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THE SYDNEY BUS MaNYMa _SAL= A monthly-bulletin of matters of interest. to the Sydney Bush Walkers, C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney. a No. 196 .SLPTE-r3E-R- 1950 Price 6d.

Editor; Alex Colley, 55 Kirribilli Reporters; Jim Brown, Kath McKay Av., Mils-ants Point1N-ixArl.55 Sales and Subs; Shirley Evans Production and Business Manager; Production Asst; Bill Gillam Brian Harvey. Typed by Jess Martin & Gladys Martin CONTENTS Page Editorial - How Many Members? 1 Social Notes for September 3 At the August General Meeting 3 A Walker's Soliloquy, by Robert Bull 6 For Tyros in Tasmania, Part iii By Jim Brown 8 Ben Ricketts - Peter Page's Advt. 12 Department of Inside Information 13 Federation Notes 14 ED rTORIAL How Many Members? The 'idea-l-numberof members is perhaps the oldest and most provocative bone of contentlon in Club history. In the early days the idea was to attract as many members as possible. Then came the depression and “mystery hikes”. organised by big city retailers. 'Fearing a flood of undesirable newcomers, the present rules of admittance were made. - At this time too it was fairly generally bel- ieved that a big membership would destroy the friendliness_ and unity 0 of the early days. Many of the older members_wer-Htraid of the Club growing too big.. By 1939 it had att pred about its preser+7 size, and, though some of the friendlirre-sse–cirthe early days was lost, it was nevertheless in good shape. The walking side was well run - 2 cancelled official walks were unknown and there were a lot of enterprising private walks organised in new country, The Club Officers and Committee were interested and conscientious, the social programme was full and alctive, and there was wide participation in conserv- ation work. By the end of the war membership was artificially inflated by servicemen who had lost interest in the club but whose subscriptions had been waived. All the Club's activities were, as was to be expected, at a low ebb, and they remained so for nearly two years more. Since then the number of members has changed very little. As local walking clubs go, ours is a large one and experience has Shown the advantages of size. We are able to run a full and varied walks programme, while at the same time organisers of private walks can usually find companions. A large membership enables walks to be organised in inaccessible country - though we believe that members could co-operate much more than they do in organising transport. The core of old meubers and the constant influx of new members enabled us to survive the war as an active Club. The walks programmes of small clubs are necessarily much more restricted. They tend to centre round a small group of friends. At these people grow older many will drop cut and the Club may die or at least become moribund. The really enthusiastic walkers will in time find themselves without companions. It is possible that our present 'numbers are near the ideal, Perhaps some 200 people are as many as will be hold together by ties of friendship and it may be that the disinterested fringe in excess of this number tend to drop out. But we believe that the numbers are not very important - so long as there are enough to run a good walks programme. We could probably carry on successfully with 100, or 500, provided we have the right type of members. And who are the right type of members? There is no doubt that by relaxing our standards and inviting all and sundry to join we could have a large club in short time. This is proved by the number of prospectives who apply. There are always a lot of people only too glad to take advantage of free entertainment, provided someone else will do the work. An influx of such people would soon weaken the bonds of interest and friendship which hold together a smaller number of actively participating, members. It would throw a lot of extra work on the willing helpers and it is pretty certain that they well:Idn't be willing for long. The city is full of large voluntary associations frantically looking for people to run them free. A large _club full of deadheads may appeal to some, but, if we must choose, give us 'ustagnationu any day. The main consideration should be not quantity, but quality. If all the members are endowed with f'Sociability stamina and regard for the Club's welfare“ it doesn't matter a great deal how many there are. There will probably never be enough of such people to make our numbers unwieldy._ It is the duty of every proposer to be sure that the prospective he nominates is interested

01 in the Club's work qad welfare and willing to take an active part. Nor shol ad people endorse application forms unless they are reasonably certain the prospective wiLL make a desirable member. How are good members to be attracted? The best way is to create a well-run, active and happy Club - the news soon gets around. SOCIAL NOTES FO SEPTEMBER Our last Slide Night for members was such a success that we are confident of another good night on 15th September. To all those photographers who have masterpieces to exhi'it, we extend a very hearty welcome. Fred Brown has a treat in store for you on 22nd. Fred recently tripped arcund Great Britain and Europe, and he has a lasting memory of his holiday in beautiful Kodachrame. They're superb! See for yourself. There is another dance on 29th and we guarantee a night as gleeful as our last dance. In addition to the usual dancing, there will be hilarious competitions with good prizes. Two dates to remambor;- October 27th. Photographic Exhibition - see Arthur Gilroy.. December 12th. Xmas Party at the Coronetn. Edna Stretton, Social Secretary. AT THE AUGUST GENERAL MEETING, Your reporter found theAugust General Meeting a most agreeable one; perhaps there were no notable achievements, but the atmosphere of the meeting was affable, numerous members were present (about 60), discussion was lively and stimulating, and two new members, Joyce McClintock and Fred Leake, made their debut. Very little developed from the routine minutes, correspondence and reports. Further enquiry from the meeting by the Pr-sirlent elLcited no new information about the dirty camp sites at Rennix Gap (Kosciusko) over King's Birthday weekend. Allen Strom reported that the original complaint came from the Bus]T3craft Associationts delegate to the Federation, who had also the Clubs represented in the Kosciusko area that week-end. It was also moved by Allen Strom that we congratulate Stan Cattier on his successful term as Federation President and his acceptance of tha position of Secretary - motion carried with enthusiasm. Speaking of the Kuring-ui Chase Trust's drive ,Jgainst wildflower pickers and the support offered by Federation, Dormie mentioned the statement of the Premicir that a complete ban on the s ale of wildflowers wouLd strike tho livelihood or sale people. For this reason, it seemed unlikely that the Government wouLd act in the matter. Announcements were mde concerning the Search and Rescue Practice 'Veek.-end scheduled for September 15/16/17 and the Half-Yearly General Meeting on September 8th, and we emberked on the discursive part of the meeting - General u_siness. Claude HaYnes drew attention to the Kiddies' Christmas Treat, and offered the suggestion th ,t the slum-cleerance coupled with the general fmprovement in living conditions and absence of true poverty, made the Treat in its old form unnecoseary. He moved thnt Committee consider whether it should be continued or some other function arranged. Reno Browne, organiser or the Trent over many years, concurred in the gener'l outline of the motion, and agreed that we could replace it with some similar charitable gesture. For her own part, she was finding the arrangements too onerous, but would gladllassist in any scheme to take a group of children to the bush and help them to appreciate the bushiAnds. A suggestion was offered that children from some institution (say, an orphanage) may be a good choice. In answer to a question by Jim Hooper, the President expinined that the Club's constitution did not permit of direct donations to charities, so the outing had been arranged with a view to 'spreading the good word of walking.' Edna G:Irm ld pointed out that it need not necessarily take the form of a Christmas Treat, indeed it may be all the better at some other time. Domiie thought we may find suitnble children through National Fitness, who were in contact with people in need of mbre “parking space' - corrected to 'more parklands and open space.” Dorothy Lawry wondered if we may instead arrange an outing for children near school leaving ,)go. At that time they were frequently at a loose end, and we ma T te able to encourage them in enjoyment and apnrecietion of the bush. Hero discussion ended and _Claude Haynes motion was carried, leaving it to Committee to define a substitute for the Kiddies' Treat. The President reouestea sugrrestions before the next Committee meeting. A hardy perennial - to expnd or not to expend - was the remaining argument. Don Frost roved that we take some action to increase Club Membership through publicity. Bill Gillav opposed it - we should regret it, he said, when we found people with little idea of walking and conservation coming to the Club. Besides there were already few enough “workers' in the Club - only 15 or 20 people willing to do the organising and planning - and a large growth would throw intolerable burdens on them. 5. Claude Haynes said our behaviour was our best advertisement. Slyly alluding to the previous week-end's walk, he felt that if Mr. Frost continued to lead people across swamps, membership would decline. Speaking of swamps called from Gordon Ballard the comment that the Clubwas a stagnant pond - an increase in membership would produce additional workers for the Club. In his 7 years with S.B.W. membership had been stationary (unlike another Club with which he was connected, which was increasing at a rapid rate). Roy Bruggy enquired if other Clubs wore thriving numerically. He seemed to remember hearing of others which were definitely declining. Gordon Ballard agrecd that this did apply to some of the small Clubs. Eric Rowen spoke at length and with feeling. He thought it disgraceful that a. stranger to Sydney could he in the city for months before finding any contact with walking clubs. There was no recognised way of locating bodies of the kind - a state of affairs that seemed very poor compared with England and the Continent where newspapers gave particulars of walking clubs and a newcomer to a town could always join a trip immediately. Dormie concurred, and suggested that Federation should publish a brochue naming all 'affiliated clubs and addresses of their officers. We should also advertise what is required of members, and the nature of Club, because smaller Clubs frefluently could not cater for people who worked on Saturday mornings. Bill Henley thought people who were keen on the bush and conservation would find their way into a Club, and pointed to the mushroom hiking Clubs which sprang up and died very quickly some years ago after providing a harvest for the taxi drivers who picked up the fallen by the wayside. Claude Haynes supported him - if it took a little time to locate a walking club it sorted out those who were really keen. Mr. Rowen had taken 3 months to find a Club, but had not done too badly (Laughter). As for himself (interjection f'You're not doing too he found the Club through reading Paddy's handbook on camperaft. Jim Hooper suggested a pamphlet at the Tourist Bureau and perhaps copies of the walks progr=es, would give a lead to newcomers to Sydney. Thinking back to the previous motion, Jack Wren suggested Dorothy Lawryls-co=ent on children leaving school may be worth consideration. Young people casting around for new recreations would be a good field for recruiting walkers, and they could be taught the Club ideals of conservation. Agreement came from Dennis Gittoes, who believed we should publicise the Club. He suggested we may sponsor an advertisement in the Telephone Directory, referring those interested to Paddy Pallin. Miriam Steenbohm said (was it satire?) what about a Neon sign outside Paddy's shop. 6 The author of it all arose for his final comment, confessing that his supporters had been away ahead of him; he had originally thought of a simple notice on Paddy's board indicating that we would welcome members. The normal processes of admission would take care of those who were unsatisfactory. Perhaps a notice at the Tourist Bureau listing the Clubs for easy reference by strangers to Sydney would be quite sound. Don Frost also remarked that a moderate increase in membership would be of financial benefit to the Club. In a final bid before the motion was put Bill Gillam asked if we would be wise in expandincr - might we not acquire many weak walkers who would prove an embarrassment to leaders2 After all those words the motion was lost, and with it the Club gave aWay its efforts until the Half-Yearly Meeting. It was just 9.30_ p m. . A WALKER'S SOLILOQUY by Robert Bull. This is being written on one of those week-ends when one must stay at home. It is a rainy, misty Saturday afternoon, and it wouldn't be much fun out in the bush anyway, but the after- noon goes slowly and I start to soliloquize on past adventures and plan future trips to traverse all those unvisited, assuredly fascinating, places that only time can guarantee to allow us to discover and explore. The ingredients required to whisk one away into a golden afternoon in Blue Gum or the vernal splendour of the Cox are a map, and an imagination that will allow you to ramble on a pleasant, immortal adventure. Let us take a map familiar to everyone, one that really stirs your feet and drifts you into the realms of Narrow Neck, Kedumba, the majestic splendour of Kanangra and many others. Recognise the Jenolan sheet? Sparkle up your imagination and we will ramble along the ridges, wade through the creeks and, perhaps, just stand and gaze at those plains and peaks so dear to everyone's heart. Can you forget the great cloud billows filling Jamieson Valley (we called them our hMystic Lakes) that we saw one winters morning from Narrow Neck, Mt. Solitary loomed out of the white sea like and island, while King's Tableland was the shore with clouds playing around its base like the surf. There was ice on the track, it scintillated in the early morning sun and looked like a broken window pane when pierced by a number nine boot and hobs. The cool early morning breeze and the weight of a laden pack, were the only things that kept us from being insensible to the vigour of walking that morning. “Kanangra”, what nane has a fascination richer and deeper? Who can forget a trip on a five ton flat-top truck, loaded 7. with a mere thirty or so bodies, out to the Walls in the middle of the night? Although we had doubts as to our sanity that night, surely no one could ever weigh the comfort of the truck against the next four wonderful days spent roaming the Gangerangs and the Cox. No one insisted on having a bath in Dex Creek the next night, the mere fact that the water would turn anybody a delicate shade of purple was convincing enough for any 'bath-happy” fiend. The pleasant walk along Moorilla Range with Kanangra Gorge on one side and the Walls up the far end of it, with a perfect waterfall tumbling down into the creek below. That was something no one could forget. The s:ffne can be said of the view from Stronglog down to the Cox and Konangaroo Clearing. Remember the way we bounced down Strongleg Buttress and all but ended in the middle of the river? What a pleasant surprise for one of us the next day when he awoke with a leech in his mouth! We never did find out how he got it out but the contortions and convulsions he experienced then would have shaken any self-respecting leech to the innermost part of its anatomy. Everybody knrnirs, or has heard about, Canons. That picturesque Mecca for all walkers with an appetite. A conversation with Mr. and Mrs. Carlon stimulates admiration for the privations that they both have undergone, but who does not envy them the relief from the rush and bustle of the city, its noises and smells so infinite in variety? Along Kedumba Creek and down the Cox is a walk that brought us into the sphere of Many a nice, lazy weekend. What could be more delightful than the verdant pastures and the shimmer- ing; silvery river with its boulder strewn shallows. It will take a lot to replace that playground When the Warragamba Dam is completed, a loss that all walkers will regret. Can you imagine being perched on Clear Hill with magnificent panorama of the mountains and valleys spread before you? What of the perfect nights with the black volveted sky sprinkled with sequined stars and the camp fire throwine those mysterious, flickering shadows that seem to transform the bush into a wierd type of pantomime. All those magical names permeated with memories of many trips, perfect companionship and, of course, food.. Surely no one can say that he forgot the latter! Well, something has just shaken me from my clouds 0 of retrospection and deposited me back in a wet rainy week-end at home. I refer to the rattle of tea-cups heralding the arrival of afternoon tea, surely the only sound that could bring me out of my reverie. All that is left to do is roll up my maps and bless the person who invented them for the solace of restless walkers indoors. —-o0o—- 8. FOR TYROS IN TASMANIA - PART 3 - PER ARDUA AD ASTRA. Oa./ arm. arra.. mum. mort..mmami aanormirdrd By Jim Brown. In Parts 1 and 2 we battled through Tasmanian walking conditions in general and the Scenic Reserve. Although I blamed the Editor for cutting Part 2 short without going on to speak of the Frenchman's Cap walk and the National Park, I humbly confess I had not supplied him with this Part 3 at that stage - already there seemed too many words. This is the closing chapter, then. THE 1;' FRENCEDIAN …….le, ,…. Maps: Several are available. We used a sketch nap compiled by John Hunter, and purchased from Paddy, also for the broad picture of surroundings the South Sketch Map of the West Coast of Tasmania., mentioned in Part 2, Stores: If you do your trip to Frenchman's Cap imediately after - 77717 -through the ,Scenic Reserve, you may replenish grocery stooks from the Ranger at Lake St. Clair (see Part 2). Otherwise, there is no reliable rationing point between Hobart and Queenstown, so bring everything with you - and your dehydrateds from Sydney. Access: The track to Frenchman's Cap leaves the Hobart - Queenstown road about 20 miles west of Derwent Bridge, and so the 'bus services quoted in Part 2( access to Lake St. Clair) apply here also, 'Buses to and from Queenstown pass the track about 1-l- hours out from that SE-Kkreki ,rnetzaPRENclimMV:g eRP /Fa(r re: gea. lie, z .) I , e 5 't if ti 11” (4te 4, p I o' 1“ 4., bera*A7441(.4,11..727. Cr 475 A …..!,!: Z4Mf ' Mlue>” to a A –' i-: sX…e.“- p RI; ti Cogion$2407 5 itaba,t town. 6 The Walk: When we travelled to the Cap early in February, some work had been done on the first six or seven miles of the track,. and beyond that point the heavy traffic of the summer had made the trail very clear. Walking in the region is virtually limited to the period between November and March because of severe weather; therefore,early in the season it may not be so apparent, and as the stakes are at times separated by some minutes! walking, care may be required in misty'weather. It is only a few minutes walk from the road, following stakes, to the descent to Franklin River, which is crossed by means of the new flying fox. A short, steep climb up the opposite bank is followed by a winding ascent of the Franklin Hills through alternating patches of rain forest and button grass plain. From the top of the hill a good track runs down into the button grass swamps of the Loddon Plains, where three arms of the river are crossed by tree- trunk bridges. Each branch of the river is fringed with thick growth but beyond and between one sometimes finds clear going. It is about 2 hours ma oh from the road to Loddon River, and this formed the end of the freshly cut track last summer, For another hour and a half after the Loddon swampy button grass plains are crossed - typical marshy stuff, with a few running streams fringed by timber. Then Philps Creek is met, and a few hundred yards beyond, s et out in the middle of the plain, is the finger post indicating the way up Philps Lead. Make certain of this checking point or you will continue along the valley towards the Calder Pass. It takes about 45 minutes to the top of Philps Lead, through more button grass on a gently rising grade. There a crAek is crossed, and the first climb commences. Several hundred feet uphill through rain forest brings one to an upland plain, with stakes marking the way across it and down to the outlet of Lake Vera. This is about hours from the top of Philpis Lead, and a fairly good camp site by Tasmanian standards. (My times, by the way, are those for a slow party). The trail crosses the outlet of the Lake and skirts the far side, sidling the mountain a little way above the water, and emerges in a camp site at the far end of the Lake. (Say 20 minutes from the outlet). Another stream is crossed, and the ascent of e Barron Pass follows immediately. This is a heavy pull, through thick jungle, and should not be commenced near nightfall. Call it 1,800 feet, and from li-2 hours. The top is reached at a gap in the white quartzite crags, with superb views of a number of lakes and an immense sweep of savage country to the south. The white cap of the Frenchman dominates the scene, but between the walker and the mountain lies a deep gorge. It is necessary to make a'circuit to the north around the head of the valley. 10 Turn slightly right from the Pass and descend into the forest, but don't go down too far - someone has cut loose here with a hatchet, blazing trees at random. The track sidles just below the downfalls of broken rock, and at times crosses patches of scree, and is marked by blazes and cairns. Gradually one ascends on to the top of the ridge, and follows it round to the heed of the valley. Beware of Artichoke Valley, a little swamp of pineapple grass, where the track runs along the bed of the stream, and climbs out beside Pine Knobs, two abrupt hillocks grown with King William Pines. From this point the track skirts the northern mountain side with extensive outlooks to the north, crossing several rills, and finally descending to the hut at Lake Tahune, immediately beneath the Frenchman. Time from the ton of Barron Pass to Lake Tahune, about 2 hours. Tahune Hut is the only cabin on the track. It is very small, rather primitive, and although new, is (in the words of some Melbourne walkers who spent a wet night in it) hsomewhat poroush. Still it is shelter. We made our camp at Lake Vera, and travelled without packs from there to Tahune, and back in one day, but time did not permit of an ascent of the peak itself. The accepted way up, I'm told, is into the very obvious saddle (North Col), after which cairns mark the track to the summit. Some parties have made the through trqo from the road to the Frenchman- in one day or less, and fur strong lkilkers this is possible. It is about 15 miles, but includes much slow going. and a good deal of hill climbing on the forward trip. The return is made by the same track of course. The other two members of our party made, the forward journey in one day, climbed the peak the following morning and were back on the Oueens town road that niht. Eut that is very fast going, The Hobart Walking Club members to whom we spoke regarded four days as a normal trip. CAMPING SITES - SHELTER: Road gang huts about 2 miles east of the FrenchMan turn-off along the main road: vicinity Loddon River; at Philps Creek: Lake Vera (both ends i possLbly Artichoke Valley; and Lake Tahune. Elsewhere, camping is virtually impossible, except by leaving the trail and seeking higher, dry ground amongst the occasional gum forests, THE NATIONL P';RK National Park, situated west from Hobart and about 39 miles from the sea in a straight line, is very different country from the Reserve and the Frenchman's Cap areas. It boars a strong _ resemblance to our Kosciusko Tops, with snow grasses and straggling timber and summits of tumbled boulders (dolerite instead of our granite). Compared with the western side of Tasmania, the ground is drier, the camping possibilities much greater, and on the plateaux there are no patches of thick bush. 11. MAPS; Our original project did not include the National Park, hut we devoted several spare d:r7s to our visit, and. despite very bleak and intermittently overc st we-other, were very gird or it. P'ecause of this, we mode no enquiries into the “imp question, but some Hobart walkers in the area of'ered a small map produced by the Ta2manian Lands Department, scale about to 2 miles, contoured (interval 200 ft) covering the National Park only, 1 would recomwend obtaining a copy of this sheet if possible. ACCESS: By rail from Hobart to National Park Station. Tr :ins left Krob;YY (for Maydena) on week days at 9.35 a m. and 4.0 p n. during the past su=er, reaching National Park Station about 3 hrs. later. If intending to visit National Park at the end of a trip through the Reserve or. to FrenchnInfs Cap, the Tbus from nueenstown may be left at New Norfolk, and the train joined at thch point. Trins to Hobart leave National Park about 6.30 a m. n d 2.40 p m. on week days. STORES: No store in the Park itself. Suggest brinng provisions from Hobart or New NorF'olk. ACCOK'rODATION7 As most or the attractions in National P,–cr3,- 71t1:5777ETT617'hoursr walking of the raldhead at IJa1?-o Dobson, it is a good plan to rent one of the ski huts there, and make day walks 2 base. These huts 1-,o very cosy, supplied with firewood, nd may be rented from the Tourist Bureau in Hobart or the Ranger, whose cottage is just inside tho Park gates, at 4/- or chly or pert thereof. iLlternfitively, carping should be possible in the J,, lko Dobson area. it is necessary to roadbash 9 miles and about 3,000-feet uphill to roach Lake Dobson: There is no regul'r transport, but you may chance a lift. At the 7-mile peg you reach Fenton, and a further two miles across the high plain brings you to Dobson. WALKS IN THE P RK: Bleak weather rather limited our wovements in the-M7ik,-15-iiTh Saw enough to be able to recomnend walks to Mt.Field West, Tarn Shelf and Lake Seal; Seagarls Lookout and Mt.Field East, above Lake Fenton, comma4nd fine panoramas of the plains. Of Lakes Belton & Belcher I cannot speak personally, but h vo heard favourable comment. The tracks are well staked or marked by cairns, where not apparent to the eye, and rs the country on top is generally open there would be little hazard in leaving accepted paths. The slopes of the tableland are; of course, clothed with dense forest and seine superb timber is seen on the climb to Lake Fenton Russell Falls, much vaunted, were seen wit, very small flew but should be a fine spectacle -after rains: Leave the Lake Dobson road at the picnic ground just inside the Park Gates, and find the falls half a mile along a broad 2oot track. sew lbw 12 I find there isn't much to be said in summing up - just as well, perhaps. Maybe I should have dealt with camp sites near the cities of Hobart and Launceston for those unwilling to pay guest house or hotel tariffs., Having indulged in the mediocre :Luxury of these retreats, however, I can't paint an honest picture I have heard of camping close to Cascade Brewery, about 2 7 3 miles out of Hobart; of putting up the tent somewhere near the Gorge at Launceston, but I didn't listen very intently. Please consult someone who has done it - don't take my word for it. You can take my word for. this, though. Tasmania is a place for the walker to visit; it presents a few unf:Imillar dificulties,, exaggerates a few others ( viz, leeches), but rewards you with scenery you won't see in our near ranges. It will be a long while before you forget how Lake St Clair looks on a sunny afternbon or the white bulk of the Frenchman mirrored in placid Lakc Tahune. For your next holiday come to l'BEN RICKETTS MOUNT.IN ROAD JAMBER00 Situated eleven miles inland from Kiama in the heart of good Bushwalking Country, 1600 ft above 'sea level - magnificent views. In addition to de luxe tents, Peter and Ray Page now have a de luxe cabin for hire. Main room 18' x 14' with four bunks and open. fireplace. Kitchen with fuel stove, sink and cupboards, Bathroom has kerosene water heater. The. Cabin is very snug, being lined throughout with caneite. It is comfortably furnished and everything is cupplied including bedding, crockery, cutlery, cooking utensils etc. The rental is three guineas a week, with extra charge for bed linen. Motor transport from Jamberoo or Kirci cyn be arranged also Peter will purchase your food locally if you give him a list of requirements - all you need to bring is your personal rear. It's not too far for week-ends either, as you can get there Friday night and need not leave until 4 p m. 1;un0,_-7. For campers there are man y pleasant c=p sates, so come up and see us sometime. Write for further informat ton, but bear in mind that we only pick up mail once a week - 07 FRIDYS. 13 DEPARTME1\71' OF 'INSIDE INFO:RI/111'1U ION. Mouldy Harriosn was mightily Ilaused by the following poem of George A Strong and sent it in for the Magazine. He killed the noble Mudjokivis. With the skin he na de him mittens, Marl& them with the fur sde inside, Made them with the skin side outside. Ho, to got the wAm side inside, Put the skin side outside; He to get the cold side outside, Put the warmside fur side inside. Thats why he put t1::'e furside inside, Why he put the skin side outside Why he turned them inside outside. Kevin Ardill, anxious to vindicate his culinary prowess, writes as follows; Sir A gossip per in the August issue of Mushwolkor'' impels me to follow in the footsteps of such illustrious correspondents as Messrs Hardie, Hallstron eni. French. I fool that no words of mine con express my indignation at the unprovoked attack upon my inoffensive internal organs. - Since taking Pinky's Purple Pills I have not suffered from indigestion in any form. A touch of the _panics, aching back, creaks in the knees and shortncss of breath I will readily admit to, but Indigestion - NO. Furthermore, even if the allegations of the instability of my stomach were conceivably correct I see no reason for you to bring it up. I feel quite capable of doing so nyslf end as a matter of fact have already done so in the proper quarters. To the reflection on my cooking ability, I would just remind you Sir, that I was once placed second in a damper competttion against all comers, first prize going, as you may ren el,,ber, to a personal friend of the Judges. -Tours -fithfully, Kevin Ardili. For lo I the winter is past the rain is ov'er and gone; The flowers appear on the erth; the time of the sining of birds is come, and - Four members have married. Gil Webb and Jean nwbroy wore married a month. ago, Hannah Shibuya is married to George Matuschek in Adelaide, and George Dibley and Marie Walsh wore married last Saturday, It is reported that the Bush Walkers were true to form at the Webb/Mowbray wedding. They collected together, and 1). ving eaten their table bare in ,quick time moved on to the tables of the less voracious guests. nDERATION_NOTES 14 Brian G. Harvey. KARIONG_PENINSUAL; Federation has given support to a move for extension of the existing reserve by the addition of 1000 acres to form a : proposed Warrah-Kariong National Park, Botanical Reserve and Arborteum. * The location lies between Mooney and Mullett Creeks on the Hawkesbury. NATIONAL PARK; It was decided to voice an advance protest against any ETVe to extend Sutherland Township into National Park, as proposed by a Sutherland business man. Federation Policy on National .Prk deplores the alienation of the Park for any purpose., JIBBON ROAD: A Report was received that the trucks plying to Bundeena 77TeHgViiTing from the existing wheel ruts to find more stable ground, and in one place there were four parallel sets of car tracks. The attention of the National Park Trust will be drawn to the damage caused to this wild-flower tract. BUNGONIA GORGE: The Conservation Bureau is actively investigating the TIEFEtonF7Tuarrying at the head of the gorge, in an endeavour to prevent spoilntion of this scenic area and the filling of the gorge with rock, INFORMATION BUREAU: The Rover Ramblers deplored the antipathy shown E7777617E77EUFF711 and suvested the election of a committee to revive its work. A circular setting our details is being circulated to all clubs asking their co-operation, and this will be made known at our September meeting. KOSCIUSKO: Clubs are still investigating the problem of the Rennix Gap 77TIWril. WAMBERAL FLORA RESERVE: Arising our of Federation protest against the easing of-ffraore's of reserve for a Worker d Holiday Camp, the Minister for Lands advised that the former Minister, together with his Field - Officers, visited the site, and -after due consideration, gave approval. This lease apparently cuts off-public access to the rest of the Reserve and Federation is making further enquiries. - THE BUSH FIRES ADVISORY COMMITTEE has made available booklets dealing 73717W6-7Fended Btianres nt, and copies are available from the Club, All should be conversant. THE TRAMPERS CLUB _advised that it was in process of being disbanded, 717-1Egsubsequent withdraw1 from the Federation. THE FORESTRY ADVISORY COUNCIL Annual Conference will be held in Rural RaiFWereri7576727-17177177.523/21 September. Federation has recommended uthat for every tree cut by millers, two shall be planted'. and that mr.Allan Wyborn be made a Life Member. 15 Attention of nil SEARCH & RESCUE Members is drawn to Field Manoeuvres schnduled to take place near Glenbrook 15/16/17th September, 190, (i) Volunteers are wanted for a party of “misplaced” persons on Friday night 15th ) Club S Group arrangements will be announced on Saturday 16th (iii) The Base Camp on Saturday night will be on the North end of EUROKA CfJELRING (iv) Sunday 17th; First Aid - Ropework demonstrations etc. See Club Contact JIM HOOPER to-day or 'phone XM,6001. JAMBER00 - BEN RICKETTS - YEOLA - ROBERTSON WALK OCT. 13-14-15 TE77-6=-7=777-37-TETI-7717-IF-741-Ein=7-17-eW -FTYT-T57-a b out 5,000 feet of climbing. About 19 miles is road walking, the rest will be mainly muddy timber tracks. The bush has been considerably hacked about, but with reasonable weather the Lst=mt scenery is first rate. The wild flowers are usually at their best on the Barren Lands about then. It is the drycst season of the year, andI can add nothing further on the subject. If anyone wnnts to travel by car for the first five miles to Ben Ricketts, near the top of the Jamberoo Mountain, it can be arranged, but those who want to count the walk as a test are advised to walk all the way. The cost will be 19/- without car. For full details see notice board - Alex Colley. MAN AND THE BALANCE OF NATURE A series of Public Lectures on this subject will be held under Elie auspicies of the W.E.A. in St.James Hall, Phillip Street On Thursday September 7th Dr.R.E.urray speaks on “The Ecology of Plagues. On Sept 14th Dr.N.C.W.Beedle on “Problems of Conservation”. On Tues. Igbh Mr.E.L.Troughton on “Wild Life Conservation” and on Sept 28th Dr.H. Ian Fogbin on'The Ecology of Humanity”. Tickets for course 4/- from Angus & Robertson, Dymocks, or the W.E.A.-4 Albert St, Sydney. Several S.B.W. members are going. Mr. E. Caines (Ted) Phillips advises that the Mapping Section of the River Canoe Club has completed Map No. 50, of the Colo River (Wallangambie Creek to Hawkesbury River function section - also canoeable portions of Wheeny Creek and Whatley's Arm); and that he has completed Map No. 2; Cown n Creck-(complete tidal and river sections) for the Cruising CLnoe Club. Both maps are available for inspection.

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