but it is quite true to say that we have never been seriously put out at any time. At one station, most strategically placed, all trains stop and it is here that we plan to finish all our walks in this country. Upon arriving one enquires when the next goods is expected - it may be in half an hour or it may be in six hours. In the former case we skip tea, in the latter we adjourn to the beautiful creek only one hundred yards from the station and dine from the remains of our food then perhaps sleep on the station secure in the station master's promise to wake us when it is time. On one occasion I arrived in Brisbane at 3;30 a m0 and on another occasion at 5.30 a m. but the chances of not arriving before six on Monday morning are very remote. Increasing knowledge brings finesse. Local peonle mentioned that trains would sometimes stop right near the barder which would save us a six mile, though pleasant, road walk. Our first engine driver was dubious on account of the steep grade but said that the train wbuld be moving so slowly at this spot that if he slackened speed a little we could jump off quite easily. So selecting an empty truck each we waited until the driver blew the whistle to-let us know the location.- for it was night - then jumped. We never wal4 lp that road now.. 0 eeursP I tell my Queensland friends and those from other States that such convenience can be expected only on a N.S.W. line. - ; (to be concluded) ; STANZAS FROM “AN AUSTRALIAN SYMPHONY”. The silence and the sunshine creep With soft caress, O'er billowy plain and mountain steep And wilderness– A velvet touch, a subtle breath? As sweet as love, as calm as death, On earth, on air, so soft, so fine, Till all the soul a sioell divine O'ershadoweth. The grey gums by the lonely creek; The star-crowned height; The wind-swept plain; the dim, blue The cold, white light; The solitude, spread near and far. Around the camp-fire's tiny star; , The horse-bell's melody remote; , The curlew's melancholy .note Across the night., .George Essex Evans. peak; 5, SEPTEMBER WEEK END TO CLRLONIS Garrai, It hea 'ceen uelnotonous jou7ney, aeew&-cl sz,ccii and outside driLzlir g ren and L heavy ocrez-7e-!t eky, 7eAdd,c1C:y howe7ez, as oe a,Yeroached Lawson, everycne e: et ao If Mc:trifle& It wrtg: cnewn3: in Sep';eelber! Thera re.E.fel tYein windr-w?, and lniY;. pf ee-.!,(natea eee'-'ersation where berere c,:eryene hr,d bPcn and bo-ed, Aa elimbed ':rem ol. e mountain tezA to Enetar the ,ec'cno beeane Lere utt moe'e 'oeeuttrul, The rincw had been 12:1:Lng some and. rerc t, oesidc T,he railway and the te whieh at finei, were ju teprink:.ed wi-eh eln:)w beoame heavily laden with their wh.:L:e buraen., Ke,;;eer obe, a biec,us tevn,. but thic aay it ws bifui The roof tops; the lawns, and the roadway were eom-eletelv covree2 with snoArt and each shrub and WE1-9 an exci-eicite thing, The japonaoas we:ce amenrest the most beautiful, as the red of the flowers-glowed beneath the man tn cf ancw We took the bus out to the golf links (our bare le v h:e71n7 bee-n bombarded with k.,ncs w balls by the local lade) and here the loveldnes wae breathtakira., Tne links were just one huge white,-expnee, an'a the trees between the fairwaTs each had an individual beauty, They wore eyprus and seendry English trees which vied with o ar gums in lovely silhoueeetes, It was still nowing as we left the bu and pror:eeded towards the Tnvills Hcle, The track was slipnery arvi the weighted bushea-emtherod 119 with snow as we cesLeried, In the coma.' & shelter of the Hole itFelf we found patches of anor and the way was slow end awkward, We loe.,hed aheadtoa mest extraordinazy eight The valley seemed filled with mist which h'ed trIkon cee. a golden light from the resting sut,and through the mist there wao a shaft of sunlight striking the orange faces of the Narrow Neek, As we orent from the white tops into the green valley we regretted leaving behind to much lcveliness, However it was quite dark and we hurried on our way. In the dark? sometimes in the raini and by torchlight it-ras a slow re?cgres. but when we reFei:,hed the read near Duncans there were stars o7erhead and a brilliant coli3L neEP in the air, We arrived at Carlon's bcut hours later than our sehedule - a somewhat cold, tired and very hungry t.J:io but still eed, YErs. Canon' served us with one of her typical dinners: and did we erjey it; We were ontert'lined es,rcie-nd the firc by o grout of lade from Lithgow, and when Zinally we Plipred very contentedly !ecneath our blaakets, it vas very pleasant for c=nt_.c net to have to 'worry about tent poles ana-gathering b-racken and dead leaves' for a bed,

Next morning was bright e nd clear with a coo: b:ocese - excellent for wa7lring., After a hearty b:eeakfr-i_et (includin crm on :)1),- norrldge -and M) we tock the sawmill track and as we roaehed the higher slopes the views across the valley were fine Our,rout t: we,s via h:itcholl/F Creek on to the Narrow Necks, The creek was full of tall tree.;ferlls and other attractive foli_age, Not so pleasant were the lawyer 7f,nes hich la7,erated our leRs, We came Pt length to the tree in which some thoughtful Soul had (pme tme ilaced nails to assist-, those not quite sufficiently monkeylike to climb without We had 1,revious1y looked at this tree from above but hesitated to deocemq with –tp,acka In case_we could not get up again, -(Would suggest that f aryoT going thou11 that way they take a supply of good strolig nails ate these at preoen, in the tree have served their day), The ;party having safely negotiated th.5_2 hazard/ we made our way to the overhang at the top of Yitchellls Croek, and hzed lunch. with the clan pouring down upon us, When we reache the re,in trai eaong the Narrow Necks the wind had dropped? and vis:Ibiltty was. ex,I;ellaff7,-, We aced once acain, as we always do? the lovely valleyE; and ridges extendis i-nto the T3urragorang and beyond, and the cloud shadows and 61ilaight gave an. overchangingovarietY to the Megalong Valley, We had time to beIcfsurely, to pause when we wanted to., and joy of joys - we had no 1ioa7y s, I es;.7;ure you it je3 a good thing to go away for a ek and with a pair of pyjamas and Sundays lunch? .. laTe-M0:=70-ING BOUDDI NATURAL PAPK, Marie B,Byles. The possibility cf getting rid of me,squi by mean of flah first cane into ny miud from hearing that the Army Medical Corp was stocking with fish certain malarial streams in North Queenel,-nd, Enquiries from the Board of Health showed that there was ij ttle danger of dengue or malaria from our Sydney streams, but that did not alter the ionpleasahtness of mosquitoes in our popular Bouddi Ee..t:YTj Park, The enouiries wero pursued and it was discovered that a fish called Gambuoa AE- Iela found the moFquito. larvae the most delectable of foods, that Mr. Meac'..ow2 the Newcastle Health Inspector had some of these estimable fish under his flare, that if they were placed in fresh water to begin with, they did not mind getting aoolimat!_zed to the salt lagoons, and best of all that they were very prolific breeders, Mr, Meadows kindly gave me full directions about feeding them on rolled oats and putting them in the streams, and rang me up when he had IrJt a kerosene tin full (about 200) on the train for Woy Woy, Eckhart Heilpern (131)ch Club) and Laurie Raynor (S.B.W.) collected them here and transported them to Putty Beach and Maitland Bay. Cu: attempt to “fish” the first stream was -done by gingerly dipping a cup into the kerosene tin and after the third or fourth try landing one tiny fish about an inch long, and placing him (or her) in the pool, LY.,r Rquai7.-tr ;ee% 70 had managed to catch eight fish, and praying thot the sexes were p2:riT,372i7 ri. xcd, we went on to the next stream, There was then a long coni-e:ciPer171- as to whether it might be possible to pour the fish out The mocity consideed they would either come but en masse or stop at the bottom, EventlIally Laurie stopped the debete (rather unlike his usual self;) and started to rur. Much to our delight about 25 fish swam out happily into the pool. We then started off over the hill to Maitland Bay, Eckhart conceived the brilliant idea of putting the kerosene tin in his rucksack, But it did not work. The water slopped out of the holes, and we found? not only water, at the bottom of the paclk. but one of our /precious fish, So there was nothing for It but to carry the tin in the hand, not the easiest or lightest thing to carry along the rough rather overgrown footpath, where Eckhartls giant frame was usually bent double tn get under the trees. However, the job is now done. The streams at Putty Beach and Maitland Bay have all been “fished, and we shall do the one at Little Beach, 14hich never -11…………… d:r1c,:e, when we have the. nextworking bee in May 1945, At th s.Ame working bee wri a,cnncree dam. rl t TjrLr '&7?ae7h halc,W the 1:'.eFt of all the aroF in thE perhrrIE 7ve at th(? s.-mo So ,I;(7 T.7,c(1, There only one littI tr:rZnIe, and 1,1,,5.i; is tha the fiEih ycung nn in th f,.)-2m of egg.9 an*Ipt 2,f the rieayil 1.17 thcf,r die: 7tnd is this ri7k with rega t fs1.3s,-Jt th7- ,7;tromoi and e-ien th Ii ;.e loaokh lagoorol Synr q,1 c-. 7romisix y.-)un gr%duRP, inJ-cnt a fich whi ( rf!-In r,o ind–PtrutabIc as mc;squ.:.;:o thon we only pray to the rain enc,t to icint us a drought like the last FIEWO 1?. 7 S The arrival of the notice of the Hai '1F=7-1.y C7crncra:l. Moeting with its frightrY:ninp; threats and ghncltay .L.,.:12410.tic)usly into the hox%cs of glan-j unsuf;'net!ting Burhwalker. Such G3.71P:1, ;:urned ap en Sect, 8th, the day of the meting7 that we '12,.rnec t the date hae, been vi.-Aously marked on most calendars for hirr.(4, kart from some eneral DI:sinc,ss the really belia, portion of the notice read7 3, “To consider the foll(,wing motion by Mr. A,Wy1-.c:n; that the following be inserted in Section 3 aftor Dub-2ection (a) of the Con!l-titi,ztion, bb, “M:mbers are ex-cected to lead at leaPt oue,. walk per year if requected, Tailure to comnly w.L1 result in trancr?n:e memb-;.r- f-:ip. The Committee may waive this rule in e-7. 111 cases,” 6, “T:1 ,-;oactor the following motion moved by Mr, J,Eunicr, the foilowing be ins;:rrtf.,d in Seotioa 5 after su')-section (a) of h Cont:titutien, bbb, “YclYbPrs who do not complete three or more walks with the club - year shall be automatically tranr-ed to nz…n-active list. The Cummittee is to use its discretion in exceptional circumct nces,” Fighting words to Bushwaakrrs, But they rose to the occasion full hcmse, pt*7_rri.-.Dz spachsE; by tht) owcsi'c ion anc9. intertions an', the meeting wa2 almost :pre-war. Old members who perhanr haven =t ce.,:n a tr;:lck for years encIT,c,d li-ol:ta their hideouts (m.,rlious cor7ice PMl,) and entred the ring to dc, in the war against rogimentaticm, 1.Tr, A,!JTcoz n and Mr,J,Hunter e=7,.ch touched 6.rlicptel7 if inPistently on the c:ec;acionce of the Club as a wr,)Akil ag clab md had oPv2ral 5u-01)ort:.s9 There worsr( f] against the m,-tic,r Po well Mario'ByLt:o L;c,-.7-0 a vc,ry forceful epeo..h the git of which 3,,,ened to be thi m.:-)E.t of the od miero h e not go on ctii cial alks were those 77ihn were of kind or Rrtrar for the c11:,b. The others appo r%=ntly wE:rc really f1L.-ut the birth rate and were dcing something practr3cr,I about it. Otfc7_,i):1 tiae birr.,12 rrlt-e are thingo apart. Lfter thia and oe-elal or c hcs in 1-1- ,,cn we did i:;hink the Walks Secretary had an awful for 0,Ea1es, May To r,uggest that Mr,Wyborn refrains from a7Dcar :Lntor- t'izLEd in the birth rate to lead walks, as El cJ”:rcnac, 1i:to II-r,ert, Ch,Col'oerF, M.Harrison and others all ga've mo ueiene. sprecn: you guos ea it, The motions' were &,,atcd. 8, LET= FROM. THE-LADS AND LASSES Letters wore received frem the fol1evein3 members durirg September;. Jack Ade ns Bruce Simps_on Jeen Pny Batty P-7de. Ted Patercen Ueas Jcnes Dill Burke Larney Evans Ma-J. Gentle Les Douf;Iae, Betty P— e - 23-2-44 - Donilieujn, Remember Me? I have once again changed mor aboe e nd. eea ncee, ar3 yeet (;o1.1 eee, out in t7ee dead hnart et Ortrflye r., the Dancl of -er eortunity, tile Tolden weet where men ar-e not mon bat J. years olr air t:i:Tliees or el,ie-rD.y ci7ili an lc:heurers, Eacromentc: get stuck into come straego srette, den't 1? But what T. did to deserve t his, IT. dteet J.aiee, rey life ent7i:eely bleneless, (well almost) and nothing Itvii ever done ecield pcesib4. TRT-r'Cr.(117 banishment to this far flung out-pont of the Eneeire, Tt ia quite tne most unnterosting country flve e7er been in - not a hill between he7:e) and Pe-rth te beieak the howling gales that sweep'aorees the praire, Last - atar d-r v'n went for a walk - trotted about 6 miles 1),It might oust as well have etood on one square foot and lifted ny feet up and down for all the change in scenery. Never in all my life have I.seen so muoh sky at one time I'm all for the tide open e-naces where ion are men, but these spaceS are a bit too -wide and the men are only 18 or cripples, What a life. This is a flying training school and every one dashed about looking most terribly important, but having been in the Air Force for 2 years 1 secretly s7cpect that it is all just a lot of hooey and-that nobody is important And thet :eobey as anything to do and just dashed about in such manner to sort of draw a red herring or two or three over the trail. Of course I may not be right but it is just a theory I have. The unit is about 2 miles out of the town and for all the geod that is it might just ao well be 200, The town is just a town and the whi-r1 of reckless social gaiety is confined to movies and a dance put on by the local Comforts. Fund on Tuesday, There is a ball once a month to which the farmers and their numerous emale offpring give their patronage, clad in the most astonishing array of “evening gowns”, with sequins and thi ngs scattered will-nilly over the entire ensemble, We have a dance on the unit on Mondays and most of the girls trot along very resp].endent in their -chiffons and their organ:l ins with much trilling and floumeizg and much in the way of floral decoration in the hair, and eyephadct aed gord knows_wot-not, All their finery is covered by the Service great-ceats, airwomen for the use of, and they trot off clutching their 2/- and aelt,ear to_ have a wonderful time. I am afraid that 1 have lost my joie de vivre, because I am no longer anxious to wear my very best-go-to-meeting everling gown and silver slippers and wait to be asked to dance by pimply 18 year old youths with their hair plastered down with petroleum bought at the canteen for Si per -jar, I am afraid the rot is setting, in, because T. prefer to sit 'by the little stove in the hut and do- my knitting and rd my beck and mak,emyselt a el7T of tea at 9 olclock and then go to sleep on my couch of straw, and snarl inwardly at the roysters coming home at the indecent,hour of 11,30 and stumbling over the kit bags in the aisle of the hut, I have found it do cold here after the warmth of queenslandts sunny - skies that I have only been out at night to the movies on the station (and then 9, under loud protest) about twice in the two months I have been here, It hao been bir-)237 (refey. 1st 7.)argrR-oh, -17ard and winc7 coming frnthjrh Th? r.-*ple of :a ys hi71 i 0-7,rM;:rrs but not me to off =-7t7Ya r.,f the layors if ciothea in -which my by swadd:1, r n M7 but:r:n (cIr atcy r.J.E (0; th(.. th nn, oa7J1s E-,br)11'; Tti-h 2 p=r=7,thctio with the wrong patients, Sum,F,how I havo a f;lcult for 4.;_o the wrg scrts atpit usually tha tl-tpoor mann who locd!.7(-; ::;:c n.bly ill and vas waitAg to see 7aEn't really ill, bui: ny ha ee the d:.c, to have his ptj!=i:;.cal verifed for fcr nEoccint, because he was dr,Lk in totn:a na. e hamic,o (7.L'r1177Lan to eath r mich, I. ha7e. lead to, pall a old -, .711=a cold a “r_r;r4a and ;1-…alk nc rt c.h!TtntIy about “a7nelldltand “tansUccomy” -. arcfree abandor, worfh cbmment on your ,.rer's InttEr becautze it vas writte]'1 on 24th May (Shame on you Elizabct:2) (11,. you will not h ve the'remotol what you wrote on the 24th Mayl but it raf7 really a most entortainj ng screed anl I enjoyed it today rereadir s dl as muc as ever,-Y.,Your lettrers en.Gortain Me, uScue this being typed, btif I Wf0(1,i. etter 11, rt? at hospital it looks as though Im just 1:)afin:o, and ccud be bc=tter emi:loyed, but if I VD.9. and make a great clatter with 1 c c,evt-)ryboy thinks !'Poor irL she is to7rib1y busy, we must not disturb he:c. Wo lv in long tin huts, there isn'pt a two E%orey builczin:, on the entire rsto7.e and from the distance it looks like Sa 999999,” :Pho WAA7: are in.,?+;hat we refer to as the ComQouud. rounds lie an orcl3F-Jre for wild aninals, '211,:ro are not many girls her anCA IFA-1 hove about 24 to huti and you -0:et it is about as ',oriva+,e as a :oo, Isn't Pxtraz)r(qinary the griF go th..rol:An -hen 2remarinEz fflr bed? VI,- have lttt]n f1,a E:oves in 1,he tr of the huh pnr', al: a:m.1nd it at night our unhappy lot r-ad .1.scur7,sing whHL the sea..gan c and wnt w id To sergeant, and ooa or later vm gFt (r-Tvia o hh subject of food end ac d then we start ail over e.Faan One whri I nirl who 's willing and ablP TO d'Irc,us so7lc c:LI;or than the a'cv)ve mcntioned. To7)ics on a 'RUF station f;7-11 flPt in a foan:::ig fit and wi:11 then he a pent on my own orspf_tal, no snorts on the unit bob :an plrv tennis jr. the village on Sz turCLPT- on the tr,wn This 7”Ls enough if we can nanag to ot P amo but i. -c.:5-r1.1:1,y is ratI= cix0(1-.d; R: lust take a larsi—t of and R11apnl. onL go -2.1)t and sit in r,Le and brood and watch th7 2.0 ……….. FEDERT710N WO7ES PLAXIAND B7-T.LLKT7G CLTT At the Ausw:st meeting the newly formed Blaxl:ard ro Tr and wal; admitted tn membersY.p cf te Federt:t'Lon. Mr,Tac.1 wa s. w,::icomed as its d-ilegato. not only as represcntirg a new C1,1, but al,R). f:,E; a 7.)%st ;:ion,Secretary of the federation and one of its repLes- enaii_res oT) GE:ra7lar-a Park Trust, GTTA PAR: 7\P EtT Aa a Trustee Mr,Atkin9on reported that the be lirng in a tent, iiJC,l 1 new go the way all teus, end tha',; t!-.e Trur2i: bac L:id a :,3rec4.6.1 Go,;Tr?22-,ent of E'.00 fc,r zr.%T:rfiri for a hut for ha, A clesign to blond in'lwth the c-:.. nory :r he ha5 been obtained and Iri z1 ncn ot tc -rc uy PiD%-k Tru and the Go rawara P%:Tk Trust n.–)w 'ruahwalhers to form c:ar-Tf tn1.9 tr:Icwn from Ia7nar:i:F, tf.1 tha olte pre- prea Et the sourb(,:on of Burning faln'ts rAa c:h)scio, for thL:3jb c the fourth in f;e:,?tinbar axad EY:h E=i) Till all biEtrc-ng nsnbFlz note tje. a-A.a t'he an t:at the 72terdal 12-?,13 to be cf:rried downhAll, but not bacl.: up again. That shuld be easy, particularly if there i a good roll-rD. The Tedera4.Lon meeting was held bcfore the latest cuts in the railway timt7Lblee. It mr y not be possible to ci?.1rf out the aTI-ansements, but if all thc-.e W17,0 are rrerarcd to go if tran3-cort is E1.7:2il ale will hr?.:1,71 in their r.Ec3 (and 'phone numbers or addrenises) we can arrange to have them advised what i dcftng. NO TIM77,R =TING RTGHTS IN BLUE MOUNTAINS - The Federation had received a , rcrLy- ti-u; FoIec.;7,y Cum=ssion 7,o a otter v,(n% timber-cutting nny, were in exi-tence in the arr:a of the pr7yroF,2d aue Mountains FationPa Park. The Forestry Commission sa. d. hhere are nore on ary of the Crown id thE:re. Therefore, if bushwalkers shouTd come 2..ross anyone cutting timber, it would be in order to question the Tereon as to his right to do so. YAPS, In response to a request from the Federation, the Military authorities. . - ha;.re agreed to the release for sale to the -public of the Port Hacking District Ma-o. Eowever, for security reasons, the llawkeobury River maD is nc t released._ GTV,NI) C.AnON TO MT;DIM TRACK. Attention Was drawn to the f-tct that the upper paft, cf the Gzand 66.n,yon track is closed; and that the notices are not very clyrious. It was esided to write to the Blachhcat'n and Katoomba Councils BE:king that the through track to Medlow be re-opened, VAP=77A1J It was reported that sqme of the bolts are loose and the C.M.W. =1. -, eelr.,tTai:es ,,p7re asked to see if anything can be done to have these bolts rel)laoadl if possible by larger ones. F:CDTDATIO7 RF-UNICN, The Rover Ramblend Club has agreed to act as convenor I1k.,. ON +. .r-w ft'L committee for this yearis Rel:.nion and will c0-olot members of oth.?r Clubs to assist in the work. The camp will be held at the end of October, and suggestions afe wanted for a site. , SYDNEY BUSH WALKERS- aKI BY IUINT-F4R By L,Sootiand, SI,…rrxic'd to learn that you can Sk4, Before Winter, See Bertie 7UL Sand BTronte Way and you &zre Will Be -.Fit when 7ou 7o -South by We3t to a ' '.;-,1,-.)77; Bound Tcrld, Don't:get ida 171ot za,ad skiing fL.E; all -hard -J',TorIT. and only to be c.,ndured as trsi fltng ic he wfl.,citzr holf d],ky -fom f,t, For after'F't little ji L.7.'.zobe..b].y be .I.oc,kincL highr and steep,-,r san&hL If you haVi., your oroj 1jc 4ont b afrrd cl that -the snc.: wiLl..harm them as the'y Till be…prc;teo rby a 77z'.x. h:2, We'. melt onto the a.:17js, If you no 3:K.1..s they can he easily and cheaply made from two ieces of wood (spott yd gun) 4:-1..:a x I in, 7 ft,. long ,c0f7ting 5,/- at r Whthr you be novice r expert you will benefit by practi onthe sand as Snowplow, 21J,em ChriEtial and Telemark turn.53. are all per bio and a; we estimat,F, Rp3d.2,- of 30 /11.1.1 are attained i[f. a eo u itsclf, he glad to enlighten furthr'6nyc)ne interste d, 7RIT12,P.OTT0i GLTD In a letter received from Ted Caine& PLillips, Convenor Tcp-ogralphical , Sect;c,., PLve- Canoe _Club IT SW particulrs are given of their ]ateat. pro- , dunt-:,..3u3: with the' r,)micler that they are for the use of al ly member of the c1ub2 or inte-erited non-members, 23 C(olo -R.iu.;.r,;,,,,;a useful canoelStat chart showing location and nature .:aidc and other dFba river topogr9.7uy by Bruce Stuart, Tfa21-',.ngs River–com7lete canoeists? chart -..7.rom For-uns River J1,1.12–or (v,rpR) tp Wquo'riobe (with inset showing canocable section” of ILrC-Dek…afad short section of Ellenboxough Rivex0. :Y 0 U R OPTOMETRIST (2? (2, F, GOODMLN MI, 0, Optometrist and Optician. Tel, B3438, Modern methods of eye examination and eye training, (%ref ul Spectacle fitting, @ fixing an appointment will facilitate the reservation of time ior giving you proper attention9 but should you be unable to ring ua beforehand ycur visit will be welcome at any time you may chose to call, BACKYARD BUSHWALKING- 174-i Someone. be8ides'the_editor- (and the cene-or) reads this rjr r mail Not exact7, “mail because it was a IDTIOne call and not e.:a:?,t].y. near enb u.F.,.t What really occrred was that-our refae c.' hn.-;;;pne to ho !f,n apisriEt aTid his eagle eye s-ootted the - sentence thbee with pollen baeets :Pul7) thsy s peed from flower to flow fill thelarder with honey againr2t times to eo.Ltic, we werei..her proud of that sentences It zcs nt: nicely. But al FralcS, .)cording to our ,friend the aloiaript (our reader> ti.2eci :]e:llk..(;-)11 honey and pollen at the same t:tme, In -Fact to thcit,13o,..:;ommoclial minded bee keeper to whom bees are merely manufscture-E4 of honey,- the wattle seaEon is a ioain in the nac]z because the bees knock off work to carry pollen, So that's that ha,3 athrill last week, Flannel flower seeds which were TJ;Lanted in May la; out-door beds have germinated after the recent rains and sturdy little seedlings are now coming u Whe-re- aeveral were crowded t9gether we carefully lifted them and replanted ih time for planting out later. Tiny seedlings. one 'third of an inch..high had roots 14- to 2 inches -long,- This long tap root seems to be a feature of most bush plants, It is nebessary . a-pparently because the light sandy soil diies out so quickly in-a hot spell. Similar long tap roots were ncticed on waratahe, Bossiaeas and c-Ja rf apple which we planted out. They. Seem to have survived the opeTation and aro now putting on fresh leaf, Son;:,, tIcky_milstietoo which we stuck in the crevicesof casuarinabark last for curiosity have germinated and are putting on leaf. We have a ground orchid too, A Thelymitra blooms in serenesolitude, To (tomplete the picture of domestic felicity a par of blue wrens has decided on a home site in a clrimp of pig-face and with complete - disregard for W,0_10 they have r:omDnoed house building, F3-A. PALLIN7 327 George Street, Phone. B3101.. SY.pNEY. CAMP GEAR FOR WALKERS

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