THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bushwalker, The N.S.W. Nurses' Association Rooms “Northcote Building,” Reiby Place, Sydney. Box No. 4476, G.P.O. Sydney. Phone JW1462 Editor Stuart Brooks, 20 Craiglands Ave, Wahroonga. 496262 Business Manager Alec. Colley. 349 JANUARY, 1964 Price 1/ CONTENTS. P Editorial 2 At Our December Meeting 3 Letters to the Editor 5 Social Programme January 6 Paddy's Ad. 7 Safety On the Way to the Bush A. Colley 8 Help Create Additional National Parks and Other Nature Reserves 9 Kowmung Crossing. 10 Mountain Equipment Co. Ad 13 Science Naturally 14 Federation Report November 15 Kimptonts Feather Mills Ad. 17. 2. The Sydney Bushwalker January, 1964 Hi, I know you're sick of being wished a happy new year and all that jazz so no harm will be done if we dispense with the formalities. Traditionally, though, this is the time to look around and get rid of all the dead wood, clarifying ideas for the year ahead- While our new year does not really start until March, this is as good a time as any to start worrying about our problems. If you're like me, you'll break out in a nerve rash at the mention of the Era Trust Fund so we'll bypass that. In this issue you will find extracts from two letters on Rutile Mining recently published in The Sydney Morning Herald. Apart from the actual problem itself, these illustrate the marked diversity of opinion that exists at the official level, in this case, the National Trust of Australia and the Minister for Mines. It is also clear that some officials would blithlly sacrifice our national heritage to commercial interests without turning a hair. The casual attitude that 'you can co and find your National Parks somehwere else highlights the growing need for more public awareness of our fast diminishing balance of land in its natural tate. Only through public pressure can such officials be convinced that they should have a second think. We, individually, and as a club could do more in making our ideas knaun to these officials. Having a member. of N.P.A. come one evening to outline their aims is a step in the right direction - that of broadening our ideas on what this fuss is all about. Also in this edition, there is an article from N.P.A. calling for assistance in the creation of parks and reserves. And this will be followed next month by one on “Investigation of Lana Tenures in N.S.W. which is a sort of do-it-yrurself land speculators course arid should prove of assistance to any of us who feel the urge to rush out and look over likely future reserves. What about an official walk on every programme to visit a possible future national park? Certainly, there exists the need ror a quick appraisal of all 'these llkly areas so that action can be started as soon as possible to have them made reserves. Once they are 4ienated we will never be able to get them back. -January, 1964 AT. OUR DECEIBER KEETiNG: A. Colley. ' As there were no new members to welcome and no contentious 2 matters arose from the rputino agenda items, Club business in the : early part of our December meetj_ng was soon completed. In correspondence was notification from the Fauna Protection Panel- that a Senior Ranger is required'fOr theyarrumbungles Reserve. The Social Secretary informed as -that arrim&monts had been made with the NAtional Parks.Absooiaticlm to discuss National Parks Policy with the Club on a Wednesday night in February. Our bank balance stood at Z113/3/7. Woods Creak was soon chosen for the Reunion site but an alternative site occasioned some discussion. Long Angle Gully was chosen, despite inevitable encroachment of settlement and some water pollution. Bob Godfrey, Dick Childs and Mick and Evelyn Elphick volunteered-fOrthe-Reunion'COmmittee. on Kniglitle then drew the meetings attention to the rule on the walks programme which state'S..that prompectives may not bring visitors on walks. This initiated-ar-itnithY discussion on what procedure should be adopted when a..member of a S.B.W.. party cannot be found. Wilf Hilder -thought '.g…&'R; 'should. make thorough investigations and. advise all Clubs what prciCed_ure should. be used. Dick Childs thought that contacting Paddy Pallin should_ be goqd enough. Stuart Brrbks thought we shouldn't be bound -to call in S 8 R; and T'rank Ashdown;;pointing out that S & R. was::an :eiatirely'voll:untary organisation, thought that it should_ not have to worry about u6'.untiI we ourselves were incapable of finding the misplaced:persons' There were already clear instructions on the walks programme as to what should. be done. Alex Colley said that if leaders were expected. to take all, colliers, including some who made no effort to keep, contact with the leader, it was virtually impossible to' keep a large _ party. together,a- 'The' difficulty of leading walks under such conditions tstae one of the reasons why the 'progTamine was hard. to fill. It was up to tho-se attending walks to help the loader by 'keeping contact with him, rather than add. -to his dtifficUitieS. COlin,Putt said. that St. Johns Ambulance Was also a voluntary organisation, but if you C3..5dn't report , an. apcident to a: person who, in- your opinion, was not badly hurt, the ”“toroner might have some nasty -things to say. The best course was to do what we could ourselves, but at the same time to contact S & R. Wilf,Hilder pointed out that S & R didn't spring into action instantly.; It would therefore be possible to send the slower members of the party on to ocritact t R while the rest tried to find the missing member. Explaining the cirqumstances of the girl reported missing on the previous week-;end, Ron Knightley said that she was not a prospective,. only a friend_ of a”prosDective, wha had. turned'up on the 'walk 'without notice to the leader. At lunch time' she had asked if she 4. The Sydriby Bushwalker Janp ary9 1964 could go down to the beach and after that could not be found. It was tho^ght she might have gone ahead with other members o the party. Jack Gentle (The leader) arranged with the prospective who brought her to check with the girlts parents and, if she were not heme to ring Paddy. Because she misread her own writing the prosppptive could not find Paddy's number, and the lost girl's parents contacted the police. Stuart Brooks then moved that the meeting rec#d its opinion that no criticism of the leader was implied. “Having lost as many members and prospectives as anyone” Stuart felt he knew what he was talking about. The motion was carried unanimously. 11111=0.1M= 1964 CAR TRIAL - FOURTH OF A SERIES. See some of the off the beaten track areas during the coming car trial February 15th - 16th Assemble at Strathfield Picture Theatre (Moro]. y St.) ready to start at 1 p m. Trip approximately 100 miles Maps - Street Directory essential. Other maps. N.R.M.A. Touring Grounds around Sydney Oil Company Road Map Military Sheets (Liverpool & Camden) THERE IS NO NEED TO HAVE A CAR OF YOUR OWN **- If you require accommodation, please inform Leader by Wednesday, February 12. Entrance Fee 2/- per head. Camping at a Delightful site with good swimming. Trial finishes mid-day on 16th. W. Rodgers. J. Gentle. …111=1.1 CONGRATULATIONS TO - Margaret Wilson and. Dick Childs who announced their engagement at our Christmas Party, and to Peter and Dot Stitt on the arrival of their first child, a boy. JahuarY,1964 . The Sydney Bushwaiker Letters to., theSydney Morning Hercady Damageffird Sir' The National Trust recently submitted detailed proposals to the Minister for Local Government on the need for controlled development of our foreshores. Much of the destruction of natural beauty in recent years has been due to the lack of a positive policy by many councils and shires. However, one of the reasons for damage is the activities of companies engaged in beach rutile mining. Despite claims to the contrary, restoration cannot be effectively carried out and too often devastation is the result. A recent issue of the National Parks Journal comments that “damage caused by rutile mining is final and complete. No manner of skill can restore the biotic communities which rutile mining eliminates. Some of these communities, such as the spectacular hind-dune rainforest, are of unique significance.” A further disturbing feature is that applications have:ibeen made for rutile leases in areas which are under consideration as future national parks or reserves. As it State remains action by the of preventing has been estimated that only some 2 or 3 per cent of this as vacant Crown land it is obvious that more determined State Government departments concerned is the only means further destruction. I.F. Wyatt, Hon. Secretary, National Trust of Australia. Sydney. Sir, I am deeply concerned that Mr. I.F. Wyatt, honorary secretary of the National Trust of Australia, should criticise the beach sands mining industry of this State. This industry at present employs 900 men and I estimate that value of production from this State during 1963 will be in the vicinity of million. Practically the whole of this production is exported overseas. Over the years, restor4tion techniques have been developed in association with the Soil Conservation Service of N.S.W. and large cash deposits are lodged by operators to ensure that proper restoration measures are carried out. On the far north coast of N.S.W., which has been the hub of this industry, councils and local organisations not infrequently approach the operators with a request that certain areas should be mined and restaed for civic development. 6 The Sydney Bushwalker January 1964 I would like to make it very clear that, as Ministel! for Mines, I intend to make sure that-valuable_rutile,and zircon deposits are developed in the interests of the nation. The State-a-Now SibUth Wales, in common with the rest of Australia, must progress and land:for national parks must be set apart in areas that are not rich in natur4 mineral resources occuring at or near the surface. J.B. Simpson, Minister for Mines.Sydney. 41110.m.M111…1411.71.64.1fisiM,Olimmillidaftftld. SOCIAL PROGRAMME JANUARY 1964 X Variety is the keynote for the January social programme. On the 16th Dave Ingram (“California Here I Come”) will entertain us with slides and commentary on the first half of his recent visit to the U.S.A. Dave will take us as far as California and since I've had the privilege of a preview of his slide si I can personally recommend a most interesting evening. X Bushwalkers are sure to enjoy a talk with illustrations by Mr Ford on 23rd January, dealing with flora in the Sydney area. It is some time since we hame had this kind of entertainment and the subject is one in which most members show great interest. On 30th JanuErrylirD. Byles (brother of Marie) will have very much pleasure in telling us the story of the Kosciusko State Park. Mr Byles is an authority on this area and what he has to convey - will be enlightenment to the majority of members. Thus January has variety, travel, flora and conservation. ,IIMMNII.1010WIIIIIIMM 1.04=1.4.1 “The new outer suburbs are no prettier or more 'desirable' than the elder inner suburbs. The only trees in the new streets are dead ones the power poles. Oleander and hibiscus are no substitute for 'bush' devastated by eXcessive speculative subdivision.” J.H. Shaw, Associate Professor in Town Planning, University of N.S.W. quoted in S.M. Herald 7/6/63. It's just amazing how far afield walkers go. We hear from them from all corners of Australia and from many parts of the world. We're proud to say that Paddymade gear has given good service all over the world too. It's a fact that Padaymada gear has been used from the Prtic Circle to the Antarctic - on expeditions to the. Himalayas and New Guinea and many overland trips fromr. Singapore to London. We've had letters from Alaska, CAT Now Zealand and America requesting various items of equipment. It all goes to show most people know a good thing when they see it, especially such practical people as Bushwalkers and out-of-doors men and women. Our promise to you for 1964 is to maintain and improv our standards of walking, gear. New and improved item of equipment will be available ana an even better standard of service. Our New Year wish to you all. Health and Prosperity, good walking and pleasant camping. tarTLzriazwz;f4:

4,414-AeRz 7. *N. \j“;…;0. 1 ' IL I ”“=”;,,,, -t (4.

PADDY PALLIN PTY LTD 201 CastlereaAh St, Sydney. 262685. v' kiaali4.4.4=1,0%.140420MWSISIMPAINO PADDY PALLIN Lightweight Camp Gear 201 CASTLEREAGH St SYDNEY BM2685 , 8. The Sydney Bushwalker JanuarV; 1964 SAFETY ON TEE WAY TO THE BUSH. A, The biggest danger facing the mottbrised bushwaiker ctf today is the journey to and from the bush. There have been already two fatalities from car accidents, one near fatality and numerous accidents to members. In view of this the following item from the 1/0/5013 ,Road“ for November should be of interest. The type of motoring done by Snowy Mountains Authority employees is very similar to that done by bushwalkers, and exbushwalkers. “The Snowy Mountains Authority has achieved an outstanding record of road safety, principal reason being the compulsory use of seat belts. This has reduced the time lost due to injuries by 76 per cent compared with a similar period prior to the installation of the belts. In a report on raod safety, the M.A. says that 600 vehicles travelling cur 5.5 million miles per,annum are involved in its operations. In the three years prior to installation of seat belts, working time lost per million miles' run was 2.2 per cent. In the three years following installation, the time lost dropped to 0.35 per cent, and all of that 'loss was in the first of the three years. - In the last two years, ended June 30, 1963, no time whatever was lost. due. to road, accident 'injuries. The Authority's report says that after extensive tests had been carried out, diagonal belts more selected because in its opinion they gave the greatest degree of safety to drivers and passengers. Use of the bOsis compulsory, and disciplinary action is taken if employees do not wear them. In the year ended June 30, 1963, a total of 118 vehicle accidents occurred on the Authority's rads. Worst injury sustained by any of the personnel involved was serious bruising. This was despite the fact that in some cases vehicles were damaged. beyond repair, while in others repairs cost hundres of pounds. X F OUND ina 'phone booth in Sutherland X X area plastic bag containing maps, pro X X gramme, information concerning walks, etc. X X Apply Sutherland Police Station or contact X X Ed Stretton. X January, 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker HELP CREATE ADDITIONAL NATIONAL PARKS AND OTHER NATURE RESERVES-. - The N.P.A. seeks the assistance of groups of active walkers and campers in the task of investigating areas of vacant Crpwn Land for possible reservation for national park and wildlife purposes. During the past few years Mr. Gordon McKern has spent many weeks in transferring the boundaries of reserves onto Count Y maps for the Fauna Protection Panel and, at the same time, has lbcated most of the remaining areas of vacant Crown Land of-a size and location worthwhile for our purposes in the N.S.W. coastal area and along the Divide. Now that Gordon McKein hns located thee areas, and is in a position to prepare for investigating groups suitable maps showing the boundaries, given reasonable notice, it is highly desirable that field 'investigations be completed_ before the areas are put to other uses. A. Map and list are available showing the whereabouts of these areas and groUps are requested to offer to investigate particular areas of their own choosing. No doubt more than one group will choose the one area. In some cases this could be a good thing, in others it might be more effective to negotiate the best -}_rea for each group. It is probable that man3'r areas would require say a twelve month's campaign covering a number of visits, and more distant ones could be done only during holidays During the year a report would be prepared and when complete would consist of a written report, map or maps and, if possible slides and/or photographs. The written report should cover the following: General description of type or types of' country and ver2etation. Condition of area signs of fires, timber getting, mining, farming etc. Alienations. Bird and animal life prevalence, location and type of habitat. Scenic values, large and_ small campsites, water, any items of special interest. Recommended boundaries and type of reserve. The report can be in nontechnical terms. Lists of technical names are not required although any such list would be welcome. A list showing the information which should be included in the report will be available. Any walker of reasonable experience and ability would be able to make a valuable contribuation to this work and it should be intensely ,interesting and rewarding. goula groups or individuals wising to assist please contact: Mr. Gordon McKern, 166 Bridge Road, Wentworthville 6358485. or Er. Tom Moppett, 48 Park:Avenue, Roseville. 418873, Bus 277321. (Note. The road maps of NSW currently displayed on the Notice Board- is not a hint that walks should be longer. It shows the location of areas referred to above: about forty or so. Also on the Bo-rd is a list of these areas giving more details of each. Ea.) 10 The Sydney Bushwalker JanuaT$ 1964 KOMUNG CROSSING An Odyssey. (“The Weather Bureau expects a few scattered showers”). Note: Extracting this story cost your Editor a lot of time and money. The latter it is hoped will be recouped when an itemised expse account is presented to our benevolent Business Manager. I am sitting in what is quaintly called 'Lounge - The Management may refuse etc etc' at the old. Yerranderie pa and feeling way down more than a little. It has been raining like someone maybe forge's to turn the tap off and I am sitting here thinking maybe I will writ my life story or something. There is an old guy dejectedly plonking away at a piano in the corner and a couple of sad-faced kids' are jumping up and down nearby (If Knightley was here I guess he would call it Otomping). Just then four guys walk in. These are the wettest ctiys I have ever seen and I have seen some wet guys in my time. They sit at my table mainly because it is the only one with vacant seats. One produces a plastic bag full of a sticky liquid like burnt porridge. “Haye a biscuit, Dud?” he says, sort of slow and tired-like. “No thanks, Jac's:, I'm trying to give them up” says Dud. “Please yourself” says Jack. “Would you guys like a beer?” say I. fColley will pay for it). “Well, there's an idea” says another, who also, apparently, doesn't like biscuits. Pretty soon, we are sipping away at long, cool b'eers and chewing on good dry potato crisps (Ave Alex) ana the one called Jack says to me “I suppose you think we are nuts or something?” I make a non-committal sort of gesture. “Well” he says, “we're walkers” (I grunt in a 'What do you know?' sort of way) “and its like this.” He pauses to decelish the remnants in his glass. I catch the waiter's eye and after half-an-hour or so he is back with us and the situation is remedied. I move back a little to avoia being dripped on and say sort of interested. like “Speak, young man - tell your harrowing tale.” “I am thinking” goes on Jack, after a pauEe, “that maybe the Walks Secretary makes a mistake holding a camp trip from Kanangra on Queen's Birthday. Because it always rains on Queen's Birthday and this time in particular. Going up in the train the rain is pouring nicely. At Kanangra it is not raining quite so heavy and. We don't get real wet walking to the cave. Everybody agrees the weather is breaking and aturclay will be fine, but I don't see anyone laughing his head off at the downpour. Saturday morning is nice and misty and we are in great sriirits, eating up heartily. Some other walkers ask where we are headed and when we tell them they are startled somewhat, backing away as if they figure we might get violent. We pack and dlimb onto the Tops where there is a wonderful view of the dense fog all round and light rain is falling which makes everyone real happy. All feet are wet already except mine, sinoe I have January; 1964 The Sydney Bushwaiker 11. the good sense to go to considerable effort to oil and waterproof my boots beforehand. This proves a very wise precaution because my feet do not get wet for another five minutes. We pass the salient features along the track, sometimeS seeing them dimly. In fact, too dimly, for some time is spent regaining the track down to Gabe's Gap. Slap in the middle of the Gap itself is a w. mbat, the happiest looking creature seen all day. Like us,'he is drenched and on his face has an expression homelier than a fireplace. Re turns around and goes to bed while we battle on up the High and Mighty, The rain is nice and steady now while the fog is thi,cker than Christmas cake, and some of the crew is saying the climb is pt so bad but later they are saying things I am shocked to hear. After a while I am telling myself we must break through the clouds shortly, but perhaps we pick the wrong day because we sign the visitors book at Cl oudmaker and the rain is still falling like it only just started to get fair dinkum. We decide to head to Tiwilla for lunch, stopping at the first water. Which seems a quaint idea since we are walking in inches of it all day and I am getting spiky about it and do not feel it a mood for funny jokes. We have a very pleasant lunch standing up in the rain, though Cooper crawls into a hollow log and claims it very comfortable and then some despite a couple of lethargic snakes. Morgan tries to build a humpy but throws in his hand after a bit, figuring he might as well be soaked as the way he is. Lunch over, and washed down with some very fresh water we move towards Tiwilla, but find there have been some indiscretions committed in the fog and some doubt exists whether Tiwilla is north or south of us. I think to myself this is a fine thing but we obviously have an even chance of being right, so maps are seriously studied, bearings taken, a coin tossed and we unanimously declare the map wrong and head on a different track finally reaching Tiwilla. Meantime it is getting late and dark more than somewhat so we decide to camp, the Kowmung being as distant as Bourke for all we care. Morgan starts looking for caves known to exist nearby but direction proves most uncertain so we pitch tents on the least submerged spot we can find.” . Jack has another suck at his bag of biscuits and I order another roun1 of beers (goodole I2ex) ”'Then Battling Bob tries to light a fire in the swamp but gives in after an heroic performance when the rain starts to pour. We have choco- late and cigarettes for tea. That night there is much suffering in the camp. I wake in the morning and the sun is shining and there is great activity. Wood is being gathered, a fire lit and breakfast prepared. Furthermore, O'Gara is stirring and showing signs of making 19 MDVO. Nobody is in much of a hurry to finish breakfast or pack but we finally leave and reach the pass down the buttress. The pass being somewhat washed away we carefully toss the packs dOwn and descend. At the bottom of the pass we The Sydney Bushwalker janpary; 1904 , = very skilfully take the Nvrong ridge and painfully ,climb back 'to the right one. Reaching it we smartly scarp dawn the long 'buttress to the r. Kowmung. I hear a noise I think is maybe a train going, over the harbour bridge. Or maybe ten trains. Or something. The noise grows and grows and soon we see the source. We aprroach with fear and trembling as the river roars and spits before us. A. rapid kit muster shows w6 have no collapsible dinghy or even a pair of water wings so we camp the night. Interest for the evening centres largely on the rate of river fall and the earliest crossing date. Wednesday is worth only six to five and isEnapped up smartly, but Tuesday has a few supporters at eights while some real unhappy jokers are trying to get a price for Christmas day. Monday morning comes; gloomy dials gaze into the contrary stream and contemplate ending it all while strong language is heard from the more desparate members. A deputation is formed and after a lot of deliberation it is wisely decided that something must be done. When I hear that the two most popular ideas are to walk to Jenolan or to fell a tree with a medium sized penknife I am strongly against such violent activity for I am quite comfortable where I am, and furthermore a certain attachment for the spot is forming inside me. Anyway, to make it look good we walk up the river and inspect the fords whereupon the umpires decide there will be no play today because the pitch is too wet and there will be another inspection tomorrow morning. Meantime rain is falling again and food is very light on, so we are not in: the best of humour. By Tuesday morning the river has droed nearly three feet so we pack and tramp up to the intended crossing at Gingra Creek where O'Gara and Morgan try the water, there being a noticeable lack of enthusiasm among the rest of us. Dud declares it no go after being taken downstream more than somewhat and the next time Bob comes up for air he agrees. We decide to get one man across and rope the packs over. Dud arms himself with a rope and wearing his boots and a determined expression wades out until the current seizes him and washes him to a tree branch. The next thing he is shouting and hollering for his pack to be sent over because the water is very chilly and it's not so hot out likewise. So he ties a water bucket to the rope, puts some water in it and casts it as far across as he can to some poor soul standing knee deep on the home side. It misses, of course, and he fronts up again. Which sets -the patterns for the days sport as it takes about six tries to get the rope over. It makes me real sad to see the poor coot knee deep in water getting bluer and bluer, finally he grabs the line and staggers out. One by one the packs are pulled over, most of them sinking before they reach the other side, bat if you are real lucky some of your gear doesn't get more than a little saturated. Now there is some Qa cl wire by the side of the river and we decide to string some across and go over hanging on to it. After the usual pei farmance with the rope it is erected and I decide to try it before rigor mortis is advanced too far beyond the preliminaries. About fifteen January, 1964 The Sydney Bushwaaker 13 'yards from the far bank the -water liftg-my feet up and as I have a deathlike grip on the wire I flop under, on and over the surface like a hooked trout and meantime have a very interesting view of the IC owmung. I am wondering whether I will come mart at the elbows or shoulders first when Bob drags me out and threatens to-clit off my hands if I don't let go. Regaining breath I now give a very comprehensive, descriptive and voluble account of the method adopted for crossing but they all say I am a wet blanket which amuses me but little. Well I am now a spectator which is really amusing if it isn't so serious. Jim comes over and sometimes I see his hat above the water. Frank tries it and when he goes down for the third time we are all disiur5ed as he has the only dry matches in a tin in his mouth. Joe wades in, very formal, in pants and emerges, informal, without. Everybody wears a death or glory expression which does the trick and we all .et across. After pouring back into the river all the surplus water in our packs we head up the Cedar Road for home and Mother.” The effort has been too much. He is exhausted and then some. There is only one remedy. “Waiter:” (Three cheers for Alex). .w m.qOMMM.mymmmmdwmmbbl MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT CO. MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT COMPANY WHAT MAKES A SLEEPING BAG? Iww. We've slept in them, carried them, got them wet, perspired in them and frozen in them, but…. Have we ever asked ourselves just what makes a good sleeping bag? First of all we probably think of its filling; varying blends of the finest duck and goose down depending on the ultimate heat retaining qualities r6quired. Then we look to the method of stitching and find that FAIRY down bags use the 'chevron' method as there is loss heat loss through the seams. In fact in the Everest model, 'chevron dawn filled compartments are used and every seam, even where the zipper is, is dawn insulated. For covering material you need something which is tough and light such as ELCO cambric, or else a special grade of nylon which makes it easy to turn over without dragging the bag or a showerproof “DUXPROOF” is also availabloo And finally we come to the fittings; the hood, the nylon draw cords with aluminium toggles, tough serviceable zippers on the medium bags and ultralight nylone zippers on the Everest and Explorer models. They go as light as 31b 7oz. and are available in 12 basic models with up to 8 variations and 4 colours in each model. They are backed by Sir Edmund Hillary, an avid user of FAIRY down bags. Give us a ring or drop in and see us, or write for a catalogue! MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT COMPANY 12 ORTONA ROAD LINDFIELD JM1440 14 The Sydney Bushviralker January, 464 SCIENCE NATURALLY. THE WOLGAN VALLEY. Wolgan Valley is situated about 130 miles west of Sydney. In the early part of the century it was known as a duffing ground for stolen stock, being wellgrassed and watered. During this time kerosene was in great demand and shale mines were operating at Hartley Vale, Torbane (Mittagong) and Teemi (Murrurundi). Various prospectors and geologists were seekkng more fields and then a German geologist, Martin Zoble, discovered the first shale in the Wolgan Valley. It was so rich that work commenced almost immediately and soon there was quite a large number of men engaged there. A railway line was eventually built out of the Valley and connected with the main Western Line at Nownes Junction. Then Sir George and Lady Newnes came out from England and officially opened up the townships of Newnes and Newnes Junction; Newnes being called after Sir George and Newnes Junction after Lady Newnes (as if you hadri!t guessed). the Shay engines them to pull up producing first lead, aniline dyes, shale ash was used The locomotives used on this railway line were from Scotland and all the wheels wore cogged to el,able the steep grade out of the Valley. The mines were now grade kerosene and various byproducts such as naptha, candles, pinchgas oil and, being economical, even the as a base for toothpaste. In 1910, John Fell took over the works and pushed ahead with the production of kerosene and oil in a big way. Geologists working for him found that the shale seams went through the mount to Glen Alice. Then in 19171 the works closed dawn. Nothing more was heard or done until 1929 when A.E. Breve of Sydney, commenced operations in a small way. He was eventually taken over by a government body of selected men who called the company “The Shale Oil Development Committee.” They worked it for some three years and then as before, they closed down, Negotiations proceeded with various companies to work the mines but these all fell by the wayside. In 1939, G.F. Davis (of Davis Gelatine) decided to subscribe E600,000 to work the deposit on the Glen Alice side of the mountain. No one was surprised when the name was changed to Glen Davis, and with the support of the Government, the entire works was -lemolished at Newnes and rebuilt at Glen Davis. Very little of the works itself can be seen in the Valley now and- nature is gradually closing in and covering up all signs of the industry that once employed over 1000 men. The only surviving relic of the old town itself is the Hotel still standing as it was in the early part of the century in the 7olgan Valley. So if you would like a nice quiet business where you won't be disturbed too much you know where to go. January.; 1964 The Sydney Bushwalker FEDERATION., REPORT - NOVF-41:;31434 1961. Nomenclature (PlaCe Names) Committee. Federation have appointed a Nomenclature Committee of two persons, Ninian Melville and myself, to investigate, determine and authorise bushwalkers' place. names in N.S.W. The Committee, which has wide powers,' is empowered to cooDt anyone whom they consider can or will assist them in their task. There are many reasons for the apPointment of the Committee, the main one being the criticism of the 'nomenclature of Bimlaw and Blue Labyrinth: maps by the Lands Dept, also the unfortunate confusion of names in some areas, e g. the Thunder Canyon area - parishes Irvine and Bilpin, Cook County, and the deliberate forging of place names on the cartographers' nightmare - the Gundungura map, etc. The Committee will register all walkers' place names sUbmitted to them and will after careful investigation, submit place names to the ultimate naming authority in this State - the Surveyor General. The important point to remember is that if your place names arc to be presented to the Surveyor General, they must be suitable; just any old careless name Will not even get past the Nomenclature Committee, who will have to stick very closely to correct place. naming procedure. Anyone preparing a sketch map should consult the Committee before pUb- lishing the map to avoid needless confusion and errors in 11717]TIature. _UremtmlyIn1112… The W.N.P. Trust requires a senirr ranger to manage the park. An ideal opportunity for a budding conservationist. For further details, write or ring Mr G. A. Gould of Coonabarabran. You could even sell your old rifle to buy the train fare. There are now two accommodation huts on the high tops and others are planned, not forgetting water catchment and storage tanks in this dry area - a bushwalkers' paradises Kosciusko State Park. The K. S. P. Trust has won a partial victory in its titanic struggle with Big Brother (the S.M. Authority) concerning the proposed CootapataMba Aqueduct in the primitive area. The Sari.A. have 4bandp,nea the-eter.–aqueducts scheme and are proposing buried concrete pipes instead. The K.S.P. Trust unfortunately were very slow to declare the Primitive Area (97 square miles) and are now battling to make up lost ground. The N.P.A. reports that the Kosciusko Reservoir Aqueduct was not expected to be commenced for seven years. This serious matter cannot be allowed to rest; the trust urgently needs our strongest support in this crisis. For fuller details, see the N.P.A. Journal Supplement October '63. New England National Park. The-N.P.A- reports that the proposed land exchange in the N.E.N.P. is actually of great benefit-to the park.- some open country withinthG park 'is being exchanged for rain 'forested country. 'Park Trust critics trke notes. Blue Hts National Paz'k., The.Oril;inal area of the. park was 155,000 acres - To-day the area is 0out 170,009 acre 'with still more to came. The trust will 'lock one of the Livien fire roads to prevent unauthorised vehicular traffic in the area. Federation will seek more locked gates On fir 9 roads near the Grose Valley Primitive area.- 16 The Sydney Bushwalker January P.64 =, National Parks Assn reports that only 2% of this Str,te - th,,trs right, TWO per cent of this State is vacant Crown Land. It is largelT from this 2 per cent that future reserves can be obtained. Your coopei!ation is sought NOW. Please study the map and list on the club notioebOard which shows the main areas of vacant Crown Lana. The N.P.A. will supply maps and all possible assistance to anyone who wants to investigate these areas in an effort to ;et them reserved. Your annual holidays would. be an ideal time to help the conservation cause, whilst touring the back- blocks of the Statei BlacktownialkLac_Club. Some of the locals have applied tO Federation to get the details on starting a local walking club. Sydnez Rock Climber q are seriously considering becoming an affiliated club - they have also appointed a four-man. committee to mai4a1n new and revised information for Bryden Allen's popular guide book, he Rock Climbers of N.S.W.“ The S.R.C4 and the Rock Rescue Team gaO.a demons- tration rescue to the Army's representatives at Wahroonga on 1St December. New Maps, etp. The latest Gregory's Sydney Street Directory covets many new subdivisions in our nearby Walking Cotntry - from Cowan to, Heathcote, Campbelltown to Penrith and Emu Plains to Riverstone. Robipson's Sydney Street Directory also covers much of this area, while Robinson's Official Blue Mountains Street Directory covers most of the p.,ew subdivision roads in the Blue Mountains. Anyone wanting information on roads in these areas should consult the Street Directories before stukripg the outdated military maps. The Lands Department have promised t*o more two-inch series maps (scale 1:31,000) before Christmas - Coley Blue and Ulladulla C. For the few who still haven't heard, both the military maps Jenolan and Burragorang are now covered by Lands Dept Maps - 7 provisional maps (10/_ each) and 1 full colour map (5A-). Anyone caught using the military Jenolan map gets a dose of Kedumba Ok water (often known as Dr KoduMba's Sure Cure). Few Melgazines, The latest opraw of “walk” and “The M.elbourne Walker” I are now available at Paddy's (2/6 each), Very interesting reading for walkers - armchair as well as active walkers', an…. WILDFLOWERS - HELP WANTED. At its -last ineeting79 the Council of the W.L,P,Society decideq. tO elect a sub-committee to study the effectiveness of the present Wild 'Ftowers and Native Plants Protection Act and, if thought desirable, to make recommendations for improvements in it. Knowledge of any experiences and observations of members on this subject and any suggestions will be appreciated. Will you please mail any written 'submissions to Ockenden, 6 Dillwynnia Grove, Heathcote, N.S.W. NOW MAZE AND SELL UNDER LICENSE TH AS USIE0 BY SI EDMUND 1411.1.ARY ON NIS MY !EVEREST EXPEDITIONS PLUS THE NEW TERYLENE RIPSTOP CANVAS, TAN OR GREEN STANDARD TANKER MODEL 14/17/6. POST FREE. KIMPTON1S tr EIDERL1 T SLEEPING BAGS ARE MADE IN 3 POPULAR MODELS ARCTIC: FOR SUB-ZERO TEMPERATURES. Cellular type with interior walls - this ensures a complete unbroken cell of Superdown around the sleeper. It is 6'6” x 30“ and is filled with 2i lb. of Smperdown. The price, post free, is L13/13/0. SNOW: Tailored hood - 36” nickel zipp up chest. Circular insert for the feet. Cut 6' x 30“ plus hood filled with lbs. Super- dawn. E10/7/- or 9/9/6 feather down filled. Post free. COMBINATION QUILT - SLEEPING BAG. Can be used 365 days each year as an eiderdown quilt, and if required for a sleeping bag it is folded in half and zipped across the bottom and up the side to make a bag. Two of these zipped together make a double. Superdown filled 11/8/6. Featherdown E9/9/6. Post free SLEEPING BAG KITS: Make it yourself - all components cut to size. SAYE El on each of the above models by sewing and filling your awn bags. Enquiries welcome. gimpten:6 9e theif 1014 a 3964 41 3964 PTY. LTD. 5 Bucid St., Collingwootit 18 The Sydney Bushwaiker January; 1964 List of Recent Publications for those Interested in Walking. W. Hilder. “Descriptive Catalogue and Price List of Maps, Aerial Photographs and Photomaps” Department of Lands. Recommended. Free. Available Lands Department only. “Australian Rocks and Minerals” (Introduction to Geology) by John Child, Perriwinkle Press. 7/6. Recommended. “Rock Climbing” by Peter Knock, Foylos Handbooks. 6/. Quite good. “How to Survive in the Bush, on the Coast, in the Mountains of New Zealand,” by B. Hildreth, Govt. Printer. 'Wellington. 7/3. Highly recommended. available Swains. “Instructions in Rock Climbing” by Anthony Greenbank, Museum Press Ltd. 22/6. Very comprehensive recommended. Available Dymodks. “Mbirs Guide Book” Southern Section, the tramping routes of the Great Southern Lakes and Fiords of Octago & Southland. (New Zealand). Edited by G. Hall-Jones. Whitcambe &Tombs. Approx. 14/. Highly recommended.. Available special order Whitcombe & Tombs. Sydney. “Moirs Guide Book”. Northern Section, the tramping tracks and routes of The Great Southern Lakes and fiords of Octago and Southland (New Zealand). Edited by P.M. Chandler. Available special order Whitcombe & Tombs. Sydney. “Handbook to Arthur's Pass National Park” (New Zealand), Arthurs Pass National Park Board Christchurch, approx 8/. Recommended as guide book. Available special order Whitcombe & Tombs, Sydney. “The Southern Alps” from the Kaikouras to the Rangetata (New Zealand) by John Pascoe, Pegasus Press Ill. approx 6/. recommended as a guide book. Available special order Whitcombe & Rombs, Sydney. “Handbook to the Fiordland National Park” (New Zealand). Edited by G. HallJones, Fiordland National Park Board, Invercargill, approx. 10/ Available special order Whitcombe & Rombs, Sydney. High recommended. “Bushmans Handbook” by H.A. Lindsay, 3rd Press, 13/6. Australian Survival manual “Bush Lore” by Tony Nolan (A New Zealand Shooters and Campers) Whitcombe & Tombs, Available Paddy's or Whitcomb & Tombs. Edition Revised, Jackaranda highly recommended. handbook for Trarapers, 18/9 recommended.