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The Sydney Bushwalker

A Monthly Bulletin devoted to matters of interest to The Sydney Bushwalkers C/- Ingersoll Hall, 256 Crown St. Sydney.

No.136 April 1946 Price 6d.

EditorRay Kirkby
AssistDorothy Brigden
Bus.ManagerPeggy Bransdon
ProductionYvonne Rolfe
AssistKath McKay
Sales & SubsJean Harvey


Cooktown - the “Dream Town”Brian Barden & Ted Smith 1
Offishal ExtraOur Special Reportah 4
Bushwalker War Memorial“Mumbedah” 6
It's Goodman's 7
Through the Easier BywaysAllen A. Strom 8
That Man Again“Paddy”12

Cooktown The "Dream Town".

Brian Barden & Ted. Smith.

We came to Cooktown by way of 'a small R.A.A.F. crash boat and, while waiting on the jetty there for transport, we happened to ask one of the lads how far the town was and whether we could “take a 'bus”. Fqr a second he looked at us in amazement and then in typical R.A.A.F. style saick“Are you kiddin?” That just about sums up the whole place - it 4akes one wonder how it ever exists. The town from a distance looks very much 14ke any other country town the same dusty streets with the typical weatherboard buildings on either side and the inevitable assortment of cattle dogs lounging around in the shade. However, this is only from ,a distance. One seems to realise and feel its deadness only when one stands beside those ramshackle buildings; or in the centre of that -dusty road. Most of the structures are two storied with the windows of the shops underneath boarded up, and-here and there a door. stands open, showing some relic of former trade, in one shop:there still stand ancient barber's chairs where, most 0 likely, gold miners came in dayS.'gone by to spruce up before going for entertain- ment at one of the many hotels' that. now etand empty along the main street. For -the most part, however, these shops hoid:Oftly huge empty shelves and counters, the dust of ages 'covering their vast exPanses. Unoffinial figured state the population to be in the vicinity of three hundred. We think that must also include the herds of goats and cows that roam the town at will. At the present time there are two hotels open for business and they for only three or four days a week. Of course, the town does come to life sometimes and then the population, or what's left of it, really goes wild. After the Japanese capitulatipn the town went in for an orgy of “happiness”. At the height of this celebrating one of the publicans -rulled two barrels into the main street and sat astride,: one pouring out drinks which were “on the house”. That afternoon, dogs, goats, and humans (mai, female, half-caste and quarter-caste alike) were reposing peacefully fromqneendr:o fr'the town to the other. Tw at the tores are run b5-r.Ohinese and the-cata is run by the wife the only “shift” worker in tovn. When the Air Force lads hit town, business becomes-very brisk and what could be more natural than for hubby to give a hand in the kitchen. We have - never tasted more delicious hamburgers than those-cooked by this versatile tank Of course kerosene lanterns make things more pleasant for proprietress and cuStOmet allao as we defy anyone to see what he is eating by the 'light of one of these h,Jzr'.;rs. 742rU iS a picture show. In the one and sixpenny “bleachers” sit the :black pblitakripn and anything else that may happen to stray in. In the two and sixpenLt6s are Usually the 11.A.A.F: lads and a few of the locals with their children, howeveri-in the dress Girdle, (a raised platform about two feet fram the ether PE:al) sit the local minietersi policeman and wife, and all other Persons of HAdins;in_the town. Sometimes an 11.A.A.F. lad with one of the -four in town might manage to sit with the “elite” but he usually feels very uncom:r,ftable befdte the-night is over due to his numerous mit*6 who speak to him from the two and Sixpennies below, We don't think-,ahibody comes for the pu so of actually' seeing the show_is it's just a case of seeing people and finding out what has happened in the past six or seven days. anything. TO the fortnightly dances which are held in the same hall sometimes come residents who ride for up to thirty miles. Little black boys and girls stand on the stairs outside and gaze with awe at the -bright lights.For the most Pert , the population seems to consist of children. There are literally hundreds of them at these dances, usually ranging in age from three or four up toiabout fourteen bok-4 aboriginal and Olites alike. They tire of looking at their mbthers and fathers dancing and turn to games. Soon there Is much screaming and whooping but we have yet to seer anyone bat an eyelid at tha commotion, We wonder' what would be the effect at one -ofour own suburban halls if a crowd of these “-Cookies” descended upon them. The beach is a mile from town and is quite reasonable at high tide-bar– this one and others of its kind in Northern Queensland are greatly over..rstsPd, We wouY prefer even Bondi on a Sunday with its crowds to some of these mud covercd expanses with never a sign of a decent “shoot”. C-cyoktotn can never hope to return to its former greatnAsoo- sGoldand ooppor frining were once the magnet which attracted tbouGands OfA)JapP,1. to it. Now that these are gone the only contact with the outside woad. ia 1:7 the small 'ooastal 1,oat “Mirinda” which calls with eupplies once a week. The people that are lolt here dream happily on; all seem contented but for a few “strangers” (who 'eon there only ten or twelve years). ./ aoans of livelihood baffles us. SxcePt for the government jobs Oaice,:ftlice Station, etc. there seethe nothinsto. 4o but drinkcaseelr death and that with a choice_ag-Ilkly two pubs, Even to a Bushwalker the couttry. would not appeel;_but-2or c40q. E,quare miles oUt of town hear the 'drama' which is,fseifly pretty. , For that, quet hal“liday which ihe doctor so often recomm nds, ooktown would

kThe.”-“1” Ixac'e Painted a very gloomy ptl cture of Cooktown but the most damning evieqn sz is their wish, expressed in =eparate letter, to subscribo to “The Sydney Bushwalker”, Ed.) …=1..MWiminws. .“.- warn ANC 11 A report of the Annual Meeting and list of the new officers will reach you in time bui; 1e/7. are a few to go. on with:- PRESIDENT 'Jack Rose VICE PRESIDENTS '!.-Roley. 'otter and Arthur Gilroy. TREASURER -. Miiurie Berry,' SECRETARY Mina lalliott, SOCIAL SECRETARY Laurie Wood MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Ron. Khightley WALKS SECRETARY - Colin Lloyd, Col. Bob Savage has done a good piece of work in having 1000 trees planted at Balcombe Military Camp. In addition, he has established a Beergarden, The biergartin (as non-drinkers would spell it) has flagged walks and is acvered with old camouflage nets over which run runner beans. (It has not yet been proved that the beans run any faster than ordinary twaexlaz nor yo + that their spirals are any more eccentric). This beangartin is lit by a soft amber glow suffused by the beer bittle wall-brackets. How exciting to strike a real boangmr-bin. It has been said that Bushwalkers are opportunists' have initiative etc. They may have 'etd, but that is about. all. Not one had the scientific curiosity to ask Mr.Norman Chaffer at the recent lecture where our birds could have migrated. .1.10=miormormarmarr…………………….. Joe Turner wrote us a long letter advocating living in the cdtintry in the most glowing terms. Heys where does this Joe Turner live? In the Himalayan foothills? ; We are giving a report of the Annual Reunioh in order to anticipate the questions which will be asked in Parliament. In case you haven't studied your Walks Programme lately, it was held at Moorabinda Heathoote Creek, same as last year, h. few p-iiople went straight from the meeting, (it wasn't hard to-drag oneself from it) and catching a late train, made a long week-end of it. Children and workers arrived at various times on Saturday as feeding and working hours respectively permitted. We noticed that the children who, last year, were scarriej_ down to the re-union, with(figuratively)napkins on the side, walked -themselves down this year, This was a most depressing spectacle for those of us who, having no children of our own either with or without napkins, have no such deadly record of the passing years. About six-ish (we're still on Saturday) everyone started to cook dinner early, secretly and privately, as they thought, each hoping he'd finish early and so secure the best positien round the camp fire. As it was, however, tents and fires were so jammed together, all citrlike and matey that nothing could possibly main secret, and you found yourself stirring custard and vaguely thinking “Just fancy I don't remember bringing custard, much less putting it on to cook”, then realising that your own fire was two shortsteps away, over which your neighbour was bending, stabbing knives into your vegetables which weren't cooked anyway. After all this we tramped down to the camp fire or fires, as there were two) very neat and compact. The new President, Jack Rose, received the symbols of office very graciously and we hopo that none of the ev presidents heard the enquiry from someone, “Which of the old Presidents does the Bone come from:” We had three cheer leaders for the singing, but it was very good. There was a slight breakaway'on the loft side) this side showing a regrettable tendency to swing everything. We should have liked to hear more from Peter Page and Edgar Yardley, but were very grateful for the pieces we heard. The “stage” was situated on last year's camp fire site, (sentimental reasons we assume) but it didn't make “entering” easy. No one can maintain poise walking on cinders and ashes. There were real curtains this year - Three groundsheets, exquisitely draped and hung by 12 clothes pegs unwillingly “lent” by Mrs. Frank Duncan, who couldn't keep her eyes off them all night. Ear]y in the evening the curtains were run by impressed labour but later, one strong wire did the job very capably. The first sketch, an ambitious attempt at “Snowwhite”, was played before and behind the curtains at the whim of the players and when things were uncertain the curtains proved very facesaving. Ray Kirkby as a very rude mirror, mirror being a strategically hung tin plate') lost his mirror at a critical moment with no loss of aplomb. Later in the evening he reminded us of those-dear-, deadimdaya-ibeyond-recall-thank-God, by his true to life picture of a predatory Yank on his (the Yanks)old stamping ground, lynyard. And all the children wanted to know what Malcom McGregor found in the tent that made him lick his lips like that. Hot dogs and cocoa for supper % A bright idea that. We heard someone rettark that they preferred biscuits but think it was just a pose. . With all the children and weaker people in be d the unorganised part of the night commenced. Al]. the old songs were sung and those of us who just lay back and listendd with great enjoyment wondered why it is that they never deem stale when sung at a reunion. We really thought that it was going to be an all-night session when most people suddenly disappeared, to bed we trust. A few drops of rain fell just as a threat, but enough to suggest retirement for most people. We are still wondering whst Arthur insisted he wars, first, Captain Oates then George Somebody, and why this should make sOme of the girls giggle so and talk incessantly like suffragettes. Anyway, Obeaut” re-oune. ..I.I=NUM.01111= .1! The Social Programme for April consiStd entirely of “free” nights co members can spend their nights doing good work for the Club .11=11M1 . : The Play Night advertised for May 31st has been moved forward to May 24th4 This promises to be an entertaining night with ,. many new stars. On second thoughts - delete “new”. Breaking away from a couple of Rear-Admirals, Doris Allden recently entertained Bob Savage and “Mouldy” Harrison in the Melbourne lrannery. Such a delectable array of foods, mostly fabulous to civilians, was served to the guests that the telling should be good propaganda for recruiting for the King's Navelre. Two distinguished names can again be included amongst those present - Tom Moppett and Jack Debert. We hope their reappearance means further walking days. ,V; 4.ho Reunion, Arthur Gilroy's tent was especially chosen for the co-tenting tests as it was thought least likely to blush. =11111. Vs, BUSHWAIKERSIWAR MEMORIAL By “Mumbedah. :t is my oripicn that insufficient notice and careful considerati(,*(2 7/77,-2 ;iven in the matter of determination of the nature or selection of a of the proposed Bushwalkers War Memorial. The decision to recommend o the Federation the creation of a park on Narrow Neck Peninsula was mse'io with undue haste, and, incidentally, by no means unanimously. The Annual General Meeting should have been confined to the election of officers and to urgent problems where delay may embarrass the Federation or be the means of losing an opportunity. The folk present were “caught on the hop” and I think an ill-considered decision made. A small portion of land on the approaches of Narrow Neck with its poor, stunted and scraggy vegetation is a bleak, stony, dreary soil., eroded spot to create a Memorial Park and not a fitting tribute to the memory of our fallen comrades. By the expression “park” one visualised ornamental trees, rockeries, flowering shrubs and the like - to mitt Hinklor and Kingsford Smith Parks in Katoomba - indeed worthy of those famous flyers. Our effort should be commensurately as worthy. But to envisage such a park on Narrow Neck is fantastic. There are but a few inches of sandy soil covering a rocky base and the strong westerly winds which sweep across would render the growth of any introduced vegetation almost nil. The Federation in any case has not the finance to maintain such a park and to rely on honorary work by federated club members well, we find it difficult to get a VA,unteer for a simple job in the city. The perpetuation of the entire Narrow Neck Peninsula as a park would be much more desirable provided it could be left in its present state, which is very doubtful. However, there is no reason why our present efforts to have this declared could not be spurred on to have this reserved as a memorial, but Katoomba Councils no doubt, would be very loth to relinquish their control. From the point of view of majesty and beauty the Blue Gum Forest seems to be more ideal; perhaps the Trustees may have a word to say: In view of the lengthy period involved to suitably impress the Government as to our desires, it is my idea that a lasting record should be struck in the form of a brass tablet, inset in rock or a cemented cairn on some commanding viewpoint off the beaten track and visited by the true bushwalker who would appreciate it Clear Hill is becoming more and more popular and has on occasions been visited by a type who would not hesitate to pump two or three 221s into a sign. I can think of no more fitting place than Splendour Rock on 11)unt nngo as it commands all the Cox River country where the boys loved to rcam so well. The Rock is centrally situated in the proposed BltoLo/;.atains National Park and should by virtue of its pooition remain in tlie primitive state. As one gazes upon the peaceful scene, the presence of the tablet should well turn one's thoughts to a little MINWIN.M.= IN.W meditation on:the:fact that our boys gave their lives to help in the great struggle so that we to-day are free from domination of a foreign power. in atever may:bethe outcome of an approach to the Federation on theee lb e:;9T th nk this Olu-o,f;11(11 in event of an unfavourable vow 1,7, .t).17nn by the Foderaton Cc.11(119 eruct our own comemoration tablet to ' iko moi-ilory nf Gordon ard CJrdon Manroll on Splendour Rock ar':I anA omre any siwh move will raceive the full approval and support of F-.1.'fb

eeeoeseeeee oeee esseee 9 eeeee 88,9 eeeeeoeeee esee-e.. seeee YOUR 'OPT'OMETRIST. F. GOODZAN Optometrist and Optician 20 Hunter Street, SYDNEY Tel: B3438 . Modorn methods of eye examination and Eye Training Careful Spectacle' Fitting ,Fixing an appointment will facilitate the reservation of time for giving you proper atteLtiop but should you be unable to ring us beforehand, your visit will be welcome at any time you may choose to call 9999 9999 90,9 ,aeoe aeeocteeotao 0 90 eeee, 9.000010000 ee e OS aCC7 @@g(gig@@ THROUGH THE EASIER BYWAYS Allen A. Strom. tert ali'o?ry Yap the Barrington Tops. See that long, drawn-cut separates the 7L1lians from the Chichester? Vhat a terrifict zig-zaggings ore a'1 mass of evil it is With the egoinm t ;T1 chum, we goaded o-,-1e17-up into believing that we'd manage this ridge as w,-)d managed the or any other decent, self… respecting, straight-forward tapering rr)e of a denuded landsdape. But then, the Barrington is differo/,L – its Stow Gums ate a wretched cross between the mallee type of the Australia Lips and the Seribbly Gums of our sand-. ) stone tops. Good Lord they grow everywhere, up the peaks and downs tumbled and broken or growing in groves as spindly saplings and, what is more desperate, it's impossible to take a bearing or a sight matal! The military (upon the map) says in its wisdom, – “complete camouflage”; if only this were a paper of disrepute, I could have my say. Coming from the Tops we tried to pick that ridge – in one – and as we proceeded gently down and downs with rain forest just peeping over the edge to the right and left ..- we breathed nervously – breathed with fear – and then it happened! We were hemmed in by brush! Racked with thirst and saturated with sweat, I looked at Doug. -.- “Go on” he said, “the brush is better than a return through those Snow Gums”. Down and through through that pitilessly cruel vines the Lawyer Vine; and two thousand feet below we are on the Chichester - sometimes with water round our chest, sometimes with raging, narrow gulches and maddening waterfalls – twisting, turning – always with the silent, green, clammy brush – occasionally the blood-curdling, screaming whistle of the great black and yellow cockatoo. That night we slept the clock round as we lay on a flat patch hewn from the virgin forest next day we moved off with the hope that soon we would see the green swards cut by man from the army of the giant timbers; before two hours had passed, we were confronted with a narrow ravine charging downs down – by walls of wretched hornfels – God never made a harder rock! “What now?” my eyes asked and it was up and up, higher and higher, towards the crown of the ridge – four thousand feet at the crest, the brush as thick as ever, and whistling Lyre Birds scattering at their first sight of man! For four hours VO hacked and pushed, and swore, and fell following the ridge, following the ridge – that conftsings ever-branching ridge between the Wil:liams and the Chichester – with neer a sight worthwhile – not a check to flutter the flagging spirit, only torn legs, torn arms, torn thighs; the tender flesh finds irritation fron the softest rustle of the grasses. OS S - And so came the elliet, the calm, after exertion! The blood pounding thru' 9. the temples; the limbs aching with excess activity; 'tis all finished and quietly we ramble along the fertile, cultivated banks 'of the Chichester – the light chlorophyll green of grass and herb enning abruptly against the still-wooded hills. An age-old church and a school, farm-houses by a swift, crystal-clear stream, the terrors of ravine now hidden in the blue smirk of the far-off Tops, dominating the background. Slowly we mooched along, ceasing to rclIa77: on -!410, soa sheer boredom of repetition, until in enter the ,)r,D(.14.c-LEI of t*.noWt 171, Suffice here to say, I have seen nothing more Kanzftrno GrasJ reaching to the knees, extending from dam-edNc t tho iMll tra=:,[.;ht c:Lean and upright Spotted GwIls. Did we suffer mountain pur. and gorge whilst here, nestling in quiet and easy simplicity, was this hidden valley3 this masterpiece of colour, tonev and contour? For one day we faltered and caught our breath, paid homage and thought of those who must tear the muscle-tissue from the bone before their lust for bushwalking is appeased. The merits of Narrow Ndck as a park were under discussion. “It has practically no earth on it” chorussed several, Well, we have seen a number of necks with not quite so much dirt on them. Eho left a bottle at the Reunion campfire? Anyone answering this question is sure to receive our thanks and a black eye some dark night. 1.1. Readers are asking, these questions. Why was not a Government Investigator sent by plane to see the appalling living conditions in some parts of . MOorabinda? Cannot better lights be installed in the corridors at Paddy's for the convenience of queues in the long Winter mornings? Evc r7nne should know that a psychological meteorologist is a who looks into a girl's eyes to see weather. OBBLIGATO_ By K.M. The scene was the monthly meeting of the Council of Federated Bush Walking Clubs an occasion where decorur4 rules, where formality holds sway; where members, though they may have shared ei 6ent, nay,even toothpaste, at the previous week-end, address one another distant y as Miss Wotherspoon or Mr.Cholmondeley as the case may be: or rather 3 do not address one another at all, but make oblique references via the chairman. Sentiment and frivolity haVe no pl-co on the agenda, as all who have been present at a meeting will agree. But the month was February, the night wa ho ai in the Olympian heights four floors above the council chamber dwelt a broadcasting station, which shall be nameless. Why should we give it a free plug in our popular magazine? The Federation's tireless secretary wasp as usual, one of the first to arrive. “I think we shall have some air” she said, flinging the windows vidd with the utmost abandon. Delegates trickled in by ones and twos, mopping their brows, and the meeting opened in its wonted orderly manner. Indeed there was no untoward circwoostances until the proceedings were well advanced. The trouble began quietly, one might say insidioUsly, while the secretary was reading the correspondence. “Re toilet rooms on Cheltenham station the Commissioner for Railways writes refusing our request”. “Lay your little head on my shoulder” screened a husky baritone voice sympathetically from upstairs. Ignoring the invitation the secretary continued: “A letter from a Mr.Golightly of Come-by-Chance, saying that he has a tent for sale, 8 x 6 “Whispering while you cuddle near me” the wheedling voice vent on. The meeting stirred uneasily on its hard chairs. Really, this was not the time…, “Can't they shut their windows?” asked the Hon.Sec a little unreasonably. “They too need the air” murmured the sotto-secretary, blotto voce. “They appear to have it what:” said Mr.Cholmondeley, secretary of the Lollback Loungers. “They do indeed” said Miss WotherspOon, guiltily checking the action of her foot which was beating time to the music. “Proceed” said the President. “Letter from Mr.Rufus Baggs, saying that he has reconsidered his decision to resign from the Federation.'” “Whispering why you'll neVer leave me, whispering why you'll aver grieve me -” chimed in the voice from aloft. “Letters from six new nembers w guiries re bush walking clubs”. aw11.111. 11 The orchestra finished its whispering campaign and paused before embarking on deeper seas of passion. They began the Beguine. “The Federation Reunion will be held in October as it was last year, on the week-end nearest the full moon-” “It brings back a night of tropical splendour” sang the voice from above this time a throaty tenor. “Letter to the fth Hostel Association. re use of hostels for conferences. It was feared thoy mig:-A degenerate into cheap boarding houses. It was reported that people even took portable gramophone and wirelesses with them”,

” - and Oawn by the shore an orchestrals playing” warbled the songsteroostenutoe “Re portions of land north of Burning Palms -” “ - and even the palms seem to be swaying -0' “the Minister for Lands writes that no satisfaction can be expected” the secretary went on valiantly. “Nor is anything to be hoped for as regards resumptions at Narrabeen”. ” and now when I hear people curse the chance they have wasted, T know but too well what they mean“ carolled the tenor with a surprising return to commonsense: in fact the words might have sprung from the lips of the secretary herself. “The Bouddi Working Bee will be held on the second week end in May -” “To live it again is past all endeavour” the singer declared, con spirito. “By Jove, he's right there” murmured several voices approvingly, thinking-of tie heavy loads on them by Governor Byles in last year's punitive expedition. “Order:” said the President. “Here are letters from the secretaries of several clubs which had been on the unfinancial list, apologising, enclosing fees and promising that the oversight will not occur again”. “and here we are, swearing to love for ever, and promising never to part” added the tenor, who was'now accompanied vocally by several other lads of the village and full orchestra. “Louder Marie'.” cried Dave above tha: din, forgetting the oblique form of address in his agitation. The secretary obliged by raising her voice a few eamitomes. “Bush Fire Posters. Suggestions for new posters have been received - one is 'Put out Your Picnic Fire' -” ” - let the love that was once a fire remain an ember“ sobbed the voice, con fuoco e con amore. “and I would add, poor cold water on it till you can walk through it barefoot” continued the Secretary. “Oh yes let them begin the Beguine -” bellowed the boys upstairs - but at this point the chairman was understood to remark that if they were just going to begin the Beguine it was time we ended, and he therefore declared the meeting closed.

BATS IN : THE- -.BELFRY ? Well not exactly, but if we had one we'd have them in it. Instead they (the bats). content themselves with wheeling and cavorting in a super display of aerogymnastics in the, garden and the street in front of the house. Their powers of flight are amazing; they beat any bird in their ability to change direction in quick time. They appear at dusk and wing their way in silence avoiding with uncanny precision obstacles such as branches and phone wires. The lack of noise is rather interesting for if we had bats ears we would hear quite a lot which raises the interesting question “If a noise is something which can be heard, is something we can't hear a noise?” Apparently the bats make plenty of noise (or should we say vibration) but is of such a frequency as cannot be detected by most human ears. I say most advisedly because I had a camping companion once who affected a very superior air because his ears were capable of hearing bat talk. Scientiets think that the bat uses the reflections (or echoes) of these vibrations for avoiding obstacles in the dark in a similar way to the modern devices used by ships to detect ioebergs. Nature generally gets in first with these bright ideas. xxxxx 3C. X IC x XX Paddy is pleased to advise that he now has stocks of first quality green japara for the making of tents. Orders will be accepted for any stock pattern tent. PADDY FALUN, 'Phones B3101. 327 George Street SYDNEY. CAMP GEAR FOR MIXERS . el

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