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The Sydney Bushwalker.

A monthly Bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St., Sydney.

No. 161. April, 1948. Price 6d.

Annual subscription May 1948 to Jan., 1949 3/9.

EditorAlex Colley, 55 Kirribilli Av., Milson's Pt.
Productionand Business ManagerBrian Harvey
TypisteJean Harvey


Editorial- A Message to Contributors 1
At Our Annual General Meeting 3
Club Officers Elected in March, 1948 5
Re-Union 1948Grace Jolley 6
Did You Go to the Re-UnionClaude Haynes 9
On to Adamson's PeakRay Kirkby10
Horse TroubleKath McKay12
Film ReviewK.R. Hardy13
Kosciusko Sheep Shooting, letter from Allen H. Strom 15
Era Working Bee, Social Events in April, Congratulations, Kowmung Cavalcade, Federation, Secretary Resigns, “Tarndanya.” 16
Federation NotesBrian Harvey18'
Bushwalkers' MemorialBrian Harvey and Ron Knightley19



EDITORIAL A ressage to Contributors A year ago we wrote “ShoulM contributions lag the editorial will become longer and longer. The results, though hardly flattering,were most satisfactory. Contributions did not lag again, and consequently readers have never had to flick over more than the - first page or two before coming to /4eading natter of interest. In fact often the editorial has been cut off in its prime to make roam for other material. Vany of the.contributions have been very good. By this-we don't necessarily, mean they were literary rasterpieces. We ream that they were interesting to readers. In this a good style and good English is a great asset; but it is not so important as the spirit in which an article is written- If the writer is really keen on his subject and keeps his readers in mind all the time, he taarwell -N produce a 5.1iore interesting article than the literary stylist. As in conversation, personality and enthusiasm often count for . xii.ore than education. Nevertheless many articles _would bet nuch improved .if writers would take' note of a few simple hints. In the.- first place.we would urge everyone to write under their own names. It Is the authors. 'right to pen n.ame,-and, if the article is up t6- standard, it will .be.:published 'under any 'name. All we wish to point out is that personalities 'account for most of the - interest of magazine articles. Articles are twice as interesting - when readers know who wrote .them. -InciC.ent,ally,- contrary to . popular belief, the Editor never writes under a' nom-de-plurae. second hint. follows. from the first. . -Tell readers who. else Was concerned. Contributor .t-o- the Tararua Tramper'“have a 'pra:ctice which the S.B.W.- might well .follow. At the beginning of a trip 'description- is. the word …7`Party?' followed by the names of the people' on the..walk. This is important. if you have been on a new..or unusual .,4v.alk - _other member know villa to ask for directions. If it is not new or ImuSual. coUptry. the main interest is in the people rather than the .country 'or..-the 'weather, So' say who your' companions. were and what.they - The third hint concerns - the form of your manuscript. Some contributors just letthe1r head.s go and write. freely and at - length ithout any worries about..,,grantar, .punctUation, clear Meaning,' or length. .Thi is often quite. a!good way..of writing 'an article, particUlarly for the inekperienced.. But please don't send it to the Editbrlike' this. :-Put it awayfor_a few days. Then go througi it carefully and 'critically, reduce it to an acceptable length (anything. over 1,000 words 1.s. approaching, the danger zone and_ anything- over 1,500 words will almost certainlY::'T: be pruned), type it in .double space, or copy It .clearly, and then send it to the Editor. 'Remember that the Magazine is. typed by a fellow member and it is a. day's hard work-which is made much easier—- if the manuscript clear. Lastly we would remind readers that they- can make useful and interesting contributions without writing articles.. There are several members who, from time to tire, furnish interesting bits of information which are quoted in the magazine. If you hear of any interesting incident write it up, even if it takes only two . lines, and -post it to the Editor. - you'right miss us in the Club-, room for sev-e-Fa-1 weeks on end. Some have complained that there is no l'gossipu page in. the magazine. There will be one just as soon as members take the trouble to tell us- what is going on. 4- 3. _ AT OUR ANNUAL GENMAL NEETING, UIt would be an argument” for a .week, laughter for a month, and a good jest for everan ) The President was in the Chair and there were about 90 mamba? s present. There were no new renberS. - The meeting soon warred to the debate. Last year it was _the bush lawyers. This year it was the accountants who took the bit between their teeth. The Balance Sheet didn't balance. There was 100 too much on the expenditure side, and, if it hadn't been for that we would have rade a profit of Z46:14:11 instead of a loss of 53: 5: Id. The Magazine costs were ,17:14: 8d. too high. Not that anyone doubted the honesty of our Treasurer but, as Dorothy Lawry pointed out, the whole of the general public doesn't know our Treasurer and the Chief Secretary's Department is very suspicious. The Treasurer defended his position stoutly. It was he said,.- all explained at the bottom .of the Balance Sheet but, for some. reason,the explanation was not reproduced. (Members nay find solace in the fact that, ,had the explaaation been reproduced,. aur entire profit, loss, reserve, or whatever it is, would have been swallowed up im the purchase of _paper, leaving nothing to argue about.) 'Miss Lawry' said the Treasurer, 'nmay talk from now -till kingdom come”, but the accounts were right Someo ne tried to save the situation by pointing out that the Balance Sheet was all right, this was only a copy; however, his logic was weighed and found wanting. Eventually Tom Helibert saved the day by moving that we take the 100 Out of the Balance Sheet and then make it balance again. In correspondence the National Fitness Council objected to the magazine saying that the 2/6d. camping charge was for the purpose of forcing hostellers into hostels. But the magazine didn't say this, someone else did. That was why we wrote nalle5ed reason for charge'. The Social Secretary reported that the iron curtain had: been . raised for .a while during the Club debate. . The Commos were. not ashamed to appear. in their beards, but the. capitalists had left off their spats and diamonds a big as birds' eggs. Brian' Harvey reported that Federation had not had time at the - last meeting to discuss Narrow Neck or the Kosciusko sheep shooting. (We cannot imagine What more important subjects could have occupied the. Federation s time. After the hours devoted to these subjects in S.B.W. meetings it is most di sappointin& to learn that the Federation had not time to 'consider :them.) , 6' . – Laurie .Rdyner, aired his views ,at/ . some length' on the subject of _ , , - associate members talking art voting at Federation meetings. This peroration _inspired .,Ron ,KnightIeY : to move “that the rules of debate :- +Iv , 4. be enforced and that speeches be limited to '3 minutes”. Laurie Rayner then -composed a motion and was followed by Allan Hardie. In-2 mins.10 secs. dead Dormo said that he agreed with the sentiments of the motion, but couldn't support it hwhile it had all those words nit', this the motion was lost. Next came the constituti onal amendment requiring auditing of Club accounts every 6 months instead of every three months. In speaking to the motion Dorothy Lawry said that in the days when the Club was young a_nd there were lots of -accountants amongst the member's the requirements of the. constitution was quite easily met.. (Murmurs: “What a Club it must have -been. then') The motion. was carried. On another notion from Dorothy Lawry it was resolved that the :meeting recormended the incoming comittee to consider the advisability of fixing subscriptions for non-actives at 5/-. She pointed out that _other fees had been raised from 10/- to .15/- while non- active fees remained at 2/6d. Allan lillyborn then brought up the subject of timber cutting in the Morton -Primitive Reserve. He said that, according to the “Moss. Vale Post” of 24th February “the Minister for Lands has agreed with a reconnen.dation of the Forestry Commission furnished. through the Minister for Conservation, that sawmillers be allowed '- access to the reserve under strict supervision of a -joint comittee consisting of representatives of the trustees and the two departments”. He then roved “That this Club voice its protest to, the Minister for Lands and Yinisterfor Conservation. regarding the decision to allow trees to be cut from the Mark Morton Primitive Reserve,which is contrary to the purpose of the Reserve. If this decision cannot be revoked, that only employees pf. the Forestry Commission be allowed in the Reserve to remove timber with their usual discretion”. Spealdng to the motion Dorothy Lawry said that, though there had recently been at least one resignation from the Trust, it was still 4-3 against allowing timber cutting. In supporting the motion, Myles Dunphy said that the Forestry Department could over-ride the Trustees – logs were being taken out of the Heathcote Creek Reserve contrary to the wishes of the Trustees. The Tall owa ,Reserve (later called Mark Morton -Reserve) was the first primitive area in the State - if we lost out this would be our last chance of a primitive area. When the intention to expand the area became known the Forestry Department got in first and got the tailus slopes, It also had designs on the Tallowa and Bundanoon Park areas for a number of years. The park trustees must be bolstered up by strong public opinion. The motion was then put to the meeting and carried. At the end of',We meeting Tom Herbert took the opportunity, on behalf of the Garrawarra Trust, to thank Arthur Gilroy 'and the Club “embers who attended the working bees for their, assistance. He said too that the Trust would like :to tee more bushwalkers , becoming honorary rangers. At present only one of the 15 range`rs , 5. was a wa lke r. He would als o like to see walkers taking more interest in the Park, so that encroachments in the way of buildings could be resisted. Constructive suggestions for .a cattle proof fence would be weloctrued. S The meeting closed at 10.50 p.m. Election of officers went on throughout the meeting, and the results are shown below. The Office Bearers, excepting for the President and Vice-Presidents, were elected unopposed,, but there was stiff competition for the positions of lady and gentlemen representatives on the cormittee. CLUB ELECTED IN MARCH 1948 OFFICE BEARERS PRESIDENT: VICE PRESIDENTS: HON,SECRETARY:.- HON.ASSISTANT SECRETA. HON. TREASURER HON.IvALKS SECRETARY: HON.YEvBERSHIP SECRETARY: HON,SOCIAL SECRETKRY: . Tom Moppett . Ron. KnightleY, Alex Colley Hilma Galliott Jim,..Brown Allan Hardie Ken 1:Teadoiws Bill. Ha.1.1. Edna Stretton LADY AND GENTLEYENREPRESENTATIVES Ruby Payne-Scott, Katb. Hardy , Jack Wren Paul Barnes. FEDERATION DELEGATES. Ron Knightley, Paul Barnes, Brian Harvey, . Jack Wren. Substitute DelezateR: John Noble, Fred Doutch. —calre-Fed-Fre-g-a-Yes- have been elected for the Federation year cor7;.oncing August 1948., Kath.Hardy, one of the present substitute delegates, resigned, and her place until August will be taken by Jack.vvren.). OTHER OFFICERS. DELEGATE TO THE PARKS & PLAYGROUXIDS rOVEMENT: Mrs .Hilda Stoddart FORESTRY ADVISORY COUNCIL DELEGATE: Allan.Wyborn TRUSTEES: Joe Turner, Maurie Berry i Wal Roots HONORARY SOLICITOR:: Marie Byles YAGAZINE EDITOR: Alex Colley BUSINESS YANAGER OF THE MAGAZINE: Brian Harvey HONORARY AUDITOR: .Dorothy ::Lawry REUNION 1948. By Grace Jolley. Dropping in on the Annual Neeting before going to the Annual Reunion seems to add to the enjoyment cf.the weekend. It is like having jam on scones, not essential but avudh nicer, The Annual Feeting was held on Friday, 12th Yarch, therefore' as you know the camp was held 13th and 14th. A few people going carpwards by car to Yacquarie Fields had some difficulty in finding the spot, or rather finding the right road to lead on to it, especially those travelling on Friday night, as the darkness was no help. One small party, seen on Sunday along the river, hadn't reached the camp at all aria vas very disappointed. So it appears that though cars and walkers have, in the rain, the same principle cf motion-that is, sticking to the ground - in very rare cases walkers have-the advantage. This is a change Those footing it to the camp were well guided along the road to the river With neat signs on trees. These soon changed to neat stakes in the river showing the -crossing. So strongwas our faith in signs by this time that we overlooked the portents and entered with the usual suspicions at rest for once, and waded across to find a large slippery log to be crossed. Alternative, deep water. We can in writing, pass lightly over this log. We didn't then. vile noticed that after David Stead had launched into shallow water a lass with a large tin of chemicals which he had handed to her he remembered to caution her as she went deeper, not to let the water get to the tin. The spectacular results of this likely eventuality were shown with startling brilliance when used later as a means to start the camp fire. Just water added toithe chemical. Imagine!' The weather, which had looked “doubtful” (whatever that means) on Saturday morning decided to brighten up and by the time the najority of people had arrived we had a fine sunny afternoon. By carTfire tine conditions were perfect. In fact it was pointed oat as an example of the perfect conditions that the ashes from the camp fire went straight up and fell straightdown on us. So it must have been good. It is the first time that a reunion has been held at this place, and quite a nUmber of nambers have put it down in their books as a likely place for a quiet week end for swimming and loafing. There are not many places with so many advantages so close to the city. Those with children found it easy to walk down the road. So in this beautiful spot with its tall. trees and river frontage, tents sprang up and with much visiting and foregathering. the reunion was on. DUnk,- though the loser in an argument with a bulldog anti an eye being- painfully. SWollen,..was handing out rname tags to those she could see and didn.ft iniss anyone: These name tags. saved many a . difficult notnt because no one had to -say 1;1 know your.: face, but …- With dinner just on, seVeral people were called to rehearsals for the evening show. To many it was _their first intimation that they were to appear in the show but between 6 o'clock and 8 o'clock songs had to be learned, lines memorised and entrances noted. It was quite mmdlion at this ,stage to stumble over someone burning the chops with one hand and peering in the semi-darkness at a scrap of paper held in the other hand. These poor conscripts were considerately stepped over and left to their chops and mutterings. As dusk and 7.30 came everyone crept down to the camp fire for front row seats. The perfect 'conditions mentioned before still held, and to add to the majesty of the scene a beautiful spotlight lit the scene, shining from .a tall tree, with a sweet little battery nestled at the foot. While Dave Stead and Bill Hall played a bout with fuses in the bushes in preparation for lighting the fires, Paddy tried to distract our attention by coaxing us to 'sing. Strangely, this time everyone was pitifully anxious to sing, part songs were pung from water tight corpartment'S, very compact and no overflow fl4ani the sides. With a banjo and violin accompariment supplied by two of our most versatile young ladies the Bushwalkers sang 4nd enjoyed it. They threw themselves into it and -sudh was the goodwill that possibly if someone with enough foresisjat had 6hopen that moment to walk round with a hat they -may have put a deposit on a water bag, but it is tob late now for regrets for lost opportunities. The Tot light faded, went out , really, the -Cap-fires were alight, and the children gazed wide-eyed. From then on, all was entertainment. All who were -asked .firr items carne foreward quite willingly with solo itemsand to help, in the corimunity singing, printed leaflets .14,Tere handed out 'so that all who could read could sing. There were longer items needing several people in the cas.t and these were topical and typical of Bushwalkers. - Recalling .a distressing occasion in the' Club when a Lecturer . could not be heard for noises off, an optimistic little sOene was shown of what may take place in the future at lectures. ' This was the ceremony of Dropping The.Pin. When the pin in its dropping is 'audible, - then, and not :before, the lecturer will -proceed. Doiny's darlier fall. from the. stroigbt and honest path - not the Balance ,Sheet-, the ti,am the subject of an operetta with Dormy trying to sing his way 4c11.1t of a - conviction. This ;appealed strongly to the warped humour of the audience and they responded by calling for 'the.:=-Author- :Producer, . , 8. Stage Manager and Librettist. Ray Kirkby, fresh from his triuriph in, the operetta as the Singing Judge (no relation to the Hanging Judge), stepped.forward in response to these calls. The audience, now on its feet (how we love that expression) would have, called for the chocolate boy. .someone held Ray down at this point. A tour out from Katoomba, conducted by Malcolm Macgregor, showed us new aspects and unsurpassed and unsuspected contours of Bushwalker's, Hil(ma). The true possibilities of Coral Swamp and the usual position of Carlon's Head were shown. The :absence of Narrow Neck couldn't be helped, Flo just couldn't get down on Saturday. 1Vialcolm astride his. mount, Mouin, called his Dogs to heel. The late arrival of the latest addition to the 'Kennel, Edna-Hot Dog. was not surprising. No doubt she had other business t attend. . . New members for initiation nutbered about thirteen, but it was the longest thirteen ever, seen, they stretched away in. to the distanCe but nevertheless were dealt with. faithfully by Paddy . Pallin, Frank-Duncan and Eric Rowen. More faithfully. than We have room for hem. . . PooTNewies. With F.B.I. thoroughness the cormittee had delved into their walking lives, flung high their weaknesses: glossed over their virtues and paraded the result at this reunion. Apparently we have a mixed bag of new netters. According to the list of crimes read by the initiators we can, look forward to association with one reformed vegetarian (reformation not guaranteed, howeva, he having seen the light after only once cracking up after a walk), one lass with ideals and an urge to become a policewoman (the ideals and urge do not necessarily coincide), a bearded walker, male, and a physical culture- expert, female. (Less harmful but equally interesting, were the pillion riders, the wild party addicts, gentlemen weight shifters and, like a good deed in a naughty world, Jack Wren, the man they couldn't hang, or the boy they couldn't pin. anything on. Supper served. Smooth cocoa, and large pieces of cake, were served, another successful item. Sleepy children were carried off to bed. John Harveyts little girl couldn't sleep, she was still awake at 2 p.m, 'sticking .it' out with the few left at the fire singing old songs. Many slept round the fire and by 3 o'clock most of the singers -were back home in their tents. David Stead allowed his better nature to be appealed to and did not explode kerosene tins, and many children have, as a result escaped nightmares. The frustation experienced by David is another natter. altogether. Sunday, Was spent the same as at' all reunions', visf_ting and talking, swimming and :talking. , A storm in the afternoon 'made no difference, the programme w as the .same as' the morning except that swinmingiiras-_ not -so ..popular:.- '-:-After the storm, .however, people were departing in groups \.,:,There..-were…plentY- of trains to and from this well., chOSen. . spot and,'.everyone found one to suit- them. was, the general opi - , 9. DID YOU GO TO THE REUNION? WELL ER! By Claude .Haynes. -I intended to go - you know the saying an proposes and r; if God disposes”, but in this instance my friend Bert insisted that God had been helped by Frank Duncan, who, I gathered, had given the road directiOns.' Well Walkers, I saw more country with walking possibilities than I have seen in lany a day. After leaving the Moorbank Road crossing, we got into a maze of timber cutters' tracks and seemed to go for miles. I offered the advice that we night be miles past the Reunion spot but was informed that we were probablygoing around in a circle,, so distance didn't count. Eventually we decided to get down to the River. - Bert walked downstream for about a mile and a half and I in the opposite direction. Vie both returned with no success story to tell. Then began the return to the spot where we had left Bert's Sudd.enly a motor horn rent the air. “Ali: there they are - this way Bert”: His reply staggered me. “That's not My :motor horn”. Two minutes later wero were beside Clem Armstrong, a well dressed member whom I had not met- before. _With his Wife and son he was bound for the Reunion. Time now being 6 p.m. we decided to camp for the 'night, visions of the, Reunion becoMing_ - very dim. Water necessitated getting down a' steep 150t in semi-_ darkness. On returning Clem Armstrong offered me a long sherry and I began to fell a little sympathetic towards him. Here -he wa.s with a stock of l'udgee Brewh, sympathetic juice”, :a 'portable wireless, a sleeping bag-de-luxe with a mattress on it at least six inches - thick, and weighing a hundredweight; heavy grillers, steel food . carriers which screwed down to keep outants etc. I could ,see that Clem was now a lover of comfort but had looked forward to the Bushwalkers t Reunion to yarn about the good old days of discomfort. We polished off the “Iludgee Brew” visions of the Reunion becoming even dinner. We had our own breakaway movement going by his time. On the Sunday I located the Reunion Party and told them of s the good intentions Bert and Clem had of being present.: Clem said: .“They won't believe us anyway”; That sentence assured me he was' a walker. As for Bert, he.,had a huge rubber army pontoon for the children and was, I think/ a little disappointed, but there will always be anotherReunion for (the children, for _ .. yarners bath male and female ON TO ADAMSON'S PEAK. By. Ray Kirkby. .Our retreat from the Hartz Mountains to Dover, in order to climb Adamson's Peak from there, began in earnest when we arrived back at the mill. We were hoping for a lift back into Geeveston but who could be optimistic about, getting a lift from a mill which might not even be working? Nevertheless, a lorry was being loaded when we arrived and we got a lift after having lunch and sharing our tea with the two men. Having with us Lesley, who was the local authority, we felt we had all the trumps in our hands, but unfortunately it was no- trumps. All the transport for Dover had gone for the day - even the grocery delivery. Wq wandered disconsolately down to the garage to see if a car could be hired when the doctor pulled up In his Rolls Royce. “Where are you going?” he asked Lesley. “We want to get to Dover”. “I'm going over in an hour and, if you like to wait, 1111 take you”. That, however, is not the end of that chapter. An hour later the doctor, Rulled up beside us once again but, as he jumped out, he queried How many are there?“ “Four”. “Oh; I can take only three”. Three was all he did take and I was left lamenting, like young Lochinvar, but very unromantically, on the kerbstone.. I instructed the others to go on and leave any message at Lesley's home, but I soon overtook them in my lorry, still drinking tea in the kitchen at Lesleyfs. Having had our fill of tea; a little gentle pressure for a lift out to the Ada mson's -Peak turn-off. was put on sister, who again- obliged with the car for the six miles. The first part Of the track is across a_sandy coastal plain on which grow many flowers of the type we see in National Park here. There were ti-trees and ba.uera with giant heads of flower and lcun.zea with balls of purple as large as bottle-tope. The track itself is an old tram track (on which the timber used to be carried), a lot of it burned by bushfires so that delicate picking of steps is of tefi required. The rise was not startling until the last mile -or I so. Then the pull up is very drasttc through myrtle forests and mud and,. as we had not left the road until about 4 p.m., it was getting dark. Finally I,, who had gone ahead, debauched from the forest into a law scrubby area and above me I could faintly discern liffs and hear water falling. “The hut”, I thought thankfully, “is not far off f; , for I had read that it is on the edge of the sandstone plateau with a conrianding view. But it was still a-few hundred weary feet and, as soon as I put my nose over the plateau, a power- ful and freezing wind hit me. The hut looked delightfu Its the edge of Sublime Point, Bulli, but with a much more intricate coastline-and-behind it is Adamsons Peak with many more peaks, to be seen if one walks a few yards. Around the hut on the southern.side is a ten foot semi-circular wall of rocks to protect it from the wind. The hut itself is small with only two bunks an. used by the Forestry Department for fire- watching. That is why the front roam is glassed on three sides and provides one with delightful views without having to go out in unpleasant weather. And what colourful views we had at dawn and sunset and all the time betweeni During the summer the hut . is in touch with Dover by telephone but when we arrived the latter was out of order. The next day the mountain was obscured b-y,mist and rain and we had a fleeting glimpse towards midday. This induced us to attempt to climb it but when we attained the top ridge heavy rain forced us down, and we saw nothing. We were drying ourselves out in the hut when we heard voices outside. We were all,horrified because Ule hut was already cramped with four in it. However, it was only the men who had been re-conditioning the line and, having called the Dover Exchalge and had a chat they departed thankfully, 'I feel sure, to their Dover homes. Occasionally during the afternoon the mountain cleared. It is practically certain that it did not clear without being seen for heads were continually popping in and out of the hut and there would be a cry of “Look, you can see nearly all the Hartz” or “The peak is practically clear”. he atmosphere was tense for the next day was our last chance to see the view from the top. We had advanced a theory that it would more likely, be clear at dawn but that particular day the theory failed. Nor was it clear when breakfast was being cooked nor when the washing up had been done. However, we set-off across the plateau not in a very cheery, state of mind and expecting a repetition of the day before. From the ridge the view was of mist and, as we threaded our-way Up. t4e rocks to the cairn, there was no improvement. - A half hour sheltering behind the cairn gradually sapped all our warmth and, sad and disillusioned, we were forced to decend the boulder-crammed ridge. A few hundred feet from” the 'top the mist suddenly began to clear and in a short time the whole view appeared to be revealed. Lesley and I, despite our palpitations, started to 're-ascend with as much 'speed .as we could muster but George, either too tired or too cynical, refused to cajole the mountain further.with his attentions. -When Lesley and I re- arrived at the sunmit ten minutes later the view was almost perfect for the naked eye. The mountains to the south, *Seen from the Hartz, were now so Much closer and we saw for'th6.-first.time. La . Porous and'all'it.6 attendant peaks. . The walking: revealed in this small -corner of -a_small.island was enough to last for.years. The . ,V7S 12. views from the Hartz and Adamson's Peak are particularly attractive because you see at the same time the precipitous inland and the convoluted coast/ine - almost from the extreme south of Tasmania right across to Tasnan Peninsula. While we were taking in the view as quickly as possible a storm like a black javelin was pointing straight at us fromover Picton way. We decided that we had enjoyed our lucky twenty minutes and to descend a little before the inevitable storm broke, as in a few minutes it did. This capriciousness on the part of the mountain had delayed us so we lunched, packed and cleaned Tthe hut like charwomen on piecework. Then Lesley rang hom and this is the oonversation we heard - “Hullo, is that you Dad? Loo k, we'll be leaving the hut in a few minutes, we should be on the road by seven o'clock. Will you came out and pick us up? Oh, and my friends will be staying the night- and they like fish, so will you try to get some?” The beautiful forest could be enjoyed Trruch better as we descended,f and we arrived only ten minutes late' for our appointment with father, You may sing a bout the while cliffs of Dover but we shall extoll its fresh flounders and soft beds. HORSE TROUBLE By Kath YcKay. Blow me down, if It Is not rats it's horses. We packed for our four days' ,sunner at Era .with the usual regard for lightweight canping, and laid in a stock of Paddy's good dried vegetables, dried apples: Vita Weats instead of :bread, and ' Knowing the roving habits of the livestock in our green valley (and you should -see- just how green our valley is this aeason) we took all the food into the tent iaith us when we retired -f or the night. Some time in the small hours I heard choofing and champing going on outside, our old family pewter so uttered, a few “Shoo ' s I of protest and went to 'sleep again. The gun was already over. ThelMa Ridge- when. there .floated into my. dreams the voice of some siren on her way to the .surf. (Could be Jenny's?) “Whots been scattering ;Vita Weata?, said.. The sentence went on 'echoing- thx7ough,'Iny waking .consciousness ,remote and unimportant as a . phrase :from The Three .,Be4rs Or , like . guts and May , Who I s-been Scattering.Vita-Weats?,,.Thos. been Scatter- , ing .Vita Weats? yell, who-had, -anywar,,: cubed soups in lieu of tinned. 13. Suddenly I was wide awake, sat up, and peered round the tent flap. 'On. the grass were fragments not only of Vita Weats, but of carrots, and spinach. I turned' in consternation to .our bags of food, too near., alas, to the tent door. No vegetables; no biscuits, no apples - not even. a trace of the bag they were in, complete with a modicum of cloves in a screw of pater. And most surprising of all, no soup cubes. The only fruit and vegetables left to us Was the small supply hung 541 a tree, to wab 2 potatoes, 4 tomatoes, 1 onion and 6 oranges, for 2 persons.for 4 days. Enough. (but barely enough) to make a.v.egetarian shudder with horror. Next time we'll take everything right inside our sleeping bags with us. FIL.11,5. REVIEW. By K.R. Hardy. Recently I went to see the film “Bush .;hristmas”. The posters had advertised that it was taken in the Blue lrmuntains, and the nano indicated that it was L'I..bout the Austiialian bushle.nd, so for that reason I was keen to see it, and also because two of the children taktng part are sons of Edgar Yardley, this Statels, best actor, familiar at many an S.B.W. Reunion campfire. The youngsters are following most successfully in their father's' footsteps. The film was made -for English children abcut the adventures of a family of Australian bush children clurin,g their Xmas holidays. It isntt a big expensive production like “The Overlanders”, but in its simple way is an excellent children's picture and good entertainment for adults too. As it shows oire lovely mountain scenery, the beauty and wildness of our bush, and the happy carefree life that our children and young people can have in the openf-in our glorious sunny weather, it provides good advertisement for ' Australia overseas. ..Bu .a bushwalker seeing thi -film would notice many interesting and confusing things. . Being filmed in the Blue Mountain country most of the scene y proves familiar to a bushwalker. The pastoral scenes of the Burragoran.g, the lovely sweep of the Grose-Valley, the rock uplands and spectacular headlands of Na rrow Neck - these appear in a,. sequence of views which delight .the eye but confuse the mind. As the homestead in. the p.icture is obviously in Burragorang Valley, it certainly seems strange that when the children set out after the stolen horses they .first ride across, a - large river- ( the Wollondi fly? ). and then in next to no time are up. on Narrow Neck. How their 'horses climb -Tarots Ladders remains a- -.mystery.. ,Then we see a fine shot-. of Black Billy's Head, but almost Immediately' after.. comes the view of the Grose Valley - even the Tigers .couldn't travel as fast as that More-over., 'when” the., hors e- .thieve-s-1 c4n1P is shOwn at” the ” 14 bottom of Nellyts Glen in the Megalong, why ad the thieves climb up to the top by the Golden Stairway frara the Jamieson Valley? Because it Was so interesting to recognise the different mountain views and so confusing tr.ying to piece them together into a continuout trip I found it .hard to concentrate on the story., - It rather shock me to find that the children did the trip from the top of Narrow Neck down to the Valley -and back twice in one night - once would .have been more than enou04-1. fFirire% And how brave they were, tip-toeing round the horse-thieves' camp to steal their food and boots despite the menace of three rifles! We felt the thieves were very dumb to allow their boots to be taken by the children so easily, but as they stumbled over the rocks and twigs of Narrow Neck in their bare feet we felt that we, too, knew what it was to stumble and curse on that rough track, even though- we had our boots on. And when Chips Rafferty as the tough leader of the thieves told them to “Get p; rove on and never rind yer bleeding feet:” we felt- quite at hone and realised he would have raade an adriirable leader.; of a test walk: The statement that-Ka:na- ngra was “40 miles away and the nearest water” rather staggered me the_distance yias pretty right but they seemed. to haVe 'forgottei the beautiful rivers -en route. However, when they started talking of the deserted gold-mining town of Yt. Solitary we realised that we had at last come to the realm of Pure fantasy. A good 'point noted by a Search and Rescue inenber was that when the children set off into the wild “VVarrigal Mountains” they left a note in a tin tied to a tree to tell- their parents which way they were headed,. and when they lost their way they blazed the track for- their rescuers to fbllow. We don't know, though', how our Conservationists would regard the cutting down of a sapling as part of “blazing the track”. All in all, it proved an interesting film, being exciting, human, instructive and showing gobd views of the country we know and .love 'so, well. . YEYBERS CBILDREN AT RE-UNION. …A…a - . - ' There were 1'7 in all. “Dunk , who kept the records, -supplied the following list:- Eileen. Ashclown, David Roots, Colleen Coffey, Frank Burke, Judy Harvey, Dagid Harvey, John Harvey (Jnr:), Nancy Moppett, Wendy Butler, Rh.ona. Butler, Gael. Savage, Sue Rose, Ross Wyborn, Barry Duncan, Jennifer PaIlin,-Dian4 _Oroker, Caroline .Croker. Letter to the Bditor: KOSCIUSKO SHEEP SHOOTING. Sir, “It is with alarm and apprehension that I read of “the alleged sheep shooting incident at Kosciusko, contained in the Yarch is_sue of your magazine. No natter who was responsible for this disgraceful conduct, the culprits should be brought out of the oblivion and made to pay in spirit as well as in hard cash. Only in this way can the name of Ibushwalker” be dragged from the mud which will inevitably surround it, about the Snow Country. Anyb oci y that carries a pack will share in the disgrace. Obviously it is a matter for very strong action by the Federation. and I sincerely hope that the Committee of the S.B.W. will keep the Federation to the purpose. A quasi-governmental body like the Youth Hostels must not be permitted to besmirbhthe name of purely voluntary organisations that have plugged away for - years without rooms and finances . But I think the incident goes further than this. Consideration of entrance qualifications to the Youth Hostels Association showa one glaring fact. Any and everybody may enter willy-nilly Without trial and precedent; there are no stepping stones beyond, there is no sorting out of undesirables pay your money and you are in The result has been that great1 numbers of “no hopers” have sought sanctuary here and the very small number of worthy people have been diluted down. to less than water consistency. The - Youth Hostelts Association cannot be responsible for the action of its members because, apparently its members have no respect for its authority. The spirit of 'Hail, fel-lowl Well met/ T1 has produced a looseness that will 'spell disaster to the bushwalker. One may agree that every one has a right to enjoy the bush, but then surely we should earn that right through respect: Again, these people ray be prepared to seek the bush whether in or our of a club. But the facilities of a club only serve to organise the ramp. This, tb. my mind sir, is just another oc-casion upon wkich it is evident that loose entrance qualifications to a club are/menace. It furthers the.plea for a wholesome, directed training for people new to bushwalking, and it demands that the Federation should require of its tilerber clubs '.that they demand a given standard of their. Personnel. It is only a weak Federation which goes in search of member club.s - let them come to the door of the Federation seeking affiliation:” Allen' De Strom. “C-0-E-S-.E-R-V-A-T-I-O-N.:. That again?'T This is the opening of the .only_article in. the 1947 “Bushwalker” devoted to conservation. The article is directed only towards walkers themselves-. There is no mention elsewhere of what. the Federation has done, hopes to do, or ,wants_ others to do.' This is because,' though Federation may be .able to spell the word it ,doesn't know what it .means. L6. ERA WORKING BEE: Members have promised to support the Era SubCoTa2tte-67—Their. chance will cone on April 8th 9th and 10th., when the working bee is on. Workers are asked to bring, if possible, wood-splitting wedges and spades-(and when lige say spades we mean spades, not shovels), The work to, be done is the cutting and splitting of posts and the digging of post holes and ,holes for trees. The girls are encouraged to come, as, when they are worn out with digging, they can prepare refreshments for the lads as they slave: Judge Kirkby and :Prosecutor Rowen threaten a breach of Promise case if member6 donft turn up. Dont forget their concluding chorus at the last court case _ uAlas we have lost Our prey But cat ch him another' day 'Then he fll be here to stay Just -let. him se e. , SOCIAL EVENTS IN APRIL There is to be a dance on April 16th. , On April' 30th t'rank. Leyden will be showing his coloured slides of -Tasmania. CONGRATULATIONS and best wiabeb : .:.. Herb Morris - and Jo Clayton, who Were engaged at ' . . . , , Russel Wilkins and Norma Phillips, who have just _recently . . announced their “engagement. Grace .ai9f3 John Noble on the .birth of 'a son - … ., . ,andl/Firiam-and. llual Roots -on.'the birth Of a daughter. ,.. KOVIEFUNG. 'CAVALCADE: Yairi counter-attraction to the show was the nrET:ry s —6i5iTin the Kowmung. At first it was a. little _difficult to find starters, but a few were found. !Them 'it became known to 'a few who were at a loose end or wore not wealthy enough to go to Point 'Lookout or Bendethera. At this stage the Committee heard about it. They decided- to come too, .Certain Other members with long and sensitive 'ears just couldnft afford to miss a party of that size. Lastly sundry strays,, including a Melbournian and a misanthrope dame- running into the fold. Just who was there, or why they were there, remained an exciting speculation till the whole 30 paired off in the special bus, thus affording invaluable basic data to the long-eared., . The trip itself was,. of ..course, , purely incidental,: but we .mtv.t nevertheless rema-rk Upon the scenery. The ,Kowmung is running .. . . strong and clear, not quite deep enough, usually, to wet the pants. , , The banks are . greer_ and lush,_ the ravages of years of drought: and . . , _ -, , . ,,,. 17. fires almost covered by grass. Even the once-cleared and rabbit' destroyed lands round and .above Hughesf are clothed with herbage – not grass any more - but weeds and small clover. The Cox is a lovely broad clear-running stream, thirty or fourty yards wide at the crossings. It is hard to remember now the years when it was just a few dirty pools well below the parched banks. Six Other parties were encountered en route, inbau.ding the “Live Wires” Club. One 'lass, forced to 'submerge while the ten “Live Wires” passedlisparking'in every synapse, emerged just in time to meet the twenty-ninth and thirtieth members of the S.B.Vv. party.' Everyone knows who they were. , In fact, as everyone will know everything about this trip by S.B.W. telegraph long before this goes to press we won't say anything more about it. FEDERATION SECRETARY RESIGNS: Following the appointment at the Ora- Public Relations Committee “to handle all matters that were of a controversial nature and affecting –, - outside bodies, Trr. Ron ,Compagnoni has Submitted his resignation as Honorary Secretary of the Federation* He states that “the motion destroys the right of the Honorary Secretaryto correspond or negotiate on the matters most important to, the existence of the Federation.i' Though the work of the Federation- takes from two to five nights a week of his 'ti,me;a.s well as -many lune hours, - he regrets giving it up,and would be willing to continue were it not for the existence of the new coirmittee. “TARNDA_ the aboriginal name for Adelaide 4s the title of th-e—n-eir-r-ragazine of the AdelaideBush Walkers.. Object of.-the' magazine is “to build up a bigger and better 'club.” The January issue- was almost entirely devoted to matters of persona.l.inter- est to club members, but the February issue, ,eaulosed in a new printed cover similar to that of -our own mazazine, denotes considerable space-to conservation. Though we might not agree tha conservation is “the shot,” or that people -don't start-fires puri5ose1y, we cannot but be impressed by the sincere' interest shown. The club has been gra.nted permission to use portion of a water reserve to plant various Australian species. No nontion is -made of fire control, stock exclusion, watering or, cultivation, but the Adelaide, Bush Walkers are no, amateurs, and no doubt realise that -planting is the easiest step' in a long process. l'or,embers -are -requested to seek out land near _roadwas suitable for - purchase or reservation – a very'practica.1:proPosal as it would enlist public support. Conservation work, says Nr. H.A. Lindsay, is a long.i-iange policy, but “the day will as it has for the SydneY, Bush Walkers, when we-can _look' around ,us and say, tit is ',owing to our efforts that -theSe- arksmow belong to the people. atar :3y.Brian.. Harvey. ?ark Trorton Primitive Area. .sairmillers are /raking strong FED-r-eYeait-YE.:07ris- -613-tai-riperrission to cut tinber in this beautiful reserve. A protest –ineetring is being arranged and Federation iiIl prepare a brochure for distrj,bution. Era. The National Fitness Council and N.P.P.A.C. are endeavouring, to secure South Era as a Recreational Area. Kanarlgra;.I\.,iarathon.. University B.W. Club ahribunces ,walking race fromTcal-Oo mba to. Yerra.nderie :via Ka.nangra.ea,ve weekend corn enging with arrival at Kat oori.b.a of .6.23 p..n..` train from Sydney-. Prize of 1 open” order on Silver- Mines Hotel, Yerrand.erie., No set route. Open to all. No examination of hearts or brains necessary. _ .–,Federation adopted motion of ..disapproval- and PQSolved that Search and Rescue Section Will be under no'.'.obligati-on' if called Upon. This stunt is to preface University Festival..:10eek. .Search and ..Rescue Section.will conduct practice- weekend on ilangra area)., - , Bouddi Natural Park. There be a fivorking Bee 28th/29th/30th wa-i.—-The-TirddrCal-637-1 of the tablet to the late Charles DiArcy Roberts will be at 2.30 p.n. on the Sunday. Trapping. Legislation is being brought dovin: to tighten up laws a .7g-ainst, -trapping of birds and animals. ”(11Tay be Interesting” for the log.fall trap exponents.) … .. 1948 Annual. 7: Deadline . photos ; IS better 1u_ . Midwinter 'Party is _ to be held at North Sydney Council rn- Wn- Ti y Details later. : Notice of 'Motion l`that ' visitors be 'given right to speak on natter' s irn-d-e-r'7d1-6-cirs'ill-n-”.–. Only co-opted. Councillors have this right under the Constitution.– Public -Relations Commit t ete,.. of '4: aPpointed. to cOnciliate. on -. , -c-OnerolTe=.a. –itinre-FF. affecting outside bodies, arbitrate . between Clubs ,'-to-,:ansii,rer any inatters appearing in the press and “letters.. of c, ,. ,.. , complaint. , ”(Four' Solomons.; indeed.) -_.:. Kosciusko. Chalet . Investigations .indicate” that -the .culprits of Xraa7sailt-u7r-Bar.c-eare out sid.e Federation f s sphere. .Apparently also a bad impresslon was created by a-party of interstate walkers. . The Conserva.tiOn Bureau is not in fa your Of-'expenditure*of,,,e400 to . . purchase 1131-7171-711i7 15 on .Narroi Neck ”.in include Corral _ ., . Swamp.' Surveyor 'Gene'ralhas been f-Teciu est ed…'tb 'ensure a.c cebs C,rown.,:lands - . . ., rm THEIR 131 7115MTI (0, 1737NUAVU 711 71117”7 itc?7,1.-77 IVAR NDOUR MULL EV -R FAD ERECTED AT SPLENDOUR ROCK 22nd FEBRUARY 1948 At Dawn on Anzac Day, April 25th, 1948, the simple plaque commemorating the memory of bushwalkers who fell in. World War II will be unveiled at Splendour Rock, in the heart of the Wild Dog Ranges. eloudmaker and Kanangra Walls, Paralyser and Guouogang, the Wild Dogs and the Cox's River - these familiar landmarks all lie within a single sweep of the eyes from this lofty buttress of Mount Dingo. How oft had they gazed in happiness upon this scene that we shall still enjoy? Upon that crag, as sunrise tints the cliffs they loved so well, as dawning glows upon the hills their feet shall roam no more - there shall we place eternal record that we honour them who gave their lives that these beloved ranges might be ours to roam for ever. THEY SHALL GROW NOT OLD AS WE THAT ARE LEFT GROW OLD; AGE SHALL NOT WEARY THEM, NOR THE YEARS CONDEMN. AT THE GOING DOWN or THE SUN, AND IN THE MORN/NG, WE SMALL REMEMBER THEM. R.K. DAGEHARDBUSHWALKING. J CATC'HIG THE BUSH' NAPPING. The other night I had oncasion to go r,o,:in to the bush gai-den after dark. I took a torch. Suddenly ny eye lighted on,a shrub. It was a stranger and-1 wondered how it cane there, whdt its naY:e was and how. I had nissed it hitherto. Then suddenly I recognised an old friend - but he was sound asloepi I had a good loo k round and folanJ, to ny Yurpriso that quite a nunber of ny friendb, tile bush pla'nts, were enjoying a nap. Their leaves were neatly folded or were pressed close to .[-,he stens, giving a totally different appearance to the. plant. 7xost of the shrubs observed were pod hearing -plants,. wattles,. pultenaeas and p'hildtas, but probably. a Ia'rge number of other farii,lies have the srm'e habit. Probably our friens.the7,totanists can *explain the reason for ti-aB. behavior;but it is surprising much. moverterit . ..uch 'still life“ is capable of. .11 ;.; ViIIAT HAS PADDY GOT? New pattern steel frare rucksack. No leather fittings, all web. This four pocket web-fitted rucksack is at least one pound lighter in weight than the standard job.- It has been christened “TiE ROVER STEEL FRAME RUCKSACK and note the price fora– 5: 0. U.S. NAVY K RATION. Viatertight cartons, containing o tins vegetable pemmican 1.4 .oz. Block chocolate 1 Bottle Horlicks Malted Yilk Tablets. Price … 1/9d. Contents sold separately if required. - Paddy Pallin, 327 George Street, Sydney. Phone .. BX3595. CA.TP GEAR FOR WALaEHS.

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