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*walk. A MONTHLY BULLETIN OF mArrns OF INTEREST TO THE SYDNEY BUSH WALKERS, BOX 4476 G. P. 0. SYDNEY, N. S. W. 2001, CLUB MEETINGS ARE HELD EVERY WEDNESDAY EVENING FROM 7.30 P.M. AT THE WIRELESS INSTITUTE BUILDING, 14 ATCHISON STREET, ST. LEONA POS. ENQUIRES CONCERNING THE CLUB SHOULD BE REFERRED TO MRS. MARCIA SHAPPERT - TELEPHONE 30. 2028, JUNE, 1975. Editorial 24 Hours Make a Weekend Paddy's Ad The May General Meeting A Brief History of Dicky Cooper Hut Prospective Membership of the S.B.W. Mountain Equipment Ad_ Walks Seeretary's Notes for July Social Notes for July Coolana Hut Search & Rescue List P. McBride Jim Brown WIlf Hilder Dorothy Lawry Bob Hodgson Spiro Ketas George, Gray Don Finch Page 2 3 6 7 9 11 12 14 15 16 18 EDITORS: SPIRO KE- TA S, 104/10 WYLDE STREET, POT1' S POINT. TEL. 357. 138- (H) NEVILLE PAGE, 14 Blkil CEDA LE AVENUE, EPPING. TEL. 86. 3739 (H) TYPIST: KATH BROWN DUPU CA TION: FRANK TAMER Page 2 THE SYDNEY BUSH7ALKER June, 1975. EDITORIAL. by Neville Page. In about two years the Sydney Bush Walkers will be c'clebrating their 50th Anniversary, And in the period of the Club's existence to date we've seen nothing like a Committee spill, or even a reshuffle of posts. This isn't to say, of course, that politics hasn't been a factor in Club affairs. To the contrary, considerable friction has been generated. on many issues, ranging from the setting_ of 9.lubje9,0khanging premes,''..sOcial functions and acquisition of assets, to '*614-400.6f supper on meeting nights and buying of Commonwealth bonds. Ubat is all this leading to, you might ask? We are a walking club after a political party.. But even so, theClub las experienced p/retharkable d6gree of stability and'consiStenby of eff6rt over the period ,of the last 48 years. This in spite of criticism from time to time, and ' even an accusation that we had become a “stagnant pool”. Consistently from week tb week we're able to present an abundant activities programme,' consisting not only of walks, but also Skiing, caving, canyoning and bicycle trips, a social programme which is well supported, not to mention the monthly production of a Club magazine. Many new members and visitor's to the Club comment favourably, on hot efficiently things are organised. i This is certainly one's first impression, and usually borne out-by later experienc,e, - - To what do we owe this remarkable record? For the answer we must turn to the factor of organization. The Sydney-Bush Walkers must at times look like a fine example of bureaucracy, But bureaucracies aren't by necessity alway inefficient. Sometimes they do actually work. It would be fair to Observe that the S.B.W.s continuing success is directly attributable to the Club organization which. divides responsibilities into clearly definable areas, and then allocates those areas to democratically elected office bearers. Those areas of responsibility are: walks, social, Federation, membership, conservation, secretarial, magazine and treasury, With this sort of division of reponsibility a lot can be achieved without relying on the ov'er-exertion of too few. Even those masters of organization, the Army and. the Church could hardly improve on what we've sot. Thanks are due to the Club's pioneers, who in 1927 established the ground rules which are still in existence today, and will probably be the same in the year 2027. * * * * * * * * Page 3 TIE SYDNEY BUSHVIALICR June, 1975. 24 HOURS MAKE A WEEK-END. by P. McBride. No doubt I was asking for itl going on a trip with a known greyhound like Phil Butt, but there seemed no way a really strenuous week-end could be fitted into the day-and-a-quarter left after the 1974 A.G.M. of the Kosciusko Huts Association. Both Phil and I had often lamented on the dwindling number of skiing companions available and promised to do a trip together some day when all others failed. The A.G.M. was held in the Kosciusko Park Headquarters at Sawpit Creek on Saturday morning and afterwards there was a barbecue with ample free wine provided by the K.H.A. A very convivial group they were, nearly all ski-tourers, and we did not get away until nearly four o'clock. It was quite late, therefore, when we arrived at Guthega Power Station to find lots of snow about, at least half a metre on the ear park, with cool and windy conditions. Our plan was to fill in the remainder of the afternoon with a ski up and. back along the road before returning to the car and camping at Island Bend. Perhaps I should have been suspicious at the sight of Phil putting all the ski repair gear and safety apparatus into his day pack but I attached no importance to it at the time. Even at the low altitude of the Power Station the snow was dry and powdery and blue wax gaim excellent results. Trying to keep up with Phil's brisk langlauf up the aqueduct road soon had me thinking it was just as well the conditions were so good. After a very brief pause at Disappointment Spur Hut, we continued on to Schlink Hilton as the night came on us and picked our way through the forest of skis outside into the steamy interior. There must have been a least twenty people staying in the hut that night, including eight or so in the kitchen with a fire holding the temperature to a tropical 20C. By now I had realised that Phil was keen on doing more than a quick constitutional before dinner and settled down to make a meal of the light provisions we had in our day packs. Fortunately we knew one of the groups in the hut, Tim Lambie and the North Kuring-gai Venturers, and they kindly gave us the use of a billy and hoofer to make tea. After an hour or so of pleasantly relaxing food and talk we set out for Tin Hut. The air was now noticeably colder and it was quite dark except for scattered moonlight breaking through gaps in the clouds. Thero was drifting snow and occasional fog which reduced visibility even further. During the day strong winds had effectively cleared the western slopes of all their new snow, leaving sheets of ice exposed. It was up these we now had to travel and I watched the gap between us steadily widen as we climbed towards the pass at Gungartan. Phil had several Page 4 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1975. times to wait as the limited range of -viSibility made it unwise to become too far separated. I must mention that the 3 mm radius on the edges of my threeseasonsandstillgoing skis is not a great help on ice. After we passed the fence post in the gap and began to descend into the valley the surface improved and soon we found ourselves on a good powder snow cover. Here I reaped the benefit of slowness for it was Phil who was ahead,when we came upon our first and only cornice. His abrupt disappearance and curse were in time to warn me of the hazard. ahead. In one of the periods of poor visibility we found ourselves in an open expanse where neither of us could recognise the surrounding slopes. Conversation was an effort because of the balaclavas and hoods we were wearing against the cold and wind, while my torch was so nearly defunct . as tO make map reading quite a strain. We decided that to keep aiming for Tin Hut from this unfamiliar direction would be making it hard on ourselves -whereas we could ea'sily follow the Valentines' Diver down to Eawson's. . As we followed every twist and turn of the Valentines from a faint, depression to a steepsided valley ,I had occasion to reflect on making it harden ourselves. The ice broke on me as I was crossing the river at the pole line, plunging me LID to the knees in icewater, and then it took 10 minutes to herringbone up the glassy slopes to Mawson's on my now waxless skis. I was even too tired to argue with Phil's homily on the merits of base wax with wooden skis. There Was a food cache of ours (BMWS) in the hut left for a' proposed KiandraKosciusko trip and we extracted a few items for a further dinner and breakfast. Sitting by the fire eating was very nleasant but no way to spend the entire night so a decision had to be made. The alternatives were either to return to the car, or to go to Tin Hut and use the blankets there. By the height of the moon we had less than two hours of light left, so Tin Hut was decided upon. This time the trip was much more enjoyable. The wind had-dropped and with good visibility we could contour along the slopes and cut across the bends in the creek. It took less than 45 minutes to travel the 5 kilometres to Tin Hut, Condititns were really superb with the snow so dry and powdery that a flick of the stock would send up a plume like smoke. The temperature must have been:' well on the way to 10 With the moon about to set behind the jagged range of Gungartan arid shining through a few wisps of cloud spilling over the tops, it Made a magnificsnt winter scene and ourselves the only ones there to admire it Tin Hut was empty, and, just as well, since it was about 11.30 p m0 when we pushed open the door and entered with the gentle tread of Ski boots. Three blankets apiece were reckoned enough and that was all there was anyway. Phil suggested a not too early start in the circumstances, say 6.30, and I muttered agreement as I passed into sluMber9 Page 5 THE SYDNEY BUSHWAMER Juno, 1975. not then realising his seriousness in those matters. Came the first light of dawn and there was the sound of breaking sticks at the fireplace, a very intrusive sound on slumber. After a few mjnutos wrestling with my will power to stay in the bunk I gave up and loft the blankets which had never before felt so warm. Outside it was a grand morning, still and crisp. The sun was just touchihg the poak of Gungartan and the rosy glow gave a false look of warmth to the scene. There were no billies to bo found in the hut so rather than cat cola oats and honey we decided to go to Valentines for breakfast. Here wc mot Glen Bryden and a party from Canberra who gave us full use of a gas stove and billies, plus a nice warm fire to sit beside. You can live very well off the land if you know the right people. On the way over to Valentines we had been admiring Jagungal standing out proudly to the north and toyed with the idea of going there, but apart from my spent energies there were a couple of major difficulties in the way. Firstly we had no klisters and loss than 10 g of red wax between us on a day that looked like turning out very hot; secondly we. bad no protestion for our oyes against the glare from the snow. Who would have thought to take sunglasses on a night skiing expedition? The time passed incredibly quickly as we sat by the fire, a sure sign of fatigue, and a-couple of hours were quickly gone, putting the seal on further plans for the day. We returned directly to the Power Station, enjoying a really good run down the road, taking under 60 minutes from Schlink Pass to the car. There was enough snow cover left to be still standing on skis putting the key to the car door, a satisfying finale to a wellfilled 24 hours. XXXX-X*XXX Przo 6 THE SYDNEY DUSHWALIM Jiva..2 1975. Lightweight bushwalking f and camping gear, CLOTHING FOR ALL OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Pouch Parka: Pullover type hooded jacket in proofed nylon. Front zip pocket and zip at throat, Draw cord in hem. So compact it fits into its own pocket. Weight 8ozs. 'Eidex hooded oilskin zip front parkas, considered by experienced walkers to be an indispensible item of their gear. Weight Ub7ozs. Improved model, made to Paddy's specifications. All sizes. Everything for the 'well dressed' bushwalker heavy wool shirts, wind jackets, duvets, overpants, string singlets, bush hats, webbing belts etc. BUNYIP RUCKSACK This 'shaped' rucksack is excellent for children. Use- full day pack. Weight I4ozs. SENIOR RUCKSACK A single pocket, shaped rucksack. Suitable for overnight camping. Weight 11/21bs. BUSHMAN RUCKSACK Has sewn-in curved bottom for extra comfort in carrying. Will hold 30lbs. 2 pocket model 1141bs. 3 pocket model Thlbs. PIONEER RUCKSACK Extra large bag with four external pockets and will carry about 40lbs of camp gear. Weight 2141bs. Everything for the bushwalker, from blankets and air mattresses, stretchers, boots, compasses, maps, books, stoves and lamps to cooking ware and freeze dried and dehydrated foods. KlANDRA MODEL Hooded bag. Extra well filled. Very compact. Approx 3%lbs. HOTHAM MODEL Super warm box quilted. Added leg room. Approx SUPER LIGHT MODEL Half the weight and packed size of regular begs. 9“ x 5%” dia. 2lbs. 69 LIVERPOOL ST. SYDNEY 26-2686 61-7215 Page 7 THE SYlVEY BUSHWALKER June, 1975. THE MAY GENERAL METING. by Jim Brown. The only ne wcomer to be welcomed at the May meeting was Gordon Lee, and of course you could hardly call him a newcomer to the walking business We numbered just over 30 at the beginning of the evening, with some build-up during proceedings. For once, the Minutes took a bit of a bashing, the President pointing out that, although be may have endeavoured to clarify the wording of a motion, he was in the unique position of being unable to be the mover. This notation was suitably doctored. There was also some dis- agreement over the text of another resolution carried in April, which evidently was not what its supporters had intendeds this particular decision, which 11d to do with the convening of a committee to explore the practicability of building a hut at Coolana, was subsequently rescinded, and, on a motion by Gordon Broome, was supplanted. by one requesting the standing Coolana Committee, under the chairmanship of Dot- Butler, to gather information on the site, type, and probable cost of construction of a hut at Coolana and submit its recommendations to a General Meeting. Moving on to Correspondence, we learned that three members, Roger Gowirg, Jim Callaway and Frank Malloy, had sought transfer to the Non- Active list. The Treasurer/s report at first appeared to have gone on holidays with the Treasurer, but the figure? quoted at the Committee Meeting were discovered and presented later, the ready cash funds amounting to $1,649 at the end of April. Now it was Bob Hodgson with his account of walking activities over the previous four weeks, starting with Hans Beck's trip to Splendour Rock on 11-13 April 5 this went off as programmed, but it was reported that there had been fairly widespread. bush fires in the Wild Dog Mountains, some of them still smouldering at the time of the walk. On the same week-end Tony Denham's Grose River trip was abandoned for lack of starters, but the two day walks between them brought out some 34 or 35 people3 18 who 'slithered down Fitzgerald's Creek and lunched beneath a waterfall on -the writer's trip, while the 15 or 16 with Bill Hall west of Waterfall found the bush very bushy and the going rather slow. For the April 18-20 week-end there was the “gourmet” gathering at the Riloy's Canberra home, where some 20 members visited local beauty spots between the culinary exploits. There were no starters for the caving at Wyanbean, but Victor Lewin had a crew of 5 on a trip from the Mt. Hay Road into the Grose, the leader substituting for Joe Marton. Gordon Lee, as a “prospective” leader, had 8 on a Blue Gum Forest day walk, ana observed that, on the way out to Evans Lookout, two prospectives /taiwt make it“. We were left in merciful ignorance of what befell them. The three day Anzac week-end saw much “moonlighting” by the various day walkers on Victor Lewin's Yadbora camp. Some 40-ocia people attended, and it appeared that each of the 3 separate day walks ended about 9.15 p m., Page 8 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1975. - . and the Party got home between *3.0 a m. and 5.0 a m1 on the Monday No news was available about Peter Miller's party in the Yerranderie country. At the beginning of May John Broome's trip from Kanangra southcast across the KowmuncE wont with a small party and an icy swim was involved at one point on the Saturday. That weekend the working bee at Coolana was attended by 23 people who effected some repairs to the access trails there was evidence of previous flooding and bank damage along the Kangaroo River side, John Campbell's climbing trip around Kanangra was cancelled owing to the leader's illness, while 17 folk were along for Gladys Rdberts' day walk to Cowan Creek, described as a pleasant and reasonably easy jaunt. There was some doubt whether Hans Beck's Mt. Solitary walk on May 9-11 actually went, but the two parties of the car swap Colo River journey completed their assigned trips, albeit with a couple of minor excissions by tho eastbound group. This same team emerged after dark from the lawyer vine thickets into the communal camping cave on Saturday, when the westbound party had given up expectation of meeting them that night. Of Bill Hall's Sunday walk it was reported only that it went as planned and one of the party “stepped on a death adder”. What followed was not told. Doings at Federation were reported in the May magazine, and it needs only to be recorded that, on a motion by Jim Vatiliotis, we conveyed to Federation that we disagreed with the reopening of the Bindodk-,Yerranderie road for the development of a commercial activity. So we were at General Business, where Dot Butler reported thtt the Coolana Committee at this stage in its considerations, believed a fire resistant hut could be erected on the site of the old “garage” at a cost of about Z600. She sought approval for purchase of materials up to this cost,. but after some discussion it was determinal that, as the Coolana Committee had not had a formal meeting, and in view of the amended resolution carried earlier in the evening's debate, the motion could not be placed before the May General Meeting. During the discussion it was mentioned that adobe construction might be looked into, and also that the Treasurer should be invited to comment on the availability of funds. Just before the evening wound up at 9.40 p m. Don Finch told us that OUT Search and Rescue volunteer list was sadly out of date, but with revived interest in Rescue activities in Federation, it was proposed to update the record. Any potential searchers should make themselves known. With which the business for May closed down. _ CHECK THOSE TRAIN TIMES1! Since production of the winter walks programme a good many train times have changed. (For instance, northern line trains on Sundays to Cowan, Hawkesbury River and-::ondabyne now depart Central at 8.0 a m. and 9.0 a m.) Leaders and members should check up on both forward and return train times before finalising arrangements. Page 9 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1975. A BRIEF HISTORY OF DICKY COOPER HUT. by Wilf Hildar. (parish Gungartan - County Selwyn and Kosciusko 1639360 map) Although now in ruins, this is one of the oldest huts above the snowline and was probably built around the same time as the original Grey Mare Hut (1894-1895). It is surprising that the hut was not discovered by the summer reconnaissance parties which crossed the area before the first successful Kiandra-Kosciusko traverse on skis in 1927. It was not until 1935 that Colin Gilder and also William Hughes published a description of the hut and how to locate it. Judging by the charcoal inscriptions on the rafters it was used until the mid 1950's0 Air photos taken early in 1964 show the hut as collapsed, In recent years the ski touring boom has caused severe overcrowding in the huts of the Munyang Valley, Schlink Pass and adjacent areas. At various times last year all the huts in the area - Horse Camp, White's, Schlink Hilton, Tin, Mawson's, Valentine's - have been severely overcrowded. As this area is comparatively sheltered, has excellent snow and is fairly easy to navigate in, an increase in the numbers of ski tourers is inevitable. In bad weather Tin and Mawson's Huts are too difficult to reach, and Valentine's is really only suitable for a medium sized party. This leaves Schlink and White's to cope with the crowd. The reconstruction of Dicky Cooper Hut is a substantial undertaking for any hut maintenance group but falls within the policy of the Kosciusko Huts Association. It would provide additional accommodation in an increasingly popular area, without overcrowding the area with huts. The hut is situated amongst a thick COV02 of snow gums and is reached through fairly open country just over one kilometre from the Munyang-Geehi Reservoir Road and crossing Dicky Cooper Creek on a footbridge (built by Snowy Mountains Authority). The first written reference to the hut appears in the 1934 Australian and New Zealand Ski Year Book in Colin Gilder's well known article “The Skiing Huts of New South Tales” (page 58), which listed fourteen huts:- “Dicky Cooper Hut. No information is available as to the condition or even existence of the Dicky Cooper Hut. It was at one time located about 1.-; miles northwest of the Dicky Cooper -Whites River Saddle (Schlink Passe Information regarding this hut would be appreciated as it forms an excellent getaway for a party travelling to Gungartan and meeting with adverse weather, making the ascent to Gungartan Pass and the ultimate locating of the Gungartan Hut (Tin Hut 2 W.H.) not only uncomfortable but possibly dangerous”. Colin Gilder did not let it rest at that - in 1935 he had been hard at work for his now famous article “Fifty-three Skiing Huts of N.S.W.” (Australian and New Zealand Year Book, 1959 page 34) which states:- “Dicky Cooper Hut. Owner: EcPhie. Situations Two miles northwest of Whites River Saddle on the north west fall of Dicky Cooper Bogong. Descriptions This hut of weatherboard construction is in very bad state Page 10 THE SYD1\TEY BUSITIALKER June/ 1975. of repair and as there:. is i quint It dould-only be used in an emergency. An abundance of firewood will be found in the vicinity.” The but is shown in photos by R. Michaelis and a mr_p by Colin Gilder which were included in “Fifty Three Huts_of illiam Hughes (of.Elaine Hine, Kiandra) thinly disguised as “Kiandra” also wrote a description of Dicky Cooper Hut in the 1935 Year Book (page 35): “Dicky Cooper Hut is situated 2 miles north of the mountain of that name and is reached from the Kosciusko end. by following a spur for a mile from the mountain crown and then descending the precipitious slopes (No skier or walker would regard these slopes as precipitous 7.H0) at the end of the spur into the valley below. Dicky Cooper Mountain is 6,600 foot in height and the hut is at least 700 feet lower. It faces northwest and can be seen for some distance away on that side being in the fork of two creeks (Gullies would be more accurate today with the junction immediately below the hut (in the clearing below the timber line It is weather beaten (boards falling off the walls) and would be of use in case of extreme emergency although it could be put into serviceable order at low cost.” Judging by the condition of the original Grey Mare Hut (also Treatherboard) which was in a slightly more ruined state in 1935 and Jardines Hut (Gungarlin Valley) which io still used in 1975 and was reported as old weatherboard in 1935, it can be assumed that it was built around the same time. It would_ appear from Gilder's and Hughes' desbriptions that the hut was not used by stockmen as it was devoid of beds and cooking utensils. This means that it may have been built by miners as were nearly all the early alpine huts. A Sydney Bush :alker party on skis and snowshoes visited Dicky Cooper Ruins on 7th June, 1974, in good weather with a cover of about five decimetres (20”) of snow and discover,ed the footbridge mentioned -above. Subsequently the small of enthusiastic group of skiers who adopted and restored Moulds Hut as Kosciusko Huts Association Cdretaker Group resolved to apply for the caretakership of the Dicky Cooper Hut and rebuild it as their contribution to the maintenmace of survival huts in the Snowy Mountains. Page 11 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1975. PROSPECTIVE LMEERSHIP. OF THE SYDNEY BUSH VIA=RS How when and wh, it started. by Dorothy Lawry. When our Club was formed in 1927 there was no word in the language to describe our recreation, The foundation members made a number of suggestions of names for the club and chose The Sydney Bush 7alkers0 This distinguished them from the athletes who walked competitively round sportsgrounds or Centennial Park. A few years later we had become a familiar sight at railway stations as we started for the bush with our ruckacks or returned from our walks.. Whenever we were asksd. if we were hikers, we denied it and gave our Club's name. Then in the language and the Press appeared the term “bushwalker” and “bushwalking”, Now came the early 1930s and THE DEP2ESSION - you have probably heard of it but are young enough not to have experienced it. It was a bad time. Money was as scarce as jobs, Walking was something one could do without money. Two men (not bushwalkers) planned and organised a series of “Mystery Hikes” on Sundays. They chartered a train for the day, and hundreds of young people took their lunches, paid a small fare and boarded the train in the morning for an unknown destination and a hike to a pick-up point for the return in the late afternoon. One such hike was along the road from Waterfall to Stanr,ell Park. By this time the S.B.W. had about 136 members, all with a knowledge of bushcraft, and recognised rules of behaviour (21eave your campsite tidy”, etc. etc.). Some members thought the Club was getting too big and none wanted to risk a large influx of inezperienced hikers. A sub-committee was formed to consider the best way to control our membership numbers and standards. Its recommendations were accepted and Prospective nombership became the route to joining the S0B0i7. A Prospective paid a small fee and had his/her name added to the list on tho notice board in the clubroom. There it stayed for from three to six months so that members could see who was wanting to join the club. The Committee had the right to remove any name at any time if it had received a report from any member that the prospective was known to be undesirable. A prospective was encouraged to coma to the clubroom and out on as many walks as possible. A prospective must do three test walks, at least one of which must be a week-end walk. The sub-committee had drawn up a list of “pattern walks” and test walks had to be up to those standards. The week-end pattern walks were no harder than those for day walks but packs would be heavier and behaviour in camp would. be tested. Over the years the 1-1ttern walks have been revised more than once as conditions changed. but the standard of test walks did not. These test walks were required so that we were sure that any and Page 12 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June2 1975. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * M OUNTAIN * EQUIPMENT IF YOU ARE BUYING OR HIRING HIRING OR BUYING BUYING OR HIRING HIRING OR BUYING GEAR FOR WALKING CAMPING 000 C CLIMBING WALKING CAMPING m o. ciamBarG THINK OF 0 0 0 0 0 CANOEING 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 CANOEING MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT 17 Alexander Street Crow's Nest 9 2065 (On the corner of Falcon Street) Telephone 439-34540 for FAIRYDOWN SIVPING BAGS HIGH LOAD PACKS (Weight 3 lb 10 oz) AND ALL THE OTHER THINGS YOU COULD POSSIBLY NEED * * * * * * * * * Page 13 THE SYDNEY BUSHaLKER June, 1975. _every member could do a really tough walk in case of need. Lastly a membership form had to be completed and submitted with a subscription. It had to be signed by the prospective and the nominator and endorsed by six members who had walked with that prospective. No person's endorsement was acceptable unless he or she had been a member for at least six months. Also, the nominator must have known the prospective for at least three months and be prepared to vouch for his/her compatability and regard for the Club's welfare. Soon was added a barther requirement - an interview at a committee meeting. This was to make sure that every member attending that meeting knew just whom they were considering end voting on. I believe that the percentage of prospectives becoming members has always been less than 50% of those who had their names put on the notice- board. This did not matter because many of those who did not join the S.B.'. aid join one of the other bushwslking clubs. These clubs, of course, had their own rules and standards. The result of these restrictions on membership was that in about a year the S.B.W. membership numbers had jumped from 136 to about 200! Later in the 1930s9 when I was hon0 secretary of the S,B.T., several times I was asked by members of other clubs in the Federations- “How is it that the S.D.'7. has no trouble in keeping up the number of its members? Te have great difficulty in getting new members.” My reply was always:- “Make it hard to get into your club and you will have no trouble in getting hew members. Ue made it worthwile to be able to claim that one is a member of The Sydney Bush Talkers.” * TASMANIAN BUSHWALKTNG TOUR Who's for Melbourne of three Australia St. Clair supply pi 10th. 197 is under six weeks details. Tasmania? Leavi 2nd. February. weeks, with open Main feature: National Park. ck-up. Booking d 5. Cost per car 6 ft. 6 inches t of sailing. Con His home phone nnq Sydney 30th. January 1 Travel by car convoy for return tickets on the “E the famous Cradle Mounta Fourteen days round trip eposit of $16.50 required $73.60 return (ie, provid all) Deposit is refundabl tacf-, the leader, Victor L umber is 50-4096. 976 and a minimum morass of in-Lake with one by August ed your car e within ewin for Page 14 THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June, 1975. WALKS SECRETARY'S NOTES FOR JULY. by Bob Hodgson. 49596 July.- Gordon Lee is leading this Barrington Tops trip into his old stamping ground. This range contains some of the highest peaks in Australia outside the Snowy Yountains, so came prepared for very cold weather and beautiful crisp mountain air nd scenery. Sunday 6 - A worthwhile walk from Cowan to Brooklyn with very impressive views of Jerusalem Bay as well as a close inspection of the mangroves in Porto Bay. Barbara Evans will be your able leader on this day test walk. Slacks or long trousers are recommended as the scrub could be either scratchy or recently burned. 11,12,13 Plenty to get your teeth into on this hard walk in the Ettrema Creek area. Peter Harris intends to follow Tullyangela Creek down through Dungeon Canyon, a spectacular canyon through rugged sandstone formations, all the way down to the Ettrema and climb out of the gorge up the relatively unknown Transportation Spur. Sunday 13 - Jim Brown hosts this lively little walk in the Blue Labyrinth. First class walking country, first class company. 19, 20 A Saturday start for Hans Beck's jaunt around the Jamison Valley. Good track all the way, so come and enjoy first hand the exhilarating mountain air and the spectacular scenery. Sunday 22 - If you missed out on last weeks Blue Labyrinth trip Eargaret Reid will be more than happy to lead you on a somewhat similar walk, or may beyou enjoyed Jim's trip so much you want a repeat - anyway, Margaret's your girl. 25926927 - Presidential walk, Barry's conscience must have been pricking him as he volunteered this walk for the programme without any “assistance. Anyway - the walk is out to Bonnum Pic, then down to the Wollondilly, then return to Malcolm's Farm. WhEA with the spectacle of Bonnum Pic and the serene beauty of the 'Dilly, a very worthwhile escape. 25926927 - Come all you novice down-hillers9 Jim Vatiliotis will soon make an expert out of you. Jim will be basing his Alpine Skiing Instructional from Sawpit Creek, so it won't cost the earth i but listen well when he tells you what gear to bring. Page 15. THE SYDNEY BUSIBTALUR June 1975. July Sunday 27 A bit of scrambling necessary on this medium/hard day walk with Peter Scandrett. Spectacularly rugged country and an unusual route combined with a campfire on the Saturday night make this a trip not to be missed. Sunday 27 For thoSe of us who feel that Peter's trip could be a bit much, Kath Brown to the rescue a nice easy stroll around to Burning Palms from Lilyvale, then back to Otford. * * -X- * * * * * * SOCIAL NOTES FOR JULY. by Spiro Ketas. Peter Harris has a slide night on South West Tasmania on July 16th0 Of course this part of Tasmania offers the most spectacular scenery, so prepare for some beautiful slides of this unique area. Unfortunately, on July 23rd Rod McKay will not be available for his demonstration “Hints on Photography', but I'll endeavour to replace him with a photographic expert, probably from KODAK. On July 30th Ian Olsen (C..W.) will be giving a talk on trees commonly encountered by bushwalkers. Ian will be showing slides and is bringing many samples. Correction for August 20th, should read “Members' Slide Night”. * FOOTER The ClUb. may have access to a supply of Volley type sandshoes at a reduced price. Negotiations are proceeding, Members who are interested arc asked to consider how many pairs and in what sizes they will reauire for a period of, say, six months' activity, and be ready to advise Spiro Ketas when prices are known and firm orders can be placed. a Page 16. THE SYDNEY BUSHWALKER June 1975, COOLANA HUT (from info supplied by George Gray) At the June General Meeting of the Sydney Push. Walkers a motion relating to the proposed Coolana hut was passed. Text of the motion is as follows: “THAT THE CLUB AGREE TO THE CONSTRUCTION AT COOLANA OF A BUILDING APPROXIMATELY 24 FEET BY 20 FEET, CONSISTING OF A GALVANIZED IRON ROOF, THREE ENCLOSED SIDES AND A FIREPLACE; THAT PERMISSION BE OBTAINED FROM THE LOCAL COUNCIL BEFORE MATERIALS ARE PURCHASED; THAT A SUM OF 5700 BE MADE 'AVAILABLE IF NECESSARY; AND THAT GEORGE CRAY BE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER RESPONSIBLE FOR SELECTION OF FINAL DESIGN AND MATERIALS.” The diagram on the opposite page depicts what the final structure will look like, save for the fact that two fireplaces instead of the one as shown, will be incorporated into the final design. At the meeting it was suggested that we may be able to lessen the cost by using donated or second hand materials. Any information on new materials at a discount would also be of help. The following list is what we would be seeking, although some substitution would be possihle. *(e) Galvanized water pipe 2” by 11', 10 pieces. – (b) Sheet offcuts in 16 gauge galvanized iron or in +” tempHred hardbo-rd or in waterproof plywood sized approximately 1 x ; about 60 in number. 'Pc) Spring head roofing nails about 10 lbs. (d) Corrugated irod in lengths of 8 and 12' about 2000 square feet. (e) Cement 6 bags. Any information to Georgc Gray or Dot Flutler soon please, * ACCOMMODATION URGENTLY WANTED It has come to our notice that member Peter Scandrett (Taswegian in exile) is about to bee booted out of his lodgings into the street. Peter works at North Ryde and would like a room or shared accommodation somewhere convenient to work possibly on the North Shore between say Gordon and St. Leonards. Please contact him if you know of anything suitable. -June 975 THE SYDNEY EILISHLIALKER Page 17. Page 18 THE SYDNEY BUSENALKERS June, 1975! SEARCH & RESCUE LIST. by Don Finch. The N.S.7. Federation of Bush 7alking Clubs; to which the Sydney Bush 7alkers is affiliated, runs a search and rescue section for the benefit of club members who might become lost, overdue or injured in the bush. They have also in the past offered assistance to the bushwalking public at large and have been called in to assist police and other bodies on many occasions. The administration of the section is controlled by officers olectod annually at the Federation Annual General Meeting. Individual clubs elect search and rescue contacts and INDIVIDUAL club medbers volunteer to make up the search and rescue teams. Just about everybody can be of some use on a_S. & R. The circumstances of each S. R. demand different tactics and hence different talents of individuals. To name a few canyoneers, slow walkers, fast walkers, car drivers, billy boilers, creek -swimmers, radio operators, loud yellers, area experts local knowledge types), stretcher bearers with big muscles, somebody to carry the stretcher bearers'oar, and on and on, in short, just z-bout everybody. Now the bad news. You get rung up at any hour of the day, night, or usually ,very early morning. You leave home at 3.15 am. to arrive at Kanangra for a dawn start only to find the lost party is safe and sound at Katoomba, back to work in time for lunch and a week's notice from the boss. I hope everybody gets the picture, and if you want to have a go, ring Don Finch on 47-2251 or give your name and relevant details to any R. contact or a committee member. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE NOW DUE-. SEND YOUR REMITTANCE NOW,1 Please note that annual subscriptions for 1975 are due and payable. The Treasurer would therefore like to hear from you soon, if you have not already paid, The rates of subscription as fixed at the Annual General Meeting last March are as follows: Single Member $7.50 p a. Married Couples $9.50 p a. Students (full time) $4,00 p a. NonActive Members $1.50 p a. * * * * * -X- MAGAZINE RATES. Active Members of the Club automatically receive the magazine as part of their subscription. If you're not an Active Member but would like to receive the Club Magazine posted to you, the annual subscription (including postage) if $2.50. NOTIFY THE TREASURER.

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