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The Sydney Bushwalker

September, 1944

A Monthly Bulletin devoted to matters of interest to The Sydney Bushwalkers, 5 Hamilton Street, Sydney.

No. 117
Price 6d.

Editor:C. Kinsella
Asst.B. Jolley
Bus. Manager:J.Johnson
Production:Yvonne Rolfe
Asst.Alice Wyborn
Sales & Subs.Betty Dicknson
Bushwalking BabiesMarie B. Byles2
Why Do We Walk?4
Did This Happen To You?Les Harpur5
Sale of Native Flowers6
Books for the Services6
October Walks & poem8
Letters from Lads9
Federation Notes12

Native Poet

by Nancy Cato

Each magpie sits on his own post
And sings his song, and does not care
What Others sing - the starling's croak,
This lark that trills in the blue air,
But is he right not to rejoice
In the alien blackbird's voice
For myself, I'm not above
Liking the mournful Indian dove;
The goldfinch has a pretty wing
And there's no doubt the lark can sing.

But, “Give me a crimdon bird to chatter
Bush-silence with his parrot-clatter,
Black of wattle-bird, cockatoo-screech
Echoing along the reach”,
Sings the magpie, “Woods and dales
Are proper haunts for nightingale;
But here, by claypan flat and creak
And gully, native voices speak.”

Bushwalking Babies

by Marie B. Byles

Bushwalking, or tramping as we called it in the Old Country, commenced in our family as soon we could walk. I suppose I was six when we attempted Snaafell (2000 feet high) in the Isle of Man. In memory it is still the grandest mountain I have ever seen, and not even the dragon Mountain of Yunnan, ten times as high, were half so lonely and inaccessible. So too the primrose-bordered brooks of the Isle of Man will always be far more beautiful than the woods of Norway carpeted with lily-of-the-valley, or the sapphire lakes of Canada with their asters and columbines.

Down through the years of childhood the tramps stand out as the highlights, and this, even though they were often only along the banks of the Marsey canal on Saturday afternoon where we watched the slow moving barges taking the cotton up to Manchester, or stood on the railway bridge waiting with bated breath and beating hearts until a train came underneath and gave us a “puff”. When one of the senior girls at school announced her intention of getting a “puff”, I agreed enthusiastically with the proposal connecting it at once with the Saturday afternoons by the canal, and not with the latest style of hair-dressing!

What is a SprinE_1 But the cream of the tramps was in the Peak District with its grassy hills and caves where perhaps Crab, the Caveman, lived. On the top of one of those hills was a little spring that gushed out of its peaty source like a watertap. My Father had a collapsable brass drinking cup, and brass is perhaps the most evillytasting material ever invented, but filled with water from that spring it was a goblet of the gods. That spring set my standard in springs for ever after. Years later when I vas shown a bit of damp earth in the Warrumbungle Mountains, and told it was a “spring”, I just did not believe it. Springs have got to spout out like that one in the.Peak District or they are not springs! Another thrilling tramp was one frosty New Year's Day when my Father took Us to Roaterne Mere, a lake owned by a wealthy family, which did not permit members of the proletariat like us to approach its shores. My Father7 who was both an ardent Christian and an ardent socialist sat us up on a style overlooking the lake and made us say after him, “The eerth is the Lord16 and the fullness thereof Cursed he be that addeth field to field Down with the blasted Lendowners!” It ie sid that the adult life may be made or marred by such teachings in infency. But it was on St. Boniface Down in the Isle of White that my fate was settled, for we came down “by an original descent which' would make Auntie Clive green with envy”. Surely it was then that the lust for virgin peaks was sown, a lust which has driven me into most uncomfortable situations in New Zealand and China. 3. …..'…….. A to Then tile tops of the montaTh!:3 i7:05:7ad of- in tic c. 7a7leys, It wa,7 osecially as no or i ei Ccj h9.1.7 heard_ of i.,7-Arvo My.7athe.J2 tramped Sydney frying to buy a ax-t6 'iYhr, we w. ro ih,? Blue c taa n vry winter We 171-2r, rioGiitiocn Tr was a lict “teai;T:y s7lot2” Lotice bnard staon, a “j t wri had a1way du -k-Jd off before retuTncd hcin e, but apflarenta7 no cne cecirr wr-.1ked beauty . e-ptsi anyhow, no c.,e e:Es-pt t-,!.:n:7”bj- tionable man caTle “Riaz'cl7.r, who had walked. 7,o t”r1.= merely to defile then! by paLnting namp on '(:1.eir ro,;'kE; As for “r)7z igthal de::3ent8” w -cn; would ow1 what we were talkin One c,f thee 11E down to the 'Torst Ardr,In“ and back in clie day, When 7ou remember that is noT called th,.? 7-1.1e Gum Forest end that there wa-i then no track to it 13,2t cl-n2ziing5 you will agi-c:e that it was not a bad effort for my younger brother who could not have been morc thcca nine- - But tink. 711aoe r -t iche in “orignfal desents:fl- wa p s o unt Irwin, where we wanted very baly to find a way down to the Wallongambi River., e had brought som–: “imoc,th-eting, chocolate”, Thich IT,;:?s 'not to be'eaunti l,it could be waPhed c dwn 15j._A the vatrs of th:! Wall(Jrgambi, flavoar ed dot5lessH with the braF of that ev:L115,,tasti 6'.- nk5_ag-ru:r3 After many attempts vie got down. only to find the or,e'0…s-floTrinFin t cle'13ths of an inaccessible canyon I don't kno7 what :1a77,,,elled to the “sillooth-eating chocolate”; I suppose it retured sorrowfully home. with us, - 1.–?; - r It was my Fathe7 who tc,Tk mr my firFt cam ning trip. It was to Mount Hay, and thereafter 1 crap;ged cut ursuspeoting University friends on camping tri7e e7ex-,y, 1 oli6ay B7,16h-walking was a very dangerous pastime in those day; there wer lurking behind every bush, and the hop of an 1.nnocent kangaroo FELF in-cs'rprcd ae the step of a prospective robber. No wonder we found it recc sPar7 to have at least one revolver in the party, -:arri.,:=d conop1:;uousi7 on the hi-. ni no wonder people used to stare a liTtle r:7@ivers and long tkirt and. ':-)111f es and frying pans draped about the Deison must have looked a umas1;.el. If we were so. frightened of our f e.Ww-ita';'-'07',7, j-magf_In rhy we found bushwalkirig so attractive. tilt if we are cnnditionr,,d in childhood. that exnlains everything. When I look 1-.571.ok on the highlights of my childhood, I feel very sorry for the bop.; snd gi Ic who _do not have Tiarents.Loeeo them bushwalking, and if fitneos oam;3 and youth hostels can 1),s foster patE:tis to such children, then as bushwalkers we sho iii,d,.inA'kpnbe fo2ter arents to the fitness camps and youth hostels.

Why do we walk?

Well sir, that's a big question you've asked. It's all very well to say that we walk for pleasure, but that doesn't explain where the pleasure comes from, does it? Again, it s 11 very well to say 7.E= wala or our health -ready to queson statemel::t when wo find ourselves miles fromL…hlteri sopping wet and shivering, and/or exhausted, and/or half starved as we are at times, Some of wil you that we walk to 3e the country, But how little of it w,D realI3 do when oa walking, Very often our eyes are glued to the grouna immediately ahead of our feet, carefully watching each step in case we should. farfi over in nu-z ,'T'truggle some. heavily weighte movruinti over the oountrysid;C;o:tainj_:,– we step new and again when the leader e;,eta puffed out and oayli ho view is worth looking at; but if we'd bt,en riding a horse; c;.r a cy:Y,) or merely citting at home in an armchair lookinT at an illustrat Tollriot 3ureau IDamnhlet, we p2obably would have seen much more of the view without half the bother t(, of us think we walk for the enjoyable companionship. Admittedly we seem happy enough to be out together; but what about those wives, and sweethearts, and mothers, and maiden aunts of ours, who sit at home knitting our Dom porn caps, and socks; and wondering all while when we'll get sense, enough to find out that their company can be even more enjoyable than our own. - No sir! It's Hot the companionship which attracts us it's the lack of it more likely.- “It's a great spell from hard work,” others will say; and even as they are speaking the sweat will be pouring down their foreheads, and they'll be breathing like asthmatic elephants in the last stages of dither. “It' gets you away from life's dull routine”, still others will claim; and even as they utter the nonsensical, empty headed remark, they'll be putting up their tents, spreading out their groundsheets, gathering in their firewood, and frying their sausages (arid perhaps cursing at the rain) in the same old, dreary, monotonous, routinish style which they've been doing for years. “It's nice to see the trees, and breathe the fresh air.” It's nice to feel the wind in our faces,” It's a joy to hear the birds sing.” We walkers have been saying these things so often that we're actually beginning to believe them: But why walk to get these questionable pleasuras? Your own back lawn, or the nearest public gardens, will provide the first. A cycle Tide into a stiff northerly along St.Kilda Road, will provide the second. And anybody with a canary in a cage, or a parrot, or a white cockatoo, can have the third turned on whenever they wish, just like getting water out of a tap, No sir! I cannot tell you why we walk I'm sure none of us cant but please don't delay me any longer. I'm in a devil of a hurry, I want to get home to pack my rueksack for the weekend walk, I wouldn't miss it for the world! The Editor, 'Walker's Rag.“

Sale of Native Flowers

by Ray Birt

Readers will have gathered from the news-papers, there lu ls been a finitestjz Zo17.cwing tha deputation to the Minister for Local Government o TyN)cent thpetitian akinF for the ,;%Tohibition of the sle of all p::!c,tooted wild flowers, with the -exception of Christmas Bush However, legilation i8 one thing and another thing is the enlightened growth of pulic onin which will not tolerate the sale of wild flowers and whiclh will refuEle to sell or buy our National heritate Vii-'6h this in mind,. we wrote to the leading stores which sell vilA flowers and a5k()d,them if they would be 7Dublio spirited and si;c:o tte riale of same in thor 5.bores ; Two of them rw:ponded, Mecisrs Woolwc;r1T3 salA they would etolp the sale altogether and their Managing Dil-ec:tel7 an Secretary signed the petitioa and Messrs. Anthony Hordern said th[;y would atop the sale for thetime being. It is now up to all bushwalkers to go out of their. way to shop at these stores and tell. the sales assistant why they are doing so

Books for the Services


The Services Committee needs more and more BOOKS, PAPERS and MAGAZINES to send to the lads and lasses. Their supplies are very, very low.

What can YOU do to help?

Bring what you can into the Club, or leave with PADDY PALLIN.


We do wish the Butlers- (Ira and Dot, Rhona.7 tant do anything about it) would stay “imt” long enough for us to say with , certainty where they are or are going to ho fora few -days, We her tha.4; Dot is in Melbourne and very cautiously we say F20 Next time that we are i7A the cJ..ub room we e, , Dots who appears very amused when we show surprise and try to i onoeal annoyance, Dot- tells us that Ira has ffeparted overseae? not for a photoEraphio ramble as we 9upposed? but on business, rza, having to leave at -crry short notice, left our Dot with a beautiful but unfinished sweatc for This garment was Dots idea of wha-, the well dresced genT.z!hould wear in the ofra'ocIsT..hc,re. Anyway? as Ira swung himself on 'o' d tkl,e plane, Dot FAartec7, on the nookband, Mr. Butler sewed his sweater lip, on the trip over, After a round of visite? Dot and Rhona are going to lc,ok after the Iredale childrot while Merle does some.Kindergartet work, The evenings2 we imagine will be fully oeoupied with Kindergarten stories from both of thm, Mr, and Mr, Pay Beat allowed us to look at their :Lovely baby last week before :i;hey took her round to the River- Canoe Club, The Eushwalkers cerLainly do themselves proud whet it coms to babies, Dunc, also made an appearance in the clubroom Jfter a few weeks absence and we are all glad to see that she is well again. We heard of a kind hearted shark the other day, A small -party of Bushwalkers, Arthur Gilroy, Fifille Kinsella, John Wood and Laurie Greenaore were down at Garie conteaDlating the water and doing nothing about it, Fif, braver than the rest made up her mind to swim_wert in and enjoyed (F) herself, wondering vaguely about the calls she couldho..L. in tie. distance, Fif turnedl pickecl, her wave and came in, Later people came alc)ng and expressed their thankEuiness that she had heard their shoutE; from the cliff top, The ohark7 they said had p-ractically ir7ted to a-:,tarA when Yifille turned to ,-.ome back, Tuggie has done 7c,,ar last Test walk,, She says Paddy led her first test walk and now he has led her last, On this, her last test 1;ink Tuggie complained bitterly th.9t she had alway thought that T & R on the programme meant Traok and Reasonable, To which Paddy smartly, retorted that No, it meant Tuff and Ruff

October Walks

6th, 7th, 8thMt. Victoria - Grose River - Blue Gum Forest - Grand Canyon - Blackheath
Doug McGuire will lead this walk and says that the Bluegums have lost none of their appeal, especially at this time of year. A search may be made to preserve any saplings. That great fissure, the Grand Canyon, will be seen on the way back. It is a unique spot containing beautiful ferns and lovely pools and should not be missed by anyone who has not seen it

14th, 15th ROBFRTS07-YECLA-CAR3INGTON FALLS-JAM=00-KIAMA, ha e alraFs been a favorite spot with Bushwalkers, tucked away in the fasness of the 7-2-3er Kangaroo River, The Carrington Falls provide a 3neer drop of L70 feet into a rocky cha7m, but don't be alarmed. Elsa Isaacs is going hack another way7 by a new route with coastal views, to the beautiful rural distl-ict of Jamberoo; 2lut; 22nd, PARRI,MATTA-GLENORIE-DUAL-GLEN0r,IE. Hare is a new area for most walkers, even thounit is so close to Sydney. It consists of some of the richest orchard and dairying land near onr eity That does not mean that fruit and cream will be on hand for momly?rii (-2 the party, our Social Secretary John Woods, is taking this walk, but there L s alwa;Te a possibility, 28th7 29th, F7D7PATION RE-UNION The walk this week-end to the Wild Dog Mountains has been cancelled, so e'reryone should be available to go to our Annual Federation Reranor, there to meet our friends from other clubs, and so foster the inter-club s;-j_rit,. The site and other particulars will be made known as soon as they have been decided, ARE YOU COMING ? THE WALKER'S BLEAT You hear it not while at your work, Now in the busy street; But when the walkers rove about There comes a plaintive bleat, Tho careful leader stalks ahead In rain and summers heat, And little heeds the anguished souls Who cry; When do we eat?” Oh,many of our walking friends Thus hunger on their feet, And know that ease for it depends on This WHEN DO WE EAT“? F,,A. BLACKMAN in the “Melbourne Walker” (7) '12EITT:r]RS TROY' THE :LADS Sinc& our last ws. have received letters from the following members of the Walking fraternity;-7 Morrison Vc 11. bour?; Alen Williams Di mth John Green Ls Dous Peter Page Frank Frt,-su=.1.27c1 Doric, Allden Jack Grfion Mannell Bill 3,Jrke, DORIS ALIDYT 12…64- Last Tri?la y-we-:,k I endE-30 up in Sick BR7 , ania na7e been e n unpj_easan ,ffair and. W: of it h07-F., I th(r;.ght I warl e5cF.p:Inbut it ,:leems that conit Jc:;z-;nopz..y t7:.fter T tn1 c 1s:7.derablo c hy ?–;t1;=-,sf_ng R(ANn 1/KAGh ha;Iga-.1 ia Z.71,f1c2, H.everth rL or j-c ra. for all 7,11:5' is c:n the :Eland, I horje to go acrE75 n'Aednesr2ay arvf, if the we;bo. i iscxoctorne irk 2,74- i.. I expt 17her,:: no 11= i a-,npling it, WhrinI 'nenine well cncugh to ID-p7czciatE It, I ,5,roicaed. it lly as pleasant with _t,s c::_EF; shell lo];ize ia11i cream. coi ng an blue ',Dmd covs, and the most c h71,1y,g of all Yaval Fl.;_rsing S-isf=ro to go with Ji7. IY11 th=j_s ecands as J.:): I nigh4: be hotter, Add to the P,131., a clear vic3w right across o the A nice place to recit…Rth a 'sore kale or a 1-ach,7? but no nc-?t Lprt thic eDioodz, life has been rroc:oeding -Inte;rerit and erjeytbLr, Still have much to learn of NvJ ways and cutom::-;, lork is extreme l :nterePting an do rec;ret thess w;:lstod Ih.4,→eks in sickness when there much to do, Hove been moving on to some new work, the break was a pity, Eavi-: been enjoying a spot of social life E.s woll. WO hat', m= fi7st dance in our recreation hail and i…,77as most ourcosful. V;e had invitd 10 1WI0 and 10 WAAFS to come as well as and RA.TP - they h.Dve very hcor,itable to 118 in their funct:=8 - but the WAF&.1;,:re 1;.nab1 Ono thin and nnother the males -orepc neratea and it ti-toned tJ rruce a nnml,e1- of male wallflowers - extraordinary cightL I h d a temporatur6.. decided nevertheless I couldn't leave under the 'circumilcs (ed up :. x haaptc4d hut still on my feet, The week preously tho Petty Ciff:7s enrta ivad a party of WEANS at a picnic over at the It woe =a good day. ,SwinminF;. cricket and eating. The cricket match was gnor3. fun. W(=, won.(?) mos tly I ff3ar, to the ingenious methods of the scorer who :.c,c,1ed to ab1,7: to collect extra runs out of the air, It all helw to ;:!.akr, a pleasant 1D7 n:om daty, Our :hours of duty clon't allow of too much mixng ciit3ide the Services but they do some very nice things for us and we can mak::: no (;(:,m]plai nt, GORDON YANliELL ENGLANT, I ha7e just eturned to my station after spending a very enjoyable leave amiocc the Southern :Scottish Highlands. I have been on several visits to thia grand. Little country and each time I have come away with a greatly enhanced opinion of it and its peo::;le This last time I was the guest, together with another member of my cTevi, of n Mrs. Locke who lives in the charming little village of Dollar situated in the Devon valley in Clackmannanshire. Our hostess placed bikes at our disposal to enable us to view as much of surrounding countryside as possible in the short time avai2 Rle?.e, we certainly die, make good use of them, However the highliht of our telp was an 8 mile waling trip into the Highlands, Yes, Dune, I said 8m, 28 The first stage- was to the Castle Campnell, heredity castle of the Cilepbell iia the Glen of Sorrow, It reminded me very much of soTo cf ou Llue Yeuntal:e 04:12oelms1 From then on it was over onen moor oounte-y cove e:eed a'th b)2re:zon and ?eee ther, There W078 many of those bleck faced sheep wiAh lambsglea z.l ng. We wero reluotant to leave this great spot but A,W,Lo does not pay, no back to work, I am now flying in 4 ougined bombers and liking it. DI= perpn 2r_r, L4 vr,ree sweet home once more read as yet, don't know wleethe i to bo clad or co-rry. I:ve bad life too easy the past five months and that's not good for the mnrale of an infant:seri The C,O. of the Warwick Con,Dect fDinally M73d` U71 to me and handed me my walking pepers. A calamji:y it war:, as T was just b, to get some place with a daughter of one ot the te-ones Tany 1:-eb]leene, t'ele Gods still frown upon me, my Guardian Angel is still leee the jungles of NOG, and just when I thought thee:: it emo en the un grac”..e again too, A civvie spotted me limping alc ng the street and bought me a couple of beers on the strength of it, so I've decided toe. acquire a stooge. In a loud voice he shall inquire about the knee I shall mumble a cheerful reply and then he shall inFist on telling the chap next to him (again in a loud voice) all the horrifying details I. or should I say we, anticipate many beers. One of my many failings a tendency to bluish easily, will be very handy in my new career. Anyway to get back to my exit from the depot. The squad marched forth to the beat of the drums, I rode forth to the roar of the engine. Again the knee. Most of the chaps I had honoured by classifying them as my friends made some disparaging remarks, in fact some were plain nasty, but, when they arrived at the station looking. weary and much the worse for wear, I could do nought but forgive them, The station, the train, a hospital one. blast of the whistle and I said farewell to that fair town, I must return to the Downs one day, a lecatltiful country, a rolling black earth plain where the slightest shower sets the grass springing forth to greet the sun. And so it was I left it, one vast panorama of green through which the willow banked Comdamine stagsered its way. No wonder “Downsmen” are forever enthusiastic about it. A few days at G,D,D, awaiting draft durinp; which I met an old mate of mine “Sykes” Pryant. Used to be my No:2 on the Bren at Alamein until he grew careless and stepped in front of a slug, You may remember me writing about how we all hopped out for a cup of tea one day, well Sykes was the lenlucky one. Got over that, but the Nips at Finch made a much better job oe: it than Jerry? He still has the leg, but won't be going back again, Sounds like a warning for me doesn't it? Wasn't sorry to leave when my number came up, The bullion was light on and. besides there were too many “animals” both two and four'legged round the place, Both kinds fatten on the itkos of me, although the first missed out this trip, I must hand it to the place for its breed of fleas, 1,.ndoubtedly the very best class arid that 'e frthm one who io by way of a ms-eleree.F.,5ru7 on ;. matt era Another station, another train ana we were oil' again, not forgetting of course,the customary tuo hour wait, No sleeping berths this year nevertheless we werent too badly off, with only six to a compartment, I 11, wa5n'i; too pru. to take the floor the f-Irst 6ay (31.1 to a leaktng the h o1;.1..c3'ad_..tqays- “.10 again a7(1.:;:;.1.haa z321:11e-T.Liore, ta.:eat,,Cit6.*''a'rick of and 'drank )che-only tWo bad beers on the maret bcer Piled out of windc,.Ts-and doorr; in a ma C rush at ies ai cf y:),:n, but no ono threatened to thrcW any of thri n.T,C;S c-A-'f the c-..;atic11_ t”tlis A Toil 1.:chaV:a crowd com3arati7ely spe,akj ng, The cceath:2r 7r,e7s1::a::71.Pd k'p71).r clat:lescn. Watched the kic::.F.,-flivinr; fcr cyx o -conn7…el. as we 7)a;,;r3ed t'17011g'.:1 a town, Kipse(, s7ery -Dretty lass vm rnss5ra (,Speed Gcr:_;o7L, (-:tyl()) day r17eamed cf othar a.rasScs in'otheT .The traia just J.'attl2do on, aE. only c,,,123 , Lenr), aorely homesterld!:7, women an:i. a vW:qo of ac we go by, Cries _of fetters and with a thicket tc-a, Shades. of thr.–.M.E1 0As you when it (,cmcs to,pr:'.ce I mind the time I gavP. a (1411) dir'.n5t he scream.. The swamtn lasller3 thu blue floir:er covering7 nor there so many birds about Native Compamion,.:-.1 and ibis J.nckins ar lonely ;i he errantry itself. 71i o cattle flrIF F-7,1TO Way to t'n, canefiel6s to the piricaplo-Je and. banana :plantations, Unchanp;nd save for the russet gold leaves of the p:i nes. ?aches of. rain forest aud bitter owect ilicmories and so i;ho end of tho lino. arrived. Another few days in a town in which I run into Ty e7dr brother the F,ertord tlne since Adolph decided to have some fun 7,,n6 a few more drin1-..s of ale, Tad 'ousted his hand in a scrape love tci see the ot'ner and -after a month ashore was keen to get aboard his r ihi-0 On fight that did do soTPone some good. Aboard another train7 up and over the hills and that niht I clelot ot trrangemcnt of wire and boards called by the coripany a becl, A stack of mail awaited mc including a snap of the Runion. I notice you and ,7311 11,?..11 both occupy your usual commanding position., Peciel a great welcome home. The first gustien 2r,h, comflan:r co;rimailder :=aked me; “How many crime sheets ,liTinst you?” an so it was for ev2ry one I mt.1 A look of awe slci7:ed over their faces 7'ne/.1 I prol)al-;-.5.1med a clean sheet, It just Tasnt possilo. mbat's w1-,at ouos ct hIrr; a had record, It's t ir I changed homes -)Rain, gP.t some place. where I?m not so well knom I have to see a man about a cos-, R:,sards to all? Bill. *. v ….111.11,1. 0. VOI.OMMe

Federation Report

On Tuesday 18th July, 1944 the N.S.W. Federation of Bush Walking Clubs held its Twelfth Annual Meeting. The Affiliation Fee was again fixed: at 5/- for each 25 members (7r&ludLng those grades net bound to pey 1 memberchip fees) and the Subscription for Associate E?mbers of the Feeration at.2/6 per member. The constitution reouire Affiliatien Tees to be paidewfthin the months of the annual meetingl otheeewitee mezeberchip is forfoi ted. Under the oonetettior eaoh club is ,7equired to notify the HonSecretary within 28 Jays of Ihe Fe6eratien?re annual meeting (a) its membership at 30th June ca which itc effilatier_ fee and its number of delegates will be basedl and (b) the names cf Its del gates for the ensuing twelve menthe.

At the July meeting the 7.W.C,A WALKING CLUB was adtted to membership of the :rederati_e'e, was rceeire tleat tlee ROVER PAYInER3' CLUB has a New Secretary - Yr,J,Eick's. 4 Ree etlie 1117,A M:lee lL3 teteci ti(et it was de&.,'ed to offer the State Gc7ceen- mL'd ==1.7)0 tre'vers -ne eret of reeumirg t.,e Ere. lane,e1 and that the 3,3,V;, “lad in alai. in rom 5'Ei eppreimately Fer'.e-atior Tioted a cenibuon o “11-);:: more than f50” ,r7MTC12 a total of E-350. ruch d iom o nor-e fecn geeereL funds, ,'INT7!-Tm4. A letter was received from the Dietrict Surveyor rc-ooating ee :lee:Lep-on regarclin3 reservation is possible yet owing to lsck of sul-zreyere, OTer._:A7=-:r Or P.U.YGPOUND WALKS For about two years Mrs. Emilie Livingstone Clue has been organisinT the walks lorogrammes and ae reneims :efe +,11e elec;ldrea feom severeel of Sydney's su7Dervined Piayg2D1)-nds, cbe hao now rcienea, Tfee'leration is seeking some other bushwalker :r os CE/27 this ilerooenL work, Walks leaders will also be welcomed, but the o-.7eecer is 4:,;2 rt urgent need, 1- 1=TRAL PL;7., AE' a T–usoe, Miss Byles gave notice of another worldngw -,;c1 lee Le ,n the first raoonlige e week–end in May, 19453 Walks Seeretary and all ether re-rehern please note the date, FEI:TION'S =AT, IT,JPENCIT; of members of the affiliated Clubs will be 1),M, SfA:(11:_aTI-END is being oganised by the C,M:W. f2r Ee-e. enr flex. Everyone is asked to note this very imleureant date e:i to arreee;e Lo join the party for a Pest interesting week-end, 10=712, 7ee reeer Re,mbler's Club is arranging a Barbecue for the week-end zer6 17eh September at Long Ingle Gully - in aid of the Buehwalleore' Serveec Committee - and extends an in/itation to all members of all the affeted FEr_T-ZON RE-UNION this year to be held on October 28th end 25th and an .._ orgeeees comwietee is 1L.o te appointorl at the Allgust nee;;irg- Eas any member ar7 ee3eigeetiore? The site hes ne-, yet been decided upon eitheri FL 11P IThT SORP BOC:Y. The Feeleretion used to ro asorap bw-A'. that waei kent upec-eeie by a neell-or of the Publicity r.3,;.rc?a, but this buret.,.0ban leosed for thE' (2o):-'ation1 At the July reeet:Ing it was d..JirInd i;ht seua thing orght o be dc,Le about the cel7ep hook and MiF:E5 Millie ir n.e ol the Pur:F.,k C1111,) volunteered to 'coke charge of it end 'Leep i up to da:Le. Ar_ members are asked to note t'eile fact ard to clip from the paper' or magazines any items of bushwalkiAs interest they see from time to time, These can be sent to Millie Horne direct or through your Federation Delegates,

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