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194611 [2016/05/23 15:33] tyreless194611 [2016/05/24 16:22] tyreless
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 "Over 60," was the reply. Then... "You know, I had a garage at Tamworth, but when I came out of the Air Force my nerves were so bad that I had to come to Sydney. That's why I'm here. I have shock treatment every day..." "Over 60," was the reply. Then... "You know, I had a garage at Tamworth, but when I came out of the Air Force my nerves were so bad that I had to come to Sydney. That's why I'm here. I have shock treatment every day..."
 by "Skip" by "Skip"
- ., 
-Take a train for the Gangerangs, slide down Suicide Cr., walk (?) through Canyon, and pass over Solitary on the way home. Are 
-you tirc of life? Do your kidneys trouble-you? Are you spotless - c,.1! ]i de (remember Inner Cleanliness comes First)? Kill care on Suicicke_Cr4eakS Go Ti-Willeising; 
-Do I sound rather keen on Ti-Willa Canyon? Until last yecr it was just a n5me on the map to me, and not particularly attractive at that. Last year it became The Name on the m5p for me, for I christened Suicide Creek with a spectaculor jump over_a cliff: 
-This year I revisited the scene of the crime. Having passed Ci-entle's P5ss you have but a mile or so to go. There's nothing special about Suicide Creek where it starts up on the range except it has -R - 
-swampy beginning, and Adght have watel"in it when others haven't. 
-. e 4afax_tb,, of LA.93r ek. 
-If you're wise, this is where you camp, oven without water. We h1 tea on two tins Of spaghetti heated in the ashes. Add 7 tin opener 
- (to get the spagaetti out - am I not obvious) and you have a-ready made atom gun. 
-Next morni pg, if you woke up, you follow down Suicide Ck. 'Natural4" you meet a cliff. This c?n be negotiated on ono, side. Which brings you to another cliff. Here I took the shortest wv down the first time, but that's another story. 
-At this point the lunatic is well advised to take the ridge on his or her right h-,Ind -nd follow it down. Care must be taken tht the ridge dows not follow you ,down In tais wild land where the hand of -atah hs never set foot, olh hardly ever, the fpot of the w9llaby gives cs. helping hand. On the way you Olutch tufts of gr,asa, loose 
-rocks, trickly bushes, nd further down near the end yoi cf,'n hardly resist temptation to take to the vines. (Not of the grape, but even th-t applies). 
-You're down. Or are you? If you haven't seen water since lenving the Cox yesterday morning, you throw away your -2-!ck and dash franticalV for a rock pool. But don't trip over the boulders. In good time nearly the whole of the ten foot width of the Gsnyon floor is tken up with 2 beautiful' babbling brook. Wrens ,:nd robins chatter noisily in the sunshine filtering through the leaves above. I don't know what it is that grows -there, but there's a lot of it. However I do know a tree fern when I8eo it, also the river-oke (that spelling's official) hi-ch grows to gigantic proportions in this ageless land. 
-If you're lucky, there will be only a series of pools hero and 
-there, water flowing between them Under thegroxindiu,atar-Ihorn rocks mak- 
-ing up the bed of th,a stra9m, the gives way to smooth 
-rock, the water flowing along a self-made channel. At these places you're apt to sit down,suddenly. Gee, octopi arc lucky suckers. 
-About every five minutes you change direction with the stream. 
-Eagerly you anticip?to something new around the next corner, and after 
-you'v stopped Inticipating what dcosn't seem to be coming you draw b-'ck your outstretched foottfrom,the 40' drop below you I have. had the temerity to call these Surprise Falls. The only woy to bypass them is to take to the hills. On tho right you hang by the eyebrows '.just -.boy the brink of sixty foot cliffs until you come to a long shale slippery dip, unless the Tarzcn urge becomes too strong for yoU, :Ind you attempt to gat down the cliff on vines. en the left yOu hang by the eyebrows just above the brink of sixty foot cliffs until you 
-come to long shale slippery dip. You don't lic've to go as Tar on this side -Is on the other, :Ind there are no tempting vines. 
-I mieht m? mantich here of t,ha. only fly in the Rexona. These are nettles, and on these little hillside expeditions to get round things, all portions-of one's anatomy are equally fs likely to suffer. And suffer one does. 
-For all the hard vvork so for you hlve the banifits of almost tame wild life,_ Rosa Robins will flutter around you, and lyre birds are forever dashing off in a panic before your irresistible progress (thRt''s for the banifit of the ladies or otherwise 'pause I like to think I'm g::Illant). We came across a dead fox, and never hls the wallaby, often seen, been such ca friend, with his network of paths along the hillside. 
-Having mode the croak once more you keep on wnlkirig till you come to Mary Foils. These are not such a surprise, but are deeper and more spectqculF7r, and you have to struggle skywards to circumnevicte them. Both times I've taken the left side, so you take the_riht, and everybody will be happy. Exceipt you. , 
-Uhan you've agin re-pchod the creek you b.:Ive only to walk until you reach the Ko1..,ugg. By this time you've got completely used to walking over round stones and are skinning along at a steady four miles on hour, dodging over falling trees, ,nd wetting your feet in the interests of progress if you're not fussy. It saves a lot of hill climbing, There are however tricky and slippery places which c-pn mean an involuntary b'ith for the unwary. 
-Further down the creek widens out, and here '_,./ad there at the bonds 
-. are grassy banks - and nettles - and traces of the bovine breed. The river okes grow tall and straight, and Sunlight roaches down unhamp..)red by warmth hungry branches. On and on you go, bond after bond - has tho. areek no ending. 
-And right whore you think there's going to be another bond the creek broadens immensely. Stones give vc:y to grass. Ahecd aide &tr, busily bubbiee. cyvcr slip?ary. storlp. 13 Xowmungl 
-And if it iSn't yet dusk-i*doptt we'rry: Have tea, bed down quickly,- and sweat dreams to yOu.'..For tomorrow-4nd tomorrow you have to strug,c,le with the pox and Solitary, before you can settle down to a good meal in Katoomba.-.   
-For the Gossaa. 
-The social round ,on. Labour Day. 
-Barren Lands & Beyond. 
-Nose to the ground, eyes peering hither end thither, notebook appearing and disappearing in flourishes grandiose,' the Official Reporter was on the Ofiicia:.1-Walk. (Alarming, what?) 
-When first i looked, Edna Gurrr,Id Was there. Agi.O. I cPst my eyes around ---7.nd she vDs gone: Did the Barren Lands mists swallow hr up? Or w.,,s she cons-ci6iis of my furtive entries in the notebook? 
-Subterfuge was rife. Norm.), Borden, with enough food for three (and Bob Younger-cF.irryinE- it - 'Labour Day, alright) did her best to whiten Alex Colloy's hir. Got lost three times, with at least throe melds. She seemed to be tbe ntcleut of the Breakswv "Group, which consistently lagzad five. mils behind the loader, EE1W him only 9t meal times. (some:: times), 9nd in a:, lat 4alf-mile sprint' to 0tch him -- yes, missod the train! 
-The Leydon -..CosEro,ve controversir,ns confounded the critics. Bushu-Ilkers. wor lousey; Berry Leer as lousey; Kosciusko ww7ithor lousy. Bu :211 ag i.ed th-t;whon the depression comes, it will be grand to go w:IlkIng po ,,.n6htly with occ71Sion711 ports'. Of vll'to collect the 
-At Centrr.1, Dennis Gittoes missed the trr lin, thoma raced it tc Berry' No, this isn't fliploy's column -- he hi-jack,ed, a timely truck. 
-We thought o hTd.' U.S. Army:ConstructI'Dn Battalion, but somebne murmur,-Jd, "Dora17n," IhtrIgued we wore by twb lumps of hose:-pipe, one 12rge, one sm7ill. ".Firp ppr8Uders, for 'blowing fires to life. Large 
-ono for large fires, sm-II"Onb for cm 11 When he wants to put 
-the fire out, ho sucks instef'.d of blowinE. 
-At Yoo12, folloed-the trend of the times, sporting a ten-mm 
-tent, with pck I1flXQ coMplete. Is it rot nm7zing how the tort is put 
-awv in the fick thP' P7-ck putt=11/17ny,id thc; tent ,111 pight? 
-Phil H7.11 struck geologic f-z me over night, un6. rthing the best fossils Yeoln h,9.s yet produced. "Pbo,h17 sTid r, sceptic, "Ii,ve soon 
-better ones in * uhl" We hope lp maitit rocks.  +Take a train for the Gangerangs, slide down Suicide Cr., walk (?) through Ti-Willa Canyon, and pass over Solitary on the way home. Are you tired of life? Do your kidneys trouble you? Are you spotless - outside (remember Inner Cleanliness comes First)? Kill care on Suicide Creek! Go Ti-Willaising! 
-dole; + 
-Walgon River Walkribout-+Do I sound rather keen on Ti-Willa Canyon? Until last year it was just a name on the map to me, and not particularly attractive at that. Last year it became The Name on the map for me, for I christened Suicide Creek with a spectaculor jump over a cliff. 
-You ilave herd Rolcy on wompn;: of ccurso? "TwQmon to ovorY WOM912, lads, etc., c5to."...bui there'rnother side to the story. There he was on the VIT,Jn-,t4.a. old for th.,.; hrard rn-d. Throe women in the crowd, ?nd oyery. One of them in his fond p-rtyNgod we explain th-t his pock weighed i4lbs., that he fried not ono single chopnor stirred one sinala billy, yo, ncr washed 'me sincale ,A;-tel+ 
-In tht impromptu spirit so mnifest 5,m-ng the w-lkers, they wanekered up ci side creek from Anne Row-nistr) find '2,n imp9sse in the form of two -waterf-als.No; they_must turn bock. But whist! W'as - th-t a voice up there? Why, ,thoro wore Jenny -nd Eric, w-y up top. +This year I revisited the scene of the crime. Having passed Gentle's Pass you have but a mile or so to go. There's nothing special about Suicide Creek where it starts up on the range except it has a swampy beginning, and might have water in it when others haven't. It's north of Dex Ck. 
-N7w this, my do9rs, pretty-pickie -- for h-.1f of the food W9S + 
-up and could n-t get hdown, whilst tiae othar hnlf w:. nnd could +If you're wise, this is where you camp, even without water. We had tea on two tins Of spaghetti heated in the ashes. Add a tin opener (to get the spagaetti out - am I not obvious) and you have a ready made atom gun. 
-not get up. Have yru ever f-lcod th.) pros2ect of living the rest of th-Q' doy on dried cbbog on,rnil1? Then do y-u wonder th,-,4t Jenny yelled as only Jenny 0-2,n yoil+ 
-STORK DERBY+Next morning, if you wake up, you follow down Suicide Ck. Naturally you meet a cliff. This can be negotiated on one side. Which brings you to another cliff. Here I took the shortest way down the first time, but that's another story. 
-Yes, as forecast,the storlt has been working as hard as usual. The Paul BarnseS. drew a cloak of secrecy around the event, but it is now known that their daughter will be six months old at Christmas. + 
-The Ron Bakers, too) -are ,gurgling babytalk. Rhonda Lisbeth is their last lightweight effort. Visitors to the ward notioed that another baby barlE! strong resemblanoeto one of the club's maleeligiblies. Now, yho'.15 blu8hin0 _ +At this point the lunatic is well advised to take the ridge on his or her right hand and follow it down. Care must be taken that the ridge does not follow you down. In this wild land where the hand of man has never set foot, or hardly ever, the foot of the wallaby gives a helping hand. On the way you clutch madly at tufts of graas, loose rocks, prickly bushes, and further down near the end you can hardly resist temptation to take to the vines. (Not of the grape, but even that applies). 
-_ + 
-The Yearl s hard luck StorY comes from the2 poor unTortunate 6.t +You're down. Or are you? If you haven't seen water since leaving the Cox yesterday morning, you throw away your pack and dash frantically for a rock pool. But don't trip over the boulders. In good time nearly the whole of the ten foot width of the Canyon floor is taken up with a beautiful babbling brook. Wrens and robins chatter noisily in the sunshine filtering through the leaves above. I don't know what it is that grows there, but there's a lot of it. However I do know a tree fern when I see it, also the river-oke (that spelling's official) which grows to gigantic proportions in this ageless land. 
-6arqtawarra working bee, Who, far from missing the hail and hitting his thumb, placed his thUmb on the hail, then hit with unerring aim!, + 
-Irving Calnan has disappeared from the Club. Gone to Lismore. Did he _read the Kweens14nd Spesh-ul -and develope a yearning for the North? +If you're lucky, there will be only a series of pools here and there, water flowing between them under the ground, water-worn rocks making up the bed of the stream. Here and there this gives way to smooth rock, the water flowing along a self-made channel. At these places you're apt to sit down suddenly. Gee, octopi are lucky suckers. 
-The "free" nights on the ,social programme are not because we think you are broke. Merely to rerilih4 you to turn over your spare_ cash to Rene Browne's Kiddies' Triwt:' + 
-"THE SYDNEY B1J5HWALKER" XMAS ISSUE.+About every five minutes you change direction with the stream. Eagerly you anticipate something new around the next corner, and after you've stopped anticipating what doesn't seem to be coming you draw back your outstretched foot from the 40' drop below you. I have had the temerity to call these Surprise Falls. The only way to bypass them is to take to the hills. On the right you hang by the eyebrows just above the brink of sixty foot cliffs until you come to a long shale slippery dip, unless the Tarzan urge becomes too strong for you, and you attempt to get down the cliff on vines. On the left you hang by the eyebrows just above the brink of sixty foot cliffs until you come to a long shale slippery dip. You don't have to go as far on this side as on the other, and there are no tempting vines. 
-Next monthtl. The year' s best artic1es1 Fun and gossip; full page illustrations by Dennis Gittoes and Ted Constable; poems by the Club' s lyrics; articles (we hope'.) by many oontrlbutors (yet to.00Me). Come forth and contribute.+ 
 +I might make mention here of the only fly in the Rexona. These are nettles, and on these little hillside expeditions to get round things, all portions of one's anatomy are equally as likely to suffer. And suffer one does. 
 +For all the hard work so far you have the banifits of almost tame wild life, Rose Robins will flutter around you, and lyre birds are forever dashing off in a panic before your irresistible progress (that's for the benefit of the ladies or otherwise 'cause I like to think I'm gallant). We came across a dead fox, and never hls the wallaby, often seen, been such a friend, with his network of paths along the hillside. 
 +Having mode the creek once more you keep on walking till you come to Mary Falls. These are not such a surprise, but are deeper and more spectacular, and you have to struggle skywards to circumnavigate them. Both times I've taken the left side, so you take the right, and everybody will be happy. Except you. 
 +When you've again reached the creek you have only to walk until you reach the Kowmung. By this time you've got completely used to walking over round stones and are skinning along at a steady four miles an hour, dodging over falling trees, and wetting your feet in the interests of progress if you're not fussy. It saves a lot of hill climbing. There are however tricky and slippery places which can mean an involuntary bath for the unwary. 
 +Further down the creek widens out, and here and there at the bends are grassy banks - and nettles - and traces of the bovine breed. The river okes grow tall and straight, and sunlight reaches down unhampered by warmth hungry branches. On and on you go, bend after bend - has the creek no ending. 
 +And right where you think there's going to be another bend the creek broadens immensely. Stones give way to grass. Ahead a wide stream busily bubbles over slippery stone. Ye Kowmung! 
 +And if it isn't yet dusk, don't worry. Have tea, bed down quickly, and sweet dreams to you. For tomorrow and tomorrow you have to struggle with the Cox and Solitary before you can settle down to a good meal in Katoomba. 
 +=====For the Gossips.===== 
 +The social round on Labour Day. 
 +====Barren Lands & Beyond.==== 
 +Nose to the ground, eyes peering hither end thither, notebook appearing and disappearing in flourishes grandiose, the Official Reporter was on the Official Walk. (Alarming, what?) 
 +When first I looked, Edna Garrrard was there. Again I cast my eyes around - and she was gone! Did the Barren Lands mists swallow her up? Or was she conscious of my furtive entries in the notebook? 
 +Subterfuge was rife. Norma Barden, with enough food for three (and Bob Younger carrying it - Labour Day, alright) did her best to whiten Alex Colloy's hair. Got lost three times, with at least three males. She seemed to be the nucleus of the Breakaway Group, which consistently lagged five mils behind the leader, saw him only at meal times (sometimes), and in a last half-mile sprint to catch him - yes, missed the train! 
 +The Leydon-Cosgrove controversies confounded the critics. Bushwalkers were lousey; Berry beer as lousey; Kosciusko weather was lousy. But all agreed that when the depression comes, it will be grand to go walking permanently with occassional ports of call to collect the dole! 
 +At Central, Dennis Gittoes missed the train, then raced it to Berry! No, this isn't Ripley's column - he hi-jacked a timely truck. 
 +We thought we had a U.S. Army Construction Battalion, but someone murmured, "Dorman." Intrigued we were by two lumps of hose-pipe, one large, one small. "Fire persaders, for blowing fires to life. Large one for large fires, small one for small fires." When he wants to put the fire out, he sucks instead of blowing. 
 +At Yoola, followed the trend of the times, sporting a ten-man tent, with pack annexe complete. Is it not amazing how the tent is put away in the pack all day, and the pack put away in the tent all night? 
 +Phil Hall struck geologic fame over night, unearthing the best fossils Yeola has yet produced. "Pooh!" said a sceptic, "I've seen better ones in club!" We hope he meant rocks. 
 +====Walgon River Walkabout-===== 
 +You have heard Roley on women of course? "Two men to every woman, lads, etc., etc."... but there'another side to the story. There he was on the Walgon the old dog for the hard roadThree women in the crowd, and every one of them in his food partyNeed we explain that his pack weighed 101bs., that he fried not one single chopnor stirred one single billy; yesnor washed one single plate? 
 +In that impromptu spirit so manifest among the walkers, they wandered up side creek from Annie Rowan'sto find an impasse in the form of two waterfalls. No; they must turn back. But whist! Was that a voice up there? Why, there were Jenny and Eric, way up top. Now this, my dearswas a pretty pickle - for half of the food was up and could not get down, whilst tiae othar half was down and could not get up. Have you ever faced the prospect of living the rest of the day on dried cabbage and milk? Then do you wonder that Jenny yelled as only Jenny can yell
 +=====Stork Derby.===== 
 +Yes, as forecast, the stork has been working as hard as usual. The Paul Barnses drew a cloak of secrecy around the event, but it is now known that their daughter will be six months old at Christmas. 
 +The Ron Bakers, tooare gurgling baby-talk. Rhonda Lisbeth is their last light-weight effort. Visitors to the ward noticed that another baby bore strong resemblance to one of the club's male eligiblies. Now, who's blushing? 
 +The Year's hard luck story comes from the poor unfortunate at Garrawarra working bee, who, far from missing the nail and hitting his thumb, placed his thumb __on__ the nail, then hit with unerring aim! 
 +Irving Calnan has disappeared from the Club. Gone to Lismore. Did he read the Kweensland Speshul and develope a yearning for the North? 
 +The "free" nights on the social programme are not because we think you are broke. Merely to remind you to turn over your spare cash to Rene Browne's Kiddies' Treat. 
 +====The Sydney Bushwalker- Xmas Issue.==== 
 +Next month!! The year's best artic1es! Fun and gossip; full page illustrations by Dennis Gittoes and Ted Constable; poems by the Club's lyrics; articles (we hope!) by many oontributors (yet to come). Come forth and contribute. 
 By "Dingo" By "Dingo"
194611.txt · Last modified: 2016/05/25 13:35 by tyreless

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