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The Sydney Bushwalker.

A monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney.

No. 164. July, 1948. Price 6d.

Subscriptions Aug., 1948 to Jan., 1949, 2/6.

EditorAlex Colley, 55 Kirribilli Av., Milson's Pt.
Production and Business ManagerBrian Harvey
Production AsstPeter Price
Sales and SubsBetty Hurley
Typed byHilma Galliott and Jessie Martin


Editorial - Timber 1
At Our June Meeting 2
Social Notes for July 4
Night and Dawn on Currockbilly“Prolix” 4
The Lower Income Group“The Gent in the Tent” 6
Kindred SpiritsJim Brown 7
Gossip 9
The 1948 Photographic Exhibition 10
First Aid in Ernest 12
Castle RockDot Butler13
Curtailment of Rail Services (Walker's time-table) 14
Extracts from Federation Bulletin for June 15


Camp Fires (Paddy's Advt.)16

EDITORIAL Timber lasting Perhaps the most/dame:go caused by the war will be, not the loss of life and waste of goods, but the destruction of our last reserves of timber, with consequent erosion and loss of soil. There is not much commercial timber loft anywhere near Sydney, and as demand increases, it will pay to remove what remains. Wherever we walk timber is being removed if there is a negotiable route in the vicinity. The bulldozer has hastened and cheaponed road construction and will enable the exploitation of timber in hitherto inaccessible places - e.g. above Yeola. Trees have been stolen from private lands and public reserves (a case of timber stealing in Kuringai Chase was reported in our October magazine). Even the Mark Morton Reserve, dedicated as a primitive recreation reserve, is likely to be despoiled of its hest trees. No doubt there is an urgent need for timber, but is any attempt being made to conserve its use? The bulk of houses. loixlaerp.cted are of timber or tinber,frare construction. Bricks-maie_a 'better job, but brick- waking i hard work, andthis,id-A94e. Only n few bushwalkers, foresters, natureloveps atitd.othars, care whether the trees go OT not' jut the danage goes far beyond the destruction of trees. Recently there have been disastrousfloods on the North.Coast an ar'ea from which vast qua.ntit*ies of tirber have been reroved. It is no ,co-incidence that even wore disastrouo floOds were reported a few weeks ago frOr t12_e Colurbia River-in Canada, another tinber producing region.- The sarie.thing occurred in the Tennessee Valley until a vast scheme of_dans and re-afforestation was carried out. The reason for the flooding is sirple and direct, Clearing and burning of timber exposes the soil. This increases the surface run-off - particularly on steep hillsides - and the loose earth is carried into the stream-bed or out to sea (air travellers report miles.of ruddy ,dea.,off ta-je#ort Coast). Thus more water runs off the land while-at:thesan'etire the rivers bec-vTe shallower, resultinqi in floods. So longtimber is removed without regeneration the floods will get'se. Tifost of the darage is man-made, and could., by the same token; he prevented by ran: AT OUR JUNE The President was in the Chair.and there, were about: 70:meMbers present-. In the correspondence .Were letters from the T'inisters for Lands and Conservation in reply to our letters dated 1st April on the subject of tiarber cutting in the Ya rk. 7orton,Priritive,ReServe,. The vinister for-Conservation, veir, who is advising the ter for Lands, saidthat his view was uthat it is not impossible to carry out tinber_operations without despoliati.onof-reereatiOnal values, providing a- 'special supervision .of the operations- id exercised and stringnt 'conditions are attached to any licenses granted to timber getters to operate withinthe Reserver'. It was resolved to reply…to the Yinister for 'Conservation,, pointing oUt that the area Must cease to be primitive once- tiMber cutting was allowed. The trees -selected would-inevitably be the tall straight trees, which were, ipso facto, the most ',,,.:.cnicallyattraative in the area. Only stumps would remain ,Where .the best-trees stoOd. It Was also resolved to point to the damage :dope by timber - cutting in National Park some 40 or50 'yearsago ,Thetrees'cut then would not be replaced for a long time, to Come. Also in the correspondehce,was_a letter from MrS.. Uanda SaWtell asking that we should celebrate bur twenty-first birthday by donating 2,10, to the ''Save the Children' Fund. This was discussed at length. Allan Hardie pointed out that we were not a charitablc institution and that such a gift would not come within our Constitution. Yarie Byles said that as one of our objects was to, help others to enjoy the bush, and as presumably the children saved would enjoy the bush when they got here, therefore it was within the Constitution. Claude ilaynes suggested that if We wanted to be charitable, we could start with the devastated areas on the North Coast. Elsa Isaacs, who moved that we donate the 10. thought that the Club had a self-centred outlook and that it was regrettable that we couldn't sometimes subscribe to something for somebody else. The notion was defeated and thereupon Phil Hall rose, said he wasjust about boiling at the lousy pelf-centred attitude shownu and that he would take up a subscription himself. After this that well cheL-A bone of contention and procrastination, the Narrow Necks land alienation, was dug up once more. The usual people said the usual things and it was resolved, on a motion by Roy Braithwaite, that the Federation be approached to request that the Government be .contacted with a view to resurption of lots 14 and 15 as a National Park. Ray Kirkby then read the report of the photographic committee and invited people to the next meeting wten there would be a lecture by Ira Butler on 'The Exposure of Filmu. This would be followed by a simple supper. In reply to a question as to whether the Club paid for the supper, Ray said that if the Club paid for it it certainly wouldn't be simple. Ray then asked for suggestions for entertainments at.the party and re-union in October. After this he read an extract from a vuyong paper which described suggested improvements to Frazer Park. The improvements included better road access, shelter *sheds, sanitary conveniences, a caretaker's office, and a kiosk, at a total cost of 5000. Though several members, including John Johnston, who used to live in Newcastle, thought that nothing could be done to keep the park in its relatively primitive condition, it was decided to appoint a sub sommittee to see what might be done. The sub committee .consisted of Ray Kirkby, lcm.u-oie Berry and Bill Hapiey. Eric Rowen asked for assistance in obtaining1000 yards of barbed wire for Era. Maurie Berry, speaking for the Bluegum Forest Trust, said that five beautiful trees had been chopped down and asked for information from anyone who knew anything about It was announced that the system of marking test walks on the programme was to be re-introduced. - The meeting closed at 9.30 p.m. - 4. SOCIAL NOTES FOR JULY. On the social programme for July there- are two very excellent presentations. On 16th, Ron Knightloy will tell us of his very interesting walks in New Zealand. He will be assisted by Yr. P. C. Wray who will show technicolour slide's of the places described by Ron. This lecture should have particular appeal as many walkers have been to New Zealand and many more intend going soon. So be early for the front seats! Get a glimpso of country you love! Beat the Club on 16th July! On 23rd July, Yr. John Skinner willpresent some sound films. These form a carefully selected group and are sure to be of interest to those who love the outdoors. The big event in August is on Friday 20th. No need, to walk around town searching for that good restaurant. No need to line up in Tueues We have it all arranged for you. See you at Pakies in Elizabeth Street. at p.m. on Friday 20th August. NIGHT AND DAWN ON CURROCKBILLY Byf p 17 ro Lax By the time our meal was ready night had come and with it the ' hazy outline of the moon showed through the passing mist, which now moved higher and imperceptibly across it. Our valley had cleared of mist. Looking up the valley towards.the tops we were attracted by the edge of the misty cloud, now moving northward, coming slowly towards us straight edged, as a blind being slowly rolled back and revealing the sky clear, velvety black and Etudded with innuzierable glittering stars. Further and further the veil moved silently overhead and away to the north, admitting the soft clear light of the moon. Very noticeably the air chilled as the sky cleared; dew rapidly settled on everything, hastening our retreat to the bags. Early, very early, next morn with the first glimmer of day I peeped out of the tent. What a sights I woke Prolixia, quickly donned shorts and boots and took my trusty camera. grumblings at my disturbance were short lived and gave place to wonder. In the .crystal cic2ar air of the dawn, framed in the V-shaped lower end of our valley, dark as a silhouette, distant ranges steep sided showed dark in shadow. Draped over these a white vaporous mantle spilled over from the valley of the plateau in trailing wisps and shawls - silent and still. Over this a band of rosy light, heralding the dawn, hung mingling with the lightening blue of the sky above. It was thrilling. 5. 'we scrambled up the side of the main range, soaked with dew, to the top and beheld the grandest sight of our lives. Stretching as far as the eye could see north, west and szuth the great valley was filled and brimming with greyish white mist spilling over at the edges of the Budawang Range and plateaux to the north. The sky was completely devoid of cloud. Fal, to the west the Main Range reared its bulk out of the white sea as a distant undulating black mass. Apart from one or two isolated high spots the whiteness lay unbroken to the fa r distance beyond vision. Budawang Range from Wog Wog to Budawang Mountain was the eastern bastion - the highest points between the Main Range and the ocean. To the east the air was clear, with a few wisps of mist in the lower valleys, and the ocean in the distance beyond the rolling Clyde Country and Pigeon HOuse. Far south Dromedary Mountain reared its great hunD. From the side of Currockbilly sheer crags drop steeply away to the rough Clyde country. Suddenly - the sun rose over the horizon with a path of gold across the sea, sharply silhouetting the far coastal headlands and bathing the tips of our mountain range in light, accentuating the shadowy ridges below. The distant ranges to the west took up the tune and changed from purple to golden hues. Slowly the light began to play on the woolly surface of the dead still cloud nestling in the valley, bringing the grey shadow of our mountain rapidly toward us followed by gleaning whiteness. The fading night-shadow retreated behind the western ranges and distant horizon, changing from purple through to blue as the new day grew stronger. A little. later we became aware of a new interest. Movement: At first almost imperceptibly the air currents began to draw at the mist. Soon the movement became established and a smooth silent flow of white sunlit vapour poured out of the shadow through the gap south of Currockbilly and out to be absorbed in the warmth of the new day. 4e spent well over two hours on the top absorbing all, the sun by this time outlining the multitude of ridges below in the shadows as is rarely possible at any other time of the day. No words of mine are adequate to describe such scenes as these nor their effect on the spirit - perhaps only music could do it - such music as the lovely floating violin melody in the Bah E Major Concerto. We breakfasted somewhere between 9 and 10 a.m. hungry and thankful. THE LOWER INCOME GROUP By 'The Gent in the 'Tentu During the past. year Sr so we have seen the formation of a,.Ski Section and a Photographic Section. . Now, we give' you the Lower.Income Groups According to the Club Notice Board, the official walk on King's Birthday week-end was.dpsigned tO cater for this group: In bommon with the leader am,., Member of. the Staff of a semiautonomous commisSiOn- (Govt. Dept) and felt that the was-definitely 7y dish. , 6rebt Oaks from little acorns. grow and dbubtless:the will thrive and prosper as more and mbre members become aware of the advantages offered, but as the total muster was 6'for the initial - function, it is assumed that most S.B.W.IS are fairly affluent at the present time. Future functions might 'be denoted'bn the programme -by a suitable asterisk for the benefit of the thrifty. What with the expense of Federation Levies:, 21st Birthday Celebrations, working Bees, etc. etc., membersof the group 'areconfident of a rapid rise in attendances at its functiOns. As to the actual outing - Dormie, Allan, Bill and Jack camped on the woronora bank on Friday night. Love of my Own cot and the excuse that Ray worked late shift on Friday night enabled re to have a comfortable night at home, then meet Ray and join the party about 9 a.m. on Saturday. The move-off was approx. one hour later. The river was running well over the Needles and as he flitted daintily between the rapids, Jack had the misfortune to step on a log which rolled. He prescribed a graceful arc, landing in a pool, where a weighty pack ensured his innersion right up to the neck. After a change of costurle he rejoined the party to proceed along Old Illawarra Road at a reasonable speed. Once or twice during the morning tinber and other tracks caused momentary hesitation, but Camden Military Map soon had us on the right' track again, until hunger forced a halt about 1.3.0 p.m, We could - have been at Eckersley or a couple of miles from it, but a trecciel after lunch located the site of Eckersley P.O., with well and cellar still intact. The ruin is famous as having been visited by one, Allan Hardie - now leader of the present party - 20 years ago. Saturday nights camp site soon became known as The Bog there was seePing water in most unexpected places. A blackfellowts fire operated by 2 Members of the party caused some interested comment, but tea seems to have been prepared to the satisfaction of all cooks. Sunday mornings start was 10 a.m. - ideal for Winter Climate!' The route of the old Illawarra Road now twit-ts and turns along ridges, dodging the Woronora gullies to the East and rough country around the head of the Punchbowl Creeks to the West. Noon brought. 7 us to the rocky crossing at the head of Woronora River remarkable for a large vclimie of water seemingly flowing straight from a swamp. A good sunny luncheon place until a sharp shower urged us to pack up. A search for ruins of Reveree's (“The Frechman's”), also visited by Yr. Hardie 20 years ago, near the river was unsuccessful. Banksia, wattle and thick scrub have reclaimed the ruin. Darke's Forest is a lovely spot, cool and peaceful, comprising mainly a brave show of Sydney Red Gums. Rain hastened us through the scattered settlement of Darkeis Forest to a cleared sandy site on Madden's Creek with bogey hole (not availed of) adjacent. The early birds were up at 8 a.n, in the drizzle on Monday morning, while the sleeping beauties crawled out about 9 a.m. The - cortege moved off at about 10.30 a.m along the Helensburgh track in steady rain. A 3 mile splash through mostly forest country brought us to Frank's Hut (without the hut, which would have been welcome) on Bulli-Appin Road. Thence to the Loddon River, but not to Loddon Falls, which are on M.W.S. D.B. property - and forbidden fruits A cross country pad soon had us at Sublime Point, where, after much preening, 6 sedate walkers nibbled afternoon tea and sipped coffee. Not satisfied with the repast, such as it was, one of the party found a bag of Dad's Cookies and a few Shortbread, evidently left as nourishment for the birds, but used for nourishment of bushwalkers instead. I'm sure I heard a child-like voice cry nHey“, they're mine” as we scuttled away with our treasure trove. Here the leader got misplaced for a few minutes by following a sign “Men” instead of the Austinmer Track. We slithered down the 1000't. to Austinmer station whence q comparatively empty train soon had us homeward bound, Total cost, rail fare and food about 15/-. No early rising and every consideration,. Verily the Lower Income Group is well served. KINDRED SPIRITS. By Jim _Brown. Its always'-pleasant to meet or hear about people who have the sane inclinations as yourself. For that reason I feel sure that most VValkers who read the interview with Bee Miles featured in the Sunday Telegraph of June20th, were impressed by the resemblance of her 15-point philosophy for happy living to the Bushwalking ideal. It touched me particularly because the article mentioned that Bee Wiles was temporarily resident in a cave “near the storm-water channel which runs beside the Rushcutters Bay tram depot,” and I read it whilst myself occupying a sandstone overhang, albeit on a somewhat briefer tenure. It might occur to you to enquire.what I was doing in a cave 8. anyway, to which I should retort that, its none of your business, and has nothing to do with this story, anyhow. however, when a projected search of the rose folds up at the llth hour (actually it was nearer the 10th hour, as I remember) and there are no lost bodies to find, what can be better on a sunny Sunday than a copy of the “Telegraph”; a pot of tea and a sandstone overhang above the railway line near Brooklyn where one may scoot down as each train whistles out of Hawkesbury River and take up position-for a classic railroading photograph. Boy, oh boy, wait until I show you my shot of 3814 bringing 11 cars single-handed up that 1-in-36 grade, Anyway, I like caves: in my freelance walking days i was too (proud). (light-weight) (impecunious) to take a tent, and often relied on overhangs. I found, they'had many virtues hot incorporated even in my present .excellent Paddymade willesden,. but lacked portability, and were distributed in a lamentably haphazard fashion. So much'for caves, butnot for their occupaAts…. or those who -missed the item in the Telegraph,.I d.hettr.satsomethingsomething about that for 'a change.“' Let tne first- make the t.:4nt that it was the “Tele” which reported the Bendethera party-had-left:a sick menber behind,. and having so discharged myself of any,Testonsibinty for quoting Miss:-Miles accurately, I should like to:bri.hg_under'notice afew..of her-pOihtS'for a ILa.ploy Sirig.When yoU ara.happy, SleP13.10-0n.A3 is dai4c,. Don't give a rap for appearances, clothes, money, social position or what people think of yoUr nanhers,'fashions or :trad.ition. : Vary yOur life as:mudh as,possible., Live toughly, dangerously, excitingly, exh,iliaratingly and simply. Remember the past and try to profit by its lessons; live in the past and prepare for the future. How remarkable: These exhortations could almost be taken from a hand' book for Walkers. It's just what most of us do anyhow, even though the predominant moronic element can scarecely be expected to observe' Point 15. Of course Point 11 '(“Cutiyour possessions to a ninimUm”) is directed to the heavyweight walker. Point 12 says: “If you are a wdman, give rational, material impulses and emotions - but all these.'li Comment : well. IS that I cannot agree with Point. 5 -Drink only when you are thirsty, and then milk, water or soda water' or Point '6. - 'Eat only when you are hungry.” Perish the thoughts: Why make a virtue Out of a Point p. Point 9: Point 10. Point 13. Point 14. Point 15. way to your harmless, a man, must restrain fair to men? O. frequent necessity? Still,,these things are not alarming: :after all, we have our own food and drink_ faddists. What is alarming is this. Listen: “If were dictator of Australia, in place of Yr. Ghifley, I would have every young man and young woman on reaching maturity examined for tuberculosis and venereal disease. To those who were healthy I would give a metal flannel flower to wear in their buttonholes. What aperfectly horrid .notion. Imagine droves of people charging around wearing flannel flowers - people who have never been on a test walk, nor been grilled by Committee.. What of their sociability, stamina and regard for the Club's welfare –(vide Clause 5f - the Constitution)? Is nothing sacred? But wait…. wait… a more appalling connotation occurs to re… No, no, it isn't, …. it couldn't be… Has Committee all these years been hoodwinking, members, deluding us in a belief that we rust bash through scrub, bring ,cUps of tea to leaders, read raps and strap twisted ankles before awarding us our flannel flowersl, whilst secretlY vetting ,us from a medical standpoint? What Gestapo methods are employed, what secret dossiers compiled? I shall bring up this natter at the next general meeting. -Afel].: I. hope my readers have found some inspiring message, some ennobling .lesson herein:,-. for I'm hanged if ,I can . In the meantime I: shall 'tell all prospectives to, have an :X-Ray – itls ruch easier :than,test:walking4 you've had me,. mate.. . GOSSIP On Sunday naming of June 6th seven beautiful damsels waited at Glenbrook station to patch the west-bound train. It pulled in and there were plenty of vacant seats. They were about to get in when theT spied, descending from the Very front carriage, .far beyond the platform, the ansWer to the lady passengerls.prayer. They reached the front carriage before he got clear and .q.u.eue6 up to be handed in one by One. Our popular,author and train-traveller then threw his . pack back into the carriage and had s.tarted to climb in to continue the journey. In no time he would have been discoursing with wit and charm upon meteorology and 'mountain scenery:if his Club mates hadn't dragged him out again. On the return journey from Penrith, however, fresh opportunities were presented. \Nith the able assistance of our first aid expert he put over such a good line that the girls are going on a Sunday walk. Prospe,ctives were agog at the .technique and teamwork. The walk comes off this week-end, July.Lith, if you're interested. , Its rather cold on, or in,. the water these day Perhaps this accounts for the presence of some prominent musical members of the Canoe Club in our club roam of late. Or are there more tangible . attractions? 10. Do you know the lass who, when accused of spreading subversive propaganda among the lads, to wit the words 'To, John, no! ” said that she was only teaching them not to take no for an answer? The harnock habit is spreading. Max Gentle favours the U.S. Army typo, complete with verandahs, mesquito-proof walls and about 200 yards of rope, stays and halliards. Brian Harvey remembers that he is an old salt when he slings the hammock between the trees at Ivarrawec and hears the ripple of the nearby creek. Bob Savage was sighted the other day, right out in the open, all doed up in red tabs and brass buttons. Reason for this display of elegance was not another war, but the Governor's'Levee. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Peter Allan and Joyce Fletcher, who announced their engagement in the Club on Friday 18th: Wal JonoS and Jean Macdonald who are married. Paul Barnes, who is now the father of Josephine Barnes.. THE 1948 PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION The work of the Social Committee and its helpers in organising and advertising tho photographic exhibition was rewarded by one of the best displays seen,in the Club rodm., There were a large number of exhibitors and a wide selection of prints. We were fortunate in having Fr. Kcast Burke from Kodaks Ltd. along to give us some very helpful comment and advice on photography for bushwalkers. The following is a sunnary of Mr. Keast Burke's comments. As an exhibition of pictorial work the exhibition was “staggering” and would have done justice to a purely photographic club. The technique of the work was in many cases absolutely faultless and the presentation was very good. It was impossible under the conditions to select the best print exhibited, but he had instead selected some of the best presented. The palm for the best panels exhibited went to Mr. Stead and Mr. Butler. David Stead's “Burragorang” and “Alpine Grandeur” were particularly good, while Ira Butler's snow- scapes were “absolutely breathtaking”. The other photographs which appealed most to him were Arthur Gilroy's river scene and study of a fence curving over a hill, Phil Hall's “Cradle Mountain and Dove Lake”, Luke Priddle's Tasmanian Mountain Scones, J. S. Thorpe's fine pictorial work, Roley Cotter's “Gangerang Range, and John Noble's flower studies. Mr. Keast Burke then co#sidered exhibitors individually and his comments were as follows: Roley Cotter: A versatile worker with good technique. His 177FiTr=Tuio-Tro picture was excellent, particularly as mountain subjects 11. were always difficult. His Sliloalhaven River pcene was good but it was a pity it was so hard. 'Gangerang Range was admirable. His subjects were good, but his work generally required more care.- John Noble: His flower studies were excellent considering the 72777377=7s of this type of photography under bushwalking conditions. Ira Butler: uork technically beautiful, but seemed somehow to get E7757-1777Ehe bushwalking atmosphere.. The etching-like photograph of a snow gun was admirable, also his marine subject (seagull,from low-flying plane) while the'study of an iron urn and a teapot was a novelty. The work was characterised by perfect technique and ,- embodies a beautiful tonal range -which would carry his work through in any company. Allan yborn: His sttdies of trees were very fair, but tbare were harrIly en7717 to judge. His panel of general work was good though the technique was a little soft. David Stead: His “Burragorang Valley” was particularly good.rtaltte 171-7U77-777r study of Burragorang he (Yr. Burke) had seen. Breakfast” and “Kownung Capers” were good in that they captured the spirit of bushwalking. In this regard Yr. Steadts work was the most satisfying in the exhibition. George Dibley: The work was fairly good photographically and one of The go77-157rEEs was the figure interest; however, more car was necessary. .. . MalColM'McGregori. Technique and presentationgood,but many- of:,the 15F77(71777s woUr7 be-capable of improved'arrangement andcare'for form. This'particularly 'applied to his foreground -interest. phEali:- His “Crarale Mountain,andiDOve lake” was the best of the 'TalEria-67.riLake scenes. It had'beaUtiful tonal range and good.fore- .gr6uhri interest.- . . . e .Luke-Priddiel His exhibit was characterised by good presentation., TE7-777=niEh scenes were delicately handled and had good. tonal,Hrange, especially “Frmthman's Cap,. Russell Falls” and “Mount Pelion East”. . . . .

.	.

- 'junesburyt:. .There-was.hardly. enotghlvork on which to judge, but Me 01717:77=7-071,6 portraits were good'. .Work nainly..of general pictorial type, The 1-7761=7777Was..excallent and though hisphotographs were not particUlarlyof. bushWalking,interest, ,thecywoulA do credit to any

:.photOgraphicycl4b4H,	,

Arthui4111rc: : A beautifUl.panel showing perfect general .landscape 7.577Enitad7though.ntictures.of-tushwalking.interest might have, beer_included:' . . 12, Allan Hardie: A great variety of scenes but viewpoints had been FFEEFFEUFFTUcily chosen. He should watch the foreground interest and posing of figures. Bob Eastoe: A rather nixed group of which the best symbolic picture 771”npiration“. His portraits lacked roundness; lighting shouad be more carefully balanced. Ho could be more definite in the purpose of his studios. Swirling up his impressions, Mr. Burke said that perhaps the main fault of the pictures exhibited was lack of bushwalking interest. The exhibits wore good pictorially and the photographers were scenery- minded, but they did not convey much idea of the comradeship of walking. Such pictures as David Stead's “Late Breakfast” were typical of bushwalking appeal. Those pictures were harder to take than still subjects. He had found exactly the same thing when compiling a regimental history. The men of his regiment had taken photographs of mosques, palm trees and the usual things of tourist interest, but they seldom took pictures illustrating the life of a soldier. The interest of the photographs could be much enhanced by more attention to bushwalking; such photographs would be the ones which would be treasured in the years to come. FIRST AID IN ERNE` Herein we present the true facts of ErItc PegramIs accident on the King's Birthday weekendl'as garnered by our competent staff' of news hounds. There is a particularly savage granite ridge leading down via Cambage Spire to the junction of Christyts Creek and the Kowmung. In passing we mention that thiP ridge is literally studded with hobnails torn off various boots. The pt ty had disintegrated into various small groups, the leading bunch bei/ Eric Pegram, Jenny Felshow, Sally Mackay, Stan Madden and one other unidentified hunk of bushwalker. The river was “just a biscuit toss” away and Eric was descending the last grade when he had the misfortune to dislodge a large rock. With agility somewhat comparable to a circus acrobat Eric managed to move most of his anatomy from the path of the falling rock, but unfortunately collected a decent whack above the left ankle. He managed to return to an accessible position and by that time Sally had plaster in the ready position. With the cooperation of the quartet - mostly verbal - the ankle was attended to, the whole proceeding being reminiscent of a Cotter first aid lecture. Eric managed to walk down the rest of the ridge to the Kowmung, where Roley decided to camp at once (3 p.m.). Next a fast party, con- sisting of Colin Lloyd, Luke Priddle and Kevin Bradley, were sent into /erranderie without packs to hire a horse. They reached the town at dusk, stayed the night at the pub, and returned with the horse in the morning. Things went smoothly from then on, only difficulty being that Eric had to mount from the wrong side. The doctor found the wound quite clean, owing to the rest and prompt attention, and it will probably not be long before Eric is on the track again. 13. CASTLE ROCK by Dot Butler This is the rock we hoped to climb That lay to the south of Nowra This is the bird who checked on the dog ' That walked by himself, that knew the rock That we hoped to climb That lay to the south of Nowra This is the third, who conferred with the bird etc… These are the .sheep who went to look And they foTTOWed the third who conferred with These are the goats who went to climb . They pitied the sheep who would EFF6Ty And they followed the third….etc,… This is the skunk who forgot the rope And roused the ire of the climbing goats who pitied the nseepoetc. And And But our hopes to climb the rock But alas,the weather! It wrooked the hope Of the shivering skunk viao forgot the rope, And the thwarted goats ho had'hoped to climb, And the sodden sheep Who would merely look, the rain-drenched third, the Moppett bird, remain we will try again that lies to the south of Nawra. 14. CURTAILMENT OF RAIL SERVICES_ (Reqeardic by Jim Brown). Commencing as' from June 26th and until further ,notice, severe cuts have been made in country rail services, The list of trains shown hereunder are those which it is anticipated will continue to operate during the period of curtailment, and is based on Railway Dept. pamphlets Nos. 152/153., 154 & 155,' issued 26/6/48. NOTE (1) Trains shown hereunder are those leaving Oentral between 5.0 p.m. Friday and 3.0 p.n. Saturday: on, Sunday morning: and return services on Sunday. evening (2) No attempt has been made to indicate services within the Metropolitan Area (includingaterfall, Camploolltown-Caridehy Penrith, Richnond-Kurrajong and Cowan). Local-services are liable to frequent alteratipn at short notice. . (3) Trains shown are those serving the area bounded by Nowra, GoUlburn, Lithgow and Newcastle - the regiOn most frequented by walkers. D77- -TT72 —– EX SYDNEY SERVING STATIONS ILLAARRA

P-Fr.-----5-775 pm	Vaterfall to Wollongong
6.18 pm	Engadine to Nowra
9.27 pm	Engadine to Pt. Kembla (connection forKiama)
Sat. 2.10 am	liurstville to Nowra (paper train --mixed)


7/777-7571-7777	Mittagong to Goulburn
5.21 pm	Campbelltown to Moss Vale: Camden: Ticton Loop
-6.5 pm	Liverpool to Picton.
Sat. ,1050 an	Campbelltown to Junee (except Malden, Yanderral /errinbool and Aylmerton).
8.38 am	Tenangle.- Pk. to Goulburn. Picton Loop.
9.55 am	Campbelltawn to Cootamundra.
1.35 an	Menangle Pk. to GoUlburn.
Sun. 9.20 am	Casula to Bundanoon. WESTERN LINE
5.r7pm	Springwood to Mt. Victoria (Booking compulsory)
5.19 pm	Emu Plains to Mt. Victoria.
6.35 pm	Enu Plains to Lithgow.
10. 0 pm	Penrith to Mt. Victoria.
Sat, 2.4am	Penrith  to Orange.
9.58 an	8 40 a_ m	Pla.ins to Lithgow Wentworth FM:11s to Oran'ge; ractee9sine
10.15 am	Springwood to Mt. Victoria.
1.25 pm	Emu Plains to Mt. Victoria.
R.FF am	Emu Plains to Mt. Victorin_
8.45	am	Helensburgh to'Nowra. Moss Vale Branch.
12.55	pm	Engadine to Nowra
9.12	am	Waterfall to-Nowra

15. EX —– SYDNEY'SERVING STATIONS NORTHERN LINE PITTT-77 77:77 Ill- 8.5 ibM Sat. 1.25 am 6.35 am 8.15 am 9,30 am 12.12 pm 1.10 pm 1,15 pm. ,2.33 p-L Sun. 9.10 am Gosford Wyong Ntcastle Area _(ooking compUlSory) 460. train to Hornsby then all to Gosford; HaWkesbUr7 R., Woy.Woy ail to NeWcastle. .do. . do. . Asquith all to Newcastle. Gosford, Wyong, Newcastle Area to Tamworth. Hornsby to Newcastle. Hornsby to Gos ford. Wyong, Morisset and Newcastle Area. liornsby to Wyong. Hornsby to Newcastle Asquith to Newcastle.. RETURN-. SERVICES . (SUNDZY, AFTERNOON) ILLAARRA. SOUTHERN. WESTERN. NORTHERN 2.20 pm ex Nowra all statiofts,to Wa terfall. 5,52e BuhdanoOn all to Catipbelltown (connection at Picton-from Loop .Line), 5.35 ex Goulburn all to Mittagong. 3,38 ex Mt. Victoria - all to.Penrith.' 5,45 ex. Uthgew si all to Emu Plains: 5,55 Vvyong all to Asquith. . 4&52 ex Newcastle. ,All to Gosford; then lvoy Woy: and Hawkesbury' River,. 7.33 ex Gosford, Hornsby. . . 6.45 ex Newcastle, iamilton, Broadmeadow,.Cardiff, Cockle .Creek, 'Morisset, Wyong. 7,30 ex Newcastle,.Broadmeadow, Fassifern Gosford. EXTRACTS FROM FEDERATION BULLETIN FOR JUNE The State Dept. of Conservation has prohibited cutting of trees within one chain of the bank of most of our coastal and inland rivers. The Public Relations Committee has been abolished. The film night arranged in conjunction with the National Trust was atten:,A by about 30 walkers. Mr. Graves is takihg up certain complaints abOut parties of Rover Scouts direct with the parties concerned. He would like to mention any praiseworthy activities of scouts and the Federation Secretary woul, like information of any such activitie-S. Readers please note: The messy bits were done, not by the typistes but by the Editor. '16. CAMP FIRES Last month we were discussing camp fires and their importance to the enjoyment of camping. There are many ways of enjoying a camp fire. With a small group of people things can be quite informal. Yarns, arguments, discussions and songs can ebb and flow as the group pleases, but as the size of the crowd increases so does it become more necessary for a certain amount of organisation and control. Whatever the number of folks around a fire however, the chap or the girl who can lead a few songs is always welcome and an asset. The choice of song is-important. Not every song is suitable for open air singing by average voices. Quite frequently requests are hoard at camp fires for some song heard on the air. In the majority of cases these songs are flops when attempted as chorus items. Only when there is a person with a good voice, and stated to the song in question can most of these songs be enjoyed at a camp fire. Every once in a while, a song canes along which has the makings of a camp fire song and those are generally grabbed and frequently apt parodies are written. By and large however, the mainstays of any camp fire sing song are the old and tried favourites. Songs (like furniture) are old because they are good, not because they are old. If a song hasn't got something it is soon forgotten whilst the worth while ones keep on keeping on (like Berger's paint). In singing a song there are three important points to bear in mind, words, tune and pitch. The successful leader must know the words of his songs and it is a good plan to have a little book in which to collect songs and stunts encountered from time to time. Nevertheless this book should only be used as aremindor; a song sung from a book is not half a song. The leader should be able to sing in tune. This does not mean he should have a first class voice. As a matter of fact, people with really good voices seldom make song leaders. If possible, however, I think that an aspiring leader should try out his favourite songs accompanied by a piano,for too often do we hear would be songsters who iron out the liveliest songs to little more than a monotone. Having mastered the words and music there remains only the pitch. This detail is the most frequently forgotten, but bad pitch ruins more songs than almost any other fctor. The campfire leader must know on what note to start any particular song, to enable average folks to sing its highest and lowest notes in comfort. The faculty of striking the right pitch is onlylearnt from experience, but an average person can soon master this art if he expressly watches this angle of singing. Hope I'm not boring you folks. More next month. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X What has Paddy got? Full range of aluminium billies. Full range of steel frame rucksacks, and rucksacks without frames. Groundsheets rubberised and proofed nylon. Next date for sleeping bag orders, Monday 2nd. August. Regret no mail orders. PADDY PALLIN Paddymade Camp Gear for Talkers Phone BX3595 327 George St., SYDNEY.

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