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The Sydney Bushwalker.

A monthly bulletin of matters of interest to the Sydney Bush Walkers, 5 Hamilton Street, Sydney.

No. 101. May, 1943. Price 4d.

EditorClare Kinsella
Assist.Grace Jolly
ManagerAlex. Colley
ProductionYvonne Rolfe
AssistantAlice Wyborn
SubscriptionsMarie Kinsella


Cost of MagazineBusiness Manager 2
Southern Alps & Alpine HutsEdna Garrad 2
Mapmaking“Klister” 4
Bush walking by AirJack Debert 6
Flowers of the Southern AlpsRay Birt 7
Ten Years on Committee 8
Letters from the Lads 9
Gossip 10
At Our Own Meeting 11
Federation Notes 12
Social Doings 13


Goodman Advt13
Paddy Speaks14

FAREELL SVEER James Devaney, Oh the long summer twilights, lingering now no more Faint summer scents and happy bushland cries! The grey thrush pipes a few sad notes beneath grey skies He has no heart to sing – Summer is o'er-, The cuckoos now are gone, the summer's darling guests, The Bluebirds, the wood swallows, all are flown; Sadly the branches sway their cold abandoned nests; Softly the first cold winds begin to laoan. Farewell, summer! Every hill and dell Seems whispering low, a 4.ingering faint farewell. -77 COST OF TIE' LI.A.GAZ - TI-Tevel BUS INES3 laNAGER In the last two Tears thcl cost of '1.c)i-acing the magazine has increased ral,idly. Covers have increased 60%, stencils 50%1. stencil cutting 33-1/3;0 . and other costs in comDatable proportions. If the price remained at d. there would probably be a loss of nearly 5110 this year. This position was e-k)lained to the last General Leoting, and it vas decided to increase the price to 4d., at which -price there will Trobably be a loss of 3 to CA. Annual subscription rates will now be 4/-, and 5/6d if the magazine is to be - osted. The circulation of the magazine has not decreased. There is still the same amount of voluntary work put into its composition, duplication and distribution. The magazine committee will be very disainted if there is any falling off in sales at the. new price. - SOUTHERN-ALPS-AND ALZ-'1,11E HUTS Edna Garrad. I, have always been a' trifle “Sniffy.” about huts, regarding'them'as dirty and rat infested. However_ after a recent holiday down Kosciusko way, I have decided that my prejudice arose from -Dure iznoralice, and I have been completely converted to their many advantages in high -Country 'and to their general desirability. In view of theaCtivities 'cif' the Tiostel Movement' and kindred bodies at present, I thought perha:s thoe 'members who do not knew the huts might be interested to hear of those we visd. We camped first, immediately in front of Foreman's Hut, situated just over Charlotte Pass i using the building as a wind break. At this heijnt we were above the tree line and there was little or no shelter. It was cold and windy at ni:,'ht and we were glad to use the fireplace situated on the verandah as it would have been very un-lleasant cooking over the usual campfire. We made beds of sweat smelling heather, surmounted: by blankets from the hut, and were very comfortable. Foreman's has recently been renovated and is a somewhat comodious hut of three rooms and verandah. We were execting the owner, Mr.Wallace, to arrive any day with his men to strt mustering the sheep but saw nothing of 'them, Using this campsite as ,a bass we explored the lakes and Kosciusko and To-wnsend. he only thing that impres-sed me about Mt. Kosciusko was the inscrilption on the tablet erected'there:- “from the valley of the Murray's pinnacle rocky and naked predominate over several othots was choieen by Strezelecke for a point of trig survey. y The particular confiuration of:this eminence he recorded struck me so forcibly by the simil7rity it boars to a tumulus elevated in Krakow, over the tomb of the patriot Kosciusko, that although in a foreign country, on foreign ground, but amongst a free peo-ele, who appreciate fre:dom and its votaries, I could not refrain from giving it the name of KoscLusko”. Mt. Townsend however provided one oftthe most magnificent views ima in- able. Visibility was good and we looked away south into the Victorian mountains, range upon range of misty blue, surmounted by a bank of white cloud. Away below to the right was the lovely valley of the Goehi, which we subse- quently visited, and which realised for us all that this first glimpse promised. In order to sour,an early start down the Ramshead Range we moved up to Seaman's Hut, arriving in a gale of such force that we could hardly stand against it. Lying snugly in bed that night I appreciated the advantage of being within four stout walls.. This is a two roomed hut with lobby containing wood (tha, hut is well above the tree line and no doubt-in winter is kext well Sup)lied with wood. We can:ied all we could find up to it for ouw own lise), and contains a stove which servos the double -ourpose of warming the hut and cooking. There is very little space on it for conking and it is obviously not intended for anything but a temorary abode. There are windows on each wall and you have lovely 'Views of nearby peaks, hidden by skuading clouds at times or lighted by sunriSe or moonlight, but in all circumstances delightful. Following a very enjoyable trip down to the Murray we returned to Foreman's and as L[r.Viallace still did not put in an ap6arance we took advantage of the beds, and after a very strenuous climb up Hannels Spur (and after arising at 5 a m.) we did aPPruciate those beds: Vie hope somblay to meet Mr.17allace in order to thankhm for the use of his hut. Ourfd6d for the second week - was loft safely there whilst we jaunted down to..Victofta. The next hut visited was Pounds and by this time we were so converted to huts that we did not make any attem-pt to erect our tents. This hut consists of two rooms and is Provided with 5 or 6.bedsteads -Aid-Mattresses, beds one :above the other bunk type, and contains the usual cciakor. This hut is situated in the loveliest valley and we felt,'dontont to stay thurc indefinitely. Vie. were now down amonst th,-; trees again, and all around -yore green. ridges . with znow gums t11row14T.out their branches in fantastic sha:oes. The snowy River had greatly inc:oe:-Lrsed in size and here were long pools that we felt must abdund in trout.

Whites River Hut has been described to us as being in,the most beautiful valley of_ the Range in 17inter, and vie unqerstand that in Spring with the 4. -Surrounding hills smothored in purla hoathar it is v,ry delightful. However 'it was the only hut we found in a dirty condition and we w re,flot impres:ed. , As we loft and looked b.D:ck down the valley, glmrious banks of clouds were crossing the horizon,:aAd this somewhat tended to give a 111-.? d or recollectio# of the locality. - Vie had intnded to stay a day' or two at the Tin Hut, not knowing that anyone woul0. bc'thore, On arrival it was evident that someone was living thore and wc: fond that it is occupied by sheep men all the Summer. Yle camped nearby and thoroughly enjoyed meoting Amos and Tom Blyton, who provided us with ohdps.Bor bl;eF,kfast and a loaf of broad as, a Parting gift next morning. Vie were very,g1,:.d that night to cook at their stove. This hut is situated on top of the range at 6,200 ft. and once again it is not so comfortable for campfires. The following morning was very misty and the weather not very promising looking and we decided to move down to the Alpine Hut, where we knew we would have ample accommodation in the -event of extended bad *eathor. The walk down in the mist was very -)leasant and we passud through grov!es-e beautifully fantastic gums that reminded one of Vialt Disneyls drawings, The Alpine Hut which is the property of the Alpine Club'i8 a popular resort for members and friends for skiing in the Vrinter months, in normal times, 'It is a commodious hut with several dormitories, shower roces8 (we heated water and had hot showers and you can imagine what a joy they were after nearly a fortnight out) and a combined kitchen and living room which contains a large fuel stove, There are good ski runs in'the near vicinity. The following morning we went on to the range and spied the land out for our trip to Jargungal which we planned for the following day. After lunch on the Valentyno River (and along sunbake which was a feature of our days when times permitted) we paid a visit to Mawsons Hut and as usual were received by the mon living there with great friendliness and hospitality. They were always a little bit staggered to have five women descend on them and a-,?parantly our party was a record in this regard. They brought in a couple of horses for the girls to ride, and'here. again we were presented with a loaf of home baked bread, and enjoyed afternoon tea with thee on that an the following day. The next morning we arose at 5 a m..(in the dark) and had eaten break-fart and-climbe on to the range before the sunrise. We made our way through frost covered grass anC,shrubs, and on- the tops there was a thin layerof ica on so.:e of the shallow pools. We had a most enjoyable walk across to Jarngal and reached the trig, about 11.a me This is truly ,a glorious mountain, and its peaks are visible from almost any point on. the. range % 'The view 'from the trig. beggars descri-ftLon, and you look out on to a magnificent panamora of mountains and streams. We. left the Mountains with very ha:py recollections of the friendliness and hospitality extended to 'us, and a 'whole hearted admiration for the sheep and Cattle men who keep their huts in a' state of cleanliness and Order that would do credit to any houswife, Many of the huts are evailable to walkers or anyone else passing through but of course you do not 11now who else may be there, and many of the men rely on the huts and would not have necessary gear for camping, so that you could not plan a trip on the assumption that you would be able to use' ihe huts. If the Hostel movement or the National Fitness folk could arrange to have huts. for walkers at appropriate intervals on the range it would indeed be grand, Although we prefer to-camp. whenever conditions are anyway sUitable, there,is no doubt, t1-at when you get above the tree line, it is not often that you can be 'Very comfortable in a tent, and also it would be very helpful not to have the weight of your tent on a MAP MAKING. MAKING by “Klister”

All of us use (or ought to use) map s in connectLon with our walking. scale off diE,tances or directions confident ' that the information so obtained will be reasonably accurate. How is thf map made so accurately? In rought sketch maps -he have drawn at one time or another we have found it difficult to produce somethinc3 of sufficient accuracy to permit of the attachment of a scale, Another illustration of the difficulty it given by the misshapen m.,),9 of Australia produced by the early navigators who could fix the position of coqstlines only by astronomical obsb rvations and dead reckoning. - - , no.– The accuracy of our ma,es rests on a system of triangulation i e. the surveyors sat up and measure triangles all over the country. If you hark. back to sohoolay trionomRtry or even geometry you will remember that if th, lenth of one side of a triangle be known, also the mag np,ude of the angles at end c)f that side, the lens'tho of the other two sides and size of the remaining angle can be reaaly calculated. Now the surveyors, when sott:Ing out accurately to map a new country, decide on the base line possibly five or six miler.: lo i n a oonvenient plain where its length can be izE)asured very accuratel7 with sDecial and elaborate equiiment, Then an instrument called a theodolite, which is used in the accurate measurement of horizontal and vertical angles, is set up accurately over one end of the line and sighted on to a target on some convenient mountain or hill. The angle between the base line and the hill is then measured on the theor'iolite. Similarly the angle subtended by the hill at the other end of the base line is measured. The surveyor then' calculates the ( istance of the hill from each end of the base line and so knows all about the triangle thus formed. He then uses the two sides so found as bas,s for two more triangles using other hills. Where he mounta his tars-et or thePdolite he ercts a mound of stones, These are usually on hill tops and are what we call “Trigs”. Now the country is divided into a systim of triangles called primary, secondary and tertiary triangles. The primary triangles may have sides averaging perhaps sixty miles or more in length but occasionally the sides may be over a hundred miles long. The sides of secondary triangles average around ton miles, while tertiary triangles have sides of from one to three miles long. This triangulation fixes the ;position of a Large number of points on the pro7Dosed map.. Then the surveyor takes the area of one of the tertiary. triangles and with a light theodolite, tae measure and several other useful instruments starts the process of “filling in” all the topographical details, always with relation to the trianguLltion system. When “filling in” of all the triangles has boon comleted we have a Y,Ia-:) accurate in scale 7md meridan. The order of accuracy of the :triangulation is really amazing. After workinglfrom the base line and cicul ting through_ a large number of tric,n,j,les a check or “base of verification” will be made i e. a triangle will be so set out as to allow one of its sides to be measured,. The measurement so obtained with the accurate measuring gear will be compared with the calculated value. The Salisbury Plain Base of Verification ih the trigonometrical survey of the United Kingdom showed a difference of 34' inches in 36574.7ftl The accuracy with which surVey work can be executed and results calculated is really sur-DriEingG Take, for instllce, the engineering survey work in connection with the Sim-Pion Tunnel under the Swiss Alps, ,Like most tunnels it was driven from both ends simultaneously but starting at 'different . altitudes and having secial drainage grades. It is 124- miles long and took seven years to drive, and all th:. while the direction of drive of each heading was directed by survey. 6. _ …. _ Notwithstanding the great difficulties in co-relating the surveys on either side of the Al–)s, the tunnels met with a difference of alignment of- only 8 inches and a difference of level of 3 inches. BUSiPTTALKIG .T.Tf AI.L C.ROSS iTT.7 GT.T I 1T.E.n. _ _ _ By J. Deberti Flying along the coast…the Owen Stanley PLange majestically rearing its great height into the high heavens in the distance……a rough and rugged country for any humans to fight in, rough but beautiful. Beautiful valleys with low-lying clouds and early morning mists enhancing the glory of the landsca-)e. L.:2erfect bank of snow-white clouds draped on the mountain tops. It's good to be alive! The thrill of peering into the fathomless depth of blue water, looking for fish – or “subs”. The fascination of flying over innumerable reefs with their wealth of vivid lourings. Reefs are more delightful than ever when gzing down upon them from a height, Cocoanut fringed islands looking like emeralds set in show-white claws in a setting of azure blue. Golden sands and rugged rocks. Other islands with cocoanut plantations covering the whole area. Native villages, so square and so squat and looking so very neat and tidy from the air. Catamarans pulled up on the beaches, others filled with natives out fishing. Sailing boats, some with white sails, others with rus,oet or red, making plesant - picture book paintings to gaze down upon. Delightful bays, some small, others large, sweeping into great half circles of golden sands. Rivers, large and small, winding their serpentine ways like snakes through the thick jungl. s, It had rained heavily in the early hours of the morning and the muddy coloured storm waters stood out sharply in contrast to the clean blueness of the ocean, The cool inviting green of ccrtain patches., lovely lagoons, refreshing to look upon…the wonders of the famous Coral Sea. I am still a boy at heart. I stand up all the way with my head out of an open gun turret. The force of the wind blows with pressure on the back of my head, I am revelling in every minute. A grand show! Fancy being - paid for doing it Now a lengthy period over stretches of reef. A few vivid green grasslands. The symmetrical beauty of cultivated cocoanut plantations. A boat towing two launches, lohing like toys in a child's wonderland playground pool. Hardly a ripnle on the water, Now, a big river, its long valley running miles back into those ever wonderful mountains, its muddled waters stretching three or four miles out into the sea. We turn sudConly. I sense. something is wrong, word comes there's a “yellow” on in my part of the countr:. We are in sighting distance, only 15 flying minutes away. The gunl_er in the rear turret has no need to make 7' signs to me to search the skies. I'm ahead of him gazing into the sun, to the north and uP above. It's thrilling!. Vie make a semi-circular turn, glide gracefully down almost to the tree tons. We flf un6e- till tops, over Ireicos; up rugged ravines; we gaze through the tree :).f anches above us, The pilot makes the most of wisps of misty cloud for covering. We are well camouflaged against the trees and valleys; still we are taking no risks. The pilot is going home to the mainland next week and he wants to go home whole. But in spite of our care and our coverage we still scan the skies incessantly. Guns are codked ready. They're not needed this time. After half an hour of hedge-hopping amid mountain ridges the “all cleav” comes through. Back we go and soon we're larding on the little strip of New Guinea we have come t7 call “home”. FLOWERS OF TU.E SOULLMN ALPS Ray birt.

“What pleasure lives in heights?” the she-..?herd sang. A flower lovers answer to the question would be The charm of al:Ane plants and the peace of the high hills“. Snowfields have great grandeur, but those who go to the high places in winter for snow snorts miss the beauty of the lovnly gardens with their numberless wild flowers. Early summer is the pleasantest season for rambling where the snow lies dee? in the wintertime. It is spring on the Mountains when summer still reigns below and summer when Autumn has come to the lowlands. For the pleasure that lives in heihts we must be grateful to wild nature who has planted her alpine garden with snow-daisies, dwarf everlastings, sweet-scented stachhousia, companalus, violets, buttercu-Ds and hosts of other small beautiful plants. The snow daisy of the rio,w. blooms from December to March. Its large and beautiful white flowers make a gr:.nd dis-,Dlay when thousads are gleaming together in the sun, but the plants look dingy and bedraggled after their flowers have faded and ice-cold water from the snow drifts is tinkling down the Yountain side, One sees them in hosts and in charming groups and they lok their best when growing along the shore of a blue alpine lake. Hardy perennials, they withste nd months beneath the snow, but will not flourish in our gardens. Clemisea Longiflora (snow or Mountain Daisy) looks silvery, because the plant is covered in silky hairs, particularly the under surface of the dark green glossy leaves, so that it may fairly be called the “silver 4 daisy”. Some of the Alpine dc isies have mauve flowers, others are white but much smaller than those of Clemises. The golden daisy, an everlasting, grows in colonies on the Mountains. 0 It forms cushiony masses of silvery leaves and above them nod golden flower; beds on upright stems from a few inches to about one f-ot high. This sturdy little highlander is a variety (Auricep) of the common hoary sunray with white flowers which grows so abundantly on sandy loams in lowland areas. .8. Generally, alpine forms of plants that grow far above the onow line are rather different in form and have more richly coloured flowers. The alpine bells ONahlenbergia) are of a deecr hue than their lowland cousins, Australia's only Gentian - our sole representative of a genus with more than 300 members has white flowers, striped purplish or blue; now showy like the Gentians of the Euro pean alps, but a pretty little wild flower very pleasant to meat when one goes rambling on the idountains. We met large quantities of these delightful blooms in the Wilkinson Valley, We saw only one clump of native udelwiss - a rare little alpine of silvery brown appearance. Silver edelwiss forms carets pretty enough for elves to dance on - unless they prefer a polished fl,or, and that many a mountain boulder would provide, Alpine Stachhousials bri ht green mats almost hidden by fairy size,white, creamy flowers may be found wherever there is moisture, Lake valleys of KoEcisuko are flaked with Stackhousia in suthmertime as if snewflakes lay un- melted in the sunshine. Purl e eyebrights and snow Aciphylla, a small perennial with white flowers delight in the little clear water streams that make fairy cascades on granite rocks, As dainty as many other al7Dines is the Pratia,with starry white flowers, it grows flat on the mud. Favouring wet depressions it may grow in company with the dwarf buttercup and the snow penny-wort. We claw traces of orchids abounding, but alas, were too late for their blooms, All the wide valleys are beautiful with wild flowers of a 100 different kinds, when old “Kossyts” white mantle has become a thing of long shreds and big patches, when snow gums again show fantastic roots grasping the ribs of the mountain and small brown butterflies are welcomed by heath flowers on the Plains of Heaven. Every hour that a sun-dial counts is enchanting in alpine gardens, with a blue sky over them and the air as clear and pure as water ri-ling doWn the moriceee from thawing drifts. TEN YEAES ON COMMITTEE For a whole ton years Joan Mo,ppett has been a member of the Committee, and a very hard working member tee). For most of the time she was Assistant Secretary and when Tom went away she took his place as Secratery; As Wal hoots said at the annual meeting, the Secretary's job is the key job of the club, It has been fortunate for the Club to have an old member continue so long in office. There have been a lgt of changes and a lot of new members in ten years. But it's still the same old club, and one cantt help feeling that Jean has had a lot to do with this. Now she has acquired a house and exDects to be pretty busy making it ship-sha-)e. When she first took it it was nearly obscured by luxuriant herbage. One week-end last month a team of Bush Walkers arrived with various implements and disappeared into the undergrowth. Dy sunday night a garden and lawns was revealed, It reminded one somewhat of a newly shorn sheep,but there was no doubt it was a garden - with lawns too, The herbage was piled in a great heap at the back. 4nxious neighbours :peeped frem behind blindslawaiting the great fire and smoke.This time they were s-2ared,But its going to be a bon,zer fire when'it starts. 9. LETTERS FROM THE LADS AND LASSES. Letters were received from the Services Committee this month from:- Ninian Melville C.M.W. Allan Hardie Bruce Evans Rucksack Jack Spain R.Huntley.L.Tucer Rover Ramblers Geoff Higson ALLAN HARDIE: As you probably know, I am fortunate in being in the same Searchlight Unit as -“Peter” -)Elge. He is out on location,while I am in the Peter once remarked to me how lucky we were in not having to leave our Australian main. Although we are up 1]. -Jr.3 in the tro-Acsiwe still have the friendly “colibah” trees around us,but we now live on closer terms of intimacy with the gum eucalyletus than heretofore; for, whereas in civil life we visited them only in times of recreation,they are now our everyday environment. At night the peaceful silence is relieved only by the sound f crickets in the long grasses. went cut to Peter's location the other dayjin order to deliver some blankets to the men there. He is in a most forward woition to greet the Zeros when they come over. Getting there in a truck was an adventurous ordeal. The ground was very bumpy; and,had I sat dewn instead of standing I hardly think there would have been a sound bone in my body,after all the bouncing about to which we were subjected. Possibly you think I am exaggerating,but the grass was so tall that the seeds hit against our faces as we paseed thr-ugh them in the truck. At times we climbed up and descended in places as stee-) and as rough as the Kedumba Pass, but,of course,not fors() long a stretch. I did not think a truck could conquer such rough ground. When I met Peter, however,I found him in a joyous frame of mind. He told me there was a river just below their camping place very much like the Coxland he then took me to a look-out they had cleared. Down below, sure enough, was a watercourse with sandy bottom,casuarinas and all,just like the Cox. He was in his elementlwithout a doubt, his only complaint being that his back felt sore at night from having done so much digging during the day. GEOFF HIGS_ON: I am as fit as a fiddle. The powers that be have been trying to train us to a standstill but we have gradually worn them down and they have now eased up and for the last few Weeks we have had quite an enjoyable time. Plenty of swimming, walking about beautiful clear days and warm nights. I have only used my sleePing bag (army issue) once since we have been here and that was yesterday. It rained on Saturday night and everything got wet and yesterday was very overcast so I didn't bother getting up and had a very restful day. Remember me to all the Club, I hope to be back some time to resume my walking activities in peace. JACK SPAIN: I am still playing nurse maid to a flock of training aircraft. I have had three years of training schools and am I fed up. T have found South Australia and Adelaide very quiet. I get into Adelaide for a three day weekend every fortnight and know my way a bit around the place. Bushwalking is un- heard of down here and when you mention the subject the people stare at you with an amazed expression. BRIAN HARVEY: Our fresh(?) mat supply is about exhausted and we will be on tinned meat from Thursday next. The meat has been in the refrigerator three weeks and isn't particularly palatable, Vat curried, or drowned in sauce or smothered 10. with -eickles, isn't se bad. We still have sone fresh spuds, onions and pumpkin but they are on the decline I have some good cloud studios - the vast white clouds here would send the S.D.W. photo fiends into a.'frenzy. We lay in a bay yesterday with high ranges on either side–30001 and 3750t res-ectively—with their peaks in the clouds and the sky reflected in the glossy water.. We put down a small detonator this morning and blew a lot of fish to the surface which we ate tonight with much gusto. The fish were the same as the coloured ones we saw at Taronga last year but tasted the same as ordinary fish des-eire their different brilliant hues.,… Many thanks for the gum leaves - we burned one in the ash tray last night and sniffed at the delicious “smoke”, Oh, to sit by the camp fire again I can just picture the gum lined track and the willows as they come into view after one passes through the gate in Green Gully, IiHel all palm trees on the foreshores here–millions of them–and behind them the stoe-ole-rising,june:le-clad ranges. GOSSIP Well the Easter holidays are,overifor the lucky “four day-ers” as well as the “Three-day-ers” and once again we can circulate on Friday nights without disturbing the monotonous chant of 3 oz. of raisins, 12oz, of sugar and don't forgot the tin opener, As usual Bushwalkers were fairly evenly distributed over the countryside. The Mountains-sat back and defended themselves against the attack of their worshiers,theeWollondilly River had a sur-erise visit from a party of el)ven who were even moi'e surprised to 103 down there at all after the way things looked a few days previously, and we hoar that poor old Yeole, received some”hurry Complaints are seeping in from Max Gentle that he is not the Man he Used to be since joining the Army, in feet he is getting soft he thinks. On April 17th John Hunter and Joan Atthill were married. All of us who have known these two have appreciated their friendliness and good humourland may we say thfAr groat forberance. We sincerely hope that their ,life together will be “Track and Easy” all the way through, Tom Ramsay was also married a few weeks ago to Mary MacGregor sister of our Malcolm “Goldwyn” MacGregor. The first part of the honeymoon,through some small mischance was spent in the bandstand at (security reasons) We have not heard if the combined band chivalrously gave up their stand or were absent anyway. Unfortunately evening concerts are not a feature of thiS resort and the appropriate slow music was therefore lacking, however11 - Did yau'know that Gordon and Jean 1-annel1 have been in Sydney and in to the Club recently,though by this time they will have returned to the country. The winner of the purple certificate offered in last month's magazine for the Ci solution of the set problemirecoives our commendation for the anany-eso clearly and humourously given at the last General meeting The little homily on Common Sense in Bushwalkers will we are surelbe taken to heart. We are so pleased with the ready response to our uestions that we are enceuraged to ask another, (as soon as we can get another purple certificate) viatch for it 11. AT 0,UR OWN One now member, Stan Ricketts., was welcomed by the'Preiident. The business manager of the rueh Vilireer. wrote, to the Committee, PN.nting Out that, in view of the rising cests of neetee el, it was- likely that, if the p/lce of the Bush Walker remained' at ce1)11d be a less of between r,9 and El this year. If ,the price was incroeeec. co 4a per co,py, the revue would probably benefit to the extent of about z.5,0 TILis quc:stion was discussed by the Meatingi The Committee recommended that the ceice remain at 3d and that the Club subsidise the magazine for the amount ef the loss. After discussion, it was resolved to increase the price of te magaziee to 4d, At the request of the me4;i ng, Tearie -Lyles read out a li'st of definitions as understood by the Lands De ee ievedc and definitions of proposed 'types of reservations, The listt was by the Conservation Bureau of the Federa- tion. The conservation Bureau 3-;,L,cooncIP of three temes o'f reserva- tions applicable to the ,needs of thr) 1-ovement. 'Those typos are - primitive area, bu4 walking area and hib ar. (L:ee Federation rer ort). Laurie Rayner sugtested that the titie ''eeimitive“ and “improved” areas would be more descriptive and Je:en msn. ('jehnno”) suggested the titles “primitive”,“primitive walking” anr7. “walking areas”; Marie Byles announced' that it had boon ase:c i-teined that the valuation of the privately 'owne'd Lind between Garrawarra'.and National Parks was about 131000. It was pofnted but that this area was the most popular catping area in the state. The Government has recently spent 1,000 on the erection of a hostel which Would accommodeete 20 poo-)le in the week-encl, Posslbly aoo peo:?le on an average camped on this area every week-end. It wasresolved that the Club request the Federatioh to al-Sproe4ch the Government and urge it to ,resume the area and to incorporet'e it in the Garrawarrii Park and, at the same time, to approach the NatiOnal Fitness and Hostels 1,Tevementlasking them to sup:)or'b the request. The ex-Social Secretary ex21ained how to get an invitatien, to supper after a lecture. The'beat way is to toll thC-Social Secretary of a;geod lec turer and persuade him to come along, t) prepose a vote of thanks or'to engage the lecturer in cbriversation after the lecture. The Services Committee-hopes to be able agail; this ;year to compile a set of re-union pictures for members of the J,D.T. The d'dng book of buelh walking songs is comPleted and wes posted during the month to all walkers in the fight- ing forces.

Alan Wyborn(Walks Secretary and Welks Recorder) brought up the subject of walks records. He said that those were very handy for peo-)le geing into an area for the first time. Plenty of walks had been dope in the last two or three years and very few had been recorded. He thought it would be a good. idea 0 if new walks were fully recorded. MRS. HOUGHTON (Angela Neal of the CMeW,) would be gled to see any bushwalker who gets as far north as Cairns. Here's the address: “Miamura”, Esplanade, Cairns. 12. FEDERATION NOTES. As reported in thu last issue, Beverley Druce has takem on the job of Assistant Secretary, in place of Miss Toni Day of the C.M.W. who had to resign, as the Federation meetings clashed with her Technical College lectures. From cotrespondence1 it was learned that Mr, E.D,Hordern is the -sole owner of nHordernts Block“ at the Blue Gum Forest and that he is not pre-oared to sell it. Marie Byles, the acting Honorary Secret-xylhas arranged to interview Mr. Hordern and hopes he may instruct his executors to hand the block over to the -Blue Gum Forest -Trust.

Members will be pleased to learn that the Railways Department has been persuaded- to ston the 12455 p m. train on Saturdays at Lilyvale. The Parks and Playgrounds Movement would like to know if the area to the North of Jervis Bay is worth reserving. They will be ipleased if anyone can supply infDrmatiqn about the area. ' The ,following definitions have been suggested by the Conservation Bureau for Iprop,osed reservations, which it is hoped will be obtained in tho'future: -r Primitive Area - large area to be Ir_e-ot in its virgin state, Any proposed improvements such as roads for fire-fighting purnoses, tracks, propagation or eradication of fauna or flora would be only for the purp-oses of keelAng the area in, or restoring the area to, the same condition as it was in previously. No -1Drmanent settlem ent, no touristt toads and no buildings exceot for rangers or naturalists, would'be permitted Camping, hiking, bushwalking and trail-riding would be permitted if sudh'did not interfere with the fauna and flora, Bushwalkin,E;,Area 7 a Smaller area strictly roadlecis to be kevt as far as possible ifiie-a nrimitive areal :except that bushwalkers, trail- riders and'hikers wduld-be'freely admitted 'and tracks would be made for them. Hiking Area - a-small area to be kept roadless but in which buildings and :improvements, such as national fitness cam-1s, youth hostels,,nd pj,enic sheds would be pormited. The'Recreatismal Areas Committee of the National Fitness Council is suggesting an amendment of the law to enable councils to keep la'dS would. otherwise be sold to recover overdue rates. Kuring-gai Chase Trust has offered the use of three buildings, mow existent to the Hostels Movement, These are - a cottage at Towlerts Bay, the motoristsi plvilion at Coal 'and Candle Creek and a building at AID:71e Trae say, Dorothy Lawry has been elected again as Editor of the Publication Committee, The Federation would be glad to hear of anyone prepared to take over the jobs of Hon,Secretary and Advertising 17 } El? O.RTA.NT DATES FOR YOUR SOCIAL CALENDAR My 21st ..1112,,y 2.8th. NOVELTY NIGHT for SERVICES COMTITT.T.,E Come -along and bring your spare 'Pennies. .8 Illustrated Lecture by io DOROTHY BRIGDEN 1767-1-iiffiTG7VII-T-11 THE ABORIGINES

FAR NORTH”. June 18th June 25th CLUBRL,OM_ PARTY TD-6-t-Z1-5 later). ANNUAL PHOTOGRAPHIC EXHIBITION Ye- s rs ,-1.1 de r Cotter and “Gilroy will receive all your ,2xhibits. Lv__LOa )1 CC0C FOR ALL YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC REr,),UIREMMTTS and for EXCELLENT DEVEI OPING WORK and EITLAP.GITTG SERVICE GOODMAN _.BROS. 20 Hunter.Street, Sydney Wyny.:1rd) Tel. B3438. 47; - 14. PADDY'S AD. In Noi2 Issue of the Sydney Bushwalker way back in August 1931, Paddy's Ad. appeared for the first time. Since then without fail month by month Paddy has been the Mags most regular contributor. Editors may come and Editors may go, but Paddy goes on for even-until :-,1-1,,T1 Catastrophe! Paday was s, busy signing forms and unravelling red tape that the last minute ticked by and the ever patient Miss Dube' (that's the lady that types the mag.) had to finish off without the long standing 'ad'. The record of nearly 12 years was broken Did the Heavens fall? Did the earth rock? No Did Paddy get letters demanding an explanation? Did the ',hone run hot with anxious enquiries? Not a bit of it. Did anyone ever mention it? Yes. A wee small voice said it missed the 'ad', Paddy was touched. So here's the ,)rodigal (whom nobcdy missed) again. PADDY PALLIN GLEP GEAR FOR WALKERS 32 erie StYoetj SYDYEK. 'Phone 33101.

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